s:{rr-r : }4:-.i,.b/:.,r:' 1..::i'j.r -' ::.1-, r .? t '' '"r' SIXSEENTU GUAI{ I,EGISI.ATUNE 1984 (SECO!{D) ReguLar Seeslon prysrrrrcArlp.g oJl P$ss$qg qr 4$ Jtg.rc lgF _GgvqlNp.q Thls ls to certify tbgt Subetltute Elll No. 709, r'An Act to rnesd tbe provLelons of ler rela.tLve to tho ll,seneure for tbe pnctlce sf Eeallng Artsn, v&s on the 6tb day of Deceuber L982, dulg aod regularLy pnsacd. tng Leglslatl.ve Seeretary ri.* t € 6nf" $gt was.reeei.ved by the C,overaor, thls on# /{//o(r^A/tL , I9Bz, Bt J:tf o,m J i- rt -i d; --* of, ;'r ; . l";:i - ;,; :;;;,i,.1 *sslsta,nt Staf! Offteer Goyernorrs Office APP&OVED: .t_t' *,t ,ii' DrrEDu .U[S ?U 1982 -.....* P.t, /6' /e9 ; t ! '1- r . i\ 1 't !\ I t .'1 SIXTEENTH GUA}T LEGISLATURE 1982 (SECOND) Regular Session Bill No. 709 (.ts Substltuted by the Committee on IIealt,h, Welfare and Cultural Affairs) Introduced by: C. A. Kasperbauer, T. V.C. Tanaka AN ACT TO AMEND TTIE PROVISIONS OF LAW RELATIVE TO THE LICENSURE FOR TEE PRACTICE OF I1EALING ARTS. 1 BE IT ENACTED BY TI1E PEOPLE OF T}IE TERRITORY OT 2 SecLion 1. Subsect,ion (b) of Section 27000 of the 3 Government, Code (which is codified 4 of the .f GUAM: as Sectlon 12101 of Tlrle 10 code Annotated) rs repealed and reenacte'-d to read: \ " (b) t The Healing Art t means the art of deitectlng or Guam 6 attemptlng to detect the presence of any disease; of 7 dete'rmlning or atEempting to deternlne Ehe nature and state I of any disease, if present; or preventing, relleving, 9 correcting or curing of or attempting to prevent, relleve, 10 correct or cure any disease; of safeguarciing or atteuptLng 1t to safeguard the life L2 pregnancy and parturltl.on; 13 any of the acts enumerated ln this Subsectlon. L4 ar.ts include but are not llnited 15 chlropractics, L6 psychologyr osteopathics, pharmacy, physical therapy, L7 acupuncture and speech language pathology and audlology. 18 The heaLing arts incLude the practice of vetertnary medLeLne 19 as that term ls defined in this Sectlon.rl of eny lroman or infant through dentistry, and o.f doing or attemptlng:gs do The healLng t,o opCometry, nur8ing, mediclne and surg€rI, podlatEy, -l_ r 1 2 3 4 5 Secrion 2. Subsecrions (e), (f) and (e) of Section 27000 of the, Government code are repealed and new Subsections (e) through (g) are added to secrion zTooo of the dovernoent cod.e (whleh is codlfl.ed as Section 12101 of Tirle 10 of the Guan Code Annotated) to read: "(e) 6 7 I 9 IO 1I. LZ 13 14 t5 16 L7 any tPractLce of optometryt ective or mean.s the employuent of ecti.ve means or uethods, other than through the use of drugs, except for the adoinistratlon of toplcal ocular diagnostlc pharmaceutical agentsr, oediciaes subJ obJ or surgery, ior the purpose of deteruinLng the refractlve conditions of the hunan eye or any muscular or visual aaomaltes thereof , or the employ.tng, ailapt ing or prescrLbl.ng of lensesr prlsus, coBtaet.or corneal.lenses or other optLcal appliances, p.eans, aodal-ities or methods, other than through the use of drugs or surgery, for the correction or relief of dtsturbances aad anomalles of the human vis ra1 systen; tprovided that the f$ractice of optometry' shall:'bot include i 18 19 20 the use of drugs or surgery ln the treatoent of eye dLseases. (f) tPractlce of nurslngt means: (1) The tPractlce of Professlonal Nurslngt Eeans 22 ah: performa.uce for compensatlon of any act ia helplng people cope with dtfftcuLrLes Ln datly livLng whLch z3 are ass.ociated with their actual or potentlal 24 probJ.ems or tllness 25 whleh requlre a substantlaL anount of sclenttflc ZT 26 health problems or the treat,ment thereof ledge ln the b1.o1ogical, physical and socta!. 2T sctences and technicaL sklt-ls and includes al,l of the z8 foLlowlng: 29 (i) direct and lndirect patlent care services 30 that tnsure the safety, comfort, personal hyglene 3l and protectioo 3Z diseese preveatlon aud rest,oratLve aeasrrcg i of patlents, 2- aad the perforcance of, I -2 (ii) dlrect and Lndirect patleot care services lncluding, but oot llnlted to, the 3 administration 4 agents aecess.ary to inplement a treatment-, dl.sease preventLon or rehabilltatlve reglae prescrlbed by 5 6 7 I I of medications and therapeutl.c a Licensed phystclan or dentist; (ilt) the perf oruauce, accordl.ng to standardlzed procedures, of baslc health cEtre , testlog, and preventative procedures includiog, 10 but not lloited 1t echalques and the wlthdrawal, of humau blood frou velns and arteries; or LZ r3 (fv) to, skln tests, observati,ou of slgas and.syuptoua of react,ions to treatment, geaeral behavior 14 fllnesg, t5 or general physical conditions, (aa) 16 L7 ' 18 appearaace exhiblt L9 and 1;. behavtor orlgeaeral abnornal characterlstics; (bU1 tupleoentatlon, ZL abnormalitiesr zz referral, z3 . 24. aod: of whecher .sueh sl.gns deterulnatioa syuptoms, reactions, zCI tmounizatLoa based oa observed oE appropriate reportingr or or standardLzed, grocedures, or ebanges in treat.Bent regime ln aceordanee 25 rrtth standardtzed procedures, or the lultiatio of emergency procedures. rstandardlzed 26 procedures t as used in thls SeetLoo Eeans 27 poJ.icles and protocols 28 collaboratton 29 nurses and other health profegsioaals of 30 organized health care syated. 3l 3Z d,eve!.oped 'through anong adrnlaistratore, (2) PhYglclans an The 'Praetiee of Practieal. Nurslngt aeans che perforuance for coopensatton af technl'cal servtces 3 -t. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 11. requiring basic knowledge of the biological, physical, behavioral, psychological and soclological sel.ences of nurslng procedures. These standardlzed procedures leading to predlctable outcomes in the observation care of aO: ilL, inJured, and inflrn; and tn the adainistration and of rnedication and treatoents prescrlbed ' by atry authortzed persoo . (g) tchl.ropractlct meaoB the science' art and philosoph of thlags natural, the sclence of locating and removlng in- terference wlth the transmlssions or expressloo of nerve f orces in the human body, by. the correctlon of ulsall,gornenta L2 or subLuxatioas of the artLculations 13 more especlally I4 the purpose of ristorlng 15 include the use of all natural agencies to aselat 10 the hbaliag act, such as food, water, heat, coldr glectricity 16 and adJaeent structures, those of the vertebral coluua aod pelvis, and oaintainl.ag health. It sheLl L7 mechanical appll,aaces. t8 prescrlpti'oo or use of drugs or medlctne, X-ray procedures 19 and laboratory proeedures tnvolvlng the peaetretlo! za ulssues. 2L 22 23 for and It shall exclude on"r"a\rre aargery, : (.h) rP,rsetiee of Deotlstryt of human means3 (1,) the diagnosts, treatment, correction, ehange, 24. rell.ef , preventton, prescriptl.oa of, reuedy or surgical operatlon for any dlsease, pain, deformlty, deflcl,eney, 25 lnjury, 26 teeth, guaa, jaws, oral cavlty or adJacent tlssuee by 27 an indLvtdual or his agent or employee lnciudlng the 28 preserlpttoa.or 29 bloJ.ogical, prosthet lc apParatus ' brace, devi.ce r' anesthettc or other therapeutic or dlagnoetic Eubstance 30 31 32 leslon or other physLcaL coadl.tlon of huuan adminlstration or techaique; (2) the representatlon, -4 of any drug, lledlclne, direetly ot ladlreetly, 1r publicLy or privarely, 1 of an abiltty or wlllingness do any aet mentioned in paragraph (1) of thls Sub- 2 to 3 secttou; or 4 (3) wtth specifLc refereuce to the teethr guas, Jaws, oral cavtty or adJacent tissues ln ltving persons, for ac lodiv{dual, hts agent or enployee to do, propose, agrce or attempt to do or uake aD examlnatlon or glve sn estlaate of eost wtth lnteflt to I ( 1) perf orrn surgery r €l[ extractioa or any other operation or to admlnieter aD anesthetlc iu 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 connectl,on therewtth L2 (ff1 dlagnose or treat any eondltlon, d,Lgease, pala, deforutry, deficLency, tnJury, lesloa otr othe 13 L4 ; physLcal conditlon 15 (.if t) t6 (fv) L7 (v) L8 (vf) 19 artlf lcial 20 (vtt) cotrect a ualposltioa; treat e fracture; e $, '{. renove calcareous deposits; t replace nissing anatooy wltb an substitute; eonstruct, nake, furnlsh, supply, 2t reproduce, alter or repatr aR artiflclal z2 23 or restoratlve or correctlve appliance, or tehe ordels for such work from el.ther a regularly 24. llcensed deotist or place an artificLal 25 or restorative .26 (vili) (lx) 29 32 appllanee 1o the give tnterpretattons or readlags of dental roentgenograns; or 28 31 substLtute mouth or attempt to adjust tt; - z7 30 or corrective substitute . (t) do any. other reuedial, correctLve or reatorat tve lrork The IPractLee of Mediclnet aeang the dl.aguosls, correctioo End treatDent Ln any ltanaer or by any ueaost 5- I methods, devices or instrumentalities, z paln, wound, fracture, 3 abnorual, physlcal and mental condition but does not Lnclude the practLce of osteopathic, dentistry, podiatry, nursl.ag, optometry, psychology, chl.ropractic or pharuacy by a peraon 4 J 6 T 8 I 10 11 LZ 15 T4 I5 I6 LT 18 19 70 ?,7 infirulty, atry disease, illnese, deformlty, defect or llcensed, under the provisions of this Chapter. (J) tFractice of Podlatryt meatrs engaglng 1u that primary health care profession, the members of whlch exaulne, diagnose, treat and prevetrt, by rnedical, surgieal and mechanical means allments affecting the human foot and ankle, and the structures governlng their functl.ons, but does not lnclude amputatlon of 'the f oot or the personal adnial,etration of a general anesthetic. A podiatrf.st, under the lawe of thls territory, Ls deflned as a foot or podlatrlc physlcian. (k) rPractl.ce of Clinical psychologyt neans the assessing and allevlatlng of enorlonal ar,d reatlS dieorder ! ln hospltal a or clLnieaL serring. rPract,ice of osteopathyt Beans subocrlbl.og to as a conplete school of medicine srirgery use of all cethods "."u of dlagaosls and treataent in health and dl.seasen Lucludlag, wlthout limLtation, the presertbing and adalalgtratlon of (1) zz drugs and blologieals z3 obstetrics' 24 and placing speclaL emphasLs orr the inter-relatioashlp 25 museuloskeletal system to all of the body systeEs. (n) rPractLce of pharmacyt neans eogaglng in the preparation, compounding and dl.spenslng of drugs and Lncludes z6 ZT ?8 Z9 50 5I 52. of al1 klnds, operatLve surgery, rad'iologieal aad otber electro-uagnetLc ernul,ss1on, of the LdeotLficatron, preservatLon, proper and safe s.torage, selection, combinatlon, analysts, standardLzatlon, labell.ng and distrl.butloa of drugs, the proper naintenance of eay records required by federal or terrl.torlal with respecE to pharmaceutical practices. 6 larl aud eounseLlng I I ?, 3 4 5 performaace of neuro-Euscul0skeletal, 6 clrculatory 7 8 9 10 1I TZ 15 L4 t5 16 L7 18 19 za ZT zz z3 z4 25 '26 z7 z8 29 50 3L 3Z rPhysical Therapyt means treatment by the use of exercise, traction, massage, heat, cold, tater, radl,aot energy, electrieity or sound for the purpose of corirectlng or allevlating any physr.cal or mental disability; or the (n) respiratory and test's and Eeasurernents to deteruine the existence of body maLfunctLon; provided, however, that physlcal cherapy shalL not incrude radiology or electrosurgery. (o) rPractice of veterrnary Mediclner neans: (1) the dLagnosLs, treatment, correetLon, la any manner or by any means changen .relief or prevention of animal dlseaee, deformity, defect, inJury or other physical or neutal conditlon, includlng the preseription or adninlstration of any drug, medLclne, biologl.c , apparatus, appllcatlon, surgery, anesthetic or other therapeutic or diagnosclc subst,ance or a""f,Ltq,r", and the use of any procedure for artlflcial, rns'Luiaatloa, testiog f,or pregnaney, diagaosiag and treatLug sterll.f,ty or lnfertllity or renderlng advl.ce rvith regard to aEy of tbese; (2) the repreaentat ion, dlrect ry cr indr,reetly publicly or prlvately, of an ability and wllrlngness to do any ac,t mentloned Ln paragraph (l) of thle Subsection; or (3) , the use of aay tltle, uords, abbrevietioa or letters in a aaanerr or under cireuogtancea; whleh includes the beLief chat the peraon uef.ng thes ie quallfled to do any act mentloned Ln paragraph (l) of thls Subseetlor. (p) tAcupuncturet meaas a therapy developed by- the aacLent chinese tbat consists of slnulatton of desf.gaetad points on the skin by ineertloa of aeedles, applicatlon of I ]. t""a, 1 ? massager oE a combination of these (g) rspeech-Language Pathology and Audiologyt ueanss , (1) 3 'PractLce of Speech-Language PathoLogyI Eeaus + the rendering or offering 5 groups, organlzations or the public any service 6 speech or language pathology involving 7 appllcatlon 6 the measurenent, testing, I counseLLng and instruction the nonuedlcal uethods and procedures for diagnosls, predictlon, related to the de.r.1opr.rrt purpose of nonmedical diagnosing, preventlng, treatt.ng . 1? and ameliorating such disorders and conditlons l3 tndividuals (2) I5 of principles, , Ln and groups of indivi.duals; and tPractice of Audiologyt means the applicatLon I4 16 Ln and dlsorders of speech, voice ot language for the IO l'T of princ.lples, to render to lndlvlduals, met,hods and procedures of neaEureneot, testi.ng, appraisal, prediction, aural rehabilitetlon, .4. 17 aural habilit,ationr' TB counselirg, l9 and disorders of hearing for the purpose'of nonuedLcaL 20 diagnosis, prevention, identification, A the nodifLcation of communicative disorders f.nvolving 'a- speechr language, audi.tory function or other aberrant' 23 behavior relat,6d to hearing disorders." 24 Section 3. consultation, hearLng-Lfd selection, I insEruction and research related to hearing Section 27L00 of the Government, Code (whlch ls '25 codified as Section L22OL of Titl-e 10 of the 26 is amended to read: ZT amelLoratlon or 'rsection 27LOO (12201). Guam Code Annotated) Prohibition. No person shall who ls not (a) licensed ?s practlce the healing art on ?s so to do under the provisions of this Chapter, or (b) exeopte 30 under the provisions of this Chapter. 3T Guam No person shaLl practice the heallng att Ln Guau 8- t: I oEherwise than ln accordance with the terms of his license 2 or of his registration 3 Section 4. as Ehe codif led as Sect,ion L22OZ of Title 5 is repealed and reenacted to read: 7 I I tt Section 27r'OL of the Government Code (which 4 6 case may be. 10 of the Ls Guam Code Aanotated) "Section 27LOL (L22O2). Commission. (a) ?here ls within the government of Guam a rCommissl.on on Llcengure to Practice the llealing Art in Guam, I conslsting of seven (7) members appointed by the Governor as follows ! the Dlrector 10 of Public Health and Social Services or the Chtef Public lt IIealth 0f f icer, r2 Examiners, the Chalrperson of the Board of Medlcal Exanioers, 13 the Chatrperson of the Board of Exaniners for Dentl.atry, the l4 Chairperson of the Board of Al1ied itealth Examln.ers, the Chief l5 MedicaL l6 one (1) other Of f the Chai.rperson of the Board of Nurse icer of the member. and vice-president. Guam l{emorial Hospltal Authorl.ty and The ComnLsslon shaLl elect a president A l8 and SocLal I Services or the Ghief Public Eealth Officer shall be the l9 secret,ary and treasurer of the ComnLssion. 17 20 (b) The Director of Public n""}tn The Commlssion shaLl make aad from tlme to tl.me may 2l alter such rules as lt deems necessary for the conduct of Lts 22 business and for the executioa and enforcenent of the 23 provislons of this ChapLer. 24. 3ulations. relative to 25 the standards for licensure, 76 continuing educatioa requirements and renewal of licenses 27 for professions of the healing art except for the practice 28 of nursing, dentls.try, 29 shaLl approve regulations promulgated by the Board. of Nurse 30 Examiners, Board of Examiners for Dentlstry, 31 Examiners for Optometry and Board of Examl.ners for Pharaacy 32 for the purpose of standardizlng as uuch as posslble application procedureB, optometry and pharmacy. The Conmissl-on 9 Board of !a 1' lt' i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 requlrements for licensure for all professions. (d) The Commissi.on shall maintai.o a register aL1 n"""orr" llcensed to practice the heallng art on Guau and each Board shal1 notlfy the Conmissf,on not less than annually of persons licensed under itsr supervislon. tt - Sectl.on 5. Sectlon 27L02 of the Government Code (whlch ls codlfied as Section,12203' of TltIe is ameaded to read: "Section 27LAz Q22O3r. . 10 of the Guam Code Annotated) Same: llcenses. 'The 10 commisslon sha11 recei,ve, number consecutlvely, 11 t2 all appLi'cattons presented Ln due form for licenseg and for reglstration; but such appllcatlons nay be glasslfled 13 aceording to thetr respecttve purposes and numbered L4 L5 consecutlvely and regtstered accordlng to the several classes thus qstablished. rf the conmi,ssion finds that the applicant 16 has applied to practice nurslog, dentlstry, L7 19 a pharmacist thetr + shall forward ir ro rhe "p\roprlate exaoining board. ff the CommLssion fiads rhar it; applicanr is qualifled for a l-lcense by vLrtue of years of practLce 20. under Section 27LL7 (12218) of rhis Chaprer,1r 2L hfn a license to practice accordingly. 22 finds that an appllcanr has submirted satisfactory 23 age, rnoral charactet, pre-professional 24 educationr. other quallficattons 25 required by the ConmLssionr'of hosplta!. traiaing, 26 be subject to an examinatLon to deEermine hls profeseional 27 fitness under Sectlon 27]-06 (L2207) of this Chapter, tt shall- 28 certlfy 29 and upon receipt of a report from any such board satlsfactory 30 to the Connission showing that the appllcant has passed such 31 examlnatlon or exaninations, the Comuissioa, beiag of the 32 opLnion that the appllcant is in all other tespects qualifled 18 aad record' optoltretry or as shal1 lssue If the CoumlssLon proof of' ed.ucation, profeasiona e6tablished by rule and, 1f but must hln to the proper. examlnlng board for that purpose, 10 I' of I 2 shal1 issue a llcense to practice the healing art in the aanner descrlbed in his appllcation and as authorized by 4 law, Ln whatever class the Commlssion shall flnd hln qualifle to so practLce. The CommissLon rtay establlsh fees for 5 appllcatton, 6 Sectl.on 6. 3 7 8 9 examination, licensure and renewal of liceoses.rt Section 27LA3 of the Government Code (whlch ls codlfled as Sectlon L2.204 of TttLe 10 of the ls repealed and rbenacced to read t'Sectlon 27 LO3 (L22O4> . ' Persoonel. .The Departnent of 10 Publlc Eealth and Social Services sha11 be the departoeot It responsible for the lmplementatLon of thls Chapter. t2 DirecEor of the Department of Public Health and SocLal l3 Servlces shal1 provlde such quarters, staff, l4 equipment and assistants as nay be necessary for the work l5 of the Commiss'ion, each of the examlnlng boards includl.ag t6 statutorily created boards and the execution and enforcement e-. t9 S.: legal of thls Chapter. The Arrorney General shaLl prgytde services to the commlssion and the Boards of Examl.uers wtthout f ee. tt ?0 Sect,ion 7. Section 27L04 of the Government Code (whlch ls 21 codlfied as. Sectl.on 22 ls repealed and reenacted to read: 17 18 23 24. L22OS of Title 10 of the The suppllee, Guam Code Anaotated) "Sectfoo 27LO$ (L22O5) . Board of Examlners. Tbe shall appoint members of the Boards of Exaalners foveraor (a) a Board of Medical Examl.ners, (b) 25 as foLlowg: ?6 Bo.ard of Al1ted Health Examiners, and (c) such other Boards 27 of Exauiners as the Commisslon 28 the' n'unber of llcenses in the prof essioa. 