Statement of stand-alone Financial Results for the quarter and nine months ended 31st December, 2013 Rs. lakhs THREE MONTHS ENDED (REVIEWED) YEAR-TO-DATE FIGURES (REVIEWED) FOR THE NINE MONTHS PERIOD ENDED ON PARTICULARS PART I : STATEMENT OF STAND-ALONE RESULTS 01. Gross Sales / Income from Operations Less : Excise Duty Less : Sales Tax Net Sales / Income from Operations 02. Other Operating Income 03. TOTAL INCOME FROM OPERATIONS 04. EXPENDITURE a) Cost of materials consumed b) Purchases of stock-in-trade c) Changes in inventories of finished goods, work-inprogress and stock-in-trade d) Employee benefits expense e) Depreciation and amortization expense f) Other Expenses TOTAL EXPENSES 05. Profit / (Loss) from Operations before other income, finance costs and exceptional items 06. Other Income 07. Finance costs 08. Exceptional Items 09. Profit / (Loss) from ordinary activities before tax 10. Tax expense, including deferred tax 11. Net Profit / Loss (-) from ordinary activities after tax 12. Paid-up Equity Share Capital (each share of Rs. 10/face value) 13. Reserves excluding revaluation reserves as per Balance Sheet of previous accounting year 14. Earnings per share – Basic and diluted EPS before and after extraordinary item (Rs.) – non-annualized Part II : Select Information 15. Public Shareholding: a) Number of Shares b) Percentage of Shareholding 16. Promoters and Promoter Group Shareholding a) Pledged / Encumbered – b) Non – encumbered – No. of shares Percentage (as a % of the total shareholding of promoter and promoter group) Percentage (as a % of the total share capital of the company) Dated at Hyderabad, this, the 13th day of February, 2014. for and on behalf of the Board of Directors, NATCO Pharma Limited 31-DEC2013 30-SEP2013 31-DEC2012 31-DEC2013 31-DEC2012 YEAR ENDED (AUDITED) 31-MAR-2013 16347 321 321 15705 1718 17423 14019 375 269 13375 1631 15006 13788 508 229 13051 1980 15031 44620 987 868 42765 4146 46911 41120 1687 823 38610 2984 41594 54656 2122 1101 51433 4492 55925 4485 -908 3755 -227 5064 55 -527 12111 -1410 13289 488 -1436 18063 558 -2125 2492 686 5531 12286 5137 2214 656 4601 10999 4007 1878 550 3822 10842 4189 6911 1983 14304 33899 13012 6449 1448 10513 30751 10843 8536 1984 15201 42217 13708 105 877 4365 1123 3242 3307 177 957 3227 358 2869 3137 570 731 541 3487 1050 2437 3137 632 2792 10852 2467 8385 3307 991 1742 1159 8933 2291 6642 3137 1194 2512 1158 11232 3419 7813 3137 10.14 10.14 9.15 9.15 7.79 7.79 26.55 26.55 21.29 21.17 50621 25.02 24.91 15,311,593 46.30 13,611,493 43.39 13,603,193 43.36 15,311,593 46.30 13,603,193 43.36 13,594,593 43.33 17,761,481 100.00 17,761,581 100.00 17,769,881 100.00 17,761,481 100.00 17,769,881 100.00 17,778,481 100.00 53.70 56.61 56.64 53.70 56.64 56.67 Status of Investor Complaints as at 31st December, 2013 Pending as on 01-10-2013 Received during the quarter Resolved during the quarter Pending as on 31-12-2013 Nil 96 96 Nil V.C. Nannapaneni Chairman & Managing Director ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Regd. Office: N ATCO House, Road # 2, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad : 500 033. Statement of consolidated Financial Results for the quarter ended 31st December, 2013 Rs. lakhs PART I : STATEMENT OF CONSOLIDATED RESULTS THREE MONTHS ENDED (UNREVIEWED/UNAUDITED) PARTICULARS 31-DEC-2013 01. Gross Sales / Income from Operations Less : Excise Duty Less : Sales Tax Net Sales / Income from Operations 02. Other Operating Income 03. TOTAL INCOME FROM OPERATIONS 04. EXPENDITURE a) Cost of materials consumed b) Purchases of stock-in-trade c) Changes in inventories of finished goods, work-inprogress and stock-in-trade d) Employee benefits expense e) Depreciation and amortization expense f) Other Expenses TOTAL EXPENSES 05. Profit / (Loss) from Operations before other income, finance costs and exceptional items 06. Other Income 07. Finance costs 08. Exceptional Item 09. Profit / (Loss) from ordinary activities before tax 10. Tax expense, including deferred tax 11. Minority Interest 12. Net Profit / Loss (-) from ordinary activities after tax 13. Paid-up Equity Share Capital (each share of Rs. 10/face value) 14. Reserves excluding revaluation reserves as per Balance Sheet of previous accounting year 15. Earnings per share – Basic and diluted EPS before and after extraordinary item (Rs.) – non-annualized 16. Public Shareholding: a) Number of Shares b) Percentage of Shareholding 16. Promoters and Promoter Group Shareholding a) Pledged / Encumbered – No. of shares b) Non – encumbered – No. of shares Percentage (as a % of the total shareholding of promoter and promoter group) Percentage (as a % of the total share capital of the company) 30-SEP-2013 31-DEC-2012 YEAR-TO-DATE FIGURES (UNREVIEWED/UNAUDITED) FOR