.t~3.84S4. 1 NBA PLAYERS NATIONAL BASKETBALL PLAYERS ASSOCIATION ‘WI 4fr 4SS0~’ Dear Prospective Agent: Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding obtaining information on becoming a certified agent with the National Basketball Players Association. Please complete the enclosed application and return it to our office to my attention, Robert Gadson. All applicants must submit a copy of the highest diploma received or an official copy of your transcript with your application. If this is not included, it will delay the process of your application. (Each question must be answered in order for us to fully evaluate your credentials.) Please note that a non-refundable application fee of $100.00, in addition to the required annual dues in the amount of$1,500.00 should be included with your application. Dues are applied on a per season (July ~ June 30th) basis. These monies, in the form of a check or money order, payable to the National Basketball Players Association, are due and payable upon remittance of your application. Please be sure to include the name of the applicant in the memo section of the check or money order. Place application fee in a sealed envelop and address to the attention of Mary Fitzpatrick in the Finance department. If you are applying after January l~, the dues amount will be $750.00 for the remainder of the season in addition to the non-refundable application fee of$ 100.00. You will be required to pay next year’s dues on or before July 1 ~ of each and every year thereafter. If you have any questions regarding the enclosed application and or the NBPA Regulations Governing Player Agents, please do not hesitate to contact our offices. Respectfully, 7 Robert Gadson Director of Security/ Agent Administration 310 LENOX AVENUE, NEW YORK, NY 10027 TEL 212 655-0880 FAX 212 655 0881 WWW.NBPA.COM I NBA PLAYERS ‘~s 4550Cr NATIONAL BASKETBALL PLAYERS ASSOCIATION Agent Cer4fication hecklist (Please include thisform with your completed application) Name: Address: Phone: Fax: E-mail Cellphone: Please be sure to complete all of the items below before submitting your application to be processed. 1. Answer all questions completely, including name, address and phone number. 2. Included $1500 July 1- June 3t or $750 from January 1’- June 3t. Also please note that a non-refundable fee of $100 should also be included with your application. Please be sure to include the name of the applicant in the memo section of the check or money order. Place your application fee in a sealed envelope with your application, and address the envelope to the attention of Mary Fitzpatrick in our Finance department at the National Basketball Players Association. All completed applications should be sent to the attention of Robert Gadson in the Security! Agent Administration department. 3. Original Signature on application. 4. Copy ofhighest degree I transcrz~t obtained included. _____________________ 5. Original notary. 6. Completed and signed Releaseform. 310 LENOX AVENUE, NEW YORK, NY 10027 TEL 212 655-0880 FAX 212 655-0881 WWW.NBPA.COM ahh Met. arHY( NBA PLAYERS >04 ~14S$O~W AUTHORITY AND CONSENT TO RELEASE INFORMATION INCLUDING CONSUMER REPORTS AND CONSUMER INVESTIGATIVE REPORTS UNDER TilE FEDERAL FAIR CREDIT REPORTING ACT (I) SCREENING QUESTIONAIRE FOR IDENTIFICATION PURPOSES; Name: (First) (Middle) Home Address (Street) Home Telephone Number (City) (State) (Zip Code) Social Security Number Date of Birth (2) AUTHORIZATION AND GENERAL RELEASE: I hereby authorize the National Basketball Players Association and all of its agents to request and receive any inlbrmation and rewrd~ concerning me, including~ but not limited to, consumer credit &minsiI record history, dthing~ employment~ military, civil, regulatory, educational data, and reports from individuals, corporations, partnerships, courts, law enforcement and licensing agencies, consumer reporting agencies, and other entities, including my present and previous employers. I further release and discharge the National Basketball Players Association, all of its agents and all of its subsidiaries and affiliates, and every employee or agent of any ofthem, and all individuals and personal, business, private~, or public entities of any kind, from any and all claims and liability arising out of any request (s) for~ or receipt of; infonnatlon or records pursuant to this authorization, or arising out of any compliance, or attempted compliance, with such request(s). I also authorize the procurement of an investigative consumer report and understand that it may Involve personal interviews with sources such as Mends, neighbors and associates, and may contain lthrmatlon about my character, general reputation, personal characteristics, and mode of livin& whichever are applicable. I understand that I have the right to make a written request within a reasonable period oftime for a complete and accurate disclosure of additional information concerning the nature and scope ofthe investigation. I acknowledge that I have voluntarily provided the above information a C NBA P141 ER S 43W’ for qualification as NBPA Certified Player Agent~ and I have careMly read and I understand this authorization. Further, I understand that the NBPA has the right to provide any information obtained to players and their family members who are advising them In selecting an agent. -* I have been given a stand-alone, consumer notification that a report will be requested and used for the purpàse of evaluating me for qualification as an NBPA Certified Agent The following is my frue and complete legal name, and all ofthe above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. SIGNED: DATE: APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATION AS AN NBPA PLAYER AGENT ,SSN_______ (Full name) (Business address and affiliation, If any) (relephone) (Zip Code) (Fax) hereby apply for certification as an NBPA Player Agent pursuai~t to the NBPA Regulations Govern ing Player Agents as adopted effective Maroh 7,1986. In advance of filling out and signing this application, I have read the NBPA Regulations Govern ing Player Agents, a copy of which has been provided to me along with this applicaton form. in submitting this application. I voluntarily agree to comply with and be bound by those Regula tions (Including but not limited to the maximum fee schedule) which are Incorporated herein by reference and any subsequent amendments that may be promulgated thereto. I understand that maldng any false or misleading statement of a material nature in answering any question on this Application can result In denial or revocation & certification. I understand that all the information contained in this Application is designed to benefit the NBPA and Its members, both present and future, by helping to insure qualified representation, I unconditionally agree that the information contained herein can be maintained and used by the NBPA Committee on Agent Regulation In performing Its functions and can be provided by the Committee to individual NBA players, Including rookies. I understand and agree that only persons who have been certified by the Committee will be permitted to represent NBA players, including rookies, In performing servites’described in the Regulations (Section 1, A). I understand and agree that a precondition to~ing granted certification is that I swear or affirm that every agreement for the performance of an Agent’s services (as