Table Top Sale - St Peter`s Church, Birstall

Notice Sheet
March 1st 2015
Cost of Discipleship
This Week:
In the Diocese of
West Yorkshire and the Dales
This Notice Sheet now available
‘Like’ us at
If you're here for the first
time please see the Welcome
Card on the pew shelf or ask
the 'welcomer' at the door for
Vicar: Rev'd Paul J Knight
(01924) 473715
[email protected]
In case of emergency or
sickness, please contact Paul
or another member of the
staff team.
Thank you
Before the Service
Please pray for all those
involved in the services today
especially Paul who is
preaching, and Paul & Wendy
who are leading. Also for Wendy
and Leif as they prepare to
preach next week.
Romans 4: 13-25 (1131)
Mark 8: 31-38 (1012)
9.00 am Communion with Hymns
10.00 am Coffee/tea
10.30 am All Age Worship
11.30 am Coffee/tea
We welcome
the Rev’d Jayne Lee
9.30 am Communion
1 John 5: 1-12 (1228)
Matthew 20: 17-28 (988)
11am –2pm Bridge Project
1.00 pm St Peter’s Playtime
2.00 pm Women's World Day of
Prayer Service at St Saviour’s
Church Hall
Next Week (March 8th)
Service theme:
Turning the Tables
9.00 am Give Thanks Morning
10.30 am Word & Worship with
Little Fishes and Junior Church
1 Corinthians 1: 18-25
John 2: 13-22
If you have an urgent item for
prayer please phone either Pat
on 478253 or Jean on 478634
who will pass it down the
confidential Prayer Chain. You
can also contact Wendy on
470196 or Paul on 473715 for it
to be added to the ePrayer
If you would like personal prayer
for anything. members of the
Prayer Ministry Team will be in
the north aisle after Communion,
to pray with you.
Please pray for
the Assyrian Christians
captured by IS
children in the Dominican
the residents of Branwell
Change of email address
Please note that my usual email
address (esp. for Newssheet
items) is now
[email protected].
(It didn’t come out quite right last
Cheque payments.
Please note that if you make a
payment to St Peter’s Church by
cheque, it should be made out to
PCC of Birstall Parish Church
(not ‘St Peter’s Church– we’re not
the only one!).
Thank you
Future Dates
15th Mothering Sunday
21st Table Top Sale
28th Messy Church
29th Palm Sunday
(Clocks go forward)
2nd Maundy Thursday
4th Easter Vigil
5th Easter
26th Annual General Meeting
Table Top Sale
March 21st from 11am
Book a table for just £10
to unload all those unwanted
household items: application
forms in the Fellowship area.
St Peter’s will have its own
table for church funds, and
any donations of saleable
items will be welcomed.
Urgently needed –
volunteers to learn the ancient
art of Bell Ringing. It’s not easy
and a real challenge. Yet people
of all ages can learn. Please
speak to Miles or email him on
[email protected].
We look forward
to hearing from you.