Nebraska Fraternal Order of Eagles 5/1/2015 Edition 1 Volume 11 State Auxiliary State Convention Calling all LOCAL PAST Presidents, Aerie and May 12th is the deadline for Registration. Registration is $20.00 after May 12th there is a $5.00 late fee. Send your registration fee and the registration form in the original packet to Liz Scott (see address above) All attendees must register including state officers and PSMP. The by-laws allows for the registration fee for state officers and PSMP be paid by the state. All first year attendees will have their registration fee waived when registered by May 12th and if they have never registered nor attended a state convention. FIRST TIME ATTENDEES MUST PRE REGISTER TO HAVE THEIR REGISTRATION FEE WAIVED A copy of the registration form must also be sent to SMP Merri Calling All LOCAL past Presidents Aerie and Auxiliary On Friday Morning June 12th at State Convention there is a breakfast held for ALL Aerie and Auxiliary members who have filled the office of LOCAL President. The meeting is at 7AM. You are welcome to bring a guest. Sign up with your registration meals. The Breakfast is $10.00. There is a $2.00 fee that is collected at the door. In previous years the group has voted to donate that fee to the state Presidents’ charity. Come join the fun and fellowship at the LOCAL PRESIDENTS’ BREAKFAST at State Convention. Hope to See YOU there PWCRP Jean Krahmer PWCRP Klara Serl Smalley 105 N. How St. Murray NE 68409. We ARE People Helping People Everyone is Welcome to attend the Opening Ceremony of State Convention on Wednesday June 10th at 7:00 PM at the Lodge in Norfolk. If you are unable to attend the State Convention but will be in the area on Wednesday Please join us as we are entertained by Bizarre Deceptions of Norfolk .“Magic touches people so deeply,” commented John Laskowski, the founder and Bring Non-Perishable Items to State Convention! We will be collecting items and giving to the Norfolk Food Pantry. Drop off your donations at the registration room. Let’s show Norfolk we are truly PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE! You are invited to help celebrate Bill & leader of the group. “You are hit by the impossibility of Patty Hietz 60th Wedding anniversary at what you are witnessing and need to come to grips with an Open House on Saturday May 30 something bending every rule of reality.” For young and old alike, Bizarre Deceptions is sure to amaze. 1 from 2-5 at Alliance Eagles Wacky Raffle Please Bring your Wacky Raffle Donations to the Registration room at State convention. All new unwrapped items are aprreciated. We are also in need of tape and wrapping paper or newspaper. Thank you in advance for your help with this project! Mark your Calendars: May 16th Cash Bash Columbus May 22 Charity Dinner Omaha 38 May 30th Alliance NE 2-5 60th Anniversary for Bill & Patty Hietz June 10-13 State Convention Norfolk the Lodge July 12-16 Grand Convention Milwaukee, WI Please bring your Craft items or homemade goodies and your Bingo prizes to the table set up in the hallway by registration. OR Contact Cathy Menish or Pam Mathiesen to have them picked up. These two projects help keep YOUR Per Capita for State down and we have fun doing them. Craft items will be sold before and after meetings. Prize Bingo Will be held Thursday and Friday after meetings in the breakfast area. We look forward to seeing you there!! Nebraska State Fraternal Order of Eagles Charity Raffle Proceeds to the Specialty Pediatric Center Children’s Hospital. Prize is $500 United Airlines Gift Certificates. Drawing will be held at State Convention June 2015. Certificates are good for 5 years. Tickets are $2.00 Contact any state officer for tickets! The Nurse Scholarship Application is on the website www. Deadline is May 1st, 2015 State Charity Dinner Omaha 38 Friday May 22nd from 5:30-8 PM Omaha 38 will be having apricot glazed pork tenderloin, mashed potatoes w/gravy, veggie and roll for $8. Deserts will be on sale. A band will be playing from 7:30-10:30. Everyone is invited! HALL OF FAME AWARD: Nominations for Hall of Fame, living and deceased should be sent to: Past Grand Auxiliary Officer, Evelyn Harrell, 2666-23rd Ave., Columbus NE 68601-2673, by May 1, 2015. WOMEN OF THE .YEAR AWARD: Nominations for Women of the Year should be sent to: PWCRP Klara Serl, 416 Grand Ave., Alliance NE 69301-3551, by May 1, 2015 MOTHER OF THE YEAR AWARD: Please send nominations to Cris Henry 16404 Hwy 75 S Apt 3 Bellevue, Ne. 68123 2 INTERNATIONAL AD A HUGE thank you to the following Auxiliaries Kearney #2722 Plattsmouth #365 York #3990 Hastings #592 Alliance #136 Scottsbluff-Gering #2998 Columbus #1834 For sending in your $15.00 for the International ad. Please send your $15.00 for the ad as soon as possible. We have 27 Auxiliaries that