SAMUELS HALL 2015 RULES AND REGULATIONS ADVISOR: Dayna Parrett County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Science GENERAL RULES: 1. Entries accepted between 9:00-11:30 a.m., Monday, July 13. Judging will be conducted from 1:30-5:00 p.m. Only authorized persons will be permitted in Floral Hall while judges are working. Viewing hours are 5:00-10:00 p.m. daily during fair. 2. Exhibitors will not be allowed to remove items until Sunday, July 19, beginning at 1:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m. Not responsible after 2:30 p.m. Any exhibit removed before July 19 will forfeit prize money. 3. Exhibits in Art, Clothing, Food Preservation, Textiles and Needlework must be work completed during the past year. Quilts & Afghans must be work completed during the past two years. 4. No individual may have more than one entry in each class, but may exhibit in all classes. 5. An exhibitor winning first prize money in a class one year is barred from exhibiting the same article in that class at any subsequent Nelson County Fair. 6. No entry can be shown with a "For Sale" tag attached. 7. If there is more than one item in any exhibit they should be fastened together securely or only one item may be exhibited. 8. Ribbons will be awarded on merit of entry. 9. Only Nelson County residents will be permitted to exhibit. 10. Superintendents can refuse to accept entries that do not meet printed guidelines. 11. Any item can be disqualified at judge’s discretion. Entries will be judged by qualified judges. 12. The management will not be responsible for any article exhibited, but due care will be given to the handling of articles to give reasonable protection to exhibits at all times. FOOD PRESERVATION 2015 GENERAL RULES: (See Samuels Hall Rules & Regulations) SPECIFIC RULES: 1. All canned food must be in a clear standard canning jar. Canned foods not in specified or regulation jars will be disqualified. Non-regulation jars such as mayonnaise, peanut butter, etc. type jars will not be accepted. These will be automatically disqualified. 2. All jars with two-piece lids should have a ring on. No "rusty" lids or rings permitted. Jars with broken seals will be disqualified. 3. Jelly must be in regulation glasses or jars with tops and sealed. No Paraffin required. BEST OF SHOW AWARD - $10.00 & Rosette 1st 2nd 3rd $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 FRUITS & VEGETABLES (quart & pint jars accepted) CLASSES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Best Jar Peaches Best Jar Apples Best Jar Applesauce Best Jar Berries (any variety) Best Jar Cherries Best Jar Pears Best Jar Grape Juice Best Jar Misc. Fruit Best Jar Green Snap Beans Best Jar Specialty Beans Best Jar Tomatoes Best Jar Misc. Tomato Product Best Jar Tomato Juice Best Jar Corn Best Jar Kraut Best Jar Potatoes Best Jar Beets Best Jar Soup Mixture Best Jar Carrots Best Jar of Squash Best Jar Lima Beans Best Jar Peas Best Jar Misc. Vegetables JELLY (Regulation jar with no paraffin but sealed) CLASSES: 24. 25. 26. 27. Best Jar Apple Jelly Best Jar Grape Jelly Best Jar Plum Jelly Best Jar Misc. Jelly JAMS (Quarts, pints or half pints acceptable) CLASSES: 28. 29. 30. Best Jar Strawberry Jam Best Jar Blackberry Jam Best Jar Misc. Jam PRESERVES (Quarts, pints, half pints acceptable) CLASSES: 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Best Jar Plum Preserves Best Jar Peach Preserves Best Jar Pear Preserves Best Jar Cherry Preserves Best Jar Any Berry Preserves Best Jar Misc. Preserves MARMALADES, BUTTER, CHUTNEY (Quarts, pints or half pints acceptable) CLASSES: 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. Best Jar Apple Butter Best Jar Misc. Butter Best Jar Marmalade Best Jar Sorghum Molasses Best Jar Chutney PICKLES, RELISHES & SALSA (Quarts, pints, or half pints acceptable) CLASSES: 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. Best Jar Cucumber Pickles Best Jar Green Tomato Pickles Best Jar Dill Pickles (must contain dill seed or dill weed) Best Jar Bread & Butter Pickles Best Jar Misc. Pickles Best Jar Watermelon Pickles Best Jar Beet Pickles Best Jar Fruit Pickles (crabapple, peaches, etc.) Best Jar Green Tomato Relish 51. 