NORTHEAST N.E. APRIL 2015 VOLUME 19 • NUMBER 4 UNITED METHODIST CHURCH NORTHEAST s Following Christ s Growing Disciples s Changing Lives Good Friday Hangover! Many years ago Flagstaff, Maine was intentionally flooded when the Corps of Engineers built a sizable dam to form a large lake. The most painful part for the residents, besides having to relocate, was to watch the spirit of the hometown die. Once the word got out that the decision had been made, improvements and repairs stopped. “Why paint a house that will soon be covered with water?” “Why repair a building when the whole village will soon be gone?” the town folk reasoned. Shortly afterwards garbage began to pile up in the streets, as the process of deterioration began to set in. All hope had vanished when one of the despairing home owners remarked, “When there is no faith in the future, there is no power in the present.” To be sure he was right. Without hope, without a sense of something beyond our immediate problems, we become overwhelmed and eventually defeated. Such were Jesus’ disciples immediately following His death. Their hearts were broken and spirits crushed. At that point in time, life for them went from triumph to tragedy. Their hopes had been so high; now they were dashed. They had lost their faith in the future, hence there was no power in their present. Most of us, if not all, have been down that dreary road of despair, and we know what it’s like to have our dreams stolen away. But what is worse than the event itself, is when we allow something even more destructive to set in, whereby distortions and disorientation began to affect our capacity to see the truth. Such was the case with two men on their way to Emmaus following Jesus’ crucifixion. They were experiencing what someone has described as a “Good Friday hangover.” They had been so obsessed with the event that had taken place that they had lost all sense of perspective. Without a doubt we are faced with the same temptation when our faith has been shaken by our circumstances at the moment. And we, too, can experience a “Good Friday hangover” and lose our power in the present by losing our faith in the future, unless, that is, we believe the message of Easter. Because of the Resurrection we have been given an everlasting hope that not even death can take away from us. Yes, Christ took the worst that the world could do to Him and turned it into the best that He could do for us. Brothers and sisters, Easter had the final say, not Good Friday! Don’t ever despair! Don’t ever give up hope. CHRIST IS RISEN! HE IS RISEN INDEED! In HIS Name and For HIS Glory, Pastor David David W. Day, Pastor 4000 Hard Scrabble Road | Columbia South Carolina 29223-8548 Pastor’s Cell Phone: 803.587.1682|Church Phone: 803.736.6386|Fax: 803.699.1334|Email: [email protected]|Web: Office Hours: 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM | Monday through Friday volume 19 • number 4 Business of the Church « « « « « Long Range Planning Committee Meeting, Tuesdays, April 7 & 21, 7 PM in the library. Finance Ministry Team Meeting, Monday, April 13, 6 PM in the library. Nominations and Leadership Development Ministry Team Meeting, Tuesday, April 14, 6:30 PM in the library. Outreach Ministry Team Meeting, Tuesday, April 14, 7 PM in Room 102. Worship Design Team Meeting, Sunday, April 26, 12:30 PM in the Education Building, Room 208. United Methodist Men News The United Methodist Men will meet Monday, April 6 in room 102. Dinner begins at 6:30 PM and dinner donation is $5. The meeting starts at 7 PM. All men are welcome as we focus on Following Christ, Growing Disciples and Changing Lives. United Methodist Women The UMW will meet on Monday, April 13 at 7 PM in room 102. Please come and join us! Point of contact is Inez McLaurin at 788-6167. Wholly Oldies The Wholly Oldies will meet on April 21, a week later than our usual meeting date as some of our members will be traveling to Henderson Settlement on a mission trip. Our group will be visiting Carter and Holmes Orchids in Newberry, SC on the 21st. For many years, Carter and Holmes Orchids has been the premier source for orchids of every variety. Anyone is welcome to join us on our trip. Our trip will include a stop for lunch at the Cabana in Newberry. RSVP if you would like to go to Jane DeCristofaro at 609-0233 or [email protected]. HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE * Maundy Thursday Service, April 2, 7:00 PM * Good Friday Service, April 3, 7:00 PM Easter Sunday, April 5 Sonrise Service, 7:00 AM The service will be held in the amphitheater. Breakfast Served, 8:00 AM Join us here with your friends and neighbors for breakfast after the Sonrise service. * Contemporary Service, 9:00 AM * Traditional Service, 11:15 PM * Nursery provided. Don’t forget to bring flowers to decorate the Lenten Cross on Easter Sunday. 2 volume 19 • number 4 Church Office Closed The Church Office will be closed Monday, April 6 and Tuesday, April 7 in observance of Easter. 