defined in paragraph 2 herein) which I enter into with a player on or after March 7, 1986 (IncludIng any modification, extentlon or renewal of an agreement that was in effect prior to March 7, 1986) shah conform to the Standard Player Agent Contract. ~ employees and representatives (lonoluding, but not limited to, the Committee on Agent Regula tion and the Individual members thereof) from any liability whatsoever resulting from my acts of commission or omission In providing services to any player in connection with his individual corn pensation negotiations with an NBA club or in connection with any subsequent eforcement of such Individual contract. I egree that If I em denied certification or if subsequent to obtaining certification it is revoI~ or suspended pursuant to the Regulations, the exclusive method for appealing from any such ac tion is through the arbitration procedure set foth In the Regulations. In consideration for being accorded the opportunity to obtain certification status, I further agree that this application and the certification, If one is Issued to me, and the NBPA Regulations Gover ning Player Agents shall constitute a contract between the NBPA and myselt ALL QUESTIONS MUST SE ANSWERED COMPLETELY 1. General a. Have you ever been known by any other name or surname? If yes, state all names used and when used: (yes or no) If a mauled woman, please give maiden name: b. Date of birth c. Birthplace d. Name of spouse: 5. Spouse’s Employer and address: f. Does spouse have any business relationship with the National Basketball Associa tion or its clubs? If yes, specify in detail: _______________________________ -- 2- Education a. Law or other graduate school attended: (School) (City & State) Dates of Attendance: From (month year) Degree Date awarded to (month & year) • b. Colleges or Universities attended: (name) (city & state) (dates attended) (degree) (name) (city & state) (dates attended) (degree) (name) (city & state) (dates attended) (degree) c. High School attended: (name) (city & stale) (date degree received) d. If you have not received a degree from an accredited tour year collegelunlverslty, list below the negotiating experience you wish the Committee to consider in lieu of any year(s) of education. 3. Cunent OccupatlonlEmployment a I am currentlr (check one) C employfl (name of employer) (address) C) (telephone) (dates of employment) (nature of employment) C sell employecl b. If self.mployed, please state nature and location of business: C. Please hst below the names of employers, addresses, positions held, and dates of all employ ment you have had for the past ten (10) years: .3- 4. Lawyers and Law Graduates a. Have you been admitted to the Bar in any jurisdiction? (yes or no) If yes, please list Jurisdictions and dates of admission: (Jurisdiction) (date of admission) (Jurisdiction) (date of admission) (Jurisdiction) (date of admission) b. Do you have any applications for Bar admission currently pending? (yes or no) If yes, please state where you have applied and the status of that application: c. Have you ever been disbarred, suspended, reprimanded, censured, or otherwise disciplined or disqualified as an attorney, as a member of any other profession, or as a holder of any public office? if yes, please describe (yes or no) each such action, the dates of occurrence, and the name and address of the authority imposing the action in question: _______________________ d. Are any charges or complaints currently pending against you regarding your conduct as an attorney, as a member of any profession, or as a holder of public office? (yes or no) If yes, please indicate the nature of the charge or complaint and the name and ad dress of the authority considering it: e. Has your right to practice before any governmental office, bureau, agency, cornmis. sion, etc. ever been disqualified, suspended, withdrawn, denied, or terminated? (yes or no) If yes, please explain fully: 5. All Applicants a. Are you a member of any business or professional organization which directly relates to your occupation or profession? II yes, please list: (yes or no) ___________________ b. Please list any occupational or professional licenses or other similar credentials (i.e., Certified Public Account, Chartered Life Underwriter, Registered Investment Ad visor, etc.) you have obtained other than college or graduate school degrees, in. cluding dates obtained: • Have you ever been denied an occupational or professional license, franchise or other similar credentials for which you applied? (yes or no) If yes, please explain fully: d. Do you have currently pending any application for an occupational or professional license, franchise or other similar credentials? If yes, please (yes or no) describe and indicate status of each such application: ___________________ e. Have you ever been suspended, reprimanded, censured, or otherwise disciplined or disqualified as a member of any profession, or as a holder of any public office? (yes or no) rence, and the name and address of the authority imposing the action in question: f. Are any charges or complaints currently pending against you regarding your conduct as a member of any profession, or as a holder of public office? (yes or no) _________________ If yes, please indicate the nature of the charge or complaint and the name and ad dress of the authority considering it: g. Has your right to engage In any professIon or occupation ever been disqualified, suspended, withdrawn, or terminated? If yes, please explain fully: (yes or no) ___________________ 5. All ApplIcants a Have you ever been convicted of or plead guilty to a criminal charge, other than minor traffic violations ($100 fine or less)? If yes, please Indicate (yes or no) ____________________ nature of offense, date of conviction, criminal authority Involved, and punishment assessed; b. Have you ever been a defendant in any civil proceedings, including bankruptcy pro ceedings. In which allegations of fraud, misrepresentation, embezzlement, misap propriation of funds, conversion, breach of fiduciary duty, forgery, or legal malprac tice were made against you? If yes, please describe fully and (yes or no) indicate results of the civil proceeding(s) in question: ___________________ c. Have you ever been sued by any player (NSA or otherwise) for any reason? _________ (yes or no) If yes, please describe fully and indicate the results of the civil action in question: d. Have you ever been adjudicated insane or legally incompetent by any court? (yes or no) If yes, please provide details: _______ e. Were you ever suspended or expelled from any college, university, or law school? (yes or no) If yes, please explain fully: I. Has any surety or any bond on which you were covered been required to pay any money on your behalf? (yes or no) If yes, please describe circumstances: ______________ g. Are there any unsatisfied Judgments of continuing effect against you (other than alimony or child support)? (yes or no) If yes, provide full details: 7. References Please list below the names, addresses, and daytime telephone numbers of at least five (5) persons, not related to you, who have known you for at least the last five (5) years and who can attest to your character. (Names of officers, player representatives, or staff members of the NBPA may not be used): 8. ProfessIonal Spans Experience a. Please list below the names of every NBA player, including