Event Info Pack Welcome to the 9th edition www.triathy.com TriAthy 2015 - Race Info Pack Page 1 of 14 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Welcome 3 2. Ge4ng To Athy & Area Map 3 3. Ge4ng To Registra>on 3 4. Event Schedule For Each Race 5 5. The Registra>on Process 6 6. Entering Transi>on / Bike Check 7 7. Transi>on Closing & Re-‐Opening Times 7 8. Bike Racking -‐ Designated Places 8 9. Race Briefing & Race Star>ng Point 8 10. Transi>on A -‐ Olympic & Sprint Races only 9 11. Transi>on B -‐ Double Olympic & Try Races only 10 12. Knowing The Course In Advance! 11 13. Water on The Run Course 11 14. Race Nutri>on For Double Olympic Race ONLY 11 15. Post-‐Race 12 16. Wave Start Times 12 17. Maximum Time In The Water 13 18. Dra]ing & Penal>es 13 19. Prizes 14 20. Get Updated Faster Via Twiaer @triathy 14 Proudly suppor>ng TriAthy 2015 TriAthy 2015 - Race Info Pack Page 2 of 14 1. Welcome A very warm welcome to the 2,100 of you taking part in the 9th edi>on of TriAthy. We thank you for your con>nued support for this great event, and hope that you have a terrific experience at Athy this year. of. We sincerely thank all of those who work with us on Raceday in bringing together a great Irish spor>ng occasion. When you’re out and about the course today -‐ please take a moment to acknowledge their help along the way. A sincere thank you to Waterways Ireland, Failte Ireland and Kildare County Council for their ongoing support without which this event could not take place. We wish you all an enjoyable tri experience -‐ par>cularly the 400+ of you taking on your very first triathlon. We salute the endeavour and hope that this is the start of a new spor>ng odyssey for you. TriAthy is just a small team of two sport crazy enthusiasts for the majority of the year, but on Raceday we are joined by almost 250 people who give up their >me to marshal, referee, police, and administer the event. This is a unique and strong collabora>on with a reputa>on we’re very proud Thank you for joining us at TriAthy. Enjoy! Angela & Arthur The TriAthy Team 2. Ge8ng To Athy & Area Map Athy is located in South Kildare and is readily accessible from the major urban centres. We recommend those travelling to Athy from the direc=on of Dublin, Limerick or Cork to take Exit 14 on the M7 at Monasterevin and then R417 to Athy as this aligns their approach smoothly to our registra>on venue at Athy. Those joining us from the South-‐East should take Exit 3 on the M9 for Athy. A local area map is shown on Page 4 for your reference showing your ini>al parking point and race registra>on venue. 3. Ge8ng To Registra=on ENTRANTS MUST PARK AT THE DESIGNATED LOCATIONS TriAthy Car Parks are l o c a t e d a t A t h y College (see Map Point 1 on Page 4). Extensive road closures are in place. Use our direc>ons for the most direct route to registra>on, avoiding traffic conges>on. Parking in the official car park is free of charge. TriAthy 2015 - Race Info Pack REGISTRATION TIMES Registra>on is compulsory. There will be three different registra>on sessions at the Athy College (Map Point 1). Opening >mes are listed on Page. TriAthy is Ireland’s largest race and registra>on is a very big opera>on. Please ensure that you register as early as possible to ensure a smooth process. Late registra>ons will NOT be possible and you will NOT be allowed to race. Page 3 of 14 M7 EXIT 19km via Monasterevin (R417) 1 Registration M7 EXIT 25km via Stradbally (N80) e Bik To ute Ro Rac king s ran &T Main Race Start Area (Except Double Olympic) ition 3 M9 (M7) Bike Racking Transition Race Briefing EXIT 3 11km Recovery Area 2 5 4 Finish Area TRI ATHY IRELANDS-FASTEST-TRIATHLON TH 30 MAY 2015 TriAthy 2015 - Race Info Pack Athy Town Map Page 4 of 14 4. Event Schedule For Each Race Ac=vity Time Loca=on Map Ref Friday 18:30 -‐ 22:15 Saturday 06:00 -‐ 07:30 Athy College 1 08:00 Transi>on B 2 Transi>on Closes 08:10 Transi>on B 2 Double Olympic Race Starts 08:15 Ramp at Transi>on 2 13:45 -‐ 14:00* Transi>on B 2 Time Loca=on Map Ref Registra>on Friday 18:30 -‐ 22:15 Saturday 06:00 -‐ 08:15 Athy College 1 Race Briefing 09:00 Transi>on A 2 09:15 Transi>on A 2 1st Wave 09:30 Therea]er 8min intervals Entry Ramp near Pe4as Supervalu 3 13:45 -‐ 14:00* Transi>on A 2 Time Loca=on Map Ref Registra>on