REQUEST FOR BIDS 2015 LAWN MAINTENANCE FOR THE VILLAGE OF NEW BADEN New Baden, Illinois 62265 CONTENTS 1. Notice of Bid 2. Request for Bids for Lawn Maintenance Services 3. Bidder's Reference List 4. Bid Submittal 5. Contract for Lawn Maintenance Services CONTRACT PERIOD: April 6, 2015 to November 30, 2015 BID OPENING-DATE/TIME/LOCATION: March 26, 2015 at 10:00 am VILLAGE OF NEW BADEN VILLAGE CLERK’S OFFICE 1 East Hanover Street New Baden, IL 62265 NOTICE OF BID 2015 LAWN MAINTENANCE SERVICES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the President and the Board of Trustees of the Village of New Baden, St. Clair & Clinton Counties, Illinois, that the Village of New Baden is seeking bids for Lawn Maintenance Services. The Scope of Services to be performed under the Contract Documents in general consists of mowing and other general lawn maintenance of various locations throughout the Village in accordance with specifications in the bid documents, which may be picked up in the Village Clerk's Office at the Village Hall, 1 East Hanover Street, New Baden, Illinois 62265, or requested by e-mail to [email protected]. Completed bids are due in the office of the Village Clerk no later than 10:00 am on Thursday, March 26, 2015, where said bids will be opened and publicly recorded. The Village of New Baden reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to accept any bid which, in its judgment, will be in the best interest of the public. No bid shall be withdrawn after opening of bids without the consent of the Village of New Baden, Illinois, for a period of sixty (60) days. Only bids responsive to the provisions of the specifications will be considered. Any questions or requests for clarification or other information should be directed to Mr. Lyndon Joost, Village Administrator, in writing and via email at [email protected]. By Order of the Village of New Baden Teri Crane Village Clerk VILLAGE OF NEW BADEN REQUEST FOR BIDS FOR LAWN MAINTENANCE SERVICES Purpose The Village of New Baden is soliciting bids from interested and qualified contractors with the capability of providing lawn mowing and other lawn maintenance services for property owned by the Village or under the maintenance jurisdiction of the Village. It is the intent of the Village to review the qualifications and pricing of interested companies and to enter into a contract with one or more contractors to provide lawn mowing of those properties in accordance with the specifications stated herein. Preparation and Submission of Bids The Village of New Baden (the "Village") will accept bid proposals until Thursday, March 26, 2015 at 10:00 am. at which time and place all bids received will be opened and read aloud. All bid packages shall be submitted on forms provided by the Village of New Baden and shall include all costs according to the contract form. Sealed bids (which will include the entire bid package) shall be endorsed with the name and address of the bidder and clearly marked "Proposal for 2015 Lawn Maintenance". All bids shall be submitted in a sealed envelope, mailed or delivered to: Village Clerk Village of New Baden 1 East Hanover Street New Baden, IL 62265 All blank spaces for bid prices, unit costs and alternatives must be completed and signed in ink. Unsigned bid packages will be rejected. In case of a corporation, the title of the officer signing shall be stated. In case of a partnership, the signature of at least one of the partners shall follow the firm name, using the term ‘member of firm'. In case of an individual, use the term 'doing business as _______ or "sole owner". Bid packages which are incomplete, conditional or obscure, by reason of additions not called for, erasures, alterations or irregularities of any kind, may be rejected by the Village as being incomplete bids. Bidders may attach separate sheets to the Proposal Form for the purpose of explanation. Exceptions or alternate proposals will be accepted. Contract Period The contract period will be April 6, 2015 to November 30, 2015. The Village Administrator or his designated representative shall declare the end of the lawn maintenance season. Bidder's Contact Information Bidders shall provide contact information including name of primary contact person, e-mail address, mailing address, and phone number. Questions and Clarifications It is the bidder’s responsibility to become familiar with the Village’s contract. Any questions or request for clarification regarding this RFP shall be made via e-mail to Lyndon Joost, Village Administrator, at [email protected]. The Village will respond to any such question or request for clarification in writing in the form of an email to all prospective bidders, thereby assuring the request and response are available to all. Amendments to Specifications / Bid Process During the bidding period but prior to bids being due, the Village reserves the right to make changes to the bid specifications and/or documents and to notify prospective bidders of said changes. Required References and Experience Every prospective bidder must complete and submit the attached reference form which includes the name, address and telephone number of at least three (3) professional references for similar types of lawn maintenance