ND REALTOR REALTOR® - North Dakota Association of REALTORS

SOLD on North Dakota
North Dakota Association of REALTORS®
318 W. Apollo Ave
Bismarck, ND 58503-1412
Spring Issue
June 2015
An interview with our President
1. What prompted you to go into the
real estate business? When?
5. Where is your favorite vacation
I’ve been a contractor for most
of my adult life and that led me
to be interested in real estate. I
considered going into real estate with
my mother-in-law, Grace Bennett,
30 years ago, but the timing just
wasn’t right. When I was looking at
a different career direction 15 years
ago, Grace and I talked, and I made
the move. It was a great one.
My kitchen. South Florida isn’t bad
6. What do you think are some of the
major issues facing North Dakota
REALTORS® or the North Dakota
Association of REALTORS® in 2015
and into the future?
Just as technology is our biggest
growing asset, it is our greatest
threat. Today there are browser
networks that are working to become
the nation’s largest home listing
source and they aren’t interested in
any REALTOR® exclusivity, which is
in my opinion dangerous for buyers
and sellers as it relates to things like
consumer fraud.
2. Why did you get involved with the
Association and what prompted you
to seek leadership positions in the
REALTOR® organization?
It’s a function of the 3 legged stool
analogy. You need to work on, in and
for your business.
I just naturally have always been
involved working for the industry I
was in, and that led to my involvement
in the association. The leadership
opportunities came out of that. It’s
not that I consider that I have any
special gifts, it’s just that I’m willing
to share what I do have to offer.
3. What is something most people
don’t know about you?
Most people don’t know that for a
short period of time I was a standup
comedian and professional speaker.
The fact that I’m a REALTOR®
now might be an indicator of how
successful I was.
Greg Larson
2015 NDAR President
4. What changes have you noticed
since you started in the real estate
The biggest change is of course
how technology has changed how
we do our business and I think
we’re just on the tip of the iceberg
with that. I’ve noticed also that our
incoming agents seem somewhat
more removed from the association.
I’m hoping that as they develop they
will get more invested, since they
will be inheriting what develops
now in NAR, NDAR and the local
This and other issues like it really
point to t he value of our trade
association. Without the diligence
of local boards, NDAR and NAR our
industry could change in ways that
could be very harmful to our ability
to make a living and we wouldn’t
know about it until it’s too late to do
anything about it.
7. What advice would you give
members who are consider ing
getting involved in NDAR activities?
Get started. Take small steps and
look for what area most suits you.
Interview continued to page 3
2015 National Committee Appointments . 5
Did You Know ....................................... 12
Chips from the Board............................6-9
REALTOR® Letter ................................ 16
Silence can be golden ............................. 10
REALTORS® at the Legislature .............. 18
North Dakota
Association of REALTORS®
318 West Apollo Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58503
By Greg Larson , 2015 NDAR President
So I was sitting down to convert
my notes into this report, when
Jill forwarded an article to me
that was printed in the Bismarck
Tribune. It was a tongue-incheek ar ticle complaining
about the over enthusiastic
words REALTORS® use to
describe our listings. One of
my favorites is “What it says:
Pets welcome. What it means:
slight rodent problem.” Funny,
Fax 866-665-1011
[email protected]
2015 Officers
Greg Larson
Then I got a little mad, then frustrated, and fi nally
indignant. What a pile! A newspaper reporter for crying
out loud is complaining about someone else stretching
the truth to their advantage. What an oxymoron…or
maybe just a moron.
President Elect:
Cindy Harvey
I reread the article and noticed something important.
This guy claimed to be an “expert” in all things real
estate, yet he wasn’t talking about REALTORS® at all. He
didn’t mention us once, nor did he mention Realtor.com
or our Code of Ethics. What he did mention was Zillow,
Trulia, Craig’s List, Homes HQ, Flex MLS and his hours
of research (I think his hours of research sounds a lot like:
“easy access to public transportation” What he meant was
“the house is under a commuter train overpass).
Vice President:
Lyn Dwyer
Here’s my takeaway. Saying you’re an expert and being
an expert are two very different things. Let’s never forget
that we ARE the voice of real estate and the sole advocates
for the rights of property owners. And since that’s who
we are, we should always take our REALTOR® pledge
and Code of Ethics seriously. This was once again drilled
home to me in Washington D.C. while we were there for
the NAR Legislative Meetings.
Past President:
Vicki Roller
Century 21 Morrison Realty
201 W Front Ave.
Bismarck, ND 58504
[email protected]
Elite Real Estate
615 S. Broadway
Minot, ND 58701
[email protected]
Town & Country Realty
2521 S. University Dr.
Fargo, ND 58103
[email protected]
Elite Real Estate
1501 N 12th St., Suite 7
Bismarck, ND 58501
[email protected]
Director at Large: RE/MAX Integrity Realty
Our NDAR Vice President Lyn Dwyer was talking about
how important the REALTOR’S® Pledge is to her and that
she has it memorized. I said I did too…mostly. So when
I got home I decided to recite it. I don’t have it anywhere
near memorized, but I will by our June meetings. That’s
just the preamble of how we should run our real estate
business. Based on the low number of serious issues the
Real Estate Commission has to deal with and the quality
of the people I’ve gotten to know over the years in this
industry, I’d say North Dakota REALTORS® have much
of which to be proud.
Lorrie Nantt
President’s Message continued to page 3
669 12th St. W
Dickinson, ND 58601
[email protected]
President’s Message continued from page 2
While in DC, the NAR Board of Directors approved a
measure to move forward with an initiative to develop
a program called the Commitment to Excellence. The
drive to be the best at what we do is coming from the top
down. From where I stand I’d say we’re also driving it
from the bottom up. Well done North Dakota.
all the support we can.
Finally I want to let you know that I sit on the NAR
Insurance Committee and am on the flood insurance
work group. We are aware of how the new flood mapping
is expanding who needs coverage as well as increasing
rates. We’re planning out what to get done between now
and 2017 when the authorization for the National Flood
Insurance Program expires.
There were many more things that came out of the
Washington meetings that are remarkable, and Jill
will highlight them in her report, so I don’t want to
be repetitive. But I must say WAY TO GO DEWEY!!!
Dewey Uhlir has been nominated and has had his name
forwarded for election as the Region 8 Vice President.
His election will be held at the national convention in
San Diego. He’s got a competitor, so we need to give him
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to serve you.
I am a REALTOR® and I live by the CODE.
Interview continued from page 1
Good volunteer committee members are the core of the
association, so let that take you where you want to serve
the association. Please know that it will help you in your
overall business and you will get far more out of your
involvement than you put into it.
it many times, RPAC is how we get things done and if
we don’t do it, someone else will do it to us.
8. What can you remember about your first real estate
I’m always very humbled to be able to be of service to my
fellow REALTOR® members. It’s amazing how many
very talented and gifted folks we have. Please take the
opportunity to get active in your business. It’s worth
every minute.
10. Other tidbits of information on President or what
else would you like to tell NDAR members?
My first transaction was helping a young widower with a
6-year-old son move out of his mother-in-law’s basement
into a $7500.00 manufactured home. It’s still the one
transaction that helps me stay centered. That was the
biggest deal in his life. We’re still friends today two
homes later.
9. How important is it for members to participate in
North Dakota RPAC? And to be involved politicallylocal, state, and/or national?
