Planning Guidebook NCAPPA Annual Conference Table of Contents Reasons to Host NCAPPA Annual Conference…………………………..2 Setting Dates and Location for Conference……………………………….3 Planning a Conference Budget……………………………………………..5 Hall of Resources…………………………………………………………….8 Conference Theme and Agenda…………………………………………..10 Educational Sessions……………………………………………………….11 Conference Registration…………………………………………………...12 Catering………………………………………………………………………14 Recycled Items……………………………………………………………...15 After the Conference………………………………………………………..15 Examples of Conference Materials………………………………………..16 Reasons To Host An NCAPPA Conference Your time to shine: • Showcase unique & outstanding characteristics of your campus • Demonstrate capabilities of Facilities Department staff You are not alone: • Conference Committee will be supported every step of the way • NCAPPA Board of Directors are ready to assist with information, planning and education • Conference budget supports itself, all goods/services used for conference are paid by NCAPPA Your employees are worth it! • Comprehensive and cost-effective educational and networking opportunities in your own back yard—big return on a low cost investment (no travel or lodging fees when the meeting is on your campus) Rewarding experience: • Make face-to-face connections with colleagues from other institutions to share ideas • Generate new business leads with business partners or other outside vendors with services and products that can benefit your institution • Develop skills from serving on Conference Committee by performing functions outside your day-to-day job responsibilities • Great team building for staff when everyone is working toward common goal • Economic benefits to local hotel, restaurants and other retail venues Celebrate success! • After the conference is over, you will look back on the positive experiences and be glad you did it! 2 Setting a Date and Location for Conference 1. Review your school calendar for the best dates to assure the conference will not present hardships on your school or physical plant operations. Dates chosen are usually school’s Spring Break, or week after Spring Graduation. If the event is to be held on campus, especially during Spring Break, let campus police/security know about your plans. 2. Also consider if any other large events are scheduled in your local area that may affect booking hotels and traffic congestion for your event. 3. Determine how long the conference will be: (This will need to be discussed with the NCAPPA Board) a. Golf Tournament & Service Project (One day or ½ day) b. 20 – 25 Educational Sessions, Tours, Panel Discussions, etc. (1.5 days) c. Evening Activities (determine how many you will have) 4. Location of Conference – will it be on school campus, convention center, etc. Will need to choose locations that are easy to walk from Hall of Resources, to Educational Sessions, to meals, parking, etc. NOTE: If working with a smaller university, may have to limit registration to accommodate room sizes 5. Determine location of Hall of Resources first. This will be the key to how large the conference will be. Ideally, you want an area that will hold a minimum of 65 booths for our business partners. Booths are 8x8 except for Gold Sponsors which require a 10x10 space booth. Will also need to provide power to 75% of the booths. (See section on Hall of Resources for more details) 6. Location of Educational Sessions – Educational sessions are usually on a 4-5 track session for each time slot. Four to five classrooms will need to hold a minimum of 60-75 people per session. Will need to have a large room for general sessions (400-500) - this can be an auditorium or dining hall. 7. Location of Meals – At least one to two meals in the Hall of Resources is preferred. This can be a box lunch, continental breakfast, etc. Spending time with our business partners is a key to a successful conference. Other meals/evening activity will need to be in an area that can accommodate at least 400 people. Contact caterers early on to get on their schedule. Parking Areas: Will need to work with your school’s transportation department to block areas for parking, will there be a charge for parking, parking passes required, etc. Will business partners be able to unload booth materials at Hall of Resources, or will they have to transport across parking area. NOTE: If a parking deck is designated for vendor parking, you may need to identify a surface parking lot for vendors with trailers and large vans/trucks. 3 8. Establish a host/planning committee approximately two years prior to your conference date. Plan to have members of your planning committee attend the annual conference prior to yours. This will give them an opportunity to observe the process and ask specific questions of people responsible for events similar to those that they will be responsible for. It is recommended to have an individual team leader responsible for each category of the event, such as: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Educational Sessions/Tour of facilities Hall of Resources for business partners Meal Planning Evening Activity Registration Transportation Financial 9. Contact hotels regarding available dates, discount rates for government employees (NCAAPA Board will work with you on estimates for number of rooms to block) 10. If you plan to have school officials, or guests at the opening session, make sure you have added the information to their calendars. See attached NCAPPA Countdown Timeline 4 Planning a Conference Budget: 1. Revenue for the conference: a. Participant Registration Fees ($100 for two days, $75 for one day) b. Business Partners: i. Gold Level Sponsorship ($5,000) ii. Silver Level Sponsorship ($2,500) iii. Bronze Level Sponsorship ($1,500) iv. Scholarship Sponsorship ($1,000) v. Golf Tournament Sponsorship ($500) c. School Participants registration fee for golf ($50) d. School Participants registration fee for service project ($25) Once the Hall of Resources has been determined, we can begin planning the revenues for the conference based on number of booths that will be available. NOTE: Business partners are not allowed to sponsor individual events, meals, or door prizes at NCAPPA Conference. All expenditures for the conference are paid by NCAPPA from revenues received from conference registrations fees and Business partner sponsorships 2. Expenditures for the conference: a. Based on projected revenues, you can begin to estimate expenditures for the conference. b. Charge for venue location c. Catering – need estimates per person for each meal, break planned d. Materials – signs, banners, printing fees, guest speaker ribbons for badges, conference registration packet, etc. e. Rentals for pipe & drape for Hall of Resources f. Rentals for tables & chairs g. Cost for volunteer shirts h. Cost for prizes given away at conference Note: Any prize totaling $600 or greater will need to have a 1099 Misc. Income form completed and sent to recipient & IRS (NCAPPA Board will handle this) i. Fee for parking and/or bus rentals to transport people to evening event, etc. j. Honorariums for speakers, guest See next page for sample budget: NOTE: Estimates for conference budget will need to be reported to the NCAPPA Board for approval and guidance. Estimates will need to be given six months prior to event and updated on a weekly base until event. NCAPPA Board Conference Liaison will assist with final head count for meals & breaks. 5 SAMPLE ESTIMATED BUDGET NCAPPA Conference Statement of Cash Flow Actuals Sources of Cash Flow # People Registration Fees Day One $75 Registration Fees Day Two $75 Registration Fees Two Days $100 Vendors $400 - per booth (72 Booths @ $400) Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsor Bronze Sponsor Scholarship Sponsor Golf Sponsors (Total of 24 participated) Golf - Participants @ $50 Golf Outing (Mulligans/String) Stop Hunger Now Service Project Subtotal Sources Uses of Cash Flow Meals March 5 Golf Event March 5 Box Lunch March 5 Awards Dinner (golf/service project) March 5 Golf Awards/Door Prizes March 6 - Breakfast March 6 - Lunch March 6 - Evening Event March 7 - Breakfast Breaks (3) Price 16 5 258 72 2 3 2 1 24 54 75.00 75.00 100.00 400.00 5,000.00 2,500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 500.00 50.00 35 25.00 108 150 150 35.00 10.00 15.00 400 400 375 400 1200 6.00 14.00 18.00 10.00 4.00 Subtotal Meals 1,200.00 375.00 25,800.00 28,800.00 10,000.00 7,500.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 12,000.00 2,700 635.00 875.00 93,885.00 3,780.00 1,500.00 2,250.00 3,950.82 2,400.00 5,600.00 6,750.00 4,000.00 4,800.00 35,030.82 Stop Hunger Now Service Project Venue Rental (Convocation Center) Bus Rentals/Parking Insurance (The Hartford) Insurance (Alliance-Director's Liability) Bank/Pay Pal Fees (Estimated) CPA Fee 6 50 50.00 1 1 1 1 425.00 350.00 994.00 2,800.00 2,500.00 208.00 1,165.00 425.00 350.00 994.00 2,800.00 Supplies ( ribbons, inserts, name tags, printing,) School Logo Folders Signs & Banner Rentals (Pipe& Drape, tables/chairs) Web Site Fees @12 months Scholarship/Microgrant Fund Grand Prize - Sony Bravia 55" TV 2nd Place Prize - Sony 40" TV Apple I Pad 16 GB Microsoft Surface 32 GB Dell IPAD 32 GB 2-piece 20 volt Compact combo drill kit Expense 14 _ Host Shirts /Mugs (NC Logo Wear) Subtotal Other Subtotal Uses Net Income/Loss 1 1 2 2 3 3 7 494.38 358.88 249.99 270.99 2,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 3,418.65 5,992.00 12,000.00 1,726.32 599.99 988.76 717.76 749.97 812.97 3,083.00 43,998.92 79,029.74 14,855.26 Hall of Resources The Hall of Resources is the focal point of our annual conference. We like to include several designed times for school participants to visit our business partners in the Hall of Resources. This area will also be the focal point of awarding prizes and if possible, serving breaks and some meals. If breaks/meals are served in Hall of Resources, will need to have cocktail tables throughout the area for people to use while eating. Will need to have a portable microphone & speaker system in the Hall of Resources. ●Once you have the location of the Hall of Resources, you will need to create a layout showing the booths and locations for refreshments/meals in the area. ● When planning the Hall of Resources layout for vendor booths make sure the "hall" between booth rows are eight foot wide (or whatever your city Fire Marshall requires). ●Indicate areas where you will be able to provide electricity. About 75% of our business partners request power at their booths. ●Contact company to provide pipe & drape on sides & back of each booth. Will need a 6ft table and two chairs for each booth ●Have your Safety Office check the Hall of Resources to make sure the drapes surrounding vendor booths do not cover fire alarms, fire extinguishers or strobe lights. ●Gold, Silver, Bronze & Scholarship Level Sponsors should be placed in high traffic locations within the Hall of Resources. Only the Gold Sponsors are given a larger (10x10) booth. Note: This area will need to be secured & locked at the end of each day. Also, will need volunteers to patrol area while business partners are at meals, so that no equipment displayed is removed from Hall of Resources. Sample layouts are attached. The NCAPPA Director of Vendor Relations will work closely with your school on business partner registration and placement of each participant. Placement of booths will be based on Sponsorship level, order of registration/payment and if power is needed. NCAPPA Board will send out registration information to business partners six months prior to the conference. Business partners will be given the opportunity to register for a booth, sponsorship level and golf sponsorship. Once all the slots are filled, registration will close and business partners will be placed on a waiting list for cancellations or additional space for a booth. NCAPPA Board will forward registration information to your school so you can create name tags and registration packets for business partners Two months prior to the conference, your school will need to send an email to registered business partners giving them details on booth location, logistics for unloading and parking, etc. (see sample emails) NOTE: If a parking deck is designated for vendor parking, you may need to identify a surface parking lot for vendors with trailers and large vans/trucks. 8 NOTE: If possible, allow business partners the option to set up the day before, or give them three hours on the day of conference to set up before participants visit Hall of Resources You may be asked by business partners if they may ship their materials for the booth to your campus prior to the event. In the past, we have told business partners that we are unable to receive materials prior to the conference, and that they will need to ship the materials to a local rep or to their hotel. Business Partners may ask if they can have a drawing for a prize at their booth – this is not allowed at an NCAPPA Conference. All prizes must be donated to or purchased by NCAPPA. NCAPPA will hold numerous drawings during the conference for door prizes and a grand prize drawing at the close of the conference. You will need to have a separate registration table for business partners, preferably at the entrance to the Hall of Resources. This registration table will need to have (4) rotating volunteers stationed at this location the entire time during the conference. It will be your point of contact for questions or situations that may arise during the conference. 1. Business partners will be given a name badge & one folder per company with the following information inside: a. Tri-fold agenda b. Campus Map c. Layout of Hall of Resources & business partners d. Raffle Ticket for free booth drawing (business partners are not eligible for door prizes given away at the conference, only school participants) e. Bio/abstracts of educational sessions f. Participant list g. Survey of conference (see attached samples) 2. At the registration table, please have a box for Grand Prize drawing, completed surveys & recycled name tags NOTE: Business Partners tend to change the names of people that will be attending conference. You may want to have a label maker at the registration table for name changes. Also, for each booth registration, business partners are allowed two participant registrations, if they have more people attending, they will need to register them as a participant and pay the $100 (both days) $75 (one day) fee. This information will be noted on the registration spreadsheet. 