UNIVERSITY | NEWARK Rutgers Business School Graduate Programs-Newark and New Brunswick CONVOCATION May 22, 2015 RUTGERS BUSINESS SCHOOL GRADUATE PROGRAMS | NEWARK AND NEW BRUNSWICK NEW JERSEY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER NEWARK May 22, 2015 4 P.M. RUTGERS UNIVERSITY-NEWARK ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS Robert L. Barchi, Ph.D. President Nancy Cantor, Ph.D. Chancellor Todd R. Clear, Ph.D. Provost Shirley Collado, Ph.D. Executive Vice Chancellor and Executive Vice Provost Nabil Adam, Ph.D. Vice Chancellor for Research and Collaborations Roland Anglin, Ph.D. Senior Adviser to the Chancellor Arcelio Aponte, M.B.A. Vice Provost for Finance and Administration Marcia W. Brown, J.D. Vice Chancellor for External and Governmental Relations Sherri-Ann P. Butterfield, Ph.D. Senior Adviser to the Chancellor Peter Englot, M.A. Senior Vice Chancellor for Public Affairs and Chief of Staff John Gunkel, Ph.D. Vice Chancellor for Academic Programs and Services Diane Hill, Ph.D. Assistant Chancellor for University-Community Partnerships Gerald Massenburg, B.S. Associate Chancellor for Student Life Irene O’Brien, M.P.A. Vice Chancellor for Development Bonita M. Veysey, Ph.D. Vice Chancellor for Planning and Implementation RUTGERS BUSINESS SCHOOL - NEWARK AND NEW BRUNSWICK Lei Lei, Ph.D. Dean Yaw Mensah, Ph.D. Executive Vice Dean for Faculty and Research Phyllis Siegel, Ph.D. Senior Associate Dean, Graduate Programs and Accreditation Kimberley W. Cole, Ph.D., CPA Associate Dean of Administration and Finance Sharon R. Lydon, Ph.D. Associate Dean & Director, MBA Programs Robert M. Kurland, Ph.D. Associate Dean, Undergraduate Program-Newark PROGRAM PROCESSIONAL Rutgers Brass Ensemble NATIONAL ANTHEM Rutgers Brass Ensemble WELCOME REMARKS AND INTRODUCTION OF CONVOCATION SPEAKER Lei Lei, Ph.D., Dean, Rutgers Business School CONVOCATION SPEAKER Art Certosimo Senior Executive Vice President and CEO of Bank of New York (retired) Mellon’s Global Markets Unit and Member of the Company’s Executive and Operating Committees PRESENTATION OF DEGREES Graduate Programs-Newark and New Brunswick MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION MASTER OF ACCOUNTANCY MASTER OF FINANCIAL ANALYSIS MASTER OF QUANTITATIVE FINANCE MASTER OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY RECESSIONAL Rutgers Brass Ensemble CONVOCATION CEREMONY SPEAKER Rutgers University–Newark proudly welcomes Rutgers alumnus Arthur (Art) Certosimo as speaker for the 2015 Rutgers Business School–Newark and New Brunswick graduate convocation. In December 2014, Certosimo retired from Bank of New York Mellon (BNY Mellon) as senior executive vice president, member of the Executive Committee and the Operating Committee, and chief executive officer of BNY Mellon’s global markets. As chief executive officer of global markets, Certosimo led the company’s foreign exchange, capital markets, and derivatives trading businesses worldwide. His 16-year tenure at BNY Mellon included stints as chief executive officer of the company’s alternative, broker-dealer, and treasury clearance groups. Prior to joining BNY Mellon, Certosimo was a principal of Morgan Stanley Asset Management and a vice president of The Chase Manhattan Bank’s global investor services group. Presently, Certosimo is vice chair and a member of the Board of Advisors of Promontory Interfinancial Network, the leading provider of deposit placement services insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. He also is an active member of the Board of Directors of South Street Securities, a broker/dealer primarily focused on the financing of a matched book of U.S. government and agency repurchase agreements. During his 36-year career in international banking, Certosimo served on a number of boards and committees dedicated to delivering actionable solutions to issues facing the financial services industry. Among them, he was the lead director of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation, a director of the International Derivatives Clearing Group, a member of the Treasury Market Practices Group, a member of the Tri-party Repurchase Agreement Infrastructure Task Force formed by the Federal Reserve Payments System Risk Committee, a member of the Industry Working Group on Payments System Risk Policy Change, and a member of the NewBank Working Group. Certosimo is chair of the Board of Advisors of Rutgers Business School–Newark and New Brunswick, vice chair of the Board of Overseers of the Rutgers University Foundation, a board member of the National Italian American Foundation, and a past member of the Board of Directors of the Brooklyn Bureau of Community Service. He holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Rutgers College at Rutgers University and a master’s degree from Fairleigh Dickinson