The Spectrum The Spectrum is a monthly electronic publication of the Autism Support Center. This newsletter is published to inform parents and professionals of resource information, upcoming events, and other autism-related topics. ASC is funded primarily by the Mass. Dept. of Developmental INFORMED. EMPOWERED. CONNECTED. Services. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the funding source. ASC does not endorse any product, service or theory referred to in this newsletter. Articles, resources and announcements are included for information only. Anyone wishing to contribute information for this newsletter should send it to [email protected] or to our mailing address Parent contributions are encouraged. Announcements are included as space is available. The Autism Support Center is celebrating 23 years of supporting and empowering families in northeastern Massachusetts. VOLUME 23 ISSUE 10 April 2015 The Autism Support Center The Spectrum PLEASE CONTACT ASC AT 978-777-9135 OR VISIT HTTP://NE-ARC.ORG/SERVICES/AUTISM-SERVICES/ Contact us: FOR MORE INFORMATION. SUSAN GILROY CO-DIRECTOR 978-624-2302 GLORIA RICARDI CASTILLO CO-DIRECTOR 978-624-2301 6 SOUTHSIDE ROAD, DANVERS MA 01923 WHITNEY RYAN POSADA COORDINATOR/BROKER 978-624-2305 ALLIE KEOUGH COORDINATOR/BROKER 978-624-3721 Our most sincere gratude to Elise Snow, Product Design Manager of Shine Jewelry Elise was instrumental in designing and naming our Bangle of Support , and to the lead crasperson of the project Paul Ouellee. Check out our school Vacation activities! Stop by our office to buy your Circle of Support Bracelet, or call the Ausm Support Center at 978-777-9135, the staff of ASC will be happy to mail your order. IT’S A FACT: Autism is the fastest growing serious developmental disability in the United States. We are saying goodbye to Scott Buchanan Families love him! He was always a star at our annual Bike-Clinic; working with volunteers and families alike. Scott has worked for the agency for 15 years in a variety of capacities, first with Residential Services where he worked at the Middleton House and after 2 years he moved to Rodgers’ Rd [those years he started BLINK, a photography exhibit, which eventually blossomed into ArcWorks!] Scott then decided to leave adult care and turned to Family Services to work with the population that he had a great interest in; Autism. At Spotlight, Scott worked closely with teens with emotional and social needs, helping them gain self-esteem and teaching them to stand on their own two feet. A year later, he was then hired by the Autism Support Center to work in the On Q program [which was in beta stages, just like Spotlight] and for the past nine years he has worked as a coordinator/broker for the Autism Waiver Program. Over the years we have had the pleasure of meeting his family and friends from Scotland. We were here for him when his father passed away a few years ago, celebrated with him when he got married to Kourtney and then later for the birth of his first child, daughter Daisy Bloom Buchanan. Scott is family here at the Autism Support Center, we will miss him a great deal but we know that he will be a great asset to the Department of Developmental Services at the Metro North Area Office. Best of luck Scott! SUPPORT GROUPS Acton ASC Sponsored; Target Group: Mandarin-speaking parents. Acton Memorial Library, 486 Main St (Rt. 27) Acton; bimonthly meetings TBA; Parent facilitator: Wen Li Contact ASC 978-777-9135 or [email protected] for info. Danvers ASC sponsored; Target Group: Grandparents 6 Southside Road, Danvers; 3rd Monday, 10-11:30 am Contact facilitator Susan Gilroy 978-624-2302 or email [email protected] Flowers blossoming, snow melting It is time of the year of new beginnings To forget our winter woes And transition into spring clothes Danvers ASC/AANE sponsored; Target Group: Adults (18+) with Asperger’s syndrome 6 Southside Road, Danvers; 3RD Thursdays, 6:45 to 8:00pm Contact facilitator Gail Kastorf at 617393-3824 or Danvers Northeast Arc sponsored; Target: Parents of youth 14-22+ Tuesday, April 7, 2015; 6-7:30 pm;6 Southside Rd. Danvers Topic: Finding Fun Recreational and Leisure Activities for your Son/Daughter RSVP: Kathy Kelly 978-624-2342 [email protected] Gloria Ricardi Castillo and Susan Gilroy Autism Support Center Co-Directors Spring Awakening ASC sponsored; Target Group: Parents of children under 5 6 Southside Road, Danvers; 3rd Thursday, 5:30-7pm Contact: Gloria Ricardi