NEW ERA PUBLIC SCHOOL ENGLISH SYLLABUS (2015-16) CLASS VI TERM - I Month Course Book Literature Reader Grammar Worksheet 1 Parts Of Speech, Articles, Types of Sentences Prefix and Suffix, Tenses- Verb Forms April The Timely Lesson May The Cherry Tree July Playing the Game Dentist And The Crocodile Worksheet 3 August Women Painters Of Mithila Attila Worksheet 4 Indian Weavers (Poem) Worksheet 5 Sep Man In The Train Workbook Worksheet 2 Literary Devices- Simile, Metaphor Active and Passive voice Nouns And Their Kinds Writing Skill Activity NoticeLost & Found Conversation Class Paragraph Writing Informal Letter Message Writing Conversation Class Dialogue Writing Conversation Class Conversation Class Conversation Class TERM - II Oct Nov A Stormy Day Dec Jan School For Sympathy Pronouns and their Picture Kinds Composition Conversation Class Spider And The Fly (Poem) Adjectives- Kinds And Degrees of Comparison Adverbs Reported Speech Prepositions Conversation Class The Tempest The Rosewell UFO Incident Feb Worksheet 6 Editing- Errors & Omissions Leave Application Diary EntryDiary of a Wimpy Kid Conversation Class Conversation Class NEW ERA PUBLIC SCHOOL Formative Assessment Scheme 2015- 2016 English Department Class VI Assessment Group Activity (10) Individual Activity (10) Pen & Paper Test (10) FA1 Poster Making Holiday Homework Spell bee Each group will be assigned a topic. Assessment Criteria FA2 -Creativity -Presentation -Content -Originality -Content -Creativity -Imagination Team Recitation & Enactment Reading Skills Each group will be given a poem to recite Assessment Criteria FA 3 Assessment Criteria FA4 Assessment Criteria Assessment of reading skills based on a piece of prose students. -Pronunciation -Confidence -Presentation -Voice Modulation Role Play -Pronunciation -Confidence -Clarity Students will enact ‘The Tempest’ Assessment of writing skills based on the given topics. - Presentation -Creativity -Confidence -Language -Content - Creativity -Knowledge Creative Writing Collage Making Note books Each group will be given a topic to make a collage on. -Neatness -Content -Regularity -Content -Presentation -Creativity -Originality Dictation from the given chapters from the Literature Reader -Knowledge -Application Unit Test 1 (20 marks reduced to 10) Listening Skills Assessment of comprehension skills based on a piece of prose the students will listen to. - Comprehension - Application Unit Test – 2 (20 marks reduced to 10) CLASS :VI MATHEMATICS SYLLABUS 2015 -16 PRESCRIBED BOOKS: 1. Mathematics for Class 6: R.S.Aggarwal 2. Mathematics laboratory in Primary and Upper Primary School (Class III to Class VIII) - by CBSE S.No. 1 MONTH APRIL-MAY TOPIC CH-1 NUMBER SYSTEM CH-11 LINE SEGMENT,RAY LINE CH-2 FACTORS AND MULTIPLES ACTIVITY EXERCISE SUBTOPIC EX 1 A1G Hindu-Arabic System of writing the number Expanded form of number International System of numeration Face value and place value Comparison of numbers Estimation Roman Numeral EX-11 EX-2A 2F Basic concepts(points, line segment, ray and line) Intersecting lines, concurrent and parallel lines Factors and Multiples of a number Various types of numbers Twin primes, co-primes and prime triplets Test for divisibility of numbers Prime Factorization Finding HCF and its related word problems Finding LCM Properties of LCM and HCF of given numbers 1 By paper folding , make the following (i) Parallel lines (ii) Intersecting lines (iii) Perpendicular lines 2 Sieve of Eratosthenes 2 JUNE-JULY CH-13 ANGLES EX13AAND 13C THEIR MEASUREMENTS CH-3 WHOLE NUMBERS CH-16 TRIANGLES CH-4 INTEGERS ACTIVITY 3 AUGUST CH-4 INTEGERS Angles and its parts Types of angles Measuring angles by protractor Constructing angles Perpendicular lines EX-3A-3E Introduction Properties of Addition Properties of Subtraction Properties of Multiplication Properties of Division EX-16 Triangles and its parts Various type of triangles Angle Sum Property of triangle EX-4A-4B Representation of integers on the number line Absolute value Properties of addition 3 To classify triangles on the basis of sides and angles 4 Finding