9 Conference Theme: As you begin planning for the conference, decide if you would like a theme for the conference. This can be used on promotional flyers, web site, conference banner, etc. Conference Agenda: Once the conference dates have been established, you will need to start working on an agenda for the event. The NCAPPA Board will work with you on the agenda to make sure events flow together and time is allowed for people to get from one event to another, meals, breaks, activities, tours, etc. See sample agendas Breakdown of Conference Activities: (Note: This is just a general breakdown and suggestions – activities may be combined, conference usually requires two full days of events that may spread over three days or just two days) First Day: (Half Day of activities) Registration, set up for business partners in Hall of Resources Golf Tournament (1/2 day activity) Service Project (2 hours or more depending on activity) Evening meal for business partners & participants in golf/service project Second Day: (Full Day of activities) Registration for participants & business partners Set up for business partners in Hall of Resources Optional Breakfast Kickoff/Welcome Session (Host School will choose someone from their school to welcome participants, may show a short video highlighting school, etc.) Optional Panel Session (featuring front line supervisors for Q&A from audience) Optional Breakout sessions for front line staff in Maintenance, Housekeeping, Utilities, Grounds Educational Sessions (total of 20-25 during the conference) Tour of school facilities Senior Facilities Officers Executive Session Designated times in the Hall of Resources with business partners Lunch – (Business Meeting, Guest Speaker, etc.) Breaks Evening Event Third Day: (Half Day of activities) Registration Breakfast Designated time in the Hall of Resources Educational Sessions Wrap Up – Grand Prize Drawing 10 Educational Sessions: The NCAPPA Director of Education will put out a “Call for Presentations” eight months prior to the conference. We are looking for presentations in the following areas: Maintenance, Housekeeping, Utilities, Grounds, Sustainability, & General. This is also a time for you to showcase your campus with tours of areas you would like to highlight. We can schedule one to two time slots for these tours. In the past, we have also had panel Q&A sessions for the various categories in facilities. Your input into the educational sessions is very valuable, so please let the Director of Education know your suggestions. Also, encourage your staff to submit presentations for the conference. Once all the presentations have been submitted, the Education Committee will review and select the presentations for the conference. Depending on how many presentations are submitted, there will be 20-25 sessions offered. Based on the number of sessions, you will need to provide (4-5) classrooms seating between 60-75 for each session. 1. Rooms will need computer/projector access & microphone 2. A Room Liaison will need to be assigned to each room to make sure sessions stay on schedule, and speakers are introduced & presented with honorarium (see list of duties) 3. Will need to have a technical support person on standby to assist with any problems the speakers may have with computer/projector/microphone issues 4. An evaluation form for each session will need to be completed by the participates (see attached) 11 Conference Registration: The NCAPPA Board will set up the conference registration at our web site and emails will be sent to the host school with participant and business partner registrations. The board will handle all the invoices and payments for registration except for on-site registrations. You will need to have some registration forms (see attached) and laptop set up so people can access NCAPPA’s paypal account to make credit card payments. You may also receive checks & cash payments at the conference. Participant Conference Registration table with four people will be needed for participant registration. This should be in a central location close to where the opening session/Hall of Resources will take place. Make sure you have plenty of signage directing people to registration location and to the next area you want them to go to after registration Participants will be given a name badge & folder with the following information inside: a. Tri-fold agenda b. Campus Map c. Layout of Hall of Resources & business partners d. Bingo Card to have business partners sign for grand prize drawing (Make sure staff explain the bingo card will need to be signed by all the business partners before placing in Grand Prize Drawing Box) e. Raffle Ticket (for all prizes awarded during the conference (except grand prize) Note: NCAPPA Board members are not eligible for prizes awarded) f. Bio/abstracts of educational sessions g. Participant list h. Survey of conference (see attached samples) 3. At the registration table, please have a box for completed surveys & recycled name tags 4. On the final day registration time slot, you may want to merge your registration tables with business partner registration table and only have one central point of contact for Q&A. You will need to decide where you want Speakers to register (participant registration or business partner registration) Each speaker will be given a name badge with speaker ribbon on it & conference packet. Volunteers will need to direct Speakers to Educational Session location. We ask that speakers planning to attend other events at the conference pay the registration fee. If they are only attending their session, no registration fee is required. NOTE: It has been suggested to make the name of participant/business partners in Large Letters for easy viewing on the name tags 12 Volunteers: Start early and recruit lots of people to help with the conference. In addition to your core team that will head up each of the areas we discussed earlier, you will need the following: 1. Volunteers to direct traffic & parking 2. Volunteers for both registration tables 3. Volunteers to help business partners unload/set up booths/place large number sign at each booth/place sponsorship sign at designed booths 4. Volunteers to assist people in getting to the right building, session, etc. 5. Volunteers to drive people that are not able to walk to locations or in case of rain 6. Volunteers to be in charge of each educational room during the conference 7. Volunteers to provide technical support to classrooms 8. Volunteers to help with golf tournament 9. Volunteers to help with service project 10. Volunteers to help direct people to meals/breaks 11. Volunteers to coordinate w/NCAPPA Board to keep conference on schedule for each time slot 12. Volunteers to take pictures during conference (2) Make sure they get a picture of each booth w/reps All volunteers for the conference will be provided two NCAPPA shirts to be worn during the conference. (Short sleeve polo & button down oxford for men) (Ladies will have two short sleeve polo shirts) 13 Catering: Make sure you book caterers well in advance for the conference. Some schools are required to use catering services on campus, others may choose outside caterers. When planning meals, please keep in mind to have options for vegetarians or people with food allergies NCAPPA Board Conference Liaison will help you determine the final head count for each event. We have found that in the past, the numbers tend to be higher for the noon meal than for the breakfast or evening meals. Business partners will participate in all the meals & events with school participants; so make sure they are included with the head count and table set up for each meal/event. Breakfast Meals: This can be a sit down event, or a continental breakfast in the Hall of Resources with business partners Lunch Meals: This can be a sit down event, or a box lunch in the Hall of Resources Evening Activity: This is usually a reception/sit down event on or off campus – NCAPPA Board will work with school on this event. If beer/wine is a part of activity, then (2) beer/wine tickets per person will need to be included in registration packet. Also, you will need to check with school on written permission to allow alcoholic beverages to be served and requirements for bartenders at the function. If event is held off campus, transportation will need to be provided from campus to event. Breaks: Breaks should be light and simple snacks. Make sure you include coffee (reg/decaf) water, and sodas. Depending on the times between breakfast, lunch, & evening meal, some breaks can be eliminated. In the Hall of Resources, you may want to have light refreshments, especially coffee available for business partners at all times when hall is open. If a sit down event is chosen, some type of program will be included in this time slot (NCAPPA Business Meeting (installation of new board members), Director of Vendor Relations recognizing business partners and sponsors, recognition of scholarship recipients, etc. or a guest speaker) Please make sure that room chosen for sit down meals can accommodate 400 plus people. Will also need podium, microphone, LCD projector and raised platform. Note: If working with a smaller university that cannot accommodate 400 plus people for meals, or general sessions, we will limit registration to accommodate the maximum seating available. 14 Recycled Items: In order to be good stewards of NCAPPA funds and materials, we try to recycle items each year. 1. Lanyards and badge holders – use generic items that can be used each year 2. Sponsorship Banners – we have several “Gold”, “Silver”, “Bronze”, and “Scholarship” banners that are placed inside sponsors booths during the conference. 3. Directional signs that can be used each year After the Conference: Congratulations! You have successfully hosted an Annual NCAPPA Conference. Recognize/Reward your volunteers and helpers to show your appreciation for all their hard work and time sacrificed. Send registration information to NCAPPA Board (please make sure you note on registration spreadsheet payments received on site and list of attendees that did not show up for the conference) Send digital photographs taken at the conference to NCAPPA Board Collect all class surveys and conference surveys and send to NCAPPA Board Send all conference invoices to NCAPPA Secretary/Treasurer for payment/reimbursement. Note: Some schools set up a discretionary account to handle conference expenditures. Copies of the invoices are sent to NCAPPA, and NCAPPA reimburses the school for conference expenditures. All materials that can be recycled are given to the next year’s host school. 15 Conference Material Samples 16 Preparations for NCAPPA Conference 9-12 Months Before Conference Determine vendor hall location and floor layout for booths (Host School/Vendor Committee) Draft agenda - (theme for conference, determine number of sessions, outside speaker, meals, breaks, group activites, tours, etc) (Host School/NCAPPA Conference Planning Committee) Draft a budget for conference expenditures/revenue (Host Schooll/Finance Committee) Plan logistics for golf outing (Host School/Vendor Committee) Negotiate w/area hotels to get state per diem rate & block a group of rooms - there should not be a charge for this - participants will have to book rooms by a certain date to get the preferred rate - some will give you an online link w/code for registrations (Host School) 3-9 Months Before Conference Sept 16 - Email to vendors to register for booths, golf outing, sponsorships (Deadline for golf outing -Dec 6) Oct 1 - Call for presentations (Education Committee) Nov 11 - Registration opens for business partners Nov 1 NCAPPA Planning committee Conference Call (will confirm date/time) Dec 2 - Registrations opens for attendeees/vendors (Communication Committee) Dec 20 - Presentations Due (Education Committee) Two Months Before Conference Jan 6 - Reminder email for registrations (Communication Committee) Jan 17 - Presentations Selected & presenters notified (Education Committee) Mid Jan - NCAPPA Planning Committee Conference Call - Will confirm date/time Notify speakers - set deadline for getting powerpoint presentation & bios in for publication (Jan 31) (Education Committee) Jan 31 Finalize Agenda - send out to schools/vendors (Host School/NCAPPA Conference Planning Committee) Determine prizes based on vendor sponsorship - order items (Host School/Vendor Committee) Order Honoriums/NCAPPA volunteer shirts (Vendor Committee) Cut off for vendor booth registration - Jan 31 (Communication Committee) Finalize drawing for vendor hall - begin placing vendors in numbered booths - notify vendors of location and directions for unloading and set up in the building (Host School/Vendor Committee) NCAPPA Planning Committee Site Meeting or Conference Call - Will confirm date/time One Month Before Conference 1) Final notice to schools - deadline for registration will be February 28 (Communication Committee) 2) Deadline for cancellations & refunds -February 28 (Communication Committee) 3) Assign volunteers for conference: Registration (4), Photographer (1), Exhibit Hall Liaisons (3), Room Liaisons (4), Meal Liaisons (2), Greeters (2), tour guides, etc. (Host School) Order name tags, conference folders, prize/beverage tickets, ribbons for speaker name tags (Campbell) Note: Fastenal donated lanyards - only had to order the inserts 4) Renew insurance coverage for conference. Policy runs March - March of each year (Finance Committee) 5) Contact caterers with updates as to numbers & final menu options (Host School) 6) Follow up with speakers - items needed for their presentation (how many will be presenting, laptop, special set up, etc.) (Education Committee) 7) Meet w/venue staff to finalize room layouts and set ups for conference, Podium/Microphones/LCD/Laptop provided for classrooms, panel discussion? Sound System for vendor hall, meal location 8) Order banner, board displays (agenda, sponsors, prizes, etc) directional signs, etc. (Host School) Week before Conference 1) Final meeting of committees - updates - March 1, 2014 2) Start printing name tags - set up for registration (Host School) 3) Finalize items for conference package & print (agenda, building floor plan, abstracts, sponsor list, vendor map, survey form, areas of interest, etc. (Host School Note: If possible - wait as long as you can before printing final agenda, sponsor list, vendor map - there always seem to be last minute changes 4) Call caterers w/total count - usually you can update totals within 48 