Castillo at 978-624-2301 [email protected] By Scott Lentine Danvers AANE/ASC sponsored; Adults with Asperger’s Pizza and Game Night 6 Southside Road, Danvers, 1st Thursday, 6-8 pm $12 for pizza, salad, dessert, beverage. Prior registration required. Facilitator: Gail Kastorf 617-393-3824 Danvers AANE/ASC sponsored; Target Group: Parents of adults with Asperger’s 6 Southside Rd, Danvers; 2nd Thursdays, 6:30 to 8pm Facilitator: Gail Kastorf 617-393-3824 Fee: $90 for 6 sessions, $45 for 2nd parent of same adult Getting ready for daylights savings and Easter March Madness and baseball as TV features More birthday celebrations and weddings Roasted chicken with asparagus and coffee cake as selections Organizing ideas for spring and summer gardening Planting new seeds and hoping for a bright and colorful morning Smelling the first hint of green grass And remembering the sweet scents of the springs of the past Minds shifting to the seashore and the tides Remember the rhythmic motion of the sea Feeling the calm of watching the ocean waves And hoping that’s where I’ll be Danvers Lawrence ASC sponsored; Target Group: Spanishspeaking parents of children with disabilities Community Action Program, 112 East Haverhill St., Lawrence; Third Friday, 9:30-11:30am Contact facilitator Gloria Ricardi Castillo 978-624 -2301 or [email protected] Lynn Family Resource Center sponsored; Target group: Spanish-speaking parents of children with disabilities Operation Bootstrap, 20 Wheeler St., Lynn; 4th Friday, 10 am Contact: Aymee Lucifora 978-624-2381 Newburyport ASC sponsored; Target Group: Parents of children with ASD Newburyport 5 Cents Savings Bank, State St, Newburyport; 2nd Thurs., 7 p.m. Parent facilitator: Nancy Lucier Contact: Susan Gilroy at 978-624-2302 or [email protected] IT’S A FACT: Autism is the fastest growing serious developmental disability in the United States. Shine Jewelry Created by employees of Heritage Industries, Shine Jewelry artfully incorporates a variety of stones, unique pieces that are fashionable, high-quality and reasonably priced. - See more at: IT’S A FACT: Autism is the fastest growing serious developmental disability in the United States. SIBLINGS AND AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS SAVE THE DATE! By Marijke Callahan, M.Ed., BCBA, Northeast Arc Learning that your child has ausm can be overwhelming for any parent. The diagnosis affects not only your lile one, but the rest of the family as well, requiring adjustments to the family dynamic. The relaonship between any siblings comes with unique challenges. If you have a child with ASD and one (or more) unaffected by the disorder, the sibling without ASD may feel le out especially since a child with ASD can consume a lot of your me and energy. You are not only faced with doing what is best for your child with ASD, but making sure that the needs of your other children are met as well. Siblings are generally the most frequently available play partners. Fostering a good relaonship between siblings with and without ASD involves finding ways they can play together or finding shared interests. Because of the nature of ausm, your child’s aempts to play with his or her sibling with ASD may fall flat due to their sibling ignoring their bids for aenon, their lack of play skills, or their restricted interests. Addionally, a child with ASD may struggle to bond with their siblings and feel isolated in their own right. Let your child without ASD know that they can play a special role in helping their sibling in a variety of ways. It does not maer what the acvity is, as long as they can do it together! Here are just some examples: Joining in play with their siblings favorite toys Teaching their sibling how to play with a toy by using it appropriately and encouraging their sibling to try the same thing Asking their sibling simple quesons and waing for an answer before play can connue Singing favorite songs, blowing bubbles or doing puzzles Reading or looking at books Rolling a ball back and forth or playing catch. Helping with homework or compleng household tasks together such as cleaning their rooms or se<ng the table Building forts, playing with stuffed animals or trains Watching movies or cooking acvies Playground or other outdoor acvies Finger painng or other hands on arts and cras projects Older children might enjoy being the “teacher” of play and learning basic teaching strategies such as ensuring they have their sibling’s aenon, giving