29 Examiners sha11 consLst of fir. 30 shalL appoLnt as a meuber of any such board a persoa who Le 3t a citizea 32 has been a resident of r d,eems a necessary becauge of, Each Board of (5) uenbers. The Govcraor or perEanent resldent of the unlted stat,es and Guam for at Least one (1) year 11 ilF Guam Code Annotated) who t . l'. L 2 3 '4 , immedlately precedlng hls appointment. The Board of Al1ied lleaLth Exami.ners shall exaulne appllcants for licensure in fields not havlng separate Eoards of Exaoiners. 5 Each examLnl,ng board shall elect a chalruan aad 6 secretary aad may uake such rules regarding the dlscharge 7 of its dutLes as the Couml-sston may. approv€. Eaeh board I 9 a shaLl conduct the exanl.aatlon and make report" requlred 1" by lar and by the rules of the Coomisslon.tt Sectlon 27L05 of the Governnent Code (rhich ls 10 Section 8. 11, codified as Sectioa L2 ls repeal.ed and reenacted to read: I'sectLon 27LOS (12206). . Examina'tions. The Goveruor 13 L22O6 of Title 10 of the Guam. Code Annotated) L4 shall appoiat as meoberg of the Board of Examl.ners peraoos 15 who hive taught. or practlced tn the flel.d llcensed by the L6 Board of ExaaLners for aot less than five (5) coasecutlve L7 years. t8 of Examtners Ln each branch of the healing art at such time 19 as the Commission may by rule or by special order deternioes. 2A 22 Examlnatlon shall be as much as possible standardized to the exauinatlons .glvea throughout the Jurisdl.ctions of the Unlted States. Tf, standardized examlnatione are not 23 available, 24 25 shal1 publlsh Tn. Gommissioo notlce of che time and place of each exauinatioa aad of 26 other pertioent 27 than thirty 28 examination l,n a nelrspape'r of general elreulatlon 29 Section 9. 2L Exaoinatlorishall $ be held by the te"p."filn" then the'Board of Examiners shall prepare appropriate exaoinatioaE. informatlon coneernlng lLcensure not less (30) days before the first day of each io Guan.tt Sectl,on 27L06 of the Governaent Code (uhl.ch ls 30 codifled as Sectloa L2207 of Title 31 is repealed and reenacted, to read: 32 BoardE 10 of the Guam Code Annotated) "Sectlou 27LA6 (.J2207). Examlnatlon facllLtl,Gg. L2 Thc t' , 1 Department of Publie Health and SociaL Services shal1 provide 2 the place or pLaces and aL1 necessary facilities for 4 examinatlon lncluding such supervLsors or proctors as the Board of Exaalners deems aecessary. The Board of Exaul.uers 5 shall assign to each applicant a number under rhlch hts 6 examlnatlon shal1 be conducted ln order tb conceal the 7 ldenul.ty of the examlnee from exaulner so far as may be 8 practlcable. 9' Board of Examiners shall collect 3 The supervlsor or proctor desl.gnated by the all exauLnatlon paperg 10 and deLlver theo or cause them Eo be dellvered' to the Board 11 of Exaoiners. L2 shall examiae all applieants referred to aad report lts Each examiulng boardr 8e speedily as posslble, 1 13 findlngs to the.Comml.sslon. AL1 reports of wrLttea t4 examlnatfon shal1,be made under the nuabers of the several 15 exauinees and not under their 16 3 but each board shal-L ,report to the Commlssi.on, under the names of the geveral L7 examlnees, the results of the cllnical. L8 and of the oral .*.rfrr.aion, L9 has been subjected." 20 SectLon 10. names and labotetory teBEs * if aoy to shtch the exaaioee Section 27LO7 of the Governneot Code (whlch is ZL codffied as Section 22 is repeal.ed and reenacted to read: L22OB of Tltle 10 of the Guau Code Aaoot'atcd) 23 'r$ection 27LA7 Q2208). Preservatlon of Docuuents. A11 ersral.nati,on papers shal1 be preserved by the ComnLsslon 25 for perlod of uot less thaa two'(2) years. 26 Public Eealth and Social Services sha1l record all llcensee 27 and any lirnLtatfons on the licensee tn hls pract.f.ce.tr 28 Sectioa L1. The Departaent of Sectfons 27108 thro'ugh 27LLs of the Governoent 29 Code (which are cod.ifLed as Sections L22Og through L22L6 of Title 30 10 of the 3L 32 Guam Code Annotated) are repealed. Seetloa L2, SectLon 27LL6 of the Govirnueot Code (rhlch ls codified aa Section L22L7 of Tltle 10 of the Guau Code Antotated) r3 +rE 'i:.,' .l a aa .a 1 is 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1,2 . 13 L4 15 16 LT 18 to read: f'secrion 27LL6 (LZZL7). Appllcations. Any person desl'rlng to practtce the healing art uader the Jurledlctloa of the comalssion shall apply to the commissioa, tn writiagr. for authority t,o do so. The application shaLl be in such form aad accoupanied by such evidence of the quallficatlons o the applicant as the Cornmisston requLres. Each applieatlon shall show whcther the appllcant seeks a license (1) oE the basl.s .of examl.natlon under Sections ZTirOZ (LZ2O3|, 27LO6 (L22A7) and 27LLg ILZZZOT of rhis Chaprer, (2) on rhe basts of years of pracrl,ce, under Secrtoa ZILLT (LIZLA) of rhls chapter, or .(3) on the basts of reciprocity, under $ection 271L8 (L22Lg) of this chaprer. Each applleatloa shall be aceompanied by a fee established by the coonlssioo. The couaission shaLl not refund to aB applicant for a licease, on the basl,s of examlaation, ary or all of the fe e pald by t-, amended tt Sec t ion 13. L9 codlfied 20 is' 2L 22 23 24. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 q hlm. as amended t! Sectlon 27118 of the Goverament Code (whleh 1s Sectlon L22Lg of TLtle 10 of rhe to read: "sectlou 27LLg (L22Lg). Persons licensed ersewhere. An appllcant rho desLres to obtal.n a llcense rlthout e=anlnation by vtrtue of a ltcense Lssued to htu by a state, terrl.tory, or other Jurlsdlction formlng a part of the onlted states shall submlt proof, satisfactory to the commlsElon, that he is not less than tlreuty-one (21) years of age eud ts of good uoral character; Ehat he was Llcensed to pr'ectlce the healing art La t.he. Jurisdiction wheace he coaes uuder conditions that would have enabled hia to obtaln a.liee.ase to practLce tbe heallng art fn Guarn under the provlsloas of thls chapter were lt then Lu force; thet he practlced the healing art uader authority of said lieease for not lecs 14 \t Guam Code Aanotared) than two (2) consecutive years lmmediatel-y preceding the date of his appllcation, and that he lntendsr lf licensed by the 1 2 4 couulsslon, to practiee ln Guam. llhen the commlssLon is satisfied as to the quallfications of the appllcaut ag 5 aforesal.d, the coumisslon shal1 lssue a llcense to practlce 6 correspondlng ln scope as nearly as practl.cable to the 3 I license Lssued to hln by the Jurisdlctlon whence he caue: Provtded, that an applicant who has beea exauined under 9 authorl.ty of the ComoissLoa aad who has falled, chall not 10 thereafter wtth another 11 jurisdictlon. rl L2 Secttou L4. Sectlon 27LL9 of the Government 7 be Llcensed by vlrtue 13 codlfied as Sectloo L222O of Title r.4 is amended to read: of reclproclty Code (whlch 10 of the Guan Code Annotated) "Section 27LLg (L222Ar. proof of qualiflcatloae. appllcant for a llcease to practlce the heallng art, to 15 L6 Ls Each be rfr L7 Lssued af ter examlnation, sha1l subml.r wl.th hls\lappllc,at ion 18 proof satisfactory :- r.9 to the Coumission that he {s not less than tweaty-one (21) years of 49€, that he ts of good moral 20 charaeter; that he has been graduated by a school acceptable 2L to the Conmisaloq wlth a degree or certlfieacl,on 22 branch of the healing art for whlch he is rnaklag appLicatlon 23 for llcensure ln Guau: Provlded further, 24 appll.cants 25 26 '27 . that thoae or licensure as doctors of medicl.oe, or doctors of osteopathy, Eust ia addLtLon 'to proof of thelr graduatLon f frou a school acceptabLe to the Commission, submlt further proof that they have had not less t,han one (1) year of 28 training 29 Section 15. la a hospital acceptable to the CoumlsBion." Section 27LZA of the Governuent Code (whlch 30 cod!.fled as Sectlon L2221 of Tttle 10 of the 31 ls repealed and reeaacted to read: 32 1n that Guam Code Anaotated) osection 27LLO (L222Lr. Revoearlon, euspenaior, or 15 Ls annulment of license. 2 The cornmission may revoke, suspend or annur lleense or certificate of reglstratf.oa of any lLceased 3 or registered practl.tloner 4 Jurlsdlqtioa 5 dlscipllne 6 tn accordance wlth the Adninistratlve 1 8 9 AdJudleatloa Law. The order a dlsmtssal of the charges. 10 L2 of the comml.ssLon or may reprimand or otherwlse such practLtioner after due notlce and hearl.ng, Attorney General, shal1 upon request, furnlsh 1egal assistance to the commlsslon. rf the practltLoner shall be found, aot gutLty of charges proffered against hrn, the commlseloo shall 7 11 of the heallng art under the , The iauses for whieh a license or certificate registratLon of nay be revoked, suspended, or annulled or for 13 whlch a practitioner L4 dtscipllned may be reprimanded or otherwlse are as f ol-lows: (a) 16 Convlctlon Lo a court .of competent Jurlsdtcllon, either within or wlthout Guau, of any crlme lnvolvlng uoral L7 turpltuder 15 18 or any idfarnous crtme or aly crime i$an" of hls professlon. 19 (b) 2Q conduct. 2L (c) 22 rmmoral, fraudulent, practlce dishonorabler or uoprofeselonal I11ega1, lncompetent or habituaLly negllgent conduct tn the practl.ce of heallog artri (d) 24 IIabltual lntemperance Ln the use of spil.rttuous stlmuLants or addLctlon to the use of morphl.ne, cocalna ,or 25 other habit-forolng 26 (e) AdvertLslng Ln conaection wlth the ptactlce of _ healing art which ls found by the board represeotlag the 23 27 28 29 30 31 32 drugs branch of the healing art ,practiced by the praetLtioner to be deceptlve, mLsLeadtou: extravagant, inprobable or untrue. (f) Atdlng or abettlng the unlawful practlce of aoy braach of the healing art. (g) Fal.lure to renelr a llcense or certlf lcate of -16 t: a 1 2 registration (h) Iasanity or serious mental ilLness of the 3 prac t it ioner 4 (i) 5 6 as regulred by law. Fraud or deception in obrainlng a Llcense or cert,ificate of registratl.on. The clerk of. aay court Ln the terrttory of Guam 19 whlch 8 a person practLclag any branch of the heallng art shall have been convLcted of aay crl.me as descrlbed Ln thls Sectlon ghall 9 Lnmediately af ter such convictlon, 7 transrul.t a wrLtten report 10 thereof, ln duplLcate, to the Commlssion, contalnlag the t1 nane and address of the practitioner, L2 lras convLcted, the date of convictf.on aad the braach of the 13 heallng art practlced by such practltloner L4 15 If the Judgoeqt agaiost any practLtloaer eonvicted |-n court as specified ln Item (a) of this Sectl.on shall be 16 subsequently reversed upoa appeal, the CommiesLon upoa L7 receipt of a eertifled 18 reversal, L9 to practlce as the ease may be.tt 20 $ection 16. Sectlon 27125 of the Government Code (whlch ls odified as Section 22 s repealed and reenacted to read: 24 2S 26 ,27 28 ?9 30 31 32 a copy of rhe Judgnenr or t-gAer of sha11 relssue the prope! license or cei'ttftcate 2L 23 the crtue of whlch he 12 226 .of Title 10 of the Guam Code Anaotated) "Section 27L25 (L2226r. Refusal ro certlfy; hearlng. The comml-ssloo may refuse to certlfy to any board for exauination any person for any cause that in the Judgnent of the coumission would, under the provlsl-ons of Sectiou 27LZO (LZZLL) of'thls Chapter authorize suspension or revocatlon of a license or reglstratlon, if Lssued or granted. Before the comnission refuses to certify for exaulnation any appllcant for any cause under the provislons of thls Sectlon, tt shall give that appllcant an opportunlty to be he.ard 1o eccordaacc with the provlslone of tbe Aduiaisrratlvc AdJudicatlou L8r.n L7 a'! I Section L7. Section 27L26 of the Government Code (whlch 2 codlfled as Sectl.oa L2227 of Title 3 is repealed and reenacted to read: 4 27L26 (12227). "section 10 of the Guan Code Anuotated) Exemptious. The provlslons 5 of this Chapter forbtdding the practlce of a heallng art. 6 wl.thout a license shall not apply (a) to Public Eealth 7 Servicer or to oedical or dental offLcers ln any other I I t0 Ls branch of the governmeut of ihe Unlted States whatsoever, Ln the diseharge of thel.r of f lclal practI.tloners dutles; nor (b) to of a heallng art duly Llceused to practlce EheLr res'pective calll.ngs ln states or terrltorles or T3 Ln Jurlsdictlons uader the eoat,rol of the governaent of the Unlted Statesr or ln foreign counErie.s, and actually called I4 from such states, territorles, l5 consu'!tatLon, to vlslt T6 I8 glve, deuonstrations or cLinLcs under the auspices and for ,} the meubers of aa.._grganlzation made up of ltcedked practi! tioners of a healLng art in Guam; nor (c) to practltioners T9 ll.censed to practice theLr respectLve calJ.Lngs in sttatest 24. and terrlto::ies, z7 of the llnLted States, or Lrr forelgn countrtes, and called 22 frou such states, territorles, 12 t7 Jurlsdlctions or eountriee, in speclf ied patiente ln Guamr o! to and ln other j urf sdLctl.ons f ormlag a part 24 JurisdietLonsr or countrtes to vlsftr or theLr 6wn behalf and oot in consultation, speclfiedd patients in Guam; nor (d) to medical medLcal temployees ?5 of Federal contractors Ln the dlscharge of thelr offlclal z6 dutles. 77 ai allowing any practltiotrer 28 29 thls Section to practlce ,in Guam other than in the d!.echarge of hts offlclal dutles unLess he be duly licensed Bo to 30 pract i,ce ln aceordance wlth the provlsions of thls Chapter 31 Sectlon 18. 23 32 No proviston of thi.s Section sha1l be Lnterpreted of a healing art descrlbcd tn . rr Sectlon 27L27 of the Governmect Code (whteh ls codifLed as SectLon L222g of Tltle IO of the Guam Code Aanotated) :18 '':?-li : ' ,,:r' t. tl' I ? 3 s lepealed and reeoacEed to read: "sectlon 27L27 (L2229). Same. The provlsioos of ttris Chapter shall not be construed to aPPly to (a) tbe treatmeot of atly case of actual emergency lf slthout charge or compensatiotr; or (b) to the practice of dleCetlcE ol the 4 5 6 7 I I . of dlsease or to use of hyglenic ueaaures, for the re}tef practlce of x-ray or Laboratory techn!.clans under the dlrectlon of a person llcensed to practlce a heal'lag art la Guam; or (c) to persons treating hUman aLlueatc by Prayer or 1l splrituaL rneaas as an exercise or enJoyment of rell'glous freedom as long as laws relating to communtcable diseases 12 aud santtary matters are trot vi.olated.f' l3 Sectlon 19. l0 l4 l5 l5 - Section 27L28 of the Government Code (rhlch is Secrlon 12229 of Title 10 of the Guam Code Annotated) codi.f ted 1" is amended to read: l'Seetl.on, 27L28 (L222g). Payment of f eesr etc' All {t 17 money payable under the provl.slons of thls Chan$]r shal1 l8 be pald over ro the Depirtpent of Adniolstratror.?'rot' l9 deposf,E fn the General Fund." 20 2l 22 23 24. ?5 26 '?7 28 Section 20. Sectl.oa 27LZg of the Goveroment Code (shich Ls codlfied as.secrloa L223O of Title 10 of ttre.Guam Code Anootated) is repealed and reenacted to read: "sectlon 27129 (12230). Penalty. (a) Any Persoo who shall practice a heallng art in any of lts braaches ' or shall treat human ailments by' any systeu'whatgoever ' wtthout a val-id existlng ltcense or exeoption frou lLcenaure un-der the provi.stons of this Chapter, shall. be gutlty mtsdeoeanor upon conviction for the first of a offense aud a 30 felony -for secoad and subsequent offenses. (b) The speciftc sEatutory provislons tnposlng crl.minal 3l sancttons f or ualasful practLceg of nurel'ug, deutlaatlr, 32 optopetr3y and pharaacy shaLl aPPly to persona praetiC,iag 29 19 ara 1 2 3 4 ) 6 one of those professlons unlawfully." Section 2L- Chapter III of Tttle XXVIII of the Government code (whtch r.s codified as Article 3 of chaprer Lz of Trrle 10 of the Guam Code AnnoEated) is repealed and a new Artlcle 3 I's added to chapter L2 of Tltle read: 'IARTICLE 7 I 9 10 11 L2 L3 L4 15 16 L7 18 L9 20 2L 22 23 24. 25 26 27 28 29 10 of the Guam code Annotated to 3 Nurse Practlce Act Sectlon 12300. Shorr Tl.r1e. This Arttcle be cl.ted as the tNurse practlee Act r . nay Secttoo 12301. Board of Nurse Exanlners; estabtl.shnent. There i.s wlthln the governPent of Guau the rBoard of Nurse ExamLnerst (referred to as the tBoardr in thls Art1ele.) Sectloa L2302. Board Cornpositton. (a) The Bosrd shall be coupoeed of seven (7, members appoiated by the Governor. The term of office of menbers of the Board, \ shaLl be three (3) years. No member sha1l than ".rrrSomore Llto (2) consecut!.ve terns . A11 uembers shalr ""1rr., ra addltion to thelr regular term, untll thelr successors are appol.nted and quallfled. (b) The term of each meuber shall commence on Jur.y L , folJ-owing hls appolnrment and the terns of the members shall be rotated so that no uore than three (3) rnembere r termg shall expLre each year. The present members of the goard shall serve as members of this Board untll the explration of their respectlve terms or untl.1 thelr suc.cessors are appolnted and qualifled (c) Any vacancy La the membershl.p of the Board eha1l be fiLLed for rhe period of the unexpLred tern in tFe sa'e 30 manner as was the orlglnal appolntnent. 31 Sectlon 12303. Quallflcatlon of Meubere. (a) The members of the Board shall lnclude five (5) reglstercd nurser, 32 20 tl L z one (1) practical nurse and one (1) public member. Of the five (5) registered nurses, representation sha11 be balaaced 4 so that there w111 always be one (1) member froo e school of nurstng, one (1) member from pubLic health nurslag, and 5 one (1) rnember from hospltal nurslng. Any vacancy ia tbe 6 membership of the Board shall be filled for the per:lod of 7 the unexplred term ln the same manner as. lras the orlginal I appoi.ntmeot. 3 (b) 9 ., The Board shalL solleLt . a 1lst of quallfled IO candidates from the 1ocal health agencles and nursl,ng 1L organlzatlous and submit to the Governor the llst L7 Appointmente of trurslng members shall be oade frou thla 13 11st. obtatned. Sectl.oa L2304. ReuovaL'of a Board Member. The Governor L4 15 may.renove any meaber from the Board for cause {ncluding, T6, not liu.lted L7 tenee, urrprofesslonal eonduct, or wi]-1fu1 mlscoiduct. 18 member subJect to disclpliuary r,9 hLnself from Board business untLl the charge(s) are adJudl- zo cated LL but to, neglect of any duty requlred by law, lncompe- t A proceedings st"ttldlsqualtfy Sectioa 12305. Board Compensatlon. Each meubet of the z2 Board shall be compensated la the same eaaaer aa are other 23 meubers of boards aad commissioas of the government of Guau. L4 z6 Sectloa 12306. Additional QuaLlflcatioas of, Board Members. (a) Each member of the Board shall be a cttizen or permanent res{deat of the united states and be e resldent of 27 the terrLtory z8 precedlng appointment. z5 29 (b) of Guam for at least two (2) years'lmuedlately Each nurse nember of the Board shall be a. current 30 holder of a valid 3t nurse or a Ll.cessed practical 32 engaged ln the practlce of nurslag for five Guam lleense to practlce as a regt.stered 2L nurse and have becn acttvely (5) yearg I 2 3 4 imnediately precedlng appointment. Four (4) nembers shaLl requlred to have a minlmum of a baccalaureate degree ln nursing. . (c) The publlc member of the Board shall be a persoo 5 who ls not llcensed as a health care provlder; 5 parent, epouse, sibllngr 7 Llcensed as a heaLth care provLder, and ls trot a student I 9 10 ls not oE child of any llvlag a person ln a health educaElonal prograo; does aot have a dlrect or Lndlrect fiaanclal lntereet Ln health care servLceei is not L2 a uember or employee of any board of control of aay public or prf.vate health care organlzation; and has at least a hlgh school diploma or its equivalent. 