CIV415 CONCRETE TECHNOLOGY Chapter V Fresh Concrete Assist.Prof.Dr. Mert Yücel YARDIMCI Spring, 2014/2015 Advanced Concrete Technology - Zongjun Li 1 Fresh Concrete Fresh concrete is defined as a fully mixed concrete in a rheological state that has not lost its plasticity. The fresh concrete stage covers the cement hydration stages I and II. The plastic state of fresh concrete provides a time period for transportation, placing, compaction, and surface finishing. The properties of fresh concrete have a large influence on construction speed and decision making. Advanced Concrete Technology - Zongjun Li 2 Workability of fresh concrete The properties of fresh concrete are short-term requirements in nature, and should satisfy the following requirements: 1. It must be easily mixed and transported. 2. It must be uniform throughout a given batch, and between batches. 3. It must keep its fluidity during the transportation period. 4. It should have flow properties such that it is capable of completely filling the forms. 5. It must have the ability to be fully compacted without segregation. 6. It must set in a reasonable period of time. 7. It must be capable of being finished properly, either against the forms or by means of troweling or other surface treatment. Advanced Concrete Technology - Zongjun Li 3 Workability of fresh concrete Compaction plays an important role in ensuring the long-term properties of the hardened concrete, as proper compaction is vital in removing air from concrete and in achieving a dense concrete structure. The compressive strength of concrete can increase with an increase in the density. Traditionally, compaction is carried out using a vibrator. Nowadays, the newly developed self-compacting concrete can reach a dense structure by its self-weight without any vibration. Advanced Concrete Technology - Zongjun Li 4 Definition of workability Workability of concrete is defined in ASTM C125 as the property determining the effort required to manipulate a freshly mixed quantity of concrete with minimum loss of homogeneity (uniform). The workability of fresh concrete can be defined as “the amount of mechanical work, or energy, required to produce full compaction of the concrete without segregation (Mindess et al. 2003).” Advanced Concrete Technology - Zongjun Li 5 Measurement of workability There is no universally accepted test method that can directly measure the workability. • The most widely used test, which mainly measures the consistency of concrete, is called the slump test. • The second test in order of importance is the Vebe test, which is more meaningful for mixtures with low consistency. • The third test is the compacting factor test, which attempts to evaluate the compactability characteristic of a concrete mixture. • The fourth test method is the ball penetration test that is somewhat related to the mechanical work. Advanced Concrete Technology - Zongjun Li 6 Slump test If slumping occurs evenly all around, it is regarded as a true slump. If one-half of the cone slides down along an inclined plane, it is regarded as shear slump. Shear slump is caused by insufficient cohesiveness and the concrete proportions should be adjusted. The slump test is unreliable for very dry and lean mixes. Advanced Concrete Technology - Zongjun Li 7 Slump test Advanced Concrete Technology - Zongjun Li 8 VeBe test The test equipment, which was developed by Swedish engineer V. Bahrner, is shown in Figure. The Vebe test is a good test, particularly for very dry mixes. The cohesiveness of concrete can be easily distinguished by Vebe test through the observation of distribution of the coarse aggregate after vibration. Advanced Concrete Technology - Zongjun Li 9 VeBe test Advanced Concrete Technology - Zongjun Li 10 Compacting Factor It consists of two hoppers and one cylindrical mold stacked in three levels. Usually, the range of compaction factor is from 0.78 to 0.95 and concrete with high fluidity has a higher compaction factor. 11 Compacting factor Advanced Concrete Technology - Zongjun Li 12 Ball penetration test A concrete with higher consistency leads to a deeper ball penetration. Since the measurement is related to the work done by the hammer penetration, ball penetration measurement is close to the definition of workability given by Mindess et al. (2003). The penetration test is usually very quick and can be done on site, right in the formwork, provided it is wide enough. Weight of the ball is 13.6 kg The ratio of slump value to penetration depth is from 1.3 to 2.0. Advanced Concrete Technology - Zongjun Li 13 Factors affecting workability • Water content • Cement content • Aggregate characteristics • Admixtures • Temperature and time Advanced Concrete Technology - Zongjun Li Through the influences on consistency and/or cohesiveness 14 Water content • The most important factor influencing the workability of concrete. • Some of the added water is absorbed on the surface of the the cement and aggregates. Additional water fills the spaces among the particles and “lubricates” the particles by a water film. • Decreasing the water content will result in a low fluidity. • If the water content is too small, the concrete will become too dry to mix and place. • Too much water will reduce cohesiveness and leads to segregation and bleeding, and reduces