Особливості морфологічної перебудови

УДК: 616.071+616.002.16+616.45+616.18
© Knyazevich-Chorna T., 2012
Knyazevich-Chorna T
State Higher Educational Establishment “Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University”
Introduction: One of the most important areas of
biomedical science is study of low temperature on the
human body. At the same time in different organs and
systems, a number of morphological and biochemical
changes are a combination of pathogenic and adaptive
changes. Last aimed at preventing violations of
homeostasis of the organism [7, 8].
Particular attention is attracted by the reaction of
the endocrine system, including the adrenal glands, the
influence of cold. This organ is one of the first responding object to changing internal environment,
because it is under the influence of a stress factor,
including cold and increasing synthesis of hormones
that promotes resistance of the organism by adjustment
of metabolic processes [1, 8].
The research aim. To learn morphofunctional
changes in adrenal glands’ hemomicrocirculatory flow
and parenchyma on the 7-th day of posthypothermia
Materials and methods. The experiment was performed on the 20 mature white breedless male rats,
with weight 160-200 grams each, which were divided
into two groups: the experimental (16 rats) and control
(4 rats). The animals from the experimental group were
put into the freezing camera with the constant temperature of about -32°C in order to reach the desirable rectal temperature of about +12-+13°C [3].
Sections of the adrenals glands were dyed with
hematoxylin-eosin and fuksin-picrofuksin in order to
perform the histological investigation. In order to study
the adrenal vessels, they were injected with the ether
chloroform mixture of paris blue paint through the abdominal aorta and subsequently dyed with hematoxylin-eosin [4]. Electromicroscopic investigation was
performed in the conventional way.
Pets and manipulation of them carried out in accordance with Appendix 4 to the "Rules for work with
experimental animals", approved by the Ministry of
Health of Ukraine № 755 of 12 August 1997., "On
measures for further improvement of forms of work
with experimental animals" and the "General ethical
principles of animal experiments", approved by the
first National Congress on Bioethics (Kyiv, 2001).
Results and discussion. The main feature of
circulatory system in adrenal gland on the 7th day after
exposure to cold in comparison with the early stages of
research enlargement of the arterial lumen and
maintaining venous dilation is observed.
The swelling processes in the components of blood
capillaries in particular are still decreasing, but the destructive features like homohegeneity and vacuolation
of nuclear plasma, partial destruction of nuclear membrane, mitochondrial cristaes destruction and the
enlightening of their matrix, and the destruction of
membrane granular endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi
apparatus structure are increasing. Vacuolation of en-
dothelial cells cytoplasm is strengthened, a number of
lipid vesicles and micropinocytotic vesicles is increased. Interendothelial contacts and fenestras in some
places are widened.
Substantia medullaris sinusoids become of irregular form, widen and there is aggregation of blood elements in them that extend into the intercellular spaces
with the formation of “blood lakes”.
On the 7th day of posthypothermia period of
swelling phenomena are reduced in comparison to the
early stages of research and cellular components of the
adrenal parenchyma. Between glomerular and fasciculate zones a band of small cells with elongated nuclei is
formed, which is evident in activation of regenerative
The features of dystrophic changes are traced in
many adrenocortical cells especially in zone fasciculata: their nuclei become of irregular form, heterochromatic condensation along periphery of the nucleus,
perinuclear space widen with the nuclear membrane
destruction and chromatin appears in the cytoplasm;
mitochondrial matrix is enlightened, their cristae are
disorientated: granular endoplasmic reticulum cisternae
are widened. There are singular ribosomes and polyribosomes in cytoplasm. The emptiness of lipid granules
is observed.
Body increasing demand of glucocorticoids at this
term of posthypothermia period takes place, and as a
result of holocrine type of secretion that leads to the
destruction of plasmalemma of adrenocortical cells
unity, partial destruction of these cells occure . Numerous macrophages which phagocyte the products of
cells degeneration are observed in pericappillary and
intercellular spaces.
Destructive changes features are also traced in the
part of substantia medullaris cells. Such cells cytoplasm is vacuolated, nuclears are deformed, mitochondrial matrix is enlightened, their cristae are ruined. Tubules and cysternae granular endoplasmic reticulum
widen, free ribosomes and polyribosomes number decreases. Secretory granules become partially free of
their content. Some macrophages, which contain the
rests of chromaffin cells phagocytosis parts are observed in substantia medullaris parenchyma.