52. 53. Best Jar Corn Relish Best Jar Misc. Relish Best Jar Salsa CULINARY FOODS 2015 GENERAL RULES: (See Samuels Hall Rules and Regulations) SPECIFIC RULES: l. Perishable foods should be on a disposable plate enclosed in self sealing bags. Entry tags should be attached to outside of bag. 2. All perishable foods will be judged and winning entries will be displayed. 3. All entries should be made from scratch. BEST OF SHOW AWARD - $10.00 AND Rosette lst 2nd $5.00 $4.00 3rd $3.00 BREAD CLASSES: 61. Plate of 3 Biscuits* 62. Plate of 3 Corn Sticks or Muffins* 63. Plate of 3 Yeast Rolls* 64. Plate of 3 Sweet Rolls* 65. Best 1/2 Loaf of Yeast Bread 66. Best 1/2 Loaf of Quick Bread 67. Best Coffee Cake Bread 68. Misc. Bread (1/2 Loaf or Entry) 69. Best Sourdough Bread (1/2 loaf) *Entries must be on 6 inch disposable plate CAKES All cake entries are to be two (2-inch slices except best-decorated cake.) CLASSES: 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. Best Jam Cake-Iced Best Chocolate Cake-Iced Best Angel Food Cake-Not Iced Best Pound Cake-Not Iced Best Decorated Cake Best Misc. Cake COOKIES CLASSES: 76. Plate of 3 Brownies 77. Plate of 3 Rolled Cookies 78. 79. 80. Plate of 3 Drop Cookies Plate of 3 Filled Cookies Plate of 3 non-bake Cookies CANDY CLASSES: 81. 82. 83. 84. Plate of Divinity (3 pieces) Plate of Fudge (3 pieces) Plate of Assorted Candy (3 kinds, 9 pieces) Best Novelty Snack (i.e. caramel corn, Rice Crispy Treats, etc.) PIES: No cream pies permitted, no pies with meringue or any type that requires refrigeration. CLASSES: 85. 86. Misc. Pie Fruit Pie HOMEMADE WINE 2015 GENERAL RULES: 1. No commercial wines may be entered. A member of the family of a competition judge may enter no wines. A wine that has received an award in a previous Kentucky state fair competition is not eligible for entry. 2. 2 bottles must be furnished for each category entered. One bottle will be used for display only, the other bottle will be used for tasting. 3. All wines entered must have been processed by fermentation, produced and bottled exclusively by entrant. Wines must be free of artificial coloring and/or flavor enhancers, and made from grapes/fruit grown anywhere, or from grape/fruit concentrate. 4. Still wine must be contained in a standard 750 mil wine bottle (approximately 24-26oz.) and sealed with all new cork closures. 5. No splits, half bottles or whiskey bottles will be accepted. 6. Wines should be labeled indicating type of grape and class of entry, type of fruit or juice, and variety of grape or fruit. If the winemaker grew his/her own fruit or variety of grapes in Kentucky, this should also be indicated on the label. The entrant’s own personal label is sufficient and should be affixed to the bottle approximately one inch below the shoulder of the bottle. (This will be covered at the time of the judging. Identification will be keyed to the registration form by a coded tag system that will be tied to bottle.) 7. Scoring will be based on the wine evaluation chart shown below on a scale of 25 points 8. Amateur winemakers may not use the facilities or products of a commercial winery during any stage of wine preparation, other than juices that have been sulfited (containing only sulfite). Label Creativity. . . . . . . . . . . . . Appearance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aroma and Bouquet . . . . . . . . . Taste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aftertaste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overall. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . Total 3 3 6 6 3 4 25 pts 9. It is incumbent that the wine maker identify the primary grape, fruit or concentrate on the label of the bottle submitted for judging. 