Ms. Franziska Moeckel Director of Personalized Medicine

Ms. Franziska Moeckel
Director of Personalized Medicine Integration, Inova Health System
Born in Germany, Franziska (“Franzi”) Moeckel came to America in 2001 to realize her dream of
living and being educated in the United States. Ms. Moeckel studied at various leading academic
institutions, including the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland where
she earned her Master’s degree in Business Administration with a focus in Global Business
Strategy, as well as the Harvard School of Public Health with a focus in Genomics.
After working for a telecomm start-up in Europe and the German Embassy in Washington, D.C., Ms.
Moeckel joined Inova Health System in 2007. Inova is one of the largest and most integrated
healthcare delivery systems in the metropolitan Washington region and across the nation. During her
8 year tenure, Ms. Moeckel has taken leading roles in entrepreneurial projects such as new division
implementation, systems engineering, and brand marketing and has developed a passion for
operations-driven personalized medicine – a growing field in healthcare that manifests technological
and scientific breakthroughs in genomics by creating personalized treatments based on an
individual’s genetic makeup.
Ms. Moeckel currently serves as the Director of Personalized Medicine Integration at Inova. In her
role, she develops Inova’s strategy for becoming the national leader in applied personalized
medicine, while operationalizing, launching, and promoting new personalized medicine and genomic
medicine features in all clinical care settings.
Franziska’s personal vision is to change the healthcare industry through creativity, strategic thought
leadership, and German precision. In her free time, she enjoys traveling to exotic destinations,
jumping out of small airplanes, and diving with great white sharks…that don’t bite!