Provider of Quality Home
Inspection Services
“Looking Out For You”
As cliché as it sounds, this is where the rubber meets
the road. RPAC is the way we support our industry and
those lawmakers who support us as well. If every agent
in NDAR invested the minimum of $30.00 we could do
wonders. This should be in every REALTOR®’s business
plan just as marketing and tax withholding. I’ve said
Darcy Herman
Jamestown, ND
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In my way of thinking, this is what PACs are all about.
Usually, no one person can accomplish what a group of
people can. It does not make any difference if it is an army,
an economic group, farm rescue, labor groups, union
groups, teachers or real estate professionals. One hand
cannot do the work of two hands or hundreds of hands. A
candidate for political office usually could not get elected
by their efforts alone, thus a campaign committee or
interest group. A PAC is usually connected very closely
to the candidate-interest group goals and ideologies as
they promote the same values of the PAC. In the case of
REALTORS®, we strive among other things, to preserve
the free enterprise system and the right to own real
property. In doing this, we as a PAC, financially support
candidates for public office that share the same values.
Blake Krabseth
“Years of experience . . .
and like fine
with age.”
408 N. Bdwy.
34 Y
Shelly Lockard
[email protected]
2015 National Committee Appointments
Daryl Braham
Board of Directors
Jill Beck
Board of Directors
PS Interpretations and Procedures Advisory
RPAC Major Investor Council
Multiple Listing Issues and Policies
AEC Chapter Formation Work Group
Nancy Deichert
Multiple Listing Issues and Policies
Joshua Boschee
Housing Opportunity Committee
Barbara Grande
Professional Standards Comm.
Broker Involvement Council
Larry Louser
REALTOR® Party Member Involvement
Dewey Uhlir
Board of Directors
State and Local Issues Policy Committee
Scott Louser
RPAC Participation Council
Strategic Thinking Advisory
Professional Standards Committee
RPAC Participation Council
Marti Kaiser
AEC REALTOR® Party Resources Work
Mary Splichal
Consumer Communications Committee
Lyn Dwyer
Business Issues Policy
Kevin Fisher
RPAC Major Investor Council
Vicki Roller
Membership Policy & Board Jurisdiction
David Lanpher
Real Property Valuation
Arlene Volk
Public Policy Coordinating Committee
Cindy Harvey
Risk Management Committee
Greg Larson
Board of Directors
Land Use Property Rights and Environment
Insurance Committee
Jerry Youngberg
Global Business and Alliances
Public Policy Coordinating
Chips From
The Board
The housing market remains stable through the downturn
of oil prices.
President Shirley Dukart won the prestigious Claus Lembke
Political Involvement Award this year and we are so proud
to call her our own!
The good news is, new businesses continue to locate in our
The Executive Committee worked with Daryl Braham in
February and we now have a great Strategic Plan. Once all
of the information was gathered, the new Core Standards
was completed and submitted.
Barb Lupo,
Association Executive
Friday, April 17th was our annual charity fundraiser, Red
& Black Night. This year it was a 50’s theme and almost
everyone came decked-out, even our DJ participated as
Elvis!! The charity was The Dickinson Back Pack Program
and we raised $10,000.00!
Bob Karn … oh, I mean “Danny” was our MC and kept
everyone entertained while leading twist, limbo and hula
hoop contests, as well as the auction. Joe Sheehan won the
twist contest; Ninetta Wandler, the hula hoop contest and a
tie for first in the Limbo contest with Sammy Tuhy and Marie
Swensen. Mike and Alex Schwab won the costume contest.
We had over 65 auction items donated by our amazing
Affiliate Members, Real Estate Firms and individual
Members. Great, giving people!!
Cindy Deichert with Bianco Realty did the shopping with donations
from their company to support the Backpack project.
Here is a recap of Board activities since the last issue:
A challenge was issued to Affi liate members to see who
could bring the most food items for the United Way Backpack
Program. The Realtors® won the challenge, but the kids
are definitely the winners of this project! Following the food
collection, members packed 525 bags with food to send home
with children when school is dismissed on Friday. The day
The Caravan CE Safety Class was well attended and there
was another free CE class on HUD issues and changes,
sponsored by two of our Affi liates, ND Guaranty & Title
Company and Cornerstone Bank. Thank you to them!
Our first sponsored REALTORS® vs Affi liates Blood Drive
was held on May 1st. We gave 46 units for United Blood
Services and the REALTORS® won by only 6!!
Chips continued to page 7
Chips continued from page 6
An efficient set up of food items, along with volunteers to drop
the items in the bags carried by another crew of volunteers made
packing of 525 bags go by in no time.
Karin Haskell and Amy Hullett stocked up on food with the $1600
in proceeds of a benefit rummage sale.
PAF investors could win, gaming activities for RPAC/PAF
investors and demos by the “Cloud Crowd”.
after the packing, totes of food bags were delivered to the
schools by REALTORS® and Affi liate members. In all, a
total of nearly 26,000 single-serve food items were donated
which provided food to children for five weekends.
Over the past few months our association has been visible
at Chamber meetings and events, Bismarck Mandan
Development Association events, weekly Legislative
Updates, NDAR’s Legislative Impact Day, area association
executives meetings, the NDHFA housing conference, and
Real Estate Commission meetings.
The April lunch was again our Administrative Professionals
recognition event. Our special guests received a “Jar of
Sunshine” (a jar packed with yellow items like Butterfinger,
lotion, candle, sunflower seed packs, and other items to
fit the color scheme) and tied with a yellow ribbon and
tag. Kostas Voutsas, our featured speaker, educated and
entertained the group with his truthfully humorous take
on diversity and generational differences.
Nancy Deichert,
Association Executive
Fargo-Moorhead Area
We have submitted our online compliance information for
the NAR Organizational (Core) Standards.
The Cloud Crowd (our version of a technology committee)
developed a plan to demo an app or tech tool at each
membership event. They joined the Cinco de Mayo
membership social with a “Synco de Mayo” area of the room
for tech demos. The favorite appeared to be the RPR demo.
A broker/designated REALTOR®/office manager meeting
was held to cover a laundry list of topics. Another session
is planned for early June.
We invited the Bis-Man Home Builders to join us in holding
a news conference early this year to talk about 2014 stats
and projections for 2015.
We were a sponsor of The Chamber’s “State of the Cities”
event where both mayors provided community updates and
Spring is finally here and FM REALTORS® are busier than
ever! The number of properties sold as of the end of April
compared with the same time in 2014 is up 3%, number of
properties under contract is up 5% and our average sale
price is up 12% to $199,571. The number of properties on the
market is relatively similar to last year’s numbers.
Other community involvement included REALTOR® Ring
Day in December, and Day of Caring is coming up in August.
Members were involved in support of NDAR’s legislative
efforts, some testified, some helped fi ll meeting rooms for
hearings. The Government Affairs Committee gathered for
lunch at the Capitol.
Dan VanWinkle of First Class Mortgage was awarded
FMA AR’s Affiliate of the Year Award at our March
General Membership Meeting. Dan ser ves on the
The May membership social was held on “Cinco de Mayo”
(May 5) and featured a taco bar, gift baskets that RPAC/
Chips continued to page 8
Chips continued from page 7
year pins as well as holding our annual election of officers
at the Awards Banquet. For continuing education, we have
Code of Ethics on July 22 at 9:00 at the Holiday Inn (3 hours
CE ND/MN). See our website for more information or to
Program Committee and on
the Executive Committee of
the 2016 Planning Committee
and has been ver y active
ser ving FMA A R over the
years. One of the people who
nominated Dan, had this to
say, “He is 100% invested
i n ou r a s s o c i at ion. He
attends General Membership
Meet i ngs a nd ser ves on
Committees. He participates
in all of our events and so
much more. Dan is vocal, has
great ideas and has the association’s best interest at heart.
