Riders for Upcoming Outlaw Trail Scenic Byway Trail Ride Days of 56 Ponca Rodeo June 26-2812015 Ponca, Nebraska For complete details, Al Brock (402) 376-1164, NebraskaOutlawTrail.org, or AQHA.com Sanctioned AQHA and NQHA Rides RE!ilfiRD Enjoy the scenic beauty of Doc Middleton country while searching for the gold of the missing Army payroll of 1867. Attend the activities of the Days of 56 and Ponca Rodeo. OUTLAW TRAIL RIDE DAYS OF 56AND PONCARODEO PONCA, NEBRASKA Hosts: Outlaw Trail Scenic Byway and AQHAAIQHA Trail Ride Program Dates: June 26-28,2015 Location: Ponca, NE Fees: $50.00 per rider - includes primitive camp site (youl portable containment system, trailer tie, and high tie permitted), two day State Patk camping fee, commemorative Outlaw Trail Scarf; Doc Middleton Country map, Legend, Lore, and Lure of the Gold, AQHAride insurance. Pre-registration deadline is June 20. No stallions or dogs please. Additional options/fees: Outlaw Trail Tee shirts, Legends and Lore of the Outlaw Trail andA Woman Hangedbooks, OTSB Travel Audio CD may be purchased. See attached Days of 56/ Rodeo schedule for free and fee activities. You are responsible for yotr State Park entry fee (2 day: $10.00 or Annual : $25.00) which can be pru'chased at the entry kiosk on yout way to camp. (See map) Daily schedule of events: Friday afternoon check in - Rodeo 7:30 Saturday - 8:00 AM all day ride with your lunch on tmil 5:00 PM - Special horse race and dtawing fot prizes 7:30 PM - Rodeo Dance after Rodeo Sunday - 8:00 AM - Half day ride These rides arr for all riders and horses but we and bridges. will closs water Directions: Ponca is located on Hwyl2 between Willis and Newcastle (see enclosed maps) For additional information and to register: Al Brock t 10 West 6ft Street Valentine, NE 69201 402-376-7164, NebraskaOutlawTtail.org, or AQHA.org Registration Form OTSB/AQHAn{QI{A TRArL RrDE June 26-28,2015 Ponca, Nebraska Names of riders Address Phone E-mail Ride fee - weekend day ride only (need park entry permit) $50.00 $r0.00 Number of campsites needed Estimated time of arrival Estimated time of departure Make check payable to OTSB and mail with this forrr and AQIIA waiver to Al Brock 110 West 6ft Street Valentine, NE 69201 How did you learn of the ride? Form C AQHA RIDE PROGRAM REGISTRATION FORM, ASSUMPTION OF RISK, RELEASE OF TIABILITY AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT Participant lnformation: Name: Address: City: Phone: (_) AQHA Member lD: State ZIP E-Mail: Event Name: City: IMPORTANT, PLEASE CAREFULTY READ THIS AGREEMENT State: As a condition of participation in AQHA's Ride Program, and in consideration of being allowed to participate, the Participant, together with his/her parents or guardian if under the age of L8 years (collectively "Participant"), does hereby: 1. AGREE to obey all rules of the Ride Program and the directions of the ride coordinators, trail masters and other representatives of the AQHA Affiliate and/or organization conducting the Trail Ride event. 2. ACKNOWLEDGE, agree, and represent that Participant understands the nature of AQHA Ride Program Activities ("Activities") and that the Participant is qualified, in good health, and in proper physical condition to participate in such Activities; 3. FULTY UNDERSTAND THAT THE ACTIVITIES INVOLVE "INHERENT RISKS OF EqUINE ACTIVITIES" THAT MAY RESIJTT IN PROPERTY DAMAGE AND BODILY INJURY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT TIMITED TO, PERMANENT DISABILITY, PAMLYSIS, AND DEATII (collectively "RlSKS"f; that such RISKS may be caused by Participant's own action or inaction, the action or inaction of others participating in the Activities, the condition of the premises at which the Activities take