The destructive processes taking place in both cortex and substantia medullaris cells on the 7-th day of
the posthypothermia period and the morphological
features of compensative-adaptive processes are noticed. They include: partially increasing of nucleus size
with chromatin which either equally distributed or
more condenced along the periphery, mitochondrial
matrix normalizing but their cristae increasing, granular endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus structural components’ show mild widening, fixed and free
ribosomes’ number increasing. Some cells have overloaded secretory granulars in zone fasciculate that tes86
tify about their functional activity increase. The structure of chromaffin cells secretory granulars is normalized.
So, in the adrenal glands on the 7-th day after the
effect of cold, on the background of destructive
changes there are cells with compensative-adaptive
features, that fact testifies about high functional tension
and some structural peculiarities of this organ. These
changes occur due to blood flow comprising elements’
dilatation that can be the result of tunica media innervations. Adrenal glands zone fasciculate activity
doesn’t come down as it is responsible for glucocorticoids’ production which stimulates compensativeadaptive reaction of the whole body. We may state that
the 7-th day of the posthypothermia period is equal to
the beginning phase of general adaptation syndrom’s
resistance stage [2, 5].
Considering the changes that occur in the bloodstream of the adrenal glands on the seventh day after
exposure to the general deep hypothermia, and considering the influence of this factor as a stress factor it can
be determined that in this period a number of powerful
stress-limitative mechanisms are included that determine the phase of antishock alert phase of general adaptation syndrome. This is indicated by other authors
who have studied general patterns of stress response
1. Destructive changes of endothelial cells of
hemomicrocirculatory bed are evident on the 7-th day
after cold effect.
2. Blood vessels and hemomicrocirculatory bed
chains dilatation is the specific feature.
3. Parenchyma changes testify about adrenal
glands participation in compensative-adaptive reaction
of the whole body.
Prospects for future research in this direction
are unquestioned, because it is unknown what changes
we will observe in other terms after the total deep hypothermia and how the regeneration of the organ will
be held. The results can be the basis for optimal treatments in clinic.
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During the experiment on rats that are exposed to general deep hypothermia, using comlex of morphological methods, it
was studied the state of the adrenal vascular flow on the seventh days after the action of cold factor. It was established that after
the action of hypothermia the degenerative changes of the vascular wall of the adrenal gland with the changes of their morphometric sizes and morphological features took place. Beside, there is an activation of intracellular regenerative processes.
Key words: adrenal glands, hemomicrocirculatory flow, general deep hypothermia.
Князевич-Чорна Т.В. Особливості морфологічної перебудови гемомікроциркуляторного русла та паренхіми надниркових залоз на 7 день постгіпотермічного періоду // Український медичний альманах. – 2012. – Том 15, № 4. – С.
В експерименті на щурах, які зазнавали впливу загальної глибокої гіпотермії, використовуючи комплекс морфологічних методів дослідження, вивчено стан судинного русла наднирників на сьому добу постгіпотермічного періоду.
Встановлено, що при дії холодового фактора виявляються дистрофічні зміни з частковим руйнуванням клітинних і
позаклітинних компонентів судинної стінки наднирників, зміни їх морфометричних величин та морфологічних ознак.
Поряд з цим, спостерігається активація внутрішньоклітинних регенераторних процесів.
Ключові слова: надниркова залоза, гемомікроциркуляторне русло, загальна глибока гіпотермія.
Князевич-Чорна Т.В. Особенности морфологической перестройки гемомикроциркуляторного русла и паренхимы
надпочечников на 7 день постгипотермичного периода // Український медичний альманах. – 2012. – Том 15, № 4. – С.
В эксперименте на крысах, которые подвергались воздействию общей глубокой гипотермии, используя комплекс
морфологических методов исследования, изучено состояние сосудистого русла надпочечников на седьмые сутки постгипотермического периода. Установлено, что при воздействии холодового фактора обнаруживаются дистрофические
изменения с частичным разрушением клеточных и внеклеточных компонентов сосудистой стенки надпочечников, изменения их морфометрических величин и морфологических признаков. Наряду с этим, наблюдается активация внутриклеточных регенераторных процессов.
Ключевые слова: надпочечники, гемомикроциркуляторное русло, общая глубокая гипотермия.
Надійшла 17.05.2012 р.
Рецензент: проф. С.А.Кащенко