hrs. of event (Host School 5) Distribute NCAPPA shirts to volunteers (Host School) 6) Prepare information for camera liaison, room liaisons, greeters, tour guides, etc. (Host School) Conference Week Enjoy Conference! NCAPPA Board President—David Hatch President Elect—Brian Guns Past President—Allen Boyette Sec/Treasurer—Cathy Blanchard Dir. Conf. Planning-Lisa Williams Dir. Member/Vendor—Kevin Ingalls Dir. Education—Rich Hassard Board Committees Finance Nominating Non-Board Committees Bylaws/Organization Membership/Vendor Education Communication Conference Planning Allen Boyette, PE, CEFP NCAPPA President North Carolina State University Campus BoxPE, 7542 David Hatch, CEFP Raleigh, NC 27695 NCAPPA President North Carolina State University Campus Box 7541 Raleigh, NC 27695 Phone: 919-513-0181 Fax: 919- 515-5320 Phone: 919-515-9853 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 919- 515-5319 E-mail: [email protected] NCAPPA Conference—March 5-7, 2014 Campbell University “ Getting Over the Hump ” Please mark your calendars for March 5-7 and plan to attend the 2014 NCAPPA Conference. The conference will be held at Campbell University and will cover current educational facilities topics in Housekeeping, Grounds Management, Building Maintenance, and Utilities with a focus on training for supervisors, superintendents, and managers. Tuition for participants: (March 6-7) Tuition March 6 Only: $ 75 Tuition March 7 Only: $ 75 Tuition March 6-7: $ 100 Meals: (March 6-7) March 6: Breakfast, Lunch, Evening Event March 7: Breakfast, Break Golf Outing—March 5 $25 per person (School participants only—includes box lunch, dinner) Stop Hunger Now Service Project—March 5 $25 per person (business partners, school participants—includes dinner) March 5 (2:00 pm—4:00 pm) (Campbell University) Registration: Register at: Make checks payable to NCAPPA or pay online at website Mail to: NCAPPA Event North Carolina State University Campus Box 7541 Raleigh, NC 27695 Deadline for cancellations & refund—February 28, 2014 A $5 administrative fee will be assessed for cancellations No shows & late cancellations will not be refunded. Substitutions are encouraged Accommodations: See website for complete listing The mission of NCAPPA is to develop and maintain high standards in the administration, care, operations, planning and development of facilities used by educational institutions; to promote professional ideals and standards to better serve the objectives of education in North Carolina, and to engage in such activities in accordance with the By-Laws of NCAPPA Campbell University Presents: NCAPPA 1st Annual Golf Outing Keith Hills Golf Club 216 Country Club Drive, Buies Creek, NC 27506 Prizes Registration: 10:00 am—12:00 pm START TIME: 12:00 noon Shotgun Start w/lunch FORMAT: 4 person scramble with 3 putt max ENTRY FEE: $25 PER PERSON (School participants only) (Register by February 25 for discounted price) Longest Driver Closest to the pin Longest putt 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place (Fee includes: green & cart fees, range balls, Team Winners food & beverages) Award Ceremony & Dinner following event Gift Certificates Mulligans available (4 per $20 donation; cash only) Thank you for supporting North Carolina Chapter Association of Physical Plant Administrators All proceeds from this tournament will benefit future NCAPPA Conferences, Education, and Training NOTE: Play is limited to 81 players so register early. Register and pay online: NCAPPA Board President—David Hatch President Elect—Brian Guns Past President—Allen Boyette Sec/Treasurer—Cathy Blanchard Dir. Conf. Planning-Lisa Williams Dir. Member/Vendor—Kevin Ingalls Dir. Education—Rich Hassard Board Committees Finance Nominating Non-Board Committees Bylaws/Organization Membership/Vendor Education Communication Conference Planning NCAPPA Conference—March 5-7, 2014 Campbell University “ Getting Over The Hump ” The annual meeting of the North Carolina state chapter of APPA (North Carolina Association of Higher Education Facilities Officers) will be meeting this spring. As a Business Partner with one of our North Carolina Colleges or Universities, we would like to invite you to be a part of this annual meeting. The meeting will be hosted by Campbell University and is scheduled for March 5-7. This meeting will offer an opportunity for educational and technical training and to meet with our Business Partners. The details regarding availability and cost of exhibit booths are listed below. Your registration and or sponsorship will include participation in the educational sessions and other scheduled events on the program. Vendor space is limited, so please don’t miss out. Vendors: Booth Rental: $400 (Includes tuition for two representatives) (Note: Power will be available at some booths—please indicate on registration ) Sponsorship Levels: Gold — $5,000 Silver — $2,500 Bronze — $1,500 Scholarship — $1,000 Golf Tournament— $500 (27 available) For details on booth rentals and sponsorships contact: Kevin Ingalls at 919-513-2413 ([email protected]) Stop Hunger Now Service Project — March 5 $25 per person (business partners, school participants—includes dinner) March 5 (2:00 pm—4:00 pm) Campbell University Allen Boyette, PE, CEFP NCAPPA President North Carolina State David Hatch, PE,University CEFP Campus 7542 NCAPPABox President 27695 NorthRaleigh, CarolinaNC State University Campus Box 7541 Raleigh, NC 27695 Phone: 919-513-0181 Phone: 919-515-9853 Fax: 919515-5320 Fax: 919- 515-5319 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Registration: Register at: Make checks payable to NCAPPA or pay online at website Mail to: NCAPPA Event North Carolina State University Campus Box 7541 Raleigh, NC 27695 Deadline for cancellations & refund—February 28, 2014 A $5 administrative fee will be assessed for cancellations No shows & late cancellations will not be refunded. Substitutions are encouraged Discount rates for hotel accommodations will be listed on website. The mission of NCAPPA is to develop and maintain high standards in the administration, care, operations, planning and development of facilities used by educational institutions; to promote professional ideals and standards to better serve the objectives of education in North Carolina, and to engage in such activities in accordance with the By-Laws of NCAPPA Campbell University Presents: NCAPPA 1st Annual Golf Outing Keith Hills Golf Club March 5, 2014 Registration: 10:00 am—12:00 pm START TIME: 12:00 noon Shotgun Start w/lunch FORMAT: 4 person scramble with 3 putt max Sponsorship: $500 (only 27 available) (Fee includes: business partner paired up with 3 school participants, green & cart fees, range balls, food & beverages) Award Ceremony & Dinner following event Mulligans available (4 per $20 donation; cash only) Course layout: Prizes Longest Driver Closest to the pin Longest putt 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place Team Winners Gift Certificates Thank you for supporting North Carolina Chapter Association of Physical Plant Administrators All proceeds from this tournament will benefit future NCAPPA Conferences, Education, and Training NOTE: Sponsorship is limited to 27 slots, so register early. Register and pay online: NCAPPA 2014 Agenda Campbell University 56 Main Street, Buies Creek, NC 27506 Wednesday, March 5, 2014 8:00 - 4:30 Registration and Set Up For Business Partners - Hall of Resources - Convocation Center 10:00 - 12:00 Registration for Golf Tournament/Practice on Driving Range/Box Lunch - Keith Hills Golf Club 12:00 - 5:00 Golf Tournament - Keith Hills Golf Club, 216 Country Club Drive, Buies Creek, NC 27506 (910-893-5051) 2:00 - 4:00 Stop Hunger Now Service Project -McCall Court (Convocation Center) 5:00 - 6:00 Dinner - Keith Hills Golf Club (Business Partners, participants in service project & golf tournament) Thursday, March 6, 2014 7:30 - 9:30 Registration/Continental Breakfast with Business Partners - Hall of Resources - Convocation Center 9:30 - 10:00 Kickoff - Welcome - McCall Court (Convocation Center) Mr. Jim Roberts, Vice President for Business & Treasurer, Campbell University 10:30 - 12:00 Senior Facility Officers Executive Session - President's Dining Room (Marshbanks Dining Hall) Education Sessions are held in D Rich Hall Core Session 1 LED Conversions at UNC Charlotte David Smith, UNC Charlotte Room # 117 Grounds Think Safety & Work Safely Kerry Rigg, KW Safety Room # 116 Utilities Room # 219 Best Practices for the Design, Installation & Maintenance of Sustainable Energy Star & Green Roof System Tim Pennigar, Duke Medicine John Robinson, Sika Sarnafil Housekeeping Sensible Construction Johnny Wood, Dewberry, Chris Roberts, LS3P Associates Peter Fraccaroli, NC State Room # 118 Sustainability 10:30 - 11:25 Maintenance Room # 119 The Use of Wireless Irrigation Control (Time & Water Savings) Dennis Lubert, UNC Charlotte 11:40 - 2:30 Lunch/Hall of Resources - McCall Court (Convocation Center) (Door Prizes) Core Session 2 Setting Building EUI Targets & Tracking Energy Performance Gary Kosten, Steven Daley, Optima Engineering Room # 117 Maintenance Three Legged Stool of Cleaning Tim Poskin, Cleaning Industry Think Tank Utilities Strategies for Developing a Sustainability Initiative within Facilities Department Carla Davis, NC State Rodney Holmes, NC State Room # 116 Proper Maintenance & Repair of Flush Valve Systems Bill Ballantyne, Best Plumbing Specialties Grounds Room # 219 Housekeeping Tour of Campus Buildings Meet in front of D Rich Hall to begin tour General 2:50 - 3:50 Maintenance Room # 118 Tour of Campbell Grounds/Landscaping Meet in front of D Rich Hall to begin tour Core Session 3 Room # 219 Room # 116 5:15 - 5:45 Hall of Resources with Business Partners (Convocation Center) (Door Prizes) 6:00-7:30 Dinner - & Guest Speaker, Mike Minter, Head Football Coach, Campbell University (Marshbanks Dining Hall) 7:30-8:30 Tour of Campbell University School of Osteopathic Medicine - Buses will leave from Marshbanks Dining Hall to transport guest (Parking will be available for those that prefer to drive) Proper Handling of Water Damage Rick Cooper, CRC Disaster Response Mark Livesay, NC State Generating Paperless Work Orders Eric Dean, Mahomet Accilien, Barbara Hise, Mike Lytle, NC State Avoid Green Washing Be Sustainable w/o Spending More Money Matt Jones, Revolution Bag Utilities 4:00 - 5:00 Maintenance Housekeeping Room # 118 Sustainability Room # 119 Strategies to Reduce Campus Energy & Emissions Footprint Jason Smith, Miura North America, Inc. Friday, March 7, 2014 7:00 - 8:00 Registration - Lobby of Convocation Center 7:30 - 8:30 Breakfast/Open Meeting Including All Attendees - McCall Court (Convocation Center) (Door Prizes) David Hatch, NCAPPA President 8:30 - 9:45 Hall of Resources with Business Partners (Convocation Center) (Door Prizes) Turn in Business Partner signature cards 10:00 - 11:00 Business Partner Breakdown - Hall of Resources Education Sessions are held in D Rich Hall Core Session 1 Innovations in Underground Cable Reliability Brett Stein, Novinium, Inc. Room # 117 Maintenance Cleaning for Health & CIMS: The Foundation of Sustainability Dan Wagner, ISSA Room # 116 Utilities Harmonizing w/History Window Solutions Sharon Roscher, Marvin Windows & Doors Rob Wagner, Clearscapes Architects Room # 219 Housekeeping Chiller Plant Optimization Steve Sharpe, UNC Wilmington Joshua Kahan, Kiltech, Inc Room # 118 General 10:00 - 10:50 Maintenance Room # 119 Maintenance Troubleshooting & Decision Making David Hatch, Kevin Ingalls, NC State Core Session 2 11:55 - 12:10 Wrap Up (Grand Prize Drawing) - Outside D Rich Hall National Fire Protection Assoc. 70E & You Jim King, Trane Carolinas Room # 117 Grounds Interior Finishes: Selection Through the Lens of Faculty & Students Jonathan Stanley, Tandus Centiva Room # 116 Utilities Cease the Grease- How to Implement a Grease/Oil Recycling Program Nessa Stone, Tim Blair, NC State Room # 219 Housekeeping Causes & Effects of Deterioration of Masonry & Concrete Bldgs. Dennis Ahrenhoersterbaeumer, Western Construction Group Room # 118 Sustainable 11:00 - 11:50 Maintenance Room # 119 Capitalizing on Spring Semester MoveOut Recycling & Reuse Ben Kunka, UNC Greensboro Weaving Innovation with Fundamentals Your Gateway to the Future 4th Annual Conference May 13-14, 2013 The University of North Carolina at Greensboro Greensboro, NC Gold Level Bronze Level Graybar Electric Schneider Electric CMH Space Moseley Architects Spirotherm, Inc. Scholarship Level Chem-Aqua, Inc. Dewberry Freudenberg Filtration Technologies Van Deusen & Associates A special thank you to Fastenal for badges & lanyards Thanks to all our Volunteers Kathy Boutin-Pasterz, UNC Charlotte Cynthia Barnes, UNC Greensboro Cathy Blanchard, NC State Allen Boyette, NC State Steve Burt, UNC Charlotte Tracy Clemmons, UNC Greensboro Vickie DeBari, UNC Greensboro Paul Dow, UNC Greensboro Willie Dowd, UNC Greensboro Pam Duff, UNC Charlotte Dan Durham, UNC Greensboro Heather Edgerly, UNC Greensboro Chris Fay, UNC Greensboro Solomon Franklin, UNC Charlotte Brian Guns, UNC Charlotte Andrew Gwyn, UNC Greensboro David Hatch, NC State Travis Holcomb, UNC Greensboro Greg Kish, UNC Charlotte Lori Krise, UNC Greensboro Brian Kugler, UNC Charlotte Ben Kunka, UNC Greensboro Jeannie Lasley, UNC Greensboro Ivan Lyall, UNC Greensboro Trey McDonald, UNC Greensboro Hoyte Phifer, UNC Greensboro Scott Phillips, Campbell University Tony Phillips, UNC Greensboro Jorge Quintal, UNC Greensboro Joyce Ray, UNC Greensboro Sandra Redmond, UNC Greensboro Debbie Reynolds, UNC Greensboro Tim Slone, UNC Greensboro David Smith, UNC Charlotte Tom White, UNC Greensboro Dale Williams, UNC Greensboro Lisa Williams, Campbell University Jimmy Wright, NC State Tony Yamada, East Carolina University Tuesday, May 14, 2013 7:00 Registration Opens—EUC Cone Ballroom 7:00—8:00 Breakfast—EUC Food court (Door Prize) 8:00—8:10 Welcome—EUC Food court 8:20—9:20 Core Session #1 at School of Education Room 114: Holistic landscaping Room 118: Conducting ASHRAE Level II audits Room 120: Reducing waste & increasing recycling through collaboration Room 222: Unique approach to re-roofing with successful results—a case study Room 226: Housing & facilities collaboration in Facilities management NCAPPA Conference May 13-14, 2013 The University of North Carolina at Greensboro 9:30-10:30 Core Session #2 at School of Education Room 114: Walking tour of UNCG Baseball Facility Room 118: Case study of utility tunnel installation at UVA Room 120: Generational Diversity in Housekeeping Room 222: Using oil analysis to predict change intervals for stand-by power equipment Room 226: Update on renewable opportunities for colleges and universities Weaving Innovation with Fundamentals — Your Gateway to the Future Monday May 13, 2013 7:00—10:00 Conference Registration / Vendor Set Up 10:30-12:00 Break—Vendor Hall Cone Ballroom (Door Prize) 10:00-10:30 Kick Off / Welcome—Elliott University Center Auditorium 12:00-1:00 Lunch—EUC Food court (Door Prize) 1:00-1:30 Business Meeting: School of Education Bldg., Room 120 1:00-2:00 Vendor Exhibit break down 1:40-2:40 Core Session #3 at School of Education 10:30-11:30 Panel Discussion—Elliott University Center Auditorium. 