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The Nauvoo News
“And these words which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart; and you shall teach them
diligently to you sons and shall talk of them when
you sit in your house and when you walk by the way
and when you lie down and when you rise up.”
JUNE 2015
and we put together what we thought was a well done
presentation on the results we discovered. I felt really
good once that part of the job was completed. About halfway through the quarter, I was able to sneak home for a
day or so, and dad and I completed the interview while
watching a ballgame.
All of the student presentations were informative
and well done. I remember thinking that my partner and I
would probably not get a very good grade, because we
would be compared to some of the others who were doing
outstanding jobs. But the professor was gracious for a
couple of reasons: First, this was a new class, so there was
no precedent which had already been set. And second, he
was garnering all of the research, so that he could write a
book. He must’ve felt that he couldn’t really grade us
down for doing his work. Besides, we weren’t being compensated for the research.
During my last quarter at Ohio University, I took a
class entitled “Fathering.” It was a brand new course, designed and taught by one of the professors in the education
department. The only reason I signed up for the class was
because I needed a 1-hour class to have
enough credits to graduate, and it was the
only class being offered at the time that
would fit into my schedule. On the first
day of class, I strolled into the classroom,
thinking to myself, “This is gonna
be an easy “A” and then I’m gonna be outta here!”
What I found out, however, was that the professor “The Scripwanted the class to be one in which the students
did a tremendous amount of research (for which I tures paint a
did not have time), and he expected each participant to interview their own father – provided their very similar
father was still living – with a series of questions
he was preparing.
scene when it
Interestingly, the one thing that
kept coming to the forefront was
that those who were deemed “good”
fathers were the ones who were simply involved in their children’s
lives. They were there when the
children needed them. It didn’t matter if they always
said or did the right things. Children just needed to
know that their dads cared enough to be involved.
This was a two-fold problem for me: On
The Scriptures paint a very similar scene when it
comes to
the one hand, doing a lot of research was NOT gocomes to fathering. God intended for dads to be ining to fit into my social calendar. In addition to
the other classes I was taking, I was involved in fathering.” volved with their kids. The Word teaches that the
most important thing that a man can do for his kids
the Navigators campus ministry, working late
is teach them the faith. Dads are to love their chilnights for Campus Security with the OUPD, and I
not provoke them to anger (EPH 6:4); they are to
was playing for two intramural softball teams … not to
instruct their children in the ways of God (DEU 6:6-7);
mention all of the Spring Quarter campus activities that I
and a father’s day-to-day life is to be consistent with what
knew would be happening. “This guy is wanting to cramp
he says (I THS 2:11-12).
my style!” I remember thinking to myself.
Secondly, interviewing my dad would be tough.
Because of his work schedule, and my social life, we had
to strategically find a time where he and I could sit down
for a few minutes and go over the required questions. That
would not be easy.
But, graduation was imminent, so I decided to stay
in the class. We received our research assignments, and
(thankfully) we were divided into groups of two to make
the task a little less burdensome. My partner and I carefully perused our list, and split it up as
fairly as we could. As the days went
on, I was able to find the required information in journals, magazines, and
books. My partner also did his share,
So, to all the “dads” out there … Happy Father’s
Day! Be the kind of dad God intended you to be – involved in the lives of your children, and teaching them to
be disciples of Jesus. And to my own dad … thanks for
granting me the interview. We got an “A”! Happy Father’s Day, Dad!!
Pastor Pete
Our High School Graduates
Wade Wetzig, plans to attend Shawnee State University
Michelle Stahler, plans to attend nursing classes at tech school
Jaylin White, plans to attend Rio Grande College
Joshua Hall, winner of the Mary Smalley Scholarship, will attend Morehead State University
Kimberly Rayburn, winner of a NUMC Scholarship, will attend Marshall University
Michael Davis, won a NUMC Scholarship, and will attend Heidelberg University
Steven Irwin, winner of the Robert Mignerey Memorial Scholarship and plans to attend Otterbein University
Our College Graduates
Kelsey Book, employed at “Just Funky” Graphic Arts & Design
Morgan Book, employed at Grandview Animal Clinic
Valentine’s Dinner
On Thursday, April 30, twenty seven people gathered to (finally) celebrate Valentine’s Day at the River House in Portsmouth. We all enjoyed
a scrumptious dinner and fellowship around the table. After dinner, we
tested our knowledge of trivia, and competed for some wonderful prizes.
Pastor Pete won first place, and had his dinner paid for. Lori Holsinger
came in a close second, and took home a Valentine’s book. Sue Sines
was awarded third place, receiving a bag of Tootsie Rolls. Our thanks to
Missy Cunningham and Linny Livingston for planning, decorating, and
working hard to make this year’s dinner a success. Even though the dinner had been delayed by weather issues back in February, we still had a
great time, and enjoyed a great evening with those we love!
We are pleased to recognize the following, who have recently been Baptized, or
became Members, at NUMC.
Those who were Baptized on Sunday, April 12,
during our morning worship service: Howard
Weghorst, Scott Bauer, and Brennan Bauer.
Welcome to the Family of God!
Those who became Members of NUMC on Sunday, April 26: Kathy Coleman, Diane Reese,
Sara Reese, Scott Bauer, Brennan Bauer, Michael Davis, Nick Davis, and Taylor Keen.