performed by the bidder within the past two (2) years. Whenever possible, references should include any municipal clients of the company during the past two (2) years. Competency of Bidder No bid shall be accepted from, or contract awarded to, any person, firm, or corporation that is in arrears or is in default to the Village upon any debt or contract, or that is in default, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Village or has failed to perform faithfully any previous contract with the Village. Bidder Investigation By submitting a proposal, a prospective bidder represents that he/she has carefully examined the provisions of this attached Contract, inspected in detail the locations of the proposed Work, investigated and become familiar with all the local conditions, is fully acquainted with the detailed requirements of the Work, and therefore assures and warrants to the Village that it has made these examinations and that it understands all requirements for the performance of the Work. The bidder shall be responsible for all errors resulting from its failure or neglect to do so and agrees that the Village will in no case, be responsible for any costs, expenses, losses, or change in anticipated profits resulting from a failure or neglect of the bidder to make these examinations. Contract By submitting a bid, the prospective bidder acknowledges that he/she has reviewed the sample Contract For Lawn Maintenance and its specifications, attached hereto, and that he/she understands and accepts the terms, conditions and specifications of that contract. The prospective bidder further agrees that, if his/her bid is accepted, and he/she fails to enter into a contract forthwith, he/she may be barred from contracting with the Village in the future. Non Submittal Any prospective bidder who chooses to not submit a proposal must e-mail the Village and request that they remain of the bidder’s list for next year if they so desire, or they may otherwise be removed from that list. Such companies are requested to also state their reason for choosing to not submit a proposal this year. Basis of Award The Village reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive all technicalities or to accept the bid or any part thereof which is determined to be in the best interest of the Village. Bidder's Reference List (please type or print legibly) _ 1. Name of Client (Within Last Two Years - Municipality or Company) _ Client Contact Person ________________________________ Phone Number _________________________________ E-mail Description of work performed _ _ _ _ 2. Name of Client (Within Last Two Years - Municipality or Company) _ Client Contact Person ________________________________ Phone Number _________________________________ E-mail Description of work performed _ _ _ _ 3. Name of Client (Within Last Two Years - Municipality or Company) _ Client Contact Person ________________________________ Phone Number _________________________________ E-mail Description of work performed _ _ _ Bidders may make copies of this form and provide as many references as they wish BID SUBMITTAL Company Name: _ ____________________________ __ Business Address: __ ________________________________________________ Primary Contact: Phone Number: E-mail: Type of Bidder: _____ Corporation _____ Partnership _____ Individual / Sole Proprietorship Printed Name: _ Title: _ Signature Date In case of a corporation, the person signing shall be an officer with authority to do so. In case of a partnership, the person signing shall be one of the partners. In case of an individual, indicate 'doing business as ______________’ or ‘sole owner’. Inside Fence Maintained By Others Location 1 – Lawn Maintenance Services Area New Baden Community Park - 1103 E. Hanover Street General Description of Scope: Mow and trim all grass areas within the park properties. Frequency: Generally once per week during height of growing season, less often during dry conditions. Estimated number of cuttings per typical season: 25± Special Considerations: Some areas to the south near railroad tracks can be swampy during wet season. Mowing needs to be coordinated with sporting events, need to stripe fields on specific days of the week, special events like tournaments and June Jamboree, and heavy use of the park during summer. Bidding on this Location Not bidding on this Location I hereby bid $ ___________ per one complete mowing / trim, and will honor this bid as a unit price throughout the contract term of April 6, 2015 – November 30, 2015. __________________________________________ Signature ________________ Date Location 2 – Lawn Maintenance Services Area Greenmount Cemetery – 8214 State Route 160 General Description of Scope: Mow and trim all grass areas within the cemetery. Frequency: Generally once per week during height of growing season, less often during dry conditions. Estimated number of cuttings per typical season: 25± Special Considerations: Mowing needs to be completed around headstones in somewhat constructed areas without damage to headstones. Trimming around all headstones is required. At times memorial decorations will be present on grave sites. Need to coordinate with any the potential for burials / funerals. Needs to be maintained and