Council Use Only BAM 002-G Building Consent No. SR Date received Fee Paid $ NON-HABITABLE PROPRIETARY GARAGE UP TO 50m2 APPLICATION FOR A BUILDING CONSENT (RESIDENTIAL ONLY) Section 33 or 45, Building Act 2004 (form 2) Note: Complete all items applicable to your project PART 1 – APPLICATION I request that you issue a Building Consent only Building Consent and Project Information Memorandum (additional $75 fee applies) Council processes building consent applications electronically. However, Council does not currently accept building consents in electronic format. Please submit one copy of your application in hard copy only (including all relevant documents). I wish to receive my building consent/PIM and approved documentation in the following format: Electronically on USB stick Hard copy (additional costs apply; maximum size A3) The Building (Project Location) Building name: Building street address: Location of building within site: Legal description Lot DP Proposed lot: (if subject to new subdivision) Survey district: Valuation roll number: Number of levels: (include below ground, ground and above ground) Level/unit No: Number of units: Total floor area: (area affected by the building work ) m2 (up to 50m2) Estimated building work value: $ per m2 Current lawfully established use: (include number of occupants per level and per use if more than one level) N/A Year building first constructed: (approximate date is acceptable e.g. 1920’s or 1960-1970) N/A Does this property have a cable car? Yes No Owner (must be completed for all applications) Owners name: (if the owner is not an individual, provide the company name and a contact person’s name) Owner’s mailing address: Street address/registered office: Landline: Mobile: After hours: Fax: Email: Website: Agent (only required if application is being made on behalf of the owner – agent will receive invoices) Council will send a copy to the owner of any correspondence sent to the agent. Name of agent: (if the agent is not an individual, provide the company name and a contact person’s name) Agent’s mailing address: Street address/registered office: Landline: Mobile: After hours: Fax: Email: Website: Relationship to owner: BAM 002-G Application for installation of non-habitable proprietary garage (A116361).docm Page 1 of 6 1/05/2015 BAM 002-G First point of contact (will receive any correspondence/requests for further information prior to issue of consent) Council will send a copy to the owner of any correspondence sent to the first point of contact. Agent Owner Other first point of contact name: Mailing address: Phone number: Fax number: Email address: Key personnel Complete as far as possible in all cases. Note: Registered Gasfitter and Electrician are required to be nominated only when (a) the work undertaken is to be covered by a Compliance Schedule; (b) the owner wishes to obtain a Building Consent for the energy work (the owner will incur additional cost of checking and certification). Name Address Telephone No Registration No Builder: Designer: Registered Drainlayer: Registered Plumber: Registered Gasfitter: Registered Electrician: Registered Engineer: Other: Declaration and Signature I/we understand that the pre-paid fees charged at lodgement are based on average processing times and number of inspections, and that if this application requires longer to process or additional inspections are required, the Council will charge me/us for any additional costs payable, as described under section 2 of the Building Unit Fees and Charges 2014/15. These will be paid before the consent is granted. Under Section 49 of the Building Act, 2004, a building consent authority is not required to grant a building consent until it receives any charge or fee fixed by it in relation to the consent and any levy payable. All of the information contained in this application is, to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. I/we understand that work must not commence until the building consent is issued and uplifted. Signed by the owner OR Signed by the agent (on behalf of, or with the authority of the owner) Signature Signature Name Name Date Date General information Privacy Act Pursuant to the Privacy Act 1993 the following information is brought to your attention. This document collects personal information about you and is collected pursuant to Section 33 and/or Section 45 of the Building Act 2004. Pursuant to Section 217 of the Building Act 2004, the information contained in this document may be made available and passed on to the public on request. The information contained in the document is being collected and held by the Nelson City Council. You do have the right of access to and correction of this information subject to the provisions of the Privacy Act 1993. Pursuant to Section 217 of the Building Act 2004 the building owner may request the plans and specifications be marked confidential for the purposes of security. Such a request must be in writing and addressed to: Manager Building PO Box 645 Nelson 7040. Application information Council do not currently accept building consents in electronic format. Please submit one copy of your application in hard copy only (including all relevant documents). Please ensure that you have compiled your documents carefully and completed the check sheet to avoid delays in processing your application. Building Consent processing time is stopped whenever further information is required and starts again when the information is received. One hour or processing and three inspections have been allowed for in the fee that has been paid. If this consent takes more than one hour to process or more inspections are required, you will incur additional fees. Work must not start until all fees relating to the Building Consent are paid, the Building Consent is issued, and any Resource Consent requirements have been dealt with (e.g. amended plans have been provided to comply with the Resource Management Plan) or a Resource Consent has been granted. Under the Building Act 2004 this consent will lapse 12 months after issue if work has not commenced. BAM 002-G Application for installation of non-habitable proprietary garage (A116361).docm Page 2 of 6 1/05/2015 BAM 002-G Inspections During the process of construction, inspections will be necessary to confirm all work complies with your approved Building Consent documentation. Please ring the Council on 546 0334 well in advance of requiring an inspection to ensure that a time can be arranged. The inspections required will be set out in the Building Consent documentation issued by the Building Consent Authority. Failure to have a prescribed inspection carried out and to be provided with confirmation that the work has been approved by the Inspecting Authority may put the issue of the Code Compliance Certificate for the work at risk. Code Compliance Certificate A building consent is not completed until it has been issued with a Code Compliance Certificate. The Owner is required