13 Section L23O7. Powers and Dutles of tbe Board. tL (a) The L4 Board sha1l meet annually ia the month of January.and shalL I5 elect a chairpersoo, a vice-chairpersoa and other offlcers deteralned in Lts rules. The Board uay hold such other 1,6 be a8 .! L7 Deetlngs during the year as may be necesaary orleerreble 18 eooduet lts business. 19 eludl.ng one (1) of f tcer, shall constitute (b.) The Board may: 20 to Four (4) meubers of the Board, tca quorum. (1) 22 adopt and, from tlme to tlme, revLee such rules aad regulatlons as may be oecessary to carry out the z3 provisioas of thls Artlcle, 24. AdalnLstrative AdJudicatlon Law aad wlth the approval of the Courmlssion; 2L 25 26 '27 (2) ln compliance wlth the prescribe standards for and pertodically 28 evaluate basie nursl.ag edueatlon proprams for eatry into practice.and approve such programs that Eeet the 29 requlrements of this chapter and the Boardte rules 30 regulat lons ; 31 32 (3) aad deuy or wlthdraw approval of baslc aurelog edueatLon prograaE for entry into practlee 22 .tbet do aot ta I 2 3 4 meet the prescribed standards, provlded that recomraeadation of withdrawal of approval sharl be effected oal.y after a hearlng in accordance wlth chapter rr of the AdninistratLve Adjudtcatlon Law; (4) 5 act as an evaluating and approv.log (or disapproving) body for nursing educatLon prograos 7 located ln the Trust.Territory 5 I 9 10 11 L2 13 14 L5 of the pacific relands, the commonwealth of the Northera MarLana rslaadsr or any jurlsdictlon arislng from the Trust Territory of the Pacific rslaads, upon reguest of the approprl.ate governl.ng body; provlded, that all expenses of the evaLuatloa and approvalr or disapproval, shall be patd by the reguestirrg Jurlsdlctloa; (S) glve the Natlonal srate Board Test pool Examlnatlon accordlng to the rules formulated by the L7 National Gouncll of stat.e Boards of Nurslng or Lts desl.gnated testing servlce and the Guau go$a of 18 Nurs 16 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 27 s ing; (6) accept ln payment of any fee requlred by thrs Chapter, cash or any customary or generally aecepted equivalent nedlum of exchange including eheek, cashle!rs check, certlfied check or Eoney order; provlded, an"a,o, fee shalL be delned paid unless cash has begn recelved or the other uedlum of exchange converted, to cash t (7) deny a license ro uaqualified applicaots; (8) license aad renelr ll.censes of duly qualif led applicanrs; (9) 31 prescribe t.he mauner Ln which specialiats and other nurses deslrlng to restrict thelr practlce to a partleular area of nurslng aonounce their practlces to the publtc and shall LsEue cerriftcates ideatl.fylng 32 the nurse and hls speeLalty; 28 29 30 23 t't. (lolenforceestabllshedcriterlatovalidate 1 2 3 4 compet,eaee to conti-nue or re-enter PractLce; (11)coaducthearl'ngsuPonehargescalllrrgfot dLscipline of a llcensee as provided Ln sectioo L2324 7 of thls ChaPter i (lZlhavethePortertoissuesubpoenasrEadcompel the attendance of wttnesses, and admlnlstet oaths to 8 persons giving testiuony, 5 6 9 10 1,1 L2 13 L4 15 15 t7 18 19 20 2L 22 z3 ?4 25 I 26 and may enforce compll'aoce upoo appli.catLoa to the SuperLor Court i ' (13) have a seal and nodifY tt; ln January of each year, subult an aanual report to the comuieslon, the Governor and the Leglslature oa the actlvtties of the Board over the Past (14) . fLscal Year;, (15) ualntata records as required by Guan 1aw; (fO1 appolnt advisory eomml'ttees to asslst thc .a lfcubers Board lu the lmplenentation of thls Artfcfi. I f the advlsory coamittees sha11 not be coaPeaaated;. conduct publl'c hearings, irrvestigations, and studles of nurslng practice, nurslng edueatlou, aad related uatters and prePare and lssue such publlcattons as Ln ib. Judgoent of tbe Board will allor tha aursl'ng profession to provl-de safe and effectLve uurelag (17) servlees to the Pub1lc; and (18) through the Conblssioa, establl'eh'by regulation the quallfLcatlons for ll-censure wtthout 28 examination (by endorsement) of euch Persqts rhO are llcensed ia other states or Jurisdlctlona and nho aeet 29 rhe provlsLoas of sectLons 12311 and 12315 of thLs 30 ChaPter. 27 I L I 3L 32 'fhe Board shall eouply vith the regul.reaeots of the Open Governnent Law (Fublie Law 13-35, 8s aneadedl but (c) 24 ,,ii 1 when the Board is preparing examinations, grading examlna- 2 tions, 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 L0 IT L2 13 14 15 16 L7' L8, 19 20 2L 22 23 Zt+ 25 26 27' 28 29 30 31 32 discussing the eliglblLity of a persoo to be licensed or revlewlng evldence obtaLned at a hearlng for dlsctplioary action the Board shall meet in executr.ve sesslon aad may exclude the prebs and members of the publie Section 12308. Fees for Ll.censirgl etc. The Board shall establish aod collect fees from every appricant for the servlces it perforns. The fees shall be establiehed through rules aad regulatlons of the Board section'12309. The commlsslon, wlth the advlce aad cotraent oi the Boardr Eay enpl0y and assi.gn to the Board sueh consultlve and technlcal personnel as Bay be necesaery or desirable for the proper func.ttonlng of the Board and the adnlalstratloa of thrs Article. The couur.selon may aser.gn to the' Board such adniniEtratlve, clerlcal aad other enployees as may be oecessary or desirable for the proper_funetlonr.ng of the Eoard and adptnrsrratton of thrs Arti"r"$ F sectlon r-2310. Qualtflcations of a Reglstered Nurse. (a) Aa applicant for a lr.cense as a regr.scered aurse shall submit to the Boerd wrltten, verified, evidence that thc applicant Le a graduate of an approved nurslag educatlon program that is authorlzed to prepare a person for lleeusure as a reglstered nursi (b) No haodicapped candldate, aa deflned 1n federal or Guam law, otherwr.se qualrfied sharr be deprlved of the opportuaity to take the state Board Test pool Exanlnatton solely by reason of that handlcap, such a caadr.date r.s requested to subnlt a conpleted appllcattoo at least one hundred tueuty-frve (125) days tn advance of the seheduled examinatLoa date to facllitate the neceasary modl,flcatloa of the testLng servlee; provl.ded, however, that lf sueh caodidate does not conplete the appllcatr,on by the prescrrbed 25 tlaa ft 1 2 3 4 5 tlme, the Board shaLl be required to make only those nodificatlons to the testing service as tlme permlts. section 123L1. Llcensure of Reglstered Nurses. (a) By Examinatlon. (1) The applicant shall be requlred to pass a. written examinatLon ln such eubjects as the Board uay determi.ne. Each wrlttea examinatlon may be supplemented by eo oral or a piactLcal examinatlon. The etandarda used by the Board Ln requlrlng an oral or practicat .. examf.na?lon shall be specif ied in its rules and regulations before such oral or practical examinatlon may be requl.red. The Board may use any part or sll of tbe state Board rest pool Examlnation for Registered Iiurse Ll.censure, Lts successor exam{.nat1on, or any 6 7 I 9 t0 1I L2 13 L4 ' o.ther natioaally ataudard lzed. examLnation identlf led by the Board la its rules. 15 16 (2) The.loard shall esrabllsh ia lts\rutes the requLrenents for relrritlng the exaninatloo.? (b) By Eadorsement. The Board may issue a llcgnse Eo L7 18 19 2A pract'l.ce as a reglstered nurse wlthout exauLaaEion to 2L applleaut who has.been duly llceused as a reglstered aurae ln aoother state, terrltory or Jurisdlctlon under the cootroi or adnl.uLstration of' the united states or the DlstrLct of coluabia, lf , Lo the oplaion of the Board, the appll.cant meets the quallflcatlons required of reglstered nurses la 22 23 24 25 26 Guam. 27 ' 28 z9 30 31 32 an (c) Nurees Regr.stered under prior Law. Any pereon holding a llcease to practlee as a registered nurse on Guam that Ls valid on the effectl.ve date of thls Artlcle shall be deeaed to be ll.ceosed as a re.glstered nurse under the provlsfons of thts Artrcle and sha1l be eligtble for renewel of sueh ll.cense under the coadltions and atandarde 26 r't I pfescribed in Section L23L7 of this Chapter. Section 123L2. Nurses Tltles 2 and Abbreviatlons. Aoy 3 person who holds a lLcense or temporary llcense as a regls- 4 tered nurse La.Guau shalL have the right to use Ehe tLtle 8 'Reglstered Nursef and the abbreviatLon 'R.N.r. 0n1y such persona authorlzed a temporary work permlt uader Subsectloas (a) aud (b) of Sectl-ou L2322 of thLs Chapter shal1 use the ' tltLe, rGraduate Nurser and the abbrevl.atLon 'G.N.'. l{o 9 other person sha!.l asaume sueh tltlesr 5 6 7 oE gse such abbre- l0 viations tI, that the person ustag the nane ts a reglstered ourse. of any words, letters, slgnsr or devlces to Lndl.eate No l4 other person shal,L use the tl,tles and abbrevlatLong rGraduate Nurset or tG.N. t, rProf essioaal NurBet, tP.N. t, tTral.aed Nursgt, tT.N.t, oq sueh other titLes or abbrevlatlons that l5 could represent to the publlc that the persoo i" authorl.zed 15 to practice professLoaal nurslng Ln 12 l3 Guam. 17 Sectlon L2313. NurBe Practltl.onerg and U.r}ge lltdtl.ves. l8 (.a) The Legl,slature f lnds that varl6us and-coaf llctlng *, 19 definftf,ons of the aurse practLtioner 2A Legislature also fiada that the publlc ts harmed by confllct- 21 lng usage of the tttle 22 correspoadence between use of the tttle and qual.fflcattoas ?3 the regts.tered iurse using thls tttle. Theref ore, the z4 25 Leglslature ftnds the publtc Laterest served by deterutaatl.on of the LegltLnate use of the tl,tle tnurse practltloaerI and 26 t 27 28 (U1 No .peraoa shall advertlse or hotd hluself out as tnurse practitlonerr or tnurse nldwtfet who tg trot a aurse 29 Llcens'ed under thts Anticl-e and does. D.ot, ln addltlon, 30 the standards for a nurse practltioner 3l establtshed by the Board and hold a certl.flcate issued by the Board. 32 nurse .ml.dwf f e of'nurse are belng craated. practltionert The and Laek af of, t by registered nurses. 27 .- or nurse nldwi.fe a meet as to that ef,fect l . tlta I z 3 a t' (c) The Board shalL establish categorles of nurse, PTaetitioners and nurse midwlves and standards for ourses to hold themselves out as nurse practltioners, nurse anesthetlsts 4 and nurse mldwives ln each category. 5 take iato account the types of advanced, levels of nursl.ag practice whLch are or may be perforrned and the cllalcal and didactic education, experience, or both needed to practlee 6 7 such standards sha1l safely at those levels. In settl.ng such standards, the Board shaLl consuLt wlth nurse practitLoners, physLclans aacl 10 suigeons wltti expertise in the nurse practitLoner fleld, and rr, health care organizations utiLLzing nurse practlEloners. rf L2 the Board sets standards for use of nurse practltloner I3 nurse oldwife tltles I4 cally affillated t5 staadards for regLstered nurses who have not compreted such a Program 8 I r,6. L7 t8 19 ?Q zt 2.2 z3 z4 (d) and which include completlon of an acadeuiprogram, it shall provlde equlvalent Nothing i..a this Secrion i,in"ff be "oo"Eou.a t ro 1lntt the current scope of practice of a registered aurse authorized pursuant to this ArtLcle sectlon L23r4. Qualificatl.oos for practlcal Nurses. (a) An applicant. f or a llcense to practi.ce as a ll.censed praetlcal nurse shall submit to the Board a wrltten, verlfld, evl.dence that the appllcant (1) Is a graduate of an approved practtcaL oursl.ng z5 Program; 26 (2) Has suceessfully completed couraes of study la an approved professioual nursing edueation progran, lncluding experienee,in uredlcal, surgical, obstetrlcs and. pedlatrlc nursing; or (3) Has served on active dury in the riltt"ry 27 z8 2.9 30 31, 32 corps of any of the armed forces, Ln whl.ch no trees than an aggregate of twelve (121 months was spent lo readerlng 28 2 patlent care, and !f,ho has completed the basle course of instructlon in the hospltal corps school requlred by 3 his partlcular 4 service in the armed forces has been under honorable 5 condltLons. I branch of the arned forces, and those This persoo Eay submlt the record of cuch tral.nlng to the Board for evaLuation. (b) If a persou ueets the necessary quallf,icatlons 6 7 of I this Sectl.on, he shall be graated a lLcease upon pesslng the. 9 standardlzed exaalnatLon for such a licensure. 10 The quallfl- cations are: t2 (1) That he has conpLeted such general prelfunl.nary educatlon requtrements as shall be determined by the L3 Board t 11 . L4 15 I6 L7 (2> That he has coomltted ao act, shl.cb, tf comultted by a lleensee, would be grounds for dlselpllnary action; and r (3) That hls educarLoa aod experieac&woulA give '? 19 reasonable assurance of competence to practice a8 liceased praetlcal nurse ln Guam. 2A (c) 1.8 2L z2 The Board sha11, by regularion, e €stablish crLterta for evaluating the edncatl.oo and experience for apgliecate under thls Section. (d) z3 or No handlcapped candidater 4s defiued in the faderal laws, otherwLse quallfted 25 shall be deprived of the opportunity to take the state Boird rest pool. Examlnatl,on z6 solely by reason of that handlcap. 2V 28 requested to submit a completed appLication at 16ast oDe hundred tveaty-flve (125) days tn advance of the scheduled z9 examiaation date to facllltate 30 3I the testLng servlee; provided, however, that tf euch easdldate does rot coupLete the appllcatloa by the prescrl.bed tlme, 3Z the Board shall be required to uake oaly rhose nodiflcatlons 24 Guam 29 Such a candidate Ls the necessary uodtfl.catioa of 1 to the testing servi.ce as time permits. , 3 4 5 (e) The Board shall naintain records of the followlng eategories of appllcants uader this Sectlon: (1) Appllcants who are reJected for exaulnation, and the areas of such applicants I preparatlon which' are causes of reJection. 6 (2) 7 Applicanrs who are qualtfied ro take the I exaul-natLon by thelr nl1ltary 9 a1one, and the results of thelr examlnatlons. (3) ApglLcants who are quallfled to take the 10 educatl.on and experlence TZ examinatioo by thelr nl1l.rary educatLon and experience plus supplerneatary educatiou, and the results of their 13 examinations. t4 Sectioa 12315. Licensure of practical Nurses. 15 (a 11 16 ) . By Exaul.nat lon . (1) The applleaot shall be requlred *ro pass a r.' lrritten exaulnatioa in such subJects as ah*Board uay * determlne. Each lrrlcten examlnatlon aay be supglemented T7 18 1.9 . by an oral or a practical examinatlon or both. The 70 Board mey use any part or all of Ehe State Board Test zl Pool ExaalnatLon for Practlcal 7Z succegsor examl-natlon, or any other natioaally z3 standardlzed examlnation ldenttfted z4 rules. z5 Board in Lts rules. ' The Board shall establish in Lrs rulee the 27 requireuents for relrriting z8 (b) z9 by the Board Ln lts The passiug score shaI1 be establlshed by the (2) z6 Nurse Licendure, its the examlnatlon. By Endorsement. The Board Eay tssue a lleeaee to practlce as a lLcensed practLcaL aurse wlthout exanhation 51 to any appllcaat who has been duly llcensed as a lLceased practical/vocatl.onal nurse uader the Laws of another Etate, 32 territoryr 30 or jurlsdlctloo control,Led or adnLn{stered by the 30 f- 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 united states, or the District of columbiar lf in the oplnion of the Board, the appllcant meets the requlrements for l-icensed pract ical nurses in Guam. (c) Practical Nurses Llcensed under prlor Law. Any person holding a llc.ense or certlficate of registratloD to practLce as a llcbnsed practlcal nurse, prevlously lseued under Guau law, whlch Ls valid on the effective date of thts ArtLcle, shall be. deemed to be liceased as a practical nurse under the provisions of thls ArtLcle. sectlon L23L6. Titles and Abbrevlatlons. Aay person 11 who holds a llceuse or tenporary License to practlce t2, llcensed practlcal nurse in Guan shall have the rlght to u6e the tltle tLi.censed practlcaL Nurser and the abbreviatloa 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 z0 ZL ?2 as a rL.P.N.I - uaLess authorlzed .a temporary. work peru{t under Subsectlons (a) ald (b) of Seerl.on LZ3ZZ of this Chaprer, no person shall assume such tLtle or uae such abbtevlatlon or any other words, letters, signs or devlces t,o indLcate that the person using r${ ""r" is aurhorr.zed ro nrr"h,.. as .a practical nurse ln Guan section L23L7 . Renewar. of ticense. (a) fhe. liceus.es sball be renewed issued uader the provlsions of this Article biennially. The Board shar.1 maLl ao applicatlon for rerewal. 2S of lLeense to every currest licensee. the rnailing'addrese shalL be the address.indicated Ln the applicatloh, or his previoue reaewal applicatl.on., unless the Board 1e notlfled z6 otherwise. 23 24 27 28 z9 30 31 32 such appLicatloa shal1 be returned to the Board aecompanied by the required fee. (b) Any licensee who al1owe hls llcense to lapee may be reinstated by neeting such requlrements as the Board may prescribe Ln lts rules. (c) Any persoo practieing nurslag durLng the tlue that hts llcease has lapsed shalr be coasidered as an tllegal 31 .l al' ," 1 z J 4 practitioner and sha1l be subjected to the penalttes provlded for vlolations as the Board may prescribe ln its ru1es. Section 12318. Inactlve Status. A nurse who doeg not engage ln nurslng 1a Guam during t.h. succeedlog year shall 16 not be required to pay the renewal fee as long as he reualag tnactive. ShouLd he wlsh to resume nurstng at soue future tlme, he shaLl so notify the Board and becoue relnstated by meetiag such requirements as the Board Day prescribe ln tts rules. The Board shall establlsh crlteria f or the resumption of practLce after flve (5) years of Lnactlvtty. Section 12319. Dlsposltion of Fees. (a) A11 fecs received by the Board under thls Article, except such amouats as are paid through the Board for examlnations taken by appl.lcations and whlch must be transnLtted to a testLag' service, shal1 be deposlted ln the General Fund. (b) A11 funds that heve accumuLated to the credlt of L7 the Board under the provlsions of Chapter III 18 of the Government Code, whlch law ls repealed tyE'ttrts Act, 19 shalL be turned over to the General Fund. za Sectlon L232O. Approprlatlons. 