11:30 -12:15 Customer Service Excellence and Leadership , Dr. Eric Gladney, Director, Center for Leadership & Organizational Excellence at NC A&T University - Elliott University Center Auditorium Room 114: Achieving a National Award Winning Landscape & Tree Campus USA Room 118: Documenting energy savings for HB 1292 Room 120: Contingency and emergency planning for failed Chiller & HVAC Systems Room 222: Reducing harmful effects of dirt and air in hydronic systems Room 226: Improving landscape maintenance at a rapidly growing campus at UNC Charlotte Vendor Hall Ribbon Cutting, Vendor Hall Opening, lunch in Vendor Hall—Elliott University Center, Room 136 2:40-2:55 Break (Door Prize) 2:30—3:30 Facilities Sessions by Function 2:55-3:55 Core Session #4 at School of Education 3:30—5:30 Walking Tours, Bus Tour & Best Practices of Shops 5:30- Reception: Buses load (5:30-6:30) in front of Walker Parking Deck to Baseball Game All-Star Buffet Dinner (6:00—7:30) Game starts at 7:00 12:15-2:30 Room 114: Developing an in-house landscape services unit Room 118: LED Pilot program for elementary school facilities with funding and savings strategies Room 120: Cleaning with microfiber Room 222: Maintaining new equipment installed in a performance contracting scenario Room 226: Irrigation from natural resources 3:55-4:15 Wrap Up Session—School of Education Courtyard (Grand Prize Drawing) A special thank you to our business partners participating in NCAPPA Conference 2013 Booth 1 Booth 2 Booth 3 Booth 4 Booth 5 Booth 6 Booth 7 Booth 8 Booth 9 Booth 10 Booth 11 Booth 12 Booth 13 Booth 14 Booth 15 Booth 16 Booth 17 Booth 18 Booth 19 Booth 20 Booth 21 Booth 22 Booth 23 Booth 24 Booth 25 Booth 26 Booth 27 Booth 28 Booth 29 Booth 30 Booth 31 Booth 32 Booth 33 Booth 34 Booth 35 Booth 36 Booth 37 Booth 38 Booth 39 Booth 40 Booth 41 Booth 42 Booth 43 Booth 44 Booth 45 Booth 46 Booth 47 Booth 48 Booth 49 Booth 50 Booth 51 Booth 52 Booth 53 Booth 54 Booth 55 Booth 56 Booth 57 Booth 58 Booth 59 Booth 60 Booth 61 Booth 62 Booth 63 Booth 64 Booth 65 Booth 66 Booth 67 Booth 68 Booth 69 Schneider Electric Morrisette Paper Co. Lord, Aeck & Sargent Spirotherm, Inc. Thermal Resource Sales Affiliated Engineers, Inc. Brady Trane Services Moseley Architects, PC CRC Disaster Response Geo-Hydro Engineers, Inc. Storr Office Environments ISS Facility Services Inc. Stafford Engineers InPro Corporation Fastenal Dyson B2B, Inc. Holder Construction Carotek, Inc. Tennant RAB Lighting Mahoney Environmental Centennial Contractors Sika Sarnafil KBR Building Group Exterior Diagnostic Services Brame Speciality Company RMF Engineering, Inc. State Electric Supply Ajax Building Group New Restoration Buckeye International SKA Consulting Engineers, Inc. Noresco School Dude Sparkkles Restoration Forbo Flooring Systems Industrial Paper Products Graybar Electric Freudenberg Filtration Technologies Chem-Aqua, Inc. BIRS, Inc. Simix Solutions Marvin Windows & Doors Novinium Carolina Golf Cars Waste Industries Servpro of Greensboro Surefin Coils, LLC Kelsan, Inc. Tile Restoration, Inc. Osram Sylvania Bonitz Flooring Group Budd Group Fluke Enpuricon Lean Energy-Rise Eco Van Deusen & Associates Dewberry CMH Space Spirax Sarco, Inc. Grainger Adden Furniture Engineered Fluid Systems Interface Heery International, PC KI Genesis FR Rubbermaid Commercial Multivista NCAPPA March 5 - 7, 2014 Hall of Resources Gold Sponsor Power Silver Sponsor Bronze Sponsor No Electricity Scholarship Sponsor Arena 12 Sika Corporation 27 11 Surefin Coils, LLC 26 10 9 8 7 Inpro Wellbeing Hygiene Enpuricon Hoffman & Hoffman 25 24 23 6 5 4 3 2 1 Carotek Inc. Tile Restoration Inc. State Electric Supply Seven Oaks Seven Oaks Doors & Doors & Hardware Hardware Johnson Controls GrayBar Electric Campbell Campbell University University 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 Western Waterproofing Company SKA Consulting Engineers WESCO Distribution Tennant Best Plumbing Specialties Flad Architects Marvin Windows & Doors RAB Lighting Tandus Cenetiva WJ Office CRC Disaster Response Shaw Contract Group Asset Works Inc. RMF Engineering Schneider Electric Fastenal Seven Oaks Supply Centennial Contractors Turner Asphalt, Inc. Gov Connection Inc. Chemgard New Restorations Retroplate Samet Corporation Innerface Architectural Signage Morrisette Paper Co. Brady Dewberry Moseley Architects 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Rochester & Associates Inc. 40 41 42 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 BIRS Inc. Revolution Bag Pure Water Mahoney Innovations Environmental Inc. 28 29 30 31 56 55 54 53 TEAMWORKS Kee Safety Inc. Freudenberg Filtration Tech, LP KW Safety 57 58 School Dude The Budd Group Georgia Pacific Terracon Rubbermaid Commercial Forbo Flooring Systems Grainger Hilti Tools Gale Associates Inc. Etemplate Systems Spirotherm Inc. Thermal Resources Sales Rite Way Service Metcon, Inc. Optima Engineering PA Engineered Fluid Systems Club Car, LLC 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 OSRAM Sylvania CMH Space Flooring Projects Novinium Brock Contract Services Armstrong Flooring Omega Sparkkles Safety & Environmental Restoration Southeastern Paper Group Concourse 71 Scottie’s Window Cleaning Exterior Diagnostic Services 3M McAdams Multivista Vendor Set Up Letter _______________________________________ From: Smith, David Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2012 6:57 PM To: '[email protected]' Cc: Guns, Brian; Jimmy Wright; Cathy Blanchard Subject: 2012 NCAPPA Conference << File: Vendor Information.pdf >> Anthony: We have received your payment for the upcoming NCAPPA Conference. As you know the conference will take place at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, in the Student Union. Attached you will find a campus map of the university showing the location of the Student Union (Building 69) and the Union Parking Deck (Building 1007). Please park in surface lots and lower levels of Union Deck to avoid parking fees. If you park in the Visitor levels of the Union Deck you will be charged. If you park along roadway, on the grass or in unauthorized spaces, you will be ticketed as well. You will find the attached layout of the room where we have your firm set up in booth # 61. The standard booth registration allows for two people, which includes meals and breaks. Thank you so much for your SILVER LEVEL sponsorship of the 2012 NCAPPA Conference We have reserved a large area for our Business Partners during this year’s event. The standard booth is 8’ x 8’ and is sectioned off by pipe and drape along with a six foot table and two chairs in each booth. Set up for the vendors will be on March 7 at 9:00 am in Room 340. Break down of the booths will begin on March 8 at 1:00 pm. Attached is an Agenda for your use. We look forward to seeing you and hearing more about your company at the upcoming NCAPPA event. Please let us know if you need any further assistance. David NCAPPA Vendor / Member Relations Committee David E. Smith | Zone 5 Supervisor UNC Charlotte | Facilities Management 9201 University City Blvd. | Charlotte, NC 28223 Phone: 704 687-0582 | Fax 704 687-5279 | Mobile 704 654-6617 [email protected] | ______________________________ 2014 NCAPPA CONFERENCE Campbell University 56 Main Street, Buies Creek, NC 27506 Wednesday, March 5, 2014 ► 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM Registration and Set up for Business Partners Hall of Resources (Convocation Center) ► 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Registration for Golf Tournament/Practice on Driving Range/Box Lunch Keith Hills Golf Club, 216 Country Club Drive, Buies Creek, NC 27506 ► 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM Golf Tournament ► 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM Stop Hunger Now Service Project - (Convocation Center) ► 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Dinner - Keith Hills Golf Club (Includes all business partners, participants in golf tournament & service project event) Thursday, March 6, 2014 ► 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM Registration/Continental Breakfast w/Business Partners Hall of Resources (Convocation Center) ► 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM McCall Court (Convocation Center) Kickoff – Welcome - Jim Roberts, Vice President for Business & Treasurer, Campbell University ► 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Senior Facility Officers Executive Session President’s Dining Room (Marshbanks Dining Hall) ► 10:30 AM - 11:25 AM Educational Core Sessions D. Rich Hall Page 1 2014 NCAPPA CONFERENCE Campbell University 56 Main Street, Buies Creek, NC 27506 Maintenance Session 1 - 10:30 – 11:25 AM - Room 119 Sensible Construction Johnny Wood, Dewberry, Chris Roberts, LS3P Associates, Peter Fraccaroli, NC State University ABSTRACT: All construction projects have to balance quality, durability, functionality, and of course, cost. Explore the technical, practical, and financial implications for various construction systems and components being used in today’s student housing facilities. This session will provide an overview of various building structural systems, cladding systems, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems, as well as discuss real-world applications for the systems across a variety of housing projects. BIO: Johnny Wood, PE, LEED AP BD+C, CxA, CPD Senior Associate, Senior Client/Project Manager, Dewberry Johnny is a Mechanical Engineer with over 19 years of experience. He started his career with Dewberry upon graduating from college in August 1994 and is the Project Manager for the NC State University Centennial Campus Student Housing Project. Johnny has been involved in a variety of projects including University Housing, Higher Education, K-12, industrial, and private. Johnny is also a LEED Accredited Professional, Certified Commissioning Agent, and Certified Plumbing Designer. He is a Senior Associate and currently serves as the Dewberry Raleigh Office NC State University Client Manager and LS3P Associates, Ltd. Client Manager. Johnny enjoys spending time with his family and riding roller coasters outside of the office. Chris Roberts, AIA, LEED AP BD+C Associate Principal, Studio Director, LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. Mr. Roberts is the director of the higher education design studio with the architecture firm LS3P ASSOCIATES in their Raleigh, NC office. In his 10 year tenure with the firm, he has worked with public and private universities, colleges, and community colleges on a wide array of project types. Mr. Roberts has a strong background in educational facility design, extending his experience in programming, planning, and design of higher education learning environments. He is currently managing North Carolina State University’s 1,195 bed Wolf Ridge Student Housing project, which is in the process of LEED Silver Certification. Mr. Roberts is currently the President-Elect for the Triangle Section of the American Institute of Architects (AIA), sits as a Section Director on the North Carolina Board of the AIA, and is an active member of the Education Committee for the local AIA Section. Peter Fraccaroli, PE, LEED AP is the Facilities Manager for University Housing at North Carolina State University. His responsibilities include the facilities maintenance, renovations, sustainability efforts, and new construction of the University's residence halls. He was previously employed as a civil engineering consultant and also as a project manager with the United States Army Corps of Engineers. Pete has a Master of Science in Civil Engineering from Missouri University of Science and Technology and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering from the United States Military Academy. Page 2 2014 NCAPPA CONFERENCE Campbell University 56 Main Street, Buies Creek, NC 27506 Sustainability Session 1 - 10:30 – 11:25 AM - Room 118 Best Practices for Green Roof Systems John Robinson, Sika Sarnafil, Tim Pennigar, Duke Medicine Abstract: This presentation will outline the best practices of the design, installation, and maintenance of a highly sustainable thermoplastic roofing system for a low slope and a green roof system on the Duke Medicine Cancer Center in Durham NC. This installation was completed in October 2011 and features a 6,000 square foot vegetative roofing system installed over the thermoplastic single ply membrane. This system also incorporates a low maintenance highly reflective PVC roofing system for the low-sloped exposed application. Both systems were installed over a lightweight insulated concrete substrate. This system has a life expectancy of 35+ years with a documented low maintenance history. BIOS: John Robinson, CSI/CDT, GRP, RRO has over 30 years of experience in the commercial building envelope products industry. He currently holds the position of Regional Sales Specialist for Sika Sarnafil, a division of Sika Corporation. John works closely with Facility Managers and design professionals throughout the Southeast on complex roofing and green roof projects. Tim Pennigar has over 25 years of experience managing projects at Duke Medicine. His experience spans ongoing expansion on the campus as well as restorations of complex and historical building facades and management of roofing assets. Housekeeping Session 1 - 10:30 – 11:25 AM - Room 219 Think Safety & Work Safely Kerry Rigg, KW Safety ABSTRACT: This presentation will offer insight into: ● History of OSHA ● OSHA required written programs ● Top Ten Serious OSHA Violations ● Identify hazards in the workplace BIO: Kerry Rigg is a proud Vietnam Veteran. A life-long musician, he spent 4 years in the Navy as an entertainer, the last 21/2 years entertaining sailors on vessels from Destroyers to giant Aircraft Carriers. During Kerry’s 40 years in the Custodial Industry he created training classes for all facets of cleaning and found