ForrnNd."I" (Proforma of the Application for the appointment of officer) [See Rulej 13 (21)] I I 1. Post applied for 2. Full name of the applicant, surnarne first (ln Block Capital Letters) Father's/ Husband's Name 3, Residential address Permanent address Room/FlatlBldg. No. Viliage /PostTahikaRoad- Temporary address Room/Flat/Blde. No. Village /PostTalukaRoad- Districti City- District/ City- State- tState- PN- PINI. E,rnail I.D. Mobile l.Jo,/Tel. No. 4. : \(-q,\r (a) (b) Date of bifih Age on the date of application 5. Place of birth 6. PAN nurnber It i ! 7. Whether candidate isdornicilecl in the State of Maharashtra \Mhether enrolled as member of the Bar Council of Maharashtra and Goa :- (Specify the registration no.& date) (a) Details Name of the exarnination of the examinations passed for graduate, ;3v7:graduate, Post-graduate Irlame of lJniversity/ Board/ Institr-ition (b) Total nunrber of years of practrce :Name of the Coutts where ractised Total No of civil matters conducted Total No of criminal matters conducted Total No of Service matters conducted (c) Total number of sessions cases and criminal Appeals / Revisionspersonaily period of two year immediately concluctecl before the Sessions Coutt dr-rri1g the of cases ) :preceding the date of advertisement (plsase speci$r the numbers (d) Give rhe derails of those oases in the lollowing lbrmats :Name of the court l)ate of Jr-rd three yearsimrnediatelY (e)State the amount qf your professioiral eamings during Tax R-eturns,if anY, in preceding the clate of application' Attach copies of Income 9. Previor-rs emploYment, Post held lO.Languages if anY :- Date of Joinin know :- Date of leavin Reasons for 1 i.Have you ever been arrested /cletained/ prosecuted Yes / No bor-rnd/down/convicted/facing any criminal prosecution by /in a Court of Law forlu.ry offence if yes, give cletails thereof :12. Whether yolr are facing / have ever faced any disciplinary actio, fi'om the Bar council of India or Bar Council of Maharashtra and Goa pr any Bar Association or any other professional body. :- Yes / No DECLAMTION 1. I have not been compulsorily retired, removed or dismissed from judicial servicei or from service in Governrnent;of Statutory or,I.ssa1 Authority of failed toj cornplete probation period in judicial service on any post or in Government orj i Local Authority. ' - 2. I have not been convicted of an offence involving moral 3' turpitude. i i I hal'e- Ilever been permanently debaued ol disqualified by an1,publi. S.*i..1 Commission or Goverrunent Department/Body or pirlrict Court or Higii Courtl from appearing for any exarnination or seleciion ''conducted for the nui-nose ofi 4. I, do hereby affirm that all the details filled the application are true and correct as per my knowledge, rny appointment as a Law Officer, if made shall stand autotnatically cancelled and I shall be liable for fqrther necessal.y action. Date :- Place :- N.B. Signature of the Applicant ffi -fg- z -t- 4 -TI3T./s{i3T-q'iF-' 2 3 qit BF6-r EsTffii aPn Mffit . z o I s -3TFfr - r cn-rzltcrq, RE6l frrdi.n ' ti ,l ( 1z ) - aifg. flrt, 2015 l !..1-. {-d-flr q rqrq frHrrr,Eiarilzr,qffi-sz ?xidr rqi.,qr gqqirgfirq wr Er.g,=ffiI- 2AA5/,/q1-14,ffiim 1,6/O3/2At5 3r-at ft€r ffiFrfi' ]:*:..,-rr;6i6 g-c"GTrr1-q-B-s-S sBE,'ftf-q lri Tr6p." qrfl-tr q6rd{ q 3Tfrr{?F €'$nfir g{f,&=irtr-r qr 3rS anlrm'srtra' ffi fufi-d o-qu-qier& qqT qfuqr {iftf,T leo6 z-qr :fr-f* 27, ,i+ttr qfrF-qr dftdr, 1-e73 (Ls74 an m-aim z1 u-frrfr q s{mr-tr 36gcfr-mr a-s-qq-diq{;req-A Fq-#i I Bq.a.24(3)Ea-6rugrdm3TMrH.{fl,1984t,qTF-qa13EsTH{fliHLt.ft. q qT 3if-q-qE-e-'qT 3-{q-rlT-A ft' t3/o2/2}a5 o3/o2/2o15 a,ql 3Titrqsa;q-$ aFffir grFfr lffi futB-f, 6-{E-qra. 3rrffi Efkqa6 ?iTs-,3r{q-s-d' B"c"6T a-STmq]ltr oidr qre sfqqqrqHt q]ET qi-{nt 3rTqqqcF' 3nt. a-ffiq1T (ria-.{) da-qF. aree-aqT8r an€-aTq 6y€ srm15 a-6rfr o slortt 3{Hd- ad-q se s6r{.