REVIEW ARTICLE Traumatic Thumb Carpometacarpal Joint Dislocations B. Bosmans, MD, M. H. J. Verhofstad, MD, PhD, T. Gosens, MD, PhD Isolated traumatic dislocation of the thumb carpometacarpal joint, also called the trapeziometacarpal joint, is a rare injury. Controversy still exists concerning which ligaments are the true key stabilizers for the joint and therefore need to be damaged to result in dislocation, and optimal treatment strategies for thumb carpometacarpal joint dislocations are the subject of continuing debate. We give a review of the literature concerning traumatic dislocations of the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb and propose a treatment algorithm. (J Hand Surg 2008;33A:438–441. Copyright © 2008 by the American Society for Surgery of the Hand.) Key words Carpometacarpal, dislocation, pathophysiology, thumb, treatment algorithm. A PURE TRAUMATIC DISLOCATION of the first carpometacarpal joint is very rare, in contrast with the fracture-dislocation variant, the so-called Bennett fracture. Carpometacarpal dislocation of the thumb accounts for less than 1% of all hand injuries.1 It usually results from axial loading with flexion of the thumb metacarpal base that forces the joint to dislocate in a dorsal direction.2,3 Because the volar ligaments are very strong, avulsion of the metacarpal base is usually seen. Although for years the volar oblique ligament has been believed to be the key stabilizer of the thumb carpometacarpal joint,4 controversy concerning which ligaments are damaged in joint dislocation and which ligaments are the true key stabilizers for joint stability still exists.5 Optimal treatment strategies for thumb carpometacarpal joint dislocations are still a subject of debate. Strategies have ranged from closed reduction and immobilization in a thumb plaster cast to closed or open reduction and temporary fixation using K-wires with or without reconstruction of capsule and ligaments.6,7 This article aims to review the relevant literature concerning traumatic dislocation of the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb and its treatment. From the Department of Surgery and the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, St. Elisabeth Hospital, Tilburg, The Netherlands. Received for publication October 3, 2007; accepted in revised form November 26, 2007. No benefits in any form have been received or will be received from a commercial party related directly or indirectly to the subject of this article. Corresponding author: B. Bosmans, MD, St. Elisabeth Hospital, Hilvarenbeekseweg 60, 5022 GC Tilburg, The Netherlands; e-mail: [email protected]. 0363-5023/08/33A03-0024$34.00/0 doi:10.1016/j.jhsa.2007.11.022 438 䉬 © ASSH 䉬 Published by Elsevier, Inc. ANATOMY OF THE THUMB CARPOMETACARPAL JOINT Management of dislocations of the thumb carpometacarpal joint in a proper way requires a fair understanding of its anatomy and function. Several authors have reported on the specific characteristics of the thumb carpometacarpal joint regarding its surfaces and ligaments. Since as early as 1742, when Weitbrecht (quoted by Kaplan8) reported on 4 ligaments around the thumb, the anatomy of the thumb carpometacarpal joint has been studied. It has been called a saddle joint: the trapezium is convex on anteroposterior views and concave on lateral views, whereas the metacarpal is the opposite.9,10 This unique configuration provides a wide range of motion varying from abduction to opposition while the joint remains stable. The thumb can thus withstand loading and yet allow mobility, resulting in powerful pinching and grasping. This is achieved by means of the so-called screwhome torque mechanism.5 When the thumb is moved into opposition, a slight internal rotation of the metacarpal takes place and the dorsoradial ligament tightens. At the same moment, the volar beak of the thumb metacarpal is compressed into its recess in the trapezium and the joint gains articular congruence. As a result, a dynamic force couple (ie, abducting force through the abductor pollicis longus in combination with tension on the dorsal ligament and locking of the volar beak resulting in articular congruence) for stability is created and the carpometacarpal joint is converted from an incongruent lax joint in the static resting position to a congruent rigid and stable joint in opposition. Normal function of the carpometacarpal ligaments in this situation is essential. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY IN THUMB CARPOMETACARPAL JOINT DISLOCATION In the late 1960s, the anterior oblique ligament was considered to be the key stabilizer of the thumb carpometacarpal joint.4 This observation was subsequently debated in the following years by Harvey and Bye11 and Pagalidis et al12 who respectively proposed that the posterior THUMB CARPOMETACARPAL JOINT DISLOCATIONS 439 FIGURE 1: A A 27-year-old man sustained injury to his left wrist in a motor vehicle accident resulting in dislocation of the left thumb carpometacarpal joint. A closed reduction with a palpable clunk was performed. B After applying a cast, the joint was and remained congruent. The cast was removed after 6 weeks and physiotherapy started. More than 3 years after his accident, he was still able to work in construction with a completely painless thumb carpometacarpal joint. Range of motion in all directions and thumb strength using a pinch gauge (Saehan hydraulic pinch gauge SH 5005 [also known as Jamar hydraulic pinch gauge]; Saehan Corporation, Korea) were normal. oblique and intermetacarpal ligaments were the most substantial contributors to joint stability. Several clinical reports on the open treatment of thumb carpometacarpal joint dislocations have described other ligamentous pathology. Shah and Patel2 found the dorsal structures to be disrupted in their 4 cases of thumb carpometacarpal dislocations, while the anterior oblique ligament was intact. In a large cadaver study by Strauch et al13 studying 38 cadaver thumbs, the dorsoradial ligament complex was found to be the primary restraint to dorsal dislocation. When cutting all ligaments of the thumb carpometacarpal joint except the dorsoradial ligament, the least joint dislocation was found. On the other hand, when all ligaments were intact and the dorsoradial ligament was cut, the largest degree of joint (sub)luxation occurred. This was confirmed by several anatomic and biomechanical studies of Bettinger et al,14 van Brenk et al,15 and Colman et al,16 and also is in accordance with the study of Pieron.10 It has been shown in his cadaver studies that the ulnovolar capsule is reinforced by the volar ligament, also called the anterior oblique ligament, which is short and strong. It is rather close to the joint margin and runs in an oblique direction from proximal-radial to distal-ulnar. A second reinforcement comes from the infratendinous layer of the tendon of the abductor pollicis longus, which inserts on the volar aspect of the base of the first metacarpal. The capsule on the radiovolar and dorsal side is thin and inserts at a distance from the articular edge, allowing for mobility. An exception to this is the radiodorsal ligament, which is strong and inserts closely to the articular cartilage. Therefore, axial loading with flexion of the thumb metacarpal base will force the joint to dislocate in a dorsal direction with a rupture of the thin dorsal capsule. Because the reinforced volar capsule is strong, an avulsion of the metacarpal base can be seen frequently. TREATMENT APPROACH Because thumb carpometacarpal dislocation results in ligamentous injury, several surgeons have treated this condition with ligamentous reconstructions. Already in the early 1940s, traumatic thumb carpometacarpal dislocations had been treated with free tendon grafts of various origins with good to excellent results. Eggers7 used a part of the extensor carpi radialis longus as a tendon transfer through a drilled hole on the ulnar side of the thumb metacarpal base, and Slocum17 and Kestler18 had treated traumatic thumb carpometacarpal joint dislocations with a palmaris longus graft or an extensor pollicis brevis graft, respectively. In later years, several authors have used other ligaments such as the flexor carpi radialis3,4 and abductor pollicis longus.19,20 Because nonsurgical or minimal invasive (percutaneous pinning) treatment can result in good outcome,6,21 treatment strategies are still the subject of discussion despite the earlier reports. Simonian and Trumble22 have tried to JHS 䉬 Vol A, March 440 THUMB CARPOMETACARPAL JOINT DISLOCATIONS FIGURE 2: An 18-year-old man fell on his left hand from his motorbike. His thumb carpometacarpal joint appeared unstable. The clinical diagnosis of thumb carpometacarpal joint dislocation was proved by computed tomography (reconstructed image). The thumb carpometacarpal joint was stabilized by plication of the dorsal