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 14 15 i i ;S. Tltle XXVIII Operatloas of the Board zt and the implemeotatl.on of this ArticLe shall be fuoded by 22 annual appropriatioa ?s to the Commlssioa. Sectlon L232L. Schools of Nurslog. (a) The Board shal 24 prepare and raintaln zs professlonal and practl.cal nurses vhose graduates gha11 be ?6 e1iglble for lLcensing under thLs Artlcle 27 nurses or licensed practlcal ?8 quallflcations a list of approved schools for botb as reglstered nurses if they meet'the other set forth ln this Artlcle. (b) 31 An approved school of nursing Ls one which has been approved by the Board as ueetlng uinimum gtandardg and rDeflaed regulatlo!sr eha11 eriterl.a defioed by regulatlon. 32 Lnclude ml-aimum length of academlc progteD, required subJecta z9 30 32 '"";r "' ....t,... ' ra't basic reguirements for c1lnical 1 of instruction, ? minimum preparatlon of faculty 3 and such other crlteria 4 basic preparatory programs for both licensed practleal 5 nurses and registered nurses. (c) 6 An institutLon practl.ce, and faculty-student rat1o, as are recognLzed as standard for deslrlng to conduct a basle program 7 for the preparatl.on of registered nurses or practlcal 8 or an educatlonal aad trainlng 9 nursing oo Guam, shall apply to the Board for accredLtation 10 and submlt satisfactory (1) 11 program for advanced reglstered proof that: lt ls prepared to carry out the currlculuu L2 presented by the Board through lts rules 13 regul.ations; L4 (2, , nuraes aad and Lt'Ls prepared to neet such other standards 15 as sha1l be established by law and by the Board. 16 (d) L7 It sball be the duty of .the Boardr th.rough the {i use of quaLifled consultants not associated wlt{the Board t8 or 1ocal nurslng programlr, to periodically 19 programs in Guam. Written reports of such sutvey shall z0 be subultted to the Board and lf, ZL Board, the'requlreaents z2 the program shal1 be glven coutinued approval. ?3 Board shall determiae that an approved progran no loager 24. Eeets mlniuum staudards aa requlred by regulatLoa, nottc€ zs shal1 be subnitted to the program speclfyLng the ereag 26 of non-coap1laace. A prograu that fails z7 of non-compLiaace wlthl.n the tLme deslgnated by ifre Board survey approved Ln the oplnloo of the for aD approved prograu are uet, If tha to correct areas z9 Ln lts rules aod re.gulatloas sha11 be dl.sconttnued aa an approved program; provlded, that such actl.oa shall be taken 30 only after a hearlng before the Board La accordance wlth 31 the provisions of Chapter II of the Adnlnlsrratlve 3Z AdJ ud I 28 cat ion Lalr. 33 I (e) Any nurslng education program in Guam that is 2 recogni.zed as an approved program by the Board on the 3 effective 4 approved educatlonal prograu for the purposes of this 5 Artl.cle. 6 (f) date of this Article shall be deemed to be Any nurslng education program outslde of an Guarn for the purpose of this Sectton, be deeued to 7 shall, I an approved nurslng educatloa prograa lf that progran 9 meets the regulrements for approval established pursuant be 10 to thls Section and tf such ls recognLzed as a state-approved 11 program by the approprLate state or natlonal llcenslng L2 authorlty 13 Ln the state or Jurlsdlctlon educatl.on program 1s located La wh{ch.the nurslng SectLon L2322, Teuporary Ll,censes. 14 (a) Upoa payuent of the requlred fee, aad after verl.fylag 15 appllcatlon, 16 the appLicautIs offLcLal transcrlpt, T7 the Board Fay tssue, $ a teaporary peruit to a graduate of an approved U. S. or 18 Guam 19 professional nurslng education prograu or approvcd U. S. or Guam practical nu?slng educatlon progran, pendlag the z0 results of the first ZL graduatloa; euch praett.ee may be carrted out oaly uoder 7,2 the dlrect supervisloa of a reglstered nurse. ?3 2425 Llcensing examinatlon followlng appllcant shall. be authorlzed to use the title nurser. Such a permlt .ls aot renewable. (b) To protect the publLc, the Board shall adopt such z6 regulatlons as arb aecessary to ltnlt 27 issued temporary li.censes. 28 Only such an of a fgraduate the practice of persons ' Sectlon L2323.. Iavesttgatory Powers of the Board. 29 The Board or Lts authorlzed representatlves 30 the power to lovestigate 51 alLeged vlolatlone 32 the rules and regulatlons of the Board. shaLl hsve and gather evldence conccrnLag of the provlslons of rhls Artlcle 34 or of 1 polrer to revoke, suspend, or refuse to renew any license, 3 or to place on probation or discipllne 4 specif led i.n thLs Sectlon a licensee, or to deny the 5 application 6 a Person: ln any manner for a license uPon proof to the Board that such 16 (1) Ilas comrnltted fraud or decelt 1o securiag or attemptiog to secure such license3 (2) f,as been convlcted of a felony or 4 crlue invoJ.ving moral turpitude or has had accepted by a court a plea of gglg contendere to a felony or a crlne Lnvolviog moral turpltude. A true copy of the judgaeat of the'court of competent JurLsdlctlon (lu whatever fora is gsual for such coples in the jurlsdLcEl.oa from which the record eomes) shall be Lrima fae!.e evLdeace of such convictlon. tn considerlng TT the possl.ble dLsciplinary 18 be governed by determlnatla that sueh llceneee 19 Lncompetent or uasafe to continue the practlce of, LO nursing or tbe practlce of prectlcaL nursl'ngi I I 10 I1 IZ 13 14 t5 7T (3) manner Lncoasistent sith z3 person under hl.e care; (4) s action, the Boardlshall or wlllfully Eas aegllgeatly zz z4 Ln any JurLsdl,ctlon where licensed; (5) Eae violated any plovision z9 a Precttce aa a regLstcred nutse suspended or revoked .2.6 (6) acted la Bas had a license.to nurse or licensed practlcal z8 l.e the health or safety of the zs 77 Eas negllgently or wi11fully nurslng ln a nanner that falls of this Arttcle; practlced to &eet generaliy 3t accepted standards of such nursing Practlce; (7) Eas aegligeatly ot wtllfully vLolated any 57, order, rule or regulatloa of the Board Pertalolng to 50 35 .5; The Board has the 2 7 l'- (a) Sectlon L2324. DiscipLine. t ta rl tttr I nursing practice or licensure; (8) .Eas falstfled o!, in a repeatedly neglr.gent manDer, uade lncorrect entrles or falled to make z 3 essentLal entrles on essentl.al patlent record.e i (9) rs addicted or dependent on alcohol or other habit-foruiag drugs or is a habitual user of narcottcs, :4 5 i 6 i7 barbituates, auphetauines, hal-lucinogens or other drugs having similar ef f ects; i* lg (10) 1I. (1f1 Eas engaged in other conduct, whether of the sarne or of a.dlfferent charaiter from that speclfled . I5 15 ln thLs seetion, that vould cotrstitute a crlme under the Laws of Guau aud that relates to such pergon'rs I6, employmeot as a reglster'ed nurse or lLcene6d practleal LT nurge . I4 $" .-/ t (12) Eagages ln unprofesslonal coaduct of a charaeter ltkely to deceive, defraud or harn the . pub1lc; or (L3) Eagages lu atry other uoprofesslonar coaduct IS 19 7n ev ZT z5 as ldenttfted by the Board in its rules. (b) when the Board flnds auy person unqualifled because of any grounds set forth in thts sectlon, it may enter an order imposlng one or more of the penaltles that folLow. rt z6 may: zz z3 z4 31 (1) Deny hLs applicatlon for a license or other authorlzation to practlce 'professloaal nurelng or practical nurslngl (2, Adulnlster a public or prlvate reprleand; (3) suspend, linlt or restrLct hls lieense or other 3Z authorlzatlon to practlce professioaal nursLag or 27 z8 zg 30 ,' thar renders hftn unable to perform nurslng servlce or dutles wlth reasonable skill or safety to the patleat; 10 1'Z. Eas a physlcal or menral dtEabiltry 36 I 1 2 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11, L2 13 14 15 . practlcal nursing for up to five (5) years, includlng linlting the practice of such person to, by exelusion of, one or more specl.fied branches of' nurstng lncludl.ng llnLtatl.on of practl.ce pr{.vileges; (4) Revoke his license or other authorlzation to practlce professional or practlcal nursiog; (5) Requlre him to subnlt to care, counselltng or treatueut by persons approved or deelgaated by the Board r 8s a condltlon f or inl.tia1, contl.nued r of, renewed llcensure or other authorl.zatlon to practlce profesEtoaal nursLng or practlcal nurslog; (6) Requi.re hlm to partlcl.pate tn a prograo of educatioa preserlbed by the Board; or (7) Requlre hlo to practLce under the supervtsl,oo , of a registered nurse deslgnated by the Board for a 16 speclfled perlod of tire. L7 Sectioa L2325. DlscipLinary Procedure. t t. f[.e Board * 18 eannot revoke, suspend or refuse to renelr a[Jr lLeelee, 19 or pLaee oo. probatlon or dl.Eelpllne a liceneee Ln any za manner speclfled la Sectl.on L2324 of thle Chapterr of, ZL deny an appllcant a Ll.cense on the basis that the 22 applicaat does not possess the quallflcations requtred I 27 by this Artlcle or that probabLe cause exlste to believe that ao applicaat has dooe any of the acts Bet fogth Ln Section L2324 of thls Chaprer wirhout flrst holdlng a hearing pursuant to the provisions and procedures set forth in Chapter If of the Adninistratlve AdJud{catlon 28 Law. 23 24 zs z6 . 29 30 31 32 Section L2326. Immunlty of Persons Maklug Reporte. Any uember of the Eoard or professloaal review coualttee authorlzed by the Soard and any witness appearlag befcre the Board, a hearlng officerr or such a professlonal - 37 ;'i--,.i I 1 2 3 revie'lr commit,tee shal1 be immune f rom suit ln any clvll action taken by a ll-censee who ls a subject of a professlonal review proceeding. 7 Sectlon L2327. Unlawful Acts. It ls unlawfuL for any person, lncludlng a corporation, associatloa or l.ndlvidual, to: (a) Sell or fraudulently obtaLa or furnish auy I nursLng dlplona, license, or renewal of llcense or reeord, 4 5 6 9 10 I1 T2 13 14 15 16 L7 18 L9 z0 ZL z?, z3 z4' z5 z6 27 28 29 30 31 3Z or aid or abet thereln; (b) PractLce nursing as defined by thls Chapter under cover of any diplona, lf.cense or reaewal of llcense or recordobtained111ega11yorfrauduI.ent1yorstgaedor issued unlawfully or under fraudulent representatloa; , (c) Practlee or offer to practlce nursLng as defined by thls Chapter unless duly lf,eensed under the provtslong of thls ArtlcLe t (d) t Use any dde{guatlon by which a nersorf represetrrs to the publle that he ls a regl.stered ourEe or llceaged ptactlcal nurse. unle'ss duly llceosed under the provleiona of this Artlele (e) Practice nurelng during the tlme the ltcenee issued under the provlsioas of thls Artlcle suspeusLon or revoeatloa (f) ls under t Conduet a aursing educatloo program unless the program has beea approved by the Board; (g) Koowlngly enploy unllceosed personB to practlce aursing or practlcaL nursiog; or (h) Aid or 4bet any persoa ia vlolatlng any prcvlsLon of thLs Article. Sectloa 12328. Penaltles. (a) person rho -Any vlolates the provlsl.ons of Sectl.on L2327 of thls Chapter ls guilty of a nisdeneanor upon convictlon of the f 11st 38 such offense. 2 any other law, any person who vioLates the provlslons 3 of Sectioa L2327 of thls Chapter, except Subsectlon (g) 4 of Sectton L2327, shall be guilty 5 of the second or subsequent offeose (b) 6 of a felony upon convlctlon Any person who vioLates' the provlsl.one of 7 Subsee.t1on(e)ofSectionL2327ofthigChaptersha1lbe 8 gutlty 10 11. LZ of a second degree felony SectLon L2329. Exceptions. This Article does not 9 prohtblt : (a) The practlce of professLonal nursLng or the practle of pracll.eal aurslng lu an emergency; 14 (b) The practice of professioaal nursing or the practl.ce of practLcal nursLng that ls lncidental to the 15 program of study by students enrolled in nursLng educatlon 16 programs leadiag to lnltial L7 prograos are approved by the Board; 13 lLcensure, provLded such * B. \.F & ?a (c) The practice of professional nutrslng or thc practlc of praetlcal oursLnl Uy e liceased nurse who Ls currectly llcensed ln another jurisdiction whl1e asslstLng la a state o 2L eBergeacy as a volunteer of any recognized organtzatloo; 18 19 (d) zz Ihe practice of profeesionaL nursLng by a reglster z3 ourse or the practlce of praetical ?4. practlcal ?.s J 7,6 as an empJ.oyee of aoy bureau, agency or di.vlsion of the 27 U. S. governnent; L z8 i Unless otherwise provided in this or 1 nurge who ls currentLy liceaeed io another urisdletlon (e) nursing by a licenged whl.Le in the dl.schhrge of hts of f lctal The practice of professlonal nurslng by dutles a 29 regLstered nurse ;r the practice of practLcal aurelag by 30 a lLcensed praetlcal 31 ln another jurlsdLctlon 32 agency or corporation located in such other Jurlsdl'ctlon nurse who 1e curreatly lleengcd aad euployed by an lndlvldual, 39 I and !f,hose employment responsibilities 7 transporting 5 within Guam. Such exemptLon shall be linited 4 longer than that necessary to transfer the care of persons 5 qualified 6 lnstance shall exceed flve (5) days; I 9 of patients to healch care facilitles to a perlod no under the provisions of thls Chapter and tn no' (f) 7 lnclude the The practice of. professional nursing for a short long as Lt 1" does not exceed niaety (901 workiag days, and such coosultaat term only in the role of a vislElng consultant 10 is licensed as either a re.gistered ourse or a8 a liceneed t1 practical L7 jurisdlctlon Eurser o! otherwlse authorized to practice ln the and Any person permltted by thls exception to practlce (g) 15 in which he ls based; L4 professional nurslng or practlcal 15 lssued'by 16 as arty practltLoner t7 by this exception t.o practice ltithout Guam nursing wLthout a llcense shalL be held to Ehe saue standard of care licensed.by Guao. A pereonqpernitted e 11cens"\n"rf I his narlte aad pracEice locatlon wlEh the Board 1,8 register 19 before commenclag practice, z0 not.possLble because of Ehe time or emergency lnvolved. unless such reglstratioa SectLon 12339. InJunctlve Relief. ZT Ls The practlce of professlonal nursing or practical 23 nurslng by any Person who has oot been issued a License under the provlslons of thLs z4 Artlcle z2 z5 (ualess eovered by an exeeption hereLn glven) r of whose llcense has been suspended or revoked or has expLred 26 is hereby deelared to be cont rary to the law, publlc z7 policy, 28 the public. 29 Attorney General to enjoin the indlviduaL from praetlcl.ng 30 professlonal nurslng or practical 31 be, 3Z against a person violatlng and to be a danger to the health aad weLfare of Ia such a case, Ehe Board can regueat the nurslag, as the caae nay Upoo the f1Ltng of a conplaint for LnJunctLou the provlsl.ons of thls Article, 40 I r l'l 4 the court or any Judge thereof nay issue a temporary inJunction against the person or persons charged Ln the action wlthout notlce or bood, enjolnlng such person or persoas from further practiclng professlonal 5 nursing or practlcal 6 flnal 7 secured. 1 z 5 8 9 10 11 LZ nurslng, as the case may be, until hearlng of the matter or under a valid llcense ls tt sectlon 22. chapter rv of rr.tle xxvrrr of the Goverament code (which is codlfied as Artlcre 4 of chaprer Lz of Title 10 of the Guan code Annotated) is repealed and a new Article 4 I's added to chapter Lz of Tltle 10 of rhe Guam code Annotated to read: IIARTICI.E 13 15 L7 18 19 z0 ZL z? 23 24. 7,5 .26 27 28 z9 30 3t 32 4 ental practl.ce Act General provlsions 14 16 a ' Section L2400. practice of dentistry or e.gndueting t, dental office wlthout Ll.cense prohiblted. (a) ${o person sha1l practice dentistry without a License. (b) Every person sha1r, before engaglng, conducting, operating or maintalnlng any dental 0fflce, rn any lray, obtaln a license to practice dentistry ln the territory of Guam. (c) Norhlng ln rhls Sectloo shall apply to: (1) Persons licensed practice nedicine r.n the .to terrltory of Guam in the regular dlscharge of thelr dut ies (2) Dentlsts of the Armed Forces, of the united states Public. Ilealth service and of the veteraos t Adrolntstration of the United States, whlIe engaged in the regular dtscharge of their duties under the JurlsdlctLon of theLr respectlve departnents; (3) Any person performlng services relatlug 4L to ar rl f'lr 'l anesthesia under the personal direction dentist; 2 (4) 3 of a licen.sed Any person engaglng in any of the acts 4 enumerated in this Section to or upon t,hemeelves as 5 the patient; (5) 6 and A dental assistanr, auxillaty, or hygienlst 8 performlng servlces under the personal dLrectioa of a llcensed dentLet i'u accordance wlth Ehe rules 9 and regulatl.one idopted by the Board 7 l0 I1 l2 l3 l4 I5 Sect,ion. f ZaOf . ls prima facie evidence.' If any peraon appends the Let ters t D.D. S'. I or rD.M.D. t or word rdentist' to t,heir namer' in any rray, for advertlslng, or upon any door or .sign, or cauaes either of the saue to be done, it is prfpa facl.e evLdeace that sirch persou ls engaged in the practlce of dentl,atry l6 and 17 Ar t l8 Deslgnarl.on as dentist subJ ubJ ecE ect and penaltl.es of thie .to the regulatlons and icle le.. .,1 t s B Sectioo L24A2. Nouresident dentLsts givLng or l9 reeeiving instruetion; 20. and duly lieensed practitloner 21 U, S. jurLsdlctlon ?2 reeeive or glve lnst,ructlon 23 before any qualified' dental college or dental or.ganlzatloa or dental study group recognlzed by the Board, the 24 hospitaL permlts. If a reputable in dentlstry of another ls asked to appear and deuon3trete, in the practice of dentlstry 25 secretary of the Board shal-1 issue on wrl,tten request 26 of an authorized offLcer of such college or deatal 27 organizatloa or dental study group, wlthout fee, a permie for such purpose. ,A peruit shall be iesued upou 28 29 such terms as the Board shaLl prescribe. 30 3l 3? Licensing Section 12410. tioos of applicants; ApplLcatlon for llcenee; quall.ficaexanination fees. 42 (a) Any person ar rai a '* a I desiring to practice dentistry z flle 3 wlth the Board ar least slxty 4 set for the beglnnlng of the examlnatlon. hls name, together with (b) 5 6 aD. appllcation shalL for examinatloo, (601 days before the date At the tlme of nakl.ng one's applicatlon, the appllcant shall (1) 7 I 9 in this territory pay to the.Board the requl.red exaolnatloa fee; (2> furnish the Board wlth evldence satlsfactory . 10 to the Eoard of detalls of any felooy convletlons 11, iz recorded iu any polLce reeords or dlsctplinary proceedings by any government or dental orgaalzatlon; 13 and (3) (f) 14 I5 16 17 I8 19 2A 2L z2 23 z4 z5 Z6 2T 28 z9 30 31 32 ' Presenr ro rhe Board'a diploua or evideoce {ratisfaetory t,o che Board of baving graduated froo a U..S. deatal school of college e Board accredlted by the American Dental Assocl.atlon (ADA); or (lf) "ba tf a forelgn dentaL graduate evLdence f satisfaetory conpl'etion of a rwo (2) year rotating dental laternship through a U.S. accredited hospital or unlversity or aa Amerlcan Dental Association (ADA) accr.edl,ted dental speclalty tralnLng program (e) If an applicant has been ln practlce in.any U.S. jurisdlctlon, he shaLl furnlsh an affidavlt fron the secretary of the Board of Dental Examiners or sinilEr body of such JurlsdictLon ,or Jurisdi.ctlona that he has been engaged in the lega1 and reputable praetice of dentlstry ln Euch Jurlsdictton or Jurlsdictlons for the five (5) years Lmuedlately preceding, unless the appll.cant graduated f rors a dent.al college lese than 43 ' a lt 1 2 3 4 5 five (5) years previousry, in which case the affidavlr shall cover the perlod since graduat,iou. (d) The Board may refuse to lssue a llcense to a Person for aay cause that would authorlze suspenslon or revocation of a llcense under section L24L7 0f thr.e 6 Chapter. 