rookies, you are now representing or have represented In the past in Individual contract negotiations wIth NBA clubs, Indicating the dates of such representation and the NBA club(s) involved: b. (Optional applicant may refrain from answering if he or she desires.) Please list below the names of any other professional athietesenteftalners, or celebrities you are now representing or have represented In the past, indicating the type of repiesen tation, the dates of representation, and the employers involved: — c. Do you manage, invest or in any manner handle funds for NBA players? If yes, are you bonded? (yes or no) _____________ (yes or no) If yes, please provide details as to the amount of the bond, the name adn address of the surety or bonding company, etc.: d. If yes, are you currently registered under the Investment Advisor’s Act, 15 U.S.C. Section SOb-3 et seq.? If not, explain why.: 9. LIst the names of any General Managers or other management officials of any team that you presently are representing or have represented In the past in individual contract negotiations with their respective teams: 10. For each firm or organization with which you are presently affiliated, list each office (Including address and telephone number) at which the business of representing professional athletes Is customarily conducted. (Designate principal office.) 11. For each such firm or organization, state whether It Is a sole proprietorship, corpora tion, partnership, or other entity (specify). 12. If a partnership, list the name of each partner; if a corporation, list the name of each officer and member of the Board of Directors. Designate those partners, officers or members of the Board of Directors who customarily perform work for professional athletes. 13. List each person, not named in number 12 above who: (a) has a significant ownership Interest In your finn or organization; (b) has wholly or partially financed your firm or organization (other than financing or credit extended in the ordinary course of busi ness by lending institutions); or (c) directly or indirectly exercises or has the power to exercise a controlling influence over the management of your firm or organization. Describe the ownership Interest, amount of financing, andlor basis of controlling Influence for each person listed. If the firm or organization listed In this response Is a partnership, list each panner~ If a corporation, list each officer and member of the Board of Directors. 14. Describe fully the nature of the business of each of your firm(s) or organization(s). IS. WIth respect to your present business, list each person engaged in the representation of professional athlete(s) and hislher area(s) of specialty. 16. Apart from basketball, list any other professional sports in which you currently repre sent or have previously represented any professional athletes, and for each such sport specify the number of athletes you currently represent. 17. What services does your firm provide to Players? (Place a check next to each service provided.) Contract Negotiation Estate Planning Grievance-Arbitration_______ Tax Planning Financial Planning Appearances! Endorsements Investment Counseling _________ Other Services (Explain) 18. If you do not provide services in one or more of the listed areas, do you assist the player in securing such services? If so. describe what you do in this regard (Include name and address of each individual!firm to which you customarily iefer players for each such service) _________ 19. WIth respect to the areas in which you do ~ provide services, do you: (a) have an ownership interest In; (b) wholly or partially finance; or (c) directly or indirectly exer cise a controlling influence over any firm or organization that does provide such services? ________________________ It so, list the name and address of each firm or organization, the services it provides, and a detailed explanation of your relationship to andlor involvement with it (Including financial relationships). 20. Do you have an agreement, understanding or relationship of any kind with any indMduai, firm or organization pursuant to which such indMdual, form or organization solicits or encourages players to use your services? Do you provide any compensation or other consideration to such indMdual, form or organization? It so, explain fully, including the name and address of each such person, firm or organization. 21. Are your customary fees for financial planning, investment counseling, estate plan• ning. tax planning, legal advice, andlor appearanceslendorsements (if you are any af• fillated companies listed in number 19 provide such services) based on a percentage of the Player’s salary you negotiate. his total income, an houfly fee, or some other arrangement. Specify your customary fees in each such area, and indicate the relationship, if any, of such fees to the fees you charge for player contract negotiations and related services. 22. Do you bill the player for your expenses in connection with the services referred to in number 21 above? If so. on what basis do you bill (e.g. Itemized outof-pocket, daily rate of other basis)? __________ Do you allocate proportionate expenses among various player clients? If so, describe method of allocation. _________ 23. What, if any, additional charges do you customarily bill for other financially related work? 24. When is the player expected to pay your tees for such services? 25. Do you handle andlor manage money for your player clients? Are you bonded? If so, list surety, amount of bond and expiraton date of current policy. _______________ __________ 26. Has any surety or any bond on which you were covered been required to pay any money on your behalf? If so. describe the circumstances and dates. ___________ 27. (a) Do you refer players to any person, firm or organization for any services of the type listed above in number 17? It so, state the name, address, and nature of your financial relationship with any such person, firm or organization: __________ Q) Are any fee-splitting or referral fees Involved in such arrangements? If so, provide details; (c) lithe services Involved for such a referral include financial management or Invest ment counseling, are the Individuals or organizations involved bonded? _________ 28. Do you or any affiliated organizations or persons listed in numbers 13 or 18 above receive any fees, commissions, rebates or other compensation other than as paid direct ly by a player client as a result of: (a) the player purchasing any securities or funds (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc.) (b) the player Investing In any investment vehicles ~artnerships, businesses, corpora tion, venture capital programs, etc.)? (c) the player purchasing any form of insurance (disability, life, casualty, etc.)