{m' flrdhrtr {6rdr a ufttrtn qrff E atqrf,r) ts=f' q'Thrtr sf,ffimr or tr{rdr{ aFrrIE fAfq r3rfffir (B-gfir, ft-ts-r z. qi-{u-ql6 3rT-ddr 3Trt : 1984 zq1 F-qa 11 €S1q E'rdI6{ q-fiIst qFrAI Ffqd 1) 3rse[-{ s{RarET arrr{io 3{€lET' q16trfr 3rl5a6iq1q. 6,,q'ror-or Ad q-d;e*[ 3ffril 3np1. ;ui;fr ErR z) 3rdHR ffir ffi3T€lfi' 3irm ril-{r qi# T6rf, F-6u[f, ' s) F-gffirzur fr-di6T'€ 3rfu- E-qi ss qql$qrl 3{86 rq;r$ +) B-gffrsrsr srd grelt '6-{r.rqr-qtiffii6l-g:rS-qRT€'Effir zqcmrqlEiT fu-affl z ostql ' 3ilt. 3r{sro:i-flfr :rrqqq-m' I $Egrr 3{q+€qr :rfr-qqruifr frdm *rd-e.qr ft-fr-d' a-trsld i' ffiemrtr de{T B*fl. dg1ffir, B-"6T aes ?TiEqr ;Trqri 3rdNd 5q{tir q-diqftf, Bgffi :rS src{ m-qfr 3il-aq+en :n$. 3. r) unla*l-A :r$ idt mrnffia a-&qdd q]a-{ cF-{rqT' artrd' 2) F{Srf, cn-{u-qla 3flde?n fr,d"iEtr E d+er 36 ffi'druru o-+-a R'. 3r$ Na g ) sffi 31,/o3/2ors ffi 3tqdt l arqrm ar&-d". 31-5iTil-q-f, 3drdaTq; iqr q g-fqg qirdrEqqi€q-r/q-flru6rdi<"qr qTqTifirf, q-fi {5d t\ mt. dTarifi-qT fi-e.{rs Fqrs 3{tr-{ 6{ffi Hrfrfr. 4) r#flrqrt Eqffirgr& qffi q-4 6qspq1 :d-rqriiat s) sd_egnim {anra ua;dElt td} cTta €-diqfrlrrsf R:r=.fl* frr;Tio q +a r-q.iTR-cqr tn-aBu-ora +tE' gqtr?rfr-fl'Fqr 6) q-s-flft-fl a-dlf, B-g-cr(.qr -or E-aiql-r:g s;rronf, ffiA.qr frFim|qTTla 3nq-qqm FqT qar+{ 6r{-.d :3fird?ql Efr :f@-ar F{r*.& ffipf{f, 3Tq'te,qr 6g 31fq5s+hfi o-qfr grqqs6' 3ilt. u-€f,Tm-d F-"ET Gr-g"r"qr eilqt3ilq rigsTa ffi-6{ cr{+rqiqr& €qciTqt rslffii aer ffimrtr rs aifg. orEq No.20 1 5-RB- 1 -Desl<-2-T-(4)-GPIAGP-CR-23 Office of the Collector & District Magistrate District - Nanded. Date - 17d' March,20!5 ri,\ \ ,,,n. . ,., \t .,,,'..1, 't ,., it i\ ,l Ir{otice tli,! The l-ggdle4irisor & Joint Secretary, Law & Judiciary Department,Mantralaya, Mumbai, vide his D.O. letterltto.DGp-2015/CR-841D-4,Dt.l6BDAt5, fras lrrult"O applications in prescribed fbr.qil.[9.*p1igibie candidates for the appointment to the posts of District Governrnent Fleader and Puhlic Frosecutor and Assistant Govennment Pleader ancl Additional Public Prosecutor. The Collector and District magisfl'ate wili prpnare a panel of eligible candidates as per the provisions order XXVII of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, (V of 1908), Section 24 (3) of the Code of Crinrinal Ptocedure, 1973 (II of 1974) and Rule 13 of the Maharashtra Law Officers (Appointment, Conditions of Service and Remuneration) Rules, 1984 and the amendment made vide notification -'1ii l dated 03i02 /2015 and corrigenclum to this notification dated 13/02 12015. 2. The required qualifications and eligibility criteria for flre said posts will be as per the provisions of the Rule 11 of Maharashtra Law Officers (Appointment, conditions of Service and Remuneration) Rules 1984 as mentioned below :- 1) Applicant must be Citizen of India. 2) Applicant must hold a degree in,Law from any recognized university and enrolled as an Advocate with the Bar Council of Maharashtra and Goa. 3) Applicant must not be more than 55 years of age on the date of appointment. 4) Applicant must hold atleast 7y"Jrs' experience of practice as an Ad.vocate on the date application. of r 3. I The applicant rvho desire to apply tor the above posts may submit the applications in,the presclibed folm anlexed herewith. 1) The applications should be addressed to the Collector and District magistrate, District Nanded and should be submitted by hand delivery. The last date of submission of applications is 31't march, 2015. 2) 1-hc applicatiou will. not be acceptecl aftel the due date and time.The incomplere and unreadable applications will not pe considered as well. 3) The applications must be' accompanied wit'h attested photo copies testimonials. 4) of documents/ r The canvassing in any form by any candidate shall incur d.isqualification. 5) The selection of the candidates will be made by the way of interview. fhe dare ald time of interview will be conveyed separately to the qualifred candid,ates. 6) Tlie existing appointmentsion the respective posts will come to ar end autornatically on the date of issue of the propose{ fiesh appointment orders. Hence present law Officers need to apply freshly for tl1e said posts. The separate application is required to be made for the every post. l e*y Collector & District Magistrate Nanded
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