in exceptional condition prior to specific dates, such as Easter, Memorial Day, and Veteran’s Day. Bidding on this Location Not bidding on this Location I hereby bid $ ___________ per one complete mowing / trim, and will honor this bid as a unit price throughout the contract term of April 6, 2015 – November 30, 2015. __________________________________________ Signature ________________ Date Location 3 – Lawn Maintenance Services Area New Baden City Cemetery - 502 E. Hanover Street General Description of Scope: Mow and trim all grass areas within the cemetery. Frequency: Generally once per week during height of growing season, less often during dry conditions. Estimated number of cuttings per typical season: 25± Special Considerations: Mowing needs to be completed around headstones in somewhat constructed areas without damage to headstones. Trimming around all headstones is required. At times memorial decorations will be present on grave sites. Need to coordinate with any the potential for burials / funerals. Needs to be maintained and in exceptional condition prior to specific dates, such as Easter, Memorial Day, and Veteran’s Day. This is a shared cemetery with St. George’s Catholic Church. Only that portion owned by the Village is included in the bid. Bidding on this Location Not bidding on this Location I hereby bid $ ___________ per one complete mowing / trim, and will honor this bid as a unit price throughout the contract term of April 6, 2015 – November 30, 2015. __________________________________________ Signature ________________ Date Location 4 – Lawn Maintenance Services Area Detention Basin – Accessible from N. end of Poos Dr. or N. Second St. General Description of Scope: Mow only the top of banks around the perimeter of the entire basin. (Generally the area between the heavy lines in the illustration above.) Frequency: Generally once per week during height of growing season, less often during dry conditions. Estimated number of cuttings per typical season: 25± Special Considerations: Some areas can be swampy during wet weather season. Bidding on this Location Not bidding on this Location I hereby bid $ ___________ per one complete mowing / trim, and will honor this bid as a unit price throughout the contract term of April 6, 2015 – November 30, 2015. __________________________________________ Signature ________________ Date As needed Location 5 – Lawn Maintenance Services Area Caylin Ridge Detention and Drainage Ditch – Off Jillian Drive General Description of Scope: Mow grass areas within the detention basin and throughout the drainage ditch immediately to the south, from east of Jillian Drive to west of N. Ninth Street, as indicated above. Frequency: Generally once per week during height of growing season, less often during dry conditions. Estimated number of cuttings per typical season: 25± Special Considerations: Use of weed trimmer may be required in some areas where mower may have difficulty navigating. Opposite ends of the ditch area have in the past been maintained by adjoining property owners so may not always need to be cut. Bidding on this Location Not bidding on this Location I hereby bid $ ___________ per one complete mowing / trim, and will honor this bid as a unit price throughout the contract term of April 6, 2015 – November 30, 2015. __________________________________________ Signature ________________ Date Location 6 – Lawn Maintenance Services Area Water Tower Lot / Poos Dr. Grass Area - E. Poos Drive General Description of Scope: Mow grass areas around water tower and on occasion the small grass area on the southeast curve of E. Poos Drive. Frequency: Generally once per week during height of growing season, less often during dry conditions. Estimated number of cuttings per typical season: 25± Special Considerations: The grass area on the curve is occasionally maintained by adjacent property owners so may only need to be cut when they have not. Bidding on this Location Not bidding on this Location I hereby bid $ ___________ per one complete mowing / trim, and will honor this bid as a unit price throughout the contract term of April 6, 2015 – November 30, 2015. __________________________________________ Signature ________________ Date If needed Location 7 – Lawn Maintenance Services Area Ground Storage Tank - N. First Street General Description of Scope: Mow grass areas at ground storage tank property. Frequency: Generally once per week during height of growing season, less often during dry conditions. Estimated number of cuttings per typical season: 25± Special Considerations: “Tail” to the north is technically part of the Village property but in the past has been maintained by adjoining property owner. Cut only if needed. Bidding on this Location Not bidding on this Location I hereby bid $ ___________ per one complete mowing / trim, and will honor this bid as a unit price throughout the contract term of April 6, 2015 – November 30, 2015. __________________________________________ Signature ________________ Date Location 8 – Lawn Maintenance Services Area Library / Civic Center – 100 E. Birch Street General Description of Scope: Mow and trim all grass areas of the Library and Civic Center properties. Frequency: Generally once per week during height