Friday 18:30 -‐ 22:15 Saturday 06:00 -‐ 08:15 Saturday 12:00 -‐ 14:30 Athy College 1 Race Briefing 14:50 Transi>on B 2 Transi>on Closes 15:05 Transi>on B 2 15:15 Therea]er 5min intervals Entry Ramp near Pe4as Supervalu 3 19:15 -‐ 19:30* Transi>on B 2 Time Loca=on Map Ref Registra>on Friday 18:30 -‐ 22:15 Saturday 06:00 -‐ 08:15 Saturday 12:00 -‐ 15:15 Athy College 1 Race Briefing 15:25 Transi>on A 2 Transi>on Closes 15:35 Transi>on A 2 15:50 Cat 1 Super Series Male Cat 1 Super Series Female Age Group Waves follow in 7 min intervals Entry Ramp near Pe4as Supervalu 3 19:15 -‐ 19:30* Transi>on A 2 Registra>on Times: Race Briefing * denotes approximate >me Transi>on Re-‐Opens Ac=vity Transi>on Closes Race Starts * denotes approximate >me Transi>on Re-‐Opens Ac=vity * denotes approximate >me Race Starts Transi>on Re-‐Opens Ac=vity incorpora>ng SuperSeries Na>onal Series Junior Entrant Race * denotes approximate >me TriAthy 2015 - Race Info Pack Race Starts Transi>on Re-‐Opens Page 5 of 14 5. The Registra=on Process STEP 1 -‐ Verifica=on of Iden=ty and Racing Licence 1. Please register in person. It is not possible to sign in for another compe>tor. 2. Triathlon Ireland Annual Licence Holder’s present your 2015 Licence (green in colour) which MUST have your photo inserted. Valid ITU member affiliated licences will also be accepted. Prior year licence’s will be rejected as out of date and invalid. 3. If you are not a Triathlon Ireland member or if you are an Associate Member of Triathlon Ireland, please bring along the e-‐mail receipt from TI for your one day licence AND photo ID (Drivers Licence etc). 4. Regreaably, to comply with insurance requirements and Triathlon Ireland policy, if we are not sa>sfied with either your iden>ty or your race licence, we cannot allow you take part in the race. NO LICENCE = NO RACE STEP 2 -‐ Sign in Once your iden>ty is confirmed, you will be directed to a second desk and asked to sign a Triathlon Ireland declara>on / disclaimer. STEP 3 -‐ Pick up your Race items Your Registra>on Marshal will then issue you with items, each of which is essen>al to your race and you must use. 1. Swim Hat: colour coded by Wave. Essen>al for iden>fica>on by safety crew in the water. 2. Two Race Numbers: To be visible on the front for the run sec>on and on the back for the cycle. Race belts may be used, provided you remember to turn the number around to the front for the run sec>on. Please fill in any medical condi>ons you have on the reverse of your race number. 3. Labels : To be placed on your bike and front of your helmet. These are a necessary security item and you will not be permiaed in or out of transi>on without them 4. Race Taaoo: To be placed high on your arm if desired. STEP 4 -‐ Collect your =ming chip Timing company will issue you with your chip, test that it is working and assigned to you and secure it to your le] leg (to avoid bike crank) STEP 5 -‐ Collect your pre purchased t-‐shirt Please collect these as you exit registra>on. If you haven’t already purchased a t-‐ s h i r t , yo u m ay b u y o n e at registra>on. RACE LICENCE If you are not a member of Triathlon Ireland and need to purchase a One Day Licence for TriAthy, please do so before midnight on Thursday 28 May at www.triathlonireland.com. It is not possible to buy a one day licence at registra=on, or a]er midnight on 28 May. Associate Membership of Triathlon Ireland requires a One Day Licence. It is your responsibility to comply with the registra=on requirements. Strictly no refunds. NO LICENCE = NO RACE. TriAthy 2015 - Race Info Pack Page 6 of 14 6. Entering Transi=on / Bike Check ENTERING TRANSITION A]er registra>on allow 20 mins to get into transi>on via our security & safety checks. There are two Transi>on Areas. Transi=on A -‐ Olympic & Sprint. Transi=on B -‐ Double Olympic & Try Race. Entry to both Transi>on Zones is via Barrow Quay only (directly across from White Castle). Please note that only registered entrants may enter the TriAthy Transi>on area. You must have your bike and equipment set up prior to the race briefing. Transi>on will be enclosed by crowd control barriers and patrolled by our private security team. Your bike will be checked and you will be requested to show your labels as you enter. BIKE SAFETY CHECK As you enter transi>on, there will be a Safety Check carried out to confirm that: 1. Your Bike is in good working order (brakes, tyre pressure, plug-‐ends on handlebars) and roadworthy. 