2015 NYLT Brochure - New Birth of Freedom Council

What is NYLT?
NYLT is an intense week-long youth oriented
leadership training experience. Sponsored by
the New Birth of Freedom Council and held
at the Hidden Valley Scout Reservation.
Highly qualified youth staff, under the supervision of adult advisors, conduct the training
using the National Youth Leadership Training course syllabus, as published by the National Council, Boy Scouts of America.
NYLT’s Goals
NYLT is an exciting, action packed program
designed to provide youth members of the
Boy Scouts of America with leadership skills
and experience they can use in their home
Troops and Crews, as well as any other life
situations demanding leadership of themselves
and teams.
Code of Conduct
NYLT’s Code of Conduct is based upon the
Scout Oath and Law, and the Venturing Oath
and Code. It is very important that you read
and understand the NYLT Code of Conduct .
The NYLT Cadre
NYLT is a youth run program
supported by trained adult advisors.
The youth staff consists of:
Senior Patrol Leader
Ass’t. Senior Patrol Leader—Program
Ass’t. Senior Patrol Leader—Service
Troop Guides — At Least One G u i d e i s
Assigned to Each Team
Quartermasters — Number determined
by the course size
Course Length: Sunday June 14th
1:00 pm until June 19th 7:00 pm 2015 at
Hidden Valley Scout Reservation.
Registration Deadline: April 1st, 2015
Fees: $275.00 per youth attending.
If paid in full by April 1st, $225.00
Applications available at:
For further information contact:
Mr. John Blasius, NBOF Council
at 717.827.4571 Ext. 202 or email:
[email protected]
National Youth
Leadership Training
Hidden Valley Scout Reservation
Loysville, PA 17047
A week long advanced leadership
experience to join Troop and Crew
leaders to become better leaders
within your units.
June 14 — 19, 2015
Mr. Peter Rowell — 2015 Course Director
[email protected]
Co ur s e Over view
Built on the long legacy of past Junior Leader
Training success, the new NYLT integrates the
best of modern leadership theory with the
traditional strengths of the Scouting experience. Through activities, presentations, challenges, discussions, and audio-visual support,
NYLT participants will be engaged in a unified approach to leadership that will give
them the skills and confidence to lead their
fellow scouts. Through a wide range of events,
games, team building activities, and adventures, NYLT participants will work and play
together as they put into action the best that
Scouting and Venturing has to offer. NYLT
models a month in the life of a unit—three
meetings (one each day for the first three
days) leading up to an outpost overnight experience. The course uses the team method and
presents model Leadership Council meetings.
Teams are challenged early in the week to present to the unit at the end of the week to
their “Quest for the Meaning of Leadership.” While the challenge is designed to
have teams experience the four stages of team
development, it will help teams and individual
youth internalize the leadership skills and concepts being presented to them along the way.
The teams will be challenged with many activities and games, including using GPS receivers
in a camp wide Geocache challenge. The focus of each session is not only knowledge but
giving the youth a “Toolbox of Skills” that
equips them with the “How” of leadership.
In order to attend an NYLT
course, youth must have the
following qualifications by the
beginning of the course:
Boy Scouts and Varsity Scouts must be 13
years of age by the beginning of the
course and fall within the maximum age
allowance for their program registration.
They must be a First Class Scout and have
completed Introduction to Leadership
Skills for Troops.
Venturers must be at least 14 years of age
and fall within the maximum age allowance for their program. They must have
completed Crew Officer Orientation and
Introduction to Leadership Skills for
Council has opened up the NYLT course
to Varsity teams and Venturing Crews.
Coed options are available so that all
youth registered in these programs have
equal access.
Have your unit leader recommendation.
Unit leaders should not allow exceptions to age and rank requirements.
Experience has shown that Scouts
younger than 13 often lack the physical
and emotional maturity to benefit fully
from the NYLT experience.
If you are a Scout Troop or Venturing
Crew Leader or are soon to be, then you
should attend the National Youth Leadership Training Conference. Talk to your
Scoutmaster or Crew Advisor today about
attending. Learn to chart a course to better leadership and performance with the
skills you can understand. So how do I
join the fun? It’s easy! Ask your Scoutmaster or Crew Advisor. He or she
should have the information about
NYLT. You will need to fill out a Participants Application Form, submit it along
with all the requisite signatures and
deposit to the New Birth of Freedom
Council Service Center;
either in Mechanicsburg, or in York, PA.
You can also obtain the application from
the council web site at: