NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONDERS (NACFR) PRESENTER – ROGER THAYNE OBE SUPPORTED BY: DUNCAN PARSONAGE SR Para JOHN DAVIES CFR & GOVERNOR WMAS COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONSE AIM OF PRESENTATION n To explain to members of the National Ambulance Service Responders Managers Forum the “ raison d’etre” for the formation of the National Association of Community First Responders (NACFR) to establish a climate of cooperation between the two organisation. COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONSE SCOPE OF PRESENTATION n n n n n n The Founding of Community First Response in UK: ■ What were the original Community First Responders designed to do? ■ Who were they accountable to? ■ How were they trained and equipped? Systems Approach to Fast Response/Saving Lives. The Results of the NACFR FOI requests for information about CFRs. Why was NACFR formed and Answers to Questions posed by NASRMF. Summary Questions. COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONSE THE FIRST FIRST RESPONDER IN STAFFORDSHIRE– 1994/5 n n n n n Neil Phillips, from the East End of London, who was an Ambulance Technician at Uttoxeter when that Station was closed. His wife had been diagnosed with terminal cancer and he was allowed to respond from home using an old ambulance white van. Within months of his deployment we noticed that 999 calls in Uttoxeter had increased but ambulance journeys nearly halved. Uttoxeter Rotary collected £15K from the public in a matter of weeks to provide Neil with a new car!! Ambulance First Responders were then established in other market towns wherever Stations were being closed. COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONSE THE FOUNDING OF COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONSE IN UK 1998 IN THORNECOMBE WEST DORSET 1999 IN WETTON & ALSTONFIELDS IN THE STAFFORDSHIRE MOORLANDS COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONSE WHAT WERE THE ORIGINAL COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONDERS IN STAFFORDSHIRE DESIGNED TO DO? n n n To prevent death, unnecessary suffering and deterioration in a patients condition until the arrival of the Ambulance Service response. To encourage as many persons as possible in their Community to learn how to deliver CPR and stop bleeding. To carry out any other tasks their Communities requested them to do e.g. answering pendant alerts, assisting with the handling and lifting of patients, provision of social and community care. COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONSE EARLY DEFIBRILLATION Potential for Survival 4 minutes Vs 8 minutes Response by first responder Response by ambulance 4 min 8 min WHO WERE COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONDERS ACCOUNTABLE TO Their Community which had provided their funding and had formally agreed to their establishment. n Their local Parish Councils and through them their established Local Authority. n The Charity Commission for Governance. n The local Ambulance Trust for clinical governance and training. n COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONSE HOW WERE THEY TRAINED AND EQUIPPED? n n n n n Trained to the same clinical protocols as Ambulance Service Emergency Medical Technicians. Equipped with the same medical equipment, gasses, drugs as found within a front line emergency ambulance. Also had a response vehicle which was usually a 4wd with stretcher top fitted, marked as an ambulance vehicle and fitted with blue lights and sirens!! Handheld and portable radios, pagers and mobile telephones. All had to be paid for by the CFR Groups although none ever had difficulty raising the funds. COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONSE SYSTEMS APPROACH FAST RESPONSE AND SAVING LIVES COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONSE RE-ORGANISATION OF THE EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICE – SYSTEMS APPROACH n n n n n Community First Response – within 4 minutes. Community Paramedics in Estate Cars to reinforce CFRs. Emergency Ambulance response for those patients needing hospital treatment or further investigation. Community Paramedics to provide additional treatments and advanced skills, general management and prevention of unnecessary admission. Telemedicine directed from a Doctor based in Ambulance Control. RADIUS OF ACTION - MILES 15 AMBULANCE CREW COMMUNITY PARAMEDIC OFFICER 6 COMMUN ITY FIRST RESPONDER 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 DEPLOYMENT FOR RURAL AREAS NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONDER COMMUNITY PARAMEDIC OFFICER AMBULANCE NACFR SURVEY OF UK COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONSE JANUARY TO FEBRUARY 2015 COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONSE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST TO ALL UK AMBULANCE NHS TRUSTS/SERVICES n n “Could you please provide me with digital copies of your current publications relevant to your Ambulance/Community First Responder Scheme for example: ■ Volunteer Agreement. Protocols for deployment, training and treatment of patients. ■ List of approved, equipment, gasses and drugs. First Responder Strategy. I am collecting this data for the National Association of Community First Response (NACFR). “ COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONSE RESULTS OF CFR SURVEY n n n n n Only 3 Services provided evidence of training and equipping CFRs above FPOS 1 level or equivalent. Only WMAS “enhanced CFRs” were allowed to use parenteral medicines that all UK citizens could use to save life e.g. Adrenaline, Glucagon but WMAS did not allow the use of Naloxone. All were directly controlled and managed by Ambulance Services with little evidence of involvement or accountability to local Communities or elected representatives. All restricted the emergencies which CFRs could attend, in particular, pediatrics, RTAs, maternity and mental health incidents. None appeared to have any arrangements to directly return funding gained from response to CFRs. COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONSE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONDERS (NACFR) A BRIEF INTRODUCTION AND ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS RAISED BY NASRMF COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONSE INTRODUCTION n This Association has been established by a small number of volunteers, most of whom have had extensive experience in first responding to