University. He lives in northern New Jersey with his wife and has one son and one daughter. CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Sammy Abdo Joseph Anthony Acinapura III Nima A. Adl j Sarkis Agopcan Saudah Ahmed& Achu Akum � Marco Antonio Alarcon Louri J. Amador Karan Rajesh Amin Karuneek Anand Tania Apicella Richard S. Arilotta � Michael M. Arnot j Ben Michael Aronson � Salvatore Hauptmann Atzeni j,& Paul S. Augusto Aaron John Avoletta � Mena Ayad Sunil Ayyagari Tayebeh Bahmani Xiao Bai Brandon Baldassari David Ballman � Vikram Balwani j,& Emmanuel Bamgbade j Asa Lee Barnla Pietro G. Barone Gordon W. Barr& Daniel J. Bartilotti Nicholas Charles Bazaral � Graham R. Beck j,& Brian Stefan Beckelman Neel Belani Kervain Gary Beldor Carl C. Benjamin Neal Thomas Bergano Arjun Bhatnagar j Christopher Bickerstaff j Jason M. Bloom Nicholas Bockey Chaouki Bouzayene � Joseph A. Branca William E. Bridges Jr. Kimberlyn Wing-See Brzozowski Nathan Z. Brzozowski j Radiance H. Bucknor Peter Alvin Burdack j Yangyang Cai j James Calero Demaris Cherise Casanovas Lisa Michelle Castaldo j David A. Cerulo Jr. Jim Chan j,& Richard Chan& Birva Chandra Deepika Chaudhary j Bo Chen j,& Mark C. Chesler Niraj Chhabra j Pranjal Chhajed Elango Chidambaram& Satya Subrahmanyam Chilukuri Venkata Hector Chin Michael J. Choi Hicham Choukrane John Christopher Clark j Kim Stephanie Clarkin& Eric H. Cohen �,& Janis G. Cohen Sean C. Colon � Amanda Lynn Conforti,& Jessica Ann Corcoran j,& Leann Colette Cosley-Richardson Daniel Ralph Cotoia j,& Kevin C. Coulter j James William Crate Jr.& Daniel Fredrick Cummings j,& Luke J. Cushing j,& Arti Dabholkar& Paul Thomas D'Addio Priyamvada C. Damaraju& Benjamin Patrick Dane �,& Brian Anthony DaSilva Tejas Davda Devaris D. Davis j Elisabeth A. De La Rosa �,& Marcos Perez De Vasconcellos j Prabhat Deshraju Manish B. Dhokiya José Eusebio Díaz Hernández �,& Evan DiMeglio Gregory B. Dimitroff j Kathryn A. DiPalo& Justin P. Distler& Biloni J. Doshi j Jaimin Doshi j Delano Dowdie � Larisa Drozdova j,& Brandon L. Druker Rebecca Lynn Duke& Farzad M. Dutia Tanu Dutt Patrick Ehlen � Christopher Eid& Shai Ellberger Alexis SungHi Elder Jonathan Tyler Ernst Andrew S. Fierman Matthew Fishbein& Christophe Florez Luiz B. Fontes � Jennifer Forrest& Jared Ross Franzblau Sasha Ann Fray& Magdalena Galik Suyog Manohar Gandhi Elizabeth R. Garabedian Katrina Monice Garrier Jennifer L. Gasior j,& Joseph C. Gausditis j Andrew F. Ghazal � Christine M. Ghobrial � Christopher J. Gobbo � Naga Sowjanya Godey j Javier Gomez-Blanco j Lia Gonzalez � Juan José Gordon Jr. � Tina Goyal Nicholas Michael Gregory j Brian Daniel Gross& Nicholas Steven Grossos& Geoffrey Charles Grow Roger Guan � Marijana Gucunski j,& Shane R. Gustafson& Ąrsalan Hafeez � Kwang Han& Diane Hanna Charles Harder Trevor Harrison � Shirley P. Ho& Michael D. Hogrebe Amanda Lauren Hurley& Naveed Akhtar Hussain j,& Nancy Hwang j,& Ran Hysler j,& Mohammad Ibrar& Ammar Idelbi Ikechukwu Ayodele Inya-Agha � Rana Ismail j Malcolm Ivy& Alae S. Jaber Brandon Lawrence Jackson j Karan Jain � Sima Kantilal Jasani& James Todd Johnson �,& Julie Marie Johnson �,& Gizelle Elizabeth Joshua j Rafal M. Kaczmarek Mukund S. Kalmanker j Charles D. Kandziolka& John Alexander Kanopka Tal Karlin j,& Sana B. Kathawala& Keith Kelleher Brian A. Kersmanc Aamir M. Khan j,& Hae In Kim � Kevin Kim j Nana Rockson Kodua � Sharon Faith Kohn j,& Harrison T. Koppell j Jeffrey G. Korasick& Tatyana Kossarkova Nicholas K. Kouyialis j Alison Elizabeth Kowalski& Jacqueline M. Krueger j,& Sudhaunshu Kulkarni �,& Nicholas Christopher Kumburis Emil Kurtisi �,& Michael J. Kwatkoski& Lawi K. Laktabai j Matthew A. LaManna j Samantha B. Lansdowne Zafer Javed Latef Jonathan Art Lee � Jose A. Leitao � Joanne D. Lesaca& Christopher J. Lettini& Saį-Pong Leung& Shoon K. Lim& Lakshmaiah S. Lingam Jian Liu& Jing Tan Liu& Phillip J. Lodato � Kunal M. Lodha Kayla A. Lu j Jennifer Lucas& Monica Lynn Lupiloff Joshua James MacDougall j Rammohan R. Madapati Rohit Reddy Madugula Rosamise Daphney Magee j,& Melissa Maglaqui CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Vimal Joseph Mani& Prasannadevi Maran Brad Marchese Daniel Ethan Marks Ernesto M. Marques j,& Neha Marvadi � Joseph F. Massa Christie Mattia j,& Joseph T. McCarthy j,& Dana Chevon McGraw Joseph B. McGuigan& Jett Ashley McGurk �,& Erin M. McKinley � Anthony Mercun Ariel Charles Millman John V Misarti j Revathy Mohta Gisselle Maria Montero Timothy Daniel Lanahan Moore Zachary A. Moore j Leah Moyers j Mayuri Mulchandani Lindsay Kate Mullaney j,& Daniel J. Murphy& David Myakotnikov j Andrew Scott Myers& Rangaswamy Marehalli Nagabhushan �,& Tajneen Natasha �,& Weyni Aida Nazon j,& Gregory Nduthu j Kwame Nkrumah � Christopher Nnadi Michael P. Nobile �,& Jarrett R. Novack j Ngozi Obi Daniel Obodeh j Maggie Obryk j Nii Ayi