New England and Bermuda District of Key Clubs Conference Contest Rules and Contest Entry Forms Local Publications Contest Annual Achievement Award Distinguished Club Award Membership Growth Award G. Harold Martin Award Key of Honor Award Sandy Nininger Award Major Emphasis Award Single Service Award Club Poster Contest Legal Music for Videos Club Video Contest Oratory Contest Essay Contest Talent Contest Outstanding Key Club President Outstanding Club Officer Award Advisor’s Award Leader of Leaders Award Scrapbook Contest Scrapbook Cost Sheet ORATORICAL CONTEST (In order to participate in this contest, please submit the entry form.) A. The subject for all orations is to be predetermined and distributed to the clubs via general mailing. B. The first place orator from each of the organized Key Club Districts will be eligible to compete in the International Oratorical Contest. In the case a District does not hold a District contest to determine the first place orator, or in the event that the first place orator cannot attend International Convention, the District may select an orator by other means and so certify him/her by signature of the District Administrator. Orators located within a non-Districted area shall submit DVDs containing videos of their speeches to Key Club International. C. The subject matter of the oration and the presentation must be original and completely developed by each orator. Content and presentation will be considered equally in judging D. Each orator will be allowed a maximum of five minutes for his/her presentation. Exceeding the time limit may result in a penalty. E. Each orator must be an official member in good standing with Key Club International. F. Judging and awarding points will be based on the following criteria: SPEECH–50 Points • Clarity of message and projection of ideas.................................................25 Points • Depth..................................................... .......................................................5 Points • Originality.................................. ..................................................................5 Points • Structure (including organization, grammar, transitions, flow, etc.)…………………………………......................................................... 15 Points DELIVERY–50 Points • Presence (posture, gestures, and ability to engage the audience) ............... 15 Points • Voice (tone, diction, effectiveness, pronunciation)......................................15 Points • Ease of presentation and intimacy with audience ........................................15 Points • Attention of audience..................................................................................... 5 Points G. During the International Convention, elimination trials will be held (time and place to be announced in the Convention program), and no more than three orators may be selected to appear before the entire convention. H. Oratory Finalists will receive first, second, and third place awards and recognition for their excellence in public speaking. I. Winning orations at International Convention, in written and electronic form (video), will become the property of Key Club International. Key Club International reserves the right to publish winning orations on KeyTV or in the Key Club magazine, providing appropriate credit to the orator). J. The decision of the judges is final and no changes, alterations or regradings will take place after the results have been certified by the judges, the chair of the contests and the board counselor/District Administrator) of this contest. ESSAY CONTEST (In order to participate in this contest, please submit the entry form.) A. The subject for all orations is to be predetermined and distributed to the clubs via general mailing. B. The theme for the 2015 essay is “What will Key Club accomplish in the next 10 years before Key Club’s 100th anniversary?” C. The subject matter of the oration and the writing must be original and completely developed by each essayist. D. The essay must be typed (Times New Roman, size 12) double-spaced, no more than two pages (8 ½ x 11). E. Each essayist must be an official member in good standing with Key Club International. F. Judging and awarding points will be based on the following criteria: • Clarity and depth of message …………….................................................50 Points • Originality.................................. ................................................................25 Points • Structure (including organization, grammar, transitions, flow, etc.)......... 25 Points G. Essayists will receive first, second, and third place awards. J. The decision of the judges is final and no changes, alterations or regradings will take place after the results have been certified by the judges, the chair of the contests and the Board Counselor/District Administrator of this contest. CLUB VIDEO CONTEST (In order to participate in this contest, please submit the entry form.) A. The New England and Bermuda District Education Conference Digital Poster Contest will be conducted according to the following rules set by Key Club International. B. The first place Club video contest winners from each of the organized Key Club districts will be eligible to compete in the contest. In the case a District does not hold a District contest using the prescribed rules of this contest, the District may select an entry by other means and so certify by signature of the District Administrator. Clubs existing within a non-districted area shall submit their entries to Key Club International. C. The video must be produced by club members only at a cost not to exceed US$300. D. The video should be promotional for Key Club as an organization and/or the Key Club within its respective school/ community. E. The length of the completed video/DVD segment should be no more than 60 seconds. F. The video must be submitted on a DVD in QuickTime format containing no copyrighted music. G. The following information must be submitted with each entry: • • • Name of the Key Club and District. Contact name and information for a Key Club member responsible for the submission. Itemized listing of all costs associated with the video/DVD production, including cost of the DVD. H. DVDs will be judged according to the following criteria: • • • • • Originality....................................................................................................................... 10 points Promotion of Key Club....................................................................................................20 points Clarity of message........................................................................................................... 20 points Quality of production: 1. Sound quality..................................................................................................10 points 2. Picture quality.................................................................................................10 points Overall impression........................................................................................................... 30 points I. Suitable awards will be presented to first, second, and third place at District/International Convention. J. All entries at International Convention will become the property of Key Club International, and will not be returned to clubs. Key Club International reserves the right to reproduce or broadcast any contest entries. Winners of the International club video contest shall be uploaded to the KeyTV YouTube channel following International convention provided they are in QuickTime format and contain no copyright music or inappropriate content. K. All entries shall be in good taste and appropriate to the standards set by the Objects of Key Club International. L. The decision of the judges is final and no changes, alterations, or regradings will take place after the results have been certified by the judges, the chair of the contest, and the board counselor/District Administrator of this contest. M. Before leaving the Conference, the first place winner must turn in the winning entry to the Convention office for the District Administrator. TALENT CONTEST (In order to participate in this contest, please submit the entry form.) A. The New England District Educational Conference Talent contest will be conducted according to the following rules set by Key Club International Board of Trustees.. B. District talent acts certified by the District Administrator and in attendance at International Convention shall be eligible to compete in the International Talent Contest. Talent acts from non- districted areas approved by the International President and in attendance at International Convention shall be eligible to compete in the International Talent Contest. C. Each Key Club may participate in no more than one act entered in the District/International Talent Contest. D. A Talent Contest entry may take any form as long as it is entertaining and in good taste. E. All participants in an act must be official members of a Key Club in good standing with Key Club International. In the case of a group act, all members must be from the same District. F. All acts entered in the international talent contest will be required to demonstrate their ability and entertainment appeal at preliminary auditions (time and place to be announced in the conference/convention program). At this time, the most entertaining six to eight acts will be selected to appear in the District/International Talent Show as finalists. G. Selection of acts by the judges at the preliminary auditions, in so far as they are consistent with high quality performance, will be final. H. At DECON, awards will be given to the top three acts. At ICON, suitable awards will be presented to finalist acts. I. The time limit on each performance of the acts at a general session of the conference/convention should not exceed six minutes. J. Any materials (props, instruments, costumes, etc.) that are needed for each performance must be supplied by the contestants who participate in that performance. K. Any Key Club talent act performing as entertainment on the conference/convention program prior to the District/International Talent Show contest cannot participate as a judged act. L. Judging for this contest will be based on the following criteria and point values: • Content.......................................................................................... 