? or (d) the player making any endorsements, appearances or other licensing ar rangements? If so, do you receive any other compensation as a result of your representation of the player? Are these additional forms of compensation fully disclosed to the player? In writing? Are these additional forms of compensation deducted from the fees your charge as set forth In number 21? ACKNOWLEDGM ENT CITY OF: ______________________ STATE OF: ______________________ I, • being first duly sworn, say that I have read the foregoing questions and have personally answered the same fully and honestly and the answers to said questions are two to my knowledge. Signature of Applicant Subscribed and sworn to before me this of __________ Notary Public _________ day NIPA REGULATIONS GOVERNING PLAYER AGENTS This booklet is designed to provide you with pertinent information concerning the effective player agent regulation system developed by the National Basketball Play ers Association. The impetus for this system was the increasing recognition among NBA players of the need: (ii to insure that agents representing players (including rookies) in individual contract negotiations with NBA teams provide services of a high quality at fee levels that are fair and equitable; and 12) to establish a program for assisting players and rookies in selecting individual agents. in response, the Association engaged in a comprehensive study of this subject area, which included an evaluation of the National Football Players Association’s experience to date under its agent regulation program end valuable input from agents representing basketball players. The culmination of this effort is the promulgation of the fol lowing documents: the NBPA Regulations Governing PlayerAgents, Application for Certification for Player Agents, and Standard Player Agent Contract. Persons who wish to represent NBA players in individual contract negotiations must comply with the Regulations and become certified as an NBPA Player Agent before they are eligible to participate in such negotiations. Individuals wishing to become certified should first review the entire contents of this booklet and then promptly file a complete Application with the NBPA office at: 310 Lenox Avenue New York, NY 10027 We would like to take this opportunity to thank you in advance for yourwholehearted cooperation in this important undertaking. We are confident that you share the Association’s commitment to achieving the salutary objectives of this program. 02004 NATIOWAL IA SNETSALI PLAYEMS ASSOCIATIOK A OEM 75 1 13 Introduction The Orion — Player Representatives WIns NatIonal Batefl Pbyera Aesodno CWA~ hereby adopt the Idlowbig Regidadone Ocnrt*g Player Agents who provide representadon am. vices to players (Including males) by condiicdng rdMduel contract negotlo idler asdsling (neradvicing whit tnpect to such n.gceletlone with the einployerlchibs of the National 855J51 red upon the NBPA as die eackialve bergakdng fepflsentadv. at NBA players Pfliant tO Sic lion 9(a) ci Si, National Labor Rdatlcna Act, which prowldas hi pertinent part RepresentatIves designated or selectad for the pu poses of collective bargaining by the m4orfty of the employoee In a wilt approflie for such purposes. aliBI) be the escicafre representatIves old the employees In suds wilts forth. purposes of 00k lacliwe bargaining hi respect to rates ol pay, wages. hews at rnploymanl. a Ocher conditions at enwloymenl. In Article )OCIlI (“Recognhlon” dauso)olApdt, lees Coleclive Bargaining Agreement between the NBA and the Players AssociatIon, as amended effective February 1980. the ponies to that Agreement have agreed as lQdow$: The NBA recognizes the Players Association as the esdhmlve collective batgalnIrig representative of persons who are employed by NBA mcnibarsnpmbeslm& a ball Ølayrs (endlot who become so amptoy,d at any time during th5 tanIi of INs Acreenret and 51* Players Aasoclallcn warrants that it Ia duly empowered to enter kilo Usia Asnment Ia end an belaft of such persons. The NBA and the Players Aasodaiiois agree that. nolwithstendlng the foregoing. the Players Association nfl delegated ~ autherftytoadvlthiflspoyene.dpmpectlve.nWcyeee(lndtalkig person nat prevbi~ren~la eden ~L..,dbad.stha3players by NBA .4a.f~. but only when they ar. acting on mew own belied a Utrough agents certified by tie Player. Association, to bargain with dubs end to reach agreement upon the provi sion ci Pl~t Cataracts. The a..nfw~ erich Player Convect. wC be operative only as end to the einont that they era permitted by title Collective Bargaining Agreement Commencing March?. 1956, the Players Assadation snail submit to the NBA and to each of Its dubs a Pet of ceqated agent~ that list shall be updated by the Players Association on a con linubig teals. The NBA, hi csnyflg out (a reviewIng authority wIth rasped to Individual Player Canon agrees to Implement th~ following pmcedurw EffectIve March?. 1985, the NSA shall Issue a dkective so each of Its dubs elating that Wine dub shad n enter into any negotiations for player conflols wilesa 0) the player is represented by en agent whose nerile eppears an the Pet ci certified agents furnished such dub by the Players Aasodatlcn, a (II) the player Is acting at No own behalf: and (b) each club, when aubmilting hidhedual player corteds for approval by the NBA. shell provide the name .1 the player agent who negotiated the contract a state that the player acted ml his awn behalf in the negotIatIons. ft. rmtwWuw~ig Urn foregoing. negCosliwdwWig any mem end a non’ce.tlfiedplaysrsgeiit lake plea. and a convect Is executed, that contract shall be deemed to be void. 14 AGENTS •Iii& HAHO WAS. IA SKETSALL PLATEC S A SIOCIATIOM SECTION 1: SCOPE Off REGULATION A. No person (oltw Sen aplayerreptesenthig Nnvi&flthdl be peimfited to conduct Individual omitted .z,. ~~-1. on banal ole player (lnduwng a rooMer anWaa hi or advise welt mact to rich r-~~’-,.s with NBA clubs after the effective date & lute Riftens ualese hi (fl curtently certified on a player agent pisurt to these Regutalteas. mid (2) cigna tile atonad teem be egreosiant with die player (See Section 4 B. The aIdes a canducl of player egeit that are governed by these Regulations kidudr The prevldb,g ci ate. caut InformilIon a aselelance to players ~ndtdsq mactear” vito’ re#ect 10 negothsthug uwlr btdMdual conflate wIth a thereafter hi enfrrcfrq those coisasi ~e conduct ci .-‘~ - t uzegodatlena whil vie alum on behalf of Individual players: end any alter activity or conduct which duriadyben aeon di. player agen hafl. flWce or a~ty to ptpe4npre sent Individual NBA players end the NOPA hi kdwldusl contract ro”~’no. am pravlelona 01 these Regulation,. Including tide on., may be naiad by the Oilcan and Player Rap.nentalhes of the NEPA peelodledy as they deem apprcøete. SECTION 2: REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTIFICATION mealy. March ?~ lieS, any pereon who teigs to perform Ut. (undimis cia planer agent iaeab ad In Section IA. ehow miatt be ~.idil.d by the NEPA. piraimit to the following pmcadwt A. Api~ Per Ceet1t~en The person muet file a vialed Application tow Cenh’latlon. The application us to be mitnufited Dr pupal fld mefi to the NEPA Comsrdue. on Agent R.gulallon—’eue Conmdlee’— designated torecehe and act upon mmdi applications. The Comsuuee thU co of the PUPA’s OWera, - I ~ couseel, The Goniinluae vito not nate a,~ ~ - -~--. tiled In tha e ci any cepceadea. company. peutnesslip or cityr bwlnese entty;onty Individual per. anise eligible for certiftatlea mcml, no mna on th. number of bdlvIdSb, anyone cotpem lIon a other business entity who are *1W, for certliontlon. tote eligible for certification. the applicant mud have received a degree from en — low year oollegenfltve.* The Commute. aliaS have the aulhcdly to anitine whether tale t.