Statement of stand-alone Financial Results for the quarter and year ended 31st March, 2014 Rs. lakhs PARTICULARS PART I : STATEMENT OF STAND-ALONE RESULTS 01. Gross Sales / Income from Operations Less : Excise Duty Less : Sales Tax Net Sales / Income from Operations 02. Other Operating Income 03. TOTAL INCOME FROM OPERATIONS 04. EXPENDITURE a) Cost of materials consumed b) Purchases of stock-in-trade c) Changes in inventories of finished goods, work-inprogress and stock-in-trade d) Employee benefits expense e) Depreciation and amortization expense f) Other Expenses TOTAL EXPENSES 05. Profit / (Loss) from Operations before other income, finance costs and exceptional items 06. Other Income 07. Finance costs 08. Exceptional Items 09. Profit / (Loss) from ordinary activities before tax 10. Tax expense, including deferred tax 11. Net Profit / Loss (-) from ordinary activities after tax 12. Paid-up Equity Share Capital (each share of Rs. 10/face value) 13. Reserves excluding revaluation reserves as per Balance Sheet of previous accounting year 14. Earnings per share – Basic and diluted EPS before and after extraordinary item (Rs.) – non-annualized PART II : SELECT INFORMATION 15. Public Shareholding: a) Number of Shares b) Percentage of Shareholding 16. Promoters and Promoter Group Shareholding a) Pledged / Encumbered – b) Non – encumbered – No. of shares Percentage (as a % of the total shareholding of promoter and promoter group) Percentage (as a % of the total share capital of the company) Dated at Hyderabad, this, the 29th day of May, 2014. for and on behalf of the Board of Directors, NATCO Pharma Limited THREE MONTHS ENDED (UN-AUDITED) 31-MAR2014 31-DEC2013 YEAR ENDED (AUDITED) 31-MAR2013 31-MAR2014 31-MAR2013 15090 345 306 14439 884 15323 16347 321 321 15705 1718 17423 13536 435 278 12823 1508 14331 59710 1332 1174 57204 5029 62233 54656 2122 1101 51433 4492 55925 4558 - 4485 - 4774 70 16670 - 18063 558 -187 2512 696 4776 12355 2968 -908 2492 686 5531 12286 5137 -690 2087 536 4688 11465 2866 -1597 9422 2679 19080 46254 15979 -2125 8536 1984 15201 42217 13708 939 614 3293 659 2634 3307 105 877 4365 1123 3242 3307 203 769 2300 1128 1172 3137 1571 3405 14145 3126 11019 3307 1194 2512 1158 11232 3419 7813 3137 7.96 7.96 10.14 10.14 3.74 3.74 69983 34.49 34.49 50621 25.02 24.91 15,365,107 46.46 15,311,593 46.30 13,594,593 43.33 15,365,107 46.46 13,594,593 43.33 17,707,967 100 53.54 17,761,481 100.00 53.70 17,778,481 100.00 56.67 17707967 100 53.54 17,778,481 100.00 56.67 Status of Investor Complaints as at 31st March, 2014 Pending as on 01-01-2014 Received during the quarter Resolved during the quarter Pending as on 31-03-2014 Nil 65 65 Nil V.C. Nannapaneni Chairman & Managing Director _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Regd. Office: NATCO House, Road # 2, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad : 500 033. Statement of stand-alone Assets and Liabilities (Rs. in lakhs) Particulars As at 31-Mar-2014 (Audited) As at 31-Mar-2013 (Audited) Equity & Liabilities Shareholders’ Funds a) b) Share Capital Reserves & Surplus Sub-total : Shareholders’ funds Non-current liabilities 3307 69983 73290 3137 50621 53758 a) b) c) d) 9497 4233 69 1063 14862 13713 4112 69 821 18715 a) b) c) d) 9863 9918 9648 41 29470 117622 14774 9638 8830 33 33275 105748 52319 579 9294 8858 12516 322 83888 46565 491 7837 7676 12066 261 74896 32 16197 11584 770 4899 252 33734 81 12832 12646 750 4269 274 30852 117622 105748 Long term borrowings Deferred tax liabilities (net) Other long-term liabilities Long term provisions Sub-total : Non-current Liabilities Current Liabilities Short term borrowings Trade payables Other current liabilities Short-term provisions Sub-total : Current Liabilities