20 Points • Performance and entertainment value............................................30 Points • Poise and confidence..................................................................... 10 Points • Audience response......................................................................... 20 Points M. The decision of the judges is final and no changes, alterations or regradings will take place after the results have been certified by the judges, the chair of the judges, and the Board Counselor/District Administrator of this contest. ! OUTSTANDING PRESIDENT AWARD (In order to participate in this contest, please submit the entry form.) The Outstanding Key Club President Award is designed to recognize three (3) Key Club Presidents from the entire New England and Bermuda District. It should be noted that the size of your club has no bearing on your chances of winning. We are looking for quality not quantity. The following items are required for consideration for this award: attendance at 2014 District Educational Conference, Club Directory information sent in by November 15, 2014, District Dues paid by November 15, 2014, International Dues paid by December 1, 2014. The following items are optional for consideration of this award: attendance at 2014 International Convention, attendance at a 2014 Interdivisional meeting, attendance at one or more Divisional meetings, submission of all monthly reports on time, increase club membership by five (5) members and keeping in touch with the Lt. Governor. Candidates must also answer the following two questions: 1) Other than previously mentioned accomplishments, what else have you done as president of your club to better serve your school and community? 2) How have you benefitted from your experiences in Key Club? The decision of the judges is final and no changes, alterations, or regradings will take place after the results have been certified by the judges, the Chair of the Contests, and Board Counselor/ District Administrator of this contest. OUTSTANDING KEY CLUB OFFICER AWARD (In order to participate in this contest, please submit the entry form.) The nominating Key Club must write a summary explaining the reasons it has for choosing this person to be named the “ideal Key Club Officer of the New England and Bermuda District of Key Clubs.” The nominee must be a current District, International, or local club officer. The decision of the judges is final and no changes, alterations, or regradings will take place after the results have been certified by the judges, the Chair of the Contests, and Board Counselor/ District Administrator of this contest. ADVISOR’S AWARD (In order to participate in this contest, please submit the entry form.) 1. Each individual Key Club may nominate its Faculty Advisor or Kiwanis Advisor as a candidate for one of the three Advisor Awards to be presented at the New England and Bermuda District of Key Clubs Educational Conference during the Saturday evening Talent and Awards session. 2. The Key Club must submit a biographical sketch of the candidate including such things as activities in the community, previous Key Club experience, family and church background and activities, etc. 3. The Key Club must describe what it thinks makes the advisor one of the best in the New England and Bermuda District. If possible, list any changes/improvements in the Key Club that may be directly attributed to the advisor. 4. The Board of Trustees of the New England and Bermuda District of Key Clubs will review all nominees and determine the three winners from the District. 5. The decision of the judges is final and no changes, alterations, or regradings will take place after the results have been certified by the judges, the Chair of the Contests, and Board Counselor /District Administrator of this contest. George R. Whitney LEADER OF LEADERS AWARD (In order to participate in this contest, please submit the entry form.) 1. The New England and Bermuda District of Key Clubs invites nominations for the George R. Whitney Leader of Leaders Award to be presented at its annual educational conference during the Governor’s Farewell Luncheon on Sunday. 2. This award was established by the 1988-89 Board of Trustees of the New England District of Key Clubs. 3. The inscription on the plaque reads: “Recognizes the single adult in the District who has brought out the best in the youth of the New England and Bermuda District by bestowing upon them Trust, Responsibility, and Challenge of Leadership in 2014-2015.” 4. Nominations will be accepted in the form of an essay describing the qualities set forth above. The essay should be typed, double spaced, on 8 ½ by 11 inch paper, in Times New Roman size 12 and no more than two pages in length. 5. The decision of the judges is final and no changes, alterations, or regradings will take place after the results have been certified by the judges, the Chair of the Contests, and Board Counselor/ District Administrator of this contest. TRADITIONAL SCRAPBOOK (Year in Review) (In order to participate in this contest, please submit the entry form.) A. A Key Club may enter a scrapbook containing pictures, souvenirs, examples, newspaper clippings, etc., of its activities during the club administrative year (defined as being from District Convention to District Convention). Each scrapbook must be divided into these categories: service to school, service to community, fundraising projects, assistance to Kiwanis projects, Major Emphasis involvement and miscellaneous. Each category must be separated accordingly by tabs. Pages must be numbered with a table of contents included at the beginning of the scrapbook. Judges will deduct five points for missing tabs and five points for a missing table of contents. Only the firstand second-place district winners in each category will be eligible to compete in the International contest. Clubs existing within a nonDistricted area shall submit their entries to Key Club International. B. Each entry is required to be submitted in a scrapbook binder measuring no larger than 14 inches wide and 14 inches high. The cover may be decorated. C. Judging of the scrapbook will be on a point system as follows: Visuals–50 Points • Artwork and decorations............................................................................ 30 Points • News clippings and photographs............................................................... 20 Points GENERAL CONTENT–60 Points • Service to school........................................................................................ 10 Points • Service to community................................................................................ 10 Points • Fundraising projects................................................................................... 10 Points • Assistance to Kiwanis projects.................................................................. 10 Points • Involvement with Major Emphasis Program............................................. 10 Points • Miscellaneous............................................................................................ 10 Points D. A sheet of paper must be affixed to the inside front cover of the scrapbook containing the following: Key Club name, city, state/province, district and an itemized statement of the total expenditures and donations associated with the creation of the scrapbook. If this sheet of paper is not affixed to the inside front cover of the scrapbook, the judges will deduct ten points. This statement must be signed by the Key Club president and Faculty Advisor, stating the scrapbook’s retail cost value (including photographic materials) does not exceed the amount of US$300. Work done by Key Club members such as hand-lettering, artwork, etc., need not be included as cost items. Failure to comply with this rule will result in disqualification. E. Each scrapbook being judged at the international convention MUST be the exact same scrapbook judged at the district convention. Any alterations in the scrapbook will result in disqualification. F. Entries shall be submitted to the Key Club convention contest office during specified hours as listed in the convention program. G. Suitable prizes will be awarded for first, second, and third place scrapbooks judged best on the basis of visuals and content. (10/12) H. No audio, visual, or computer equipment will be allowed as part of the entry. (10/00) I. The decisions of the judges are final and no changes, alterations, or regradings will take place after the results have been certified by the judges, the chair of the contest, and the board counselor/District Administrator of this contest. NON-TRADITIONAL SCRAPBOOK (Year in Review) (In order to participate in this contest, please submit the entry form.) A. A Key Club may enter a non- traditional scrapbook or composition of other media containing pictures, souvenirs, examples, newspaper clippings or other representations of its activities during the club administrative year (defined as being from District Convention to District Convention). Clubs existing within a non-districted area shall submit their entries to Key Club International. (10/02) B. Each entry should adequately portray the following categories: service to school, service to community, fundraising projects, Kiwanis Family functioning, Major Emphasis involvement and miscellaneous. C. Judging of the entry will be on a point system as follows: Presentation–50 Points • Uniqueness/creativity of project presentation........................................... 