his love for teaching. He now teaches the 10 & 30 hour OSHA General Industry classes and certifies forklift operators. Page 3 2014 NCAPPA CONFERENCE Campbell University 56 Main Street, Buies Creek, NC 27506 Utilities Session 1 - 10:30 – 11:25 AM - Room 116 LED Conversions at UNC Charlotte David Smith, UNC Charlotte ABSTRACT: The presentation will focus on dynamics in the lighting industry, lighting terms, environmental concerns, legislation and rare earth materials, linear fluorescent lamps and ballasts, LED revolution and other trends, and lighting applications. One case study will focus on how Weber State in Ogden, Utah went from HID fixtures to LED fixtures and improved the lighting in their arena. I am also going to discuss LED conversions at UNC Charlotte. BIO: David Smith is a 1984 Graduate of UNC Charlotte with a degree in Business Administration. He worked for 20 years for a privately owned Electrical Contracting firm in Charlotte and has been at UNC Charlotte for the past 10 years. He has held several different positions while employed at the university. Currently he is the supervisor over Zone 5, which handles approximately 1.2 million square ft. of some of the older buildings on campus and is also responsible for overseeing the elevator contract on campus for 115 elevators and growing. He is a licensed electrical contractor, qualified as a Level III electrical inspector, and is a Certified Educational Facilities Personnel through APPA. Grounds Session 1 - 10:30 – 11:25 AM - Room 117 The Use of Wireless Irrigation Control (Time & Water Savings) Dennis Lubert, UNC Charlotte ABSTRACT: This presentation will focus on: ● Retro- fit from old systems to new. ● How to manage an irrigation system through a central control system. ● Installing new controllers and what is needed to have a successful system. ● Pre-planning the system prior to a new project being installed BIO: Dennis Lubert has worked as the Irrigation Manager at UNC Charlotte for 4 years. Prior to that, he worked as an Irrigation Tech for STI Toro for 15 years. Dennis has built golf courses for Landscapes Unlimited out of Lincoln NE. Married to his wife Christy for 21 years, Dennis likes to run marathons and will be running in the Boston Marathon this April. Dennis has also, played professional baseball for Atlanta Braves Organization as a pitcher. Dennis graduated from the University of South Carolina with a degree in Hotel Restaurant Management and also, received Associates degree from Catawba Valley Community College in Turf Management and Horticulture. . Page 4 2014 NCAPPA CONFERENCE Campbell University 56 Main Street, Buies Creek, NC 27506 ► 11:40 AM - 2:30 PM Lunch/Hall of Resources McCall Court (Convocation Center) (Drawing for door prizes) ► 2:50 PM – 3:50 PM Educational Sessions at D Rich Hall Maintenance Session 2 - 2:50 – 3:50 PM Tour of Campus Buildings (Tour will begin at front entrance of D. Rich Hall) Sustainability Session 2 - 2:50 – 3:50 PM - Room 118 Strategies for Developing a Sustainability Initiative within Facilities Department Carla Davis, Rodney Holmes, NC State University ABSTRACT: Strategies for developing a sustainability initiative within a Facilities department/unit Approaches to empowering staff to develop and implement sustainability ideas that save money, time and resources. Sustainability best practices and ideas that improved efficiency BIOS: NC State employees Rodney Holmes, who works in Repair and Renovation, and Carla Davis, who works in the University Sustainability Office, are part of ongoing sustainability collaboration between their two departments that began in 2013 and has involved dozens of employees. Rodney, who has worked in the Projects trade shop for two years, has championed many on-the-ground sustainability efforts and Carla, as communications coordinator, has helped tell the story of sustainability and how these efforts are making a leaner, smarter and stronger NC State. Housekeeping Session 2 - 2:50 – 3:50 PM - Room 219 Three Legged Stool of Cleaning Tim Poskin, Cleaning Industry Think Tank ABSTRACT: Participants will be presented with the philosophy of Three Legged Stool of Cleaning. Additionally, participants will receive data from the study and how implementing a scientifically proven, professional, engineered cleaning process improves APPA appearance levels based on data collected by Alan Bigger for the Cleaning Industry Think Tank. Page 5 2014 NCAPPA CONFERENCE Campbell University 56 Main Street, Buies Creek, NC 27506 BIO: Tim Poskin is the Chairman of the Cleaning Industry Think Tank. Tim has over 20 years’ experience implemented new cleaning processes from beginning to end. Previous projects include implementations at hundreds of facilities, corporations, and educational institutions. Tim specializes in providing the physical building profiling and work loading of hundreds of millions of square feet of all types of space including office areas, manufacturing, food service, clean room, arena, and hospital. Utilities Session 2 - 2:50 – 3:50 PM - Room 116 Setting Building EUI Targets & Tracking Energy Performance Gary Kosten, Steven Daley, Optima Engineering ABSTRACT: Setting Building EUI Targets & Tracking Energy Performance ● What is a building performance "baseline", and how can this word have many meanings? ● What is EUI, and why can that be a more uniform way to quantify energy performance? ● Why is energy modeling a projection of how a building could perform, not a prediction of how a building will perform? ● What real world factors affect buildings that make them perform different from their energy models? BIO: Gary Kosten, P.E, LEED AP BD+C, Managing Principal, Mechanical Engineer Gary’s responsibilities at Optima Engineering’s Raleigh office include business management, HVAC design, and project coordination and construction administration. Gary specializes in higher education, laboratory and public safety facility design. Gary is a certified Geo-Exchange Designer (CGD) with certification from the International Ground Source Heat Pump Association (IGSHPA). Steven Daley, P.E. LEED AP BD+C, Managing Principal, Mechanical Engineer Steve’s responsibilities at Optima Engineering’s home office in Charlotte include business management, HVAC, plumbing and fire protection production & quality control, oversight of project managers, and overall project scheduling. Steve specializes in the mechanical system design of educational facilities. Steve has designed many types of HVAC systems based on sustainability, life cycle cost analysis, design guidelines and input from district maintenance personnel. Steve specializes in the mechanical system design of educational facilities. Steve has been a successful presenter for years. He has presented for the Council of Educational Facility Planners, International, Half Moon Education, and the American Institute of Architects. Page 6 2014 NCAPPA CONFERENCE Campbell University 56 Main Street, Buies Creek, NC 27506 Maintenance Session 2 - 2:50 – 3:50 PM - Room 117 Proper Maintenance & Repair of Flush Valve Systems Bill Ballantyne, Best Plumbing Specialties ABSTRACT: Upon successful completion of this section attendees will be able to understand: The purpose of a Flushometer. How a Manual Flushometer (Diaphragm type) operates. How an Electronic Flushometer operates Top Mount Side Mount Other Troubleshooting. Repair Parts ID and Options Maintenance Tips BIO: Bill Ballantyne, Vice President of Operations, Best Plumbing Specialties has been with Best Plumbing for 35 years. He is currently the Vice President of Operations and Corporate Secretary on their Executive Board. His duties include overseeing Purchasing, Customer Service and our Warehouse. He also oversees all in-house training of inside staff and outside reps. Bill travels to conduct seminars and trade shows, and oversees all corporate events. Bill received his Master of Science in Marketing from The Johns Hopkins University in 1998. Prior to returning to Best in 1987, he was an English and Speech Arts teacher at La Salle Military Academy, in Oakdale NY. Bill holds a BA in English and Speech Arts from Adelphi University. ► 4:00 PM– 5:00 PM ~ Educational Sessions at D Rich Hall Maintenance Session 3 - 4:00 – 5:00 PM - Room 119 Proper Handling of Water Damage Rick Cooper, CRC Disaster Response, Mark Livesay, NC State University ABSTRACT: NC State University case study on proper handling of water damage ● Categories and classes of water loss. ● Investigating the areas that are wet. ● Equipment to handle the job. ● How does it dry. “Science of Drying” ● Why it is not drying ● Is it dry? BIO: Rick Cooper is a 1975 graduate of Clayton High School. After graduation from high school he attended Campbell University on a Track and Cross Country Scholarship. Upon leaving Campbell, he joined Warren Distributing where he Page 7 2014 NCAPPA CONFERENCE Campbell University 56 Main Street, Buies Creek, NC 27506 was employed for 28 years. Over the past 10 years he has been involved with property disaster restoration with the last two of those years with CRC Disaster Response Experts. Rick is certified in Water Damage Restoration and Fire and Smoke Restoration through IICRC, Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification. He is also certified in Mold Remediation through IAQA, Indoor Air Quality Association. Mark Livesay has been a maintenance mechanic at NC State University for over 6 years. He has over 35 years of experience in general maintenance and carpentry. He resides in Cary with his wife, Emily. Sustainability Session 3 - 4:00 – 5:00 PM - Room 118 Generating Paperless Work Orders Eric Dean, Mahomet Accilien, Barbara Hise, Mike Lytle, NC State University ABSTRACT: This session will provide an overview of a pilot project at NC State University to handle work orders generated from Assetworks AIM software wirelessly using Apple IPads BIOS: Eric Dean, Manager of Power Systems Engineering, NC State University Eric has worked several Power Systems Positions over the past 35 years including Duke Power Company, Carolina Power and Light, Fort Bragg, NC Electric Membership Co-operative and various municipal electric systems throughout the United States. Eric is a graduate of NCSU in Civil Engineering and has his Masters in Public Administration from UNC Charlotte. Mahomet Accilien, PEM, Assistant Power System Engineer, NC State University Mahomet joined the Power Systems Engineer in July 2012. He is responsible for the University’s SCADA System and the Campus Power Distribution Electrical Grid. Previously, he served as a Controls System Engineer at US Army Corps of Engineers at Fort Bragg and as an Energy Program Coordinator at NC State University. Mahomet is a graduate of New Jersey Institute of Technology, earning a B.S. Degrees in Electrical Engineer. He is a Professional Energy Manager from NC State University and the Institute of Energy Professionals (IEP). Barbara Hise studied at Radford University and Virginia Tech. She has 25 years’ experience in Facilities Management Administration. Currently the System Administrator for AiM and Administrative Services Manager at NC State University Mike Lytle graduated in 1989 from Virginia State University with a BS in Business System Information. After college Mike worked at E. L. Hamm & Associates for three years working as a contractor helping design, test and document the US Army’s Department of Engineering Management System (IFSM). Mike spent the next 12 years as a Project Manager for Assetworks implementing their Facility Management Software at client’s sites. After Assetworks, Mike spent the next 5 years at VSU and was the School of Agriculture “IT” person. Mike started at NC State University in April 2012 supporting their AIM software. Page 8 2014 NCAPPA CONFERENCE Campbell University 56 Main Street, Buies Creek, NC 27506 Housekeeping Session 3 - 4:00 – 5:00 PM - Room 219 Avoid Green Washing - Be Sustainable w/o Spending More Money Matt Jones, Revolution Bag ABSTRACT: This session will provide education on commonly used (and abused) green verbiage commonly known as “greenwashing.” Will provide examples of how purchasing a sustainable product can save dollars and exceed sustainability goals BIO: Matt Jones is the Vice President of Sales for Revolution Bag. Revolution Bag is a manufacturer of EPA compliant trash can liners made from the closed-loop recycling process of irrigation tubing used on farms. Utilities Session 3 - 4:00 – 5:00 PM - Room 116 Strategies to Reduce Campus Energy & Emissions Footprint Jason Smith, Miura North America, Inc. ABSTRACT: This presentation will introduce strategies to reduce campus energy & emissions footprint via leveraging sound energy management best practices and new modular, on-demand boiler system technologies to optimize campus district heating utilities. The presentation will conclude with examination of case studies of recent applications utilizing the technology to address performance improvements in specific campus district heating applications. BIO: Jason Smith. has a background in Architecture & Engineering with over 15 years’ experience with the design and construction of high performance "green" buildings and over 10 years’ experience as a CEM & LEED Accredited Professional integrating sustainable design solutions into facilities that address energy efficiency and contribute to reducing their environmental impact. Jason is celebrating 5 years with Miura North America directing energy & environmental initiatives with a focus on energy efficiency advocacy, education & sustainability in the area of thermal energy systems. Grounds Session 3 - 4:00 – 5:00 PM Campus Tour of Grounds/Landscaping (Tour will begin at front entrance of D. Rich Hall) Page 9 2014 NCAPPA CONFERENCE Campbell University 56 Main Street, Buies Creek, NC 27506 ► 5:15 – 5:45 PM Hall of Resources with Business Partners (Convocation Center) Door Prizes ► 6:00 – 7:30 PM Dinner at Marshbanks Dining Hall Guest Speaker ~ Mike Minter, Head Football Coach, Campbell University Mike Minter is best known for his skills as an all pro-safety with the Carolina Panthers, where he spent his 10-year NFL career. Minter has lived the highs of playing in the Super Bowl and the lows of a team that won only one game in 16. He earned his degree in engineering from the University of Nebraska (where he was inducted into the Hall of Fame), and is now building many successful businesses. Mike joined the Campbell University family as Head Football Coach in 2012. He is looking forward to helping develop this group of young men into