Okyne Linda Anne O'Leary& Christopher Vincent O'Neill j Damarie Ortiz Sean Michael O'Shea j Lisa Padkowsky j Shailesh D. Pagare Mayuresh R. Pandit Manasa Parakala Jae H. Park j Jimmy J. Park j Patrick Parker& Susan Parker& Christopher Michael Pastorello j,& Bhavin Patel Dina Ashok Patel Jeyur B. Patel �,& Kalpit R. Patel � Riti B. Patel j,& Sonal Patel Mercedes Stephanie Pazmino Angela F. Pekalski Edward R. Perrine j Kenneth Paul Petersen Jr. j Thomas W. Phillips William Michael Pilat& Shipra Pokharna William Coghlan Pollak& Mindi L. Prail �,& Carlene Moffitt Pruitt j,& Suresh Reddy Puthi Kavita Ramachandran Angel Raphael Ramirez � Sujeet Ranganathan Rupal P. Raval j,& Nadia Raza j Daniel Reber j,& Kevin John Recio Shaun S. Rees Michael P. Rejda � James Ren � Christopher S. Richards � Jarett J. Rivera � Jeff Roberson Jr. j Javier A. Rodriguez Reinaldo Romero Marc Ian Rosen Paul Martin Rosiak& Margarette Rosset Benjamin R. Ruffle Robert G. Ruinge j Igor Rusinov& Patrick Raymond Salemme Izabella Samvelyan& Darshak Sangani Desi J Saran j Gopal Sarngadharan& Victoria Jean Scanga � Ati Shah � Mittal Shah& Tarun R. Shah � Jaideep J. Shahani j Mihir S. Shanbhag j,& Amber D. Shaver Wen-Ting Shaw j,& Xin Shen Kaushal D. Shroff j,& Keyur D. Shroff j,& Kanwal D. Singh& Jeffrey Sisco Amanda Marie Smith Herbert Christian Heinrich Smith Samantha Lee Smitte j Liliana Snegur � Scott Soldan � Eric Joshua Sorkin j Eloino Soto � William Spencer Jr. �, & Eugene G. Spillane � Andrew Brad Spiro j Stephanie Strenger Elena V. Stugareva-Kolacy Kathleen Quan Su& Venkataramani Subbarayan Rebecca E. Sullivan-Ehnert j Martha R. Svendsen Mohammed N. Taha Jr. Weiyong Tang �,& Wen Thye Tang& Joana Teixeira Nayade J. Tezanos Daniel Edward Thomas& Jacob R. Thomas j,& Joshua Blair Thomas Michael Kenneth Toffolo j Vanette Emily Monic Torres Jacqueline Alexandra Touzeau John Curtis Triece �,& Neeti Trivedi j Justin Tuerack � Katrina Marie Vanacora& Somesh M. Varma �,& Ricardo Varona Jr. & Jonathan Vetrano j Anthony Vitiello � Michael J. Vroom Schuyler Wade Bryan William Wagner& Deepak Wahi Shine Wann j Brian C. Weber Kelley A. Wells& Ashley K. Werner Patrick Joseph Whelan& Candiece White j Debra Lynn Wieben j,& Karol M. Wiszniewski j Andrzej Wiszowaty Jessica Wojslaw � Wei-Chen Wu Jing Xie& Xin Xin Suweidu Yakubu Lisa Yan � Xiaoli Yan& Doohan Yoon j Mina I Yousuf& Angela Li-Hwa Yu Michael Adam Zane Yang Zhou Maria Zia Wayne Andrew Zsamba j � October 2014 Graduate January 2015 Graduate & Beta Gamma Sigma Invitee j CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (EXECUTIVE MBA) RUTGERS BUSINESS SCHOOL Tariq Ahmed Neel Ajinkya Robert Alleyne Serwaa Owusu Amankwaa Ukachi Anonyuo Christian Astle Danielle Atterberry Christopher Robert Banko& Marie Baptiste-Corneille Andrew Barchenko Carlotta Chan Junju Chen& Jorge Collier Ingrid Cornehl& Heather DeLuca Juan Diaz Boitano& Yvan Ducheine Aleksey Faynshteyn Vivekanand Gaddam Vishwas Gadgil Michele Gerards& Robert Hallinan Jeffrey Hermann Jane Xingfang Hong& Fareeda Hosein Cheng Yu Norman Hsieh Gabor Illes Gopalan Iyer& Christopher Edmund Johnson Lavanya Komireddy Brett M. Levander& Victor Michael Lopes Kathleen Munster& Banu Mutlu& Shinya Nagase Farkhanda Naqvi Matthew Orgera Ami Patel Michael E. Pelardis Prathibha S. Rao Filipe Remelgado Daniel Rotondo Kevin Anthony Ruta Franco Salerno Ashish Saxena& Adrian Schenck Pranit Sethi& Tushar Shah Joshua Sherman& Rafael Shulberg Marica M. Smith Mark Stratton Jose Suarez-Vizcarra Wayne Tatum& Alejandro Jose Torres Palaniswamy Vasudevan Edward Wardell& Kenwyn C. Williams Christopher Wilson Khurram Zahir SINGAPORE INTERNATIONAL Kenneth Yew Mun Cheong Seng Meng Damien Cheong Rémy Chiapolini& Sung Lyeol Choi Peter Francis Cullen Manimaran Devan Ching Ching Ee Sean David Gleeson& George John Kattner Kok Mun Koo Tse-Yang Kenny Lim Tze Beng Lim& Justin Sebastian Monteiro Chidananda Padmaraju Murthy Kwee Siah Adrian Quek Mishoo Sahay Praveen K. Shetty Jorgen Skogstad& Alvin Meng Wei Tan Lai Yuen Tan& Tracy Loo Chuan Tan Jing Zhou Wen& CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTING) Yasar Anjum � Joaquin Emil Arango � Christopher William Ash � Daniel Beloosesky � Brian Bokserman � Sally Adele Boyer �,& Nicholas A. Buccelli � Lynda M. Callis � Ervin Cani � Justin Chan � Shuting Chen � Antara Das � Zachary H. Edelsberg � Morley Faller � Courtney Erin Fox-Sherman �,& Tara Rose Gillespie � Seth M Goldstein � Jinpeng Hu � Anthony S. Hui � Fangqian Jin � Christopher Kim Eunji Kim � Yeon Joo Kim � Robert LaCour Knowles � Mosimiloluwa Oluseyi Koyejo � Alecia J. Krampel � Janet Lee � Aaron Lian � Melanie Louis-Jacques �,& Matilda Abla Middleton � Dani Moheisen � Kevin Frank Mulhern � Steven Francis Murphy � Sae R. Park � Karan Patel � Mayank K. Patel � Nilkumar M. Patel � Preya V. Patel � Dorothy Pee � Jhoseline A. Perez � Nicholas Prochilo �,& Evelyn I. Sapokolos � Sunny K. Shah � Samuel Obafemi Shobowale � James Drew Siegel �,& Efrem E. Stanley � Kaitlyn Frances Stephens �,& Brian S. Takagi � Charles Thomas Taverna Dustin Isaac Thomas � Kang Tian � Andrew Francis Treubig � Angela Tuladhar � Abbas Virani � Hung Leong Wong �,& Wen Yan � Wayne Ye �,& Alia A. Zarwi � Weixiao Zheng �,& Fanhui Zhou � Junyi Zhu � Qingfan Zhu � CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ACCOUNTANCY - FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING Muhammad Faraz Abbasi � Danielle Aliparo � Sidra B. Anjum Ashley Taylor Aronowitz j,& Aisha Aziz Sandhya Balakrishnan � Ron Berger Heena B. Bharti � Francis A. Cabrera Joseph Modesto Catanzaro j Joseph A. Davies � Joseph Anthony Derdzikowski Sumant Devineni Sewdy Diaz Rosaria C. DiPasquale j,& Jade Gaynor �,& Ryan T. Giebel Robert John Grbic j Jeremy Greenblum j,& Qi Y. Guo j Krzysztof A. Hanaka j,& David Hong Joseph J. Ianneillo Steven Joe Justin H. Joo& David Ian Kaplan j,& Norig B. Karakashian& Kelvin Knudtamarn �,& James Kruper j,& Brandon R. Leff j Xiang Lin � Phillip R. Mosca& CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ACCOUNTANCY - FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING Angela Bosibori Ngare � Daniel Oh j,& Shalu Oza j Viren B. Patel Nika A. Ramlogan � Summaiya Rehman j Cristina Joanne Richardson Ruben G. Ronquillo � Robert Simone Schweitzer Andrew R. Sharaf Joseph Daniel Spano � Shawn C. Theiler Douglas Q. Velasco � Stephen F. Wilder Jr.,& Yanyan Yang �,& CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ACCOUNTANCY - GOVERNMENTAL ACCOUNTING Bonnie Lynne Cheney& Jaime Chioldi j Susan Colbert Marina Samin D'Sa j Cherie L. Duffy j Heather M. Evans& Melissa Falance Charisma WK Fojas j Kelly A. Fortune j James Thomas Hall Christopher Andrew Heffernan j,& Maria Angela Inciardi j Kelly Lindstrom Brad Ludington j,& Cinthya Medina j Anthony Vincent Merrill j Brittany R. Niland Jeanne O'Brien& Grace O. Odediran j Charles M. Okongo j Timothy Funk Pearson j,& Curtis W. Phillips Jr. Kimberly Gail Ploskonka j,& Nicole Maureen Reilly j Pragati Sarveiya j,& Yashesh D. Shah Ross Antwan Stuckey j,& J-R Xander Wayne Jonathan Levi Wilmert j Rolland N. Ying j CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ACCOUNTANCY - TAXATION James Adekplovi Atiq Ahmed Alejandra Daiana Alvarez Irma Alvarez Tracy L. Barnes Rita Baroody Alex V. Caisaguano Fang Chen j,& Lawrence DiPasquale Joseph H. Doerrer Mohammad W. Dogar j Serena Elisa Enniss Kevin Sean Feeney j,& Carlos L. Fernandez � James Ferrick j Jeongho Kim � Sayat A. Kuyumcu j Eric J. Lane j George R. Lawton Christina Lea Lopez � Timothy Nabil Mansour � Brian P. Marchese Gregory Charles Montalbano j,& Gregory C. Montalbano Gregory Odianosen Oaikhenan j Jorge L. Orrego � Naim Osmanaj j Yue Pan j Akash Patel j Yuxuan Peng j Gilbert I. Petit-Compere Jennifer Lynn Reilly j Edwin J. Rosado j Chintan Shah j Priti Shetty Guillermo P. Then j Adele Thompson Kristie Noel Tierney �,& Priscilla Tse Jessica Watley j CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF FINANCIAL ANALYSIS En-Kai Chou Tianyu Dong& Zhengyu Han& Samir Kabir Yifan Lai Han-Ju Lee Huilian Li& Jiaqi Lin Chang Liu& Xiangjun Liu Yang Liu Yangruini Liu& Qing Lu Zhou Ma Chao Shen& Reshma P. Shetty Chenyu Wang Jingyi Wang Yongxin Wang& Zi Wang Yihan Wei Mengchao Wu Mengbo Xie Chengda Xin Rui Zhang& Xin Zhang& Tianjiao Zheng Yi Zhou CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF QUANTITATIVE FINANCE Zohar N. Bhagat j Sanjoy Chatterjee Xiao Chen Xiaohua Chen j Harsh Amit Choksi Yunyu Ding Jacob L. Finkel j,& Yihan Ge& Weston Edward Gunnarson& Xianzhe Hu Sida Huang Xiaoming Jin j Han Ju j Lazaros Kallimouratoglou Prateek Kondapally Chaoran Li j Jinyun Li j Alvin Liangce Lim Jian Liu& Xiaoting Liu Feizhe Luo& Shi Meng j Shaoji Niu j Siddharth Ojha j Kumar Pallav Dongdong Pan& Abhay Patil j Jarret C. Przybylski j Mo Qiao Faranak Sadeghi Naieni Fard j Pinaki Sarkar Mayank Saxena j Zijing Tai Biying Tang& Wencong Tu David Venti j,& Chuanzhen Wang& Junchao Wang j Mingzhi Wang j Xiaohu Zeng j Longfei Zhou& CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Sutapa Chaudhuri j,& Greeshma Chiluka j,& Xiang Cui j,& Anubhav Dawer j,& Vikram Dhankhar j,& Yingfeng Ding Anqi Fu j,& Yeong Min Jang � Yifei Jiao j Chia-Wei Li j,& Jingjing Li j Vidu Mishra& Ivy Wambani Munoko& Tao Ning j Venkataramani Pallassana Meera& Byengjoo Seong Kruti Yogeshkumar Shah j Sumitha Shankkar& Gayathri Sridharan& Yarui Sun j Mingfei Teng& Varun Vajpayee& Neelima Vegesna j,& Namratha Venkatesh Nandyal& Constantin Vitt j,& Chengzhang Wu j Wanting Yin j,& Danqi Yu � October 2014 Graduate January 2015 Graduate & Beta Gamma Sigma Invitee j AWARDS & HONORS RUTGERS BUSINESS SCHOOL-NEWARK AND NEW BRUNSWICK ALFRED J. BATTAGLIA MEMORIAL FELLOWSHIP This