10 Points • Artistic value and visual appearance......................................................... 20 Points • Newspaper clippings and photographs...................................................... 20 Points General Content–60 Points • Service to school........................................................................................ 10 Points • Service to community................................................................................ 10 Points • Fundraising projects.................................................................................. 10 Points • Kiwanis Family interaction....................................................................... 10 Points • Involvement with Major Emphasis Program............................................ 10 Points • Miscellaneous............................................................................................ 10 Points D. A sheet of paper must be submitted with the entry and contain the following: Key Club name, city, state/province, district and an itemized statement of the total expenditures and donations. This statement must be signed by the Key Club president and faculty advisor, stating the entry’s retail cost value (including photographic materials) does not exceed the amount of US$300. Work done by Key Club members such as hand-lettering, artwork, etc., need not be included as cost items. Failure to comply with this rule will result in disqualification. E. Each scrapbook being judged at the international convention MUST be the exact same scrapbook judged at the district convention. Any alterations in the scrapbook will result in disqualification. F. Entries shall be submitted to the Key Club convention office during specified hours as listed in the convention program. G. Suitable prizes will be awarded for first, second and third place scrapbooks judged best on the basis of creativity and general content. H. No audio, visual, or computer equipment will be allowed. The entry must be sturdy to allow handling by judges as necessary. I. The decisions of the judges are final and no changes, alterations, or regradings will take place after the results have been certified by the judges, the chair of the contest, and the board counselor/District Administrator of this contest. Year in review cost sheet Scrapbook Check One: TRADITIONAL SCRAPBOOK Key Club of: ____________________________________ NON-TRADITIONAL SCRAPBOOK Club ID #: ________________________ District: ______________________________________________________________________________ Contact Information Please check one: Faculty advisor Kiwanis advisor Advisor name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Phone number with area code: ___________________________ E-mail: __________________________ Costs Donations Photo materials: US$ _________ Materials by school: US$ _________ Pages: US$ _________ Materials by businesses: US$ _________ Binder: US$ _________ Other: US$ _________ Other: US$ _________ Other: US$ _________ Other: US$ _________ Other: US$ _________ Other: US$ _________ Total: US$ _________ Total: US$ _________ Signature of faculty advisor or Kiwanis advisor: (Signature) ______________________________________ (Print name here) ______________________________ Signature of club president: (Signature) ______________________________________ (Print name here) ______________________________ (PLEASE ATTACH THIS COST SHEET TO INSIDE COVER OF SCRAPBOOK ENTRY) ANNUAL ACHIEVEMENT REPORT AWARD The New England and Bermuda District of Key Clubs will present awards, as described earlier in this packet, at the New England and Bermuda District of Key Clubs Annual Educational Conference. One copy of your Annual Achievement Report should be submitted at the District Conference and another copy retained in your local Key Club files. A. Every Key Club in the New England and Bermuda District of Key Clubs MUST FILE an ANNUAL ACHIEVEMENT REPORT for 2014-2015 whether or not they are in attendance at the District Conference. Please read and follow the rules that are found on the first page of the Key Club International report form carefully. B. If your club will be in attendance at the District Educational Conference, you should bring your report with you and turn it in at the Conference Office by 10 PM on Friday, April 10, 2015 at the Marriott Hotel in Springfield, MA. C. If your club will not be in attendance at the District Educational Conference, you should mail your report by February 20, 2015 to: Mr. George R. Whitney District Administrator New England District of Key Clubs P.O. Box 467 Hardwick, VT 05843 EVERY KEY CLUB MUST FILE THIS ANNUAL REPORT DISTINGUISHED CLUB AWARD ! The Distinguished Club Award program shall provide recognition to individual Key Clubs for their overall performance in the combined areas of club administration, membership and leadership development, Kiwanis family involvement, service and fundraising as judged against a pre-established standard of excellence. A. Entries shall use the official Annual Achievement Report form. All entries in the Club Achievement Awards program shall be dually entered in the Distinguished Club program. B. Entries shall be judged based upon achieving a percentage of accumulated points in the categories of the club Annual Achievement Report. Clubs achieving a predetermined score shall be designated as a Distinguished Club. The Key Club International Board shall set the minimum number of points required for this designation. C. Only activities which occurred during the District administrative year shall be included on the report. Clubs existing within a non-Districted area shall report activities occurring between May 1 and the following April 30. D. Disqualification from the Club Achievement Award program shall also constitute disqualification from the Distinguished Club Award program. E. Suitable recognition will be provided by Key Club International to each District for presentation to Distinguished Clubs at the District Convention. The decision of the judges is final. F. The point value to achieve the Distinguished Club–Diamond Level shall be a pre-determined number set by the Key Club International Board of Trustees. (6/99) (10/12) G. The decision of the judges is final and no changes, alterations, or regradings will take place after the results have been certified by the judges, the chair of the contest, and the board counselor/District Administrator of this contest. Key Club International KEY OF HONOR The Key of Honor is the highest recognition award presented by Key Club International. The recipient shall be 1. an individual who has made a lifelong positive impact upon youth in general and Key Club specifically, or 2. an organization that should be so honored for a long-term support of youth and the Key Club program. The Key of Honor shall be presented at International Convention. A formal announcement of the award shall be made at the recipient’s home District Convention if the recipient is in attendance. This formal announcement shall be made by the highest ranking officer of Key Club International present at the said Convention. A biography or summary of the award recipient(s) should appear in a pre-convention issue of the Key Club magazine. Nominations for the award shall be made by a Key Club or an individual Key Clubber, and shall be according to the following criteria: A. All nominations must be in notebook or portfolio form. This is for ease of handling only and has no bearing on how the nomination will be judged. B. All nominations must contain the following: 1. Letter of nomination: This letter should be written by the nominating Key Club member or a committee of individuals within the nominating Key Club, and should provide a nomination statement, basic overview of the candidate, and the reason for the nomination. 2. Biographical information: This should include schools/colleges attended, community involvements, occupation/business interests, Kiwanis family and other youth service affiliations, and other pertinent biographical information. 3. Letters of recommendation: A maximum of 20 letters may be submitted; however, only the first seven will be considered in the award judging. The letters may be divided into any categories desired. All letters should be signed by their composers and should be accompanied by a contact phone number and email address for reference. 4. Letter of summation: This letter should be written by the individual or committee who made the nomination. It should summarize the letters of recommendation and the applicant’s personal history. It should also include reasons why the nominee is deserving of this highest honor. 5. Additional information: Up to eight pages of additional information including photographs, newspaper clippings, etc., may also be included in the nomination package. C. No more than two Keys of Honor may be awarded in any year. D. The selection of the recipient will be made solely upon the presentation received, rather than the international board’s knowledge of the nominee. Nominations must be received at the International Office on or before the first Friday following January 5 of each year. MEMBERSHIP GROWTH AWARD 1. The Awards for this contest will be presented at the New England and Bermuda District of Key Clubs Educational Conference during the Saturday evening Talent and Awards Session. 2. Decisions on these awards will be based on the following two items: (a) Payment of International dues as verified by the Key Club International office on statements prior to March 1. (b) Payment of District dues as verified by the Financial Counselor and District Treasurer on their records prior to March 1. 