have yet to send it in. Your help is greatly appreciated. Remember this represents ALL auxiliaries and all members throughout Nebraska. PLEASE have your articles for the June newsletter to me by May 19. If you need to send it by mail please note my address has changed to 1130 Colfax Street Blair NE. You may still email articles to me at [email protected]. This is YOUR newsletter! Thanks for helping make it informative! Pam Mathiesen Newsletter Editor “PAWZ” itive thoughts from Madam President Merri Smalley Hello Sisters. It doesn't seem possible that this year is almost over. I could say that I don't know where the time went, but I do, sitting in a chair with my right leg propped up and trying to heal. Things are looking up a little, but don't be surprised if you see me at convention with the scooter, a walker or hopefully a cane. Physical therapy will start soon and I am hoping that movement and mobility will be better soon. Again I want to thank you all for stepping up to make sure that charity functions have been a success. You have made me very proud to call you all my friends and my SISTERS. Thanks to Pam Mathiesen and Janice Lauffer, I was able to attend the MINK conference. It was very enjoyable and informative. The Dakotas did a great job of putting things together and making sure everyone was taken care of. There were 14 Grand Aerie and Auxiliary officers present and a wealth of information and knowledge was shared with us. I also helped judge ritual and it was great to see teams from other states. Patty Welch and Bobbie Lowry have done a fantastic job of training judges from the MINK states to make sure everyone is doing it the same way. Thank you Ladies. The next week, Janice made sure that I got to attend State President Todd's day in Schuyler. Again it was a very enjoyable afternoon/evening and Todd took all the ribbing and roasting with laughter and gave us a surprise of his own at the very end. Schuyler, your hospitality was outstanding and your cooks did fine job, the meal was great. I've been asked many times when my "day" will be, and at this time the honest answer is I don't know. But as soon as Plattsmouth 365 and I can set a date, I will let everyone know. We had a date set in January but the car wreck and surgery changed all those plans real fast. My new motto has become "BETTER LATE THAN NEVER". Now for some business, as you know a new by-law was proposed at convention 2014, that would reduce the number of sisters on the nominating committee from 12 to 6. The Grand Aerie approved this change, so by now those of you that will be on the committee have been contacted. Please remember that our year is not over yet. We still have time to sign up new and re-enrolled members. With Mother's Day coming up I am sure there is a lady out there that would appreciate a chance to join us. A neighbor, a teacher, store clerk, the mail carrier and the list goes on. In fact. I got a phone call from a newly widowed lady from another town, asking if I knew of somewhere she could go out to dinner by herself and not feel all alone. Even though I couldn't meet her, I contacted another sister who made sure she was signed in as a guest and before the evening was over, she signed up. When she called me later to talk, she said the reason for joining was that she felt safe and at home. So until I see you somewhere along the Eagle trail, enjoy spring and remember to KEEP IT PAWZ-itive TO IMPACT TOMORROW. Love3 and Hugs, Merri Keeping it “Pawz”itive this membership year! Sisters with our last month of the year here don’t forget the final push on membership. (A bad attitude is like a flat tire - ---You can’t go anywhere until you change it) So keep pushing for new members!! Our State dropped to 13 but we reported 63 new members in March!! OUR TOP 5 SISTERS!! 1 – Shari Laituri #3132 . . . . . .21 members 2 – Becky McDaniel #2839 . . . . . .20 members 2 – Robin Francis #3472 . . . . . .20 members 3 – Diane Biss #2839. . . . . .11 members 3 – Elizabeth Scott #3990 . . . . . .11 members 3 – Klara Serl . . . . . . . . .11 members WE EAGLE SISTERS ARE TOO POSITIVE TO BE DOUBTFUL TOO OPTIMISTIC TO BE FEARFUL TOO DETERMINED TO BE DEFEATED!!! Remember to keep them interested and active. But most of all we need to stay “Pawz”itive! Cheri L. Bollig St. Membership Chairman Happy Birthday to: State Grandmother Betty Gentile May 11th Condolences to: The family of PSMP Agnes Cox in her passing To Past State Mother Aggie Horvatich in the passing of her husband Johnny To SMIG Diane Wilken in the passing of her Step Dad Bill Day To Charlie Thielbar’s family in her passing State Bowling Winners!! 