7 (.1 8 9 10 Examr.natr.on fees sharr be establighed by the Board.Examinacionfeespa1dsha11notberefunded. sectlon L24LL. scope and conduct of exaniuatlon; National Board, of Dental Examr.ners certif icate in rleu 11. ofaGuam!'r1ttenexam1nation'(a)Theexau1aatioc LZ shall' be prepared and admlnlstered by rhe Board. The examinatloa shal1 be eLenenta.ry and practlcal ln chara.a., 13 14 15 16 T7 18 19 20 ZT zz 23 ?,4 zs 26 z7 z8 29 30 3L 32 :Ltness of the appLicdnt to practlce dentlstry. rt shall !.nclude, wrLtteu ln the EnglLsh Languager 9u€s.tions on subjects pertalnlng to dental science...,,,,The wrltteo examinatlon ,nik be ln addltlon to an oral examlnatloa and r.ntervl.ew. !lDeuonstratlons of the applicaat r s dr.aguoetic and cr-inr.cal skill may be requ{red at the dlecretioa of the Board. The examlaation shal,l . be conducted und,er oath or af f l.ruatlon before the Board, and any member of the Board Eay t aduinist,er the oecesbary oath or affirmatlon. (b) A certlflcate of the Natloual Board of Dental Examiners may be accepted by the Board in lleu of the writt,en portion of the exaulnatlon.. Sectlon LZ4LZ. Reexaulnation of eppllcants; fees. (a) Aoy person failing to, pass hls flrst examinatlon oay apply for a secoqd or thlrd exaulnation at a subsequeat tiue. A reexamlnation fee shall be submltted to the Board et least forty-five (45) days before each such eraqlnatloa. rf the appllcant farls to paEs the thlrd examlaatr.on for -44 tt'a 1 2 5 4 5 the practice of general dentistry, he wilL not be peruitted to take any further examinatlon until he has attended aud successfully passed the examinations of the senlor year of a dental colJ-ege approved by the Board. (b) ReexamLnatloo fees shalL be ser by the Board and 7 are aot refundable. Sectlon L24L3. I (.a) A persoa successful"J.y paesing the examination aod 9 otherwise qu1lLf 1es und,er the provl.sions of thls Article aod rules.and regulatlons proruulgated by the Board shall 6 10 11 L2 13 14 Registrationi lssuance of certiftcates. who registered as a licensed dentist ln the Board reglster and shall also receive a certificate signed by the presldent and secretary of the lioard, ii substantial-ly the followl.ag l foru: tThis is to certLfy that ls hereby ll.censed to praetlce dentlstry in Ehe Terrttory of, Guau. 15 16 -r+' L7 Dated at 18 Explratlon Date: 19 (b) The eertLficate , thl.s _ eotitles s, 19_. day of the holder thereof to 20 praetice dentlstry 2L wi.th the rules of the Board lf the annual liceose fee has been paid z2 23 in the terrltory Section L24L4. Board shall upoo satisfactory 25 ficate 26 in pl.ace thereof . z8 29 30 '31 3Z of Guam rn accordaace Replaceaent of lost certlf,icatee. z4 7,7 be the proof of the loss of aay certlissued under this Article, issue a nelr certlflcate - Section L24L5. Annual llcense fee. (a) Every llcensed dentist shalL pay by septeiaber 30 of each yearr dE annual license fee to the Board. The llcense fee shall be establlshed by rhe Board. (.b) Every dentisr sbaLl keep rhe Board advlsed wtthla thl.rty (-30) days of aay chaage of, addresa or statua. 45 't 1 2 J section L24L6. FaiLure to make aanual reaewal payuent. rf a licenbee defaults ia payment of rhe annual fee, hls ll'cense shall be revoked by rhe Board upon tweoty (20) 4 days notl.ce glven to the licensee at the tlme and place of 5 consldering such revocation. 6 to the last-known address of the licensee falltug to conpJ.y with the requirenents shall be suffieient uotLce. Aay llcense so revoked Eay be reinsrated wlthla fr.ve (5) 7 I 9 10 11 L? 15 l_4 15 16 A certified letter addressed years after the date of revocation upon payment to the Board of all uapaLd fees plus penaltles and upon furalshlng satisfactory evidence to the Board of operative coEpet,enee, coD.tinued good character and good staadlng wlth the applicable regulatory agency of any Jurlsdictlon Ln whlch the applieant has engaged in the active practice of dentistry sl,nce the last payment of the annuaL fee to Guam. But no liceose sha1l be revoked for ooon"T.b"oa B L7 if the licensee so norified 18 such conslderatLon, the fee required and a dellnquency fee. 19 sectioa L24L7. (a) pays, before or at tri Grounds for suspeasioo. or revoeetton of za llceoses. 2t- to praettee deatLstry ln thls territory z2 followiag causes: z3 tiac of The Board may disciptlne any person ll.eeosed for any of the (1) ?4 Gonvlction of aoy felony for which the court could impose a sentence of.inprisoonent in a penal zs Lastltution. 26 copy thereof, certifled 27 the Judge in whose court the convLction was entered, is coacluslve evidence of the convlctLoa; 28 The record of coavlctlon or a certLfted by the eLerk of Ehe court or by (2) 30 Renting or loaning to 1oy person his ll.cense or dl.ploma to be used as a lLcease or dlplona of such 31 person; 29 32 (3) aad Unprofessloaal conductr or for grosa 46 ignorance, ineompetence or i.nefficiency 1 z 3 4 in the practice of dentistry (b) unprofesslonal conduct as used in thie ArtLcle includes but is not Linited to the following: 5 (,t) obtaining any fee by fraud or nlsrepresenta- (2) wilfully. t lon 6 7 the patient-dentist 8 becraying confidences invor.ved in relationship; 9 10 unlic,ensed person to practlce dentistry i (t+) uaktng use of any statemeats of a character tendLng to decelve or nisread the public, or whlch are 11,' I2 13 unt r.ut hf u1 L4 statements -craining professr.onal superrority or che performance of prof.sstoo"t servf.ces tn a (5) 15 superior manneri (6) Adverrising ro guarantee any aentJt servlce, painlessly; (.7) Meatal incompeteoce l 16 T7 18 19 ' 20 2L z2 23 24 2S 7,6 z7 28 29 30 31 32 . (8) Advanced physlcar dlsabil-rry tupalrlng the licenseets ability to carry out hls functions; (9). PersonaL habitual or exeessive use of iatoxlcants or controlled substances; and (fO1 Prescrl.bing'or diepensing druge not in the scope of dentlstry " (c) The proceedings und.er thls section may be taken by the Board from the natters wlthin its knowledge, or may be taken upon the information of another, but tf the i.nf ormant is a nen'ber of the Board, the other uembere of the Board shall corstltute the Board for the purpose of heariag the charges. (d) rn deternl.ning what constitutes tgross lgnoraace, 47 1 incoupetence or inefficiency z meaning of paragraph (3) of Subsectioa (a) of thls Seetlon, 3 the Board may cake into account all relevant factore and practices, including but not linited to the practices geoerally and currently foLlowed and accepted by persons 4 5 in his professionf withLa the 6 licensed to practtce dentistry 7 current teachings at accredlted dental schools, relevant techalcal reports publtshed ln reeognized dental'Journal.s 8 $: 10 and the des1rablllty 15 (e) of reasonable experimeatatlon Ln In disciplining a person as authorlzed by Subsectloa (a) of thls Sect,ion, the Board Day: (.1) place hl.u on probation; 14 (2) suspend his'lieenae ,to prectlce dentLatry 1" this terrirory; 15 16 (3) revoke hls License to Praetlce ln thls tetrltory; L7 18 (.4) place limitarions deatistry ln this territory; 19 20 the the furthe.rance of the dentaL arts. 11, L? Ln this territory, . (5) 2L deutistry ?2 (6) d dnt qr F lstry on his lleeose ro practlce refuse to renew hts license to practlce in rhis terrltory; or take s3ch other dlsclpliaary ecrion as the 23 Board io its dl.scretion f inde proper, loclud'lng z4 assessnent of the costs .of the disctplinary 25 (f) proceedings. If the Board places any person upon probaClon 26 as set forth ln paragraph (1) of Subsection (e) of this 2,7 Section, the Board may determlne and Eay at aay tine 7,8 nodlf.y the condltlons of the probatlon and Eay lnclude ?9 among theu any reasonable condltion 30 protectlon of the gubllc and for the purpose of the 51 rehabllLtatl,on 3Z expiratioo for the purpose of of the probationer or both. Upoa of the term of probatton, further proceedlngs -48 ra 't 1 shall be abated by rhe Board if the holder of rhe license z furnishes. the Board wLth evidence that he fs competent to. 3 Practice dentistry, and has conplied wl,th the t,erua of probation. If such evidence fails to establish to the 4 5 satlsfaction 6 or Lf such evidence shows that he has aot couplied with 7 the terms of the probatlon, the Board may revoke or 8 suspead the lLcense. 9 (g) of the Board that the person is conpetent, ' Tf a license to practlce dentl.stry in this terrltory 10 ls euspended, the holder.of the 1.l.cense may not practice 11 durlag the term of suepension. upon tlre expl,ratl.on of, the term of suspension, the lieeose shall be reLnEtated by the TZ 13 14 ' Board if the llcensee furnishes the Board evl.dence on the basls of which the Board finds that he ls coupetent to 15 practice deutlstry, 16 L7 ln thls terrltory durlng the teru of suspenelon[q, If such evideoce fatls to establish to rhe serisfactfoo Ef thc 18 Board that the hoLder f s coupetetrt,, or lf any evl.dence 19 shows he has praetlced deatistry ?a duriag tbe term of suapension, the Board Eay revoke ttre ZT license after uotlce and hearing zz 23 Section L24L8. Eearing procedure; caocellatl.on of lLcense. (a) Af1 proceedings relatlng ro rhe dlscipllne z4 of a licensee shal1 be in accordance with the AduloLstratlve 7S AdJudlcation Law. 26 (b) qrd that he has rot practLced deatl.stry ln ehe terrltory Upon the revocation or suspeasioa of or refusal to 27 renelr any license, the fact shall be'noted upon the recorde of 28 the Board and any lLcense revoked shall be marked as cancelled 29 upon' the date of lts 30 31 If the lLcensee eeeks Judicial reviewr lhen durltg the tine of Judicial review the licensee shall not be percl,ttcd 32 to pracEice dentlstry revocations. lf the grounds for aetioD by the Boerd 49 tt 1 Itere: 5 (1) Meatal iocompetence; (Z> Advanced physical dlsabllity lupaLring the Licenseets abllity to carry out.his functions; (3) Ilabltual and excessive use. of intoxl.cants; 6 ot 2 3 4 (4) 7 Eabltual.and excessive use of controlled 8 substancea. 9 Sectlon L24L9. Prohibited practlces. No pe!sou shall: (.a) Use or attenpt to use any dlplona, certlflcate or 10 11' L2 13 14 transerl.pt, whieh has been purchased, fraudulbntly lsaued, counterfeited or materlally alt,ered, either as a license or color of llcense t,o practlce i.rrtlstry, .o.r ln order to procure registratlon as a dentiet; ib) Practice d.entLstry under ? false or asguaed aaBei (c) In ao af fL4avit, requlred of aa aeellSt for 15 16 T7 exanLaatloa, ll.cense or reglstratlon, 18 wllfully (d) 19 !F. uader thls Artlele, make a false statement ln a material regard; I{ithl.n ten (10) days af ter denand nade by the 20 secrbtary of the Board, faLl to furol,sh to the Board the naae ZI and address of all peraons practlcing 22 practtce of dentistry. in the.offlce ?3 aay t,lme withl.n sixty 24 together lriEh a srrorn statemeBt showlng under and by what ?5 licease or authority z6 have been practl.clng dentistry; or assistlng Ln the of such peraoa at (601 daye prior to the notlce, such person and employee ere and ol (e) 28 Knowingly display in or about the offl.ce or buil.ding a slgn or signs oi a foraer dentist, owner qr z9 occupant r o! uae the name of a foruer dentlst 30 foru of advertislag 31 twelve (12) months after such person ceaaes to be counected 3?, wl z7 th s,uch o f f lee or llsting . 50 tn any for a perLod loager thsn Dental Board I 4 There i.s created the tBoard of Eraminer for DentLstryt (referred to as the tBoardt ln thiE Artlcle.) The Soard shall conslst of five (5) menbers to be appoloted 5 by the Governor. At least four (4) nenbe3s sha1l ba llcdnsed 6. dentistg. 7 reeidents of the UnLted States 8 for aE leact two (2) yeare. 9 of fLce f,or three (3) years untl.l his suceessor Ls appolrited Section L/43O. 2 3 A11 nembers shall be cl"tizens or Permane[t who- have reslded on 6uau Each Board nember Ehall hold', 1l Of the fLrst five (5) members appoLnted to and quallfied. : . : .. ..the Board, two (2) shall be deslgnated to serve fora 1Z tern. of chree (3) years, two (2> shall l0 . : desLgnat"U..ao 15 ,be (2) years th; other t"r"Ujr.,., and serve for a.term of two shall be desl.gnatld for a os.e (1) ye'ar teru. At the .' '..' nenber Board, the flrst meetLng of the newly appolnted l6 sha1l deteralne by loE the length of term of bts offl.ce; I3 14' , {}' 17 Avacaacy1nth.eBoardsha11bef111edbyappotftu l8 Governor for the reroal.nder of the tera of trLa pledecereor. l9 Terms of office'shall z0 Members &ay recelve expenaes necessary to the perforuaace ?1 of their dutfes. z2 Section L243L. If the Governor flnde that a menber has not perforned hls dutles Ehea he nay remove hl.t frou begln on the fLrst lrtonday on October. ' ', ? ?3 ?.4 , .' . : 25 office. . Seetioh L2432. The Attorney General shall rePreeent 26 wLthout fee the Board of Eramlners for Dentl.stry. 27 " Section L2433. Oath of office. Each neaber of tbe 28 Board shaLl, before eaterf,ng upon the dutl.eg of off lce, 29 take and subscribe the oath set forth. in tbe Organlc Act. Sectlon L2434. Quoruu. Three (3) tleabers of thc 30 3l Board for the 51 t. a) 'attr at' I purpose of conducting lts busl,ness and. exercl-sing its z polters and for alL other purposes. A naJority of the 3 members preseat in any meeting of the Board shall 4 prevail Section L2435. 5 The Board shall have all tha 6. powers necesltary and convealent to carry out and perf,oru 7 the purposes and provisioae of thl.e Artf,ele Lncludiag 8 .the followiug, Ln addltlon to other polters and dutldr : , ' ,,', granted ': ehls Artlele, uay: in , . "o1 : (f) Eave a seal aad nodify tt; : ,: 9 10 . -,. ., 1l ,. j .a,., -,',t . . . - t- r12 of every kl-nd of nature, neceisary and convealent to the :l ', .' exercl.ge. of lts goreri and fuoctloa; I t3 r14 (3) : . ual,e and f,ros tlme to time aodif y and regeal rulee not Lnconsletent wlti thls Artlcle I5 and regulatlons, l6 approved by the Commisstoa, providLag for Ehe adnlnl.atraEloc iL. tF -i of its affairs and''-operatLons, and for earrylngiluto cffeet aad . 17 its polrera and purposes. (4) Mal,atain recorde; (5) Acqulre aay pereocal property by leece, purch'aee gift or granc necbssary to the aduinlstratl,oa of thc I8 l9 ,24 2l affalrs ,22 of the soelety; aad (6) Eold hearLnge as t"q,rir.d to fuLf 111 l'ts dutl,eg. Section L2436. (a) Tbe. Board shall establlsh fcea as 23 24 Resolutlo ns of the Board settlng 25 requlred in Artlcl, .n this ArtlcLe. 26 fees need noe be adopted Ln accordance wlth the Adnf.nXeEra- 27 tive Adjudleatlon Lav. All fees, excep-t those traoenit,ted 28 ?9 30 3l . for nati.oriaL eraml.natlons, shall be deposited In the t GeneraL Fund. (b) The Eoard shall conply with the requiremeate of the Opea Government Law (Publf.c Law 13-35) but rhen thc 'l-' I Board ls preparing examinations, grading examl,nattons, 2 d{scussing ehe eligibillty 3 to practLce dentLsEiy or revlewing evidence obtalaed at 4 a hearlng for dLscl.plinary action rhe Board Ehall 5 La executlve sesston and nay exclude the prese and qeabers 6. of the public 7 (c) i be The Board Day beet as often as neceasary to I conducE lts 9 pgf buslness but not Leee than f our (4) times .', t: ygafl . ' -i:. ,,, Sec.tl.on 12440. The Commisst-os, wlth the advl,ce and 10 ll of a person to be ll.ceused , cocgent of the Boardr ma1l employ and assLgn to the Board 12 such consulttve and technLcal.personnel as may be necessary l3 or desl.rable for the proper fr.rnetiotrlng of t,he Board l4 the ad,llntstratlon l5 aesLgn t.o the Board such adninlstratlve, of thtg Article.. aad tn., ConnissLon a]I t6 clerl.cal and '. other employees as may be neiessary or desl.rabfg, for 17 the proper functl.oni.ng of the Board and admlnlsqratlon of 18 thls Article. . l9 2A i i|F .;' Dentel Specialty Declaratl.on Seccion L244O. No dentl.sE ln the cerrl.tory shall hold out to the publ.lc, advertise, declare or ia aoy 21 hiuself 22 lray proclalu to be a. speel.allst in any of the reeognired ?3 dental specialtles 24 Deatal Associatlon certlfied. 25 eligible. 26 regulrenents for each speel.alty ehall be establLshed annualLy 27 by the Board 28 ?9 unless he has coopleted au American trainl.ng prograu aod ie Eoard The recognize'd dental special.tles and the Regulatton of Anclllary Dental Personnel Section LZ45O. DentaL Eyg.ienists, Dental Auxl.llerles, 30 and Dencal AssLstants. 3l fuuctl.oas of auriliary 32 the responsibll.lty The intent of regulatlsg the dental personnel Ls not to renove of the lLceased dentist, but to deftne 53 ' '- ':r a. rt ' o . :' a. ( I the various levels of training and competence of these personnel. ticensure or cert,if ication _shall not inply authorizacion'to perform delineated duties without the z 5 4 supervistron of a lLceused dentlst. sectioa L245L. (a) 5 6' a dental hygienlst shall be Ln writing the appllcant. 7 I I '.; Each applr.catloa for a ltcened as and signed by .l (.b) Each appLlcatioo for certiflcatlon aa a deatel technLcLan :" auxl.liary shall be Lo trrltl.ng aad slgned by the applicant. 10 11 T7 accordance wlth the provielons of secrioa ].z4s3 or L2454 of ', .11,,; ,". thls Chapter. ' 15. 't 1't' ' " (d) Any graduate from a denral or deotal hygl,ene school accredited by the Coumlssion oa Accredl.tatl.oa of the Auertcau DeutaL Assoclatlon, or Lts successor agency, if!1pnyr oE aay other nationally reeogn{,zed aceredl.ttng agency rty apgty: fot aad shaLl be ezamlned for a licenee to praetl,cc a dGntal T4 t5 16 '+1" 17 18 19 hygieae oceupatlon, zo (e) ForeLgg tratned aad other graduates f,rou aou: accredlted d,ental hyglene prograEs Eay apply for a deotal ZL zz hyglene licease. z3 sucb requl.remeu.ts as will reasonably assure- that an appllcaot traintng and educatlou are suffLcieat for llcensure. 74' 25 z6 ?7 z8 izg i30 31 l3z The BoErd, by regulatron shall eeteblish sectton L2452. (a) Every appltcaat for deatar hygieoe lleeasure who does not guallfy f,or exeeptl.oa .to lieensure ' or exeuptlon from exeml.aatLon under Sectloas 12453 aad L2454 of chls Article shdll te subject ro exaulnatlou by the Board. The Board oay adninlster wrltten, Laboratory aad cl{nlcal examinations to test professl.ooal knowledge and skllls. The BoardEayaceepttheresu1tsofnatl'ona1standardJ.zed exauinatloa ln satisfactioa of the wtl.Etea eramiaatioa . 54 I aa rl .l 1 authorized by this Section and nay accept the results 2 of regional testing agencies ln satLsfactioa 3 laboracory clinical (b) 4 of the examination authorLzed by this SecEloo. The Board may walve the forual educatloual 5 requirements for deat,al auxiliary 6 appears that the applicant has acqulred signlfl,cant 7 experie,nce in. thq,dental .auxiliary occupatlon. . Sectlon L2453. If an appllcant for certl.flcatlon I exaainatloa where l,t :. is j 9 10 11. t2 already certifled ia a jurlsdlction of the United States to.pract1ceacertifl'edauxi1iaryoccupat1on'theBoard. shall lssue the approprlate auxLliary oecupatlon certiflcation to the applicaat upon evidence that: (1) the applLcapt is cqrrently an acllve' eoEp.a":a, . praetLtloner;.