endowed fellowship was established by the family and friends of Al and Terry Battaglia to provide financial assistance to MBA and/or Ph.D. students enrolled in the supply chain management program based on academic merit. Christopher Lettini Manasa Parakala William Pollak Xin (Sally) Shen CHRISTINE DYMSZA MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP IN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT This scholarship was established by Professor William Dymsza and family in memory of their daughter, Christine. The award is given to a foreign student with high academic potential and financial need. Manasa Parakala CHUCK NAPP AWARD The Chuck Napp Award is presented to the student of the graduating class who embodies the exceptionally high spirit of the Rutgers EMBA Program. Prathibha Rao DEAN'S AWARD This merit-based award is granted to the students with high leadership potential and academic achievement as demonstrated by undergraduate records, recommendations and admissions tests. Arti Dabholkar Michael Kwatowski Andrew Myers William Pollak Katrina Vanacora Javier Rodriguez DIRECTOR’S AWARD The Masters of Financial Analysis Program will give this award for the most outstanding contribution by a student to the program. Reshma Shetty DR. ROSA OPPENHEIM LEADERSHIP AWARD This award honors Executive Vice Dean Dr. Rosa Oppenheim's extraordinary commitment to Rutgers Business School and the leadership she has exhibited throughout her career, including two stints as interim dean. This award recognizes a student who has demonstrated an extraordinary commitment to positive leadership. Hector Chin Katrina Garrier Daniel Murphy Andrew Myers AWARDS & HONORS RUTGERS BUSINESS SCHOOL-NEWARK AND NEW BRUNSWICK DR. S. GEORGE WALTERS CONSULTING EXCELLENCE AWARD This award was established in honor of Dr. S. George Walters, professor emeritus, who founded the Interfunctional Management Team Consulting Program in 1971. It is awarded annually to the Interfunctional Management Team with the highest academic achievement in the program. Easter Seals Team Louri Amador Evan DiMeglio Rana Ismail Aamir Khan Keyur Shroff Marcos De Vasconcellos Rutgers University Dining Neel Belani Cristina Dyogi Mark Huang Nana Kodua Kim Rea Jacqueline Touzeau EDMUND L. HOUSTON - ALFREDA P. ROBINSON AWARD This award is presented to the minority MBA student with the highest academic achievement. Weyni Nazon EDWIN M. DURAND ENDOWED FELLOWSHIP This fellowship is established by Benjamin Wolfe to provide financial support for full-time incoming MBA students enrolled at RBS based on academic merit. Shailesh Pagare EXECUTIVE MBA ACHIEVEMENT AWARD The EMBA Class of 1984 is the sponsor of this prize. It is awarded annually to the EMBA graduate with the highest academic achievement in the EMBA program. Ashish Saxena EXECUTIVE MBA DIRECTOR’S AWARD This award is presented by the director and staff of the Rutgers Executive MBA program to graduating executives who have enhanced the program significantly and who have been extraordinarily invaluable to Rutgers Business School and to the Executive MBA Program. Yvan Ducheine Fareeda Hosein Farkhanda Naqvi Franco Salerno AWARDS & HONORS RUTGERS BUSINESS SCHOOL-NEWARK AND NEW BRUNSWICK GEORGE R. ESTERLY MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP This scholarship, established by Rutgers Business School Alumni Association, honors the late George R. Esterly who served as dean of the school for nearly three decades (1935-1964). Dean Esterly’s leadership was instrumental in shaping the school during its most formative years. Students affectionately referred to him as “Uncle George” and he was described in yearbooks as “a devoted friend to every student of business in the university.” Evan DiMeglio Geoffrey Grow Marijana Gucunski Allison Kowalski-Mingione Debra Wieben J. DAVID PARKINSON ENDOWED FELLOWSHIP This endowed fellowship is established by J. David Parkinson to provide financial assistance to full-time graduate students enrolled at Rutgers Business School based on academic merit and financial need. Justin Distler JOEL E. KELLY AWARD The EMBA Class of 1994 is the sponsor of this prize in the memory of their classmate. It is awarded to the EMBA graduate, selected by fellow students, who best exemplifies the qualities of leadership and citizenship towards classmates and the EMBA program. Kathleen Munster MARKETING RESEARCH INSIGHTS AND ANALYTICS (MRIA) ADVISORY BOARD FELLOWSHIP The MRIA Advisory Board selects up to three awardees each year among MBA students with the MRIA Concentration based on academic merit. Shane Gustafson Sujeet Ranganathan MCCOY FAMILY MBA FELLOWSHIP Sherilyn McCoy and her family have made this scholarship gift with the intention of helping a financially constrained MBA student fulfill his/her goal of completing an MBA. The recipient will be a