MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE - Eastford Baptist Church!

Regular Attenders
April 26, 2015
For Ages Infant to Age 4
7:14 Prayer Concerns:
Praise God
April 26 – Diane Barlow and
May 3 – Jenn Poirier and
Megan Lueckel
-Praise God for His faithfulness
to our church throughout this
seemingly long process. We
believe that He is control of each
Ask God To…
-Pray for those applicants who
are seriously considering our
church. Pray for patience and
diligence as we interact with
-Pray for the PSC, that we move
prayerfully and expeditiously in
our review and selection process.
Pastoral Search Committee:
John Poirier (C), Jeff Sandness
(VC), Andy Brummel, Jacki
Budd, Joan Buell, Jonathan
Hagstrom, Isaac Knowlton, Mike
Norman and Grace Thompson.
Senior Saints
Sunday, May 17th
Directly after worship
service at John & Joan
Buell’s home
Hamburgers & Hotdogs
provided…please bring a
side dish or dessert to
share. Sign up is in
the foyer.
Sunday May 17th 6:00 P.M.
Bakers Needed
Sign up Today in
Check Out Our Website for Upcoming Events
For Ages 4-6
April 26 – Diana Willard and ??
May 3rd – Sarah Lueckel and
Jenny Wells
May 3rd – Sally Rempel
May 10th – Rachel Budd
May 3rd – Angelica Fadrowski and
Lisa Kellermann
May 10th – Alison Sandness and
Linda Kilburn
What’s Happening This Week:
▪Volleyball 6:30 P.M.
▪PSC Meeting 7:00 P.M.
▪Deacon’s Meeting 7:00 P.M.
▪Men’s Study & Breakfast at Main St. Grille in Putnam 7:00 A.M.
▪Playgroup 9:30 A.M.
▪Olympians, Teen Club, Women’s Ministry and Prayer Meeting
7:00 P.M.
▪Worship Team 7:00 P.M.
Bakers Needed!
Teen Club’s Cookie
Canvass coming on
Saturday, May
16 ….Sign up to bake
Email or Phone:
How can we pray for you?
What do you need to
communicate to the office,
pastor or church-at-large?
What questions do you have?
I would like to participate in
the following areas:
□ Special Music
□ Children’s Church Teachers
□ Nursery Volunteers
□ Coffee Hour Help
□ Festival of Fun Help
May 31st – Sign up in Foyer
□ Baking for Cookie Canvass
Welcome to
Eastford Baptist Church
133 Union Road, Eastford, CT 06242
Pastor George Kohl, Intentional Interim
[email protected]
If you are visiting with us today we welcome you and ask that you
take a minute to fill out the attached visitor’s card.
Thank you.
We are honored that you worshiped
with us today. Please fill in the
information below and place it in the
offering plate when it goes by. All we
want to do is acknowledge your
visit with a letter and increase the
chances of remembering your name
should you visit again.
Email or Phone
I am interested in:
□ How to become a Christian
□ Joining this Church
□ Being Baptized
□ Men’s Ministries
□ Women’s Ministries
□ Youth Ministries
□ Talking with the Pastor
□ Knowing more about this church
Other Interests:
Offering Financial Update:
General Offering Rec. Last Week: $4173
Amount Needed Each Week: $3633.65
Mission’s Offering Rec. Last Week: $1250
Amount Needed Each Week: $1656.25
Scholarship $ Received: $2220