to complete a separate application form to apply for a Code Compliance Certificate as soon as practicable after the building work is completed. In any event no later than two years after the granting of the building consent Council is required to decide whether or not a Code Compliance Certificate can be issued. PART 2 – PROJECT General information Description of Building Work: (sufficient to enable scope of work to be fully understood) New Used Relocation Details: Intended life of the building (if less than 50 years): Estimated value of the building work on which the building levy will be calculated: (including GST). State estimated value as defined in section 7 of the Building Act 2004 $ The following matters are involved in the project: (provide relevant information on plans/documentation) Comments: Resource Consent Application No: New or altered locations and/or external dimensions of buildings New or altered access for vehicles Building work over or adjacent to any road or public place Building work over any existing drains or sewers or in close proximity to wells or water mains Other matters known to the applicant that may require authorisations from the Territorial Authority (e.g. Planning Approvals, other licenses) Specify: BAM 002-G Application for installation of non-habitable proprietary garage (A116361).docm Page 3 of 6 1/05/2015 BAM 002-G PART 3 - COMPLIANCE Do not fill in this section if this application is only for a Project Information Memorandum All documentation, including plans, specifications, calculations and producer statements, used to show building consent compliance must be formally listed as attachments in the accompanying checklist. The building work will comply with the building code as follows Please ensure that any details of the listed compliance elements are shown on drawings and/or specifications. Means of compliance Building Code Clause B1: Structure B2: Durability Acceptable Solution B1/AS1 B1/AS3 Verification Method B1/AS2 B1/VM1 B1/VM4 B2/AS1 Access routes D1/AS1 D2: Mechanical installation for access D2/AS1 D2/AS3 E1: Surface water E1/AS1 E2: External moisture E2/AS1 F2: Hazardous building materials F2/AS1 F3: Hazardous substances and processes F4: Safety from falling F4/AS1 F5: Construction and demolition hazards F5/AS1 F7: Warning systems F7/AS1 G9: Electricity G9/AS1 Alternative Solution See and use BAM 123 B2/VM1 C/AS1 C/AS3 C/AS5 C/AS7 C1–6: Protection from fire D1: NZS 4121 Accessible Design C/AS2 C/AS4 C/AS6 C/VM1 C/VM2 D1/VM1 D2/AS2 E1/VM1 E2/AS2 E2/VM1 F3/VM1 G9/VM1 G13/AS1 G13: Foul water G13/AS2 G13/VM1 G13/AS3 G13/VM4 Waivers and/or modifications Provide details of any waivers and/or modifications required for any sections of the New Zealand Building Code. Specify parts of the code; supporting documentation must be attached. It not applicable, state n/a: PART 4 – COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE Do not fill in this section if this application is only for a Project Information Memorandum When a building has/requires safety features which require a Building Warrant of Fitness. Is a cable car installed? Yes (a compliance schedule is required, continue completing this section of the form) Removed Added Altered New The following system is existing, being altered, added to, or removed in the course of the building work Existing No Inspection performance standards Maintenance performance standards For Council use only - BCO Checked Reporting frequency Cable car Checked If existing cable car, please state the Building Warrant of Fitness No. Checked BAM 002-G Application for installation of non-habitable proprietary garage (A116361).docm Page 4 of 6 1/05/2015 BAM 002-G ATTACHMENTS Check Sheet This check sheet shows you the information that has to be supplied with your building consent application. Please attach one copy of the following information (unless otherwise specified) with your completed Building Consent Application form. Please tick each relevant box in the selection box as you attach the information. Please check each section carefully and complete those sections that are relevant to your project. This check sheet is to be submitted with the building consent application. Once you have attached all the required information, please check for completeness as an incomplete application or lack of any supporting information will mean that your application cannot be accepted for processing. Requests for further information cause delays in the issue of your building consent. Tick box for documents provided Attached documents included for: Council use only CSO 1. General Building Consent Application form Checked Completed and signed by the owner or by an agent on behalf of the owner Floor Area Checked Total floor area is 50 m2 or less Agent Authorisation Checked Signed by owner Proof of ownership One recent copy of current certificate(s) of title (not older than 3 months) and one copy of purchase agreement (if recently purchased) or one copy of relevant portions of current lease Checked Locality plan showing: Physical location of the subject building in relation to streets or landmarks, north point, name of building and lot and DP number Building Code Compliance Checked Checked Schedule confirming the building work will comply with the Building Code is completed Fee Applications will not be accepted without payment of the appropriate fees. Fees payable are published in the Building Fees and Charges document. Supplier Versatile Ideal Skyline Goldpine Total Span Kiwi Span Checked Checked Other: 2. Site Exposure Zone B C D Wind Zone Low Medium High Very high Extra high Specific design Contours / Levels / Site Datum Point NCC Conditions Addressed Driveway Construction Specify sub coarse / reinforcing / surface Positioning Siting – site plan including north point, setout dimensions of proposed Drainage Plan Proposed Floor Plans (1:100 / 1:50) 3. Foundations / Floor Foundation Plan (1:100 / 1:50) or Detail 4. Timber Framing Stud Height, size, spacing and preservative treatment BAM 002-G Application for installation of non-habitable proprietary garage (A116361).docm Page 5 of 6 1/05/2015 BAM 002-G Wall Bracing Plan (1:100 / 1:50) showing: Bracing details and calculations for wall bracing. Location, type and number of bracing elements to indicate compliance with NZS 3604 (include calculations). If the bracing was specifically designed by a structural engineer, provide calculations (required for specific design wind zones). 5. External Roofing Truss design, roof framing plan. Pitch / roofing / underlay. Purlin size, span, spacing, fixings Elevations (1:100 / 1:50) Ground lines – show site topography. Claddings / openings / glazing. Flashings Windows, junctions, parapet, etc. 6. Specification Specification Received by: Customer Service Officer BAM 002-G Application for installation of non-habitable proprietary garage (A116361).docm Name: Signature: Page 6 of 6 1/05/2015
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