full-time MBA student based on financial need and academic merit. Nicholas Grossos AWARDS & HONORS RUTGERS BUSINESS SCHOOL-NEWARK AND NEW BRUNSWICK NADLER LEADERSHIP FELLOWSHIP The Nadler Leadership Fellowship will be awarded to help recruit an outstanding student with great potential for leadership at RBS and in his/her career. Shailesh Pagare PHARMACEUTICAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM EDITOR’S AWARD This award is sponsored by a graduate of the Pharmaceutical Management MBA program, who wishes to remain anonymous. It is given each year to a graduating MBA student concentrating in Pharmaceutical Management. The student must have a 3.5 GPA upon completion of 45 credits and must have made a significant contribution to the Pharmaceutical Management MBA program and the Pharmaceutical Management Club at Rutgers Business School. The award is based on nominations made by the director of the Pharmaceutical Management MBA program and voted on by all Pharmaceutical Management students, the director of the MBA Program, and the director of the MBA Office of Career Management. Michael Kwatkoski RALPH J. BUNCHE FELLOWSHIP This fellowship is awarded to minority students in recognition of their outstanding achievement and potential for graduate study. Reinaldo Romero Katrina Garrier ROBERT E. CAMPBELL ENDOWED FELLOWSHIP This endowed fellowship was established by Robert E. Campbell (MBA ’62) to provide financial support to full-time or part-time graduate students based on academic merit. Tania Apicella Sunil Ayyagari Joseph Branca Richard Chan Devaris Davis Nicholas Grossos Mohammad Ibrar Vimal Mani Paul Rosiak Izabella Samvelyan Andrew Spiro ROBERT AND FRANCES KAPLAN ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP This endowed scholarship is established by the school of Business/Management/ Business Alumni Association and friends of Robert & Frances Kaplan for one graduate student each year based on financial need. Mina Yousuf AWARDS & HONORS RUTGERS BUSINESS SCHOOL-NEWARK AND NEW BRUNSWICK RUTGERS BUSINESS SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION PRIZE, MBA PROGRAM This award is given each year to the student who has shown the greatest achievement in both scholastic and extracurricular activities. Brian Bergen Diane Hanna Bhavin Patel RUTGERS BUSINESS SCHOOL FINANCE ADVISORY BOARD AWARD This award is made on behalf of the school’s finance advisory board annually to an outstanding student in finance. Brian Gross Mina Yousuf RUTGERS BUSINESS SCHOOL MARKETING MBA ACHIEVEMENT AWARD This award is given annually by the Department of Marketing to one full-time and one Flex MBA student who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in Marketing. Amanda Conforti Mittal Shah RUTGERS BUSINESS SCHOOL MASTER OF QUANTITATIVE FINANCE HIGHEST ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AWARD This award recognizes the Master of Quantitative Finance student who has achieved a 4.0 GPA. Biying Tang RUTGERS BUSINESS SCHOOL MASTER OF QUANTITATIVE FINANCE SCHOLASTIC ACHIEVEMENT AWARD This award recognizes the Master of Quantitative Finance students who have demonstrated scholastic achievement. Weston Gunnarson Feizhe Luo Chuanzhen Wang AWARDS & HONORS RUTGERS BUSINESS SCHOOL-NEWARK AND NEW BRUNSWICK RUTGERS BUSINESS SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP This endowed scholarship is awarded to RBS graduate students based on academic merit. Nicholas Bockey Justin Distler Jonathan Gallagher Michael Hogrebe Sai-Pong Leung Bhavin Patel Kevin Recio Mittal Shah Mina Yousuf SALES EXECUTIVE CLUB OF NEW JERSEY FOUNDATION FELLOWSHIP This scholarship, established by the Sales Executives Foundation, is awarded to full-time MBA students with academic promise and leadership potential. Joanne Lesaca SERKES FAMILY ENDOWED FELLOWSHIP This endowed fellowship was established by Jeffrey D. Serkes (MBA '82) to provide financial support to full-time or part-time graduate students. Mittal Shah SOOD AND SINGH MBA SCHOLARSHIP This award was established by Rohit Sood (MBA ‘05) to provide financial support to second-year full-time MBA students in the Pharmaceutical Management program, based on academic merit and financial need. Javier Rodriguez SPECIAL DEAN’S AWARD This merit-based award is granted to students with high leadership potential and academic achievement as demonstrated by undergraduate records, recommendations and admissions tests. Asa Barnla Justin Distler Jing Xie SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT ADVISORY BOARD FELLOWSHIP This graduate fellowship was established to support full-time MBA students concentrating in supply chain management who intend to pursue a career in supply chain management. Christopher Lettini Manasa Parakala William Pollak Xin (Sally) Shen AWARDS & HONORS RUTGERS BUSINESS SCHOOL-NEWARK AND NEW