capsule and was placed in a thumb plaster cast for 4 weeks. At follow-up after 4 months, the patient had completely recovered without any pain. Reexamination of the thumb carpometacarpal joint 3 years later showed normal joint stability with a complete range of motion in all directions with normal strength. address this ongoing debate by comparing early ligamentous reconstruction with closed reduction and pinning. Half of the group (4 of 8 patients) initially treated with closed reduction and percutaneous pinning were converted during follow-up to open reduction with ligamentous reconstruction because of recurrent instability. Although their data suggest that early open reduction and ligamentous reconstruction results in a better outcome, no conclusions can be drawn from this study (eg, because patient groups are far too small to allow statistical analysis). However, an interesting finding was that all patients irrespective of the treatment were noted to have substantial instability. Would a nonsurgical treatment (closed reduction and casting) be an option as definitive treatment if the thumb carpometacarpal joint was found to be stable after immediate and anatomic reduction? In their case report, Khan et al23 described a patient with a bilateral thumb carpometacarpal dislocation. After closed reduction immediately after the injury, both joints appeared stable and the patient was treated with thumb spicas for 6 weeks only. At 15 months of follow-up, the functional result was good. From this case, other studies,6,21,24,25 and one of our own patients (Fig. 1), it might be concluded that patients with an acute traumatic thumb carpometacarpal dislocation showing no gross instability after proper reduction can be treated with a thumb cast. After reviewing the results described in the literature to date, we propose the following treatment regimen for thumb carpometacarpal dislocations: FIGURE 3: A 38-year-old man was involved in a motor vehicle accident resulting in a fracture of the left distal radius. A At follow-up 9 weeks after the accident, a dislocated carpometacarpal joint of the thumb was also found. B Open reduction of the joint using a dorsal approach and fixation with a 1.6-mm (0.062-in.) K-wire and capsulorrhaphy was performed. The joint was stable, and ligament reconstruction was not necessary. A cast was applied postoperatively for 4 weeks, and the K-wire was removed after 6 weeks. At follow-up after 2 years, function of the thumb carpometacarpal joint was normal with a full range of motion. JHS 䉬 Vol A, March THUMB CARPOMETACARPAL JOINT DISLOCATIONS ● ● Acute dislocation: If the injury is recognized immediately, a closed reduction should be performed and a plaster cast with slight abduction of the thumb should be placed. If the joint remains congruent, it can be continued for 4 to 6 weeks. Joint congruency must be established with adequate radiographs in perpendicular directions or, more likely, computed tomography scans with reconstructions in various directions (as illustrated in Fig. 2). However, if the joint remains unstable or incongruent, one should at least perform closed reduction and temporary percutaneous fixation with a K-wire, but it might be necessary to do an open surgical procedure with temporary joint fixation and capsulorrhaphy and/or ligament reconstruction to obtain an absolute anatomic and stable reduction. An additional plaster cast is preferable. Chronic dislocation: In a situation of a neglected injury (Fig. 3) or secondary dislocation, open reduction, Kwire fixation, capsulorrhaphy, and/or ligament reconstruction with a plaster cast are mandatory. In conclusion, an isolated thumb carpometacarpal joint dislocation is a rare but challenging injury. Controversy on ligament stability and optimal treatment still exists, but when studying the literature to date, one must conclude that the dorsoradial ligament appears responsible for joint stability in opposition and when torn dislocation occurs. Treatment can vary from closed reduction and plaster cast to open reduction and ligament reconstruction. It depends on degree of instability and anatomic restoration after first reduction. A very aggressive policy (ie, always open reduction and ligament reconstruction) cannot be justified from the literature to date. REFERENCES 1.Mueller JJ. Carpometacarpal dislocations: report of five cases and review of the literature. 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