of growing season, less often during dry conditions. Estimated number of cuttings per typical season: 25± Special Considerations: Bidding on this Location Not bidding on this Location I hereby bid $ ___________ per one complete mowing / trim, and will honor this bid as a unit price throughout the contract term of April 6, 2015 – November 30, 2015. __________________________________________ Signature ________________ Date Location 9 – Lawn Maintenance Services Area New Baden Maintenance Shed – 388 S. Fourth Street General Description of Scope: Mow and trim all grass areas within the maintenance shed property. Frequency: Generally once per week during height of growing season, less often during dry conditions. Estimated number of cuttings per typical season: 25± Special Considerations: Bidding on this Location Not bidding on this Location I hereby bid $ ___________ per one complete mowing / trim, and will honor this bid as a unit price throughout the contract term of April 6, 2015 – November 30, 2015. __________________________________________ Signature ________________ Date Location 10 – Lawn Maintenance Services Area “Brickyard” Lot – N. Franklin Street General Description of Scope: Mow grass areas within the park properties. Frequency: Generally once per week during height of growing season, less often during dry conditions. Estimated number of cuttings per typical season: 25± Special Considerations: Bidding on this Location Not bidding on this Location I hereby bid $ ___________ per one complete mowing / trim, and will honor this bid as a unit price throughout the contract term of April 6, 2015 – November 30, 2015. __________________________________________ Signature ________________ Date Location 11 – Lawn Maintenance Services Area Chamber of Commerce Lot – 1219 E. Cedar Street General Description of Scope: Maintain both banks and the bottoms of drainage ditches along the south and east edges of property. Balance of property maintained by others. Frequency: Generally once per month, less often during dry conditions. Estimated number of cuttings per typical season: 4 (Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct) Special Considerations: Could possibly be mowed with tractor and sickle bar. Otherwise is probably all hand work with weed trimmer. Bidding on this Location Not bidding on this Location I hereby bid $ ___________ per one complete mowing / trim, and will honor this bid as a unit price throughout the contract term of April 6, 2015 – November 30, 2015. __________________________________________ Signature ________________ Date VILLAGE OF NEW BADEN CONTRACT FOR LAWN MAINTENANCE This Contract made this ____ day of April, 2015, between the Village of New Baden, an Illinois municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "Village", and , hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”. The undersigned Contractor agrees to provide to the Village, Lawn Maintenance Services conforming to the following detailed specifications with such exceptions or modifications, as are herewith set forth, in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein and in the "Request for Proposal". Locations covered under this contract and awarded to this Contractor are as follows: 1. _________________________________ at a unit price of $______ per one complete mowing / trim 2. _________________________________ at a unit price of $______ per one complete mowing / trim 3. _________________________________ at a unit price of $______ per one complete mowing / trim 4. _________________________________ at a unit price of $______ per one complete mowing / trim 5. _________________________________ at a unit price of $______ per one complete mowing / trim Scope of Work - General The Contractor shall furnish all labor, tools, materials, equipment, and supervision necessary for the performance of all operations incidental to mowing, trimming and cleanup to keep designated properties of the Village of New Baden in a neat and orderly appearance. The frequency and performance of the relative to any specific property will be in accordance with the detailed specifications and scope as set forth in the Scope of Work – Specific, identified with that property. In general, the Contractor shall: 1. Remove from the area being mowed, all paper or debris which might be scattered or discharged by the mower, pose a hazard, or interfere with cutting operations, including wire, bottles, large rock, metal cans, sticks, and other litter. Accumulated trash and debris is to be removed by the contractor, hauled away from the property, and disposed of properly. 2. Mow grass, mulching the clippings a. Grass areas shall be mowed to a height of not less than two inches above the surface of the soil and not more than three inches above the soils surface. b. Grass adjacent to buildings, utilities, trees or fences, uncut by larger mowers, shall be cut by smaller mowers. This does not constitute trimming. 