10. BEST OF SHOW AWARD: All wines will be judged according to their relative merits within their class, and first place winners in each class shall be eligible for “Best of Show” competition. The “Best of Show” winner will be that wine which is judged to be superior in its class and has an overall wine-making excellence that surpasses all other wines in the competition. BEST OF SHOW AWARD - $10.00 and Rosette 1st 2nd 3rd $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 CLASSES: 91. 92. 93. 94. Best of Entry of Fruit Wine Best of Entry of Grape Wine Best of Entry of Mixed (Blended Wine) Best of Entry of Specialty Wine HORTICULTURE 2015 GENERAL RULES: (See Samuels Hall Rules and Regulations) SPECIFIC RULES: 1. All entries must be grown by the exhibitor. 3. Exhibits should be displayed on disposable containers. 4. Exhibit must contain exact number of entries, as specified. BEST OF SHOW AWARD - $10.00 and Rosette lst 2nd 3rd $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 CLASSES: 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. Best Entry of 5 Beets Best Plate of 5 Carrots Best Plate of 3 White Onions Best Plate of 3 Yellow Onions Best Plate of 3 Red Tomatoes Best Plate of 3 Yellow Tomatoes Best Plate of 3 Green Tomatoes Biggest Tomato Best Plate of 3 Sweet Peppers Best Plate of 6 Hot Peppers Best Plate of 6 Yellow Peppers Best Head Green Cabbage Best Bunch of Greens Best Plate of 3 Summer Squash Best Plate of 3 Zucchini Squash Best Cantaloupe Best Plate of Bunch Beans (l dozen) Best Plate of Pole Beans (l dozen) Best Pint Shelled Limas Best Plate of 4 Irish Potatoes Best Plate of 4 Red Potatoes Largest Potato Best Plate of Yellow Corn (3 ears) Best Plate of White Corn (3 ears) Best Plate of 3 Cucumbers Best Plate of 6 Okra Best tasting Heirloom Tomato 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. Best tasting Hybrid Tomato Best Eggplant Best Plate of 12 Berries Best Collection of Herbs (Minimum of 5 fresh cut and displayed in basket) Best 3 Apples (any variety) Best 3 Peaches (any variety) Best Bunch Grapes (any variety) Best 6 Plums (any variety) Best 3 Pears (any variety) Most Unusual Vegetable (kohlrabi, salsify, etc.) Best Display Gourds (2 or more) Most Unusual Gourd Vegetable Garden Collage Pictures Best Heads of Garlic (3) Best Garden Display (8 or more different items produced this year) (Creativity of displaying is encouraged.) Best Youth Garden Display (Ages 12 and Under) (8 or more items produced this year) (Creativity of displaying is encouraged.) Most Unusual Shaped Vegetable or Fruit (i.e. looks like something other than what it is.) Best Jar Honey (clean pint or pound jar) FLOWERS AND PLANTS 2015 A Standard Flower Show Chairman: Bardstown Garden Club SPECIFIC RULES 1. For non-professionals only (no florists, greenhouse workers, nurserymen, or their employees) 2. Fresh plant materials may not be treated in any way (i.e. waxing, oiling, etc.) NO artificial plant materials are permitted. ARTISTIC DESIGN Best of Show - $10.00 and Rosette 1st Place - $5.00 2nd Place - $4.00 3rd Place - $3.00 SPECIFIC RULES: 1. No wider or deeper than 18”; no height limit. 2. Altered foliage or flowers permitted. CLASSES #151 - #158 must be all fresh plant materials. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. Design using a kitchen utensil Design in a basket Design using all wild plant materials All foliage design Design incorporating vegetable(s) and/or fruit(s) Design with a “patriot” theme Design with a “picnic” theme Small fresh design (no taller or wider than 8”). CLASSES #159 – 160 must use only dried plant materials. 159. Design using all wild dried plant materials OR mixed wild and cultivated dried plant materials. 160. Miniature design with dried materials (no taller or wider than 5”) CLASSES #161 – 165 may use dried and/or fresh plant materials. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. Design using weathered wood Design using a toy Design using a “holiday” theme (Christmas, Easter, Halloween, etc.) Design in a cup or mug Design with an arts and crafts theme HORTICULTURE DIVISION Best of Show - $10.00 and Rosette 1 Place - $5.00 2nd Place - $4.00 3rd Place – $3.00 st SPECIFIC RULES: 1. Only fresh plant material, grown by exhibitor 2. Plants must be in possession of exhibitor for at least 90 days before fair 3. Cut specimens must be displayed in clear bottles, with no underwater foliage. Wedging permitted. Plant material and containers should be in good proportion. 4. Plants/containers clean and well maintained. Maximum pot diameter – 10”. 5. Specimen = 1 type of plant. Specimens = more than one type of plant. 6. Scientific naming of specimens encouraged and given more weight in judging. CLASSES: 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. One long stem hybrid tea rose w/foliage 1 Miniature rose w/foliage 1 Rose specimen (any other rose) w/foliage Butterfly bush specimen 1 Large Zinnia (w/foliage) 3 small Zinnias (w/foliage) 1 Large Gladiola (Stem as long as possible) 1 Miniature Gladiola (Stem as long as possible) Large Marigold (w/foliage) 1 Small Marigold spray (w/ foliage) 1 Stem Day Lily 1 Stem Oriental Lily 1 Specimen of Hydrangea 1 Stalk Coleus 1 Stem Sunflower Cactus Plant Succulent Plant(s) – maximum of 5 specimens in pot African Violet Plant Fairy Garden – may contain non-plant elements for effect (I.e. figurines, miniature garden structures, etc.) . Maximum of 5 specimens in pot. 185. Any other specimen or up to 3 specimens in a pot. FIELD CROPS 2015 GENERAL RULES: (See Samuels Hall Rules and Regulations) SPECIFIC RULES: 1. Must be grown by exhibitor. BEST OF SHOW - $10.00 & Rosette lst 2nd 3rd $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 CLASSES: 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. Best entry of Hybrid Corn (3 ears and 1 quart shelled) Best collection (3 or more) of grain, field seeds, plants, crops. (For example: wheat, oats, barley, fescue seed, red clover seed, timothy seed, orchard grass seed, soybean, sorghum seed, lespedeza seed. Best exhibit of Alfalfa Hay (1 bale) Best exhibit of Legume and Grass Mix (other than alfalfa) (1 bale) Best Alfalfa and grass mixed (1 bale) Best entry of growing Burley tobacco plant. (Potted) Best entry of Burley tobacco by sticks (6 plants/stick) Best 1 gallon of soybeans, any variety Best 1 gallon wheat, any variety CLOTHING 2015 GENERAL RULES: (See Samuel Hall Rules & Regulations) SPECIFIC RULES: 1. All exhibits are to be made by the exhibitor. Entries must be in name of person who made the article. 2. If possible and applicable item should be on coat hanger. 3. Articles should be clean. BEST OF SHOW AWARD - $10.00 and Rosette 1st 2nd 3rd $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 CLASSES: 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. Best Tailored Garment Best Casual Outfit (2 or more pieces) Best Dress Best Special Occasion Clothing Best Baby Clothes Best Christening Dress Best Decorated Clothing (includes sweat shirts, tee shirts, vest) Best Bonnet Best Smocked Article Best Hand-Made Apron Best Doll Clothes Best Children's Clothing Best Children’s Costume (i.e. Halloween) Best Vest Best Patchwork Clothing Article Best Fleece Clothing Article Best Miscellaneous Clothing Article HOBBIES & CRAFTS 2015 GENERAL RULES: (See Samuels Hall Rules and Regulations) SPECIFIC RULES: 1. All exhibits are to be completed by the exhibitor. 2. Entries must be made in name of person who made the article. BEST OF SHOW - $10.00 and Rosette 1st 2nd 3rd $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 HOBBIES CLASSES: 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. Best Collection Hobby (Adult) (i.e. baseball cards, arrowheads) Best Collection Hobby (under 16 yrs. of age) (i.e. baseball cards, arrowheads) Best Creative Hobby (Adult) Best Creative Hobby (under 16 yrs. of age) Best Model Car (under 16 yrs. of age) Best Model Airplane (under 16 yrs. of age) Best Model Car (age 16-20) Best Misc. Model (any age) CRAFTS CLASSES: 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. Best Hand Made Jewelry Item Best Glazed Ceramic Item Best Stained Ceramic Item Best Dry-Brushed Ceramic Item Best Small Handmade Basket (not to exceed 12") (any dimension) Best Large Handmade Basket (over 12") Best Handmade Fancy Basket Best Grape Vine Basket Best Pottery Item Best Clay Sculpture Best Miscellaneous Item ART GENERAL RULES (See Samuels Hall Rules and Regulations) SPECIFIC RULES: 1. All pieces must be suitably framed or mounted with the proper fixtures (wire or hooks). Pieces that are not ready to hang will NOT be accepted. 