(2) the appticant has practLced ac least chree (3) yeare out of the fLve (5) years imuedlately proceedlug * . 13 .14 15 L6 :s 18 hls applicatlon 1 -.t :$ (3) the appLlcant currently holds a valtd certLficate 19 ia a state of the llal'ted Statee; 20 2L proceedlng or uoresolved cornplaLnt "" dieclpffllrf is pending et Ehe. tl.ue a certiflcate ls to be issued by thl,s 22 te'rritorli L7 23 i 24 t25 ,26 '27 .. : (41 (5) aad :.. the :ertificate are substantially sla{lar by this terrltoryr. . requtreuents ln the lqrigdictl.on Eo or higtrer thaa those requLred + Seetion L2454. Issuance and renewal of liceasee. (a) the Board shall, upon the appllcaatts satl.sfactory 28 coup1etl.onoftheeducat1qua1requireuentgandwritter' 29 laboratory and cllnl.cal 30 thls Artic1e, 3L l.ssue or renerr the approprlate llcense. 32 (b) exanlnations authorl.zed under and upon receipt of the requlsLte feea, In cases of unusual hardshlpr 55 €18 deternlned by the a. tr 6 Board, the Board may grant a temporary ll^cense to an appllcaat who has completed all requlrements establlshed by thls Artl.cle for llcensure except for exalninatl.on or other requlred evaluat,ion procedure. A teuporary lleeose lssued pursuant to this Sectlon may be traoted for aot to exceed oae (1) year. The Board may plaee restrLcctoae T on p.rac!ltioaers ao liceased includ1.ng, but not ll,a!'ced I to practlee locatloas, authorlzed procedurea, aad ', ., supervJ,eory arrangenetrts. (.c). Each holder of a dearal auriliary licenee ray apply for reuewal of their ficense upon payoert of periodic feesr 88 determlned by the Board. Each llcecse shall explre oa.Septeuber 30 of each yeer. Fal.lure to reaes lrlthl'u sixty (60) days of the due dare shal1 vold. 1 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 T2 15 I4 15 1,6 t7 18 1.9 ?a 2T zz z3 z4 z5 26 z7 78 z9 50 51 32 , ' ' , the licenee. A valld ll.cense Bay not be reinstated' untl.la!'rittenapp1l'catioaisfi1edaadpay'"o? i 1g recelved f,or the reneryal fee and a delinqoeoc!.fec. (d) The Boerd ghalL estabLlsb feeE to be pald ln conuectl.on rith the licenaure and testf,ag.proceas, liceasure renewal aad delf.aquency. The Board shall establLsb procedutres oi'functloos which dentl.Bte uay larfully delegate to dental auxlliaries. The Board aay authorize delegation of any functloo except those responslbiltttes reserved to d,en.tists. Eaeh otder of the Board promulgated by this Sectiou shall descr'l.be the functiotr, the level of educatton or craLaing rhtg,h as auxill.ary iluat have Ln order Co perult delegat!.on aad the degree of supervision rihlch the functl.ons requtre. Sectloa L2455. The followLag reeponelblLl,tles shall not be. asslgued by the destLgt or the Board aa duties to be performed by the aocillary persoanel: (1) Adminlstratlon of pharuaeeutlcals rrLthout the 56 t. tf"ta 1 direct supervision of a deatist; z (2) Cuttiag hard or soft tlssuest 3 (3) Diagnosl.s of dentaL dlsease; . 4 (4) Prescribing a eourse of t,reatuent3 5 (5) ReuovaL of teeth; .aud 6 (9) Routlne administration Continuing Dental EducaEloa 7 I 9 10 of LuJectable uedl.catioos. Ae A Re.qulrement for Llcensure Reuewai Sectlon L246O. As used ln thle Artlcle: (a) tContiau.f.ag dentat educatloat ueaos tbe d.o:"l. . 11 learulng experienees atteaded by dentf.ats or deatal , during the course of .thef.r professional 11fe, LZ auxtllarles L3 sueh as forual leccures La classroons, dental sclentiflc L4 seslnats, table .iloLc" 15 dental eonvenclons and meetiogs, scl-entLfLe lectureg 16 presented through dental societles and subscllpttoB L7 1.8 to dental Jouruals or audiovieual oaterl.alsr or lboth. (b) tCategory' I cou"sesr taeacs those courses, L9 seniaara or table cliul.cs whLch are eadorsed or certtfied z0 by the Deotal Eraolnatlon and Revl.ew Board of Gual, tbe zt Arseriean Dental Assoctation or Federatioa Dentalre 2Z Internatlonale. 23 24' EdueatLoa Depaqtments of accredlted deotal schoolg. (c) rCa.tegory II Coursest neans those course6 attended z5 through various dental soclety prograos aad senlnaris presented by deatal schools arrd i \." I I I .26 '.' These are ueually offered by Coatlnulng lectures presented at dental study clubs, sctentlfic Eeetings 27. aad z8 couventLons and subscrLptlon aad readlng, watchlng/listealng 2g to journale and audl.ovisuaL naterials. 30 Section L246L. Contlauiog dental education and lleensure tenesat. Prior to renesal of a llcetse, a dcatlst rrust dubuit evtdence of having coupleted or etteldcd I total 31 3Z -57 I 5 of fifteen (15) credlt unit hours of Contlnulng Dental EducatLon of Category I and fifty (50) credlt unit bours of Contloulng Dental Educacion uader Category II at the end of every two (Z> years before belng allowed to pay hls anuual renewal fee. 6 . 7 acteadance of Category I Courses. 1 2 3 4 I 9 10 11 L2 13 (.a) One Gredit Unit is equivalent of one (1) hour (!) ' Credit Unlt equivalency of Category II Courses, 1ectures,sen1nars,scient1fiepaPer3,journa1sor audLovisual. uaterlals (c) A. shal1 be evaluated by the Board. dentlst licensed by the terrltory of Guag who' is also a lieensed dentist ln another Jurisdl.etion aad who has completed Continulog Deatal Edueltloo credtt uoit hours 15 under each cacegory. tn the Jurisdic'tlon ln whlch he ls 1.1ce.nsed nay apply those Continulng Dental Eduestion unlts 16 toward hia licensure renewal La, the territory 14 L7 (d) Uader certaln unusual o=f GuaE. 'di cl.rcumstances' grch es t8 illnesg 19 aakes it lnpoesible for Ehen to complete tbe CoattauLng 20 Educatioa requiremeats, the Boaid oay waive the Continutag ZL DentaL Educati.on requi.rement f or the dent,lst for that 22 zt or teuporary dlsabillty _partlcular yeaq Sect.ion L2462. of a llcensed deatlet, which DeoC The ContLnu1ng Dencal Educatiou requtr're 24 srents shall be met 1o order for issuance of a reaeral lic.anee z5 in 1985 and conLLnue for eaeh succeedlng bienalal period. 26 27 Penaltles i.. Sectfon L2470. Penaltles for vlolatlone of the Guao z8 Dental Practtce Ac.l pertaltr to llcensed and non-llc-enscd 29 Persona 30 31 A pers.on who Practlces dentistry or rbo att€EPt'a t practlce deatlstry without a ll.cenee shall be guLlty of a 3Z thlrd degree feloay. (a) -58 t. o 'at I (b) z A person who practices as a dental hygienlst, or who attenpta to iiactice aa a dental hygLealst, wlthorrt 3 a l{,cense shall be g,ritty of a nlsdemeanor. 4 Sectlon L247L. A11 persons licensed to ptactl.ce dentlstry ln Guan on the effectlve date of this Artl,cle 5 ' 6 shall be Ll.censed to practlce dentistry 7 lequlred to qualify I Article !rl.thout belng therefor und,er the provlsloos of thle 9 10 11' ..' Sectlon 12480. .The practLce of dentisrry by any person who has not been issued a license undbr the provisloas tz ': 15 whose Llcease has been suspended ot revoked or has explred 14 I 1" hereby declared. to be contrary to the 1au, pubr.rc polr.cy, ' aad Eo be a daager to the health and welfare of the publle. 15_ 16 L7 rn such a caser the.-.Board can reguest the Attor!_ey General ' to enJoio the lad"lVtdual frou practLeing dentleily, as the 18 case may be. 19 agalnst i persoa vioJ.atiug the provlsione of thls Artlcle, za the'court 2\ Upon the f1llog of a complal.nt for laJunctlon . or aay Judge thereof nay Lssue a teuporary tnjuncttoa agalnet the person or personE charged ln the 23 action wLthout aotlc.e, or bond, enjoining such peraon or persons from further practiclng ,dentistryr 8s the case z4 may be, untll z5 valld llcense is secured.tt 26 SectLon 23. 2? a flnal hearlng of the matter or uadet Ctrapter V of Title XXVIII of the Goveranect z7 Code'is repealed' (whteh' ls cod.lfled as Chaprer 13 of Tltle z8 of the z9 Chapter 12 of Title 50 31 32 Guam Code Annotatedj .oa a nelr Artlcle 1O:of the Guam Code ?IARTICLE a 10 5 ie added to Annot,ated to read: 5 Optoaetry Sectlon L2500. DefLultlons. 59 As used ln thls Gbapter: '{ t tOphthalnic least means a lens whlch has (a) a 2 sgherlcal, 3 ground pursuant to a preserlption, 4 as eyeglasses or spectacles; (.b) f Contact or corneal lens t means any lens to be' worn on Ehe anterlor segment of the huaan eI€ r to be 5 6 cyllndrLcal or prismatic value and whlch 1s and Lntended to be ueed 9 prescrf,bed, dlspensed, employed, nodifLed, provtded, sold andfittedbyaI.l'censedoPtouetr1storPhysician; (.e) t Prescrip tlon r means a f ormula !rrl. tten f or 10 ophthalaic lenses. f or a patient by a person duly licensed 11 and coatainlng Ehe f ollowing esBeotl.al el'ements: . : : (1) dtoptrlc power of spheres eyl.inders and ' prlsms, axes.of cylinder.s, posltl.on of prlsu base, 7 8 L2 13 L4 and 1f so deslred by.the prescriber, 15 18 propertles and lens curve values; (Z> deslgnatlon of'pupillary distanc.F.; aad .{ (3) nans' of,. patient, d,ate of prescrf i?ion, exptration date and the naae and office location at 19 preserlber; 16 L7 light traaanission ::l 20 2L ophthalnlc lenses.for 22 dlsturbances ia and anomalies of human vl.sion and Lncludes 23 z5 spectacleE and oEher devlces.usin! ophthalnl.c leneeal aad (e) tBoardt neaas the Board of Exanlners for Optouetry. . Sectlon 12501. License requlred- UnLess llceaaed or 26 exempted under thig ArticIe, 24 the correctLon or rellef no person shall: 27 (a) practice optonetry; ZE (b) represeut hluself 29 30 31. 32 able to practice optonetry; (c) patieut; (d) of or offer hle servl,cee es belng i' prescribe eyeglasses or glve a ptrescriptl,oa to a or duplleate or replaee an opbthalulc lcns, oo! 60 -l r. :. t". I 2 incLuding contact lenses, without a curretrt Prescription, or without a wrltten authorizatlon from the patl.ent if the 3 prescription 4 6. Sectloh L25O2. Board created; tetms; appolntuent; continuance; reuoval. (a) There is created a fl.ve (5) member tBoard of Examiners for Optonetryt couposed of fl.ve 7 (5) p'ersons who have resLded la and have been continuously I I engaged in the praetlce of opEometry Ln Guau for at l,east one' 5 10 Ls not availabLe. (1) year lnmediately prlor Eo EheLr appol.ntnent. shall eLther b_e j' 11 LZ l3 A neuber a cltJ.zen or peruaneat- resldent of the , '':' : Uaited States. ..,': (b) Meobers of the'Board shall be appolnted by the '. 15 GovernoE. Heabers ehall be appointed for stagg€red terna '':. of three (3) yeari each as deteralned by t.he Governor. The .; qade tcrros shal-I be ia such a manner that the teru of oae (1) L6 member ends ln each year commenciag with 1984. .,tleubers L4 \&: :+F L7 shall aerve uoE{.l thel.r successore have been appplated and 18 quallf l.ed. t9 (c) t ' : ,,' .. The Goveraor Day reuove any ueober frou the za Board for the neglect of any duty requf.red by law,'for ZL lncompetence, for improper or unprofeesl'onal conduet et 22 defiaed by Board regutatLon or for any reasoo shich rould 23 z5 Justlfy the suspensloo or revocation of hls Liceaee to practLce opEoDetry. ''.' Sectloa 12503. OrgaaLzation; ueetlngs; eonPenaatlonS 26 powers. and dutleg. 27 chairrnan, a vLce-ehal.rman aad a sedretary-tteagurerr 28 of whom shall serve unttl 29 qual i f ied z4 30 (b) (a) The Board shall annually elect his successor ls elected ,; a each aad Tbe Board, shalL meet at least twlce each year 31 for the purpose of e:amining candidates for lleengure- 3Z Speclal Eeetlogs nay be called by the chalrnan and shall 61 , be or t tl ' rt ' ttt t a request of a majority of the 1 ealled upon the ltritten 2 Board members. Candidates for licensure by endorseuent 3 shall be exauined at the neat regular meeting after the 4 date of their application. 5 shall constitute 6 7 I 9 10 1l (c) a quorum. Members of the Board shall be conpensated aB provided by (d) A naj orlt,y of the t"tL"t" 1aw. the Board.shall: (1) adnlutster.and enforce the proviel.ons of this Article; (2) adopt, with the approval of the Coumisslon' L2 all rules and regulations for t,he Lmpleuentatlon 13 enforceuent of the provlsions of thl.s Article; L4 (3) ' adcipt -,1 aud use a, seal; 'i 15 16 (4) i : -. . adml-nister oaths and take testiootry on any llatters within the Boardts Jurisdlctlon; *'{: \'} L7 18 and recel.pts and dlsburseoeota t 19 t20 together lrith the Danea and addresseg of all peraoos 2L taklng such examinattons aod the exauLnatlon reaults; 22 and wlthl.n thlrty 23 the Board (30) days af ter any exaninatl'on., 24 glve rtrLtteo notlee to e.ach apphcan .shall examlaed of the reeulte of the examinatlon ag 25. to the respective agplLcant 26 . S keep a book of regf,stratloo 1n whlcb the nalret 27 address and llcense aumber of all llcensees shall z8 recorded together wlth a record of all lieense renewala, 29 suspeaeione aad revoeations; 30 31 ,32 (7) .:, (S) oPt omet be grant and revtew licenses to Prectlcc ry; (9) deny, auspend or revoke llcenges to practl'ee 62 I optometry in accordance with the provislons of the ' Admlnlstratlve AdJudieatlon Lar for aay cause etated I 2 ln thls ArtLc!.e; (10) develop and admlnLster quallfLcations for certl.f lcatLon f or the use of toplcal ocular df'agnostic pharaaceutlcal agents, Lneludl,ag mlnl.uun educati'ob-al requLreneots and exauloation; 3 4 5 6 7 . I lLceose for slxty (60) days upon a deternf'oatLon of use 9 TO TT. t'? : wlthout. prlor cert!flca'tLon, after Proper notiee and ao : . opportunl.ty to be heard before the Soard; and (fZ1 establlsh anq collec,t fees fot servlces tt l3 l4 T' 16 'av I8 T9 ?a readers. (e) The Eoard ahall couply with the regulreuenta of - d) (Publlc Lan 13-35 13- - r 88 lrnaeat Lar Las (publlc th'e Open Governueat , T."U: rt' exaninatioas' but when the Board :is preparlng - giadlag .Ur j:: exaulnatloae, discueslog the ell.glbtltty of a Persor to be llcensed to practiee optouetry or revlerlng evtdenee obtalaed at a hearlng for dl.sclpllnary actlon the Board . : ZT 22 23 z+ 25 26 shall meet Ln exeeutlve eessLon and uay exclude tli'e Plesa aad meubers of the publJ"c. Sectlon L2504. The Couul.ssLon, utth the ad.vlce aad consent of the Boardr EaI enploy and assLgn to the Board such consultive and teehnieal pereonael as Eay be trecesaary or desirable for the ProPer funetlonLog of the Board asd 30 the admiaistratton of t,hLs Article. Tbe Comlsston lley assign to the Eoard such ednial'etrative, clerlcal and other employees as uay be necessary or desireb!.e fOr the proper functioaLag of the Board aad adul.nlstratlo11 of this 3T Artl-c1e. z7 z8 zg w Sectl.oa 12505. AlL feea reeelved by the Board c:rcePt -63 .lr tal tl I those paid for standardized national examinat,ions shall z be deposLted rrith the Treasurer of Guau for deposl.t 5 the General Fund. 4 Section 12505. Quall.f Lcatlons for ll,censure aa aD optouetrist. Each appll.caat for li.ceasure as an opto[etrLEt 5 6 .T shall furnish evldence satiefactory La to the Board that the applicaut: .-, , : I (a) hee reaehed the age of najorityt 9 (b) Ls of good moral charact,er aad of terperate habl.te; 1.0 (c) has coupleteil at leas1 an approved four-year hlgh I1 : ,.,.. , , 13 school course of study or the equivalent thereof as deterulne .. ' ',, by regulatlon of the Board t (d) l's a cLtlzen of the Unl.ted States.or le e peraaaent L+ resldent of the United States; and 15 (e) has graduated. and been awarded Uoctor of,, optonGtry " degree fron a scbool. or college of o.ptouetry apgroved and '{t accredlted by the Boardr. and lu tbe event the ,at'$lleant applie5 for lf,ceosure by eadorseueot, he shall heve becn ararded a doctor of optoaetry degree fron a echool or coJ.lege of optometry approved aad accredl.ted by tha loard which had a rnLol.muu eourse of atudy of four tbousaad clock ng to such euch dei degree hours of lostruct,l-on feadlng Seetion L2.5A7. Llcensure by exaulaatLon; lieons,ure by endorgeuent. (a) Aa appLicant ueetlag che quall'ficatl-oas set forth ln Sectlon 12505 of thls Chapter, shal!: (1) flle hLg applieatLon under oath' 9tt forrs LZ L6 t7 : .'., . 18 19 za ZT zz 7,3 z4 zt z6 ZT supplied by the Board, for sn eraaf.natloa by the 78 Board. .Tbe exauLnation shall be confl,ned to the z9 subj ects wtthla the curriculuu 50 approved and a.ccredited by the Board snd ehall laelude 51. l'rl'tteD tests aad practical deaonstratLons lnclude oraJ. testsi,or 32 64 of collegee of optonetry and lray I (2) file his application under oath on forms 2 supplied by the Board whlch conform to Board regulatl.ons 3 on endorsement and furnlsh proof saEisfactory to 4 Board of hLe having been licensed by examinatlon I'n Ehe 6 anot,her JurisdLction of the TJnited States whleb had. quali.fl.cations equal to or exceedLng those requl.red. 7 in this territory I I licensure, 5 . on the date of hls orlgfnal and satlsfyLng the Board tbat he holda a doct,or of optometry degree fron a school. or college , 10 approved and accredited by the Board which ltas 11 obtained after the compLetlon of a course of study LZ with a rnlnl.mum of four tbousand clock hours of 'I 13 14 . 'inatruction.'Theapp1.l'cantDu3thavebeenectfye1 engaged in .the praetice of optometry tn the Juri,sdlction I5 - of licensure or Ln federal servl.ce f.or sevea (7) 16- consecut,lve years immedlately prior to the year Ln h, ls made. ThLs proof sf,1''$ L7 which appllcation 18 19 accepted ln lieu of the wri.tten Portf.on of the' pxamlaatioa. Applicant,s for licensure wlthout rtrittetr 20 examiaatl.oo shall be exaulned Eo ttre eatlgf actlon ZL of the Board by practlcal, 2Z tioo 1o the preaenee of a naJorLty of the Board and 23 2t+ detalled record of such examlnation shall be kepc .' request. at his applicant made avallable to the 25 (b) Ue oral and clLnlea1 deaonstraa and All applicants suecess'ful.ly passLng the exauinatl'ou z6 sha1l be issued a license by Che Board uPon payEegt of the 2.7 liceose fee.. . 28 Sectlon L2508, Certlflcation (a) for uae of dtagnoetl'c The Board shall iEsue certlfieation L9 agents; dlsplay. 30 for the use of.topical 31 agents to optometrlsts, 3Z of thls Section, who have comPleted aPProPriate forus lssued ocular dLagnost!c pharmeceutlcal llcensed on the effective 65 date I al by the Board tld subuitted Proof of successful couPletion of the educatlonal requirements for eerElflcatloa establlshed 1 z 4 by th. Board, whlch requirements shall Ue not less thaa those requLred La Paragraph 2. of Subsectlin (b) of thls 5 Sec J tlon (U) the Board shall Lssue certLficatlon 6 for the uae of' :. T topLcal. oiular dlagnosElc pharmaeeutlcal agenta to optome- I trtsts, 9 who have completed appropriate forms tssued by the Eoard and subnitted proof of: 10 1. , 11 LZ licensed after the effective date of thLs Sectloat ::...' , tl. completed a eouree ln ' '. ' havlng satisfactoriLy '. i ' :::i': '.:' ' " ; 15 . enphasis on the .topLcal applleatl.en of dlagnoEtlc L4 pharuaeeutl'ca1agent'stotheeyeforthepurpoae..of 15 examioatl.on of the hunaa eye aod the analys{a of oeular t' '."'T 18 fuactLons, which course is offered by an lbstftutl.oo accredlted by a reglonal or professioaal at'credt.tatlgn ofganlzatl.on recognlzed or approved by the Detlonel 19, commlsslon on accredltatlug or thc Unlted Strtcs 1.6 LT ' 2.4 ?t zz z3 z4 zs ' Comaissloner of Educatlon; or . Z. having postgraduate educatloa; wtth a nlnissrs' of Eeventy (70) houre of Lnstructloo la general aad ocular pharmacology a,s.applled to opEoEeErL taught by an accredlted lnstltutlon aad approved by the Boaril. (c) the certifLcation authorized by this Sectlou z6 sha1l be displayed ln a consplcuous place ln the optocetrLstrs z7 prlnclpal office ot plaee, of business. Sectl.on 12509. Llcense f ees; lJ.censure under prlor z8 Any persotr praetlelng as aa optonetrlst z9 law. 30 prlor to Decenber 31, Lg82 shall be held to be llceased 5I under the provlsions of thls Chapter aad shall be entltled 3Z to the aanual reaewal of hts licease 66 on Gueu a I a tt" I Section 12510. License; reneltal; retLrement; resumptl.on (a) Each license sha1l be renewed annually 2 of practice. 