2. Your helmet is a cycling helmet (i.e. not Hurling or Ska>ng!), and that it fits (you may need to adjust). 3. Your race number is aaached to your helmet and bike. 4. Your Timing Chip is aaached to your LEFT ankle. Our bike mechanic will be available to assist with minor last minute bike issues, eg tyre pressure. 7. Transi=on Closing & Re-‐Opening Times TRANSITION CLOSING & OPENING TIMES In order to be fair to all par>cipants, the transi>on zone for each race will be cleared of all compe>tors before any race commences. Once the race has started, the only access to transi>on will be during your race i.e. between swim and bike, and between bike and run. Transi=on will not re-‐open to compe=tors un=l a`er the LAST compe=tor has entered the run course. Double Olympic: Closes 08:10. Re-‐opens 13:45 -‐ 14:00* Olympic: Closes 09:15. Re-‐opens 13:45 -‐ 14:00* TryAthy: Closes 15:05. Re-‐opens 19:00 -‐ 19:15* Sprint: Closes 16:40. Re-‐opens 19:00 -‐ 19:15* *Es>mated >mes only. TriAthy 2015 - Race Info Pack Page 7 of 14 8. Bike Racking -‐ Designated Places WHERE TO RACK YOUR BIKE Your race number comprises 4 digits, the first relates to the event in which you are racing, the last three relate to your place in transi>on. Places in transi>on will be numbered with three digits corresponding to the last three digits of your race number. Please place your bike on the transi>on bar at your label. You must use this loca>on in transi>on; placing your bike between labels or at another compe>tors posi>on risks the removal of your equipment by marshals during the race. You may place items you need for transi>on alongside your bike, including racing equipment and small towels, etc. Please note, however, that large boxes and large bags are not permiaed in transi>on on safety grounds and may be removed by marshals (Equipment bags made specifically for transi>on, such as Amphibia X-‐Bag are permiaed in transi>on). We encourage entrants to place all items not needed during T1 and T2 in a bag drop area located alongside the transi>on zone. Access to transi>on is strictly restricted to compe>ng entrants un>l the last compe>tor is through. However, you will be able to access items from the Bag Drop at any >me, so it is the perfect place to drop, for example, a change of clothes, etc. All items are le] in the baggage drop area at owners risk, and we do not recommend that personal valuables are le] either in transi>on or in the bag drop area. You will be requested to show your labels as you enter. 9. Race Briefing & Race Star=ng Point RACE BRIEFING RACE STARTING POINT All entrants must aaend the compulsory Race Briefing. A]er the briefing, you will be guided to the race start by one of our race officials. Double Olympic 08:00 Olympic 09:00 It starts near Pe4a’s Supervalu on the other side of the river. See Map Point 3. TryAthy 14:50 Sprint (including juniors) 15:25 Briefing will be held by the Race Director and Race Referee in your Transi>on Zone. TriAthy 2015 - Race Info Pack Items are le] on the riverbank at your own risk will be disposed of if not claimed by the end of the day. DOUBLE OLYMPIC has a different star>ng point. All Double Olympic athletes will enter the water from the jeay at Transi>on A, a]er race briefing. Page 8 of 14 10. Transi=on A -‐ Olympic & Sprint Races only Please take the >me to note the layout of the Transi>on A area. Olympic and Sprint entrants (who should all have BLUE race numbers) proceed to this zone. Please note the following regarding Transi>on A: T1 -‐ Swim to Bike An exit ramp and pontoon will help you exit the water at the west end of Transi>on. Our marshals will guide you to run or walk carefully into Transi>on at the south end. It may be slippy underfoot so take care. Collect your bike and con>nue to the mount line located about 30m outside Transi>on. You will not be able to see the mount line un>l you have le] the transi>on area and turned the corner to face the Carlow Road. OLYMPIC compe=tors: Please watch for inbound and turnaround cyclists coming back into transi>on. T2 -‐ Bike To Run Cyclists comple>ng their cycle will