1st place team winners at the 58th State Bowling Tournament held at Sunset Bowl at York March 7-8 and 1415 are: Auxiliary winners: RESULTS OF 2014-2015 BULLETIN CONTEST: The latest edition of SOAR listed three Nebraska bulletins as winners in this year’s bulletin contest. Congratulations to: Class A (up to 250 members): O’Neill Aerie & Auxiliary #3644 – 2nd place. Class D (1,001+ members): South Omaha #154 Hi Flyer – 2nd place. State/Provincial: “Pawz”itive Nebraska State Newsletter – 1st place. Congratulations also to our neighbors to the east – Grinnell, Iowa – who took Best Overall Entry! Submitted by: Jo Pfeffer International Convention 2015 Team: Elkanettes of Elkhorn - Cheleese Baulisch, Cindy Harm, Sandy Anderson and Stacia Casteel, Diane Otten. Doubles: Lia Grant and Diane Wilken of Columbus Singles: Traci Ryba-Grant of Columbus All Events: Traci Ryba-Grant of Columbus Aerie winners: When: Sunday July 12-Thursday July 16 Where: Wisconsin Center Hyatt Regency Hilton Downtown Milwaukee, Wisconsin What: The #1 Fraternal Order of Eagles Event of the Year!!!! Welcome to Milwaukee Sunday July 12th Tony Orlando Ladies’ Auxiliary Banquet Monday July 13th tickets are $30 watch Andy Childs perform Monday July 13th Eagles Night out with Vinnie and the Moochers Prayer Breakfast Tuesday July 14th $20 Mr. & Mrs. Banquet Tuesday July 14 Tickets are $40. The Oak Ridge Boys will be performing along with Greg Hahn Get your tickets now Milwaukee Scooter Rentals Team: Eagles 1 of Elkhorn – Dan Hall, Jeff Fogle, Stan Otten Andy Colburn and Dave Harm Doubles: Stan Otten and Dave Harm of Elkhorn Singles: Curt Closson of O'Neill All Events: Curt Closson of O'Neill On-The-Go Mobility 414-228-7100 $75 per-day $175 per-week No delivery charge, all scooters will be delivered to the hotels Submitted by Sheila Kulhanek 3990 York Be sure to visit and 4 at The #1 Fraternal Order of Eagles Event of the Year!!! State Pool Tournament Hello my name is Dan Stull. I worked with Rob Henry and Hoyt Williams on the scorekeeper team for the tournaments this year during the tournament... We had 108 teams with 58 pool tables for the two days and we ran mini games on Friday. The scorekeepers showed up on Thursday and set up and finished setting up on Friday before the mini. It was a great tournament and a blast can't wait till next year Pool Ten Top Teams 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Strokers #154 Los Ratunes #200 I’d Hit that #592 More Power #2839 Poke N Hope # 3912 Pool Junkies #1834 Eight is Enough # 2839 Rack Attack # 2839 Pool Sharks # 3795 Corner Bar #200 Top Ten Pair 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Strokers: Bill Miller& Mike Miller # 154 I’d Hit That: Keith Stewart &Ben Landis # 592 More Power: Eric & Randy Sedlacek #2839 Strokers: Justin Grosnickkel & Deon Utterback # 154 Los Ratunes: Dustin Guinea & Ray Kuta # 200 Sahara Bald Eagles Jeff Cech & Roland Sweet #1834 Strokers: Rich Andrews & Ron Utterback # 154 Los Ratunes: Cirino & Alfredo Carillo # 200 (TIE) 8. Poke & Hope: Don Hike & Tim Cloyd #3912 9. Misfits: Charles Godfrey Jr. & Hal Porter #38 10. Eight is Enough Denise Stevens & Brian Haskell #2839 5 2015 Convention Housing Norfolk Lodge & Suites (Convention Headquarters) 4200 West Norfolk Ave. Norfolk NE 68701 402-379-3833 All Non-Smoking Rooms Rodeway Inn & Suites 2.51 miles from Convention Headquarters 2206 Market Lane Norfolk, NE 68701 (402) 371-9779 Let them know you are with the Fraternal Order of Eagles to receive 10% off room rate. New Victorian Inn 3.2 miles from Convention Headquarters 1001 W. Omaha Ave Norfolk, NE 68701 (402) 379-3035 Super 8 of Norfolk INFORMATION FOR NEXT YEAR The Nebraska Eagles will be magical next year. The theme and State Charity will be introduced in Norfolk at State Convention….. My Colors are Magenta, Yellow, and Orange. The shades of Yellow and Orange may be pale rather than bright. We are looking to sell shirts. They will have the Nebraska State Auxiliary logo. My hope is that this will allow them to worn anytime throughout the year. There will be a few other colors available. I like carnations and roses. I currently have a bear collection – I have a number of the Bearington Bears, many of the Hard Rock Café Bears, and other cute bears dressed for the occasion. I have some angels. I like Bath and Body products – my favorite fragrance is ‘Japanese Cherry Blossom’. I am looking forward to representing Nebraska as your State Madam President and I look forward to visiting you next year. Please let me know as soon as you plan your events so I can mark the date and make “PAWZ”itive thoughts to: Make your reservations NOW hope to see YOU there. Fraternal Order of Eagles Auxiliary 1130 Colfax Street Blair NE 68008 3.71 miles from Convention Headquarters 1223 Omaha Ave. Norfolk, NE 68701 (402) 379-2220 plans to attend. Cris Henry SMPE Fraternal Order of Eagles Auxiliary 1130 Colfax Street Blair NE 68008 6
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