simple instrucons, and praising good play Make every day acvies into a game (e.g.: unloading the groceries or a race to see who can put their clothes into the washer the fastest) Siblings of a child with ASD are oen dealing with the same feelings that you as a parent do. They may struggle with feelings of confusion and frustraon oen at an age before they have developed adequate coping skills. Your children will likely develop the longest lasng relaonship with their sibling with ASD and therefore need guidance and support from the start. The following describe some strategies to help support your child without ASD as well as some ways to facilitate posive relaonships between your child with ASD and their siblings. Explain the diagnosis – All children ask quesons and pick up informaon here and there. You might be surprised at how lile they actually know. They might have more quesons than answers and it is important that they have a good understanding of what ausm means for their sibling. This will help prepare them for when their peers begin to ask quesons as well. ! IT’S A FACT: Autism is the fastest growing serious developmental disability in the United States. Future Planning Future Planning: It’s Possible and Necessary Future planning is important for all families. Yet, thinking about the future can be challenging and emotional. Last year, The Arc launched the Center for Future Planning to encourage and support individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) and their families as they plan for the future. Having a plan is important especially after the parent or caregiver can no longer provide support. With an estimated 600,000 – 700,000 families in the United States where an adult with I/DD is living with aging family members and there is no plan for the individual’s future, the need for this resource was clear. The Arc’s Center for Future Planning launches its new website! Visit the site today for the tools you need to begin planning for the future: TASH NEW ENGLAND Inclusive School and Community Engagement Across the Lifespan: An Ethical Imperative Date: May 12, 2015 – Marlborough, MA Co-Hosted By: TASH New England Cost: $140; scholarships available This regional conference will elevate your commitment to inclusive practices! We will review the evidence: why is it imperative for people with significant disabilities to be included? What happens to communities as a result? What are the evidence-based practices that support people with significant disabilities and support needs to succeed in typical community settings throughout their lives? Topics will feature philosophy and values that guide practice; successful family and community engagement strategies; and the role of all stakeholders. Speakers are prepared to address content relevant to each stakeholder group in every session. Who will want to Attend? State agency leaders and senior staff – Education, DD Council, Disability Rights, etc. Vocational rehabilitation counselors; Educators, Education Leaders, Resource Professionals. Parents and Family Members. Self advocates For more information, contact Lydia Brown, Co-President 781-854-6346 [email protected] SIBLINGS AND AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS ( Continued from page 4) Fairness – In all families there are perceived inconsistencies in fairness. From daily household tasks, to mealme requirements and bedmes, children are aware of who gets more or less of something. When a child has ASD, the perceived unfairness at home can seem enormous to their sibling. Explaining various therapies, providing one on one me for each child and having everyone parcipate in daily chores (no maer how small) will reassure your child without ASD that everyone is just as important and loved. Aenon – Children with ASD oen have very busy schedules between school, therapy appointments and in home services. Children do not always recognize that their sibling is engaging in hard work. They may feel that their sibling is ge<ng more love and aenon. Try to give each of your children uninterrupted “parent” me as oen as possible. Choose acvies that promote conversaon, such as car me or running errands, so that you are checking in with them about what is going on in their lives. Reach out – If needed, provided opportunies for your child to interact with other siblings of children with ASD. Research support groups or “Sibling Shops” in your area. Don’t forget! Siblings should be given choices