emergency medical calls and all of whom are passionate about the need for First Responder Schemes in our Community to prevent loss of life or unnecessary suffering prior to the arrival of the emergency services. COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONSE REASON FOR NACFR – Question one – The Purpose? n These original Trustees believe that there should be a national organization to reflect the views of the Community First Responder Groups throughout the UK to ensure that there are few unnecessary barriers which reduce the support that they are able to provide for their Communities. COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONSE MY HOPES FOR COMMUNITY RESPONDERS THROUGH NACFR IN THE FUTURE n n n That it helps those CFR Groups, who wished to do so, return to the founding principles of establishment, accountability, comprehensive training and equipment. That it recognises that it is for Communities to decide the level of emergency, urgent or routine support they wish volunteers in their Communities to provide. That it recognises that it is for the Emergency and relevant Public Services to provide advice and training and not to manage or control such volunteers. COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONSE CURRENT TRUSTEES n The Trustees see themselves purely as the founders of the Association and expect that, once membership of the Association grows and represents CFR Groups throughout the UK, then it will be for those members to appoint the Associations Trustees or Board of Directors and to agree the Aim, Charter and Rules and Regulations of the Association which is a registered Charity. COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONSE NACFR PROGRESS TO DATE – QUESTION 2? n n n n Recruited Trustees – includes 2 ex Ambulance Trust CEOs. President of the CFOA, 3 CFRs, Paramedic CFR Manager, owner of a EMS Supply Company, Marketing Exec. Established NACFR as a Charity – registered number 1160522. Established a website Recruited 200 members. COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONSE PROJECTS THAT NACFR IS INVOLVED IN – QUESTION 3 n n n n n Establishing NACFR as a Charity. Determination of NACFR Strategy. Working with Pearsons to improve and update FPOS. FOI Survey of NHS Ambulance Trust Community First Response Strategy, Policy, Training, Equipment and Incident Response. Talking with individuals and Groups/Organisations wishing to work with NACFR – CFOA, CPME, SECAMB, College of Paramedics. COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONSE OUR OBJECTIVES AND HOW THEY MIGHT DIFFER/LINK WITH YOURS – QUESTION 4 n n The relief of sickness and the preservation of health among people residing permanently or temporarily in England and Wales by the creation and support of community first response schemes to provide, for public benefit, a rapid life sustaining first response to emergency situations. To advance the education of the general public in all areas relating to emergency life support and defibrillation in the rapid treatment of life threatening emergency conditions. COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONSE OUR OBJECTIVES AND HOW THEY MIGHT DIFFER/LINK WITH YOURS – QUESTION 4 n n n Major difference is that NACFR is not seeking to limit Community First Response to Ambulance 999 response. We believe that CFRs, with authority from the public they support through the elected representatives, should be trained and able to respond to any incident they are requested to attend by people within their Community in addition to the Emergency Services. NASRMF is limited to the Ambulance Service and covers more responders than CFRs. COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONSE WERE YOU AWARE OF OUR FORUM AND WHAT WAS THE REASON YOU DID NOT ENGAGE WITH US DURING YOUR SET UP AND LAUNCH? - QUESTION 5 n n n n We were well aware of your Forum. We had an early invitation to meet with you which we readily and happily accepted. In the meantime we have been aware of some correspondence from some of your members which has appeared to spread false rumours about or appear antagonistic to NACFR. We therefore considered that the meeting today was the best forum in which to communicate with you. COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONSE ARE YOU AWARE OF THE PROJECTS WE ARE ENGAGED WITH? – QUESTION 6 n n n No. Nothing relating to the NASRMF national governance arrangements nor the national accredited CFR Training package was provided by any Ambulance Trust following our FOI request i.e. despite a specific request for protocols for deployment, training and treatment of patients. This was obviously a serious omission by the Trusts. COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONSE WHAT BENEFITS DO CFRS RECEIVE IN RETURN FOR THEIR MEMBERSHIP FEE? - QUESTION 7 n n n To date, membership of NACFR has brought few if any benefits for members. It is for that reason that we have decided not to seek to recruit a large membership until the Charity had been established, bank account opened, our Trustees selected and our Strategy determined. In the future the biggest benefit will be to access enhanced training, have representation, independent of the Ambulance Trusts at national, regional and local level to allow the development of CFR schemes as their Communities wish them to develop. COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONSE HOW IS THE MONEY UTILISED? – QUESTION 8 n n n n n To date, as the Charity’s bank account has only been opened, there has been no expenditure of membership funds. To the best of my knowledge there are currently no plans to spend such money. All trustees are self financing and do not even claim any expenses. We currently rely on the generosity of supporting organisations for any financial needs. Our members will decide how our funds are utilised. COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONSE SUMMARY • • • • NACFR and NASRMF have as a base similar understandings – establishment of CFRs are essential to saving lives. NACFR seeks to provide an independent voice for CFRs to air their views and to achieve their wishes as to how their skills are improved and how and what they respond to. We should work in partnership. No one will understand nor forgive us if we do not. COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONSE THANK YOU ANY QUESTIONS? n COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONSE
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