bear le] and enter transi>on at the south end. Travel through transi>on in the same direc>on as the swim-‐bike transi>on, returning your bike and removing your helmet. Con>nuing through transi>on in the same direc>on, you will then exit le] at the north end for the run route. TriAthy 2015 - Race Info Pack Page 9 of 14 11. Transi=on B -‐ Double Olympic & Try Races only Please take the >me to note the layout of the Transi>on B area. All Double Olympic and Try entrants (GREEN race numbers) should proceed to this zone. Please note the following regarding Transi>on B: T1 -‐ Swim to Bike An exit ramp and pontoon will help you exit the water at the west side of Transi>on. Our marshals will guide you to run or walk carefully along a carpet, through a gate and into Transi>on B. It may be slippy underfoot so take care. Collect your bike and con>nue to the mount line, located through a second gate (towards Transi>on A) about 20m from your racks. You will not be able to see the mount line un>l you have le] the transi>on area and turned the corner to face the out-‐bound Carlow Road. Our marshals will be guiding you as you flow through Transi>on. Please watch for inbound and turnaround cyclists coming back into transi>on. T2 -‐ Bike To Run DOUBLE OLYMPIC ONLY: Don’t enter T2 too early. Remember you need to complete a second 40km lap. There is a turnaround circle for your second lap close to the T2 entry point. Once the cycle course has been completed, you move towards the dismount line and enter back into Transi>on B (the same way you came out). TriAthy 2015 - Race Info Pack Page 10 of 14 Return your bike and remove your helmet. Con>nuing through transi>on, run towards the river, then exit transi>on and bear sharp le] to start your run. Our marshals will assist you with direc>ons at each entry and exit through transi>on. 12. Knowing The Course In Advance! All compe>tors should be familiar with the all aspects of the race course they are taking part in and take complete responsibility for same. Our race marshals will be in place to guide compe>tors, but a large degree of responsibility rests with the compe>tor to understand the nature of their race. For those taking on Olympic and Double Olympic events, please be aware of the number of running laps that are required. A >ming mat will be in situ at the relevant loca>on to ensure that compe>tors complete the requisite number of laps. Check out the course maps online at www.triathy.com (Go To Races > Course Maps). These are best viewed on a desktop machine. 13. Water on The Run Course WATER STATIONS ON THE RUN COURSE WILL BE AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS Double Olympic Run: 0.3km, 3.3km, 5.3km, 8.3km, 15.3km, 18.3km Olympic Run: 0.3km, 3.3km, 5.3km, 8.3km Sprint Run: 0.3km, 3.3km TryAthy Run: 0.3km, 1.9km 14. Race Nutri=on For Double Olympic Race ONLY RACE NUTRITION Double Olympians only are invited to leave energy gels etc with our marshals for use on the cycle and run course. Cyclists & Runners must STOP during the race to collect their items. Loca>ons are: Cycle: Magney Cross -‐ 30km/70km Run: At Water Sta>on at Start of Each 5km Lap (5.3km, 8.3km, 15.3km, 18.3km) Items may be dropped off at RACE BRIEFING & must be clearly marked with your name and Race Number TriAthy 2015 - Race Info Pack Page 11 of 14 15. Post-‐Race THE FINISH RECOVERY ZONE SHOWERS Each Race fi n i s h e s a l o n g B a r r o w Q u a y , beside transi=on. See Map Point 4. The registra=on venue All compe=tors will at Athy College will r e c e i v e w a t e r a n d have showers post-‐ banana at the finish race. line. For those who selected post-‐race hot Shower facili=es close at 8:00pm f o o d -‐ t h i s w i l l b e Please ensure when finishing that sharp. Please leave the showers as you cross the =ming mats properly. provided by our Caterers in the you would expect to find them. Recovery Zone at Emily Square. See Smile for the cameras! Map Point 5. RESULTS SERVICE - LIVE RESULTS FEED DURING RACE Athletes will be able to access their split =mes and results instantaneously via a LIVE RESULTS FEED. Scan the the QR Code opposite to access the LIVE RESULTS PAGE. Otherwise visit the LIVE RESULTS link from the TriAthy website. 