NORTHEAST N.E. UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 4000 Hard Scrabble Road Columbia, South Carolina 29223-8548 NORTHEAST 9:00 AM Contemporary Service 10:15 AM Sunday School 11:15 AM Traditional Service Nursery available at all services. s Following Christ s Growing Disciples s Changing Lives THIS WEEK AT NEUMC May 17, 2015 TODAY David W. Day Pastor Gerald Watford Director of Family Ministries Bonnie Riley Director of Children and Youth Ministries 12:30 PM Board of Trustees Meeting (Room 102) 5:00 PM UP! 5:00 PM Youth Group (Education Building, Youth Rooms) 5:00 PM Disciple I (Education Building, Room 203) 6:45 PM Disciple II (Education Building, Room 208) MONDAY 6:30 PM Webelos I Den Meeting (Education Building) 7:00 PM Witness Ministry Team Meeting (Library) Stephen Crowell Chancel Choir Director Sean Riley Crossing Guard Leader Azusa Bies Pianist Dale A. Purvis Office Manager TUESDAY 7:00 PM Long Range Planning Committee Meeting (Library) WEDNESDAY EvAngel Newsletter Deadline 7:15 AM Men’s Prayer Group (Contact John Clayton) 10:00 AM Spirit Sisters Prayer Group (Room 102) 10:00 AM Women’s Bible Study (Library) 4:00 PM Deadline for Bulletin Announcements 6:00 PM Women’s Bible Study (Tammie Sloop’s Home) Pastor’s Cell: 803.587.1682 Office: 803.736.6386 Fax: 803.699.1334 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Office Hours: 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM Monday - Friday 6:30 PM Youth Small Group (Youth Rooms) 6:30 PM Making Sense of the Bible Small Group Study (Education Building, Room 208) 7:00 PM Chancel Choir Practice (Sanctuary) THURSDAY 7:00 AM Men’s Prayer Group (Panera Bread) 9:30 AM Mother’s Bible Study (Library) 6:00 PM Race Relations Town Hall Meeting (First Northeast Baptist Church) 6:00 PM Cub Scout Testing (Education Building) 7:00 PM Crossing Guard Practice (Sanctuary) 7:00 PM Rooted in Christ Prayer Group (Library) PRAYER REQUESTS We are pleased to join you in praying for specific needs. Please write your request(s) here and place this card in the offering plate. Please pray for: RECORD OF OUR FAITHFULNESS OUR SERVICE Presence 9:00 AM Contemporary Service 116 10:15 AM Sunday School 96 11:15 AM Traditional Service 110 9:00 SERVICE ACOLYTE Leah Wigley CHILDREN'S CHURCH Bonnie Riley JUNIOR ASSISTANT Ben Riley GREETERS Joe & Martha Maynard PRAYER ROOM Bianca Brazell PRAYER ROOM NEXT WEEK Judy Steinlin 11:15 SERVICE ACOLYTE Emma Wargel CHILDREN'S CHURCH Mary McMillan & Spencer Miller JUNIOR ASSISTANT Clay McMillan GREETERS Mike & Patty Munn PRAYER ROOM Danna Griner PRAYER ROOM NEXT WEEK Joel Parsons COMMUNION PREPARER No Communion Pastor Only Prayer Chain Bulletin Prayer Warriors I would like someone to contact me to pray over a more confidential matter. Let us know when God meets your needs so we may rejoice with you! COMMUNION PREPARER NEXT WEEK Judy Nutter COMMUNION SERVERS No Communion COMMUNION SERVERS NEXT WEEK Justin & Judy Nutter Bonnie Dutton OFFERING OFFERING COUNTER Duane Sirhal/Tim Chamblee/Larry Markham OFFERING COUNTERS NEXT WEEK Joe Watson/Floyd Hedlund 9:00 CONTEMPORARY SERVICE Seventh Sunday of Easter Ascension Sunday WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS MUSIC (As we sing you are invited to stand or sit as you are led and able.) OFFERING SERMON “Oh Mountains, Pack Your Tress, You Are About to be Relocated” Cyril Prabhu Proverbs 226 Prison Ministry CLOSING SONG CLOSING PRAYER/BENEDICTION ANNOUNCEMENTS The Board of Trustees will meet today at 12:30 PM in Room 102. The last UP! for the school year is this afternoon at 5 PM before we take a break for summer. We will recognize our volunteers, send off our 5th graders and celebrate another great year. Come join us. The deadline for the June EvAngel Newsletter is this Wednesday before the close of business. The Worship Design Team will meet next Sunday following the 11:15 service in the Education Building, Room 208. Please help Epworth students prepare for summer camp at Asbury Hills as they will need ten “Camper Packs” which include: backpack, water bottle, bug spray, sunblock, poncho (not disposable), laundry bag, journal, pen, or you may give money to Ann Payne or Debbie Watford for items to be purchased. Please place your things in the box in the Education Building by May 24. Thank you for your contributions to a great summer camp. You are invited to attend the next Race Relations Town Hall meeting on Thursday, May 21 at First Northeast Baptist Church, 311 Sparkleberry Lane, Columbia, SC 29229 from 6 - 8 PM. The focus will be: "Accessing Ourselves and Personal Responsibility." Emmaus of the Midlands Men's Walk #45 will be on May 21-24, 2015 and the Women's Walk #45 will be on May 28-31, 2015. Anyone