He is trustworthy, always willing to donate, support, cold
call, etc. When Dan is involved you know things get done.”
Congratulations Dan! FMAAR members also tied and
donated 104 blankets to Project Linus at this event.
Marti Kaiser,
Executive Vice President
Grand Forks Area
Association of REALTORS®
Please join FMA AR in supporting Dewey Uhlir for
NAR Region 8 Regional Vice President for 2018. Dewey
continues to be active at all levels of our associations and
is a past recipient of FMAAR’s REALTOR® of the Year
Award, Distinguished Service Award and the Jim Fay
Award. Dewey understands local and state issues and has
been consistently dedicated to strengthening the real estate
industry and the professionalism of our members.
The market in Grand Forks is very active. The only drawback
is the lack of inventory but with the upcoming summer
months things are shaping up pretty good. We have had
309 units sold as compared to 239 in 2014. Year to date sales
volume is up by 20% compared to the same time frame of
2014. Average sold price has jumped from $181,000 in 2014
to 201,000 in 2015.
FMAAR proudly launched the “I Love My REALTOR®”
advertising campaign. TV commercials, radio, electronic
billboard, print and online ads featuring clients of our
members talking about the importance of using a REALTOR®
have been playing in the Fargo – Moorhead area for the past
several months. Check out our website, fmrealtor.com, to
watch the TV commercial. FMAAR members also recently
participated in the Stuff the Truck event to benefit the New
Life Center Thrift Store and is currently a drop site for the
Salvation Army’s Coats for Kids & Families.
Locally the Grand Forks Area Association of REALTORS®
committees are busy making plans for spring and summer
events and public relation projects. Our annual golf
tournament and sporting clay shoot will be held on June 18 at
Valley Country Club in East Grand Forks. The Stars of 2015
Honors banquet will be on July19 at the Gorecki Alumni
Center on the campus of the University of North Dakota.
In April at our General Membership meeting we honored
our wonderful Affi liate members. Our Affi liates are helpful,
loyal and very generous to any request we make of them.
FMAAR’s “What’s Brewin’ with RPAC” event is scheduled
for June 16 at the Fargo Brewing Company. We are also
looking forward to our annual Golf Outing on August 3 at
The Meadows and our Awards Banquet on August 17 at The
Ramada. We will be awarding the REALTOR® of the Year,
the Jim Fay Award, the Distinguished Service Award, 25
The Grand Forks Area Association of REALTORS® is
planning for the start of our “Yard of the Week” program.
Yard of the Week starts in June and runs through August.
Homes are nominated by the public and selected by our
Public Relations Committee and this program has become
very popular in the city.
In August we are planning a Barbeque for all the residents
of the Northland Rescue Mission, here in Grand Forks.
Members of our Public Relations Committee will be cooking
burgers and beans for the residents of the Mission. We do this
every year and it is so successful that it is an annual event.
Skip Greenberg
Realtor/Broker, ABR, CRB, CRS, GRI
Cell: 701-739-6641*H 701-772-9323
[email protected]
3651 S. Columbia Rd, Grand Forks, ND
The Annual RPAC Raffle has started. Members have the
opportunity to win an iPad and other wonderful prizes. This
is our main fundraiser for RPAC for the year.
John Colter,
Association Executive
members in attendance. Our Public Relations Committee
revamped the “Yard of the Month” program while working
with the Minot Daily News to obtain a half page in the
monthly Home Market Magazine which will help us with
promotion, public knowledge and increased submissions
through the publication of each six months winner. We
encourage all members and friends to like and share the
MBOR Yard of the Month page (Minot, North Dakota Yard of
the Month) on Facebook. We also held the initial MLS Task
Force meeting to review Minot MLS Rules and Regulations.
The April general membership meeting featured guest
speakers from “Companions for Children,” providing
information on what their services provide and what their
mentor needs are. One of our affiliate members is featured
in their video as a mentor volunteer and it was a great
opportunity to hear her message. On April 9, Century
21-Action REALTORS® held a BBQ to support ALS. On
April 21, NDAR Caravan training sessions, Real Estate Safe
Practices and Technology, Social Media and Smartphone
Safety with Tracey Hawkins, were held at the Grand Hotel.
The Board of Directors and Committee Chairpersons met
on April 27 for a Leadership Seminar by Daryl Braham to
design the 2015 Strategic Plan for our Board.
May began with 20 REALTOR® members and affi liates
volunteering in “Operation Minot Clean Up” on May
1st and 2nd. Teams focused on various areas of the city
to collect litter and make our city shine! Also on May 2,
members turned out to support the United Way through
“Bowlapalooza”. The following week, Century 21-Action
REALTORS® and MBOR sponsored a Brat Cookout at
Oak Park to raise additional funds for ALS. Thank you to
everyone that participated. YOU make the difference!
The 2015 March home sales for Minot are running neck
and neck with March 2014. Within the city of Minot, single
family homes sold Jan-March 2014 were 141, while 140 sold
during the same period this year. When we include rural
single family properties, Jan-March 2014, the total is 199
and 2015 total is 200. The average residential sales price
Jan-March 2014 was $223,523 versus $222,039 in 2015.
North Dakota Guaranty and Title’s Minot office hosted a
session providing important information regarding RESPA
changes at the Grand Hotel on May 13th. Those REALTOR®
members in attendance were eligible to receive 3 CE hours.
February featured the Board of REALTORS® lunch and
meeting on the 19th with our guest speakers from the
Minot Area Community Foundation. The Membership
Committee Chairperson announced the implementation
of “Cheeks in Seats,” a board competition to encourage
monthly membership meeting attendance. The office with
the highest quarterly attendance during these meetings will
win a pizza party for their office. We have enjoyed a 50%
increase in attendance since this initiative was announced
which may be attributed to the contest or the great guest
speaker lineup—we averaged 50 members per month in
2014 and Feb, Mar, April we have averaged 76 attendees.
Additionally in February, many members attended the
NDAR Legislative Impact Day and North Dakota Housing
Conference in Bismarck.
The Minot 6th Annual Walk for ALS was held May 16th
through the cold and rain. There were about 200 participants
with many of our MBOR members walking in honor of
friends, family and coworkers that have been affected by
Joyce Kuntz
President, MBOR
Direct: (701) 238-1797
In March our general membership meeting featured
Kathy Feist and Ron Merritt with the Minot Area Parks
and Recreation Department providing information on an
upcoming Minot city vote regarding changes to our tax
structure which would fund a new facility called Minot
Aquatics and Recreation Center (MARC). The Technology
Committee announced that they will begin monthly training
on topics of interest and introduced new mobile apps to
Seller sued Broker, based on breach of contract, breach
of fiduciary duty, and negligent misrepresentation. The
judge dismissed the breach of contract claim, pointing
out that there was nothing in the listing agreement
that required Broker to furnish tax advice. The judge
also dismissed the claim of breach of fiduciary duty,
concluding that the listing agreement language,
disclaiming Broker’s status as a tax advisor, was
sufficient to limit the Broker’s duties to Seller.
