Wildflower Folklore - Friends of Nankin Mills

Wildflower Folklore
Join the naturalist at Nankin Mills Interpretive Center for an indoor
presentation about our native wildflowers and their fascinating folk history.
Learn medicinal, culinary uses, and superstitions associated with plants. Did you know there
are anti-cancer chemicals in May-apple, or that a mountain superstition says “If you pick a
trillium, it will rain.” Also from our agricultural past: When hepatica blooms, it’s time to
plant crops.
Saturday, April 25, 2015, 1:00-2:30 PM
Wayne County Parks Nankin Mills, Westland
Nankin Mills Interpretive Center, 33175 Ann Arbor Trail
Ages 12 and up, $2.00 per person for Wayne County residents, add $1 out of county
734-261-1990 to register by phone, advance registration and payment required