champions on and off the field. However, his success as businessman, philanthropist and coach will soon rival his fame on the field. As a motivational speaker, Minter’s insights are unique, his delivery is impeccable and his credentials are unparalleled. He makes his listeners laugh and think while encouraging them to find their true purpose in life. ► 7:30 – 8:30 PM Tour of Campbell University School of Osteopathic Medicine Bus will leave Marshbanks Dining Hall to transport Participants to School of Osteopathic Medicine 4350 US 421 South, Lillington, NC 27506 (Parking will be available for those that prefer to drive) Page 10 2014 NCAPPA CONFERENCE Campbell University 56 Main Street, Buies Creek, NC 27506 Friday, March 7, 2014 ► 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM Registration - Lobby of Convocation Center ► 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM Breakfast/Open Meeting for all attendees (Door Prizes) McCall Court (Convocation Center) David Hatch, NCAPPA President Dan Young, SRAPPA Past President ► 8:30 AM - 9:45 AM Hall of Resources w/Business Partners (Door Prizes) Convocation Center ► 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Business Partner Breakdown – Hall of Resources ► 10:00 AM- 10:50 AM Educational Core Sessions D. Rich Hall Page 11 2014 NCAPPA CONFERENCE Campbell University 56 Main Street, Buies Creek, NC 27506 Maintenance Session 1 - 10:00 AM – 10:50 AM - Room 119 Chiller Plant Optimization Steve Sharpe, P.E., CEM, Energy Manager, UNC Wilmington Joshua Kahan, LEED-AP, General Manager, Kiltech Inc. ABSTRACT: To introduce chiller plant optimization to the group, describe our past experiences, and demonstrate the system being used at our newest Laboratory, the MARBIONC Building. BIO: Steve Sharpe has 23 years of engineering experience includes working in the Capital Projects group for both UNC Chapel Hill and UNC Wilmington. During this time, he was involved in nearly nine hundred million dollars of construction projects resulting over five million square feet of new and renovated buildings and plants. He is a mechanical engineering graduate of North Carolina State University, a registered Professional Engineer, and a Certified Energy Manager. Joshua Kahan, a noted leader and author in the sustainability field, Joshua possesses a multi-disciplinary expertise in the field of energy efficiency finance, energy project and green building development and sustainable development. Joshua’s experience includes central plant optimization; co-founding a regional ESCO serving Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Maryland which provided energy assessments, alternative energy projects, energy efficient retrofits, energy management systems, federal, state and utility rebates, grants, tax credits and Renewable Energy Credits, competitive energy procurement, project financing, project design and construction and post-project measurement and verification for commercial and industrial facilities; and founding a sustainability solutions company providing green building concept design, design development, construction, commissioning, LEED certification, corporate sustainability benchmarking, corporate sustainability program and metric development, greenhouse gas assessment and footprint analysis and ecosystem services land use policy and framework development. Joshua holds a Bachelor of Arts in Law and Society from American University and a Masters of Environmental Studies and Policy from the University of Pennsylvania. Joshua has published numerous articles and in 2009 Joshua was awarded The Green Building of America Award for a LEED project General Session 1 - 10:00 AM – 10:50 AM - Room 118 Harmonizing with History – Window Solutions Sharon Roscher, Marvin Windows & Doors Rob Wagner, Clearscapes Architects ABSTRACT: Participants in this program will be able to: ● Discuss guidelines for selecting suitable windows for places with historically sensitive architecture. ● Describe high-performance technologies for glazing, window profiles, casings, and more that match historical styles. ● List attributes of energy-efficient windows for historic replacements. ● Compare LEED and historically accurate windows in new construction and replacement projects. BIOS: Sharon Roscher is the Commercial Architectural Representative for Marvin Windows and Doors for North and South Carolina, specializing in fenestration solutions for large-scale and historical projects. Page 12 2014 NCAPPA CONFERENCE Campbell University 56 Main Street, Buies Creek, NC 27506 Rob Wagner, AIA, LEED AP - Architect at Clearscapes Architecture + Art in Raleigh, NC. He specializes in adaptive reuse and historic preservation. Rob has played an integral role in many North Carolina historic renovation projects and will discuss the renovation of NC State University’s Withers Hall. Housekeeping Session 1 - 10:00 AM – 10:50 AM - Room 219 Cleaning for Health & CIMS: Foundation of Sustainability Dan Wagner, ISSA ABSTRACT: ● Understand the crucial connection between cleaning and health, sustainability and student/ facility occupant productivity ● Learn cleaning management best practices for operational excellence and for validation of service and performance. ● Understand the tangible business outcomes that can stem from a quality, effectively managed cleaning service organization. BIO: Dan Wagner is ISSA’s Director of Facility Service Programs and has been with ISSA since November of 1999. He is primarily responsible for leading the association’s sustainability and facility service programs, including the Cleaning Industry Management Standard & CIMS-Green Building Certification Program and Transpare. Dan has published numerous articles and spoken at various conferences, workshops and seminars on CIMS, standardization, management principles, and the true value of clean. Dan is also the association’s Director of Facility Service Legislative Affairs and in-house legal counsel, having received his Juris Doctor degree from DePaul University in 1998. He is also a licensed attorney in the State of Illinois; a member of the American Bar Association, the Illinois Bar Association, the American Society of Association Executives; and serves on the Board of Directors of the National Floor Safety Institute. Utilities Session 1 - 10:00 AM – 10:50 AM - Room 116 Innovations in Underground Cable Reliability Brett Stein, Novinium, Inc. ABSTRACT: ● Why do insulated cables fail? ● Overview of cable injection ● Second generation cable injection technology ● Economics ● Innovation: Blended injection & replacement BIO: Brett Stein has been a Regional Manager at Novinium since 2011 and is based out of Raleigh, NC. Brett has been working in the Utility industry since 2006 and has background in cable reliability, solar and Smart Grid technologies. He studied Marketing at James Madison University and has held leadership roles within various organizations for more than 15 years. Brett has developed successful partnerships within various verticals by establishing consultative, problem solving relationships. His primary goal is to help clients meet their personal and professional goals by delivering Page 13 2014 NCAPPA CONFERENCE Campbell University 56 Main Street, Buies Creek, NC 27506 customized solutions tailored to their unique needs. Brett manages the Southeast Territory at Novinium and has been tasked with primarily developing new business opportunities. In his spare time Brett enjoys time with his wife, Candice and their son Jack. He is also an avid sports fan and supporter of London-based soccer club Arsenal FC. Maintenance Session 1 - 10:00 AM – 10:50 AM - Room 117 Maintenance Troubleshooting & Decision Making David Hatch, Kevin Ingalls, NC State University ABSTRACT: All facilities professionals are experienced and effective problem solvers. Our work days are filled with a constant stream of building system failures. Let’s take a moment to consider why our buildings break down? What does it mean when symptoms seem to happen over and over? What is the root cause of these failures? Once a problem is clearly understood how do we choose an appropriate solution? How do we prioritize one solution over another? How do we determine the best investment of resources at any point in time? This presentation will look at some typical building operation problems and apply a rational model of troubleshooting and decision making. BIOS: David Hatch is responsible for the Architectural trade shops, facilities assessments and in-house construction services as the Director of Facilities Operations Repair and Renovation. He is a graduate of NCSU in Civil Engineering, a Professional Engineer in North Carolina and a graduate of the APPA Institute and has earned the APPA CEFP. Kevin Ingalls is the Manager of FCAP, Construction, Warranty, and Design & Review at NC State University. Kevin holds an ABA from University of New Hampshire, as well as various trade certifications and licenses. He is a graduate of APPA Toolkit, along with EFP training and has worked over 35 years in the facilities repair and renovation field. Maintenance Session 2 - 11:00 AM – 11:50 AM - Room 119 Causes & Effect of Deterioration of Masonry & Concrete Buildings Dennis Ahrenhoersterbaeumer, Western Construction Group ABSTRACT: ● Causes and effects of deterioration of masonry & concrete buildings and structures ● Exterior cleaning and restoration methods ● Waterproofing methods ● Project restoration case histories BIO: Dennis Ahrenhoersterbaeumer is the Vice President of Field Marketing for the Western Construction Group. He has presented at the APPA Institute for a number of years. Dennis joined Western in 1982. Prior to that time he spent six years in sales and sales management for a manufacturer of construction materials. He speaks frequently to architects, engineers, building owners and managers on the topics of masonry and concrete restoration and waterproofing. Page 14 2014 NCAPPA CONFERENCE Campbell University 56 Main Street, Buies Creek, NC 27506 Sustainable Session 2 - 11:00 AM – 11:50 AM - Room 118 Cease the Grease – How to Implement a Grease/Oil Recycling Program Nessa Stone, Tim Blair, NC State University ABSTRACT: Clogged pipes can lead to costly repairs. By educating residents on proper grease disposal we can help avoid these costs while protecting our campus and the environment. NC State’s Waste Reduction and Recycling (WRR) Office will discuss the steps to creating a grease/oil recycling program on campus. BIOS: Nessa Stone is the Operations Manager for Waste Reduction and Recycling at NC State University. Nessa oversees major equipment purchases, supervision of the Recycling and Solid Waste crews, and development of new programs. Nessa sets up and maintains all campus collection routes which consist of about 300 trash, cardboard and autoclave dumpsters, and more than 4,200 indoor and outdoor recycling bins for office paper, mixed paper and beverage containers. Tim Blair is an Associate Director for University Housing for the Apartments at NC State University. This includes 4 separate apartment communities that house undergraduate students, graduate students, students with families, and faculty/staff. His role also includes the supervision of facilities staff and the planning and implementation of both small and large capital projects. Housekeeping Session 2 - 11:00 AM – 11:50 AM - Room 219 Interior Finishes: Selection Through the Lens of Faculty & Students Jonathan Stanley, Tandus Centiva ABSTRACT: The focus of any interior finishes selection for the built environment should be with the consumer at the center. Our approach for Higher Education includes the analysis of product selections based on the faculty and the student. The current student population, The Millennial, makes decisions about their collegiate selection based on numerous items including the built environment. Research shows that the learning or living environment has a dramatic outcome on the student’s achievement. These evidence based developments include the interior finishes process; therefore, the student is impacted with a positive or negative outcome based on those decisions. Our presentation will also include how students make their decisions through the lens of sustainability. Sustainability is a focal point on campuses today and the relevance of campus programs and student participation is becoming more elevated. The trends on campus are supported by sustainable products and manufacturing. BIO: Jonathan Stanley is Vice President of Higher Education for Tandus Flooring and is responsible for extracting end user values to create more brand awareness, value, and marketing resources in the Higher Education segment. His focus is to deliver student focused opinions as well as research with credible evidence to user and design leaders. He has more than 20 years of experience in the flooring industry installing, cleaning, and now as a consultative expert and advisor. Jonathan continues to speak at organizational events, such as, APPA, ACUHO - i, AIA, IIDA, ASID, and IFMA, and is a guest lecturer at numerous Universities’ architecture and interior design programs. He also has an active role in ACUHO - Page 15 2014 NCAPPA CONFERENCE Campbell University 56 Main Street, Buies Creek, NC 27506 i, NAA Student Housing, APPA, and SCUP with national and regional events. He has served on the Presidential Advisory Council member at Bob Jones University and is currently serving a second term on the Advisory Board for Clemson University Architecture + Health graduate studies. In 2014, Jonathan completed APPA U Leadership Track I to better enhance and facilitate the right culture inside of higher education facility management. Utilities Session 2 - 11:00 AM – 11:50 AM - Room 116 National Fire Protection Association – 70E & You Jim King, Trane Carolinas ABSTRACT: The learning objective will explore fire safety for your building, its occupants and you will learn how to be in compliance with NFPA 70E. Including: ■ Standardization Interactions (OSHA, NEC, NFPA 70E & IEEE) ■ Brief Electrical History ■ NFPA 70E Labels ■ What the Law Says & Necessary Loopholes ■ Boundaries & Exposure ■ Arc Flash Hazards & their Causes ■ Incident Energy & Calories ■ Flash Hazard Thresholds ■ Clothing & Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ■ Consequences if Ignored BIO: Jim King has been with Trane for 25 years, he has 35 years’ experience in the construction industry including Antarctica, eastern United States, and US Military in Iraq, Afghanistan and Bosnia. Jim has 33 years active and