THIS WEEK ON NET TV THIS WEEK ON NET TV MAY 3RD TO MAY 9TH DAYTIME HIGHLIGHTS SUNDAY AT 10:30 AM MASS AT ST. JAMES CATHEDRAL BASILICA TIME 4:00 PM 4:30 PM 5:00 PM 5:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM SUNDAY WEEKDAYS AT 11:55 AM CURRENTS PREVIEW MONDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY EVERY DAY AT 1 PM HOLY ROSARY MAY WEEKLY HIGHLIGHTS FRIDAY EL M U ND O VISTO D ESD E EL VATICAN THE PAPAL AUDIENCE ( ENCO RE) M ASS AT ST. JAM ES CATHED RAL BASILICA LIVING STON ES STATIONS O F THE C ROSS DAILY D EVOTIONALS CON V E RSAT I O N W I TH CA RD I NA L DOL AN WAKE UP THE WORLD IN THE ARENA CURRENTS A series celebrating the Vatican's 2015 Year of Consecrated Life. Since their founding 160 years ago, the Sisters of St. Dominic in Amityville have responded to the needs of the times. Msgr. Kieran Harrington is in the studio with Msgr. Jamie Gigantiello to discuss Generations of Faith, the Diocese of Brooklyn's new capital campaign. The first Catholic daily news program in the country. Anchor Liz Faublas and local correspondents bring you news from the diocese and the world. VIGIL MASS ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD - FIRE OF GOD M ASS AT ST. PATR IC K CATHED RAL 8 PM 7:30 PM TUESDAY 5/05 FRIDAY 5/08 LOST IN MEXICO 8 PM - NEW THE WOR LD SEEN F ROM THE VATICAN This NET TV original documentary explores the history and stories of American Association for Lost Children (AAFLC). Meet founder Mark Miller and Shundy Hicks, a father in search of his daughter. This raw and down-to-earth story shows Shundy's search of his daughter Anjalayiah Hicks, snatched away within the heart of Mexico because of a marital dispute. With a heart-stopping ending of an actual hunt and rescue operation in an attempt to bring the child safely home. WA K E UP T H E WOR L D 8:30 PM CAT HO L I C I S M WI T H F R. BA R RO N LOST IN M EXICO T HE PASS I O N O F SA I NT P E R P E T UA ME XICO: EVER FAITHF U L I BELIEVE IN EASTER ALL THINGS CATHOLIC IN THE ARENA CL ASS IC HIS GIRL FRIDAY ( ENCO RE) I N TH E A R E NA 9:00 PM 9:30 PM 10:30 PM WEEKDAYS SUNDAY 5/03 7:30 PM HOLY ROSARY 8:00 PM 10:00 PM SATURDAY TU F E AL D IA CLASSIC HIS GIRL F RIDAY (3 PM START) 7:00 PM 7:30 PM TUESDAY WEEKDAYS AT 12 NOON MASS AT ST. JAMES CATHEDRAL BASILICA L I V ES FOR SA L E T HE C HURC H ALIVE ACTIVE CATHOLICS WAKE UP THE WORLD ACTIVE CATHOLICS THE PAPAL AU D IENC E (ENCOR E) PORTRAITS OF FAITH ACTIVE CATHOLICS A MESSAGE FROM: THE R ITE O F EXORC ISM: M YTH, M YSTERY & HOP E A THE RITE OF EXORCISM 9 PM A fascinating yet academic look at one of the most talked about and misunderstood rituals: the rite of exorcism. Featuring Fr. Gary Thomas, an American renown exorcist. mid recent news reports on persecuted Christians, our Holy Father prayed and reflected again on those whose voices have been ceased through brutal murder, “The Church today is a Church of martyrs: they suffer, they give their lives and we receive the blessing of God for their PENNY SERENADE witness.” Please pray that the families who have lost so much receive peace, as Saint Stephen proclaimed that the Lord Jesus would receive 11:00 PM 11:30 PM T HE WOR LD SEEN F ROM THE VATICAN W E TH E PEO P L E his Spirit... We hope that these modern day martyrs will also be received in spirit by our Almighty God. Once more we pray for peace for our fellow CU R R ENTS Time Warner Cable 97 Cablevision 30 Verizon FiOS on Demand For full schedule go to: brethren, persecuted in the name of Christ Jesus. May God bless you. Reverend Monsignor Kieran Harrington, V.E. Vicar for Communications for the Diocese of Brooklyn Follow Msgr. Harrington @MonsignorH Time Warner Cable 97 Cablevision 30 Verizon FiOS on Demand
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