2. All works must be original (except preschool category). 3. Last school grade completed should be guideline for entering categories. ART PRESCHOOL DIVISION CLASSES: 291. 292. 293. Coloring - A pre-printed page on which pre-school age child has used coloring crayons to complete entry. Original Drawing Miscellaneous ART 1 - 3 GRADE DIVISION CLASSES: 294. 295. 296. Pencil Drawing Color Drawing (Crayons, markers, pencils) Miscellaneous (tempera, finger paints etc.) ART 4 - 6 GRADE DIVISION CLASSES: 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. Pencil Drawing Color Drawing (Crayons, markers, pencils) Collage Water Color Miscellaneous ART 7 - 8 GRADE DIVISION CLASSES: 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. Pencil Drawing Color Drawing Collage Sculpture Ink Drawing 307. 308. Water Color Miscellaneous ART 9 - 12 GRADE DIVISION CLASSES: 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. Pencil Drawing (black & white) Ink Drawing Charcoal Drawing Color Drawing (crayons, markers, pastels) Acrylic Painting Oil Painting Water Color Painting Sculpture (paper mache, clay, wood, metal, tempera etc.) Collage Miscellaneous ART ADULTS DIVISION CLASSES: 319. 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. 325. 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331. Pencil Drawing Ink Drawing Charcoal Drawing Color Drawing Acrylic Painting Oil Painting Water Color Painting Collage Gourd Art (painted) Gourd Art (carved) Gourd Art (etched) Best Creation in Wood Burning Miscellaneous PHOTOGRAPHY GENERAL RULES (See Samuels Hall Rules and Regulations) SPECIFIC RULES: 1. All pieces must be suitably framed or mounted with the proper fixtures (wire or hooks). Pieces that are not ready to hang will NOT be accepted. 2. All works must be original (except preschool category). 5. Photography entries may be any size. Must be mounted on matt board or framed. 6. Last school grade completed should be guideline for entering categories. PHOTOGRAPHY PRESCHOOL DIVISION CLASSES: 351. 352. 353. 354. Photography (Black/White) Photography (Color) Photography Sepia Photography miscellaneous PHOTOGRAPHY 1 - 3 GRADE DIVISION CLASSES: 355. 356. 357. 358. Photography (Black/White) Photography (Color) Photography Sepia Photography miscellaneous PHOTOGRAPHY 4 - 6 GRADE DIVISION CLASSES: 359. 360. 361. 362. Photography (Black/White) Photography (Color) Photography Sepia Photography miscellaneous PHOTOGRAPHY 7 - 8 GRADE DIVISION CLASSES: 363. Photography (Black/White) 364. 365. 366. Photography (Color) Photography Sepia Photography miscellaneous PHOTOGRAPHY 9 - 12 GRADE DIVISION CLASSES: 367. 368. 369. 370. Photography (black & white). Must be mounted on matt board or framed. Photography (color). Must be mounted on matt board or framed. Photography Sepia Photography Miscellaneous PHOTOGRAPHY ADULTS DIVISION CLASSES: 371. 372. 373. 374. Photography (color) Photography (black & white) Photography Sepia Photography - Digital Imaging ANTIQUES 2015 GENERAL RULES: (See Samuels Hall Rules and Regulations) SPECIFIC RULES: 1. No antique dealer permitted to exhibit. 2. Entries must be made in name of person who owns the item. 4. Items must be 50 years and older. 5. Items will be judged on age, rarity and condition. BEST OF SHOW AWARD - $10.00 AND Rosette 1st 2nd 3rd $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 CLASSES: 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. 387. 388. 389. 390. 391. 392. 393. 394. 395. 396. 397. 