3. Awards will be determined by the “PERCENTAGE OF INCREASE” in membership over last year’s membership as verified by Key Club International statements and District dues records from the previous year. 4. The decision of the judges is final and no changes, alterations, or regradings will take place after the results have been certified by the judges, the Chair of the Contests, and Board Counselor /District Administrator of this contest. 5. No entry form needs to be submitted for this contest. Every club in good standing for the current year and the previous year will be automatically entered. G. HAROLD MARTIN FELLOWSHIP AWARD Key Club International offers a vehicle to recognize people who have unselfishly contributed to the Key Club program. Kiwanis clubs, Key Clubs, schools, parent groups, communities, and districts are afforded the opportunity to present deserving individuals with a G. Harold Martin Fellowship. The G. Harold Martin Fellowship is available for a US $250.00, tax deductible, contribution to the Kiwanis International Foundation in the Youth Opportunities Fund. The fellowship funding goes directly back to Key Clubs and their members in the form of grants to achieve their service goals and scholarships. G. Harold Martin Fellows receive a pin and plaque and have their names permanently inscribed in the permanent records of Key Club International. Contact the Youth Opportunities Fund to receive a G. Harold Martin Fellowship application form. Sandy Nininger Award (In order to participate in this contest, please submit the entry form.) Sandy Nininger-Key Club Member When a Key Club was organized at Fort Lauderdale High School in January of 1936, Alexander R. “Sandy” Nininger became a charter member. He showed the same dedication to his work at that time as he would later show in battle. The school’s athletic program had deteriorated. Only 15 candidates, including skinny Sandy, went out for the football team. Home games seldom attracted more than a hundred spectators. Sandy decided to change the situation. As chairman of his Key Club’s entertainment committee, he arranged a dinner at the school cafeteria to which the town’s businessmen were invited. The Key Clubbers asked for help to improve athletics in the community, and within a few weeks had the backing of the people of Fort Lauderdale. The city sold the school board a tract of land two blocks long and one block wide. An electric power company donated poles and electricians gave their services. The rest of the community loaned money for equipment and a grandstand. Finally, a special football game was played before 1500 spectators. Football receipts eventually paid for the field, the fence around it, another new grandstand and all of the athletic expenses. Sandy Nininger-Lieutenant Former Key Club member Sandy Nininger died a hero’s death at the battle of Bataan, only one month after the United States entered World War II. His courageous actions during the first of fighting may have changed the entire course of the war in the Pacific. Congress honored Sandy by posthumously awarding the First Congressional Medal of Honor of World War II “for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty in action with the enemy near Abucay, Bataan, Philippine Island, on January 12, 1942.” The Congressional citation tells how Nininger, “though assigned to another company not then engaged in combat, voluntarily attached himself to Company K…while the unit was being attacked by enemy forces superior in firepower.” Enemy snipers in trees and foxholes had stopped their counterattack to regain part of their position. In hand-to-hand fighting that followed, Lieutenant Nininger repeatedly forced his way into the hostile territory. Exposed to heavy enemy fire, he continued to attack with rifle and hand grenades and succeeded in destroying several enemy snipers. Although wounded three times, he continued his attacks until he was killed after pushing alone far within the enemy camp. When his body was found after recapture of the position, one enemy officer and two enemy soldiers lay dead around him. Sandy Nininger-The Award In the spring of 1942, at a convention of Florida Key Clubs, Kiwanian, G. Harold Martin of Fort Lauderdale proposed the Sandy Nininger Medal as an award in his memory. As conceived by Martin, the medal was to be awarded to high school students who distinguished themselves by making the most of their opportunitiesdisregarding any school average or group standard. Thus the award would recognize individuals in terms of their own abilities and weaknesses, opportunities and lack of opportunity. In 1946, Key Club International formally named Lieutenant Alexander R. Nininger, Jr., as the ideal Key Club member. At the same time, the Sandy Nininger Medal was adopted. This gold medal, with Sandy’s likeness superimposed upon it, is now given to the high school graduate who most exemplifies the tradition begun by Sandy Nininger. Since 1946, several thousand Sandy Nininger Medals have been presented by Key Clubs and Key Club Districts to outstanding students who have given of themselves “above and beyond the call of duty.” The decision of the judges is final and no changes, alterations, or regradings will take place after the results have been certified by the judges, the Chair of the Contests, and Board Counselor /District Administrator of this contest. MAJOR EMPHASIS AWARD (In order to participate in this contest, please submit the entry form.) The Major Emphasis Award is given to the Key Club which, through its unselfish efforts, has produced during the year the best Major Emphasis Project. A. Only one winner in the district contest will be eligible for entry in the International competition. B. Report must be typed. Each section found in Section G must begin on a new page and each page must have a heading specifying the section being described. There is no word limit. The official Major Emphasis Involvement Report cover sheet must accompany all entries. It must be completed in its entirety. C. The activity described can cover any phase of Key Club Major Emphasis involvement specifically highlighting personal development and social interaction of children during the year from district convention to district convention. The report may include newspaper clippings, substantiating photographs or other pertinent information. Projects acceptable for this award may include both hands-on service and fundraising efforts. D. Reports will be judged according to the amount of Major Emphasis activity described in Section G. Suitable recognition and awards will be presented to the Key Club filing the best Major Emphasis Report in compliance with these rules. This award will be given at the District/International convention. There are no platinum, silver, gold or bronze divisions in this contest; instead there are first, second, and third place awards. E. To be eligible for the International contest, the report that wins the district contest must be left at the Conference Office at the close of DECON for the District Administrator to forward to International. F. The decisions of the judges are final, and no changes, alterations, or regradings will take place after the results have been certified by the judges. G. The section to be described and the points for each are indicated below: 1. THE NEED—To qualify for judging, a statement must establish in what way the project deals with the ME. 2. THE PLAN (10 points) —Describe how the project was organized. 3. IMPLEMENTATION (20 points) — Describe the steps taken to implement the plan. 4. FINAL RESULTS (25 points) —Describe the benefits of the service rendered. 5. PARTNERSHIPS WITH THE KIWANIS FAMILY AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS (10 points)—Describe actions and partnerships formed. Describe how the project was publicized. 6. PERCENTAGE OF CLUB MEMBERS PARTICIPATING (10 points)— 01-09% = 1 point 50-59% = 6 points 10-19% = 2 points 60-69% = 7 points 20-29% = 3 points 70-79% = 8 points 30-39% = 4 points 80-89% = 9 points 40-49% = 5 points 90-100% = 10 points 7. CLUB’S OVERALL PROGRAM DEALING WITH ME (25 points)—Describe any other projects/programs your club implemented to address the Major Emphasis. Describe how your club worked with ME during other parts of the year. SINGLE SERVICE AWARD (In order to participate in this contest, please submit the entry form.) A. A qualifying single service project shall be defined as a club service project, planned, organized and produced by the Key Club occurring on a single day or consecutive days, or recurring on different days. In the case of a recurring project, it is the same project that must be repeated for the purpose of achieving the same service goal. B. Entries shall use the official Single Service Report form cover sheet and shall be submitted to the district for competition according to the guidelines as set by the district. Clubs existing within a non-districted area shall submit their entries to Key Club International. C. Clubs shall compete with other clubs of similar size within four membership categories: Bronze, being 35 members or less; Silver, being 36 to 60 members; Gold, being 61 to 85 members; and Platinum, being 86 members or more. D. Entries shall be judged based upon an accumulated total of points allocated to the following categories: • Service need ……………………………………………10 points • Project plan ………………………………………….