A Legal
By Casey Chapman
However, the judge refused to dismiss the claim of
negligent misrepresentation. The judge pointed to
prior court decisions which said that a person can sue
another person for incorrect statements, if the “injured”
person reasonably relied on the incorrect statements.
Seller argued to the judge that, because the Broker had
worked him on the previous 1031 exchange, and because
Broker held himself out as a practitioner experienced
in commercial real property, Seller reasonably relied
on Broker’s advice. In response, Broker argued to the
judge that, because he was not a tax advisor, it was
unreasonable for Seller to rely on his advice.
Casey Chapman,
Attorney at Law,
NDAR Legal Council
Silence can be golden
A recent case in federal court on the East Coast reminds
us that, if you give advice beyond your expertise, you
could be asking for trouble.
In this particular case, Seller owned commercial
property and listed the property with Broker. Seller’s
expressed desire was to reinvest the sales proceeds
into replacement investment property. In other words,
Seller wanted to create a 1031 exchange. For those who
are unfamiliar with the concept of a 1031 exchange, a
seller of investment property often can, within certain
time lines, reinvest the sales proceeds into replacement
investment property. By that method, a seller is able to
defer recognition of taxable gain on the sale.
The judge concluded that, where Broker held himself out
as a real estate practitioner, experienced in these types
of transactions, it could be reasonable for Seller to rely
on Broker’s representations. As is often the case, this is
not the end of the court proceedings. It simply means
that, rather than having the claim dismissed before trial,
Broker will need to proceed to court, probably in front of
the jury, to defend himself.
The lesson here is simple, and often repeated. You
should never offer advice in areas beyond your expertise.
Instead, those words, “I don’t know, so you should consult
with an expert,” are the best advice you can give and
the best protection you can have.
Simply stated, if you said it, you may need to defend it.
Ten years earlier, Broker had helped Seller purchase this
same property, using a 1031 exchange on sales proceeds
from Seller’s previously owned property.
The listing agreement clearly stated that Broker was
retained “solely as a real estate agent… and not as a tax
advisor.” The listing agreement also said that, although
Broker could provide real estate advice, Seller should
seek “appropriate professional advice concerning… tax
and insurance matters.”
This time, Seller asked Broker whether he could do
another 1031 exchange when he sold his property. Broker
advised him that he could not; unfortunately, that advice
was incorrect. Apparently, Seller accepted Broker’s
advice at face value, did not consult with a tax advisor,
and sold the property without utilizing a 1031 exchange.
As a result, Seller paid over $75,000 in capital gains tax,
which probably could have been deferred.
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good faith from August 1 through the end of 2015. While
everyone is working towards meeting these changes in the
rule there are likely to be challenges during implementation
that is to take effect August 1 and have a negative impact
on consumers. This is a very busy time in home sales and
we are hoping it can be delayed. We also visited with our
three DC offices and expressed our concerns and it was
met positively.
Did You
By Jill Beck
We also heard from Mike Huckabee who was also very
enlightening and entertaining. NAR Government Affairs
Senior Vice President Jerry Giovaniello and policy staff
provided us with information, analysis and perspectives
on NAR federal priority issues. NAR’s Chief Economist
Lawrence Yun shared prospects for the economy and housing
market for the second half of 2015. A representative from
the National Homebuilders Association shared the stage
and discussed issues affecting the supply of housing and
the building industry’s perspective on the current market.
Jill Beck,
As we just returned from the National Associations of
REALTORS® Legislative Meetings in Washington DC, I
thought it would be fitting to give you all an update. There
were about 8,000 REALTORS® and guests in attendance
and about 35 from NDAR.
It was a very busy week from when the meetings started early
Tuesday morning and ended by noon on Saturday with the
conclusion of the Board of Directors meeting.
Tuesday we heard from some great speakers and panels
of speakers including Donna Brazile and Ed Gillespie on
legislative priorities and the 24 hour news cycle. Following
them was a session on “Closings are Changing: Countdown
to August 1” on the rules, procedures and forms for
residential real estate closings that go into effect on August
1 with Richard Cordray, Consumer Financial Protection
Bureau (CFPB). It was a very informational session. Please
note that NAR has sent a letter to congressional offices
asking for a “grace period” for those seeking to comply in
Members were also able to tour the NAR Building, walk
through the trade expo, network, and attend committee
meetings and forums. Staff from NDAR and local boards
enjoyed a dinner out one night to network and in addition
to the aforementioned activities also had training on several
programs provided to us by NAR (databases and RPAC
tracking programs).
Thursday late morning we jumped on the metro to
Capitol Hill and throughout the afternoon visited our three
congressional offices. In addition to discussing the need to
postpone the penalties for the RESPA/TILA to end of the
year we also had talking points: areas of concern for private
property rights not only for our consumers and clients but
for ourselves as homeowners.
MID - Mortgage Interest Deduction
Financing difficulties
NFIP - National Flood Insurance Program
Commercial 1031 Exchange
Did You Know continued to page 13
Did You Know continued from page 12
Thank you to those who attended and participated and
especially to our Federal Political Coordinators (FPCs) and
our Government Affairs Director (GAD) Nancy Willis for
keeping us on track.
Senator Hoeven: Tate Cymbaluk, Williston
Senator Heitkamp: Mary Splichal, Bismarck
Representative Cramer: Greg Larson, Bismarck
Friday afternoon was a series of leadership sessions for local
leadership and AE’s to partake in and they had great reviews.
The day ended with our Region 8 Caucus led by Regional
Vice President, Jeff Nelson from South Dakota. There was a
lot of information shared here including reports from realtor.
com® on changes to enhance the role of the REALTOR® that
had been unveiled earlier in the week. From realtor.com®:
“As online real estate evolves, we must find new ways to
deliver value to the tens of thousands of listing firms and
their agents who provide us their hard earned listing data.
To that end, we are pleased to announce several new features
and tools, provided at no charge, designed to help listing
firms and their agents grow their businesses.”
Launching this week will be the ability to include on every
realtor.com® listing an SEO-friendly hyperlink to the listing
display page on the listing firm’s website. This new feature
adds to the elevated visibility of listing firm and agent names
directly under the photograph on each listing display, and
full display of up to 36 photos, a marketing paragraph, agent
contact information, showing details, open house dates and
more. See more information on letter from realtor.com®
elsewhere in this newsletter. To learn more about these new
features and tools available to all listing firms and their
agents and our ongoing industry commitment, please visit:
Also at this meeting on Friday we received more information
on Project Upstream which is one of the biggest initiatives the
REALTOR® organization has been involved in a long time.
This information was shared and questions answered before
the NAR Board of Directors meeting on Saturday morning.
Below are the highlights from the NAR Board of Directors
NAR Board Approves Nationwide Broker Data Entry
The NAR Board of Directors at its 2015 meeting May 16 in
Washington, D.C., approved a partnership between NAR and
its wholly owned subsidiary Realtors Property Resource®
and another company, UpStream RE, LLC, to create a data
entry and collection system for the brokerage community
using the RPR® advanced Multi-list platform (AMP™). The
system will give brokerages a single place to input their
listing data for distribution on multiple platforms online,
including Realtor.com, local MLSs, and broker websites.
The initiative will be funded using NAR operating reserves
over 36 months, at a net amount not to exceed $12 million.