3 on or before October'1 of each yeat by the llcensee realttlng 4 to Ehe seeretary of the Board the proper fee and Proof of 5 eont,inued educatlon aa required by regulaEl.on of the Board. 6 Notice of renewal shaLl be sent to each ll.censee by the 7 I I to 11 L2 13 L4 Failure to reaer hle '' llceose on or. befo're November I shall subJect the lf.Censee Board before October 1 of each year. to such late charge as shall be deternl.ned by regulatioa L7 I .. orth {.n thl's .'. Chapter. Any license not renewed by December 31 of each tbe year shall be automatlcally revoked. Upon recel'pa "l renelral certlfLcate, each licensee shall attach a loPy . of Llcense of Fhe same.to his certificate of the Board not to exceed the linlt set f . (U) Ea.ch optometrr.:t applying for 15 16 , ' enewal qf hal1 furnish to the secretary of othe Board $1 satl,sfactory evldence that he has aEtended ln Cle preeedlng : za year, 3t least one (1) day of a contlnuing educatl'oB Program approved by :h. Board. The secretary shall send a ltrltten noEice of.the cootinulng educatLon reguLrements at leaat 2L thirty 2Z l1st known address of the licensee. 23 to meet such annual contlnuing educational requirements shall be grounds for the revocation of his lLcense. Ray 18 19 a 24 25 26 '27 (301 days prlor to Septenber 1 Ln each year to the Failure of a licensee license revoked because of the faiLure to neet th_1 continuing educatlon requi'remeuts shal1 be reinstated 28 by the Board upon the PresentaLion of evldence of coottnuing study of a standard approved by the Board and the payueat of 29 alt_ fees due. 30 Before engaging ln the Practlce of oPtotDitry after a ll.cense has been issued to hlu, each regirtered the seeretary of the Board ln optometrisL shall.notify 31 32 (c) 67 and tt"tI of the address at whlch he intends to begin Practice, 1 nriting z and subsequently of the changes ln his buslness address 3 or location. 4 a lLcensee shall legally 5 the latest 6 7 8 I 10 1r IZ 15 Any notices the Board Ls requlred to gLve have beea glven when deLlvered to address furnished by tlr. lLcensee of the Board. Section L2511. Refusal, euspension or revocatiou of llcense. (a) The Board ma.y refuse to issue, suspeud or revoke any ll.cense, f or atry of t.tre f olloulag reasons:. ' r 1.. convlction of, e felonyr 8e shorn by a certlfted , gopy of the record of the eourt of convictioni', ' 2" nalpractlce or tueompetence; 3. r : 'i contl.nued praetice by a persou koowLugly havLng an lnf ectLous or contagloue dl.seasei , .: I4 : I5 nlsLeadlag or deceptLve atatenents or advertlsl.rrg L6 or attemptLng to pract.Lce under a nane ot!,er thau L7 ooe I g owu; 18 19 z0 b: ,n? :.- 5. habttual drunkenaess or addlctlotr to the of hablt-forulug drugs; 6. aldt'ag or gbettitrg in the praetlce of zt optometry any person Dot duly lieensed fo practice zz optometry in thls terrdtory3 23 74' z5 uae : fendlng, leasing or ln aey other manner plaeLng hls certif lcate of ll.cense .at the dlspor"i or ta tbe \ servlce of aoy person not llceased to practlce oPtoaetry 7. z7 ln this terrLtory i 8. enploying, procuring or lndueing an uall.censed 28 person to practlce optometry ln thl.E terrltory; z6 z9 30 31 32 or g. vtolatlng aay of Lhe provislons of chie Artlcle or the'ruLes adopted by the Board Sectioo L25L2. Offenses. Each of the followlng acta' commltted by any pereon constltutes a mlsdemeanor, for the 68 i. rt t tt ,'" , I firsE offense and a felony for second and subsequent 2 offenses: (a) 3 practicing or attempting to practl.ce optonetry 5 wLthout a curreat lLcenee issued by the Board; (b) perniEtiog any person in onets empJ.oy, supervlcton 6 or control t,o practl.ce optometry unless that persoa 7 llcensed or exenpted in accordance with the provisl.oae 4 '8 .'. I l,,s of Lhls Ar.tlc!.e; (c) naking a rillfully false oarh or affl.rmatioa '. .: ., ' where such oa'th or. affirmation is requlred by thls Article; (d) selllng or using any desigoationr dLploua or,', " ,, , T0. ' TT I v. certificate T3 of opconetry, unless one holdg a llcense as provided by tending to lnply that one le a praetl'tioner. 'I ' ' T5, 16 a copy of hls spectacle presc.ription, TT contact lens prescrlption, provl.dlag the prescrtrptlon s ie not over one (1) year .o1d; 18 (f ) ' not Lacludiag ' I ' a dup.licate or replace an ophthalnl.c lene, Bot ineludlng cont,act lenses, without a current preseriptl.on z1 not nore than two. (2) years old, or without a wtl-ttea ?2 authorizatl.on from the patlent Lf the preserlptlou z3 avallable; (g) i r,': ,, ?0, ?4 ' after a request, to provide a patleut ':1,: I9 ts not : ptacticing optometry during any perlod of t1ne 26' ln whl.ch onets llcease has been revoked or suepended; or (h) except for licensed optometrists, uslng eny ?7 trlal ?s appll.aaces or Lnstruments for the purpoae of eraminlng the z9 eyes or renderl.ng asslst,ance to anyone who deslreg to have 30 an examlnaElon of the eyes; prov!.ded, however, that Lt lc 3T not the intent sf this Subse.ction to prevent aay school 25 Leasee, trlal frames, graduated t,est eards otr oth6r i nurse, schooL teacher or person in publtc servl.ce frol 69 I , .,.Yr' - r::-"- "11r'' thLs Artt cle i (e) refusal, T4 i32 ' :' ': : r ' I t ". 2 asc'ertalning the possible need of visioa servlces, provided, that sueh person, cJ-lnf.c or Proglam does not attemP-t to 3 dlagnose or prescrlbe ophthalnlc lenses for the eyesr or 4 recommend any particular 1 SeetLon 12513. Exenptions. 5 : 6 7 I I NothJ.ng tn thl'.s Article shal.l be construed to apply co ll.ceased physlclans or surgeonsr or persons, .cli'nics or programs uqder thelr Peraons, cll.nlcs resporrslble supervislon and control. . and programs under the respoasible supervision and control of 10 a lleensed physiclau or surgeon sha11 not uae elther Loose 1L. or f lxed trlal LZ 15 14 lenses f or the sole purpose o.f determl.nLng '' the prescrl.ptlotr for eyeglasses or contact lenses. The of a ,contact l-ens to'a patient .shall be doae at the praetl.tl.oaer t s place of practice. f ittitrg Sectlon L25L4.., Power to enJoin vlolatl.onE. 15 16 The Boerd may petLtion the SuperLor Court for an order restrainlng 18 rS and enJolniag aoy ferson frou violaelon of thie tf,rclcle of other renedleE at lrrespective of the avallablltty 19 law. z0 sec!Lod 24. Chaprer VI of, Tltle L7 tr XXVIII of the Goveraaent zt. bv Sectl.on 6 of Publlc r eaactbd enacted by Code is repealed (whieh was z2 23 Law 12-156 as Chapter Vf .of Tiele XXVIII and has as lts subJect m'atter Allled Eealth Professionals and which Ls now sodLfled z4 as Chapter 14 of Tltle 2,5 Article ?6 Annotated Eo read3 S 10 of the .Guan Code Annotated) and a new 6 is added to Ghapter LZ of Tltle 10 of the Guam Code ''ARTICLE ?7 6 Pharaiaclsts dud Pharmacy z8 I practitloner. z9 Seetlon 12600. Defl.nitlone. 30 (a) Ae used ln thla ArtLcle: 'board? means the Board of Exanlaers f,or Pharuaey 51 except where aaother meanlng 1s clearly maaLfeeted by the 3Z context; 33 (b) t cosuetlcst , LncLuding 70 r soap r, r deatrLfleet and ta I Itoilet z poured or sprLnkled of,r iatroduced into or otherwlse J 4 art,lcler, means (1) an article intended to be rubbed, applled to the human body, of, any part thereof for cleanslng, beautlfyingr of, promotlng attractiveness; and (2) artlcles 6. tntended for use as a component of any such articles; (o) tdrugf means (1) arslcles recognized la the 7 offlcial I pharmacopoeia of the United St,atesr or offlcial 9 fornulary, 5 United States' pharmacopeoia, offlclal honeopathLc natlonal or aay supplement to any of themt (2) articles 11 intended for use in the diagnoels cure, ul.tlgatloa,,treatment or preventloa of disease ln human betngs or animalgt (3) tz articles 13 the structure or any function of the body of human belags L4 16 or animals; and (4) artl-cles intended for use aa a congonent of any atticles specified ln clauses (1), (2): or (3) of Ehle subsecttoo; provided, Ehat the term rdrugt shaLl not Lnclude L7 patent nedicines, electricaL 18 19 cosrnetics and liquor; (d) tpateot medlclner or tproprietory z0 means a drug ln its zt sold to the public by or under the authorlty ?,2 manufacturer or priuary distributor z5 trade name, or.other trade syubol privately z4- or not reglstered ln the United 7S the labelling ,76 27 appllcable United States laws. (e) tpharmacyf means every 6tore, sFop or place where z8 (1) drugs are dispensed, soLd or displayed for sale at retall 29 (2) where prescriptions 30 (3) which has upon lt, 3L used ia conoection wl.th lE, a sLgn beartng the word or sords tpharmacist t , tpharoacyf , tapothecaryt , rdrug storct , 10 I 15 3Z (other than food or clothing) lntended to affect or mechanlcal a"orEs, unbrokea orlgioal . preparatlonl package, whlch ie of the thereof under a trademark , .StaEes owned, whether patent offlcc, and of whlch conforms to the provLsLons of or drug preparatlons are compounded; displayed within it, affixed to or 7L i.' , ta tl 1 tdruggl.str, rdrugsr r tmedicinest r tmedicine storet r tdrug tremediesr, or any word or words of slnilar or 2 sundriesf, 3 llke lmport; or (4) any store or other place wl.th respect 5 to whlch any of the above words or combination of words are ueed ln any advertlsement but d,oes not Loelude the 6 place used by a drug manufacturer or wholesale drug dealer 4 7 8 9 10 or the place of business .of a nonreglstered persoo se11'1ng oon-B€rrcotle proprletary preparatlonE tprescrlptiont meaus au order gLven ladlvl,duelly . (f) ,..'..' for the person for whom prescribed, elther directly fron a 1L licensed practltioaer ]-2. dentistry 13 L4 15 of medLeine, osteopathy, podlatry:, : or veterlnary oedlclne, to the pharnaclst or ''' Lodlrectly by meaaa of writtea order for the conpouc-dlag or dlspensing of drugs bearLng the name'and address of the .'. ..' prescriber, hl.s licease claseificaElon, the nsne aad : .j addrese of patlent, 18 the name.and quantity of the drug prescribed, directfdns f or use and the date of {.'!}Bue; and B (g). tr"gLstered pharmacistt means a peraoo Llcensed 19 under thls ArtLcle to practlce pharmacy exeept where aaother 2A meaning 1s elearly maalfested by Ehe context. 16 T7 ZL 22 Section 12601. Board of Examlners fors Pharaacy; (a) appolntment, quallf leations. The Board of Exaul.ners : z3 for Pharnacy ls created cotrsl.stlng of flve (5) nembers 24 eball be appointed by the Governor z5 (b) who ltenbers of the Board ahall aerve terulr of tbree (3) z6 years. 27 ternas of one (1) year, tlro (2) ehal1 be for teras of tro (2) z8 years and one (1) shall, be for a term of three (3) years ?9 desl.gnated by the Governor 30 3L 32 (c) Of the lnltlal appolntmeuts, tlro (2) ehall be for The meubers of the Board shall be graduates of as a school or -college of pharuacy and shall have been ll,censed aE pharoacists and actively engaged ln the practlce of pharuacy 72 of 1 in the territory z to their appolntment. Guam f or at least two Q) years prior or llembers shall be citizens 4 permarent resl.dents of the Unlted St,ates (a) Annually, the Board of' Sectlon L26O2. officers. 5 Examiners in Pharmacy shall select a chalrnan, a secretary 6 aad a treaSurer. 3 (b) 7 The Chalrman of the Board shall preslde at all 10 in his abbeoce the members PreseDt sha1l "ld ';.. , select a chalrmaa pro tem. '' (") The secretary shall, subJect to the dLriction I1 the Boardl nake and keep all records and record booka T2 required to be kept by the Board 8 9 r meetings (d) 13 of ., . . . .'.,',..-: i , The treasurer sha11. transul.t all fees collected . : 14 except or tbose paid f or natl.onal examl.natLops to the' f 16 Treasuier of Guau for deposit in the General Fund. '' the of powers dutiee L2603. Meetlags; ,sectioa L7 Board. 15 .and \* .j . 18 19 za ii; i., (a) MeetLngs. The Board of Examiners l.n Pharuacy ehall hold Eeetlogs Ln January, APrl'L, July and oetober of each year, aed at'such other tinee as lt deeos oecessary. I ZL z7 23 24 and the concurrenee of a naJority of the ueobere Present shalL be necessary t'o make any actlon of the Board valid' . (c) Reports. The Board shall aake a ltrttten rePort 26 annually to the Goveraor and tbe Legislature of lts proceedings and of lts recelpts and shall inelude Chcrel'.n z7 a list 28 practlce under this Artlcle. 7S z9 of the names of all regLstrants duLy llceneed to (d) Members shall receLve compensatlon as provlded by 51 law for meubers of boards aad cooulssioas(e) The Attoroey General ehall rePresent rrithout 32 fee the Board. 30 ' 73 tr I (f) Each member shall, before eoterlng upon the 2 du!ies of of f lce, take and subscribe the oath set forth I'n 3 the organic Act. (g) 'The Board shal-l have all the powers necesltaty 4 5 and convenLent to carry out and perform the PurPoses and 6 provLslons of thls Article 7 I I lncluding tbe follovlng, Ln additloq to. other powers a,nd dutles graoted tn thLa Artl'cler and Eay: :'' (2) 1O' 12. 13 . , Enter trnto and execute costracta and ' rhe admlaisrrarlon of lEs affairs and op..j;.llonet \t' for carrylag tr'io ef fect Lts polters aad purfioser; 16, L7 (4) 18 .aud hold heari.ngs as requlred to adnial.gtcr this The Board.shall requLre and establlsh criterla for contLnuLng educatioa as a coadLtioo of renewal of ll'eenscs; , (h) (1) zz lhe Board shall establlsh fees as requLred ta tbl'c Resolutlons of the Board se.tting fees Aeed oot 23 ArtLcle. L4 be adopced ln aecordance wlth che Adnlnistratlve z5 Law. 26 aod ArtlcIe. 19 ZL a seal and nodlfY it; ' ' .''.: rules and regulatl-ons, not Lncons,isteat vl.th thLe Aitlcle and approved by the Comml.sslon provtdlng for t5 20 H,ave Lastruments of every kind. of nature, necessary and cotrvenlent to the exerclse of its Poltere and. fuactl,oo; t1 T4 (1) AdJudlcetton (j)TheBoardshallcomplyvlEhtherequlremetrta z8 of the Open Governneat Law (publtc taw 13-35) but t'hcs the Board 1s preparirg examlnatioosi grading exanLaatiocSt L9 discusslag r,he eltglb.Llity ZT 3I of a Persoa to be llgenecd &a a pharuaclet otr to ieaue a peruit to oPcrete a pharuaey or reviewLng evldence obta{ned at a hearLag for dlscLpllaary 3?. action the Board shall be ln executlve aeseLon and nay 30 it' - 1 2 exclude the press and members of the public. Sectlon L2604. itre Comnission, with the advice and 3 and conseot of the Boardr &a;t enploy and assLgn to the Board 4 such concultLve aod technical personnel as nay be neceassry 5 or desirable for the proper fuactlonLng of the Soard and'the 6 adminlstration 7 to the Board such admlnistrative, 8 as may be trecessary or deslrable for the proper functloalng 9 of the Board and administratLon of this Artlcle. of thls Artlcle. The Commiesion uay assign c1erl.ca1 aad other employee . -It : 10 11 Sectlon'12605. Power to deny, suspend or revoke llcense (a) 'The Board nay deny, suspend or revoke any ltceaee LZ of any pharuaclst to practice pharmacy, lssued under thLs 13 Artt-c1e f or: L4 15 16 ,: .'' (1) professional nlsconduct; (2) grosa carelesaness; (3) uaaifeet lncapaclty of a llcensee; or a 2Z (4) any"-riolatlon by the li.censee o{tnra -frtl'cle . or of any ruLe adopted pursuant thereto" No such lf.cease shal1 be suspended ot revoked excePt upoa due aotlce to the ticeosee of the charge agaiaet blu and only after an opportunity for a full aod falr hearlng ln accordance wlth Ehe provlslons of the Adalntetratlve z3 AdJudl.cation L7 1:: 18 : 19 20 2L La'w. 26 (b) Power t,o suspend or revoke peroits. The Board uay suspend or revoke any permJ.t to operate a pharmacy or to se1l or dt.stribute drugb, lssued under thls Article, ln auy case' 27 where the permitt.ee has violated any of the provlslous of ?4 z5 28 29 30 31 3Z thls Article or of any rute adopted preacribed Pursuant thereto. No perult sball be suspended or revoked exeePt upon due uotice to the permlttee of the cha'rge agalaet hlo aad only after au opportuaity for a full and fair heartog in accordance with the provisions of the Aduinlstretlve 75 ''l :' 'ria:l:' ' .'i:1. I AdJudicatlon Law. 4 SectLon 12 606. Power to lnsPect. (a) The Board or , any duly authorized rePresentatlve thereof nay lnspect drugs packed, packaged, eonpounded, sold, offered for pale, exposed 5 for saler o! kept for sale in the terrftory 6 purpose 1t maY, durlng reasooable hours, etrter and lnspeet 7 aay pharmacy or premises i.n the terrltory I are packed, packaged, compounded, sold, offered for aelet 9 exposed for sale or kept for sale. z 3 1.0 1t LZ 13 1.4 and fot thl's' rhere druge (b) thd Board or any member thereof, " otr any Peraon designated by the Board for the PurPoser ma;r ioveetlgate any violatLon or suspected vlolatlon of thls Artl.cle or of any rules duly prescribed ,by the Board , '11cenie. Any Sectioa L26A7, Qualif Lcations f or' , :l 17 applieant for a !.Lcense as a pharmaelst shall be aE least .:, eLghteea (fa) years of ag€, of good moral charaeter aud a of temperate habJ.ts, 4rid a graduate of a school orBtollege $r 18 pharnacy or department of a unl.verslty whl'eh school ot' L9 college or departnent Ls reeognl.zed and approved by the z0 AmerLcan Councll of Pharmaceutical Educatl.on. Ee ehall ZL file 2Z (1) year of practieal ?s of the Uuited Stateg 1o a pharmacy under the euP.ervlal.oo of 15 16 ,i: ,:?;. proof satlsfactory to the Board of a nl.aLmum of one experience la any state or terrltory zs a reglstered pharuaclst, aod he shal1 Pass aa examlnattron glveo by the Board. ServLce and experLeuce la a pharnaey 26 under the supervisl.on of a registered pharmaelst aa required z4 28 la thls SectLon shall be predooinautly related to tFe selllng of drugs, compoundlng PreScrlptlons, PreParing phar[aeeutical z9 preparatlons, 30 required uuder terrLtoria!. ?7 31 32 . and keeplog records and naklng rePortg and federal statutes. Sect,iou L2608. ExauLaatl.on. (a) shall pess an exaulnatloo. prepared aad admlul.stered by 76 ! Every applicant Fha trl I 2 Board, whl.ch examinatlon shaLl be based on the subjects minl-mum gradLng standards as set f orth by the Natloaal 3 Association of Pharrnacy Boards 1 (b) 4 Every'application for exaul'natlon shall be and made 6 on a form to be supplied by the Board and shalL be fl'Led' wlth the Board at least thLrty (30) days before the 7 examLnatlon. Each applicatioo.shall 8 examinatioo fee. establlshed by the Board. Exarninatlong 9 shall be held at least twLce a year. 5 be aecomPanLed by Notlce of the l0 examl.nation sha1l be glven each appllcant by reglstered 11.' mail. -., '' Seetl'on 12609. Temporary 1lcense. L7 an Ar appll'cent for 13 exanioatlon who has been a registered pharnaclst ln.a L4. Jurlsdlctlon 15 teuporaly license by .the'Board; provlded that he ghall 16 firet L7 less thao seveaty per cent (702, covering terrlltrlal 18 laws and publle heaLth regul.atLoas relating to drugs, 19 poisoaep aad devlces ueed tn the practlee of pharaacy of the.Uaited State:s may be granted a , , ' pass a preliminary examination wLth a gra$.e of oot *' :i ?,0 7,L 22 z3 24. La the terrLtory. A temporary Llcense shall not entltl.e the holder thereof to a peroaneot license, and no Parnaae[t llcense ehall be issued untLl he has paseed the regular: examlnaEton set forth Ln Sectlon L26OS of thiE Article. 