Welcome to Nauvoo UMC! We are so glad that God has directed your steps to join with us
in mission and ministry to our community and the world!
The Wacky World of Water is a VBS program
that takes a fun and engaging look at water with
Bible lessons that teach eternal truths, plus
great games, crafts, and much more. Kids will
learn from stories throughout Scripture that include water—from creation, to the flood, to Jesus’ walking on water and calming the
storm...and they might even get a little wet
along the way!
So come join the fun!!!
July 19 to July 23
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
For more information, contact Allison Hurley at
(740)858-4450 or Leichia Davis at (740)352-5370
Above: L-R:
Sondi Conley, Garnett Renn, David & Mary McQuay, Roy Lucas Sr., and Butch Cook
Sorting Seeds for Scioto County! Following Bible Study on May 6th, an
Above: Kevin Distel and
Carol Reiter (Trish’s mom)
Below: Trish Shaffer
assembly line was set up around the tables to fill small sacks with a variety of
seeds. The sacks were then counted out into groups to be distributed at various
ministries around Scioto county. With everyone’s help we were finished with the
500 sacks in less than an hour!
These seeds along with 4000 tomato plants were brought to Scioto county as part
of Jackson Area Ministries’ Garden Project. The tomato plants were transported
with the help of a truck belonging to Wheelersburg United Methodist Church and
driven by David & Mary Mc Quay.
Those helping with seed sorting included: Paul & Sondi Conley, Dan & Loreen
Maple, Butch & Diann Cook, Pastor Pete & Trish Shaffer, Roy Lucas Jr., Roy Lucas Sr., Kevin Distel, Garnett Renn, Carol Reiter, and Tammi Easterday.
Seeds & Plants distributed through: Nauvoo UMC, Christ UMC-(Sciotoville),
Wheelersburg UMC, Minford UMC, Lucasville Emmanuel UMC, Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church, Potters House-(Sciotoville Nazarene), Father’s Table(Salvation Army), Loaves & Fishes-(All Saint’s Episcopal Church), Portsmouth
Community Gardens, and Free Store-(Cornerstone UMC).
Left-Right: Above: Tammi Easterday (Trish's sister), Pete Shaffer
Above Right: Roy Lucas Jr., and Dan Maple
Below: Diann Cook, Loreen Maple, and Roy Lucas Sr. Right: Paul Conley
May 3
May 10
May 17
May 24
May 3
May 10
May 17
May 24
We wish to express our thanks to the church for the generous offer of the church meeting room for their dinner after the funeral
of Paul Arnett, beloved husband and grandfather. Special thanks
to Pastor Pete and Sharon Wessel for all of their wonderful help.
Thanks again and God bless you all.
Shirley Arnett and Family
Many thanks for helping to make it possible to reach young people, and
their parents, with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Your April donation, was
a big part of the above hearts being turned to God.
Ken & Debbie Rohrer, AWANA Missionaries
To My Nauvoo Church Family,
I want to thank you for choosing me as the recipient of the Robert Mignerey Scholarship. This was quite
an honor and meant very much to me. I also want to thank you all for the Bible that was presented to me on
Graduation Day. Thank you for supporting me as I begin a new journey in my life. Please continue to pray for
me as I begin at Otterbein University in the Fall. Love to all, Steven Irwin
Thanks for the donation to House of Faith Orphanage. We appreciate it very much. God always comes through
for us when we have needs. That is why we call ourselves House of Faith. I am still trying to realize all the
blessings I have received at Emmaus Walk. I would recommend it to any Christian. God is so good to me. God
came in a real way for me. May God bless all of you. Love, “Mom” Barb Richter
Our Sympathy To The Friends and Family of:
Paul Arnett, brother-in-law to Janet Weghorst
Get your Spring Cleaning ON!!! We will be having a Bag Sale
($5.00) at the church on Friday, June 5th from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
and on Saturday June 6th from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Please donate
all your unwanted goodies so we can raise money for our scholarship fund. If you have larger items, we will sell them too!!! If you
would like to donate your goods, help out or need a pickup, call or
text Sarah Livingston @ 740-464-4406. Thanks in advance!
Nauvoo United Methodist Church
1403 Fifth Street
West Portsmouth, OH 45663-6109
Rev. Pete Shaffer, Pastor
E-mail: [email protected]
(740) 858-2621 Church
(740) 370-5490 Cell Phone
Come Be a Servant
Serve Ice Cream!
Monday, June 22 @ 7:30 PM
(van leaving at 6:45 PM)
We need 12-18 volunteers including men, to
help us serve the families participating in the
Joni and Friends Family Retreat being
held at Shawnee State Park Lodge.
There will be a sign up sheet on the back
table. Those wanting to car
pool should meet at
church parking lot.
Church Committee
It’s important that all committee members
be present at scheduled meetings. Be sure
to contact the Chairperson if you are unable
to attend.
Staff/Parish Relations Committee
Monday, June 1st @ 7:00 PM
CHAIR: Tammi Castle
Administrative Board
No Meeting in June
CHAIR: Tim Renn
Monday, June 29th @ 6:00 PM
CHAIR: Butch Cook