BRUNSWICK THE BRICK-WHITCOMB AWARD Established by John Longo and David Whitcomb, this award recognizes the MBA student who completes the best stock report for the course “Advanced Portfolio Management.” Nicholas Kouyialis THE LESLIE AND JOYCE GOODMAN FELLOWSHIP This endowed fellowship was established by Leslie and Joyce Goodman to provide financial support to full-time MBA students who have earned an undergraduate degree from either Douglass College or Rutgers College. The award is based on academic merit and financial need. Kwang Han THE TOUCHE ROSS, A.H. AND H.S. PUDER MEMORIAL FUND ACADEMIC AWARD This award derives from the income of an endowment fund established in memory of A.H. and H.S. Puder by their associates. The award recognizes two graduates with the highest academic achievement in the Professional Accounting Program. Kaitlyn Stephens Weixiao Zheng WILLIAM M. FREEMAN FELLOWSHIP This fellowship is established by William Freeman for a full-time incoming MBA student, with preference given to students from under-represented minority groups in order to increase diversity within the University, with a GPA of 3.3 or higher. James Calero AWARDS & HONORS RUTGERS BUSINESS SCHOOL-NEWARK AND NEW BRUNSWICK RUTGERS BUSINESS SCHOOL SEVENTY-THIRD ANNUAL INITIATION OF THE ALPHA OF THE NEW JERSEY CHAPTER OF BETA GAMMA SIGMA The Alpha of New Jersey Chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma was established in 1942 at the then School of Business Administration of the University of Newark. With the merger of that university into Rutgers University in Newark in 1946, the chapter was transferred to the Rutgers Business School. Beta Gamma Sigma, when established in 1942, took the place of the then existing local honor society Pi Mu Epsilon which had been established in 1933 and had served as the honor fraternity of the Seth Boyden School of Business and the School of Business Administration of the University of Newark. The Alpha of New Jersey Chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma restricts eligibility for election to membership in the society to the highest 10 percent of the undergraduate class and to the highest 20 percent of the graduate class. The attainment of high original scholarship, outstanding service, and good moral character are qualifications for election of those scholastically eligible. Officers 2014-2015 Jay Soled, President Rosa Oppenheim, Vice President Alex Sannella, Treasurer Goncalo Filipe, Chapter Secretary/Advisor Beta Gamma Sigma keys are awarded to those initiates who have not only an excellent scholastic record, but who have also given outstanding service to the school. BETA GAMMA SIGMA LEADERSHIP AWARDS Bryan Wagner RUTGERS BUSINESS SCHOOL-NEWARK AND NEW BRUNSWICK Rutgers Business School-Newark and New Brunswick is one of 27 colleges that comprise Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, one of the oldest and most distinguished universities in the United States. Founded in 1929, RBS has been accredited since 1941 by AACSB International–The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, a distinction that represents the hallmark of excellence in management education. Today, RBS is educating more than 6,200 undergraduate and graduate students at the Newark and New Brunswick campuses of Rutgers as well as five satellite locations in New Jersey and China. Steeped in academic excellence, with a distinguished faculty, RBS is highly ranked by the Financial Times, U.S. News & World Report, BusinessWeek, The Wall Street Journal and The Princeton Review. Rutgers Business School programs deliver people with business, science, and technology credentials to drive global markets. With more than 270 Rutgers University degree programs to partner with, RBS is uniquely capable of delivering cutting-edge, multidisciplinary curricula that combine the mix of business and science required by today’s leading corporations. Geographically situated in an epicenter of global business, RBS has high access to the top executives leading the world’s largest corporations. These partnerships are central to the RBS experience that offers students real-world experiences that lead to distinct career advantages, evidenced by a network of more than 33,000 successful alumni. Rutgers Business School offers an undergraduate program, a full-time and flextime MBA program, an Executive MBA, an International Executive MBA, and an MBA in Professional Accounting. Other graduate degree options include a Master of Quantitative Finance, Master of Accountancy in Financial Accounting, Master of Accountancy in Governmental Accounting, and a Master of Accountancy in Taxation. In addition, a Ph.D. in Management is offered in conjunction with the Graduate School-Newark. Accelerated joint degree programs include a BS in Business/MBA as well as BS/MBA and BA/MBA