interested in information and/or an application can contact Sandy or Duane Sirhal at 834-4219, [email protected], or [email protected]. You can also find additional information at Emmaus pamphlets are located in the narthex. Graduate Sunday will be observed on May 31 at both services. Graduate Night is Sunday, May 31 at 6 PM. We will honor our graduates that have been dedicated members of our youth group at the home of Dale and Dawn Purvis at 707 Kelly Mill Road, Elgin. There will be swimming, food and more. Please RSVP so we can be ready for you. Bonnie Riley, 736-6386 or [email protected]. God’s Storehouse monthly food item for May is rice. God’s Storehouse is a faith-based outreach program that assists the needy throughout the greater Columbia, SC, area. Staffed primarily by volunteers from area churches, God's Storehouse provides food, clothing and household supplies to our neighbors in crisis at no cost to them. Hours are Monday through Thursday, 9 AM - noon. God’s Storehouse is located at 1731 Risley Road, Columbia, SC 29223 and can be contacted at (803) 691-1622. American Red Cross Blood Drive: Volunteers are needed to help set up, monitor the sign-in table and teardown. A sign-up sheet is located in the narthex. Help is also needed to stack and move the chairs in the sanctuary following the 11:15 service on May 24. Contact the Church Office if you can help. Blood donors can sign up to give blood online at If you do not have access to the internet, please contact the Church Office to sign up to donate blood. "If You Want To Walk On Water, You've Got To Get Out Of The Boat" is a book by John Ortberg that will be the basis for a five week summer small group (June 28 - July 26, except July 5 due to VBS); Sunday evenings at 5:30 in the Education Building. The book focuses on issues related to improving Christian discipleship. A sign up sheet is in the narthex, for more information contact Gerald Watford, [email protected]. A SERVICE OF WORD AND PRAISE Seventh Sunday of Easter Ascension Sunday 11:15 TRADITIONAL SERVICE WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS (As the Prelude begins, please prayerfully prepare for worship.) PRELUDE (Acolyte) “Shout to the Lord” Azusa Bies, piano By Darlene Zschech CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: Come to Christ, that living stone, rejected by the world, but in God's sight chosen and precious. People: We have responded to Christ's call, and seek to be built into a spiritual house, a living reminder of God's presence on earth. Leader: Once we were no people, but now we are God's people, called out of the darkness into God's marvelous light. Therefore we sing with the Church in all ages: People: Blessed be your name, O God, our Redeemer. By your mercy we have been born anew to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. (RUTH DUCK, U.S.A., 20TH CENT., ALT) *HYMN OF PRAISE, No. 648 “God the Spirit, Guide and Guardian” (verses 1, 2 & 3) *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH, No. 884 Congregation A Statement of Faith of the Korean Methodist Church PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE/LORD’S PRAYER HYMN OF PREPARATION, No. 397 “I Need Thee Every Hour” Congregation (verses 1, 2 & 3) (Children in kindergarten through 2nd grade are dismissed for Children’s Worship.) GIVING OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS OFFERTORY “Be Thou My Vision” Azusa Bies, piano Traditional Irish *PRESENTATION, No. 95 “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” ANTHEM Congregation “People Need the Lord” Chancel Choir Words/Music by Phil McHugh & Greg Nelson Arranged by John Purifoy SERMON LESSON, Zechariah 4:7 (NASB) The word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God. SERMON “Oh Mountains, Pack Your Tress, You Are About to be Relocated” Cyril Prabhu Proverbs 226 Prison Ministry INVITATION TO CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP *CLOSING HYMN, No. 389 “Freely, Freely” Congregation *CHARGE TO THE PEOPLE *BENEDICTION *CHORAL RESPONSE POSTLUDE “As We Go” “Blessed Assurance” * Please stand as you are able. Chancel Choir Azusa Bies, piano WELCOME CYRIL PRABHU Cyril Prabhu, founder of Proverbs 226, has a heart for the children and a deep desire to see youth reach their full potential. Cyril learned that children with a parent serving time in prison are far more likely to end up in prison versus those who do not. With the dream of freeing children from this likely “life sentence,” Cyril created Proverbs 226 to be a support and encouragement network for these children. Through Proverbs 226, inmates and their children have the ability to participate in organized events & activities. The events that take place inside the prison are geared towards encouraging, uplifting, and uniting the child with their parent. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Congratulations to Paula and Richard Glass on the birth of their grandson, Eivin Alexander Glass. Eivin was born on May 8, 2015 in West Virginia. He weighed 7 lbs., 13 oz. and was 21” long. Welcome Guests and Members! We are so glad that you are here and hope you feel at home as you join us in worship. We’d like to get to know you better. Date:__________________________ Service 9:00 11:15 Member Regular Attendee First Time Guest New Resident Name(s) Name(s) & Ages of Children SERMON LESSON Zechariah 4:7 (NASB) “What are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will become a plain; and he will bring forth the top stone with shouts of “Grace, grace to it!” Address, City, State, Zip FAMILY MINISTRY MINUTE Frank Laubach writes, "Christ is interested in every trifle, because He loves us more intimately than a mother loves her babe." So often self-worth is built on the wrong foundation- what we can do for Christ rather than what He has done for us. Home Phone: Email: ─Gerald Watford, Director of Family Ministries UPCOMING SERMONS May 24 “Let the Celebration Begin!” Acts 2:1-4 How Did You Learn About NEUMC? May 31 “Integrity Matters!” Acts 4:32-5:11 June 7 “STEPHEN - A Man of Great Faith and Strong Convictions” Acts 6:8-12 June 14 “In the Midnight Hour!” Acts 16:25-32 June 21 “Evangelism 101” Acts 17:16-32 June 28 “Did You RECEIVE When You BELIEVED?” Acts 19:1-7 Desire to Know More About NEUMC Desire a Call From the Pastor Desire to Become a Member Additional Comments: MINISTRY AND PRAYER NEEDS ▪ Jenna Wilson, 5 year old cousin of Jane Scott in Mississippi, and her parents Jessica and Jeremy. Jenna had a virus last week which caused a heart and lung condition. She has been at the University Medical Center in Jackson since Friday, May 8. She was getting better, but after a heart catheterization and MRI on May 13 she has developed a high fever and low blood pressure. ▪ Joel Parsons, recovering from back surgery. ▪ Bernice Plunkett and her family. ▪ Corine Mitchum, who is at NHC HealthCare. ▪ Bonnie and Thomas McBurnett, both experiencing medical issues. ▪ Barbara Butler, recovering at home. ▪ Floyd Hedlund, undergoing rehabilitation following knee replacement surgery. ▪ Dan Gafford, recovering at home following a stroke. ▪ Our military personnel. ▪ Our missionaries: Tom & Emma Henry — Appalachian Mountain Leadership (AML), a ministry based in Boone, NC, which facilitates Christian outdoor adventure experiences. Matt & Jenny Williams ([email protected]) — Matt is a member of NEUMC, who works as a missionary to university students with Cru with the Indianapolis Metro team in Indianapolis, Indiana, which consists of two campuses, Butler and IUPUI (an Indiana University located downtown). Steve & Stephanie Bredesen, in Nakalanda, Uganda, as directors of Eagle’s Nest Clinic and Eaglet’s Primary School. Abbu, the Bredesen's neighbor, that he will either allow them to drill a well on his land or sell the land to them so that they will have a fresh water supply. Ben & Jenny Reyes: Ben, born in Puerto Rico, and Jenny, born in Brazil, have ministered in Brazil and Paraguay since their marriage in 1989. They have two sons, Phillipe and Mathias. The Reyes work locally in discipleship, leading Inductive Bible Study seminars, and teaching on the subjects of church planting, mission to Muslims, mission in the local church, and effective short-term mission trips. ▪ Salkehatchie families: Iris Edwards, Theresa and Buddy Lines ▪ Our pastor and staff members. PRAYER FOR OUR FAMILIES OF THE WEEK Monday May 18 Gerald & Debbie Watford & sons Mitch & Matt Tuesday May 19 Joe & Lynn Watson Wednesday May 20 Mildred Watson Thursday May 21 Jimmy Wheeler Friday May 22 Todd & Kay Wigley & children Thomas, Jessica & Leah HOMEBOUND AND ELDERLY We are a family. As such we encourage anyone who feels led by God to visit those who are sick or homebound. We also encourage your visits to those who are new to this family of believers and to those have visited. Lee Chandler Bruce & Frankie Dodd Sam Blaylock Sabra Stewart Mildred Watson Pat Woodle Bonnie McBurnett PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY The Prayer Shawl Ministry Team create shawls and other items for you to share with those who need encouragement. When you give a shawl away, you are sharing the love and prayers of NEUMC. The prayer shawls are kept in the Prayer Center if one is needed. Please remember to sign the journal. If you need assistance, please see a staff member. The Prayer Shawl Ministry Team
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