50 Days of Prayer for Our Pastor, Our Church and Our Ministries Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is near Jerusalem, a Sabbath day’s journey. And when they had entered, they went up into the upper room where they were staying: Peter, James, John, and Andrew; Phillip and Thomas; Bartholomew and Matthew; James the son of Alphaeus and Simon the Zealot; and Judas the son of James. These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women and Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and with His brothers. And in those days Peter stood up in the midst of the disciples (altogether the number of names was about a hundred and twenty). Acts 1:12-15, NKJV As these one hundred and twenty prayed in the time between the Resurrection and Pentecost our NEUMC Prayer Ministry Team is seeking one hundred and twenty members of our congregation to commit to a period of prayer for this season of 50 days. We are asking for daily prayer for our Pastor David Day, our staff, our congregation and all of our groups and ministries. The daily commitment is to pray first of all for our pastor as he leads our church, for his spiritual and physical health and for his family. In addition we ask that you follow our calendar in our brochure to pray for two more parts of our church listed each day. These include our staff members, our classes and small groups, our administrative and program teams, and our ministries to our community and mission emphases. We will provide “Prayer Prompts” daily which will give you additional information about the listings for the day. Graduate Sunday Graduate Sunday will be observed on May 31 at both services. If you have someone graduating from high school or college this year, please let the Church Office know before Wednesday, May 27 by sending an e-mail to [email protected], placing a note in the offering plate or calling the church office at 736-6386. God’s Storehouse God’s Storehouse monthly food items for April are canned or powdered milk and baby food. God’s Storehouse is a faith-based outreach program that assists the needy throughout the greater Columbia, SC, area. Staffed primarily by volunteers from area churches, God's Storehouse provides food, clothing and household supplies to our neighbors in crisis at no cost to them. Hours are Monday through Thursday, 9 AM - noon. God’s Storehouse is located at 1731 Risley Road, Columbia, SC 29223 and can be contacted at (803) 691-1622. 3 volume 19 • number 4 Welcome New Members United with NEUMC on March 15, 2015 Fred Cousin 217 Westridge Road Elgin 29045 Greg & Emily Loibl Children Hailey & Hunter 109 Carolina Ridge Drive Columbia 29206 George Eberhardt 413 Huntcliff Drive Columbia 29229 Elizabeth Jensen 1137 Walden Place Drive Elgin 29045 Larry & Nora Mullen 214 Windsorcrest Road Columbia 29223 Bob & Nikki Shaffner 617 Winter Wren Lane Blythewood 29016 4 George Kim & Ka-Young Lee 124 Roper Pond Circle Columbia 29206 Barry Sloop 100 Seven Springs Road Columbia 29223 volume 19 • number 4 Mwangaza Children's Choir Friday, April 17 at 7:30 PM right here at NEUMC. Save the date and invite your friends, co-workers and neighbors to this great event. A BIG THANK YOU to all of our host families and back-up homes too. A love offering will be taken to further the work of Mwangaza ad Africa Renewal Ministries. 5 volume 19 • number 4 Planning a Fundraiser? Check Out the New Policy and Procedures The Church Council approved a plan proposed by the Finance Committee in 2014 to be implemented in 2015 to assure that all fundraisers held on NEUMC church property or for the benefit of the Church follow uniform, established procedures. Fundraisers should be designed to contribute to goals and objectives of the Church and the proceeds realized used for preapproved ministries supporting those goals and objectives. Fundraisers will not be allowed except for authorized church ministries. The Finance Committee is responsible for overseeing and approving all fundraising efforts of authorized Church ministries to include approving the dates, times, places and number of fundraisers. The Finance Committee is directed to limit the number and frequency of fundraisers to avoid excessive and frequent demands on the Church members. Every request for a fundraiser must be made in writing using the Church Fundraising Application; this document along with a statement of the Policy and Procedures is available on the church website. The application should be submitted to the Finance Committee Chair at least 3 weeks prior to the event. Solicitation for the event should not normally exceed more than two Sundays. No programs or ministries are exempt from seeking approval for fundraisers. There is no carryover of requests from event to event. Groups wishing to conduct fundraisers must provide a report detailing the following information within two weeks after the completion of the fundraiser: • Total items sold and/or money collected. • Total expenses, if any, for the fundraiser. • A specific listing of how much and where the profits were used. If your ministry area, small group, or other organization within NEUMC plans a fundraiser, read the document online, download and print the application and forward to Tammie Sloop, Chair, Finance Committee, at [email protected]. Spring Small Group Studies GETTING RADICAL Begins Tuesday, April 7 9:45 - 11:30 PM Education Building, Room 208 Led by Alston Lippert Sign up deadline is April 2. If you've been enjoying the sermon series on Giving Up and want to delve deeper into how Jesus wants us to live, please join us for Radical, a small group DVD based study by David Platt. For six weeks we will discover what Jesus actually said about being His disciple, and then look at how we can obey what we have heard. Platt will challenge us to consider with an open heart how we have manipulated a God-centered gospel to fit our human-centered preferences and how we can reshape our priorities around a God-centered vision. We will meet Tuesdays from 9:45-11:30 AM in the Education Building, Room 208. If you would like to do this study, but are unable to attend Tuesday mornings, please contact Alston at [email protected]. 6 volume 19 • number 4 FINDING YOUR PLACE April 12, 19 & 26 May 3 & 10 5:30 - 6:30 PM Education Building, Room 207 Led by Gerald Watford Today more than any other time in history, people are bombarded with multiple choices as to how to give their time. They find themselves asking, "Where do I fit in?", "Why am I here?" and "What can I do to make a lasting difference in my life and the lives of others?" God created each of us for a purpose. "For we are God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:10. Part of his purpose for us is to edify the church and to serve in its ministries. " prepare God's people for the works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up." Ephesians 4:12. The PLACE process can help you discover how God has uniquely designed you, and it will help you realize His purpose for your life. You find your life as you give it away ... but first you have to know what you have to give. MAKING SENSE OF THE BIBLE A Study by Adam Hamilton Beginning Wednesday, April 22 6:30 PM Room 102 Led by Sandy Sirhal In this six week video study, Adam Hamilton will focus on the most important questions we ask about the Bible, its origins and meaning. These questions include "Were Adam and Eve real people? Is the book of Revelation really about the end times? Who decided which books made it into the scriptures and why? Is the Bible ever wrong?" In approachable and inviting language, Hamilton addresses these often misunderstood biblical themes leading readers to a deeper appreciation of the Bible so that we might hear God speak through it and find its words to be lifechanging and life-giving. May the love of God surround you; may the grace of God astound you; may the hope of God ground you. Sign up sheets are located in the narthex. 7 volume 19 • number 4 A Tribute to Sisters Sisters, like most things, are a gift from God. I have nothing against brothers, they can be amazing, as well, but this is a tribute to sisters. I have three and all have been blessings to me in very different ways. Each has her own unique personality and talents that she brings to our family, her friends, workplace and community. I believe that there is a reason that God blessed us with sisters (or not) and a plan for the way that our lives intertwine, perhaps separate and then come back together. Sisters can be an inspiration, when you most need it. One of my sisters has a lovely and (mostly) gentle soul. She is kind-hearted, patient and enduring, someone you would want by your side in your darkest hour. Unfortunately, life has not always been gentle or kind to her, yet you might never know that since she never seems to complain, but continues to smile at life and those around her, lifting them up as well. Another of my sisters is more like me; she has our father’s strength of character and strong will. She is funny, opinionated and knows what she wants from life. Unfortunately life has not turned out exactly as she planned, but although it slowed her down for a while, she dusted herself off, reset her compass and continued with her life’s journey with head held high (most of the time). I can let down my guard with her and sometimes show the weaknesses that I try hard to hide from others. Finally, my strong-spirited third sister, who has experienced challenges and trials that I don’t even like to imagine. These are things that have broken the spirit of those who are not as strong. Each time there is light at the end of the tunnel, it seems to be another oncoming train. Yet she moves steadily forward. I don’t think she knows how much we all admire her strength, her sense of duty and her sense of humor. She is also like our father; somewhat stubborn and faithful to her beliefs. She helps others, but puts a wall around herself that does not easily allow others to support her. As I think about each of my sisters, I think about the Bible verse from 1 Corinthians 10:13 that reminds us that God will never ask more of us than we are able to bear; “and God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out, so that you can stand up under it”. It sometimes seems unfair that God asks so much more of those who have such incredible strength. Then I remind myself that God equipped