TOTAL – EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Assets Non-current Assets a) b) c) d) e) Fixed Assets Tangible Assets Intangible Assets Capital work-in-progress Non-current investments Long term loans and advances Other non-current assets Sub-total : Non-current Assets Current Assets a) b) c) d) e) f) Current Investments Inventories Trade receivables Cash and cash equivalents Short term loans and advances Other current assets Sub-total : Current Assets TOTAL – ASSETS Statement of consolidated Financial Results for the quarter and year ended 31st March, 2014 Rs. lakhs PARTICULARS PART I : STATEMENT OF CONSOLIDATED RESULTS 01. Gross Sales / Income from Operations Less : Excise Duty Less : Sales Tax Net Sales / Income from Operations 02. Other Operating Income 03. TOTAL INCOME FROM OPERATIONS 04. EXPENDITURE a) Cost of materials consumed b) Purchases of stock-in-trade c) Changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in-progress and stock-in-trade d) Employee benefits expense e) Depreciation and amortization expense f) Other Expenses TOTAL EXPENSES 05. Profit / (Loss) from Operations before other income, finance costs and exceptional items 06. Other Income 07. Finance costs 08. Exceptional Item 09. Profit / (Loss) from ordinary activities before tax 10. Tax expense, including deferred tax 11. Minority Interest 12. Net Profit / Loss (-) from ordinary activities after tax 13. Paid-up Equity Share Capital (each share of Rs. 10/- face value) 14. Reserves excluding revaluation reserves as per Balance Sheet of previous accounting year PART II : SELECT INFORMATION 15. Earnings per share – Basic and diluted EPS before and after extraordinary item (Rs.) – nonannualized 16. Public Shareholding: a) Number of Shares b) Percentage of Shareholding 16. Promoters and Promoter Group Shareholding a) Pledged / Encumbered – No. of shares b) Non – encumbered – No. of shares Percentage (as a % of the total shareholding of promoter and promoter group) Percentage (as a % of the total share capital of the company) Dated at Hyderabad, this, the 29th May 2014 for and on behalf of the Board of Directors, NATCO Pharma Limited THREE MONTHS ENDED (UNREVIEWED/UNAUDITED) 31-MAR2014 31-DEC2013 YEAR ENDED (AUDITED) 31-MAR2013 31-MAR2014 31-MAR2013 18131 345 305 17481 899 18380 19260 321 321 18618 1718 20336 16156 430 278 15448 1283 16731 71406 1380 1182 68844 5045 73889 64954 2122 1101 61731 4322 66053 5003 1439 4970 1729 4794 1586 16010 8889 17757 8714 -167 3079 797 5300 15451 2929 -908 2976 770 6177 15714 4622 -755 2539 625 5143 13932 2799 -1577 11277 3045 21356 59000 14889 -2191 10229 2212 16552 53273 12780 996 742 3183 127 922 3827 186 823 2162 1671 3662 12898 1241 2631 1158 10232 634 147 2402 1082 -243 2988 1321 -291 1132 3087 -463 10274 3644 -599 7187 3307 3307 3137 3307 3137 69280 50217 7.26 7.26 9.34 9.34 3.61 3.61 32.16 32.16 23.01 22.91 15,365,107 46.46 15,311,593 46.30 13,594,593 43.33 15,365,107 46.46 13,594,593 43.33 1,77,07,967 100 53.54 17,761,481 100.00 53.70 17,778,481 100.00 56.67 1,77,07,967 100 53.54 17,778,481 100.00 56.67 Status of Investor Complaints as at 31st March 2014 Pending as on 01-01-2014 Received during the quarter Resolved during the quarter Pending as on 31-03-2014 Nil 65 65 Nil V.C. Nannapaneni Chairman & Managing Director ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Regd. Office: NATCO House, Road # 2, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad : 500 033. Statement of Consolidated Assets and Liabilities (Rs. in lakhs) Particulars As at 31-Mar-2014 (Audited) As at 31-Mar-2013 (Audited) Equity & Liabilities Shareholders’ Funds a) b) Share Capital Reserves & Surplus Sub-total : Shareholders’ funds 3307 69280 72587 3137 50217 53354 