Editor-in-Chief Lindsay Farmer, University of Glasgow ASSOCIATE EDITORS Kevin Heller, University of Melbourne Ron Levi, University of Toronto Vanessa Munro, University of Nottingham Sarah Summers, University of Zurich Malcolm Thorburn, Queen’s University, Ontario William Wilson, Queen Mary, University of London BOOK REVIEW EDITORS Luis Chiesa, Pace University Peter Ramsay, London School of Economics MANAGING EDITOR Mark C. Penrose COPY EDITOR Cher Paul EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Richard P. Adelstein, Wesleyan University Peter Arenella, University of California, Los Angeles Charles P. Ewing, SUNY at Buffalo Guyora Binder, SUNY at Buffalo George P. Fletcher, Columbia University Simon Bronitt, Australian National University David Garland, New York University Alan Brudner, University of Toronto Alan Hunt, Carleton University Donna Coker, University of Miami Douglas N. Husak, Rutgers University Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar, Stanford University Markus D. Dubber, Buffalo Criminal Law Center, SUNY at Buffalo Dan M. Kahan, Yale University Nicola Lacey, London School of Economics Marcelo Ferrante, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella Randall McGowen, University of Oregon Stuart Green, Rutgers University Michael S. Moore, University of Illinois Bernard Harcourt, University of Chicago William T. Pizzi, University of Colorado Alon Harel, Hebrew University Paul H. Robinson, University of Pennsylvania Mireille Hildebrandt, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Hinrich Rüping, Universität Hannover Tatjana Hörnle, Ruhr-Universität Bochum Joachim J. Savelsberg, University of Minnesota Mark Kelman, Stanford University Stuart A. Scheingold, University of Washington Maximo Langer, University of California, Los Angeles Bernd Schünemann, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Ian Leader-Elliott, University of Adelaide Richard G. Singer, Rutgers University Tracey Meares, Yale University Stephen D. Sowle, Chicago-Kent College of Law Alan Norrie, King’s College London Pieter C. Spierenburg, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam Victoria Nourse, University of Wisconsin Thomas Weigend, Universität zu Köln Mike Redmayne, London School of Economics Franklin E. Zimring, University of California, Berkeley Jacqueline Ross, University of Illinois EDITORIAL BOARD Jonathan Simon, University of California, Berkeley Kenneth Simons, Boston University David Sklansky, University of California, Berkeley Victor Tadros, University of Warwick Mariana Valverde, University of Toronto Robert Weisberg, Stanford University William Wilson, Queen Mary, University of London Leonardo Zaibert, University of Wisconsin NCLR1402_TOC.indd 2 Student assistant Shannon Elwell Elizabeth G. Orrico 4/9/11 3:19:30 PM New C r i m i n al L aw Rev i ew V o l u me 1 4 | N u mbe r 2 | S P RIN G 2 0 1 1 A RTI C L E S 173 Are Attempts Like Treason? Stephen P. Garvey 213 Controlling Sexually Violent Predators: Continued Incarceration at What Cost? Tamara Rice Lave 281 Jury Trial in Austria Greg Taylor B OO K R E V I E W s 326 The Philosophy of Criminal Law: Selected Essays. By Douglas Husak Muhammad Mahbubur Rahman 330 Hearing the Victim: Adversarial Justice, Crime Victims, and the State. Edited by A. Bottoms and J. V. Roberts Sandra Walklate F o r me r ly K n o w n as B u f f al o C r i m i n al L aw Rev i ew NCLR1402_TOC.indd 3 4/9/11 3:19:30 PM New Criminal Law Review (formerly: Buffalo Criminal Law Review) (ISSN 1933-4192, e-ISSN 19334206) is published 4 times a year (February, May, August, November) by University of California Press, Journals and Digital Publishing, 2000 Center Street, Suite 303, Berkeley, CA 94704-1123 Periodicals postage paid at Berkeley, CA, and additional mailing offices. 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