reserve service with the United States Military. Page 16 2014 NCAPPA CONFERENCE Campbell University 56 Main Street, Buies Creek, NC 27506 Grounds Session 2 - 11:00 AM – 11:50 AM - Room 117 Capitalizing on Spring Semester Move-out – Recycling & Reuse Ben Kunka, UNC Greensboro ABSTRACT: Every May there is a tidal wave of waste on campus. Along with professors preparing for their summer away from their office and design students overfilling waste containers with their latest and bulky semester long project, there are the residence hall dumpsters that are brimming over with valuable items from their hastily vacated rooms. The predictability of these waste streams affords us with many opportunities to potentially generate additional revenue, demonstrate superior customer service and bring up our waste diversion metrics. Logistical solutions and promotional strategies will be addressed. This presentation will showcase the successful recycling and reuse programs that occur at the end of the spring semester and touch on the nagging issues UNCG still has in coping with this challenging time of year. BIO: Ben Kunka is the Operations Manager, Office of Waste Reduction and Recycling at UNC Greensboro. Ben has familial ties to UNC Greensboro — his great-grandmother, grandmother, mother and wife were graduates of UNCG. Ben holds a BS in Natural Resource Management from UNC Asheville and soon will graduate from the APPA Institute. Most of his time outside of work is spent with his 2 year old daughter, librarian wife and 3 cats. Ben strives to make recycling on campus easy and convenient, so make Ben’s day and call him with recycling questions or for any waste/recycling needs you might have. ► 11:55 am – 12:10 pm Wrap Up (Grand Prize Drawing) Courtyard in front of D Rich Hall Page 17 NCAPPA Conference March 7-8, 2012 Gold Sponsor Schneider Electric Silver Sponsor Chem-Aqua, Inc. Graybar KBR Building Group Bronze Sponsors Spirotherm, Inc. 2014 NCAPPA Conference Participants First Name John Last Name Furlough School Business American Hebrew Academy Title Dir. Of Facilities All Phone # 336-451-9961 E-Mail [email protected] Jim Debbie Randy Sandra Roy Randall Floyd Jerry Michelle Mike Bryan Bullard Combs Cook DeBord Farthing Hicks Marshall Novacek O'Connor Appalachian State Appalachian State Appalachian State Appalachian State Appalachian State Appalachian State Appalachian State Appalachian State Appalachian State Appalachian State Landscape Superintendent Housekeeper Supervisor Housekeeper Supervisor Supervisor Facilities Maint Super Energy Manager Bus Process Analyst Director, Physical Plant Grounds Housekeeping Housekeeping Housekeeping Housekeeping Housekeeping Maintenance Energy & Utilities Hkg/Sustainability All 828-262-2138 828-262-4048 828-262-4048 828-262-4048 828-262-4048 828-262-4048 828-262-3190 828-262-3190 828-262-3190 828-262-3190 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Pablo Sherry Perry Greg Robbie Travis Kenny Peter Tommy Ronnie Thomas Jacob Pacheco Parker Severt Taylor Adams Autry Baldwin Bertonino Brinkerhoff Campbell Campbell Coats Appalachian State University Appalachian State University Appalachian State University Appalachian State University Campbell University Campbell University Campbell University Campbell University Campbell University Campbell University Campbell University Campbell University Maint. Mechanic Housekeeper Asst. Superintendent Asst. Dir, Phy. Plant Telecommunicatons Audio Visual Hkg Spvr Plumbing Grounds Maintenance Electrical General Services Maintenance Housekeeping Grounds All Maintenance Maintenance Hkg/Maintenance Energy/Maintenance Grounds Maintenance Energy/Maintenance Maintenance 828-262-4048 828-262-4048 828-262-3190 828-262-3190 910-893-1610 910-814-5438 910-893-1621 910-893-1610 910-893-1610 910-893-1604 910-893-1610 910-893-1610 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Chris Ned Janice Lester Bill Byron Ryan Randall Tommy Travis Greg Dennis Josh Donald Vita Scott Lynn Charlie Ellis Farmer Gilchrist Hodges Holt Hughes Ingram Johnson Johnson Johnson Koonce Mennella Mullins Nicholas Paschal Phillips Pleasant Price Campbell University Campbell University Campbell University Campbell University Campbell University Campbell University Campbell University Campbell University Campbell University Campbell University Campbell University Campbell University Campbell University Campbell University Campbell University Campbell University Campbell University Campbell University Electrical Superintendent General Services Payroll Coordinator HVAC Motor Pool Telecommunicatons Grounds Foreman Assoc. Dir Facilities Energy/Maintenance Maintenance Hkg/Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Grounds/Maintenance All Maintenance Energy/Maintenance Maintenance Energy/Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance All All Maintenance Maintenance 910-814-5439 910-893-1610 910-893-1606 910-893-1610 910-893-1618 910-893-1610 910-893-1610 910-893-1613 910-893-1610 910-893-1610 910-893-1620 910-893-1610 910-893-1610 910-893-1610 910-893-1612 910-893-1616 910-814-5742 910-893-1617 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] University University University University University University University University University University Electrical Locksmith Pllumbing Telecommunicatons Carpentry Safety Officer Dir Fac. Management Mailroom Spvr Audio Visual Areas of Interest First Name James Jessie Earl Randy Tim Faye Last Name Roberts Ryals Savage Spears Stephenson Stewart School Business Campbell University Campbell University Campbell University Campbell University Campbell University Campbell University Title VP for Business Hkg Spvr Telecommunicatons Housekeeping Carpentry Central Stores Mngr Areas of Interest All Hkg/Maintenance Energy/Maintenance Hkg/Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance John Ronald Strickland Strickland Campbell University Campbell University Grounds Superintendent HVAC Superintendent All 910-893-4752 Sust/Energy/Maintenance 910-893-1674 [email protected] [email protected] Keith Thomas Campbell University Plumbing Superintendent Maintenance 910-893-1617 [email protected] Freddie Marie Mark Lisa Watson Webb West Williams Campbell University Campbell University Campbell University Campbell University Carpentry Superintendent Housekeeping Sanitation Receptionist Maintenance Hkg/Maintenance Maintenance All 910-893-4751 910-893-1845 910-893-1610 910-893-1610 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Robert Julie Bo Wilson Yitznitski Hightower Campbell University Campbell University Central Piedmont CC Energy/Maintenance Maintenance All 910-893-1610 910-814-5437 704-622-6639 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Pam Metcalf Central Piedmont CC All 704-622-6639 [email protected] Lance Ollivierre Central Piedmont CC All 704-986-0888 [email protected] Ron Bob Barbara John Reagan Rowe Benson Christian Central Piedmont CC Chowan University Davidson College Davidson College HVAC Audio Visual Exec. Director Facilities Energy/Environmental Manager GCA Contract Administrator Renovation Project Manager Dir. Of Plant Operations Dir Bldg Services Project C oordinator David :Leslie William Holthouser Urban Bagnell Davidson College Davidson College East Carolina University Michael Chad Mike Tony Robert Deyoc Faulkner Rowe Yamada Buchholz Brian Justin David Laddie Holt Troy Phone # 910-893-1240 910-893-1845 910-893-1618 910-893-1621 910-893-1610 910-893-1614 All 704-615-8943 Sust/Energy/Maintenance 252-332-9334 Housekeeping 704-894-2690 Sust/Energy/Maintenance 704-894-2018 E-Mail [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] East Carolina University East Carolina University East Carolina University East Carolina University Elon University Dir. Of Fac & Engineering All 704-894-2220 Dir Fac Business Sust/Energy 704-894-2094 Assoc. Vice Chancellor All 252-328-6858 Sust/Energy/Maintena Steam Manager nce 252-328-2040 Purchasing Specialist Sust/Energy/Maintenance 252-328-5541 Asst Director Sust/Energy/Maintenance 252-744-2251 Asst. Director Utilities Energy & Utilities 252-328-6493 Asst. VP Fac. Mgmt Sustainability 336-278-5500 Chandler Chandler Frankena Griffin Paul Elon University Elon University Elon University Elon University Elon University HVAC Spvr Electrical Mechanic Fac. Engineer Bldg Ops Manager Maint.Control Manager Energy/Maintenance 336-278-5500 Maintenance 336-278-5456 Sust/Energy 336-278-5500 Energy/Maintenance 336-269-6863 Sust/Energy/Maintenance 336-278-5460 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Starnes Elon University Plumber Energy/Maintenance [email protected] 336-278-5500 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] First Name Mark David Fannie Leif Last Name Terrell Worden Brooks Hamrick School Business Elon University Elon University Gardner-Webb University Gardner-Webb University Title Utilities Manager Dir. Environmental Srv. Hkg Spvr Dir of Fac & Event Srv Areas of Interest Phone # Sust/Energy/Maintenance 336-278-5503 Sustainability/Housekeeping 336-278-5463 Sust/Hkg 704-297-6554 Sust/Hkg 704-297-6288 E-Mail [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Meg Jamie Nichter Smith Gardner-Webb University Gardner-Webb University Hkg Spvr Dir of Grounds Sust/Hkg/Maint Sust/Grounds [email protected] [email protected] David Wacaster Gardner-Webb University Dir of Facilities Sust/Energy/Maintenance 704-297-1450 [email protected] Andrew Brett Jon Wallace Hacker Varnell Gardner-Webb University Guilford College Guilford College Sust/Grounds 980-295-3661 Sust/Energy/Maintenance 336-316-2315 All 336-316-2153 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Troy Trey Nathan Thompson Walker Biegenzahn High Point University High Point University Louisburg College Assoc Dir of Grounds Fac.&Energy Manager VP of Administration Dir Campus Enhancement Maintenance Mngr Physical Plant Director All 336-841-9404 All 336-841-9157 Grounds/Energy/Maint 919-497-3276 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Michael Donald Ken Shauna Charles Tyrone Burnap Edwards Lillie Arnold Gourlay Graham Louisburg College Mars Hill University Mars Hill University Methodist University Methodist University Methodist University Grounds/Energy/Maint All Maintenance Hkg/Sustainability All Hkg/Sustainability [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Constance Zack Donnie Carl Billy Walter Mike Leo Timothy Ondin Phillip Tuy Pratt Abegunrin Batten Brower Deaver Lennon Logan Marsh McMullen Mihalcescu Powell Tran Methodist University NC Central NC Central NC Central NC Central NC Central NC Central NC Central NC Central NC Central NC Central NC Central Physical Plant Spvr Facilities Director Maint. Supervisor Custodial Supervisor Director of Facilities Custodial Supervisor Superintendent Custodial Services Assoc VC for Fac Mgmt Fac. Const. Engineer Grounds Superintendent Fac Superintendent Fac Engineer Fac. Engineer Bldg. Envir. Services Dir. Design & Const Fac Engineer Dir. Fac. Service Fac. Mech. Engineer Hkg/Sustainability 910-480-8418 Sust/Energy 919-530-7403 Maintenance 919-530-5324 Grounds 919-530-5210 Maintenance 919-530-6078 Sust/Energy 919-530-6696 Sust/Energy/Maintenance 919-530-7282 Housekeeping 919-530-7246 Sust/Energy/Maintenance 919-530-7944 Sust/Energy/Maintenance 919-530-6302 Energy 919-530-6392 Energy 919-530-7941 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Mohomet Ada Stephen Erin Neva Cathy Accilien Baldwin Baxley Beauchamp Blackwell Blanchard NC State NC State NC State NC State NC State NC State Energy Sust/Hkg Maintenance Maintenance Hkg Maint/Sustainability 919-513-1531 919-513-8084 919-515-7127 919-513-8734 919-513-8084 919-513-3253 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Allen Joseph Boyette Boyette NC State NC State Asst. Power Sys. Engineer Dir. Univ Hkg Eng. Manager Const Estimator Deputy Asst. Dir. Office Manager Director, Bldg Maint. & Ops HVAC Technician Maintenance Maintenance 919-513-0181 919-515-8519 [email protected] [email protected] 704-406-4330 704-297-1451 919-497-3276 828-689-4261 828-689-4261 910-480-8418` 910-988-8022 910-480-8418 First Name Bud Barry Cheryl Scott Alan Last Name Brannock Britt Brown Buffaloe Burcham NC State NC State NC State NC State NC State School Business Title Spvr. Paint Shop Const. Estimator Fac. Maint Spvr Fac Maint Spvr Engineering Arch Spvr Areas of Interest Maintenance Maintenance Energy/Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Phone # 919-515-9906 919-513-6312 919-515-9930 919-513-3118 919-513-2404 E-Mail [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Johnny Jack Gene Ricardo Cline Colby Copley DaSilva NC State NC State NC State NC State Manager, Projects Group Asst. VC for FO Project Manager Fac Maint Spvr All All All Energy/Maintenance 919-515-9929 919-515-2967 919-513-0893 919-515-9931 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Carla Christian Eric Davis Davis Dean NC State NC State NC State Comm. Coordinator Deputy Asst. Dir. Power Sys. Engineer Sustainabiity Hkg Energy/Maintenance 919-513-0177 919-513-8084 919-513-7178 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Joe Sona Rebecca Steven Jeffrey Mike Denning Desai Diederich Eisenberg Elliott Ellison NC State NC State NC State NC State NC State NC State HVAC Technician Asst. Property Manager Energy Prog. Coord. Project Manager Fac. Engineer Expediter Maintenance 919-513-3772 All 919-513-7961 Energy 919-513-3876 All 919-513-2263 Maintenance 919-515-3143 Sust/Energy/Maintenance 919-513-7257 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Stan Farmer NC State Sustainability/Maintenance 919-515-9886 [email protected] Garden Frankie Shirley Rich David Nathan Joe Freeman Griffin Harris Hassard Hatch Herring Hill NC State NC State NC State NC State NC State NC State NC State Maintenance Maintenance Hkg Maint/Sustainability Maint/Sustainability Maintenance Maintenance 919-515-9867 919-513-6485 919-513-8084 919-515-9901 919-515-9853 919-513-7185 919-51-9919 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Barbara Rodney Scott Tonya Kevin Hise Holmes Holt Howard Ingalls NC State NC State NC State NC State NC State All Maintenance Maintenance Hkg Maint/Sustainability 919-607-3775 919-513-8086 919-515-9902 919-513-8084 919-513-2413 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Brian Derek Kazura Kristeller NC State NC State Warehouse Stock Assoc. Engineering Architect Sprvr HVAC Technician Zone Mngr - Hkg Trade Shops Manager Director Fac. Maint Spvr Spvr. Roof/Waterproof Administrative Srvs. Manager Carpentry Fac Maint Spvr Zone Mngr - Hkg