HCF and LCM of given numbers EX-4C EX 5ACH-5 FRACTIONS 5G Properties of Subtraction Fractions and fractional numbers Equivalent fractions Like and Unlike Fractions Proper, Improper and Mixed fractions Comparison of fractions Addition of fractions Subtraction of fractions Word problems CH-21 CONCEPT OF PERIMETER AND AREA ACTIVITY CH-21 CONCEPT 4 SEPTEMBER OF PERIMETER AND AREA CH-23 PICTOGRAPH CH-15 POLYGON 5 OCTOBER CH-6 SIMPLIFICATION CH-10 RATIO AND PROPORTION CH-12 PARALLEL LINES EX21A,21C Area of closed figures on graph paper 5 To perform addition and subtraction of integers using different coloured buttons/counters 21D Area of square and rectangle EX-23 EX-15 Reading and drawing pictograph Simple figures Closed figures, Open figures, Simple closed figures Polygon and its parts Revision for first term EX-6 Simplification of expression using VBODMAS Simplification of expression involving brackets EX-10A10C EX-12 CH-17 6 NOVEMBER QUADRILATERAL EX-17 CH-7 DECIMALS Perimeter of square and rectangle Ratio and comparison of ratios Proportion Unitary Method Introduction Distance between parallel lines Quadrilaterals and its parts Types of quadrilaterals Properties of Quadrilateral EX-7A-7C Introduction Like and Unlike decimals CH-7 DECIMALS ACTIVITY 7 DECEMBER CH-18 CIRCLES CH-8 ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSION CH-14 CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY 8 JANUARY CH-14 CONSTRUCTION CH- 9 LINEAR EQUATION CH-22 DATA HANDLING CH - 24 BAR GRAPH Comparison of decimals Conversion of decimal number into fraction and vica versa Addition of decimals EX-7D-7E Subtraction of decimals 6 To make the following shapes using a pair of set-squares (i)Square (ii) Rectangle (iii) Parallelogram (iv) Trapezium (v) Rhombus EX-18 Circles and its parts Concentric Circles EX8A-8B Introduction Operation on literals and numbers Finding the value of an expression EX14A14B Perpendicular bisector of a line segment Drawing an angle equal to given angle Perpendicular to a line through a point on it. Perpendicular to a line from a point outside it Bisector of an angle 7 To represent decimal numbers 0.25,0.50,0.75 and 0.68 on a 10 x 10 grid by shading 8 On a circular cut-out, mark a chord, a diameter, minor and major segment ,sector of a circle Construction of angles EX -14B (60,30,120,90,45,75,135,105) Writing statements as equation and Trial and EX-9A-9B Error method Systematic Method EX-22 Introduction Frequency Distribution table EX 24 Reading and interpretation of bar graph Construction of bar graph 9 FEBRUARY CH-19 THREE DIMENSIONAL SHAPES CH-20 LINEAR SYMMETRY ACTIVITY EX-19 Three - dimensional shapes Faces, Edges and vertices of 3-D shapes EX-20 Introduction Examples of linear symmetry Revision 9 To determine the number of line of symmetry of various shapes by paper folding activity 10 Net Diagram of a cube Revision for second term New Era Public School Formative Assessment (2015-16) Class: VI Mathematics FA1 1) Individual Activity: Holiday homework project + Notebooks (5+5) 2) Group Activity: Quiz (10) 3) Pen – Paper Test: MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) (10) FA2 1) Individual Activity: Practical test and Practical File. (5+5) 2) Group Activity: Crossword A group of 5 - 6 students will be asked to solve the given crossword puzzle in the stipulated time. (10) 3) Pen – Paper Test: First Weekly Test (20/2 = 10) FA3 1) Individual Activity: Making an Accordion + Notebooks (Topic for accordion: Quadrilaterals / Circles) (5+5) 2) Group Activity: Maths around us A group of 5 - 6 students will be asked to bring cut outs of different pictures from newspapers, magazines etc and mark different types of angles in those. (10) 3) Pen – Paper Test: MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) (10) FA4 1) Individual Activity: Practical test and Practical File (5 + 5) 2) Group Activity: Design a folder ( 10 ) A group of 5 - 6 students will be asked to design a folder using different types of quadrilaterals and also mention the properties of each type of quadrilateral used. 3) Pen Paper Test: Second Weekly Test (20/2 = 10) New Era Public School Syllabus For Class VI(2015-16) Subject -Science Month April May Name of the chapter Food: Where does it come from? Activities Practicals Topics Food variety, Food items and their Germination of moong or ingredients, Food materials and channa,pasting of pictures of their sources, Plant parts and food items. animal products as food, Classification of animals on the basis of their food habit: herbivores,carnivores,omnivores Component Components of food:-proteins, s of food fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, Body building foods (proteins), Energy giving foods (carbohydrates and fats). Protective foods(vitamins and minerals),sources of carbohydrates ,fats,proteins,vitamins and minerals Importance of roughage and water in our diet, Balanced diet, Test for the presence of starch, proteins and fats in the given food item, Obesity, Deficiency diseases. Garbage in, landfill and a garbage dump, Ways garbage out to deal with garbage, Land filling, composting, vermicomposting , burning; Biodegradable and nonbiodegradable waste, Recycling of paper, Harmful effects of plastics, Ways to minimize use of plastics,3R principle(Reduce,Reuse,Recycle) Project for Holiday Home work to be discussed in the class. Test for starch, protein, fats in food items, Paste pictures of various sources of all nutrients. recycling of old newspapers ;classification of waste 1.To study the presence of starch, Protein and fats. July August Light, shadows and reflection Luminous and non-luminous objects,Transparent,translucent and opaque objects, sources of light(natural and artificial) What is a object and an image? Formation of a shadow Differences between a shadow and an image, Pinhole camera (principle,construction,working) Rectilinear propagation of light, Applications of rectilinear propagation of light, Lunar and solar eclipse, Reflection of light, mirror. Rectilinear propagation of light using a metal pipe (tube) and a candle; reflection of light from mirror, designing a pinhole camera. 2. To study the manner in which light travels and gets reflected from a mirror or shiny surface? Objects and the materials they are Sorting made of, Advantages and need of materials classification, Properties of into groups materials: Appearance, hardness, solubility, floating and sinking objects, transparency. test the solubility, classify materials into groups. Separation of substances To separate stones from dal or rice, purify water using the method of sedimentation followed by decantation and filtration, handpicking ,decantation(oil and water) 3. To separate the mixture of iron and sulphur . To show presence of starch in leaf, show fibrous and tap root venation in leaves, dissect ovary, conduction of water and minerals by stems. Table 7.3 from NCERT 4.To study different parts of a flower Getting to know plants Need to separate substances, Differences between a pure substance and a mixture. Methods of separation, Handpicking, threshing, winnowing, sieving, filtration, sedimentation followed by decantation, evaporation, condensation, magnetic separation, churning .Use of more than one method for separation of mixtures, solute, solvent, solution, saturated solution, More of a substance can be dissolved in a solution by heating it, Water dissolves different amounts of soluble substances in it. Herbs, shrubs and trees, Climbers and creepers, Parts of a plant(vegetative and reproductive part),Parts of a leaf, Parallel and reticulate venation ,Types of root(taproot and fibrous root),Parts of a flower(sepal, petal, male and female reproductive part(stamen, pistil), Functions of the root, stem, leaf, flower, Photosynthesis, Transpiration. Sept Motion and measureme nts of distances Oct Fibre to fabric Nov Means of transport(air,land,water) Need for measurement of objects What is the state of motion and rest? Standard unit of measurement Precautions to be observed while measuring objects using a metre scale. Measuring the length of a curved line using thread. Types of motion (rectilinear, circular, rotatory , oscillatory, vibratory motion)Periodic and non-periodic motion, examples showing more than one type of motion. fibre ,yarn, natural and synthetic fibres, Differences between plant and animal fibres,Processing of cotton fibre to obtain cotton fabric, Processing of jute fibre to obtain jute fabric, ginning, weaving, knitting, spinning, loom, Advantages and disadvantages of synthetic fibres and natural . Air around Properties of air, What is wind and us atmosphere? Composition of air, Water and soil contain air, Oxygen supports burning, Carbon dioxide does not support burning, How is oxygen in the atmosphere replaced? Uses of a windmill, Uses of air. The living Adaptation, habitat, Types of organisms habitat(terrestrial, aquatic, aerial, and their arboreal),(Types of animals surroundin (aquatic, terrestrial, amphibian, gs arboreal),Components of a habitat(biotic and abiotic component) Acclimatization, Adaptations of a camel, cactus, deer, lion, trees in mountainous regions, yak, snow leopard, mountain goat, dolphins, whales (3)and frogs. Stimulus and response, Excretion, respiration, reproduction, Differences between plants and animals, Differences between living and non-living things, Characteristics of living organisms. To measure the length of a book using a meter scale and hand span, measuring the length of a curved line, To show different types of motion 5. To measure the lengths of a book/pencil using a meter scale. To burn different types of fibres in order to classify them as synthetic or natural and to learn about their properties. To make a colourful collage using various cloth sample, weaving using colourful paper. To show that oxygen supports 6. To show burning, To show that soil has presence of air air in it using a lump of dry soil, in soil. to show that air occupies space. Collect information and Paste pictures of endangered species of animals and plants, also specify their habitat. Fun with magnets Dec Jan Feb How were magnets discovered? Naturally occurring magnets Magnetic and non magnetic substances, Types of magnets, Properties of a magnet(attractive and directive property),Poles of a magnet(North pole and South pole)A freely suspended magnet always points in the north-south direction, Use of a magnetic compass, Make your own magnet Like poles repel and unlike poles attract, Ways to store a magnet, Precautions to be observed while storing magnets Uses of a magnet. Body What is a joint, muscle, ligament, movements cartilage and a tendon? Types of joints (hinge,fixed,ball and socket, pivotal joint)Functions of the human skeleton, A fractured bone and the importance of an X-ray, Function of the ribcage, Backbone, pelvic bones, skull. Muscles work in pairs in order to move a bone, Movement in an earthworm, a snail, a cockroach, a bird, a fish and a snake, Endoskeleton and exoskeleton,Labelling of parts of the human skeleton. Changes Types of changes: Reversible and around us irreversible, Physical and chemical; Expansion and contraction of metals on heating and cooling. To show that poles of a magnet have maximum magnetic strength; To show that a freely suspended magnet always points in the north-south direction; that like poles repel and unlike poles attract. 7.To show that a freely suspended magnet always points in north- south direction. To show the working of a ball and socket joint using a model. working of muscles with diagram. 8. To study different types of joints and bones, their locations in human body. To show that burning of a candle is a chemical change and melting of wax is a physical change, adding baking soda to vinegar; Different types of changes. Electricity Electric cell and its terminals, To classify the given materials and circuits Components of an electric circuit as conductors or insulators using (a cell, a bulb, an electric switch, an electric circuit, terminals of wires) fused bulb, battery, an open an electric cell, making of a and a closed circuit. To make an battery. electric circuit diagram, Precautions to be observed while handling electrical appliances, making of a simple