them with that strength knowing what life would bring. I remember one of my favorite verses from Jeremiah 1:5; “before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart”. God placed us all here for His unique purpose. For anyone reading this, who has a sister, think about how she has blessed your life and made it richer. If you haven’t done so lately (or even if you have) reach out and tell her how much she means to you and has enriched your life. Sometimes life gets in the way; most sisters aren’t perfect. My sisters and I had a magical childhood, but all fairy tales also feature a difficult journey or a dark period. Relationships are what sustain us during those times. Sisters (and brothers) are a gift from God. If you can’t hug your sister today, hug someone else’s sister and thank God for His many blessings! Rita Orr 8 volume 19 • number 4 The Moments Are Adding Up! The moments are adding up. You know the ones where someone says a kind word or gives a quick smile; the ones where someone goes out of their way to lend a helping hand…maybe they go way out of their way to a place like Ecuador or Spain; or the moments like when you are on the side of a cold mountain and have to work together as a team. The moments are adding up when a critical word is replaced by a kind word; where frustration over not getting what I want is replaced by humility that I get to be a part of what God wants. The moments are adding up when couples invite the refreshing power of Christ into the midst of their marriage and find deeper levels of love even after many years. The moments are adding up where those who looked forward to a well-deserved rest after long years of work are finding a new purpose in work done for the glory of God. The moments are adding up where people who had a comfortable place on the sidelines are finding life better in the middle of the action even with all its challenges. The moments are adding up where young people realize that church is as much about them as it is their parents. Are you seeing the moments? Sure in this church as in every church there are things which are not perfect and maybe that makes those special moments all the more special. We are imperfect people serving a perfect God and He keeps causing flowers to bloom in unexpected places and the moments are adding up. As spring unfolds all around us once again and as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, it seems to me that this is a perfect time to have our attention drawn to the new life that is beginning to spring up right here at NEUMC. Shamgar is someone you might not have ever heard of but his life is very instructive. His story is told in Judges 3:31 (yes that is all he gets, one verse in the Bible, besides a mention in Judges 5:6). Judges 3:31 says this, “After him was Shamgar the son of Anath, who killed six hundred men of the Philistines with an ox-goad; and he also delivered Israel.” Here was a leader who accomplished so much with so little (or so it seems) - so little to work with; so little fan-fare; so little thanks; so little recognition. There is much about this man which can help us be better leaders and servants of God and each other. He is the kind of man one wants to have around as part of a family, part of a team or part of a church. He is the kind who gets up and goes about his business with little fuss and little drama. His example is much more within the reach of a greater number of Christians. Yes I know we celebrate the Abraham’s, Moses’ and King David’s of history but there is something about them that seems a little beyond our grasp. Shamgar lives a little closer to home. The God-given provision for Shamgar was a stick. An ox-goad is a stick used by farmers to herd oxen. It is not a weapon of war. He used a thin stick to kill 600 Philistines. Now I ask you, if you were given the job of killing 600 Philistines, would an ox goad be your weapon of choice? Most of us not only want to serve God but we want to look good doing it. In fact the fear that we might not look good serving God, we might even look foolish, causes many people to make themselves unavailable to God. You ask God for help and He gives you a stick, now what will you do? Will you trust in God’s provision even though the resource seems limited and might make you look foolish to the world? God blesses His plan. His plan always includes His provision. Does it often seem to you like no matter how much you would like to change things, your hands are tied by a lack of available resources? Here is the thing, do what you can do. What you can do may seem like a small thing, after all who really cares if I smile at them or speak to them or say a kind word about them? God cares and we all care. It makes such a huge difference when people who used to say little or nothing or perhaps only spoke when they had something negative to say, now are speaking words building someone up, out of the blue! God has given you an ox goad. It might not seem like much but it is just what you need for changing the environment you live in. The enemy requires darkness for his deeds to breed. We can do something