16. Wave Start Times WAVE START TIMES Waves, Star>ng Times and Race numbers will be available on www.triathy.com from 27 May. Each wave at TriAthy will have a maximum of 80 par>cipants with wave starts every 8 minutes for Olympic, 7 for Sprint and at 5 minute intervals for the Try race. 5 minutes before each wave, athletes will be invited to enter the water to warm-‐up. The Double Olympic will have one mass wave-‐start. Wetsuits are compulsory. TriAthy coloured hat issued at registra=on is compulsory. Entrants may not switch waves, any aaempt to do so will be detected via the race >ming system and will result in a disqualifica>on. Wave starts will be signalled with the sounding of a star>ng gun. Inexperienced and weak swimmers are advised to start at the back of the swim wave. Please note that swim distances on race days may be adjusted slightly to compensate for river flow in line with Triathlon Ireland distance specifica>ons. We ask all compe>tors to observe the dividing rope and floats in the middle of the river. TriAthy 2015 - Race Info Pack Page 12 of 14 17. Maximum Time In The Water MAXIMUM TIME IN THE WATER Olympic 1h 10min Sprint & Try 35min 1h 40min Double Olympic To comply with ITU and Triathlon Ireland technical guidance, wetsuits are compulsory for all TriAthy events. No compe>tor will be allowed start the race without a wetsuit. In addi>on, TriAthy will be imposing standard >me limits for outdoor events where the water temperature is less than 18C. Detailed below: Sprint & TryAthy Olympic Double Olympic 35 mins. 1h 10 mins. 1h 40 mins WATER SAFETY Our Water Safety Team of canoeists will observe all swimmers and rescue anyone in distress. If you require assistance, please turn on your back and raise your fist for immediate help. Should you withdraw from the swim sec>on at any point, it is important that you make one of our marshals aware, and that you surrender your =ming chip. 18. Dra`ing & Penal=es A REMINDER ABOUT DRAFTING RULES The Dra] Zone is is (10m x 3m) in size. When trying to pass other cyclists, you have 30 seconds to pass other through this dra] zone or else you must drop back. If you fail to comply with this rule, you expect to be issued with a >me penalty. This rule will be strictly policed and is there to ensure a fair race for all compe>tors. Time penal>es will be enforced by The Triathlon Ireland Official Team who will be on motorcycles throughout the course. TriAthy 2015 - Race Info Pack Page 13 of 14 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS What are the offences liable for drafting? Time Penalties may be applied during the cycle section for Drafting. What are the penalties I need to serve? For drafting offences, the duration of the time penalty is related to the length of the event. What happens if I get a time penalty on the swim or run course, or in transition? Time penalties are typically associated with the cycle section. However, other offences liable for penalties include cycling in transition (i.e. mounting before the mount line, or dismounting after the dismount line), not wearing a fully secured helmet while in contact with your bike, early start on the swim, mis-racking bike in transition. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EACH COMPETITOR TO KNOW THE RACE COURSE AND THE RULES OF THE RACE! 19. Prizes PRIZE-‐GIVING • TriAthy 2015 will have a prize-‐fund of almost €6,000. Athletes who finish in the top posi>ons overall will be awarded a cash/voucher prize. • Prizes are payable to both male and female podium posi>ons to all four races, Double Olympic, Olympic, Sprint and TryAthy. • Age-‐Category Prizes will also be awarded for the Sprint Na>onal Series Race. Cat 1 Super Series Prizes will also be awarded. • Winners will be announced at the end of each race, and will be awarded (provisionally) at the prize-‐giving stage. • Details of the prize structure will be available from 28 May at www.triathy.com/races/prizes • Actual prizes will be sent to winners within 21 days. PRIZE-‐GIVING TIMES Double Olympic 14:00 Olympic 14:00 Sprint 19:30 TryAthy 19:30 20. Get Updated Faster Via Twijer @triathy We recommend that all entrants FOLLOW US on Twiaer for fast speedy updates about TriAthy 2015. Please follow us @triathy. TriAthy 2015 - Race Info Pack Page 14 of 14
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