~4 negolfating ceipedeno. ass mibethuts foe any yeerb) of education. Witti IttIIty (IO)dayaot Wing of an F3 -.1st Cesltflostlon. the Conmilttee shall ddasu*la whether cetilficatlon utah be granted to the eppllcart provided. however, that tile pelted may be eiamided loran lond nInety (50) days upon vitae notification to the-i. -“t before Iii. expifetlee elm. laNai eddy (SO)dq~ period. Upon receipt oi en agent~AppUca1len lot Cettifica. lion, the ~—~- may, In me context ci reeving tie .. request Iwewnuiten nytedda from tile .~~Y-- p saWer contact whatever home. Innaeden B dee~ri* ,._..~,,d—l—, Inohidag en Inhomel ,._±_ wIde the appdoa — .r •7l,~~4~~_% these Regeathne ha ~am IomW’ etisil neon any player who ha net fl~eid kiSe NSA hussy as cur I, eottt~ ha 1* tel nail ammi NSA a --Tha.q-.ca ~ Asgulatie references to ‘leer wlflflfltl apply equafly eater. • “For pwpaeesel emlad an. Stilt Aeq*duna..1.._.to’-rs”ebe chat apply to “rnelst, etfoes..,...4 rdArIOlaA, AASK€Ti AlL Pt AVERS A 15001*1 OH AGENTS I 15 a. lntewm &nW Owing the peilod that en ~ -. lot Ceniffodan lspendbig. lie Coinmutee nisyasthama erq~erdt*m In Wed en appiloallan topodde repsanSetel Seiwloeshione wmotflhayets -‘ Lmbiawwual ~ - with cl’sbe It the Committee den mach aMhet~lon whe hi Vie p$gyfl beet bluest. However, tech Mtedm eden Mmfl be epedlally ~nRad ton — enaflh,ed In d’n Co.mr~a’e hWiioitnden end, ft. any sweat, I net CaIdede a waiver at the Cmiwihlae sight fl.aII.r to deny owliffoellen under thate Ragutellona. C êemSt. Genial of Cedloellon Given Vie Impoewit function Vial flyer ageas ~.4 for the IndMdI*I playes they iapts~ sent. Ills di. NOPA. Intention hi prcm4atfag thee. Rega$one in himire that u4t bias. per ran who can reteonaW be —,---J-~II to 11d4’ cony at dioss repcnchMles eni be satitied Is ceitSindon. Consistent whit dt~ ct4ecllvs. UI. Committee Is salNolized to deny cardIcetlan hi any -~ Upon the Committee detarmiafrag that di. epplbent has made lilt. a mldeS~ng etntnna at a material assure hi the epfladen; Upon di. Commiltee determIning Vial Vie appfieens has eva mliapprcplet,ed funds. orergeg od In other apadffc acts iamb as eatezdenient. theft or timid, which would aenda tim unfit hi eervs hi a Mudety capathy at beliaft at players. Upon 0* CommIttee detsrmMIn~ that the applicant haa enaaaed In any other omiduct me slgnMoantiy impacta etivemety a’ ele orasibimy. Inter, or ccmpewnoe to tens Ins Ildudi,y cepay at behalf ci playn Upon Uis Coninifle determlnhig diet me eppSoeni Is unwillIng to maw or atlam at be wit comply vidi Vase Rafldaas and any anendmente thereto and that he will abide by 0*11. fl 1w, contaIned In the standard form pb~er’ags.l soiwsel b~.,...,aod bile thee. Ragidatone. 0. AeM Iran 0e~ of CøS.~.N._. In di. nit an application for omlifiosdon barded pnaant to this section. the applicant slat be notified In vwiang (by prepald autifled mel) ci the usia for Vie dadt The epplosat allay appeal such action hi die &athr eppabited pwmaant hi Sedan Sat lbs A.; tlotw provided a macit appeal must be Wuleledhy eling by pupald ..~d mel a mitten nellos ci eppad upon di. Conimfttes and the Aititialer within lfluty (30) days ci recalpi of the notice dea~,tig Fda ep pIlcallon let wfrilbdat. The appeal chaff be~ and resolved hi accordance wit Iliser. bindan precedures eel forth In BedIm’S. pemaraplis Dlhrcugh F ci thee. Argunolona Theap peal to erblbatlon shaft constitute the enabjslve method ci challengIng any denial at certffballoa E. t “crRevecatlonofCefllflcatlon AJ any time a±eequeid to gmnbrq a aerditcedan to a player qent die Committee cen. based upon minute broughl lob attsnllm’i a aedng on Its awn frdtlatfre. propose atiependln or revoking miali cartlllcelton on any grand dim woidd have prodded a b for denflig cadWce Byiffi die fast pleas (see Sean 2, C) sadler tot contact prd*Iad hi $acdefl S(*Wof thee. Regidatlons.. My tint p. .4 .....nat..wrevocilfan abs ant by prep&dc.iZ4mel to the player agent’s altto or residence The agent may eppeli any Sioli ~ ~ 1 or revowion by complying wit lit. pitcedwe tat liwdeg mtbellon as at forth In Sedan S at peiaflha B Ihiotagh G.The appeal to ettliradon ehell constitute the eseluetwe method ci disftwçbig any • .~r 1aspa&an a revocation at oaqtloatloa. ‘Inn eenmna,ya.mflic. where (lie Cawrdtn’s h’iveedgaicn - at the .;utswtict le at mad. e tailiw anti.. a hijum ftmiedal~ ki~ig FSee.llteIlom. Vie Cceudun Is avataid a tekemacliatea himthaverd, Ow lent nay appeal that nebula flneiamarals cewi appeal barn a.ixoeed—.—-’ ath.-’-----atbthbleahiit 16 AGENTS 02004 NATIONAL SASKETIALL flAVORS ASSICIATIO N F. Fern 0 upon ‘w~ an AØLIOMIm) fat CmlMcatIan ass pia~sc agent dis fl.._JM-e eliafl prudde lit. ~ t4 %~fl a waiter w1t4.r. Tpuqeltwemnnhe.a~a~nowvaaasayer..ent hi C sclWIndMdusI player - ____ _____ In gatip cellSasdan die CommMwe ibM not be to hone .~s.d any petedat agentead. hi no want. an th. rant of ._Oi._t_ ~~ damedwrpess ~bmIyionlheN8PA ‘_ettheplaysragenlbpwddng repesentellws ID any player. SECTION t STANDARD OF CONDUCT FOR PLAYER AGENTS IN PROVIDING SERVICES GOVERNED BY ThESE REGULATIONS As deac4ted abnme ot(addYe of disNBPA In Insuhig S~e Ragufadons b to enible playero to ma. bifoa’med ealocilat degn sad to Insure that the player agn duD p’elde to Urn In’ duldimi plapora Wise they ..,......4 In contract negotiation with NBA a in scdve ...~r talon t Là and macrae rates tat ate unUormly eppfiosbte. A. osn.a menmeits C ‘-~4 With 1* ob$CtNe. a player went dial be rsq.*ed w~ (1) DIsclose an bIn appicadon and diseofis, upon request of me Committee at Intimation rdsvant tO Na er hnqudfloadmne to srrnae player Item. Including, but riot listed ID, bacligiound. acdaI bsiMng. a.,mla...,. hi nig@4~IQn*. peat repnsadatlon ot pro. tsszIcm atdon and rslauat budness essodahu or nrltumhw In ~,,.t4S (2) Pfle a Sagent isis ulataflian me mist S away year Sn. upx’rdrq inset. Any new agmu certified — the first of Jmwaiy Wit be mq.dmd to pay onWull dii dun timit peimm~aeaca AS agerte nuat aw at NePAaerdnarcacftyeeraeØwtien the Comn*tn&4....d.... motto reqidre the attar4snc of Its aspedenoed egents Many a p~ comply eddi Sue nnidmum foe adudulnnd iii other pioutslorta ci these Asgadadoan and Stay .....ataa.4. thws*i (4) Adds. aplayuetand reportlothe NBpAanykncwn .4.l4....Wen NEAdsof a playir’. — fl 0) ProvIde the NOPA a copy of any player ccmpeniafl a~esmant you ~-t--~ on Ida bofit? with any NBA teem whhb’u 48 boise after die a.a.aI In (0) Paculdemi rbebeeMwcb t, iSSO, end onorbeioieMaroh tclseob .ucceedngyear. toaaplayw whohe..d..aaa..wftti acopytothe! ~ “-.~anltendadsamnent 00.4*15 the period Jawary I trough December St of Ut. ‘—-..~-‘-~, ft year which awash ate forth bath the tie charged to the player fat, and any espeatses bond hi canneodon *t the patiorniance of. the lcliowlngseavlcw (a) hidIddual player salary -; t.L~ jpjfa~gØwji~ eblunilon, (b~ta management of die pisyata eaaeWI (C) Uwpa~tdon tothe player of finendal. Inuwamant. lagat, tax andler oIlier advice, endf~ any other miaoelboisoua .....k.... p) PermIt aparaan at firm ..áMl..d ~ a loon. orcwmntplayercliuiit taconthact oat aidit upon sequel, of alt .Sbn..4 bode end records mlsfl to any sanicee prodded to diM •2CQ’ NATIONAL OA$I(ETSALL PLAYERs ASSOCIATION A 0 EN TS 17 0) lWffy 11* NOn prcafld any igoltIcent chatg.. In your sans ieteuant to your con. to be cedLd as player agent Opflhicqr. mi or betcm .kdy 1~ 1010. you em requfred to nod% the NSPA, In wildog oh (a) Any change lnvoMng your ....