3. Use a weed-trimmer to remove grasses around obstacles that prevent cutting with the mower, such as trees, poles, benches, and structures. a. Each time the grass of an area is mowed, all grass brush, weeds and other vegetation growing beside walls, guy wires, poles, shrubs, trees, foundations, garbage can pads, fire hydrants or any object within the designated areas shall be cut at a height consistent with the adjoining turf areas. b. Grass shall be “edged” along all curbs, sidewalks and driveways’ 4. Use care when mowing and trimming around trees so the bark is not damaged 5. Remove grass clippings and any other mowing debris from sidewalks, paved areas and similar surfaces by sweeping, leaf blowing or otherwise cleaning. 6. Not use any chemical to kill or impede the growth of weeds and grasses in order to facilitate trimming. Work Schedule The Village’s preference is for all Lawn Maintenance Services under this contract to be generally scheduled and performed between the hours of 7:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. No services shall be performed when they might interfere with the scheduled use of the properties herein. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to be aware of the scheduled use of any such properties for events such as ball games, festivals, and burials / funerals. Therefore, each week no later than 8:00 am on Monday, the Contractor shall notify the Village via e-mail to [email protected] of their proposed lawn maintenance schedule, if any, for that week. Said notice shall include each day of the week the contractor plans to maintain any property under the contract, and the specific properties planned for maintenance for that week. Changes to the planned scheduled due to weather or any other cause shall also be noticed to the Village at the same e-mail address. Failure by the Contractor to provide a work schedule in advance may become grounds for the Village delaying or not paying for any services claimed as provided during that week. The Village will strive to notify the Contractor of any potential conflicts that week with scheduled events known to the Village, so that the Contractor’s schedule may be modified. Equipment Mowers shall be of a type which causes clippings to be effectively mulched and distributed evenly over the cut area. Therefore any failure of the equipment to do so, resulting in excessive accumulation of grass clippings and other cut vegetation, adds a requirement that said excess clippings be hauled off the property by the Contractor. The cutting edges of all mowing equipment used in performance of work shall also be kept in sharp condition to avoid bruising or rough cutting of grass will not be accepted. Should equipment breakdowns prevent the Contractor from keeping current with growth and proper maintenance of the lawn areas, the Contractor shall rent equipment if needed to perform the required scope of work under this contract. Under no circumstances shall any motorized vehicles, not directly mowing the lawn, be permitted to be driven on grass areas or public walks while performing work under the provisions of this Contract. Safety Public safety is of prime importance. The Contractor shall therefore be fully responsible for performing these Services in a safe manner and in compliance with all applicable OSHA requirements. 1. Guards shall be present and in use on all mowing equipment to prevent debris from being projected from blades. 2. Mowing equipment shall never be left unattended. 3. Operators shall meet the minimum required age for operation of such equipment, and shall be properly training in its safe use. 4. Any time the Contractor is working within an area where pedestrians might be injured, or within a roadway right-of-way or otherwise near a public street where the operations might affect vehicular traffic, signs, cones or other safety devices should be used to provide notification or to close or restrict areas while operations are under way. 5. The Contractor shall keep a daily record with respect to any and all accidents, injuries or incidents of damage occurring in, or near to, the site of the work, or as a result of the Contractor’s activities. Such information, as well as any complaints received by the Contractor from the general public, shall be supplied to the Village within twenty-four (24) hours of occurrence. While the Village will not direct the ways, means, work or operations of the Contractor, the Village does reserve the right, at its sole discretion, to stop or suspend any work where it has reason to believe proper safety precautions are not being followed. Damage of Property Any damage to Village or private property as a result of the Contractor's operation shall be repaired by him without delay. The Village reserves the right to make any necessary repairs and deduct these costs from any monies due the Contractor, should in the opinion of the Village, the repair not be instituted soon enough, or satisfactorily. Insurance The Contractor agrees, to provide proof of, and to maintain the following insurance coverage in the minimum amounts indicated for the entire duration of the contract. If the insurance found not to be in force, the Village of New Baden, at its option, terminate and cancel the contract. 1. Commercial General Liability insurance; on an "Occurrence Basis" with limits of liability not less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $1,000,000 aggregate, combined single limit, Personal Injury, Bodily injury and Property Damage. 