2014 Consent Manual Now Available

Now Available
2014 Consent Manual
The industry resource for consent and related health care law
This easy-to-use manual doesn’t just repeat the law, it explains it. The Consent
Manual is the most comprehensive and acclaimed resource available to
hospitals regarding patient consent for medical treatment. The manual starts
with basic principles of consent and moves to specific situations and patient
types including minors, mental health treatment, advance health care directives
and more. Broader consent issues such as release of information, mandatory
reporting requirements and refusal of treatment are also addressed.
This nearly 1,000-page manual contains 24 chapters, several quick reference
guides, and more than 100 forms (many in Spanish). All forms and appendixes
are available electronically (PDF) on a free CD. This year’s edition was updated
to reflect changes through January 2014 including:
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• Amendments to California law clarifying the required means of communication
and content that a patient must receive to consent to HIV testing, and new
requirements regarding information to be given to patients when they are told
their HIV test results, whether positive or negative,
• New reporting requirements to multiple agencies for more serious types of
abuse occurring in a state mental hospital or developmental center when
abuse is discovered in a general acute care hospital,
• Reduced timeframe to submit electronic medical records and details on the
associated penalties for failure to comply with Medical Board of California
requests, and
• Expanded requirements for the submission of a culture or specimen, along
with specified information, to the public health officer.
“Even the most complex subjects are presented in an easy-tounderstand way.”
— Jean Higgins, Quality/Risk Manager, Adventist Health/Feather River Hospital
“The Consent Manual is the best publication for quick
answers to medical legal issues.”
— Laura Sarff, Chief Quality Officer, Olive View – UCLA Medical Center
Written by: Lois J. Richardson, Esq., California Hospital Association
(41st Edition, April 2014, 920 pages)
Order Form
Member Price Non-Member Price
California Hospital Compliance Manual.............................................................$245......................... $545
California Hospital Survey Manual and Webinar CD..........................................$185......................... $275
California Health Information Privacy Manual.....................................................$225......................... $525
Consent Manual...............................................................................................$225......................... $525
EMTALA—A Guide to Patient Anti-Dumping Laws............................................$145......................... $295
Guide to Release of Patient Information to the Media (booklet)...................5 for $10................... 5 for $10
Hospital Charity Care & Discount Policies...........................................................$95......................... $195
Mental Health Law............................................................................................$145......................... $295
Minors & Health Care Law..................................................................................$85......................... $170
Model Medical Staff Bylaws & Rules (CD only)..................................................$165......................... $295
Principles of Consent and Advance Directives....................................................$85......................... $170
Records and Data Retention Schedule (Manual only)..........................................$85......................... $170
Records and Data Retention Schedule (CD only)................................................$85......................... $170
Records and Data Retention Schedule (Manual and CD)..................................$150......................... $325
Toolkit to Reduce Ambulance Patient Offload Delays in the ED...........................$30........................... $40
Webinar Program Recordings
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$185.......................... $275
Other Publications
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......................... $111
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