Prior to the vote on the data entry system, NAR CEO Dale
Did You Know continued to page 14
Did You Know continued to page 14
Did You Know continued from page 13
Stinton described this latest initiative as an important
strategic “pivot” for NAR and RPR® that helps brokers
maintain control of their listing data while accomplishing
long-sought technology objectives of real estate brokerage
companies, MLSs, and associations by creating a single
back-end entry point for all listing data that is then
distributed to all the end-points identified by the broker.
Commitment to Excellence
In other actions, the Board adopted the REALTORS®
Commitment to Excellence under which NAR members
strive for excellence in a number of competencies, including
the NAR Code of Ethics, the laws and regulations affecting
real estate, and one’s advocacy efforts on behalf of strong real
estate markets and healthy communities. The Commitment
to Excellence also extends to the way REALTORS® interact
with one another and with consumers and to the need to
maintain one’s professional education. The Commitment
also requires broker-owners and principals of real estate
companies to maintain an environment that promotes
excellent customer service, consistent with the new
To help oversee the Commitment, the Board created
an advisory board comprised of nine members of the
Professional Standards Committee. The board will develop
systems to ensure the competencies remain relevant and to
provide the tools to administer the Commitment.
‘Boomerang buyers’
The Board adopted a plan to support lending, counseling
and other programs intended to help so-called boomerang
buyers enter the home buying market with confidence and
the resources to succeed. Boomerang buyers are households
that lost their home during the Great Recession and are now
considering entering the market again.
Core Standards
To help ensure new associations of REALTORS® are
prepared to meet NAR’s Core Standards, the Board amended
the member association application form to address their
obligation to meet the standards. Associations are also
required to sign a new Core Standards Certification.
MLS policy
The Board amended the MLS Policy Statement to ensure
timely implementation of MLS changes by requiring their
implementation by January 1 of the following year, and for
associations and MLSs to implement them within 60 days
of their effective date, unless the NAR Board of Directors
allows a different timeline.
In other changes, the Board passed provisions to allow
MLS participants to augment IDX displays with property
information from an outside source as long as the source
is identified in immediate proximity to the data. The other
changes help ensure that MLSs timely process requests for
IDX data feeds and clarify the term “publicly accessible” sold
information. The term, as it applies to IDX policy and model
IDX MLS rules, refers to data available electronically or in
hard copy to the public from city, county, state, and other
government records.
Professional Standards
The Board made a number of changes to the NAR Code of
Ethics and Arbitration Manual to improve the arbitration
process, among other things. They would:
• Shift the burden of initiating litigation from the prevailing
party to the non-prevailing party. The goal is to reduce
instances of REALTORS® refusing to pay arbitration awards.
The change also requires adoption of state association
recommended arbitration award enforcement procedures
that maximize enforcement and payment under state law.
• Establish that complainants and hearing panels cannot
bar each other from adding Articles of the Code of Ethics
or respondents to a pending complaint before or during a
• Establish that directors hearing an ethics appeal, if
concerned with a substantial procedure will be required to
refer the decision to the association’s professional standards
committee for a new hearing and recommendation by a
different hearing panel.
• Provide guidance and shorter time frames for arbitration
case administration.
• Clarify that the citation process is confidential, and ensure
consistency with Professional Standards Policy Statement
#19, Confidentiality of determinations rendered in ethics
and arbitration hearings, Code of Ethics and Arbitration
• Ensure consistency between the NAR Model Citation
Policy and Sections 7 and 32, Notices, Code of Ethics and
Arbitration Manual, which provides that notice is deemed
given, served, or fi led when handed to a party, mailed to
a party, or sent to a party via email. These amendments
also reference “transmission”, as email service of notices is
strongly recommended in Sections 7 and 32, Notices, Code
of Ethics and Arbitration Manual.
• Clarify that the ombudsman process is confidential, and
ensure consistency with Professional Standards Policy
Statement #19, Confidentiality of determinations rendered
in ethics and arbitration hearings, Code of Ethics and
Arbitration Manual.
• Ensure that parties concerned with interpretation
of settlement agreements that include stipulations on
withdrawal of pending ethics complaints must enforce
the agreement in court rather than rely on associations to
dismiss the complaint.
• Require a shorter time frame for implementation of new
and amended policies in order to ensure timely, efficient
responses to changes in professional standards policy.
Did You Know continued to page 15
Did You Know continued from page 14
Advocacy grants
The Texas and Missouri associations were given grants of
$3 million and $500,000, respectively, to advocate for ballot
measures prohibiting any future imposition of sales tax on
real estate transactions.
Patent trolls
The Board approved $180,000 in legal assistance to help two
real estate companies fight a patent troll’s effort to extract
licensing fees from them for their use of certain online search
technology. Other brokerages receiving a licensing demand
letter are encouraged to let NAR know,
Committee Chair Colleen Badagliacco on the committee’s
recently released D.A.N.G.E.R. Report, which covers 50
issues that keep brokers, sales associates, associations,
and MLSs up at night, including loss of listing data control,
new regulations, and dilution of the REALTOR® brand by
substandard performance.
A big thank you to those local boards that sent your leadership
and to those members who attend on their own and serve
on NAR Committees. Elsewhere in this publication you
can find the NAR committees we have members serving on.
If you have ever wanted to attend a NAR meeting I highly
recommend the May meetings in DC - they are fast paced
and very informative and I highly recommend attending.
2016 membership statistics
The association is budgeting for a membership of 1,080,000
members in 2016 and will keep its annual dues at $120.
The Board heard a report from NAR Senior Vice President
Bob Goldberg on the progress Realtor.com has made since
the acquisition of its parent company, Move, Inc., by News
Corp. “The management and ownership is committed to
bringing Realtor.com back to number one,” he said.
D.A.N.G.E.R. Report
The Board also heard a report from Strategic Thinking
An Open Letter to Our Valued Brokerage Industry Partners
May 13, 2015
Dear Brokerage Industry Partner:
For nearly twenty years, realtor.com® has worked side-by-side with the industry to enhance the REALTOR® brand
with consumers through the most accurate, comprehensive and up to date consumer home search experience,
with consumers. Guiding us during this period has been our unwavering adherence to a host of industry-friendly
principles such as:
Respecting the economic interests of the industry by not commingling FSBO listings with
Not displaying value estimates on “for-sale” properties because the local real estate professional
Displaying the online reputation of brokers and agents in a way that both meets consumers’ needs
their businesses.
Launching this week will be the ability to include on every realtor.com® listing an SEO-friendly hyperlink to the
and agent names directly under the photograph on each listing display, and full display of up to 36 photos, a
marketing paragraph, agent contact information, showing details, open house dates and more.
listings to the millions of transaction-ready home buyers on realtor.com® through a new listing dashboard that
includes how often a particular listing has shown up in realtor.com® local search results, how often a listing
searching that the data is accurate and up to date. The MLS copyright feature will be live by the end of July
and the listing dashboard by the end of August.
ongoing industry commitment, please visit: realtor.com/industry
To our continued partnership and mutual success,
Forward-Looking Statements
This document contains certain “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities
urities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
995. These statements are based on
management’s views and assumptions regarding future events and business performance as of the time the statements are made. Actual results may differ
from these expectations due to changes in global economic, business, competitive market and regulatory and other factors. More detailed
tailed information about these
included in this document are made only as of the date of this document and we do not have any obligation to publicly update any “forward-looking
orward-looking sta
statements” to reflect
subsequent events or circumstances, except as required by law.