….20 points • Project implementation …………………………………20 points • Final results …………………………………………… .25 points • Public awareness ……………………………………….15 points • Member participation …………………………………..10 points. E. Only activities which occurred from district convention to district convention shall be included on the report. Clubs existing within a non- districted area shall report activities occurring between May 1 and the following April 30. F. Judging of all entries within each district shall determine one first place winner, and other levels of recognition as deemed appropriate, in each membership category. Each first place report should be forwarded to Key Club International for competition with other first place winners. No changes may be made in the report by the club, district or judging committee. Reports must be left at the Conference Office at the close of DECON for the District Administrator to forward to International. G. All entries from non-districted clubs shall be judged to also produce a first place winner in each category. Reports must be received by the first Friday in May. H. An entry may be disqualified by the judges for reporting incorrect or false information or failure to submit a report according to the rules of the district’s competition. Any disqualification at the district level requires the approval of the district administrator or his/her designee. An entry may be disqualified by the judges at the International level for the same reasons, and any disqualification requires the approval of the International Director. I. Suitable recognition should be provided to clubs achieving first place and other places at district and International levels of competition. At each level of judging, the decisions of the judges are final. No changes, alterations or re-grading will take place after the results have been certified by the judges. CLUB NON-DIGITAL POSTER CONTEST (In order to participate in this contest, please submit the entry form.) Each Key Club may enter one of the two poster contests. A. The New England and Bermuda District Education Conference Digital Poster Contest will be conducted according to the following rules set by Key Club International. B. The first place Non-Digital Poster Contest winner from each of the organized Key Club Districts will be eligible to compete in the contest. In the case a District does not hold a district contest using the prescribed rules of this contest, the district may select an entry by other means and so certify by signature of the District Administrator. Clubs existing within a non-districted area shall submit their entries to Key Club International. C. The poster should be designed to recruit new members for Key Club, and should not bear the name of any school, community, or District. D. Entries in this category may not include material produced through electronic means, such as cameras and computer software. The poster dimensions should be 18 inches by 24 inches, with the actual height and width not varying more than one-half inch from the prescribed contest dimensions. The poster should not measure more than one-eighth inch in thickness. E. The following information must be submitted with each entry: • Name of the Key Club and District. • Contact name and information for the artist producing the poster. • The artist(s) must be a Key Club member(s). F. Posters will be judged according to the following criteria: • Originality/Creativity......................................................................................... 25 points • Effectiveness for member recruitment…………………………........................25 points • Appearance and artistic expression.....................................................................50 points G. Suitable awards will be presented to first, second, and third place non-digital posters at District/International Convention. H. Winning entries at International Convention will become the property of Key Club International, and will not be returned to clubs. Key Club International reserves the right to reproduce any contest winners, providing appropriate credit to the Key Club and artist. Although a poster will not be selected based on its ability to be reproduced, keep in mind that a printer-friendly poster is more likely to be circulated following International convention than one that is difficult to produce. I. All entries shall be in good taste and appropriate to the standards set by the Objects of Key Club International. J. The decision of the judges is final and no changes, alterations, or regradings will take place after the results have been certified by the judges, the Chair of the Contests, and Board Counselor /District Administrator of this contest. K. Before leaving the Conference, the first place winner must turn in winning entry to the Convention Office for the District Administrator. CLUB DIGITAL POSTER CONTEST (In order to participate in this contest, please submit the entry form.) Each Key Club may enter one of the two poster contests. A. The New England and Bermuda District Education Conference Digital Poster Contest will be conducted according to the following rules set by Key Club International. B. The first place Key Club Poster contest winner from each of the organized Key Club districts will be eligible to compete in the contest. In the case a district does not hold a district contest using the prescribed rules of this contest, the district may select an entry by other means and so certify by signature of the district administrator. Clubs existing within a non-districted area shall submit their entries to Key Club International. C. The poster should be designed to recruit new members for Key Club, and should not bear the name of any school, community, or District. D. Entries in this category may include materials produced with electronic means, such as cameras and computer software. The poster dimensions should be 18 inches by 24 inches, with the actual height and width not varying more than one-half inch from the prescribed contest dimensions. The poster should not measure more than one-eighth inch in thickness. E. The following information must be submitted with each entry: • Name of the Key Club and district. • Contact name and information for the artist producing the poster. • The artist (s) must be a Key Club member(s). F. Posters will be judged according to the following criteria: Originality/Creativity..........................................................................................................25 points Effectiveness for membership recruitment.........................................................................25 points Overall appearance/artistic expression...............................................................................50 points G. Suitable awards will be presented to first, second, and third place digital posters at District/International Convention H. Winning entries at International Convention will become the property of Key Club International, and will not be returned to clubs. Key Club International reserves the right to reproduce any contest winners, providing appropriate credit to the Key Club and artist(s). Although a poster will not be selected based on its ability to be reproduced, keep in mind that a printer-friendly poster is more likely to be circulated following International Convention than one that is difficult to reproduce. I. All entries shall be in good taste and appropriate to the standards set by the Objects of Key Club International. J. The decision of the judges is final and no changes, alterations, or regradings will take place after the results have been certified by the judges, the Chair of the Contests, and Board Counselor/District Administrator of this contest. K. Before leaving the Conference, the first place winner must turn in winning entry to the Convention Office for the District Administrator. LOCAL PUBLICATION CONTEST (In order to participate in this contest, please submit the entry form.) A. Each local Key Club is eligible to submit local Key Club publications in this contest. You should submit one copy of each issue. The judges will select three different issues of the local Key Club publication (at random) to be judged. B. The Local Publication Contest is a New England District contest and there is no Key Club International Local Publication Contest. C. Copies of your local Key Club publication should be submitted to the District Key Club Conference office by 10 PM of Friday, April 10, 2015. D. Judging and awarding points will be based on the following criteria: • • • • • • • • • General appearance......................................................................................10 Points Head design..................................................................................................10 Points Typography..................................................................................................10 Points Editorial excellence............…………......................................................... 10 Points Originality....................................................................................................10 Points Ease of understanding..................................................................................10 Points Value to local Key Club...............................................................................10 Points Value to Key Club membership...................................................................10 Points Frequency of issues......................................................................................10 Points E. Essay Finalists will receive first, second, and third place awards and recognition for their excellence in writing. F. Your club MUST submit a STATEMENT from your local Key Club advisor, to be turned in with your publications, containing the following information: • A statement that only Key Clubbers, in good standing, took the active part in all phases of work involved in the publication. • A statement that adults acted only in an advisory capacity. • A statement of the number of issues published during the year. • The signatures of the Key Club President, Secretary and Faculty Advisor. G. The decision of the judges is final and no changes, alterations or regradings will take place after the results have been certified by the judges, the chair of the contests and the District Administrator. ! Legal Music For Videos Many musicians choose to release their songs under Creative Commons licenses, which give you the legal right to do things like use their music in your videos. What is Creative Commons? Creative Commons is a new system, built upon current copyright law, that