degrees offered in conjunction with Rutgers’ Newark and New Brunswick schools of arts and sciences. A JD/MBA and a JD/Professional Accounting MBA are offered in conjunction with the Rutgers School of LawNewark. An MPP (Public Planning)and MCRP/(City and Regional Planning)/MBA is offered in conjunction with Rutgers’ Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy. Other joint degree programs include the MPH (Public Health)/MBA, an MS in Biomedical Sciences/MBA and an MD/MBA, offered with the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ) and Pharm D/MBA (Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy). Post-MBA certificates are also available. Rutgers University-Newark is a doctorate-granting research institution that has evolved into one of New Jersey's leading education and research centers. It is a member of the AAU, the association of leading research universities in the United States. Rutgers University was chartered in 1766 as Queens College, and was designated the state university in 1945. Situated on 38 acres in downtown Newark, New Jersey's largest city, Rutgers University-Newark serves 12,000 undergraduate and graduate students. For the past 15 years, Rutgers University-Newark has been ranked the nation's most diverse national university by U.S. News & World Report. For additional information about Rutgers Business School, visit THE ACADEMIC COSTUME The wearing of academic dress dates back to the early days of the oldest universities in the world. In the American Council on Education’s book entitled American Universities and Colleges, it is suggested that “Gowns may have been counted necessary for warmth in the unheated buildings frequented by medieval scholars. Hoods seem to have served to cover the tonsured head…” American universities established a code of regulations which today is followed by almost all American institutions. The establishment of this code has made it possible to distinguish the bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degree recipients, and at the same time, to recognize the university awarding the degree. The colors of the lining of the hoods for the nine original colonial colleges are: scarlet, Rutgers; crimson, Harvard; green-gold-silver, William and Mary; blue, Yale; red and blue, Pennsylvania; orange and black, Princeton; light blue and white, Columbia; brown, Brown; and green and white, Dartmouth. The bachelor’s gown has pointed sleeves and is worn closed. The master’s gown has oblong sleeves, open at the wrist. The rear part of its oblong shape is square-cut, and the front part has an arc cut away. It is worn open or closed. The hoods vary in size: 48 inches for the doctoral degree, 42 inches for the master’s, and 36 inches for the bachelor’s. All hoods are lined in the academic color or colors of the institution conferring the degree. If the institution has more than one color, the colors are shown in divisions using chevrons. The binding or edge of the hood is usually made of velvet in the color designating the subject in which the degree was granted. Black mortarboards are worn for all degrees. Some of the colors in the bindings of the hoods are: white, Arts and Letters; drab, Business Administration; violet, Criminal Justice; light blue, Education; purple, Law; apricot, Nursing; peacock blue, Public Administration; blue, Philosophy; gold, Science; and citron, Social Work. RUTGERS UNIVERSITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Congratulations, Class of 2015! Welcome to the Rutgers University Alumni Association (RUAA), the universitywide alumni organization in which all Rutgers graduates are members—for free, for life! You are joining a powerful network of more than 460,000 alumni worldwide, a legion of scarlet enthusiasts who have shared many of the same experiences and traditions that have made your time at Rutgers memorable. As you embark upon this new chapter in your life, the Rutgers University Alumni Association website will help you stay connected with Rutgers and fellow alumni in ways that are meaningful to you. Networking events, social outings, exclusive discounts, career resources, volunteer opportunities, and many diverse groups across the United States and abroad await you. Make sure you update your information on the RUAA website to customize which news and updates you receive from the university and to ensure your alumni benefits card and free subscription to Rutgers Magazine find you at your new address: Your days as a student are over, but as a Rutgers graduate, you are scarlet forever. Rutgers and the RUAA look forward to being a part of the next exciting stage of your life. Congratulations and welcome to the RUAA! Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Newark Convocation 2015 U N IVER SIT Y | N EWAR K
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