Ø..,.....m 01ak that ha taken piece sInce the lung of your ~‘—-i lot callucedorn ~) Any change In lbs player0) you mprnan that has tier place elnce the ff3ng of your apllcedce for flatlen (c) AqJ.4a...joceeetng dios ha ban lideed against you, or any (cmiii charge Of .y114 med egakut you In your~-‘capaly since the luing of yew appfioation tot cadiflcadca 0) Ndll4~ di. NSfl. hi writhe ihhty ~sq days of any ateaquerd ahanga that oem, • lii connection WIdi any of the Into.. Nan retened to In adiparegmfl tel above. (IC) Ptowwaaiabeb.. tAnreb 1, 1000aM thereafter. VisA~ . joSh scan to each player dirt Macsate rapreants) U. ~ sat tutu In tan *10 of die roubed Andcr ice Cetitlcetlon enlisted belay. (II) PmwldeltiaAnoclsdcn with ii materieb that the Aesodatloci deems reined wIth rapoct to any Mn-%’-i conducted p~uaard to these Regiala aitd In ill other. ceoparate wth die Association. a — B. Prohibited Conduet e”e a To hiriher eltediata die oweoses of these Reguuaftces rm’e again are prohibited front 0) Reptacenthrog any player hi kdvldu& tassel negodaticas with enyohib tmle the again 0) has a current cedfhlcellon. and (i) has signed a standard player agent fee e~asnieed with Mcli sadi player; 0) Pso’ddlng or olbdng a rnonetaq Inducement (other than a fee lees dim, the ma*kntim tee contained In me eteadard fee agreement ~a-rai4 by disc. Regulations) to any pls~wr (rnchidlng a rooWe)ei ockg. athista to bilbare or enccwsgo diet pesos to a be see*es § Pra4dlng ot elheitng money a any other cong of vehie toe member of a ~er’s fwnu~. or any other person (or the purpose of Induowg a eneoumfl die player to dUn lila .uid.... or for this puepes. of hdtsbig or ncrnfl that peace to recommend dial a player (fnokdng a molds) or coflege athlete WOre the ...A... of the agent (0 Proufding meteifally tub. or mhalss&ng biL....a., to any player ~echrdhig a melds) or college aWn hi flue coolest of tasking 1b. ~.: osaplsyar agaw Per diet lidvlui a In die course or rspesee$ng that player a Ida agent (a) HOIelng or aeeldng to hold, either dtrecdtr or lnduracdy, a fInancial busiest In any probs elate) ~—t~ ••I team a In any odierbuabiavargum that would crests an actual con Octal Intereet or the ~ipearance of. conflict of Intarsa between the Individual player and rite agent RapeaaaruMgtfleGenrLUaie~... or coach of any NBA man (a any aer management repreesnaske who ‘J~ - hi tn• aa4~eadoesa caa...% wtit Into be cOated hudividuel playes) In satIn peutabdog to his ie~Ey’ner4 oranyothermnahssanyffnaJlcliabyw_ L~.wllh anyNBA teem; (g) EngagIng Di arty other activity which crane anachall or potential conlilciof Interact with the effective ieaedallmi of NBA plays..; prouftied that the espresantatlon ci two a moreplayersenenyona cbbahaflaatseubedeemsdwb.piohlbftedbyddepmwlatom 0) BallotIng or ecoepUng money or .nyddrrg of voice from any NBA elk In clicumabloes wtwe [email protected] a oadllct or an apparent coaffict with the Interuas ci arty plnyar he ..,_..,a. m IS AU EN F 5 02004 NAT TONAL SASOCTcALI. PLAYERS ASSOCIATION Negn IaDnga,d~r_~t, to aqpo bafip. cnw oPidi dipWee that player ~q any bensfit contained hi any caiusdln4flwoelned iQreemiflt ~,..—. the NSA end It. N5fl Q Negndesng aegfsdng be ypsod~n fri a flyer a tact wt**i Oflya IIIALI.41 daisies any slated palsies, ‘ides, a rqdnmenb isiebhiSed by the NBP& $10 Conceathig maiseld lade teem any flyer whom the egeid in ..~....&J.g which mint. t. the euWect of Die bdv~i~e ~&.a r-~e. Fedhig ID eddie Ut. player and ID repast to the P~A any kiimim vislaltom byan NSA dub & a flyWe lnd~ omitra* (m) E%*~trig hi nIndW conduct indict conduct lnveMng fltonesly. freud, deceit or oilier conduct which retinae adversely on bin a ha Illness as a player qmu at jecpe,dbee the eftedve represiritabi of NBA playerit êØ &esdihiQ the pwddone at the mw&mim to. edied’4a ~meid that the agent Is se~ to aster frito puimani to these Regubttens piodded, however, that mounds for dlxlpbe dial not — when, In the cbcwnlenen of a paitladar cane. tire an a meecnabb bale lot doubting wheihe, the sgml’s conduct vet In btoech ofthe ceiwact (a) In&ecdy drasmwrdfng the tee Nmlts of the etandad hem inaidmum tee ~eeinenl by Imnebigly end Intendoasfly Increasing the tees that he had .L..~e4 a GtelwIse would have dierged the flyer for cur ...4k... lndtdng bid not United to, Ilneadal consults lion, edviCe ~snbig money msnsgesne% andlor n.gcttetlng s~—..4 egmemeids an behalf ii playert W) Vietehing me pwetatene of the aderd Flayer Agreernsnt ithereby Di. agent eats In resolve eD disputes bwoliilng the miming, Iiderpatetlaa apPlIcatIon Cl lidosceinem ci that epr*W fle*CbJeWeIytIirO9lI eibluatlce and nat tobitlate erq Insult for breed’ of .aaLl agalnetlfle player end. (a.) Yldeting any of the requhaments of Beotlor S(AXI’ti) or Section 4(4 Apvsgentwho..,.,~.4 loony - • ~ cu’aa datined Sam dial bem9ectlodac≠l. hi soadence twi the [email protected] ci Section eel Diese Regutedn m — C. MIscellaneous In to mfrahihig 1mm the loregabig proldettad conduct the NSPA fotther a~ede that ewe~i egmuw ny out the. ..couu.dbyteflgutodolu wafle highed dee. of proeeelon.l competence end lntaØy. lii die —-~—“ a. USPA WsaWse eapecli sItaR to acitinve and maintain high quality pedoncmas avery player t1d. IL i Itsrdmum. wta take the. - —, steps to become k&~ - ~ Soul the NUPA’s etucture. the economlea at die Indugey. eppflosbie cdlsot.e bergabibig eeom.nhs. basic negalbdng teofmlquee. end alt amen ci tim law rutevant to Ns1.7 —‘ duties. ti. altar those ~ become also live, the Ceinminee detamines that Uweba need to kopose ed&flonsl rSqLdIaIIeIIIS with laped to the qualty ol agent performance, die commitea reserve. the sigId Ia amend these Regulations SECTION t AGREEMENTS BETWEEN MAYER AGENTS AND PLAYERS: MAXIMUM FEES A. nd5..4 Form To qnify to perbnn the servIces of a player agent wider Uwso Reguldone, a person mimi allefy Wee p.emqubmn (1) HeSie muM be cafll~ed~ and® heleha must have signed a 14DM ~d font — .~,.,4 with the . Reb.ed ‘.-4.J- tat — be Minr._t A copy of the etcecuted agreemeat tRait be twit by prepsid e.Wfleu nab by Pie player agent to the ?~A Committee within five tm den of ezecudea Once di. agent —1i two preriqulalee stated above, he ehalt be authorized to luncmn as a player agent under these Regulations. 02fl4 N ATIONAt SASKETOALL FL AVERS ASSOCIATION AGENTS 19 My.w~Idbfleei sfl~tr agent and. fl~ entered ego ella dip ifecdie date citne Aeg.’.” wt’ddi is a hi aflibigewNab a.. net ma die tequwmams ci these Regadme U~ bedeebeetid effect and Afl tegeifltha0 MWma flanydahn egelnat ma plays. La ._~.. on die bali of audi purponod cenflot Any ig..u....dU 1a~4 bt alter die .S..~. astra Regaled... shed bidede a prewl sbiflreby elduer petty a*y tsimhiws tint %..4~d upon Olsen (IS) days eddie notice to flue ether patty. A copy ci ma wifeeti tambiedmi tumat be said to ma I~PA. a pt,~Aennn The meudmunu tee. width the pbee amy dame a ~ect stall bin Klan: (I) U dusplaycagent _~tiheea ._&aia,e~ theplayes teceNasc,qtheiwntmum ocenpeneadan ijader due ISAJIEPA Collictive Sageldiug A~.