allows you to legally use “some rights reserved” music, movies, images, and other content — all for free. CC offers free copyright licenses that anyone can use (without a lawyer) to mark their creative work with the freedoms they want it to carry. For instance, a musician would use a Creative Commons license to allow people to legally share her songs online, make copies for friends, or even use them in videos or other compositions. For more information, visit our Learn More page. Where can I find CC-licensed music? Several sites offer music published under Creative Commons’ flexible copyright licenses. Here are some: • • • • • • • • • • • • ccMixter Free Music Archive Jamendo Magnatune Simuze BeatPick CASH Music SectionZ Opsound Podsafe Audio AudioFarm Internet Archive’s Netlabels Collection Can I use any song with a CC license on it? Almost — you need to make sure that what you want to do with the music is OK under the terms of the particular Creative Commons license it’s under. CC-licensed music isn’t free for all uses, only some — so make sure to check out the terms (you can find these by clicking on each song’s license icon). Most importantly, you need to use music that is not licensed under a No Derivative Works license. This means that the musician doesn’t want you to change, transform, or make a derivative work using their music. Under CC licenses, synching the music to images amounts to transforming the music, so you can’t legally use a song under a CC No Derivative Works license in your video. Also, make sure to properly credit the musician and the track, as well as express the CC license the track is under. For example, you might include text like this at the end of your video: This video features the song “Desaprendere (Treatment)” by fourstones, available under a Creative CommonsAttribution-Noncommercial license. SANDY NININGER AWARD ENTRY FORM ! Name of Key Club: _____________________________________ Club ID# _______________ City: _________________________________________ State: ________________________ ! We nominate the following member of our Key Club for the Sandy Nininger Award Medal. The following is a brief summary of the reasons we think that this graduate most exemplifies the tradition begun by Sandy Nininger. He/she is an outstanding student who will join the ranks of high school students who have given of themselves “above and beyond the call of duty.” He/she stands out as a meritorious member of the New England and Bermuda District of Key Clubs. Name of Nominee: ________________________________________________ Please print the summary on the back of this form. By our signatures, we certify that the contestant is a member in good standing of our Key Club and has paid both District and International Dues. MUST! BE! SIGNED! Key Club President: Faculty/Kiwanis Advisor! ! ! The entry must be postmarked by February 20, 2015 and mailed to: Mr. George R. Whitney District Administrator New England District of Key Clubs P.O. Box 467 Hardwick, VT 05843! ! MAJOR EMPHASIS ENTRY FORM Key Club of: ______________________________Club ID #: _____________ District: ___________________ Number of members in club: __________________ Total service hours involved: ________________________ Project name: ___________________________________Contact name: ________________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________ Phone number with area code: ______________________ Application return address: _____________________________________ City: __________________________ State/province: _____________________________________ Postal code: _____________ Country: __________ Brief description of project: _________________________________________________________________________ This certifies that we, the undersigned, have read this report and that the activity described in this report and preparations for this report were performed by official Key Club members in good standing. Note: All signatures are required. Signatures from the school representative and the Kiwanis club representative must not be by the same person. MUST% BE% SIGNED% ____________________________________________________ Faculty/Kiwanis Advisor Principal Mail this form to: Mr. George R. Whitney District Administrator New England District of Key Clubs P.O. Box 467 Hardwick, VT 05843 Deadline: February 20, 2015 SINGLE SERVICE ENTRY FORM Key Club of: ______________________________Club ID #: _____________ District: ___________________ Number of members in club: __________________ Total service hours involved: ________________________ Project name: ___________________________________Contact name: ________________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________ Phone number with area code: ______________________ Application return address: _____________________________________ City: __________________________ State/province: _____________________________________ Postal code: _____________ Country: __________ Brief description of project: _________________________________________________________________________ Club membership 1. Enter the total number of actual club members as of _______(a) December 1, 2014 _______(b) February 1, 2015. 2. Average the numbers entered in (a) and (b) above. Round to the nearest whole number and enter the average in the box to the right. 3. Use the number in the box to determine the club’s membership category. Check the one below that applies: 35 members or less BRONZE MUST% BE% SIGNED% 36-60 members SILVER Faculty/Kiwanis Advisor Principal Mail this form to: Mr. George R. Whitney District Administrator New England District of Key Clubs P.O. Box 467 Hardwick, VT 05843 Deadline: February 20, 2015 61-85 members GOLD 86 members or more PLATINUM Poster Contest Entry Form Key Club of _____________________________ Club ID #__________________ City __________________________________ State ______________________ Type of poster: (check one) Digital Non-Digital Key Club artist producing poster: Artist name: ____________________________________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________________________________ Signature of Key Club artist attesting to the poster’s originality: (Signature) _______________________________________________________ (Print name here) _________________________________________________ By our signatures, we certify that the artist is a member in good standing of our Key Club and has paid both District and International Dues. MUST% BE% SIGNED% _________________________________________________ Key Club President Faculty/Kiwanis Advisor _________________________________________________ Mail this form to: Mr. George R. Whitney District Administrator New England District of Key Clubs P.O. Box 467 Hardwick, VT 05843 Deadline: February 20, 2015 Local Publication Contest Entry Form Key Club of _________________________________ Club ID#_______________ City __________________________________ State ______________________ By our signatures, we certify that the creator(s) of the local publications is/are a member (s) in good standing of our Key Club and has/have paid both District and International Dues. MUST% BE% SIGNED% _________________________________________________ Key Club President Faculty/Kiwanis Advisor _________________________________________________ Mail this form to: Mr. George R. Whitney District Administrator New England District of Key Clubs P.O. Box 467 Hardwick, VT 05843 Deadline: February 20, 2015 Video Contest Entry Form Key Club of _________________________ Club ID# ______________________ City __________________________________ State ______________________ This certifies that this DVD is original and was created in accordance with copyright laws: Signature: ____________________________ Position: ___________________ Print name here ___________________________________________________ By our signatures, we certify that the contestant(s) is/are a member(s) in good standing of our Key Club and has/have paid both District and International Dues. MUST% BE% SIGNED% _________________________________________________ Key Club President Faculty/Kiwanis Advisor Please itemize costs (not to exceed $300.00) associated with creation of this DVD: Donations: $ _________ DVD: $ _________ Rentals: $ _________ Other: $ _________ Other: $ _________ Total: $ _________% Mail this form to: Mr. George R. Whitney District Administrator New England District of Key Clubs P.O. Box 467 Hardwick, VT 05843 % % ! Deadline:!!February!20,!2014! Oratory Contest Entry Form The topic for the 2014 Oratory Competition: "What will Key Club accomplish in the next 10 years before Key Club’s 100th anniversary?" Note well: No application will be accepted for this contest after February 20, 2015 because this program must be arranged in advance. This contest will be conducted on the date as specified in the Official Conference Program, and it will not be postponed to accommodate latecomers to the District Conference. This form must be mailed to the address listed below before February 20, 2015. Key Club of ___________________________________ Club ID# ______________ City ____________________________________ State ______________________ Name of Contestant: ___________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________ By our signatures, we certify that the contestant is a member in good standing of our Key Club and has paid both District and International Dues. MUST% BE% SIGNED% _________________________________________________ Key Club President Faculty/Kiwanis Advisor Mail this form to: Mr. George R. Whitney District Administrator New England District of Key Clubs P.O. Box 467 Hardwick, VT 05843 Essay Contest Entry Form (District only) The topic for the 2015 Essay Competition: "What will Key Club accomplish in the next 10 years before Key Club’s 100th Anniversary?" The essay must be typed (Times New Roman, size 12) double spaced, no more than two pages (8 1/2 x 11). This form must be submitted to the District