place, and/or THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE "RELEASEES" NAMED BELOW; 4. UNDERSTAND AND AGREE that "lnherent risk of equine activities" means dangers or conditions that are an integral part of equine activities, including, but not limited to, any of the following: (a) the propensity of a horse to behave in ways that may result in injury death, or loss to persons on or around the horse; (b) the unpredictability of a horse's reaction to sounds, sudden movement, unfamiliar objects, persons, or other animals; (c) hazards, including, but not limited to, surface or subsurface conditions; (d) a collision with another horse, another animal, a person, or an object; and (e) the.potential of an equine activity participant to act in a negligent manner that may contribute to injury, death, or loss to the person of the Participant or to other persons, including but not limited to, failing to maintain control over a horse or failing to act within the ability of the Participant; 5. FULTY ACCEPT AND ASSUME ALt SUCH RTSKS AND ALL RESPONSIE|UW FOR LOSSES, COSTT AND DAMAGES PARTICIPANT INCURS AS A RESULT OF PARTICIPANTS PARTICIPATION IN THE ACTIVITIES; 6. WARRANT AND REPRESENT that, if the Activities involve horses, Participant is adequately qualified and experienced to both (a) safely handle and ride a horse in a manner to protect Participant and other third parties, and (b) participate with groups of riders and horses, such as to take adequate defensive action to avoid injury from third party participants and horses. Furthermore, Participant understandsthat it is Participant's responsibilityto ascertainthe adequacyof Participant's training and experience, the adequacy and training of Participant's horse, and for Participant to conduct himself/herself in a manner such as to make the Activities safe and enjoyable for all participants; 7. HEREBY RELEASE, DISCHARGE, AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE AQHA, AqHF, AqHA AFFITIATES AND/OR AQHA CORPORATE PARTNERS OR THEIR RESPECTIVE ADMINISTRATORS, DIRECTORS, AGENTS, OFFICERS, MEMBERS, VOLUNTEERS, AND EMPTOYEES, AND, IF APPLICABLE, OWNER AND LESSORS OF PREMISES ON WHICH THE ACTIVITIES TAKE PI.ACE, (EACH CONSIDERED ONE OF THE "RELEASEES" HEREIN) FROM AtL LIABITITY, CLAIMS, DEMANDS, LOSSES, oR DAMAGES WHENEVER OR HOWEVER ARISING AS TO TNJURY, DEATH AND/OR pROpERTy DAMAGE OCCURRTNG AS A RESUTT OF PARTICIPANT'S PARTICIPATION IN THE ACTIVITIES OR CAUSED OR ALTEGED TO BE CAUSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES OR OTHERWISE. 8. AGREE to indemnify, hold harmless and defend RELEASEES from any and all liability, whenever or however arising, from all third partyclaims, demands, causes of action, suits, judgments, liabilities, costs and expenses of any nature arising out of (i) Participant's negligent act(s) or omissions during or related in any way to the Activities; and/or (ii) Participant's willful act(s) or omission(s) during or related in any way to the Activities; and/or (iii) any misinformation or misrepresentations made by Participant in this Agreement. Participant agrees to pay any of RELEASEES'costs, expenses and reasonable attor:ney fees incurred, arising directly or indirectly out of or with respect to any third party claims or associated with the enforcement of the indemnity obligations referenced above. 