2. Workers Compensation Including Employer's liability Coverage; of $10,000 each accident, $500,000 annual aggregate, in accordance with all Illinois Law. The Contractor further agrees to a waiver of any workmen’s compensation Kotecki limitation in relation to work performed by Contractor’s employees on the VILLAGE’s properties. 3. Motor vehicle Insurance and Liability; Contractor must carry a minimum of $1,000,000 per occurrence combined single limit including coverage for hired or leased vehicles, and owned and non-owned vehicles with No-Fault coverage as required by law. 4. Additional Insured: The Contractor shall include the Village as an additional insured on said policies, with written endorsement from the carrier, and require that the carrier provide at least a 30-day notice to the Village prior to cancellation of said policies. 5. Limits: The limits of any insurance required above or carried by the Contractor shall not, limit the liability of the Contractor nor relieve the Contractor of any obligation hereunder. Indemnity / Hold Harmless To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Contractor hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Village of New Baden, its officials, agents and employees, against all injuries, deaths, loss, damages, claims, suits, liabilities, judgments, costs and expenses, which may in any way accrue against the Village of New Baden, its officials, agents and employees, arising from the negligence or willful conduct in the performance of this work by the Contactor or its employees. The Contractor shall, at its own expense, appear, defend and pay all charges of attorneys and all costs and other expenses arising therefore or incurred in connections therewith, and, if any judgment shall be rendered against the Village of New Baden, its officials, agents and employees, in any such action, the Contractor shall, at its own expense, satisfy and discharge the same. The Contractor expressly understands and agrees that any performance bond or insurance policies required by this contract, or otherwise provided by the Contractor, shall in no way limit the responsibility to indemnify, keep and save harmless and defend the Village of New Baden, its officials, agents and employees as herein provided. Billing & Payment The Contractor shall bill the Village monthly for full weeks of completed work. Invoices for services rendered shall itemize the work, location and date completed. Payment will be made within thirty (30) days from the date of invoice approval. As an Illinois municipality, the Village of New Baden is exempt from all city, state, and federal sales and excise taxes. Default of Contractor Time is of the essence in this Contract. Any failure on the part of the Contractor to comply with the conditions and specifications hereof, or to fail to complete this Contract in the time specified in the Contract, shall be reason for cancellation or termination of this Contract. The Village may, upon ten (10) days written notice to the Contractor of its default hereunder, proceed to cancel the Contract, re-bid it or let it to any reasonable alternate contractor. If the Village cancels the Contract, re-bids the Contract or lets the Contract to a reasonable alternate contractor, the Contractor shall be reimbursed for all work performed prior to date of termination, less any additional costs incurred by the Village to have the services performed which were to have been performed by the Contractor. Use of Village’s Name The Contractor is specifically denied the right of using in any form or medium the name of the Village for public advertising unless express permission is granted by the Village. Assignment The successful Contractor shall not assign, transfer, convey, sublet or otherwise dispose of said contract, or his right, title or interest in or to same, or any part thereof, without previous consent in writing from the Village. Notices Written notices between Village and Contractor shall be deemed sufficiently given after being placed in the United States mail, registered or certified, postage pre- paid, addressed to the above parties as follows: If to Village: Village of New Baden Attn: Village Administrator 1 East Hanover Street New Baden, IL 62265 If to Contractor: _ Attn: _ _ _ _ Entire Contract. This Contract, including the bid prices and submitted responses to the Request For Proposal, represents the entire and integrated Contract between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or understandings, whether written or oral. This Contract may only be amended or a provision hereof waived by the parties by written instrument executed by authorized signatories of the Village and Contractor. Acceptance This contract, when accepted and signed by an authorized signatory of the Village of New Baden shall bind the person, partnership, or corporation, named below as the Contractor, to supply and perform the Lawn Maintenance Services at the locations specified. This Contract is executed that day and year first written above. CONTRACTOR (Company Name) (Street) (City, State, Zip) (E-mail) (Phone Number) VILLAGE OF NEW BADEN _________________________________ Christy, Picard, Mayor ATTEST: [SEAL] Teri Crane, Village Clerk (Date)
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