FCAP Manager Facilities Warehouse Manager Project Manager Sustainabiity, Maint All 919-515-9885 919-515-9843 [email protected] [email protected] Todd Andrew Mark Jeff Kroesen Langdon Livesay Luz NC State NC State NC State NC State Fac Maint Spvr Fac Maint Spvr Carpentry Project Manager Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance All 919-513-0677 919-513-6485 919-513-8086 919-513-2411 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] First Name School Business Last Name Wayne Ly nch NC State Mike Tom Toby Steve John Claudia Joe Melanie Scott Robb Linda Bob Horace Jack Mike Leroy Chris Lytle Moore Myatt Nettles O'Connor Powell Riley Rivera Scherer Schiesl Schlabach Smolensky Tomlinson Walder West Wilkins Wolfgang NC State NC State NC State NC State NC State NC State NC State NC State NC State NC State NC State NC State NC State NC State NC State NC State NC State Daniel Chris Yvette Sterrette Mark Gena Jeffrey Matt Darius Robert George Dion Vivian Kelvin Chris Robyn Mark Jessica Ziser Farrow Cannady Adams Bristol Burke Crowder Day Dixon Humphreys Jacobs Long Marbury Marshall Martin Narvesen Obenshain O'Hara NC State Ravenscroft School Saint Augustine University UNC Chapel Hill UNC Chapel Hill UNC Chapel Hill UNC Chapel Hill UNC Chapel Hill UNC Chapel Hill UNC Chapel Hill UNC Chapel Hill UNC Chapel Hill UNC Chapel Hill UNC Chapel Hill UNC Chapel Hill UNC Chapel Hill UNC Chapel Hill UNC Chapel Hill Carly Herb BJ Benjamin Herbert Perin Richmond Tipton Triplett Vines UNC Chapel Hill UNC Chapel Hill UNC Chapel Hill UNC Chapel Hill UNC Chapel Hill Title Construction Shop Supervisor Technology Support Tech Project Manager Spvr. Carp Maintenance Facilities Planner Spvr. Carp Projects Energy Prog. Coord. Mechanical Engineer Property Manager Facilities Planner Fac.Maint Spvr Zone Mngr - Hkg Fac. Maint Spvr Const Estimator Spvr. Lock Shop Fac Maint Spvr Zone Mngr - Hkg General Shop Spvr Technology Support Analyst Facilities Director Physical Plant EMCS Supervisor Dir. Bldg Services Asst. to Director Admin EMCS Operator EMCS Operator Dir. Housekeeping Fac. Superintendant Energy Engineer EMCS Operator Admin Zone Mngr - Hkg Dir. Energy Mngt Exec. Assistant Manager, HVAC Srvs. Energy Analyst Director, Admin Fac. Services Asst. Dir Training QWRR Program Asst. Dir Housekeeping EMCS Operator Areas of Interest Phone # E-Mail Sust/Energy/Maint 919-515-9844 [email protected] All All Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Sust/Energy Sust/Energy/Maint All Energy/Maintenance Maintenance Hkg Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Hkg Maintenance 919-513-1347 919-515-7755 919-515-9903 919-830-0065 919-513-8086 919-513-7807 919-513-2422 919-513-7961 919-830-0066 919-515-9917 919-513-8084 919-515-8519 919-515-9852 919-513-8103 919-513-7170 919-513-8084 919-515-2395 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Maintenance All All Sustainability Maintenance All Energy Sustainability Housekeeping Maintenance Energy/Maintenance Energy Sustainability Housekeeping Energy/Utilities All Maintenance Energy/Utilities 919-656-6803 919-847-0900 919-426-6715 919-843-3663 919-962-4633 919-843-7737 919-962-1082 919-843-3663 919-428-1909 919-962-6410 919-259-6629 919-962-1082 919-843-3663 919-730-9068 919-843-9151 919-962-0761 919-962-4722 919-843-9151 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] All Housekeeping Sustainability Housekeeping Energy 919-843-7737 919-530-0848 919-962-7251 919-428-3492 919-962-1082 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] First Name Last Name School Business Title Areas of Interest Phone # Hussam Joseph Solomon Brian Devin Phil Greg Christopher Dennis David Blan Cochran Franklin Guns Hatley Jones Kish Liner Lubert Smith UNC Charlotte UNC Charlotte UNC Charlotte UNC Charlotte UNC Charlotte UNC Charlotte UNC Charlotte UNC Charlotte UNC Charlotte UNC Charlotte Preventive Maint. Manager Grounds Superintendant Prog. Dev & Ed Coord Dir of BES Supervisor Fac. Ops Assoc Vice Chancellor FM BES Administrator FCAP Manager Irrigation Specialist Supervisor Fac. Ops Sust/Maintenance Grounds Sust/Hkg/Maint Maintenance Maintenance Sustainability/Energy Sust/Hkg/Maint Sust/Maintenance Grounds Maintenance Lee Paul Chris Snodgrass Taylor Aaroe UNC Charlotte UNC Charlotte UNC Greensboro Dir. Facilities Ops Area Manger Fac Ops Fac. Manager Mark Chad Thomas Cable Carwein Everett UNC Greensboro UNC Greensboro UNC Greensboro Maint Mechanic Sustainability Office Manager Tom Ben Jeffrey John Hoyte James Jorge Sandra Dale Michael Terry Larry Steve Mark Hailey Kunka Melton Pearce Phifer Poteat Quintal Redmond Williams Clark Divine Freeman Martin Vesely UNC Greensboro UNC Greensboro UNC Greensboro UNC Greensboro UNC Greensboro UNC Greensboro UNC Greensboro UNC Greensboro UNC Greensboro UNC Pembroke UNC Pembroke UNC Pembroke UNC Pembroke UNC Pembroke Plant Supervisor Recycling Ops Manager Manager Manager Director, Hkg Manager Assoc. VC of Facilities CI Adminstrator Bldg Maint Manager Dir. Planning & Const. Energy Manager Dir of Fac. Ops AVC Finance & Admin Fac. Superintendant Maintenance 704-687-0563 Maintenance 704-687-0563 Sust/Energy/Maintenance 336-334-3365 Sust/Energy/Maintena nce 336-908-1251 Sustain/Maint 336-334-3664 Housekeeping 336-256-1208 Sust/Energy/Maintena nce 336-334-3290 Sustainability/Hkg/Maint336-334-5192 Housekeeping 336-256-1208 Housekeeping 336-256-1208 Housekeeping 336-256-0430 Housekeeping 336-256-1208 All 336-334-3496 All 336-334-5536 Maintenance 336-334-3363 Sust/Energy 910-521-6374 Sust/Energy 910-775-4562 All 910-521-6679 All 910-521-6520 All 910-521-6375 704-687-0566 904-687-5219 704-687-8372 704-687-0601 704-687-0563 704-687-0514 704-687-0602 980-475-2416 904-687-5219 704-687-0582 E-Mail [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] michael.clark@uncp,edu [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] First Name Danny Hector Joseph Stanly Jon Renee Lynn Jim David Last Name Harrison Mitchell Fizer Hall Harvey McClammy Medlin Nicholson Olson School Business UNC School of the Arts UNC School of the Arts Title Maintenance Spvr Hskg Spvr Areas of Interest Maintenance Housekeeping UNC Wilmington UNC Wilmington UNC Wilmington Zone Mngr - Hkg Motor Pool Spvr Plumbing Spvr All All All UNC Wilmington UNC Wilmington UNC Wilmington UNC Wilmington Administrator-Hkg Lo/Carp/Paint Spvr HVAC Spvr Asst. Dir. Phy Plant Chris Steve Eddie Michael Randall Sharpe Bullington Draughn UNC Wilmington UNC Wilmington Wake Forest University Wake Forest University Christy Jimmy Ravish Robert Lee Garion Wendell Stephen Todd Jim Stephen Hill Nifong Paul Benton Bullock Bunn Goodwin Hardin Manning Opdenbrouw Peay Wake Forest University Wake Forest University Wake Forest University Wake Tech Comm College Wake Tech Comm College Wake Tech Comm College Wake Tech Comm College Wake Tech Comm College Wake Tech Comm College Wake Tech Comm College Wake Tech Comm College Landscape Superintendent Energy Manager Asst Dir. Maint & Utilities Dir. Maint & Utilities Director, Planning & Construction Manager Utilities Ops Energy Manager Facilities Manager Asst. Facilities Manager Project Manager Fac. Engineering Officer Asst Facilities Manager Project Manager Project Manager Project Manager All 336-758-4074 Sust/Energy/Maintenance 336-758-3332 Sust/Energy/Maintenance 336-758-3498 Grounds, Hkg, Maint 919-866-5526 All 919-747-0167 All 919-866-5148 All 919-866-5148 All 919-866-5527 All 919-866-5528 All 919-866-5148 All 919-866-5549 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Tammy John Owen Stephenson Cranham Cooks Wake Tech Comm College William Peace University Winston Salem State Technical Assistant AVP Bldg & Grounds Assoc VC of Facilities All All All 919-866-5578 413-824-2563 336-750-8449 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Robert Chariss Dianne Tracy Reese, Sr Scott Walker Warren Winston Salem State Winston Salem State Winston Salem State Winston Salem State Director Environmental Srvs Housekeeping Lead Director of Operations Maint. Supervisor Sustainability Housekeeping All Maintenance 336-750-8283 336-480-4561 336-750-8009 336-750-8449 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Sust/Hkg All All All Phone # 336-345-9857 336-345-9857 910-962-3582 910-962-3582 910-962-3582 910-962-3582 910-962-3582 910-962-3582 910-962-3582 E-Mail [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] All Sust/Energy All All 910-962-3582 910-962-7454 336-758-3913 336-758-4001 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] NCAPPA 2014 CONFERENCE March 6-7, 2014 ON SITE REGISTRATION FORM PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY Name: ______________________________________ Phone: ____________________ Email Address: ____________________________________________________________ School/Business Name: _____________________________________________________ School/Business Address: ___________________________________________________ City: _______________________________ State: ______ Zip Code: _______________ Phone: ____________________________ Fax: ________________________________ Website Address: __________________________________________________________ Amount Paid: □ $75 One day □ $100 Both days Cash / Check #_________ HOTELS FOR NCAPPA CONFERENCE MAY 13 – 14, 2013 Hotel Address Phone Rate Clarion Hotel 415 S. Swing Road Greensboro NC 27409 P: 336-299-7650 F: 336-854-9146 $63.90 w/complimentary breakfast (10 Min. from campus) Marriott –Airport One Marriott Drive Greensboro, NC 27407 P: 336-852-6450 F: 336-665-6522 Courtyard Marriott 4400 West Wendover Ave. Greensboro, NC 27407 P: 336-294-3800 F: 336-294-9982 $86.00 Single & Double Rate No complimentary breakfast (15-20 Min from campus) $86.00 w/complimentary breakfast (15-20 Min. from campus) Sheraton Hotel at Four-Seasons 3121 High Point Road Greensboro, NC 27407 P: 336-292-9161 F: 336-292-0819 $140.00 No complimentary breakfast (6-8 Min from campus) Wingate 6007 Landmark Center Blvd. Greensboro, NC 24707 P: 336-854-8610 F: 336-854-8680 $63.90 Single & Double Rate w/complimentary hot breakfast (6-8 Min. from campus) Drury Inn & Suites 3220 High Point Road Greensboro, NC 27407 P: 336-856-9696 F: 877-600-7935 $63.90 Two Double Beds or King Deluxe; $109.99 Standard King or Double Queen Suite w/complimentary hot breakfast (6-8 Min. from campus) Hyatt Place 1619 Stanley Road Greensboro, NC 27407 P: 336-852-1443 F: 336-854-9339 $86.00 w/complimentary breakfast (10-12 Min. from campus) Make your reservations by April 1, 2013 and mention UNCG – NC APPA Conference to get the preferred rate. Room Liaisons 1. Please make sure room is set up and equipment is working properly 2. Make sure sessions begin & end on time (remind speakers when 10 minutes is remaining in the session) 3. Introduce speakers – see attached bios and schedule 4. Hand out 40 class surveys per session at the beginning of session & remind participants to turn back in at the end of the session (surveys are in room box) Also remind them that if they downloaded Guidebook, a survey is listed at the end of each session that they can fill out. 5. At the end of the session – present speaker(s) with NCAPPA Mug 6. If for some reason the speaker does not show up, please direct participants to another session at that time slot. 7. If you have questions, please contact Rich Hassard 919-218-2434 or Cathy Blanchard 919-210-8246 Thanks you for volunteering to be a Room Liaison at this year’s conference Energy & Utilities CHHS 145 The Solar Path Liz Bowen, NCSU Grounds CHHS 145 Grounds 9:25 – 10:20 AM Synthetic Turf Warren Monk & Dale Kroeze, UNC Charlotte CHHS 145 1:10 - 2:10 PM Athletic Recycling Natalia Posthill & BJ Tipton, UNC Chapel Hill CHHS 145 Grounds 8:20 - 9:15 AM 2:20 – 3:20 PM State Petroleum Displacement Plan Larry Lane, UNC Charlotte 2012 NCAPPA ANNUAL CONFERENCE SURVEY FORM Please tell us how satisfied or dissatisfied you were with the following: 1. How satisfied were you with the online registration process? Very Dissatisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Satisfied 2. How satisfied were you with the conference materials provided? Very Dissatisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Satisfied 3. How satisfied were you with the method of distribution of conference materials? Very Dissatisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Satisfied 4. Overall, how satisfied were you with the speakers / presenters? Very Dissatisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Satisfied Comments on any specific presentation: 5. Overall, how satisfied were you with the conference facilities? Very Dissatisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Satisfied 6. Did you feel the length of conference sessions were too long, just about right or too short? Too long Just about right Too short Please tell us how much you agree or disagree with the following statements. 7. The content of conference sessions was appropriate and informative. Very Dissatisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Satisfied 8. Conference staff was helpful and courteous. Very Dissatisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Satisfied PLEASE COMPLETE REVERSE SIDE 9. What kinds of sessions would you like to see included at future conferences? 10. What did you like most about the conference? 11. What did you like least about the conference? 12. Do you plan to attend this conference again next year? Yes No Don’t Know 13. How would you rate this conference compared to other conferences of this type that you have attended? Very poor Poor Average Very Good Excellent 14. In what ways could this conference be improved? THANK YOU FOR YOUR COMMENTS 2014 NCAPPA Educational Session Evaluation Session: __________________________________ Please tell us how satisfied you were with the following: 1. Instructor demonstrated effective instructional skills? Very Satisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Dissatisfied 2. I understood the course objectives? Very Satisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Dissatisfied 3. The course content was logical, easy to follow and well organized? Very Satisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Dissatisfied 4. An appropriate amount of time was given to the course topic: Very Satisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Dissatisfied 5. Ample opportunities were provided to ask questions & participate in class discussions Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied 6. Suggestions for future topics: THANK YOU FOR YOUR COMMENTS
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