the concrete strength. • The water content in a concrete is determined by w/c or 15 w/b and cement or binder content. Cement content Cement content influences the workability of concrete in two ways. • For given w/c ratio, the larger the cement content, the higher the total water amount in the concrete; hence, the consistency of concrete will be enhanced. • Cement paste itself plays the roles of coating, filling, and lubrication for aggregate particles. In normal concrete, a considerably low cement content tends to produce a harsh mixture, with poor consistency and, subsequently, poor finishability. High cement content implies that more lubricant is available for consistency improvement. Advanced Concrete Technology - Zongjun Li 16 Cement content With an increase of the cement content at a low w/c ratio, both consistency and cohesiveness can be improved. Under the same w/c ratio, the higher the cement content, the better the workability. Increasing the fineness of the cement particles will decrease the fluidity of the concrete at a given w/c ratio, but will increase the cohesiveness. Concretes containing a very high proportion of cement or very fine cement show excellent cohesiveness but tend to be sticky. Advanced Concrete Technology - Zongjun Li 17 Aggregate Characteristics Aggregates can influence the workability of concrete through their need for surface coating and their friction and mobility during mixing, placing, and compaction. Aggregate Properties Influencing Workability • • • • Maximum aggregate size, Aggregate/cement ratio, Fine aggregate/coarse aggregate ratio, Aggregate shape and texture Advanced Concrete Technology - Zongjun Li 18 Aggregate Characteristics For a given w/c ratio, as the maximum size of aggregate increases, the fluidity increases. Very fine sands or angular sands will require more paste for a given consistency; They will produce harsh and unworkable mixtures at water contents that might have been adequate with coarser or wellrounded particles. In general, to get a similar consistency of concrete, more water is needed when crushed sand is used instead of natural sands. Advanced Concrete Technology - Zongjun Li 19 Aggregate Characteristics The aggregate/cement ratio influences the paste requirement. A higher aggregate/cement ratio implies more aggregates and less cement paste. The concrete consistency decreases with aggregate/cement ratio increase due to less cement paste being available for lubrication. Advanced Concrete Technology - Zongjun Li 20 Aggregate Characteristics Fine aggregate/coarse aggregate ratio also affects the cement paste requirement. With an increase of the fine aggregate/coarse aggregate ratio, concrete contains more fine aggregates and less coarse aggregates. The total surface area of the aggregates increases, which leads to a higher demand on the cement paste for surface coating. As a result, the consistency of concrete decreases and the cohesiveness improves. Increasing the fine aggregate/coarse aggregate ratio is the most effective measure to increase the cohesiveness of concrete. Advanced Concrete Technology - Zongjun Li 21 Aggregate Characteristics The shape and texture of aggregate particles can affect the workability of concrete through the influence on paste requirement, particle moving friction, and moving ability. Cubical, irregular, granular, and rough aggregates require more coating cement paste and have higher friction than spherical, glassy, and smooth aggregates. As a general rule, the more spherical the particles, the more workable is the concrete. Advanced Concrete Technology - Zongjun Li 22 Temperature and time Freshly mixed concrete stiffens with time due to loss of water by • evaporation of the mixing water. • absorption by the aggregate. • consumption in the formation of hydration products. The stiffening of concrete is effectively measured by a loss of workability with time, known as slump loss, which varies with • richness of the mix, • type of cement, • temperature of the concrete, • initial workability. A high temperature reduces the workability and increases the slump loss because the hydration rate is higher and the loss of water is faster at a higher temperature. In practice, when the ambient conditions are unusual, it is best to perform actual site tests to determine the workability of the mix. Advanced Concrete Technology - Zongjun Li 23 Segregation and bleeding SEGREGATION Cohesiveness is an important characteristic of the workability. A proper cohesiveness can ensure concrete to hold all the ingredients in a homogeneous way without any concentration of a single component, and even after the full compaction is achieved. An obvious separation of different constituents in concrete is called segregation Advanced Concrete Technology - Zongjun Li 24 Segregation and bleeding Segregation can be defined as concentration of individual constituents of a heterogeneous (nonuniform) mixture so that their distribution is no longer uniform. In the case of concrete, it is the differences in the size and weight of particles (and sometimes in the specific gravity of the mix constituents) that are the primary causes of segregation, but the extent can be controlled by the concrete proportion, choice of suitable grading, and care in handling. Advanced Concrete Technology - Zongjun Li 25 Segregation and bleeding Bleeding is a form of local concentration of water in some special positions in concrete, usually the bottom of the coarse aggregates, the bottom of the reinforcement, and the top surface of the concrete member. Bleeding can be expressed quantitatively as the total settlement (reduction in height) per unit height of concrete, and bleeding capacity as the amount (in volume or weight) of water that rises to the surface of freshly placed concrete. Advanced Concrete Technology - Zongjun Li 26 Segregation and bleeding As a result of bleeding, an interface between aggregates and bulk cement paste is formed, and the top of every lift (layer of concrete placed) may become too wet. If the water is trapped by the superimposed concrete, a porous and weak layer of nondurable concrete may result. If the bleeding water is remixed during the finishing process of the surface, a weak wearing surface can be formed. This can be avoided by delaying the finishing operations until the bleeding water has evaporated, and also by the use of wood floats and avoidance of overworking the surface. On the other hand, if evaporation of water from the surface of the concrete is faster than the bleeding rate, plastic shrinkage cracking may be generated. Advanced Concrete Technology - Zongjun Li 27 Slump loss Slump loss can be defined as the loss of consistency in fresh concrete with elapsed time. Slump loss is a normal phenomenon in all concretes because it results from gradual stiffening and setting of hydrated cement paste, which is associated with the formation of hydration products such as ettringite and calcium silicate hydrate. Advanced Concrete Technology - Zongjun Li 28 Slump loss Slump loss occurs when the free water from a concrete mixture is removed by hydration reactions, by absorption on the surface of hydration products, and by evaporation. Slump loss should be controlled to an acceptable value, especially for concrete transported with a long delivery time, to ensure that it is still placeable and compactable when shipped to the construction site. Slump loss can be minimized by using a setting retarder. Advanced Concrete Technology - Zongjun Li 29 Setting of Concrete Setting of concrete is distinguished as the initial and final setting of cement paste. The initial setting is defined as the loss of plasticity or the onset of rigidity (stiffening or consolidating) in fresh concrete. The final setting is defined as the onset point of strength. It is different from hardening, which describes the development of useful and measurable strength. Advanced Concrete Technology - Zongjun Li 30 Setting time The measurement of the setting time for concrete is very different from that of cement paste. For cement paste, it uses the samples made of the water amount needed for consistency. For concrete, it uses the sieved mortar from a concrete with different water/cement or water/binder ratios. For cement paste, it measures the penetration depth of the Vicat needle, 1mm in diameter, under a constant weight. For concrete, it measures the resistance of the mortar to a rod under an action of the load. Advanced Concrete Technology - Zongjun Li 31 Setting time ASTM C 403 (1995) defines two points as the initial setting time and the final setting time, corresponding approximately to the point at which the concrete will no longer be plastic during vibration, and a concrete strength gain of about 0.7 MPa. Initial setting and final setting of concrete are determined by the times at which the penetration resistance reaches 3.5 and 27.6 MPa, when a designated rod penetrates 25.4mm into the mortar, sieved from the fresh concrete. Advanced Concrete Technology - Zongjun Li 32 Abnormal setting • False setting • Flash setting False setting: If a concrete stiffens rapidly in a short time right after water is added and restores its fluidity by remixing and sets normally, it is called false setting. The main reason causing the false setting is crystallization of gypsum. Advanced Concrete Technology - Zongjun Li 33 False setting In the last procedure in the process of cement production, gypsum is milled with a clinker by intergrounding. During grinding, due to clinkers that may be still very hot and heat generated by friction, the temperature can rise to about 120◦C, thus causing the reaction CSH1/2 is called half-water gypsum or plaster. During mixing, when water is added, the plaster will rehydrate back to two-water gypsum, form a crystalline matrix quickly, and make the concrete stiffen. Due to the small amount of plaster in the mix, very little strength will actually develop and the fluidity can be easily restored by further mixing to break the plaster set. Advanced Concrete Technology - Zongjun Li 34 Flash setting It is caused by the formation of large quantities of monosulfoaluminate or other calcium aluminate hydrates due to quick reactivities of C3A, without the presence of gypsum. This is a rapid set and thus is a more severe condition than false setting. Flash setting has been largely eliminated by the addition of 3 to 5% gypsum to the cement, which can react with C3A and water to form AFt as a barrier layer of C3A to prevent further reaction of C3A Advanced Concrete Technology - Zongjun Li 35
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