THE NINE MONTHS PERIOD ENDED ON YEAR ENDED (AUDITED) 31-DEC-2013 31-MAR-2013 31-DEC-2012 19260 321 321 18618 1718 20336 16952 390 271 16291 1631 17922 16515 508 229 15778 1983 17761 53275 1035 877 51363 4146 55509 49146 1692 823 46631 3039 49670 65302 2122 1101 62079 4322 66401 6699 - 6013 - 7153 55 18457 - 19604 488 17757 8714 -908 2976 770 6177 15714 4622 -227 2633 747 5155 14321 3601 -527 2447 634 4109 13871 3890 -1410 8198 2248 16056 43549 11960 -1436 7690 1587 11756 39689 9981 -2191 10229 2212 16900 53621 12780 127 922 3827 1082 -243 2988 3307 198 1002 2797 371 -266 2692 3137 593 758 541 3184 1061 -136 2259 3137 675 2920 9715 2453 -610 7872 3307 1055 1808 1159 8069 2323 -308 6054 3137 1241 2631 1158 10232 3644 -599 7187 3137 9.34 9.34 8.58 8.58 7.20 7.20 24.94 24.94 19.30 19.30 50217 23.01 22.91 15,311,593 46.30 - 13,611,493 43.39 - 13,603,193 43.36 - 15,311,593 46.30 - 13,603,193 43.36 - 13,594,593 43.33 - 17,761,481 100.00 17,761,581 100.00 17,769,881 100.00 17,761,481 100.00 17,769,881 100.00 17,778,481 100.00 53.70 56.61 56.64 53.70 56.64 56.67 The stand-alone results are available on the company’s web-site The Board of Directors have recommended an interim dividend of Rs. 5/- per equity share, payable on 6th March, 2014. Dated at Hyderabad, this, the 13th February, 2014. for and on behalf of the Board of Directors, NATCO Pharma Limited Status of Investor Complaints as at 31st December, 2013 Pending as on 01-10-2013 Received during the quarter Resolved during the quarter Pending as on 31-12-2013 Nil 96 96 Nil V.C. Nannapaneni Chairman & Managing Director ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Regd. Office: N ATCO House, Road # 2, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad : 500 033. Report of segment wise revenue, Results and Capital Employed, (Un-audited) under Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement, for the quarter and nine months ended on 31st December, 2013 5 Vlakhs THREE MONTHS ENDED 01. Segment Revenue (Net) a) Bulk Chemicals b) Formulations c) Job Work d) Unallocated Total Less : Inter-segment Revenue Net Sales / Income from Operations 02. Segment Results : Profit (+)/Loss (-) before tax and interest a) Bulk Chemicals b) c) d) Formulations Job Work Unallocated Total Less : a) Interest b) Oher unallocable expenditure c) Unallocable income Total Profit Before Tax 03. Capital Employed (Segment Assets – Segment Liabilities) a) Bulk Chemicals b) Formulations c) Job Work e) Unallocated (Others) Total PREVIOUS ACCOUNTING YEAR ENDED (UN-AUDITED) NINE MONTHS ENDED 31-DEC-2013 30-SEP-2013 31-DEC-2012 31-DEC-2013 31-DEC-2012 31-MAR-2013 5827 11667 343 230 18067 644 17423 5570 9616 418 38 15642 636 15006 6743 6982 255 1391 15371 340 15031 17757 27771 956 2123 48607 1696 46911 17130 21795 725 2990 42640 1046 41594 23692 29367 944 3244 57247 1322 55925 1509 5298 311 204 7322 877 2185 105 4365 1051 4474 332 21 5878 957 1871 177 3227 1614 2531 208 1253 5606 731 1958 570 3487 4077 11958 782 1912 18729 2792 5717 632 10852 3986 9099 599 2692 16376 1742 6692 991 8933 5527 12235 728 2915 21405 2512 8855 1194 11232 40010 36689 236 -3940 72995 37017 35170 295 -13468 59014 37939 31251 48 -16688 52550 40010 36689 236 -3940 72995 37939 31251 48 -16688 52550 36375 32742 94 -15453 53758 The above un-audited financial results were reviewed by the Audit Committee, Statutory Auditors and approved by the Board of Directors at a meeting held at Hyderabad, on Thursday, the 13th February, 2014. In respect of non-accounting of minimum alternate tax credit, referred to in the review report, the company will evaluate the position during the current financial year. Figures for the previous period(s) have been re-arranged / re-grouped wherever necessary. Exceptional item represents amount written off against a pending legal dispute. Employee benefit expenses for the nine months ended 31st December, 2012 include Rs. 362 lakhs pertaining to stock options vested during the earlier period. The stand-alone results are available on the company’s web-site The Board of Directors have recommended an interim dividend of Rs.5 per equity share, (Rs. 4 per equity share during nine months ended 31st December, 2012) payable on 6th March, 2014. During the quarter, the company had allotted, on a preferential basis, 17 lakh equity shares of Rs. 10/- each, at a premium of Rs. 628.40 per share, to CX Securities Limited. Dated at Hyderabad, this, the 13th day of February, 2014. for and on behalf of the Board of Directors, NATCO Pharma Limited V.C. Nannapaneni Chairman & Managing Director _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Regd. Office: N ATCO House, Road # 2, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad : 500 033.
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