ISSN 2076-5770. . 2015. 5 (338) ) - - . . . . . . , . , , - - . 108 5 - . - - - - - - . - 109 ISSN 2076-5770. . 2015. 5 (338) [1, 444]. How interesting : , , : It was very pleasurable, thanks. Tell me, Naomi, how long have you been looking after [ , 429]. , , ( . [2, 320]. Good , " ", : any of th [1, 450]. , : now. Get yourself scanned. You never know. I pay for Valerie to be scanned every year. I see it as a How lovely awkwardly then, I mean, what a thoughtful gesture [3, 90]. , - , , : Guy had rung her that morning in the flat, as he always did, to say he would be on the usual train and that he would like to take her out to dinner to compensate for the night before. She had Lovely [2, 244]. - , 110 5 eased a strained situation): Afterwards they all gathered outside in an awkward little group in the bright s What lovely flowers eased a strained situation [4, 153]. , . - [6, 95]. . - conversationally [3, 136]. : conversationally. , , , , : Good one [7, 243]. , [8; 9] , , [10] [11] [12, 86]. - , - , Gorgeous! e flowers. Comein 111 [13, 127]. - ISSN 2076-5770. . 2015. 5 (338) , : You look amazing [14, 364]. - Spectacular - That was delicious [15, 257]. , : . - . : for fitting us in at such [1, 54]. - . . - . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Cohen J. Getting away with it / J. Cohen. London: Headline Review, 2010. 599 p. Trollope J. Marrying the mistress / J. Trollope. London: Black Swan, 2001. 333 p. Wickham M. The tennis party / M. Wickham. London: Black Swan, 1996. 336. Pym B. Quartet in autumn / B. Pym. London: Grafton Books, 1989. 176 p. 112 5 6. 7. 8. Coben H. Promise me / H. Coben. London: Headline Review, 2011. London: Orion, 2007. 454 p. 427 p. 9. 201 10. 10.02.04 11. Holmes J. Compliments and Compliment Responses in New Zealand English / J. Holmes // Anthropological Linguistics, 1987. #28. P. 458 508. 12. Wolfson N. An Empirically Based Analysis of Complimenting in American English / N. Wolfson // Sociolinguistics and Language Acqusition. N. Wolfson and E.Judd (Eds.). Rowley, London: Newbury House Publishers, 1983. P. 82 95. 13. Williams P. How to be married / P. Williams. London: Headline Review, 2010. 376 p. 14. Kinsella S. Shopaholic ties the knot / S. Kinsella. London: Black Swan, 2002. 394 p. 15. Highmore J. Message / J. Highmore. London: Headline Review, 2009. 425 p. - - - - Summary. Bigunova N.O. Contact-establishing strategy realization by means of expressing approval, praise and compliment (on the samples from Modern English artistic discourse). In the article an attempt has been made to describe the functioning of approval, praise and compliment speech acts as tactics realizing the contact-establishing strategy, which is referred to positive politeness strategies. The investigation is based on Modern English artistic prose. It has been established, that those are the positive politeness strategies and the contact-establishing strategy, in particular, that determine formal, courtesy, ritual expression of positive evaluation, with is seen as crucial for harmonious communication. A positive evaluative utterance addresser is motivated by a desire to demonstrate understanding, solidarity, support to the interlocutor. Largely, the contact-establishing strategy is peculiar for approval and compliment addressers and it is less common for praise addressers. The contact-establishing strategy is most actively used in approval speech act in ritual communication and in the situations, when this speech act is responsive. Contact-establishing strategy realization by means of expressing praise is also possible only in ritual communication and in case praise is addressed not to the third person, but to the interlocutor. By means of compliment the speaker shows to the addressee, that he respects him and appreciates him as an individual and wants good relationship with him. Key words: motive, strategy, tactics, speech act, addresser, addressee, evaluation, politeness, approval, praise, compliment. 113
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