© 2015 Move Sales, Inc. All rights reserved. 9420CA
Calendar of Events
Updated 05/18/15
June 8
June 9
June 10-11
July 7-8
July 8
Aug 10-11
Sept 16-18
Oct 13
Oct 20-21
Nov 11-16
Nov 15
Feb 16-17
Mar 11-14
May 9-14
Aug 22-23
Sept 14-16
Education: “ Professionalism in ActionCode of Ethics” and “Enforcing the Code
And It’s Standards”
Bismarck, ND
Education: “ Enforcing the Code & It’s
Fargo, ND
NDAR Board & Committee Mtgs.,
Fargo, ND
Broker Class (info pending) Fargo, ND
Broker Class (info pending) Bismarck,ND
NAR Leadership Summit,
Chicago, IL
REALTOR® Convention of the Dakotas,
Watertown, SD
Leadership Summit
Bismarck, ND
End of Year Education, Bismarck, ND
NDAR Board & Committee Mtgs
NAR Convention, San Diego, CA
License renewal deadline
Nov 2-7
ND Housing Conference
AE Institute, San Antonio, TX
NAR Midyear Mtgs, Washington, DC
NAR Leadership Summit, Chicago, IL
REALTOR® Convention of the Dakotas,
Fargo, ND
NAR Convention, Orlando, FL
Feb 6-8
Feb 7-8
Mar 17-20
NDAR Meetings & Leg Impact Day
ND Housing Conference
AE Institute, Denver, CO
ND REALTORS® Well Represented at the Legislature
North Dakota REALTORS® are well represented in the ND
House of Representatives by five REALTOR® members.
Here are some of their observations from this 2015 64th
Legislative Assembly.
Rep. Thomas Beadle represents District 27 in Fargo – “The
64th Legislative Session was an interesting one. Falling
commodity prices (both Ag and Oil) cast a shadow over
the assembly as we worked out the budget for the state
for the next biennium. We were able to utilize funds that
had been set aside over the last few years to ensure that
priorities were funded. This allowed us to pull from funds
like the Strategic Investment Fund in order to afford the
Surge Bill along with additional water and infrastructure
projects that allocated billions of dollars across the state
for much needed growth. We also invested in education
spending, where early childhood through university system
needs were funded at record levels! In addition, we were
able to save for a rainy day and still provide tax relief back
to individuals and property owners in the state! In terms
REALTOR® legislators watching out for NDAR members at
the Capitol are (L-R) Reps. Scott Louser, Joshua Boschee,
Thomas Beadle, Thomas Kading and Ben Hanson.
of property tax relief, your REALTOR® Legislators were
able to help push through property tax relief in the form
of $250 million in direct buy downs to property owners
(12% reduction); $23 million appropriated to take over
funding for county social services; $1.2 million expansion
to the Homestead tax credit; $850 million in property tax
relief by offsetting K12 school mills, and legislation that
helped increase transparency and establish tax levy caps
so that property owners can better know what to expect. In
addition to these major spending projects, NDAR was very
active during the session. I would like to thank Jill Beck,
Nancy Willis, and Greg Larson along with our state and
local boards for all of their hard work and diligence during
Legislature continued to page 22
From the North Dakota
Real Estate Commission
For the 4th year in a row, ND awarded
the President’s Cup from NAR!
* Beginning this year – with the approval of the proposed
Administrative Rules - the continuing education cycle will
be from November 16th of each year to November 15th
of the following year.
* License renewals will be due on November 15th of each
year. We have coordinated with RISC insurance and they
will be mailing the E&O insurance forms to you late August
or early September.
* The new continuing education deadline will be here
before you know it. Do not wait until the last minute! You
will need to complete 9 hours of continuing education by
November 15, 2015 to renew your license for 2016. 6
hours are elective and 3 hours of mandatory continuing
education in personal safety.
* Effective April 1, 2015 any applicant for licensure with the
North Dakota Real Estate Commission or a licensee whose
licensure is subject to investigation by the Commission
shall be subject to a statewide and nationwide criminal
history record check. This will extend the license application
process an additional 2 to 3 weeks.
NAR President Steve Brown (back right) presents the
2014 President’s Cup to Daryl Braham, NDAR National
Director (back left), Jill Beck, NDAR CEO (front left) and
Vicki Roller, NDAR 2014 President (front right).
Government Affairs Update
By Nancy R. Willis, GAD
2015 Successful Legislative Session for NDAR
Dur ing the 2015 Legislative Session, Nor th Dakota
REALTORS® introduced one bill, supported nine bills and
monitored 50 others. Seven of the bills passed, while two
were defeated. Most of the legislation monitored also passed.
HB 1141, the bill introduced by NDAR, clarified the small
claims court venue when a dispute arises over disposition
of earnest money or other money deposits resulting from a
contract to purchase real property. Currently the dispute must
be heard in the location where the property owner resides.
The bill changes that to the location where the property is
located or another location to which both parties agree.
Other bills that passed included:
• appropriations for the housing fi nance agency and the
housing incentive fund;
• appropriations for the state water commission and water
projects, including for the city of Fargo diversion project and
internal city diking to prevent future flooding;
• allowing changes to the real estate licensure renewal date to
be set by the Real Estate Commission through administrative
rule rather than statute and making unlicensed activity a
class B misdemeanor;
• increasing abstracter fees;
• removing a requirement that the ND Real Estate Appraiser
Qualifications and Ethics Board must have reciprocity
agreements with other states and allowing complaints that
are never investigated to remain “allegations”;
Signing of HB 1141 (Front l-r) Nancy R. Willis, Governor Jack Dalrymple and Casey Chapman. (Back l-r) Rep. Scott Louser, Rep.
Thomas Kading, Rep. Diane Larson, Rep. Joshua Boschee, Greg
Larson, Jill Beck, Rep. Thomas Beadle and Rep. Ben Hanson.
The bills monitored were for the most part property tax
and other tax bills, along with a few miscellaneous bills of
interest to the real estate industry. For 2015-2015, taxpayers
will see $274.2 million in property tax cuts and $123 million
in individual and corporate tax reductions.
NDAR 2015 Executive Committee
• allowing closing agents at or prior to closing to accept
cashier’s checks for loan funds with some parameters.
The bills that failed were:
• a bill that would have prevented county auditors from
requiring platting and allowing the use of metes and bounds
as legal descriptions when transferring a deed or contract for
deed for property not to be used for development;
• a bill that would have added sexual orientation as a protected
class in employment relations, public accommodations,
housing, state and local government services and credit
Left to Right: Jill Beck (CEO), Vicki Roller (Past President),
Lorrie Nantt (Director-at-Large), Lyn Dwyer (Vice President),
Cindy Harvey (President-Elect), Greg Larson (President).
