Category: Housing Development Project: Creekside Village, Ltd. Project Location: 901-945 Court Street & 1630-1660 North 9th Street Lincoln, NE 68508 Status: 100% leased with a waiting list Cost: $10,406,663 Description: Creekside Village is located just north of the Lincoln, Nebraska downtown business district and is nestled between the University of Nebraska Lincoln campus and the Haymarket Park Sports Complex. The development consists of 18 buildings providing 71 units of affordable housing to a variety of residents. Eight multifamily buildings provide 30 one-bedroom units, 30 two-bedroom units, and one manager’s unit. The additional 10 buildings are constructed as 4-bedroom, single family townhomes, utilizing the rent-to-own “CROWN” (Credits-to-OWN) program offered by the Nebraska Investment Finance Authority (NIFA). The development includes a club house with meeting and community space and laundry facilities. All 71 units of the development target low income tenants at 60% or less of the Area Median Income. Twenty units are reserved for occupancy by people with Severe Mental Illnesses. Comprehensive supportive services and specialized case management are provided to residents, both onsite and offsite. To further enhance the project and the surrounding area, the developer, Hoppe Homes, coordinated with the City of Lincoln to convert 18 acres of green space into a community park. Community Needs Addressed: An underutilized piece of land presented a rare opportunity to extend an older established neighborhood by integrating a new affordable housing development to create a cohesive and unique living environment. The site was originally home to an old, asbestos ridden US Navy depot, shooting range and maintenance garage, all of which had to be removed prior to the commencement of any development. Substantial fill dirt was required to be brought in to raise the level of the site to address flood plain issues. Creekside Village incorporates 20 units that offer an independent living environment for individuals with Severe Mental Illness (SMI), which is an aspect of affordable housing development that, while challenging, is critically needed and very important. CenterPointe Inc., a Lincoln nonprofit, provides extensive supportive services, both onsite and offsite, for the SMI residents of Creekside Village. Single family, multifamily and special needs housing, when combined as part of the same development, can create a vibrant and diverse community. For individuals with Severe Mental Illness, living independently in an integrated environment is a goal that can be obtained with the supportive services that Creekside Village provides. Benefits and Outcome: Creekside Village offers multiple benefits for low income residents. Not only does the development provide units for individuals diagnosed with Serious Mental Illness (SMI), it also provides an avenue to eventual homeownership with the 10 rent-to-own units. For the residents with SMI, CenterPointe provides a site specific Supported Living Case Manager . The primary goal of this service is to provide supportive living arrangements within the community and promote and teach independent living skills that assist the resident to reside in the least restrictive community setting possible. CenterPointe offers a broad continuum of care – nearly 30 programs – that uses a harm reduction model to help people work toward abstinence and mental stability. This model recognizes relapse as part of the chronic diseases of addiction and mental illness and their NDC Academy 2015 Housing Development Creekside Village, Ltd. programs work to identify triggers and relapse prevention tools. In addition to on-site support, participants have access to psychiatric consultation, medication management and outpatient counseling, education and therapy groups offered at CenterPointe’s outpatient facility. The case manager also provides information and referral to community resources including educational, vocational, food, treatment, health care and transportation resources. Coordination and logistical support in accessing community-based resources is handled by the case manager and includes transportation to appointments as necessary. The residents in the rent-to-own units receive homeownership and home maintenance classes and develop an individualized plan to obtain eventual homeownership. In addition, $50 from a resident’s rental payment is placed in an escrow account each month to grow in value and be used someday for downpayment or closing cost assistance once they are ready to buy their own home. Project Collaborators: The developer, Hoppe Homes, worked with the City of Lincoln for the acquisition of the land and the use of Tax Increment Financing (TIF) to assist in the financing of the infrastructure, partnered with NIFA for Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) and 1602 funds, obtained Energy Credits from the Nebraska Dept. of Energy, secured permanent financing from Nebraska-based West Gate Bank, and deferred a portion of their developer fee to finance the development. They also partnered with CenterPointe, Inc., a Lincoln based 501(c)(3) nonprofit formed in 1978 that specializes in helping low income and homeless people with addiction and mental health disorders by providing specifically-designed supportive services to all the residents of Creekside Village. To further enhance the project and the surrounding area, the developer coordinated with the City of Lincoln to convert 18 acres of green space into a community park. The land was re-graded to incorporate walking trails, basketball courts, playground equipment and picnic areas. Maintenance and ownership of the park is retained by the City of Lincoln. What Makes Your Project Unique? : Creekside Village combines single family townhomes with a rent-to-own model, apartment units and housing for those with Severe Mental Illness. The integration of affordable housing for persons with addiction and mental health issues, coupled with the comprehensive supportive services and case management necessary to insure a safe and vibrant environment for all residents, creates a lasting and interactive community serving various housing needs of Lincoln. Organization’s Name: Nebraska Investment Finance Authority Website: Main Contact: Ted Simpson Email: [email protected] Phone Number: 402-898-2503 NDC Academy 2015 Housing Development Creekside Village, Ltd. NDC Academy 2015 Housing Development Creekside Village, Ltd. $ $ $ $ $ Construction Costs Professional Fees Construction Insurance Construction Loan Costs Credit Enhancement Version: October 2014 Reserves Project Name: Creekside Village, Ltd. Project Contact: Ted Simpson Submission Category: Housing Development 10,406,663 Total Uses of Funds $ 3,000 17,974 1,442,632 60,507 13,237 64,000 432,096 34,269 645,742 6,828,913 240,141 $ $ $ $ 1 624,151 Amount $ Permanent Loan Origination Fee Title & Recording Contractor\Developer Overhead & Profit Appraisal, Market Study, Environmental $ $ Demolition, Grading - Offsite Construction Period Taxes $ Land Use Uses of Funds NIFA - LIHTC Equity $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 10,406,663 7,129,025 1,986,233 10,000 66,524 233,981 780,900 200,000 Amount Total Uses = Total Sources Total Sources of Funds $ US Treasury ARRA 1602 Funds City of Lincoln, NE - Grant Energy Tax Credit Deferred Developer Fee West Gate Bank - permanent loan City of Lincoln, NE - TIF Source Sources of Funds PROJECT SOURCES & USES OF FUNDS NDC Academy 2015 Housing Development Creekside Village, Ltd.
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