9. AGREE, in consideration of being allowed to participate and without further consideration, that AQHA, AQHA Affiliates and the American Quarter Horse Foundation may use any video, photograph or other form of likeness or image of Participant and horses owned or ridden by Participant to promote AQHA's objectives and activities including, but not limited to, use by third parties with authorization from AQHA. 10. UNDERSTAND AND AGREE that AQHA Corporate Partners have contributed to the funding of the AQHA Ride Program, but have no actual control over any aspect of implementation of AQHA Ride Program Activities; and that AQHA has no actual control or supervision of the Ride Program Activities in selection of trail ride site, selection of ride master, screening of participants, nor control and supervision of the Activities or availability of medical services. 11. UNDERSTAND AND AGREE that AQHA, AQHA Affiliates and AQHA Corporate Partners sponsoring Participant's ride, are neither the insurers nor the guarantors of safety of the Activities. PARTICIPANT HAS READ THIS AGREEMENT, FULLY UNDERSTANDS rTS TERMT UNDERSTANDS THAT pARTtCtpANT tS GIVING UP SUBSTANTIAT RIGHTS BY SIGNING IT AND }IAS SIGNED IT FREETY AND WITHOUT INDUCEMENT OR ASSURANCE OF ANY NATURE AND INTENDS IT TO BE A COMPIETE AND IJNCONDITIONAL RETEASE OF ALL LIABILITY TO THE GREATEST EXTENT ALLOWED BY IAW AND AGREE THAT IF ANY PORTION OF THIS AGREEMENT IS HELD TO BE VOID, VOIDABLE, INVALID OR INOPERATIVE, THE BATANCE, NOTWITHSTANDING, SHALT CONTINUE IN FULI FORCE AND EFFECT AS THOUGH SUCH VOID, VOIDABLE, INVATID OR INOPERATIVE PROVISION HAD NOT BEEN CONTAINED HEREIN. Participant's Signature: Date: Printed Name of Parent/Guardian: Date: Parent/Guardian Signature (REQUIRED if Participant is under the age of 18): . r Friday Night - Tough Enou$h to YUear Plnk Saturday Night - Dance after the rodeo Friday Nighi - Tough Enough To t0% of gata fees will be donated to the Please lilre us on Facebook! ar Pink €4d trFce*9 Ponca, Nebraska Ponca, Nebraska - Rodeo Grounds, Community Club Concession 2 -Trarl Inn Motel 3 - Restaurant 4 - Trading Post Market & Restaurant 5 - Outlaw Pizza 6 - McArtles Bar 7 - Cook's Country Store & Gas 1 / \ To State Park and Camp [][rr ntrr Irrlitji iiulE, tr' "r; a, The Outlaw Trail Scenic Byway "holds up" Outlaw Trail Rides along the Outlaw Tail in Doc Middleton country. The goals of these rides ae to: Prcvide rideru with experience ofdiscoverirg 66t-hdd the l@ations ofoutlaw ild vigilante activities neu scenic Highway l2 Enjoy with fellow ride6 the beautiful and diveNe lildscap€ of D@ Middleton Country. Gain m appreciation of the history ofDoc Middleton Country and the Outlaw Trail. Acquaint riders with and prcmote businesses along the Oudaw Trail Raise funds tol Create interpretive infomation for specific oudaw sites. Develop outlaw tnil milkers to betler identify the byway, Sojoin our gilg and ride wilh us s we explore Nebr6ka's Outlaw Trail, For further infomation call Al Brak 402-316-lIUCompleted ild proposed ride lmations Va-tentine - Casterline's Be shooting and murder of Lt. Cherry - 201 I, 2014 D@ Middleton's Robber's Roost hideout MurderofTrooper Hansen - 2013 Norden - Boot Scootin' B@gie at Historic Norden Dmce Hall - 2015 t Meadville - Doc Middleton hideout Springview - Kit Murphy hanging, Pony Boys hideout - September 2013 Cms - Doc Middleton rested Bssett - Kid Wade hanging Niobrua Rmch Wildlife Sanctuary (Hutton Rmch) - 2015 | Mills - Holden cabin haging Oak Creek Ranch - June 2014 Butte - Kid Wade Canyon - June 2013 Lyoch - Horse Thief Cmyon - April 2013 Cross - Fd Jones Murder Scottville - Brett Scott murder Verdel - Cave hideout Mus/Verdigre Valley - Attempted capture of D@ Middleton - May 2014 Niobm - Desperado Days - July 2015 t Liildy/Crofton - Devil's Nest (Jmes Bothers) - August 2015 t St Helena - Jmes Jmison and Nick Nunhoffer murderc Wynot/St. James - Wisemm Massacre Obefi - James' Brothem mother's home Newcastle - Turkey Creek Ranch - 2012 Ponca - Missing Amy payroll escort - June 2015 t
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