as to how they are going to help or be involved. It is important for them to have free me to be themselves. It oen isn't easy being the sibling of someone with ASD but it can also be a very rewarding, life long relaonship! Behavioral Health Services is located at 6 Southside Road, Danvers. Their phone number is 978-762-8352 RECRUITING FOR LEND PROGRAM Recruiting for UMMS/Shriver LEND Graduate Program, 2015-2016 Fellows are needed for this academic year (2015-2016) of the graduate program “Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental & Related Disabilities” (LEND) It is conducted at the University of Massachusetts Medical School's Shriver Center in Charlestown. It is a 9-month leadership program in the field of developmental disabilities. It prepares professionals, persons with disabilities, and family members to influence policy and clinical practice on behalf of children and adults with developmental disabilities and their families. A $12,000 stipend is available for qualified applicants. It pays the entire cost of the certificate program. Alternatively, the stipend can be applied toward a master’s degree in public administration (MPA) from Suffolk University, which significantly reduces the tuition. If anyone is interested, please reply to this post, or send an email message to [email protected] IT’S A FACT: Autism is the fastest growing serious developmental disability in the United States. WHAT’S HAPPENING IN TRANSITION SERVICES? KATHY KELLY, DIRECTOR OF TRANSITION SERVICES The Parent Support Group for Transition Open to parents of students age 14-22+ WHEN: Tuesday April 7, 2015 WHERE: 6 Southside Rd. Danvers, MA Time: 6:00-7:30PM Topic: Finding Fun Recreational and Leisure Activities for your Son/Daughter RSVP: Kathy Kelly 978-624-2342 [email protected] ASK THE ADVOCATE BY NANCY LUCIER NORTHEAST ARC ADVOCACY DEPARTMENT Question:“My18yearoldsonwithadisability;doeshehavetoregisterforSelective Service?” Answer:Yes DisabledmenwholiveathomemustregisterwithSelectiveServiceiftheycanreasonablyleavetheirhomesandmoveaboutindependently.Afriendorrelativemayhelpa disabledman#illouttheregistrationformifhecan’tdoithimself. MenwithdisabilitiesthatwoulddisqualifythemfrommilitaryservicestillmustregisterwithSelectiveService.SelectiveServicedoesnotpresentlyhaveauthoritytoclassifymen,soevenmenwithobvioushandicapsmustregisternow,andifneeded,classi#icationswouldbedeterminedlater. (AlmostallmaleU.S.citizens,andmaleimmigrants,whoare18through25,arerequiredtoregisterwithSelectiveService.It’simportanttoknowthateventhoughheis registered,amanwillnotautomaticallybeinductedintothemilitary.Inacrisisrequiringadraft,menwouldbecalled insequencedeterminedbyrandomlotterynumberandyearofbirth.Then,theywouldbeexaminedformental,physicalandmoral#itnessbythemilitarybeforebeingdeferredorexemptedfrommilitaryserviceorinductedintothe ArmedForces.) Ifyouneedanadvocate,pleasecallourAdvocacyIntakeCoordinatorat:1-978-762-8352 IT’S A FACT: Northeast Arc is the fourth largest Arc in the country. Sensory friendly movies at AMC theatres Join AMC Theatres and the Autism Society special showings of the following movies. Movies will be shown at 10 a.m. local time in participating theatres nationwide. All shows are at 10:00 am local time. Dates and films are subject to change. Saturday, April 18, 2015 - UNDERDOGS Saturday, May 30, 2015 - TOMORROWLAND Saturday, June 27, 2015 - INSIDE OUT Saturday, July 18, 2015 - MINIONS Local theatres: AMC Burlington, 20 South Ave, Burlington AMC Braintree, 12 Grandview Road, Braintree AMC Framingham 15, 22 Flutie Pass, Framingham, Mass. 17014 AMC Tyngsboro 12, 440 Middlesex Road Tyngsboro, Mass. 01879 AMC Loews Methuen 20, 90 Pleasant Valley St. Methuen, Mass. 01844 AMC Theatres (AMC) and the Autism Society have teamed up to bring families affected by autism and other disabilities a special opportunity to enjoy their favorite films in a safe and accepting environment on a monthly basis with the "Sensory Friendly Films" program. PLEASE CHECK WITH YOUR LOCAL THEATER TO CONFIRM DATE, TIME & PRICES. This is NOT an ASC program! What is New at the Recreaon Department? WELCOME KEITH! Adam Quinn, Director of Recreation and Leisure, is pleased to announce the addition of Keith Burkinshaw in the new, full-time role of Community Activity Coordinator. As such, Keith include all facets of recreation program marketing, community outreach, assistance in program development and assistance in staff management. Keith has a degree in Sports Management, and before joining Northeast Arc was responsible for planning community events for Walt Disney Company’s Activation Team out of Waltham. Please join us in welcoming Keith to the Northeast Arc team. ADULT YOGA! The Northeast Arc has partnered with Treetop Yoga Studio from Gloucester to offer an adaptive adult yoga class on Tuesday evenings! This class will be offered for any individual ages 22 and up. Be sure to wear comfortable clothing and bring something to drink! Instructed by Treetop Studio Manager, Kayla Lemieux! WHERE? 