North Dakota AssociaƟon of R›ƒ½ãÊÙÝ®
2015 CommiƩee MeeƟngs
June 10 & 11, 2015
Hilton Garden Inn 4351 17th Ave S, Fargo, ND
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
9:00 am - 10:30 am
Execu ve Commi ee
Government Affairs Commi ee
Rose Room
10 :00 am – 11:30 am
Membership Services Commi ee
Lily Room
11:30 am – 1:00 pm
NDAR Lunch & Learn Join ND Indian Affairs
Rose-Lily Rooms
Commission Exec. Dir. Sco Davis and Juel
Burne e III, Mgr. of 1st Tribal Lending. This
discussion and Q & A will provide the audience
with an opportunity to beƩer understand tribal
housing challenges and to learn about potenƟal
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
RPAC Fundraising Commi ee
Rose Room
1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Nomina ng Commi ee
Tulip Room
2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Professional Development Commi ee
Lily Room
3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Realtor.com Presenta on
“Appy” Hour (NDAR Technology CommiƩee
Rose Room
Rose-Lily Rooms
will cover useful apps for the Real Estate Business
and open it up for others to share.) AppeƟzers
sponsored by Realtor.com.
Thursday, June 11, 2015
9:00 am
Board of Directors
Rose-Lily Room
If you plan on attending the meetings and need assistance relating to a disability, please contact NDAR
(800-279-2361) as soon as possible.
**A block of single (king bed) rooms ($129.00/night) has been reserved for June 9th and 10th. Please call 701-499-6000 to
make reservations under “ND Association of REALTORS® room block” by June 2nd !
Dickinson REALTOR® Earns Political Involvement Award
Shirley Dukart, Broker/REALTOR®, Home and Land
Company, Dickinson, is the 2015 recipient of the “Claus
Lembke Political Involvement Award.”
This award recognizes REALTORS® who significantly
contribute to the North Dakota Association of REALTORS®
(NDAR) advocacy efforts through active participation in
advocacy activities and political involvement in the public
Dukart served as a Dickinson City Commissioner for four
years, is a past president of the Dickinson Area Chamber
of Commerce and Rotary Club and has been active in
legislative district activities for 18 years.
Dukart is a past state and local REALTOR® of the Year. She
also has served as chair of the association’s REALTOR®
Political Action Committee (RPAC) Fundraising Committee
for seven years and as a member for 18 years; has served
as a Government Affairs Committee member for 18 years,
as chair of the association’s RPAC Trustee Committee and
has actively supported advocacy efforts through prompt
responses to national and state legislative Calls for Action
and significant financial contributions to RPAC since 1996.
This award was established in 2002 and named after its
first recipient, Claus Lembke, former NDAR Executive Vice
President and Government Affairs Director. The award
was presented annually and more than one recipient was
eligible until 2011 when it was changed to be awarded
semiannually during legislative session years and to only
one recipient.
All NDAR REALTOR®, REALTOR®-Associate members or
Association Executives are eligible. Nominations may be
made by any ND REALTOR®. Award winners are selected
by a committee of former award recipients, based on local,
state and national advocacy activities and political action
committee contributions.
Tate Cymbaluk, 2014 recipient, presents Shirley Dukart, Dickinson, the 2015 Claus Lembke Political Involvement Award.
Former recipients include: Tate Cymbaluk, Williston (2013);
Rep. Scott Louser, Minot (2010); Rep. Louise “Weezie”
Potter, Grand Forks (2009); Jack Kavaney, BismarckMandan (2008); Don Dietrich, Grand Forks (2007); Don
Kilander, Fargo-Moorhead (2006); Sen. Judy Lee, FargoMoorhead; Larry Louser, Minot and Ron Volk, BismarckMandan (2005); Larry Youngberg, Grand Forks (2004); Joe
Frenzel, Badlands (2003) and Claus Lembke, NDAR (2002).
To advertise in the
Contact Sarah at 1-800-658-3485
or email: [email protected]
Legislature continued from page 18
this session!” (Tom is an agent with Keller Williams Roers
Realty in Fargo)
Rep. Joshua Boschee represents District 44 in Fargo –
“Having completed my second legislative session, I have
found even more respect for the legislative process. It’s hard
to believe that in 78 days, a group of 141 legislators are able
to hold hearings and act on over 900 pieces of legislation.
However, it should come as no surprise though, that having
REALTORS® serving in Bismarck plays an important role
in getting this all done! As REALTORS®, we are used to
bringing all the pieces together in a short period of time
in hopes of having a positive outcome for those we serve
and work with. Additionally, the support of the NDAR
Government Affairs Committee and local members who
reached out to legislators on issues of importance to their
community and our profession was integral in passing
much of the legislation supported by NDAR. The five
REALTORS® that serve in Bismarck, and all of you, play an
important role in shaping policy that enhances affordable
housing opportunities, ensures fair taxation, promotes
balanced landlord-tenant rights and responsibilities and
encourages sound fiscal management to meet today’s needs
as well as to save for the future. Keep up the great work
in your community and let’s send more REALTORS® to
Bismarck!” (Josh is an agent with Hatch Realty in Fargo)
year-end statements for property owners.
Successful passage of bills of interest to REALTORS® would
include stiffer penalties for those practicing real estate
without a license and changing the license application
deadline via the ND Real Estate Commission (HB1074).
Another would be the resolution of earnest money disputes
to be held in the county where the property resides rather
than the county where the defendant resides unless
otherwise agreed to by both parties (HB1141). There was
also a bill to help curb construction fraud in our state
(SB2188). Finally, as the prime sponsor of HB1191 and
HB1192, I am proud to announce passage of clarification of
when landlords can require supporting documentation from
a medical professional for animals and the circumstances
under which pet deposits may or may not be applicable.
If it was not for my time serving in leadership capacities in
the REALTOR® organization, I do not believe I would have
been elected to the Majority Caucus Chairmanship position.
I look forward to working further with our REALTOR®
family in the interim and continuing to serve our state at
the national level while building credibility with legislative
colleagues in North Dakota.” (Scott is broker/owner of
Preferred Minot Real Estate in Minot)
Rep. Ben Hanson represents District 16 in West Fargo -“I’ve had a great time in the 64th Legislative Assembly!
It was my first time on the Industry, Business and Labor
Committee and the Transportation Committee. If I didn’t
know everything about insurance policies before, I feel like
I just about might now! I also was honored to be elected
Co-Chair of my Caucus.” (Ben is an agent with Archer Real
Estate Services in Fargo)
Rep. Tom Kading represents District 45 in Fargo – “The
2015 session was very interesting and informative for me.
It has been an honor to serve the citizens of Fargo and
District 45 this session. As a freshman legislator, I have
had the opportunity to serve on the House Finance and
Taxation Committee and the House Agriculture Committee.
Both committees saw some tough issues and made some
big decisions. It has been great seeing how the different
perspectives have worked together to make some wellinformed decisions. After the session ends, I will be headed
back to Fargo to continue operating Precision Property
Management and my law firm of Kading & Wiebolt. I also
want to give special thanks to the ND REALTORS® for all
of their involvement and support this year!”
Rep. Scott Louser represents District 5 in Minot – “The
legislative session was different than many in the past
considering the dramatic change in the budget forecasts
leading into the organizational session in December through
the end of session in April. I was proud to see that we were
able to offer another session that included income tax relief,
funding of critical infrastructure and other priorities as well
as building a reserve for the future. I believe the twelve
percent permanent property tax relief will be noticeable on
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Badlands Board
1st Look Inspection
American Bank Center
Angel Oak Funding, LLC
BW Insurance
NDAR Affiliate
Choice Financial Group
(Paid members as of 05/15/15)
Cornerstone Mortgage
Please patronize these businesses when possible and
thank them for their support of the REALTOR®
Dacotah Bank
Dakota Community Bank
Bismarck Mandan Board
Fargo Moorhead Area Association
20/20 Home Inspection
A+ Nordic Home Inspection
Jordahl Custom Homes, Inc
Koziol Insurance & Appraisal
Accent Kitchen & Bath
Alerus Financial
Lakeland Appraisal Service
American Federal Bank
Midcontinent Communications
A-Team Inspections, LLC
Mid America Inspection Services
Avalon Event Center
National Property Inspections
Bank of the West
Northern States Inspection
Baymont Inn & Suites
Northern Title Co.
Dakota West Inpsection Service
3 Sons Homes
Lady J's Catering
Beutler Home Inspection
Northwestern Bank
Dickinson Press
American Bank Center
Border Appraisals
Park Company Mortgage
Don's Filters & Furnace
America's Home Loans
Mahlum Goodhart, PC
Meridian Land Surveys
Bell State Bank & Trust
Pillar to Post Home Inspectors
Ebeltoft Sickler Lawyers
Baymont Inn
Midcontinent Communications
Bremer Bank
Pinnacle Home Inspection
ENG Lending
BEK Communications
ND Guaranty & Title
Cambria Suites
Professional Real Estate Consult
Floor to Ceiling Carpet One
Bis Man Development Assoc
ND Guaranty & Title (Mandan)
Capital Credit Union
Radisson Hotel Fargo
Gaffaney's Floral
Bismarck Mandan Elks Lodge
ND Housing Finance Agency
Cass-Clay Appraisals, Inc
Rainbow Internat'l Restoration
Ramada Plaza & Suites
Gate City Bank
Bismarck Mandan Home Builders
ND Real Estate Commission
Cass County Abstract
Howe & Howe
Bismarck Title Company
Northland Financial
Cass County Director
Ramsey National Bank
Jon's Home Comforts, Inc
Bismarck Tribune
Plains Commerce Bank Loan
Cass County Electric
Rebuilding Together F-M
Kirkwood Bank & Trust
Kubik Bogner Ridl & Selinger
Blackridge Bank
BNC National Bank
Prime Property Inspections, LLC
Central Minnesota Credit Union
Red River Home Inspectors
Change is Good
Regency Title, Inc.
Kuntz Builders Inc.
Choice Financial Group
River Cites Home Inspection
Mackoff Kellogg Law Firm
Bremer Bank
Capitol City Advertising
Property Research, Inc.
Quality Title
Railway Credit Union
City of Barnesville
RTM Group
ND Guaranty & Title Co.
Capital Credit Union
Ramada Hotel Bismarck
City of Fargo
Schwarz Appraisal Company
Nodak Mutual Insurance
Chapman & Chapman P.C.
Ramkota Hotel
City of Moorhead
ServPro of Fargo-Moorhead
Simple Website Creations
Patriot Home Inspections
Cornerstone Bank
Reiten Television
City of West Fargo
Prairie Marketing Association
Dakota Awards
Rocky Gordon & Company
Clay County Abstract Company
Starion Financial
Queen City Abstract & Title
Dakota Community Bank & Trust
Rubicon Mortgage Advisors
Colin Solum, Appraiser
Staybridge Suites
Roughrider Electric
eLending Now
Security First Bank of ND
Stark Development Corporation
First Community Credit Union
Starion Financial
Cornerstone Bank
Design Direction
The Forum Publishing Co.
The Real Estate Book
Superior Insurance Agency, Inc
TRN Abstract & Title
First Dakota Title
State Farm Insurance
DJ Colter Agency, Inc
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Flash Printing
Superior Insurance Agency
DJ's Home Inspection, Inc
The Title Company
Western Coop Credit Union
Gate City Bank
US Bank Home Mortgage
Eagle Appraisal Inc.
Tinjum Appraisal Company
Town & Country Credit Union
Horizon Financial Bank
Vue Credit Union
Eid-Co Buildings, Inc.
Allstate Insurance
Minot Board
Kary/Ressler Agency
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Fiebiger, Swanson, West
Tri-State Inspection
American Bank Center
Insurance Plus
Financial Business Systems
TRN Abstract & Title
Bremer Bank
Kirkwood Bank & Trust
First Class Mortgage
Union State Bank
First Community Credit Union
First International Bank
US Bank Home Mortgage
First Mortgage Service, Inc
Valley Home Inspection LLC
City Assessors Office
Wahpeton Breckenridge Board
Central Home Inspections
US Title & Closing Services
Clean Tech
American Federal Bank
Koziol Appraisal
Dacotah Bank
eLending Now
Bell State Bank & Trust
Sandberg Law Office
F-M Mortgage Corporation
Valley Mortgage
Border Appraisals
Foto Art & Design
Valley Premier Bank
Elite Property Inspection
Bremer Bank
Stillwell Appraisal
Smith, Strege & Fredericksen
Gate City Bank
Value It
Farmers Insurance Latendresse Agency
Farmers Union Insurance
City of Wahpeton, Assessor
TRN Abstract & Title
Great North Insurance Service
VISIONBank Mortgage & Loan
Eagle Appraisal
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Harwood State Bank
Vision Home Inspectors, LLC
First International Bank
Wilkin County Assissors Office
Hilton Garden Inn
Weber Home Inspections, LLC
First Westen Bank
Gate City Bank
Innovative Abstract & Title
Homeowners Financial Group
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Gate City Bank
Grand International Inn
Luther's Appraisal Service
Grand Forks Area Association
Homewood Suites by Hilton
Western State Bank
Heritage Homes
Wold Johnson P.C.
Midcontinent Cable
1st State Bank
Reis Law Firm, PC
Minot Guaranty & Escrow
Alerus Financial
Huss Appraisal, Inc.
Insight Home Inspection
Bank Forward
Rubicon Mortgage Advisors, LLC
Integrity 1st Insurance
Town & Country Credit Union
Blue Cross Blue Sheild
United Community Bank
Bremer Bank
United Valley Bank
Dakota Appraisal & Consulting
Wick Communications
Citizens Community Credit Union
US Bank
First National Bank
Williams County Abstract
CornerStone Mortgage
First International Bank
Williams County Tax Director
Bank Forward
Farmers Union Insurance
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Gate City Bank
First Choice Home Inspections
First Class Mortgage
Wintrus Mortgage
Geiszler Appraisal
First Community Credit Union
Gate City Federal Savings Bank
Forx Builders
Frandsen Bank & Trust
ND Guaranty & Title
Jamestown/Stutsman Dev Corp
Gate City Bank
Roosevelt RE Co, LLC
Jamestown Sun
Grand Forks Abstract
Schau Appraisals
Stutsman County Abstract
Grand Forks City Assessor
Seitz Appraisal Services
Grant H Shaft, PLLC
TeSoro Appraisal Service
Jamestown Board
Williston Board
Hanson Appraisal Company
In-Depth Inspections
318 West Apollo Ave.
Bismarck, ND 58503
[email protected]
Res: 701-772-0027
Cellular: 701-739-0405
e-mail: [email protected]
1201 South Broadway, Minot, ND 58701
3651 South Columbia Rd • Grand Forks, ND 58201
Bus: 701-772-6641 • Toll Free: 1-800-884-5933
(701) 852-3757
Ext. 31 Office
(800) 568-6671
Toll Free
(701) 839-6514
(701) 839-8709
(701) 240-3544
E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: www.brokers12.com
Julie Albertson
Broker/Owner, CRS, GRI
North Dakota Real Estate Principles
CE Credit Course Offerings
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Course costs range from $60-$120.
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