Conference office no later than 10:00 PM, Friday, April 10, 2015. In the event that the writer will not be at the conference, the essay may be submitted to the address listed below before February 20, 2015. Key Club of __________________________________ Club ID# _________________ City ________________________________ State ______________________ Name of Contestant: ______________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ By our signatures, we certify that the contestant is a member in good standing of our Key Club and has paid both District and International Dues. MUST% BE% SIGNED% _________________________________________________ Key Club President Faculty/Kiwanis Advisor Mail this form to: Mr. George R. Whitney District Administrator New England District of Key Clubs P.O. Box 467 Hardwick, VT 05843 See submission deadlines above. Talent Contest Entry Form Key Club of _____________________________ Club ID#_______________________ City _______________________________________ State ______________________ Type of entertainment: ____________________________________________________ Number of Key Clubbers participating: _______________________________________ Length of time needed for act (not to exceed 6 minutes): __________________________ By our signatures, we certify that the contestants listed below are all members in good standing of our Key Club and have paid both District and International Dues. MUST% BE% SIGNED% ____________________________________________________________ Key Club President Faculty/Kiwanis Advisor Use this space to list the names of each participant in the talent act: Mail this form to: Mr. George R. Whitney District Administrator New England District of Key Clubs P.O. Box 467 Hardwick, VT 05843 Deadline: February 20, 2015 Outstanding Key Club President Award Entry Form ! The$Outstanding$Key$Club$President$Award$is$designed$to$recognize$three$(3)$Key$Club$Presidents$from$the$ entire$New$England$and$Bermuda$District.$It$should$be$noted$that$the$size$of$your$club$has$no$bearing$on$your$ chances$of$winning.$$We$are$looking$for$quality$not$quantity.$$All$responses$will$be$verified$through$District$ records.$ $ The$following$items$are$required$for$consideration$for$this$award.$$Please$check$all$that$apply:$ $ _______________$Attendance$at$2013$District$Educational$Conference$$ $ _______________$Club$Directory$information$sent$in$by$November$15,$2014$ $ _______________$District$Dues$paid$by$November$15,$2014$ $ _______________$International$Dues$paid$by$December$1,$2014.$ $ The$following$items$are$optional$for$consideration$of$this$award.$$Please$check$all$that$apply:$$ $ _______________$Attendance$at$2014$International$Convention$ $ _______________$Attendance$at$a$2014$Interdivisional$meeting$ $ _______________$Attendance$at$one$or$more$Divisional$meetings$ $ _______________$Submission$of$all$monthly$reports$on$time$ $ _______________$Increase$club$membership$by$five$(5)$members$ $ _______________$Kept$in$touch$with$the$Lt.$Governor.$ $ Candidates$must$also$answer$the$following$two$questions$on$the$back$of$this$form:$$ $ 1.$Other$than$previously$mentioned$accomplishments,$what$else$have$you$done$as$president$of$your$club$to$ better$serve$your$school$and$community?$$$ $ 2.$How$have$you$benefitted$from$your$experiences$in$Key$Club?$$$$ $ By our signatures, we certify that the contestant is a member in good standing of our Key Club and has paid both District and International Dues. MUST$ BE$ SIGNED$ _________________________________________________ Key Club President Faculty/Kiwanis Advisor$ $ $ The entry must be postmarked by February 20, 2015 and mailed to: Malcolm Badger District Governor New England and Bermuda District of Key Clubs P.O. Box 579 Jackson, NH 03846$ OUTSTANDING KEY CLUB OFFICER AWARD ENTRY FORM ! Name of Key Club: _____________________________________ Club ID# _______________ City: _________________________________________ State: ________________________ ! We nominate the following officer of our Key Club for the Outstanding Key Club Officer Award. The following is a brief summary of the reasons we think that he/she should be chosen the “ideal Key Club Officer” of the New England and Bermuda District of Key Clubs. The nominee is a current District, International, or local club officer. Name of Nominee: ________________________________________________ Please print the summary on the back of this form. By my signature, I certify that the contestant is a member in good standing of our Key Club and has paid both District and International Dues. MUST! BE! SIGNED! Faculty/Kiwanis Advisor! ! ! The entry must be postmarked by February 20, 2015 and mailed to: Mr. George R. Whitney District Administrator New England District of Key Clubs P.O. Box 467 Hardwick, VT 05843! ! ADVISOR’S AWARD ENTRY FORM 1. Advisor’s Name: ____________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2. Name of Key Club:___________________________________ Club ID# ________________ City: _____________________________________________ State: ___________________ 3. Check one: ___________Faculty Advisor ___________Kiwanis Advisor 4. Give a biographical sketch of the candidate including such things as activities in the community, previous Key Club experience, family and church background and activities, etc. 5. Describe what makes the advisor one of the best in the New England and Bermuda District. If possible, list any changes/improvements in the Key Club that may be directly attributed to the advisor. Use the back of this page or attach a separate sheet. MUST% BE% SIGNED% _________________________________________________ Key Club President Key Club Secretary Mail this form to: Mr. George R. Whitney District Administrator New England District of Key Clubs P.O. Box 467 Hardwick, VT 05843 Deadline: February 20, 2015 George R. Whitney LEADER OF LEADERS AWARD ENTRY FORM 1. Advisor’s Name: ____________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2. Name of Key Club:___________________________________ Club ID# ________________ City: _____________________________________________ State: ___________________ 3. Check one: ___________Faculty Advisor ___________Kiwanis Advisor 4. Nominations will be accepted in the form of an essay describing the qualities in the inscription quoted below. The essay should be typed, double spaced, on 8 ½ by 11 inch paper, in Times New Roman size 12, and no more than two pages in length. “Recognizes the single adult in the District who has brought out the best in the youth of the New England and Bermuda District by bestowing upon them Trust, Responsibility, and Challenge of Leadership in 2014-2015.” Mail this form to: Mr. George R. Whitney District Administrator New England District of Key Clubs P.O. Box 467 Hardwick, VT 05843 Deadline: February 20, 2015 No late entries will be accepted for any reason! Scrapbook Contest Entry Form (Year in Review) Key Club of _________________________________ Club ID#_______________ City __________________________________ State ______________________ Type of scrapbook: (check one) Traditional Non-Traditional By our signatures, we certify that the creator(s) of the scrapbook is a member in good standing of our Key Club and has paid both District and International Dues. MUST% BE% SIGNED% _________________________________________________ Key Club President Faculty/Kiwanis Advisor _________________________________________________ Mail this form to: Mr. George R. Whitney District Administrator New England District of Key Clubs P.O. Box 467 Hardwick, VT 05843 Deadline: February 20, 2015 Contest criteria are posted in the Key Club Guidebook on Page 46. Single Service Award 2015 Key Club of: _____________________________________ Club ID #: ___________________ District: _____________ Number of members in club: ______________________Total service hours involved: _______________________ Project name: _____________________________________ Contact name: _________________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________ Phone number with area code: _________________________ Application return address: _____________________________________ City: _____________________________ State/province: _____________________________________ Postal code: _____________ Country: __________ Brief description of project: _________________________________________________________________________ Club membership 1. Enter the total number of dues paid club members as of February 1, 2014. 2. Enter the number of paid members in the box below. 3. Use the number in the box to determine the club’s membership category. 