—4 t~dti.hIa let the playbig season a amass coweted hr ma tnWvldued -—‘----4. tIm agent afuell seodve a StOOD bib orb mdi e~u (~ U dii pbyer ageig negc~eteia~cj C...by ma ceeupesweden ma bidMdaal player agsrutrmoduee hi In nan oldie mbdmwn amur~_~a~~ ~—~‘-unduUu.NB4NSPA Colleotive Owgaflrcmweemenl laws a ms’e pbfl sauces. Uueage.Uttuallraodve aimed but peccent(4%) eiflcc..,,4c.. a0.a-4 tar maple~a Ia each playbig eenal% sale.. the player aid his ega lay agqed to itemise percentage. bicompudrig the mazffiuwn allowable lee, then “ecmpenaadmr flea induda base safety. alg*~g hems n~ any pedomiance bonus enW4’ meshed by ma playec. no a beneibs mu ball oldie indlbiduel player slid be aeti trio cenaidgedon — bidud% bid not daubed Is. due wire of the personal loan, en hwumimepeaay. en eh. ore resIdence, • Any ponIes ala lee bated on player ccmpmse$eq Ibid hi masewednabi. at ma time ma pl~e coteries hi negated (es. a peflcqmancflom4 fled not a - -- —--- by ma agent until the War hen recehod cock een~enaatIcn. lila ma latent ci dies. Refltions that the ph~ ~nt almS not be ted to receive ~ fee ftc lute eacalcu audi ma pup, receives the compemadon apait vAdeli the be hi bised. Conwhit tile edjaca., aplayer agentS p&ohtled ban hududbig seq wotaa hi abeegree CICUWtiJI an_ .a..*j au. p*yeibe~_~- ~ ~ mase eny lee ..~...as the agent hi maurice ci die piayeta receipt alike cenipematien upon width the feel bamed. However. In precma~aung dune Regalalmi. ma PaPA ~ that hi ca,taln *cunuetencn a player may decide that S le In lute best Interest to pay be ageore fee hi advance at the receipt of wit’ conupeneallon —W%etua. It be Ide ealaty La the talent pla~*ug satan a deferred .....donr’ A.....sa.~9. ft hi mabde,g of these Reg’sdilone that en option be accorded to lb. player to naMe Uwricflue psymena to tile agent If ma player cheeses hi do so. In any such aitualan ma agent Is auduodad hi aucept die edvanc. payment 1eenr.b.dIsfr~aa_ fl ee*wpmdde. ~ k— - .bat en (dip plain waler duo NIAJ4UPA Cefedup fl-.~I~L~ Age,_4 ~ In - hi, — teaea7,msteo.exm,.._ ~t_bpbaaefles 1W45$a sW - bauIaeMa ISL000 me -oldie 1e.74s~ eeae4 hue madman fee hi*eeIIIRmeK beOd diet be ~ Ia cuebaaa.lrseeeødeses.scobnetp.on 1905* S4~Ia due Imei~ seal asco tarhit. twa Vial ala Oancaed 4% at - eat — fleue tuua ha bee nn~. “lha sanul flue egeWp lee aid .t be effeclad by ii. tact met tie play matresaeunnteedcsnyaeh bow us NBA ~ “miii teepea Inedeted cempemadam. the sewn flee a~ be inlet tao fee baa ii tie pond vaSe at eel auxelueNIa 20 AGENT S t200s NATIONAL DASKETSALL PLAYERS ASSOC PAtIO N a aa.. 00. mid rat.sAm ~edire Merds?, 19* any p4ayer agent who ~.._lt. a~iea to provide rapres.wstallmi& to any plaster hi connedlon wim met gayer. ceaflot r-.sbfl-.. with My NBA arm ccnnendng wfth the 198881 pfa~*ig anon wmetcceip~~ with time nasa tee schedule re flea eat bIb It pilot to Mach?, 1191. the agent ha ordered into en .gm...wiu with any player pmd&rq ate. ediedide teethe again peitnuemee of ante. teletig to ..aaat -- - s-.. aides Srealbctthpqe.fl...4.adt.playecandan IAtaam bewe-~- ‘—~acw*adanabetote Match I. 2986 wI*II coves pla$ng sacs 19988? erdieteaflef. that tie idiedS silaS timiki hi toO tomnid e4lect far the dwsllon of thet agrent provided. ha... dial the player diati hey. the sight to tesmkmte time agent’. fatwe aMcn upon within antic. In an.tiPv, v.4th the standard player agent t. ifs player agent and a flyer entered kilo an Ifl..4.4 ID Mach 7.19* ~h_.%, the pleWeQNed to utilize flue ioWan ci the! ager4 relalbig toconfld —u”-— tot en crac playing assert. as • - to but no v.*ton canDent Lt....... Its player mid at NBA awn Iii. been encutad ad March 1.1986. (lila ettanuse eat. of thee. Regetedone) me player shaft have the right to teimleata the .genve ban. uMoac upam written nctloe In aecerdance with tile standard player agent arnemem; prodded tmws.e, lIthe player .....4... Macpest totanihitte aid ib..Jh.. efltwsInloa. ~ agmainentietam NEA the player didi be.~t%r-I to conipeneal. hi former agent teethe reen.tle nba of lb eaMoa eanipatad on IMbfl of th. tee eehedide eel teeth In The Regultiena Tome adent the fl tee ediedute psoi*s the former ~nt a lesser tee than tie niti have mccired under 1* agreanesit with the player. diet ‘poemem than be deemed to be aupereeded by and modifed In aeoardmice with thee. — -a Any te eovedrig the peeper appboetlen of then Regulation loony etching epannt bet. were player and Ida agent elial be aidiKet to the artltraflca procedure em bitt hi SectionS liardim, which sitaR caneilbite the .xebieNe mefld Is the reaclutian thereat My prn*Icr toe tees hi ~ an egara mid a player In dlca ad Mardi 6. 1986. or entered kilo anytine therefler wtddm relates to any service ate’ then neodetiq ayer cenimnea or aelatig In or advidag with reaped toadi negotiaSoen $4.. L.aadI cciior meetey matageinent services). .I’dl be considered eerveeable Ira,, the lee psiblane ci this section — SECTIONS: ARBITRATION PROCEDURES nfl-n In eetetihl*.g this new .yetem let regulating agents It Is the kitenilan of the 14SM that the w bitraller ~ shell be the ecabidve method for resolving any end ~ft dispose that may elite ban ag..4~,wmi agent Cr train the ka~miaib1. ~ .cr.rbndct these Regutaden. end the resulting lee ‘paean ban player agra and kidhedfln 1W dl hair. that those fl - which beaNs eesardlaly unmet malleis concerning the ide dcrih~i h~ hay(a~atpl56Ifl Ut. NIPA hi Is cepa yatheflahattue bergetnimip ..pn. SINe, aid 91 eregenlsp.atw.,Jngoertetndefegatied mpresentatlvehincdanarfl*nppfldedy to Individual player compensation negotiation — aS be bided mid sau)ied expedullou4m by the eedstcsmielcer eatchulehad herein, widuow need to resort to ceafly end llme.canamlng bI •ZiO’ IATIOIRA L •AsKsTaALt Pt AVER S ASS~C•AflOW AS IN 75 21 Tie ptewtolmn of die section dell e~piy wIth aspect to tErn typee of dI~utn that nay s’~ — these Rew~hi~ (I) Tim c~~aen Agent Hegulallon denies an Aflilon tot Ceidllrcn end U.esp* cent titan to appeal from did sedan: end. 0 staubeswmi~ to the maig. biteipatellon. or~,L..ai dale. wee. ment(desc.tedbSedlcn.q.~4Wo ~_apleyerandNeqent WIh maped to ~ dispute thee ma,’ estee purmsa*tperegeph (i) ebewe~ the proceau. for fling at appal end biwtq estlhatica to — fteth to then P~’ a Section 2(0). Oics esteallan has been b~ the p.ace&ne set lesS In mtpem9rapha DF• bdo*, Shall cøv. Wie seeped lo~ dmM lest may ibe pweniu Is pwegn ~ Sara, die Wlmdng fl afl dies eppfr A. R~ The sibiwdan cia apa aCt eutpegrnph (2) Sore stied a InItiated by lbs filing eta mItten gflennoe diher by the player at lie ISCId. My mesh fluence ‘mies be med steito dibty (IC) days from die data oldie cacwn~ at the agent ti cnwftchthegstevaieelsbnedcrwllNn thbty (50) days from thea cawbIcti die MS at the leader become trewn or rasonebly shade have -~~a bicwn to die flied at wIthIn thirty (SO) days born Us elfecihe date of flies. Regulation. wlildnwrb later. A player need not b. under ...k..4 to en NBA club it the tins a fluwica reffifing to him lteseunder edess or a theU.eeudi~Cz ..blaedorp. A player nay bides. a fl’wwme egskist a player age’s HheØ) sends die witer flualne by psepald eadlifed mdi tot. player ege.te h.aien eess or by pemand ~,e,y at ash add.eee. aid ~Q tee-dai copy to the NOn. A player agent may bidas a fleence ugebiet. playerflhi.Øwlda smItten gleans by psepala i~am4 nasplayerflpaia...ddeeweiy at the gitewenc. Is die playet nfl) lumlahesacopy thereat tots NBPA.tndtIS*gtleflete died eat Iota’ hi plain mid widresandabte tarts the Mats end clrcwneences gtdbIg .Me to die gdevance~ the prestolmiM of it. aw....ue.4 be’s Its player and lit agies aged to have bean ~. and the calfat to9t B. Anster it. pety ~nt wham a.b.... lies bent lied (“Us .