c) Minority Interest 688 1054 a) b) c) d) 9549 4305 104 1109 15067 13783 4433 69 862 19147 a) b) c) d) 9863 10979 10218 168 31228 119571 14774 10585 9021 107 34487 108042 61274 3200 12377 157 5425 324 82757 55391 2884 10584 154 5720 261 74994 32 18113 11880 1105 5432 252 36814 81 14603 12971 1078 4041 274 33048 119571 108042 Non-current liabilities Long term borrowings Deferred tax liabilities (net) Other long-term liabilities Long term provisions Sub-total : Non-current Liabilities Current Liabilities Short term borrowings Trade payables Other current liabilities Short-term provisions Sub-total : Current Liabilities TOTAL – EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Assets Non-current Assets a) Fixed Assets Tangible Assets Intangible Assets b) Capital work-in-progress c) Non-current investments d) Long term loans and advances e) Other non-current assets Sub-total : Non-current Assets Current Assets a) b) c) d) e) f) Current Investments Inventories Trade receivables Cash and cash equivalents Short term loans and advances Other current assets Sub-total : Current Assets TOTAL – ASSETS Report of segment wise revenue, Results and Capital Employed under Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement, for the quarter and year ended on 31st March, 2014 Rs. lakhs THREE MONTHS ENDED (UNAUDITED / UNREVIEWED) 01. Segment Revenue (Net) a) Bulk Chemicals b) Formulations c) Job Work d) Unallocated Total Less : Inter-segment Revenue Net Sales / Income from Operations 02. Segment Results : Profit (+)/Loss (-) before tax and interest a) Bulk Chemicals b) Formulations c) Job Work d) Unallocated Total Less : a) Interest b) Other unallocable expenditure c) Unallocable income Total Profit Before Tax 03. Capital Employed (Segment Assets – Segment Liabilities) a) Bulk Chemicals b) Formulations c) Job Work d) Unallocated (Others) Total YEAR ENDED (UNAUDITED / UNREVIEWED) 31-MAR-2014 31-MAR-2013 31-MAR-2014 31-DEC-2013 31-MAR-2013 4344 10931 237 263 15775 452 15323 5827 11667 343 230 18067 644 17423 6562 7572 219 254 14607 276 14331 22101 38702 1193 2386 64382 2149 62233 23692 29367 944 3244 57247 1322 55925 504 4899 202 197 5802 614 2834 1509 5298 311 204 7322 877 2185 1541 3136 129 223 5029 769 2163 4581 16857 984 2109 24531 3405 8552 5527 12235 728 2915 21405 2512 8855 (939) 3293 (105) 4365 (203) 2300 (1571) 14145 (1194) 11232 39578 38238 165 -4691 73290 40010 36689 236 -3940 72995 36375 32742 94 -15453 53758 39578 38238 165 -4691 73290 36375 32742 94 -15453 53758 The above financial results were reviewed / audited by the Statutory Auditors of the Company, the Audit Committee, and approved by the Board of Directors at a meeting held at Hyderabad, on Thursday, the 29th May, 2014. In respect of reference relating to non-accounting of minimum alternate tax credit, in the auditors’ report, the company will review and evaluate the position during the current financial year. Figures for the previous period(s) have been re-arranged / re-grouped wherever necessary. Figures for the quarter ended on 31st March are the balancing figures between audited figures in respect of the full financial year and the published year to date figures up to the third quarter of the financial year. Exceptional item represents amount written off against a pending legal dispute. The stand-alone results are available on the company’s web-site Dated at Hyderabad, this, the 29th day of May, 2014. for and on behalf of the Board of Directors, NATCO Pharma Limited V.C. Nannapaneni Chairman & Managing Director _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Regd. Office: NATCO House, Road # 2, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad : 500 033.
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