398. 399. 400. 401. 402. 403. 404. Best Antique Nelson County Document (Certificate, School Record, Report Card, Letter-dated) Best Antique Nelson County memorabilia (must be dated) Best Antique book, agricultural book, cookbook, or agricultural magazine prior to 1920 Best Antique advertising item (no larger than 6 sq. ft) Best Antique pocket knife – non advertising Best Antique pocket knife - advertising Best Antique child’s toy or game Best group of antique buttons. Limit 12 buttons. Must be secured on cloth covered surface, no larger than 6”. Best group of antique marbles (limit 12). Must be in a zip-lock bag. Best Antique article made of wood (must be predominately wood) Best Antique carnival glass piece Best Antique cut glass piece Best Antique souvenir or commemorative spoon Best Antique pressed glass piece Best Antique paper whiskey memorabilia Best Antique whiskey memorabilia – not paper Best Boy Scout or Girl Scout memorabilia (literature, buttons, etc) Best Antique linens Best Antique photo of group (not to exceed 12” in height, length, or width including frame if any) Best Antique hand corn planter Best Antique milk bottle Best most unusual cast iron cookware piece Best Antique hand tool Best Antique small farm related item (calf weaners, etc., no larger than 12”) 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 410. 411. 412. 413. 414. 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. Best Antique basket Best Antique University of Kentucky Extension Publication – Pre 1950 Best Antique post card (agriculture scene, gardening, or farm kitchen related) Best Antique fishing tackle item Best Antique camera Best Antique butter churn Best Antique item made from tin, copper, or brass Best Antique mustache cup Best WWII memorabilia Best Black History memorabilia Best Genealogy Reports Best Antique Sports Item Best Antique Laundry Equipment or item Best Antique Bible Best Antique Medicine Bottle Best Antique china porcelain knickknack, must be marked “Made in China”, no taller than 6” Best Antique sewing item QUILTS 2015 GENERAL RULES: (See Samuels Hall Rules & Regulations) SPECIFIC RULES: 1. Entries must be entered in name of person who made the article. 2. Only completed projects will be accepted. 3. Articles must be clean. BEST OF SHOW AWARD - $10.00 & Rosette 1st 2nd 3rd $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 CLASSES: 431. Best hand pieced hand quilted quilt 432. Best hand pieced machine quilted quilt 433. Best machine pieced hand quilted quilt 434. Best machine pieced machine quilted quilt 435. Best applique quilt 436. Best baby quilt 437. Best novelty quilt 438. Best quilted wall hanging 439. Best Antique Quilt (50 years or older) 440. Best quilted bag 441. Best quilt top not quilted 442. Best miscellaneous quilted item TEXTILES 2015 GENERAL RULES: (See Samuels Hall Rules and Regulations) SPECIFIC RULES: l. All exhibits are to be handmade by the exhibitors. 2. Entries must be made in name of person who made the article. 3. Only completed projects will be accepted. 5. Articles should be clean. BEST OF SHOW AWARD - $10.00 and Rosette lst 2nd 3rd $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 CROCHET DIVISION Classes 451. 452. 453. 454. 455. Best afghan Best adult clothing piece Best child clothing piece Best baby afghan Best miscellaneous item KNITTING DIVISION Classes 456. 457. 458. 459. 460. Best afghan Best adult clothing piece Best child clothing piece Best baby afghan Best miscellaneous item NEEDLEPOINT DIVISION Classes 461. Best picture 462. Best pillow 463. Best miscellaneous item COUNTED CROSS STITCH DIVISION Classes 464. 465. 466. Best picture Best pillow Best miscellaneous item SEASONAL ITEMS DIVISION Classes 467. Best Christmas stocking 468. Best tree skirt 469. Best Christmas wreath 470. Best miscellaneous item MISCELLANEOUS TEXTILES Classes 471. Best pillow case 472. Best home furnishing 473. Best afghan 474. Best miscellaneous item
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