~~a~didl eanreiegttaice to by ceased mall or pese~iL d•lfvery Within dirty (SO) colander days .1 rested of die gleesma The Anew shad ~tordeny the fate alleged In die wlavence and Sad elan betetly eat IU1I~ the ...jwhy die respondent bet.... Us flvasioe should be denied. The reepon den mud also prudes a .. of Ms Anew tolls NBPA a the seine dme~ Once U~ M~ to flied, Us t~A chad promptly preside the AjWsaXe wIth copies of die flea stud Mew end all other relevant documental en Answer to smiled within dub thee flwR die ttJ-. In his deoradon, may testis en order where eppropitte. grentlrqUs prietmice and tim requested relbi upon _ah9, prod ci die delm. — C. hLL.a..r lbs NBM ha —‘--“ ~s sIdled end espedaneed petscn to earn as the cuelde ImpartIal At. bdraot (or en cases adelng hereunder. 22 AGENTS 0200’ NAIl ONAL BASKET I AL I PLAYERS ASSOCIATION D~ Kettep me Matter wt scIia. Ima$rg ~ u~. apufl t*w va cfty. aetcept tat the patties 11*7 nwb,afly epte. mi C*sgo cr La Mgeln. M aS hesing. the petS. — Li.. the player and Ne agene —may appear hi pusan or by counsel or ether representelve. The patties to die dZuS aid Urn NSfl. vet ‘eM,hma the ‘*4 e~n by i.a..., ucthrae,aiyevtmica relevejit toffie gifaveica Witithi ffMy (SD) qi. elter the clot. ci the hewing. th. Mt titer tat) btheawita%flflrddt flitca ftflel aid compile macLace ci die wielence. aid .t be adng upen the player and the player e~ hi.J.4. Given Urn uatquely itteriW i~iue ditty such ~pifl that may be presented todieAtblt, his Uis NBPAs buintion tint an — bated by the Astbatcr not be Sfice to ~u~dW rwisw on any ~C*tML E. ~ ES petty will bear the core a ii. awn witnesea and cowteeL Core ci ctitsatlcn. Inthdng ff*be~altdv--U*..*ObebOnSe*dIY. - theped.atotlrn,4.~...., provided. b....., flea the Asblhator may seen some or all cia pasty’e costs to en pasty If he deeitwapsstys centhfl to beftivolo4a. If thaAs*alor gtesnia money award. Udnt be — within ten (10) daya F. lb. ua The thee Ihrdte of Ihb Section any be atended by written egmeinern of the penhee SECTIONS: OVERSIGHT AND COMPLIANCE PROCEDURE ~ ~-—.— lnadøtlontopedeimlng the twiction ci reviening aid athig upon efl Appilcedone lot Certiflea den, the ceammee on Agerd Aegidellen sac ehall sine a the DleØIMesy ceeimlttee. lii the latter apathy. It abel have the authcdty and e....~y at toWathig arid Us-i presenting decipifflay enes egemnot player agenie who engage hi paditited conduit as deOtied Iii Section 3. 00) (a) elava In cenyhig cia thIs hmctlnn the Coiriniltee also idil have the saLience at he flUe logel camsa *. B. Q—4~iffit. DheØllneiy proceedinge against any cenhfled player agent abel be Initiated by the flUng cli wHIten complaint agdsnt the agate by the OtecWneiy Committee when It has reesonable cause to bellew Wa the plaiw agent tin ..w4id hi or ~ “wfl In ~1aJecnthtt The Olsettiqi CommIttee nay act en the basis ci be maiL - t~acn the bale at In!cemaitwi obtaIned bum any peresi having lcn~sWdgad the aelmi or conduct a! the player agent In question. Indu*ig. butnstwnftedto,playwa. NePAaell~ erflpaeone ~1vth ~-. The complaint elicit be anal t 0* player agent by prepe~ cash fled melt addreaed to the agent’s budnees office, ci may be hand.dSered to the agent pesonafly at ha buakisa addrea The Caiiptdntflfi eel toith die .~ sedan or conduct givIng itee to the %9la1-4 and die the Aentlan(s) alleged to have been v~ted. A Cemplehrd mist be med by die Olsdpflnary Comtnlffae wfttdn aix(S) months from the deli oldie cocunence eliah gave iteewdIeComplaim, awullan she (~ months tram the date on v.*h the latcematfon eflalent to create —.---tit- nuse became known or reasonably should have become known to the blacWnaly Committee, wblchever Is later. hiaaappflhtoma~eI - ~lIrnpwdaeabeaeØ1meageamd flC,-~ witgea o Z•O~ N Ar lONAL GASKETSALL PLATCIS ASSOCIATION AGENTS 23 tAnner The player agent spinet whom the Ccnfllm ha been lid dieD hews twenty (20) days hi VeNal’ to me a writhea knew todie Complaint bat Mawr tall be emit by pispeld certified mall to die Cleclplbmq Committee itS. office. ii the NSPA. The Answer must adieU at deny dm~ allaged hi the Ceenpinkit. and dun else nnri anytime or a,gunwn$ which the player aged wiliae to state hi hi. Oilers.. D, P~ ffi’~r-.n Asian Wlthhi ditty (20) days dir receipt olin. Mawr, di. DleØlbiwy Cenmina. dull Inform due player agent In adth~ y prapeld certified mall) of the nature of due aciprme~ ft stay, which the Cc....aa ~ to tepees, which dledpWie may inaa crier flute ci the li-4.~ (I) lenience by the Conmittee at an intermit word raprinierid tebe retained In Pie pla~a sgmd’e me a! the Coawnitte.’. cilloec; 0 isuance ci. formal leler ci repitmend Mild’ may hi made pubic; (3) SuspendIng a player again certified stalin fat p specIfied period at time erring which hats pralulbited from reprea’enlhig the NOPA In condiradrig IndMthal contact nagS lan briny NSA player or -~% hi a Swhing Met respect to cud’ negodaltonc end (4) Revocation at the player egmws Cardflcalcn hereunder. a Dcpeal The player agent against whom a Compl*it bee bash led under lila Section may appeal the DMØanesy Commtltevs 1..,..a.d diaciploery action to the maccd. mbftntu by fling a written Node. of Aspeel Met die e’bfl.4.. wltdn Manly ~O) day. following Ide receipt of notification of U. — diolpiliwy anton Within ditty (SO) dsp of receipt of the Notice of Snail, the ash’s shell eel allis sad place fore hearing an the eppeel. which hearing dial tale piece hi tier York City. eflea the pantie mutually agree upon Chicago or Los Angeles, The fillored a player agent to flies danely appeal fill be deemed to oonetltifle an aceaptaruce oldie proposed dIlne Mulch slut then be promptly ed~..LJJ...J. F. Cea~ 04 IL.zt.. Ag the hearing of any appeaL the Comrdutoe shell Pave the burden of proving the ilepiloca of its Complaint The Committee end due player agog shall be aftotriad a &d oppoøiwjty to pro. sent. through wsdrnmiy or a.. ,Aaa, Its marc. pflnhtg lottie action or conduct of the player agent alleged lobe pduthhed by die Regulebons. The hawing shall be conducted in ~OOatd.flCi with the Volimlary Labor Aghluatlon Rides of die American Aibiratlon Aesocatlon. tech of the patties may appeer acameel or a -~a4.ad as diaadng. The hearing wIl beba’uaatad. At the close of due heettng or within Ditty (30) day. mmeWlm~ Il’e Arbitretor stun hetie a did’ she an due appeal. which decIdes s~ai alduer flm, %ae or readily the proposed salts of the DiscIplinary Coroflee, The erbittetor chad decIde five bent ~ — the agent lies engaged In orb ...~m, in prohtltod conduct as aleged byS.CcmITdItoe and said. if so, whether the dIct4th.,,..,....d bytia Carwnuhtee I. reasonable In the drtumtataflcaeddue~ wrreilsw. blat 1d~~ both ~55IJØfl ~flflPtvJy, he shall hare mm cider dinning the we posed disciplIne; Ulie decides diet die player agent ha not engaged In arty prohafted conduct, the 5 Ca. .1.., tab Issue arc order nesting the ,..~.,.4 discipline arid dlndsiuig die caseand, If he decide the dual queeS. efflrnwavely but cendudea that the proposed panty la wurawnhi. the .¼bltgitor abut ae an order modl4tig th. penalty (provided, Imwever. diet no modification can reauft In the buuposPdon of more sewn dbcune than that ~U by the Commltleel. ~1 due ~.. aetna 24 .ndrIialwa~dta agate ce.l~n lace aereddu fl apag. *lafl qp eanidiad leebu slat s. AG £ NyC 02 Iii NATIONAL CASKETOALI. PtA! ERS ASSOCIAFIGN a ma Lth~ of tie Sa taut bits hi U~ &Cdon mqbe.ae.ad by m~ mmiii A of empties kh~k4. The bee end —r of Urn Magenta be peW by Use WA. Fads p54 am bw the a of Is en -a----. s~ menel, as. SECTION?: EFFECTIVE’DATE: AMENDMENT m~ — i*mn bboas dbctm si Macti 1 t Then%~J~r —miyb ~iZflmn&thsCmcu5&theNePAend flfl~ •2i 04 NATION AL BASK E ‘SILL PLAYERS ASSOCIATION AGENTS 26
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