WWW.HAINESVILLE.ORG APRIL 2015 , Jacki Brunk 69, Michael Russell 47. , , Mark Typlin 107, Hainesville: Avon Precinct 40 – 694 total registered voters, Avon Precinct 41 – 1,207 total registered voters, The Spring Ballot included candidates for your local village, schools, park district and library boards. These boards make decisions that impact you and your family’s daily life including your tax bill yet look at the voter turnout shown above. � _____________________________________________________________________________________ The Grayslake-Hainesville Police Department is looking for feedback from its citizens in our efforts to continually improve our services to the community. Please follow the link below to participate in this brief survey. Thank you for your time and participation! https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/GrayslakepdRVW7X8K _____________________________________________________________________________________ Please be sure to wear reflective clothing and shoes when jogging or walking. All bicycles should have front, back and side reflectors. It can be difficult to see you especially during early morning hours and dusk on into evening hours. Wednesday May 13th – Friday May 22nd The conversion process for the new municipal software continues on schedule! The Village Hall will close to the public Wednesday May 13th – Friday May 22nd for in-house training. Trainers will be here from out of State for this in-house training. We have scheduled this at a time that offers the least disruption in Village services. During this closure period, inquiries or request for services and building permit applications can be submitted online through the Village website www.hainesville.org or placed in the drive-up drop box on the north side of the Village Hall. As always, should any Public Works emergency arise when the Village Hall is closed please call 911! Thank you for your cooperation! (over) BEER BAZAAR 1ST ANNIVERSARY SMALL & INTIMATE CRAFT BEER LOVER GET TOGETHER Union Square Park Saturday April 25th 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. FREE commemorative sample glass *Food at event*26 Breweries MUST be 21! Tickets on sale now! $30 each. Designated Driver ticket is free! Parking near Beer Bazaar Plaza. Shuttle service to location provided! Order tickets at https://beerbazaar.brownpapertickets.com MILKWEED FOR MONARCHS There are many statistics about the catastrophic plummeting number of monarch butterflies seen in Mexico, their migration site, and all across Texas, the Midwest and Canada. Each of us can help reverse monarch numbers and assure there will be monarchs in our future. – The only plant that monarchs will lay their eggs on. Every And that is... member of the public can bring back monarchs, one milkweed plant at a time. Plant swamp milkweed, (Asclepias incarnata) which is 3+ feet tall, with pink blossoms, in areas with good moisture; butterfly weed (Asclepias tuberosa) 2 feet tall with a beautiful orange flower in areas with average to dry conditions. They both bloom from June through August. Seed pods re-seed themselves easily. They are available from some local nurseries or on-line. Georgeann Duberstein, Wetlands, Open Space and Woodlands Chairman GREAT AGE NEWS Tuesday, May 5th – A tour of Adlai E. Stevenson’s Historic Home. The cost of the tour is $5.00. We will probably have lunch out, either before or after the tour. Tuesday, July 7th – Our annual picnic at Nippersink Forest Preserves. The Great Age Club supplies the meat and everyone brings an appetizer, side or dessert. Please contact Georgeann Duberstein at [email protected] or (847) 548-9249 if you are interested in attending either event. YARD WASTE STICKERS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE VILLAGE HALL, ACE HARDWARE (GRAYSLAKE & ROUND LAKE) HAINESVILLE 7-11 & WALGREENS $2.50 EACH, NON-REFUNDABLE! Saturday, April 25th 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Please help Relay for Life (American Cancer Society) raise funds by cleaning out your closet. Bring your items to our savers Donation Drive Event! We are collecting the following items: Clothing, Jewelry, Accessories, Handbags, Shoes, and Linens. Our truck will be parked at: Hainesville Public Works Building 20 W. North Street (off of Hainesville Road right next to Village Hall) (over)
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