0n1y oae teuporary license sha1l be lssued to the saue 2.9 applicant. A temporary license shalL only remain Ln ef fect untLl the resul-ts of the next reguJ.ar exaulaatLon are anaounced, provided, that the Board Eay extend eny temporary lieenser'upon srlttea appllcation, for good and Just cause. Any appllcaat who fal1s to take or. to 30 pass the next regular examlnatloa shal,1 surrender'hLs 31 temporary license. 3? ttre lssuance of a teuporery Llcense. 2S z6 27 28 The Board ghall establlsh a fee foq 77 (a) 'Reaewal Section 12510. Renewal of licenses. 1 All licenses issued by the Board except tenporary' 2 requlred. 3 license issued pursuant to Sectlon L26Og of this Artiele, 4 shall expire on September 30 of each odd-nunbered year next 5 following 6 (b) 7 I 9 the date of issuance of the saoe Reneual fee. Every regLstered phar.uacLet ahall pay to the Treasurer of the Board biennially betlreen September I and September 30 a renewal fee established by the Boatd for the yea.r next followl.ng. The paynent of the renesal fee l0 and satlsfactory tt requlremeutg shall entitLe the registrant t? his llceoee. I3 (c) Reoewal after lapse. Any holder of aB exgl.red licenee nay be re'instated as a regi.stered pharmacLet upon satisfacEory completion of continulng educatl.on r€qulreeeata and upon payueat of a penalty established O" a\fl Board and all fees whlch he would have paLd if he had-.lc,onttauoucl.y l4 15 l6 17 18 renened hls lleense T9 2A to renewal of . Sect1sn 12611. Drug dispeosion; 1l,nl,tatioo8 . Artlcle z1 u completion of contioutng educatl,oa ThiE does Bot prohiblt: (1) . (a) Tbe extempora.Eeous preparatioa by a ll,cented professloaal nurae oE the order of a llceased practt- 2t tloner bf slnple solutlons for inJection whea the ?4. solutLoa may be prepared fr.om a quaatlty of drug tbat 25 26 '?T n 29 30. 3l 32 ' has been plepared previously by a pharuaccutical manufacturer or pharuacist, and obtaiaed by tbe or cllnic ln e form suitable for the prepagation of, the golutl,on; hospltal, (2) Lnstitutlon the gale of uonnarcotic, nonpol.ro.Bous or nondangerous pateDt or proprletary uedicLaes or preparatiooe by uooregLstered peraons or unllceneed atoresl rriren gold ln thelr orLgLual contal.oer; -78 ar "t rf (3) 1 2 , the sal-e of drugs intended for veterlnary uae; provlded, that such drugs bear the legend: Caution: Federal law restricts this drug Eo use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian. r; or ' 3 4 5 6 of topLcal ocular dlagnostic pharmaceutl.caL ageats by 7 llceneed optometriste who have been certlfled 8 board of optometry f or the use of such ageo.ts. 9 (b) A11 prescrlptions requl.rlng the preparatloa lof 10 dosage forms or amounts of drug's not available I1,, stock of a hospital, !2. necessitating t5 dispeosed only by a phdruacist. Section 126L2. 'Pharuacy llcensure; -14 by the instltution Ln the or cl.lnlc oE a prescriptLon compounding shall be eLther compounded or (a) ': :.:..-.:.. requirementa; . Any persoo deslrtng to oPeraCe or maintals 15 revocatton. 16 ln the operat.ion of a pharmacy oi drug distribution,buelness thls terrltory shali. apply to the Board for the propcr permlt L7 18 L9 ,"','S or license and'shall meet the requlrements of the Board and pay the annual fee for such perult or llcense and itS renewal. ZL ' (b) The Board shal1 lssue the followl'ng clasees of permits or licenses that shall be deflned and llnlted by z2 rule of the Board: z0 :- 23 (1) retall 24 (2) wholesale drug dealer I e license; 2S /a\ \J/ drug 26 (4) hospital pharmaey lleense for both I'npatlent .27 z8 'zg pharmacy llcense; manuf : acturert s 1l'cense; and outpatient dlspensing; (5) license for'public (6) linlted health clLnics; llcense for wholesalersr t€tal.lers 3L dlstributors of veterinary drugs bearl.ng the legend: fCautlon: Federal law restrlcts this drug to uae by 32 or on tbe order of a licensed veterlnarlac. 30 79 I or )a 1 'possessing a retall 2 pharmacy licease, wholesale drgg 3 dealerfs licenee or drug manufacturerts license lssued 4 the Board, wlthout the necessity of acquitllg 5 lieense for veterinary 6 (c) I f ees, (d) 8 9 a llnlted drugs as provlded herels. . appltcatlon The Board shalL establlsh and collect license f ees aod renewal of license b f ees. t"" lt ' '.' ','' : ' If lt ls deslred to operate or maiatain a pharmaeeutlcal business at uore than otre location, a . .t:,'..' 10 1t L.2 13 " separate llceuse or pernit shal1 be obtained for each _, locat Loo. .' be nade on forms prescribed and furnished by the Boerd. ' . . . , .- .-:r:tl 15 , (f) Any person making appllcation to the Board for ' a llcease to operate a new reiail pharmaey, hospital 16 pharnacy, wholeeale drug busl.oess or drug uanufacEurlng' I7 busLness in this terrltory 18 app11cationfor1icensuretnd1catl.ng:.. t (f) the narBe under whlch the buslness Ls to L4 : ,', 19 ?,0 ' (2> the address of each loeatlon.to theaddress of the prlncipal (3) 23 office Ln the case of a retall be llcenged of the buslness; pharmacy, the 24 and address of the olrne!, partner or officer zs director (4) 2t each location1, z9 30 31 . (5) name or of a corporate olrneri z6 7,8 an :: . to be operated; zt z2 ?i. shalL subolt to the Board $' ti the type of business to be conducted at a rough drawing of the floor plan of each location Eo be llcensed; (6) the proposed days and hours of oPeratlon of thc busLaesE; and 80 an (7) I other information the Board. may require. 3 AfLer prelinLriary approval of the applicatl'on for a license for a retaLl pharmacy, a hospltal pharuacy, 4 a drug nanufacturlng .business or a drug dlstrlbutloa 5 business, a reguest for an lnspectl.on together nlth' 6 an lnspection fee shaLL b'e subnitted to the Board for 7 each business locatlon and an lnspectf.on shall be 2 I ' made of each location by the Board or lts agent. (g) Ltcenses an,d permlts lssued by the Board are , 9 ' 12 and shal1 explre on September 30 of each .:: ': : ." r'''' ' ' year unLess renelrea.: : .,, :: (h) The Board, after notlce and a refusal or feilure 13 to complyr may suepend or revoke any license or peruL,t 14 issued under the provlsl.ons of thl.s Artl.cle at any tLne t0 il not transferable l6 examl.nation or lnspection of the operatioa for lrhlch ', permit granted the lLcense or lras shall dlsclose that 17 sucn prace 1s uot being conducted accordtng ao'$t T8 regulations of the Board. l5 t9 ?a ?1 22 23 24. 25 .:dl-:. o" L\ , :... r. . t'' : Sectioa 12613. Pharmacl.st Ln eharge. A regi.atered pharnacLst shall be in personal and lmoediate charga of' every pharmacy. Durtng aay absence of tbe reglstered pharmacis t , preseriptlons sha11 no t be f l,11ed , corrpounded, or recelved by telephone and no drugs shall be sold; provtded, that thLs sha1l aot preclude the sale at such ttmeE of Buch things as might be sold lrere the pharmae)z a store not subJect I 3l to this Article. No person other than a regLstered pharmaclst ' shaLl f111 or eompound prescrLptions. SectLon L26L4. PharmaeleE. Aay proprl.etor or nanager of a pharmacy who ,"rrs or negleets to place a reglstered pharmacLst ln charge thereof or who perul.tc the compoundlng of prescriptLons, oE the vendlng of drugs, except by or under 32 the lmuediate supervlslon of a registered pharrnacl.st, shal,l 26 ?7 28 29 30 81 .l I be deemed to have violated this Article. Any person vho, not being a registered ptrarmacist, compounds Prescrlptiooe I ot vends drugs, while not subJect to the LramediaCe suPervi- 2 3 sioa of a reglstered pharmacLst, shall be deemed Co have 4 violated this Artlcle. ': Seet,ion 12615. Duties of regiatered phar'uaci-st ' 5 6 7 pharnacy shall comply rith 8 all UaLted States and'territorial . : 9 10 rl' t2 13 L4 1aws, r,ries and regulatioas. Ee gha1l be responslble for trhlclr.l's ttre management of every aCtivLty. of trhe pharmacy 1 . .subJect t,o thls Article or other laws pertai$ing to ;:.'t' .' gha1l coatrol.' complgte under his be drugs dispensilg. '' -'.,,r ,'.:,,1t.;:: ,. (b) err registered pharuaclste shal1 notlfy Ehe Board ;. '.' , : (10) dayg.'* ten wl'thln of chaagea of busLness addreee 15 . ... :, ,.: : .. I , 16 coEpounding drugs ehall be equipped with ProPer* Pharuaceu- L7 tl.caI uteaslls so that the Prescrl.pt,Lons ean belroPerly 18 I9 ' {1" lt' '.: coEPouDced.TheBoardsha11byru].eprescr1bcthe minlmum of such professional and technl,cal equipneat whLch 2L a pharmacy shall at all tl.mes posseas, aad the lLst shall of the UnLted States include copl.es of the latest.revlsions z2 pharmacopoels and the natlonal 23 to theu. 2O, fornulary, and al'1 suPPleaents 24 25 shall keep a sultable book or filer 26 book or file, oF'a nlcrofLlu of such 28 ir whlch shalL be preserved, f,or a PerLod ot ' prescrlptt'oa eonpounded tars' every Pt aot less thaa fLve (5) years ' or dLspensed at the pharmacy. The book, flle, of olcrofl'la 29 of prescriptlons 27 shal1 at all'tlmes be oPea Co I'nepeetlon 3L by the Board and other law enforcement offLcere. Sectl.oa 12618. Licensing of pharuaetats aad pharnaclee 32 required. 30 . (a) unLese he ls a pharoacist, or ts €xe8Pt€d no person shall sell at retail I under this Artlcfe, 2 U:"t or polsou, compound aoy prescrlptloa 3 andPoasesaanydrug!'1thout.itsbel.ngPregcribed (b) 4 any or acquire No person shal1 conduct or operate a place used for the retaLL sa1e, compoundlng or dispenelng of druga 9r prescrlptlons, or a place represented by a sign or by 5 6 advertlsement to have a business Dame or speclallzatlon that lneludes the worde tpharmacistrt rpbaruaclrr 7., 8, ' 10 tapothecary, t tapothecary shop, t Icheml'stt s shop, t tdrug ...,. . ' ' - tdruggl,st, I rdrug ? tdrugr t store, sundrieb, r rpreacrf.ptlonsr 11 or any coiblnation g, 1Z l3 I4 I5 . ' thereof, or any other lrordE of slnllar ':."..tt: lnport or, by atl LnsignLa or devLce that nlght ladicete to. the pubJ.le that ah.:,place is .a pharmacy, uolese: ': (1) the place Ls Lleeased by the Board thls ArtLcle; and conducted oa 16, 17 l8 prealses coast,e.ntly employs, ou a regular ::;' regtstered pharmacist' ., .' . ' (c) No person shall permlt anyorre la ' 19 zg 2l 2Z 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3T 32 under hls supervlsiou, except a reglstered to eonpouad, dispense, labeJ. or otherrrise tioas (d) The provLslons of Subsectloas (a), (b) srd (c) of thls SectLon shaLl not apply to a person possessiqg a llulted l.icense issued under Subsection (b) of SectLon L26LZ of this Artlcle for the sale or dl.strl.butloa of veterinary druga bearlag the legend: tCaution: Federal law reetrlcts this drug to to use by or os the order of. a Llceused veterlnarl'a[. t ProvLded, that the possessors of such a lLcenae uay only sell or dlstrl.bute such drugs on the order of a ll.censcd veterlnarlaa; and nay not represeat their place of bustneeg by a slga or advertLsement that lncludeE the words 83 I I ." 2 fpharnacistr t tpharmacyr t t"pothecaryr t tchemistrs shopr rdrug storerl rdrugsrt rdruggistrr rdrug sundrl'esrt 3 tprescripElonst 4 of sinilar 1 or any combiaatlon thereof, or any words import or by an LnsignLa or devl.ce that nlght 6 indlcate to the public that the place is a pharnacy. (a) 'Thl's Section L26Lg. Exemptions f rom Article. 7 Article I nur6e practitioners, 9 i,n thLs terrltory 5 does not apply to physicians, osteoPathsr deatl.ets, podlatrists lLceused or veterinarians in supplying Co thelr patLents any 10 drugifthe1icensedPract1tionerisPractlcing.hie 11 profession and does not keep a pharnacy, advertl'sed or L2 otherwise, for the retalLLng of drggs or polsot": (b) 13 t Thls Article (1) 14 does not preveot: .- ,, : th'e personat adnlnlstratLon r . of a drug 15 carried by a licensed opEometrist' physLel.aor ' 16 osteopaEh, dentist, nurse, podiatrlgt , . , or v,etetrinarlan *+t 1\, L7 ln order to supply the imnediate needs of,:: Tils patLenc; 18 or .. (2) che eale of aonnarcotLc proprletary 19 20 .: 22 PreParations. I Section L262O. Construet,ioo of laws relating to drugs. (a) Thls ArtLcle does not amend or repeal any of 23 the lawE whietr govern the 24 of controlled 2L (b) 25 26 27 Guam manuf acture' sale or dl'strlbutlon substances Thls ArtlcLe does oot amend or repeal the Food, Drug aad Cosmetl.c Act. Section L2621. VLolations; penalties. It ls a 30 conviction and a fel'ony "1 second o! subsequent offenses for any Petson to (a) praetlce or attempt to practice pharmaey sithout 31 a certLflcate 32 the Eoard; 28 29 misdemeanor on the. first 3 of regLstration 84 and a cu.rrent llcense froo u n-f 2 he ls llcensed as such und,er this Artlcle; . procure or attemPt to Procure reglstratloo as pharmaclst or to procure a ll.cense for a pharmacy for (c) 3 4 5 6 t use the rLtle of a registered Pharmacist, unless (b) t t' a _ hfunself or another by naklng ol causing to be uade false. rePresentations to the BoardS allow aoy other person Lu hl'c employ or under (d) 7 or his supervlsion to compound or dispense prescrlptloas 8 9 1I o! exempced uoa.t the accordance wf.th thie ArtlcLer t0 : provlsLonb of thLs Artiele; ' ," ,r.l '. . ,-:'. 12 or drug dlstrlbutlon l3 pharmacy, clioLcr l4 licensed to do so under thls Article. l5 l6 busLdess unless The Board aay Sectloo L2622. .- Right of inJunctlon. -.. 1 : appllf to a": court havlng competent Jurisdietton over the f: ?4 partles and. subject--matter for an lnJunctlon to-{iestraln i!t: this Artlcle violaEloos of : Section 12623. Licensure under prevlous. law. Any petsoB or place of busl.ness llcensed as a pharuacl.et otr. pharmacy uader .ol prlor laws of thle territory whoge llcense ls valid oo December 31, 1982 shall be hel,d to be Liceased under the provis,lons of thte Artlcle aad entltLed to renewal of thls llcense as provlded ln thLs 25 Article. 26 Section 25. (a) Sections L6223 of the Government 17 t8 l9 20 z1 22 23 . tt Code t. 28 ls repealed (b) Sectton 27130 of the Government Code (whlch is 29 codlfied as Section L223L of Title 30 ls repealed. 27 3l 32 SeetLon 26. traagl.tion. (a) 10 of the. Guam Code Aonotated) Excegt for the practlce of nursl-ng new llcensing requlreueats Lmposed in t.hl.s Act eha11 85 ,. 1 I become effective 2 3 of thls Act shal1 take effect March 1, 1983 (b) Provf,sions of ' thl.s Act creatiug aud espowerl.og Eoards + of Examlnatlon in'Dentistry, 5" effect oo January 3, 1983. Aftlr 6 Boardse they eha11 adopt necessary rules'and procedures to 7 implement provisione of law no later 8 9 on October 1, 1983, The provleions of Section ' (c) Pharmacy and Optometry shall take members are appol.nted to theee than Septenbel 15, 1983., The CommLssion may grant a temporary licenee to a person practieing . a healing art other than nursl.ng during ll The temporary license sha1l be granted '.. to a person who begLns residing'on Guau after January 1, 1983 12. orwhoh":appJ.iedfora1icensepriortoDecember31,198.?. l3 who meets licenslng 14 15 prlo-r to .the ef f ective.,date of thl.s Act aad who Lotende to seek toqua11fyfor11censurepursuanttorequ1rements8etforth 16 in thls Act. 17 for no longer than eighteen (1a1 mont,hs. (d) Durlng the transition period the Connissiouror Board of Nuree Examiners may suspend or revoke. a ll.cense to practice healing art pursuant to law and rules effectLve prl,or to the 10 l8 l9 20 the tranbition 2L period. 'j'. 21 ffective 72 (e) ; requireoents iaposed'pursuant to law existlng The temporary lieense shall be effective a daue of this Act. ' : dentl.stry, practice nursing, for the of Exeept '- ?4 ptornetry or pharmacy, every person permitted to Practf,ce a healtng rt (as that teru ie deflned ln Section 1210L of Tit1e L0 of the 25 uam Code 26 uau prlor to January 3,1983 who desires to contf.nue so to 27 ractice shall apply to the Commisslon for a license 8o to do. 28 o later than February 1, 1983, the Commlssion shall by ?9 ublication 30 ewspapera of general circuLatlon 3l uch lieenslng shalL be.made tro leter than May 1' 1983. A person 32 ho applles prior t,o Uay 1, 1983 for llcensing may eonttcu€ to 23 Annotatedr 3s amended by Sebtion 1 of this Act) 1n give notice of thl.s requirement in one or ao.re -86 ia Guan. Appllcatioae for rl t z 3 4 5 6, T & * IO 1I LZ 13 14 15 a, GOVERNMI|NT OF GUA}{ OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR AGAIiIA, GUA"Y HKECUTI\rE oRDER NO. 83-025 DEP4BTIIENT OF ADltrNrsrRATrolt ADVERSB ACTIONS RUI,ES A![D RBGUT,ATIOITS I|HEREjAS, Section 4105, Title 4' Guam Code Annotatedr pro vides that the Director of Administration shall adopt personnel rules and regulations governing selection, promotion, performancb evaluation, demotion, suspension; and other disciplinary ac+-ioni WEEREAS, Section 4105r Title 4, Guam Code Annotatedr further provides that such rules and regulations must be approved by the Civil Service Commission and be promulgated by Executive Ogder of \'t. the Governor; I the Director of Administration has adopted such personnel rules and regulations relative to adverse actionsi and I|EEREAS, the Civil Service Conrmission has approved said rules and regulations in its meeting on the ITth day of August 1983. I|EBRE.AST J. BORDALLO, Governor of Guamr by virtue of the authority vested in.rne by'Section 4105, Title 4, Guam Code Annotated and by the Organic Act of Guamr do hereby order NOw, TEEREI.IORB, !, as follows: I. RICARDO The attached PersonneL Rules and Regulatione relative to Adverse Actions duly adopted by the Director of Administration and approved by the Civil Service Commission, are approved and promulgaEed, to be effective upon filing with the Legislative Secretary. t ,:tl oi ! i" v .c lt pciicies, nemoranda 2. ' A11 Prior rules ' reguiations ' or Executive Orders in conflict with this order are herebY suPerseded. Siqned and Promulgated at Agana, Guam' this ,&^, Countersigned: e/tu D. REYES Lieutenant Governor EDWARD Attachment \ F, or L DATE 4-92 SIXTE,ENTTI GUA}I LEGISLATURE vorlNc RECORD 1* = ) BrrL/RESoLUrroN No . J& MArN - VOTING Itladeleine CHARFAUROS, 7.. Edward T. CRISOSTOMO, Thomas C. IIUENAS , Edward R. GUTIERREZ' Carl T. KASPERBAUER, L.P0,[ORENA' PEREZ, Kurt C- ' III Jose I- LEON GUERRERO, MQYLAN, C- Carnen A- A].berto S. Peter F-, QUAN, John F. QUITUGUA, Franklin J. SAl.l AGUSTIN, SAIITOS, Joe | ,/ T- Francisco R. SUDO, Ranon Q- TAI{AKA, Thomas trr TORRES, Jess UMAGAT , q' Ll oYd i't - UNDERWOOD, James UNPINGCO' Antonro TOTAL sPoNsoR Wff/U'' NOT BLAS, Frank F. BORDALLO, r! n./z r I .l
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