about that with our ox goads- our words, our attitudes and our actions. Do not fall for the deception that as one person I can do little to change all that is wrong in this world or in my church or in my family. Your God-given provision is just right for this time. The moments are adding up when we live together so that God can show up bigger than ever in our midst. The moments are adding up where more of us are participating in being disciples…being a family –Dinners of 8, church picnic, small groups, VBS- are just some of the upcoming times when the moments will continue to add up and cause more of us to say, surely the Lord our God is good. There is a Scottish proverb which describes a good mindset when all you have is an ox goad... "I am sore wounded but not slain I will lay me down and bleed a while And then rise up to fight again" Gerald Watford, Director of Family Ministries 9 volume 19 • number 4 CHILDREN AND YOUTH MINISTRIES Bonnie Riley Director of Children and Youth Ministries [email protected] • [email protected] • 736-6386 WHY Youth? WHY UP!? I spend a lot of time on the Internet, Twitter and Facebook. And as much as I love the memes, quizzes and pictures of my friends' kids, what I spend the most time on are articles on how to do church better. Most of them are for youth group and some for children programs and some for whole congregations, but over and over again, the same theme comes up. That people, Baby Boomers to teens and people of all ages, inside the church and complete outsiders are looking for predominately one thing: relationship. Deep, honest, open relationships with real, Jesus-chasing, imperfect, but grace covered people. People that have messed up, but have found mercy and are willing to share about their lives with this guy they follow, named Jesus. So where is this going? When you hear about the youth doing a Lock-In or see pictures of us throwing cheese balls at each other with shaving cream on our face (which totally happened), it may seem like just crazy stunts or silly games to draw youth in. Maybe UP! seems like a huge undertaking of time and resources for 3-11 year olds. These games, events and silly looking things are very important. Here is why. These games, programs and trips, build relationships. Dancing to Mr. Sean singing about "Surfing God's Heavenly Waters" and racing to eat a plate of whipped cream, build relationships. Having that common ground built by riding in a car with seven other sleep deprived, laughing kids builds the kind of relationships that people are craving. Adult volunteers are able to show kids that they are cared for and interested in their lives. They hear about how people in the Bible and people now mess up and God still loves them and does amazing things in their lives. Those crazy times are where ministry is done. You can't build relationships sitting behind someone on a Sunday morning. You can't hear testimonies and share life in one hour where we mostly sit and listen or sing. That's why our church has a heart and a mission for small groups. Youth and UP! are small groups for our youth and kids. We want to start young so that our kids have a connection and relationship with people that will guide and teach them. So that they won't be one of the people interviewed about craving a deep relationship with people that will help them through life. They will already have them. The older the person, the harder it often is to connect with a church. We want our kids to know how it works, so whether its here with us or when they are in college, far away, they will know that church can be a place where people will share life and help you find your way. That's why be silly, dancing and moving cookies down your face without your hands is so important (this, too, has also happened). Encourage any one in your life to get in a small group, but especially the younger ones. Join us anytime for UP! or Youth. His and yoursBonnie Riley 10 volume 19 • number 4 FIRST FRIDAY MOVIE NIGHT First Friday Movie night is April 10, 6-8 PM due to Good Friday and Spring break. This is the last movie night for the school year so drop off the kids at 6 PM and enjoy your evening. Pick up time is 8 PM. Cost is $2 per child with a $5 family cap. Come comfy and hang out with us!! Vacation bible school Watch for the online sign up for volunteers this month. The faster you sign up the more likely to get the role you want. This year’s theme is VBS is July 5 -11, 6 - 8:15 PM. Lock-in We had a great weekend! Thanks to all who prayed for us. There were 22 youth and 6 adults who spent the weekend praising God and hearing the word. It was a time for me to hang out with everyone as the Youth Director. There was a lot of fun and only one noise complaint! I consider that a success! Salkehatchie summer service Salkehatchie Summer Service sign up is online this year and registration is now open. The first 50 to register for the Walterboro Camp, June 27-July 4 will get to attend. Contact Alston Lippert at [email protected] for details or the Church Office at 736-6386. 11 APRIL 2015
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