4. Place a check next to the category that applies. Number of dues paid members: ______ Bronze (35 members or less) ______ Silver (36-60 members) ______ Gold (61-85 members) ______ Platinum (86 members or more) A. A qualifying single service project shall be defined as a club service project, planned, organized and produced by the Key Club occurring on a single day or consecutive days, or recurring on different days. In the case of a recurring project, it is the same project that must be repeated for the purpose of achieving the same service goal. B. Entries shall use the official Single Service Report form cover sheet and shall be submitted to the district for competition according to the guidelines as set by the district. Clubs existing within a non-districted area shall submit their entries to Key Club International. C. Clubs shall compete with other clubs of similar size within four membership categories: Bronze, being 35 members or less; Silver, being 36 to 60 members; Gold, being 61 to 85 members; and Platinum, being 86 members or more. D. Entries shall be judged based upon an accumulated total of points allocated to the following categories: service need, 10 points; project plan, 20 points; project implementation, 20 points; final results, 25 points; public awareness, 15 points; member participation, 10 points. E. Only activities which occurred during the district administrative year shall be included on the report. Clubs existing within a nondistricted area shall report activities occurring between May 1 and the following April 30. F. Judging of all entries within each district shall determine one first place winner, and other levels of recognition as deemed appropriate, in each membership category. Each first place report should be forwarded to Key Club International for competition with other first place winners. No changes may be made in the report by the club, district or judging committee. Reports must be received by the first Friday in May. G. All entries from non-districted clubs shall be judged to also produce a first place winner in each category. Reports must be received by the first Friday in May. H. An entry may be disqualified by the judges for reporting incorrect or false information or failure to submit a report according to the rules of the district’s competition. Any disqualification at the district level requires the approval of the district administrator or his/her designee. An entry may be disqualified by the judges at the International level for the same reasons, and any disqualification requires the approval of the International Director. I. Suitable recognition should be provided to clubs achieving first place and other places at district and International levels of competition. At each level of judging, the decisions of the judges are final. No changes, alterations or re-grading will take place after the results have been certified by the judges. Certification. This certifies that we, the undersigned, have read this report and that the activity described in this report and preparations for this report were performed by official Key Club members. NOTE: All signatures are required. Signatures from the school representative and the Kiwanis club representative must not be by the same person. Kiwanis/faculty advisor: __________________________ Principal: _______________________________________________ Contest criteria are posted in the Key Club Guidebook on Page 43. Major Emphasis Award 2015 Major Emphasis Involvement Report Cover Sheet Key Club of: ______________________________________________Club ID #: _____________________________________ District: _________________________________________ Number of members in club: ______________________________ Project name: _____________________________________ Total service hours involved: ___________________________ Contact name: _______________________________________ E-mail: ____________________________________________ Phone number with area code: ____________________________________________________________________________ Application return address: ___________________________________________________City: ________________________ State/province: ________________________ Postal code: ________________________ Country: __________________ Brief description of project: ________________________________________________________________________________ Major Emphasis Award governing rules A. Only one winner in the district contest will be eligible for entry in the International competition. B. Report must be typed. Each section found in Section G must begin on a new page and each page must have a heading specifying the section being described. There is no word limit. The official Major Emphasis Involvement Report cover sheet must accompany all entries. It must be completed in its entirety. C. The activity described can cover any phase of Key Club Major Emphasis involvement specifically highlighting personal development and social interaction of children, during the year from district convention to district convention. The report may include newspaper clippings, substantiating photographs, or other pertinent information. Projects acceptable for this award may include both hands-on service and fundraising efforts. D. Reports will be judged according to the amount of Major Emphasis activity described in Section G. Suitable recognition and awards will be presented to the Key Club filing the best Major Emphasis Report in compliance with these rules. This award will be given at the International Convention. There are no platinum, silver, gold, or bronze divisions in this contest; instead there are first, second, and third place awards. E. To be eligible for the International contest, the report that wins the district contest must be received by the Key Club International Office, 3636 Woodview Trace, Indianapolis, IN 46268-3196, no later than the first Friday in May. F. The decisions of the judges are final, and no changes, alterations, or regradings will take place after the results have been certified by the judges. G. The section to be described and the points for each are indicated below: 1. THE NEED: To qualify for judging, a statement must establish in what way the project deals with the ME. 2. THE PLAN (10 points): Describe how the project was organized. 3. IMPLEMENTATION (20 points): Describe the steps taken to implement the plan. 4. FINAL RESULTS (25 points): Describe the benefits of the service rendered. 5. PARTNERSHIPS WITH THE KIWANIS FAMILY AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS (10 points): Describe actions and partnerships formed. Describe how the project was publicized. 6. PERCENTAGE OF CLUB MEMBERS PARTICIPATING (please refer to the Key Club Guidebook for details.) 7. CLUB’S OVERALL PROGRAM DEALING WITH ME (25 points): Describe any other projects/programs your club implemented to address the Major Emphasis. Describe how your club worked with ME during other parts of the year. Certification. This certifies that we, the undersigned, have read this report and that the activity described in this report and preparations for this report were performed by official Key Club members. NOTE: All signatures are required. Signatures from the school representative and the Kiwanis club representative must not be by the same person. Faculty/Kiwanis advisor: ________________________________ Principal: _______________________________________ Video contest entry form 2015 Contest and award criteria can be found in the Key Club Guidebook,, in the Addendum to the Key Club International Board policies starting on page 42. Please type or print information on this form and affix the completed form to an envelope. Place the DVD inside the envelope. DVD or QuickTime format is required. Entries become the property of Key Club International and will not be returned. Key Club International reserves the right to reproduce winning entries for any use deemed appropriate by Key Club International. Appropriate recognition will be provided to the Key Club. Key Club of: ____________________________________ Club ID #: ________________________ District: ______________________________________________________________________________ Contact information Please check one: Faculty advisor Kiwanis advisor Advisor name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Phone number with area code: ___________________________ E-mail: __________________________ Signature of faculty advisor or Kiwanis advisor: (Signature) _______________________________________ (Print name here) _______________________________ This certifies that this DVD is original and was created in accordance with copyright laws: (Signature) ____________________________ (Print name here) __________________________ Please itemize costs associated with creation of this DVD: Please select one: ___________________ Donations: $ _________ DVD: $ _________ Rentals: $ _________ Other: $ _________ Other: $ _________ Other: $ _________ Total: $ _________ This video placed first at district convention. This video was selected by other means and was approved for entry for International competition by the Key Club district administrator. ___________________ Key Club district administrator signature: _______________________________ Note: Only district winners are eligible for submission to the International competition. Refer to the Key Club Guidebook for additional information and deadlines. Entry form 2015 Non-Digital Poster contest Digital poster contest Contest and award criteria can be found in the Key Club Guidebook,, in the Addendum to the Key Club International Board policies starting on page 41 & 42. Please type or print information on this form and affix to the back of the poster. Entries become the property of Key Club International and will not be returned. Key Club International reserves the right to reproduce winning entries. Appropriate recognition will be provided to the Key Club and the poster’s artist. Key Club of: __________________________________________ Club ID #: ________________________ District: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Information Please check one: Faculty advisor Kiwanis advisor Advisor name: ____________________________________________________________________________ Phone number with area code: ___________________________ E-mail: ________________________ Signature of faculty advisor or Kiwanis advisor: (Signature) _______________________________________ (Print name here) _______________________________ Key Club artist producing poster Artist name: _____________________________________________________ E-mail: ___________________ Signature of Key Club artist attesting to the poster’s originality: (Signature) _______________________________________ (Print name here) _______________________________ Please select one: ___________________ This poster placed first at district convention. This poster was selected by other means and was approved for entry for International competition by the Key Club district administrator. ___________________ Key Club district administrator signature: _______________________________ Note: Only district winners are eligible for submission to International competition. Refer to the Key Club Guidebook for additional information and deadlines.
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