switch, its importance, Conductors, insulators and their uses. Water Sources of water (underground and Condensation on a glass surface water) Evaporation, containing cold water, study the condensation, precipitation, rate of evaporation of water kept 9.To classify the changes listed in the table as reversible or irreversible 10. To know the various component of an electric circuit. transpiration, infiltration, Factors in sunlight and in shade. affecting the rate of evaporation, How are clouds formed? Water cycle (explanation and diagram), Harmful effects of floods and droughts, Ways to conserve water, Rain water harvesting techniques. REVISION for SA2 New Era Public School Formative Assessment (2015-16) Class VI – Science Formative assessments (FA) Individual Activity (10 marks) Group Activity (10 marks) Pen –paper Activity (10 marks) FA1 Holiday Home work: Prepare a project: Bookmaking on Food :Its sources C.W. + H.W. + Assignment a.Unpacking the Packaging Waste b.The Journey of Waste FA2 To make a pin hole camera Pamphlets on various herbs and their medicinal values. U.T-1 (20 marks reduced to 10) FA3 Designing MCQ paper Visit to Craft museum. C.W. + H.W Practical file FA4 Making various type of simple electric circuits Role Play: On different type of ecosystem U.T II (20 marks reduced to 10) CLASS VI SOCIAL SCIENCE SYLLABUS (2015 -2016) MONTHS April HISTORY Ch 1-What, Where, How & When? CIVICS Ch 1- Understanding Diversity GEOGRAPHY Map Skill Practice: India : States and Their Capital & Continents and oceans Ch 1: The Earth in the Solar System May Ch 2-On the trail of the earliest people Ch 2 – Globe: Latitudes and Longitudes ------------ July Ch 3 – From gathering to growing food Ch 4 – In the earliest cities Ch 2 – Diversity and Discrimination Ch 3 – Motions of the Earth Ch 3 – What is Government? August ------------ ------------ Revision for SA1 September October November December January February Ch 8- Ashoka, the emperor who gave up war Ch 4 – Key elements of Democratic Government Distribution And Discussion of SA 1 Papers Ch 10 – Traders , Kings and Pilgrims Ch 11- New empires and kingdoms Ch 5 - Panchayati Raj Ch 6 – Major Landforms of the Earth ---------------Remaining Periods For SA2 Revision Ch 7 – Our Country - India -------------Ch 7- Urban Administration ---------------- Ch 8 – India – Climate, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife ------------------ CLASS VI SOCIAL SCIENCE MAP SYLLABUS (2015-16) TERM HISTORY TERM I (APRIL – SEPTEMBER) TERM II (OCTOBER - FEBRUARY) GEOGRAPHY Ch. 2: On The Trail Of The Earliest People 1.Kurnool Caves 2.Bhimbetka 3.Hunsgi Ch. 3: From Gathering To Growing Food 1.Mehrgarh 2.Burzahom 3. Daojali Hading Ch. 4: In The Earliest Cities 1.Harappa 2.Mohenjo-Daro 3. Lothal 4. Dholavira 5.Kalibangan Map Work: All TheStates And Union Territories Of India (On The Political Map Of India) Ch. 8: Ashoka, The Emperor Who Gave Up War 1. Taxila 2. Pataliputra 3.Ujjain 4. Kalinga Ch. 10: Traders, Kings And Pilgrims 1. River Kaveri 2. Srilanka 3. Nalanda 4. Mathura Ch. 11: New Empires And Kingdoms 1. Kannauj 2. Madurai 3. Kanchipuram Ch. 7: Our Country – India 1. Physical Features Of India All The Continents And Oceans(On The World Map) Ch. 8: India – Climate, Natural Vegetation And Wildlife 1.Gir Forest 2. Any Two Wildlife Sanctuaries Of India NEW ERA PUBLIC SCHOOL Formative Assessment Scheme 2015- 2016 Social Science Department Class VI Assessment FA1 FA2 FA 3 FA4 Group Activity (10) Individual Activity (10) Pen & Paper Test (10) Group Discussion – Civics Ch1: Understating diversity HHW Project – Summer Break Map Test – India: States, Union Territories and their capitals Collage Making – History Ch 2: Tools of early men Crossword – Geography Ch 4: Maps Unit Test 1 (20 marks reduced to 10) CERTAD Lotus Blossom – Geography Ch 5 : Major domains of the Earth HHW Project – Autumn Break Unit Test 2 (20 marks reduced to 10) Role Play – Civics Ch 4 : Elections CW/ HW Assignment Multiple Choice Questions – Civics Ch 6: Rural Administration
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