6 Southside Rd. Danvers MA 01923 WHEN? Tuesday nights from 6:00-7:00pm PRICE? $100.00 for an 8 week session AGE? 22+ years To sign up for programs, please contact [email protected] or call (978) 6242308 CCAP Student Turns Passion into Employment By: Dylan Girard Climbing over snowbanks while leading two dogs full of energy out to the play yard may seem like a challenging task for some. For CCAP Student Lizzy Leverone however, it is just another joyful day at work. Since last August, Leverone, a Marblehead native, has been a student in the College and Career Access Project (CCAP), a one-year vocationally focused noncredit program for students with intellectual, developmental and learning disabilities. The program is jointly administered by the partnership between the Northeast Arc and North Shore Community College. As part of CCAP, students have the option of choosing from two fields of study, Basic Canine and Feline Care or Horticulture. For Leverone, the choice was easy. “I love animals and getting to learn about them and working with them has been so great,” she said. CCAP students take three noncredit college classes specific to their chosen field of study each semester. The classes are taught by NSCC faculty and other field professionals. CCAP also connects students to the workplace through eight hours a week of structured internships which include on-site support for the student. Nancy DeFazio, owner of Dingo’s Dogsitting in Beverly, has hosted Leverone as an intern since the program began. “Lizzy has been an absolutely pleasure to have as an intern,” said DeFazio. “She is conscientious, upbeat, punctual, and also a very hard worker that takes initiative, which is key for me.” Day-to-day job responsibilities for Leverone range from walking, brushing, feeding, and playing with dogs to cleaning up after them and being conscious of their behavior to avoid incidents. Leverone’s classroom learning has been an essential part of teaching her the skills to put into practice at her internship. Classes CCAP students have taken include: Canine Breeds and Behavior, Intro to Grooming, Canine Training, and Ethical Issues in Animal Care. “Lizzy has been such a pleasure to have in class,” said instructor Lisa Kane, who is the owner of Wags Doggie Daycare in Wenham, MA. “She is a very passionate student who is always asking great questions and eager to learn as much as she can.” Although CCAP will conclude this May, Leverone will be staying busy. Her passion for animals and the hard work she has put in at her internship led to an easy decision for Dingo’s Dogsitting owner Nancy DeFazio to hire Leverone upon completion of CCAP. “Lizzy takes the job seriously and seems to implicitly realize the importance of caring for the animals in a way that keeps them safe and healthy,” said DeFazio. “I'm excited to be able to offer her a paid position when the internship is over. “ CCAP admits 8-12 students per vocational pathway each year and is currently accepting applicants for fall 2015. Students must be 18-26 years old with a documented intellectual, developmental, or learning disability. Admissions criteria and applications are located on the NSCC website at: Employers interested in providing internships for CCAP participants can contact Dylan Girard from the Northeast Arc at 978.624.3062. IT’S A FACT: Autism is the fastest growing serious developmental disability in the United States. Camp Kaleidoscope Celebrating families with kids on the autism spectrum: June 27 - 30, 2015 What do catching frogs, campfires, and wishing on stars have to do with autism? Traditionally not much. However, at Camp Kaleidoscope amazing and unexpected things have happened. Camp Kaleidoscope is a summer camp style retreat for families experiencing the autism spectrum. Worldwide, when people talk about what really matters to them, it's family. Having a kid with autism doesn’t change this priority, but it can make family time challenging and less relaxing. Children with autism and their families need a unique type of situation to feel physically and emotionally safe to rejuvenate and play together. THE HOLLAND PROJECT OFFERS NEW PROGRAMS FOR SPRING The mission of the Holland Project is to bring the healing benefits of animals and nature to individuals with disabilities through creative programs. The vision of The Holland Project is to offer creative opportunities for special needs teens and young adults that utilize nature, art and agriculture and the special bond with animals. The Holland Project offers programs at their farm in Merrimac where all feel welcome, accepted and participate in meaningful work. We are committed to offer programs and seminars that extend out to families, caregivers and the community. To find out more about The Holland Project contact Eileen Mitchell, [email protected] Phone: 978-764-8611 Library Additions BY STEPHANIE GAMMONS, NORTHEAST ARC MASSACHUSETTS ADVOCATES for CHILDREN MASSACHUSETTS ADVOCATES FOR CHILDREN YOUNG ADULT LEADERS FELLOWSHIP YOUNG ADULTS WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES OR/AND ASD Massachusetts Advocates for Children (MAC) is extending the deadline for the Young Adult Leaders Fellowship application to April 20, 2015. MAC invites young adults 18-26 with Intellectual Disability or/and ASD to apply for a state-of-the-art Young Adult Leaders Fellowship that offers an opportunity to learn the professional skills needed to advocate on behalf of other youth with disabilities. The Fellowship is a partnership between Massachusetts Advocates for Children and the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston. The Young Adult Leaders Fellowship involves a one year part-time advocacy training under the direction of the Autism Center advocate and senior attorney. This is a half-time time fellowship, and a small stipend is provided. The Young Adult Leaders Fellowship will include working with and learning from MAC staff as they conduct MAC’s three core advocacy and training activities, including advocacy for individual students, legislative and policy advocacy, and training for parents and professionals. In addition to office tasks, the Fellowship will also include active participation in a range of advocacy and training activities with close direction and leadership (for example testifying at the State House, co-presenting at trainings, attending IEP meetings). If the Fellow is able to use Word, Excel and other office computer programs or is willing to learn computer applications and programs that is helpful. The Fellow will also be expected to work on the MAC database and on other office duties in addition to attending educational IEP Team meetings, policy meetings at the State House, and trainings for parents and professionals. It is expected that after a period of job shadowing in each advocacy and training activity area, and with additional training from MAC staff, the Fellow will participate in meetings bringing their unique viewpoint as consumers of special education services and supports. The Fellowship will provide: Training and work experience at MAC for one year under the supervision of a MAC attorney and MAC’s Autism Center advocate. Peer mentoring with MAC law school student interns Learning and performing key office tasks Participation in meetings with schools, legislators and parent groups to bring their unique viewpoint as self-advocates. Training in the expectations for working in an office. Experience and training with computers, office equipment, office procedures and office social skills. The Fellowship will begin in June or July of 2015 For questions and/or to send information contact Catherine Mayes, Mass Advocates for Children 617-357-8431 x241, [email protected] MAC staff will select the Fellow from applications submitted. Preference will be given to a young adult with intellectual disability or/and ASD who possesses some knowledge, experience, and/or awareness of advocacy and special education process and who shows an interest in working collaboratively with coworkers in shared office space. MAC is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to a diverse, welcoming and safe workplace. Please send the application to the attention of Catherine Mayes, Massachusetts Advocates for Children, 25 Kingston Street, 2nd Floor, Boston MA 02111 by April 20, 2015
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