Sunday, May 3, 2015 - New Hope Assembly of God

Graduation Open Houses
Micalah Wiseman - Friday, May 15, 5-8pm
7041 NE 27th Avenue, Altoona, IA
Erin Jackson - Saturday, May 16, 11am-2 pm
Student Campus Chapel
Jordan Weets - Saturday, May 16, 11am-1pm
22 NE 72nd Street, Pleasant Hill, IA
Callie Farrand - Sunday, May 17, 2-6pm
Courtyard by Marriott, 2405 SE Creekview Drive
Ankeny, IA
Christian Evers - Sunday, May 17, starting at 4pm
33261 V Court, Waukee, IA
“Draw Me Close”
Pastor James Weaver
Sunday, May 3, 2015
To Our Visitors - WELCOME! We are very happy you have come to worship
with us today. We invite you to stop by the Welcome Center in the foyer to pick
up a Visitor Brochure that will help acquaint you with New Hope. Visitor cards
are available in the pew rack if you would like to leave a record of your visit. If
ever we can serve you, please let us know. Thank you & may God bless you.
Pastor Elizabeth has decided that she would like to be a stay-at-home mother,
so we have begun a search for an Early Childhood Pastor. She will continue to
serve until the position is filled. Please be in prayer as we conduct this search.
Mug & Muffin - Ladies of New Hope are invited to celebrate Mother’s Day
weekend at Mug & Muffin on Saturday, May 9, 10:00 a.m. - noon in the
Student Campus, Fellowship Hall A. Childcare will be provided for ages 2 &
up. Please sign up at the Events Center or online.
There is a Nursing Mothers Room available in Room 140 next to the first floor
women’s restroom.
If you are new to the church and haven’t had an opportunity to get acquainted
with Pastor Weaver, you are invited to join him on the west end of the foyer
during Sunday School for an informal time of refreshments and sharing.
New Hope Children’s Choir will meet today at 4:30 for a final rehearsal and
then present our musical at 6:00. Parents, please send a sack lunch for your
child to eat between rehearsal and our musical presentation. Remember to
turn in your rehearsal CD!
Celebrate Recovery will begin with a meal at 5:00 p.m. in the Student
Campus. Suggested donation $3/person to cover our costs.
Rainbows, the Noah’s Ark Club for preschoolers, will NOT meet tonight.
Prims, for first grade girls, will NOT meet tonight.
Praise the Lord! We exceeded our missions offering goal last Sunday. We
were able to bless all of our missionary guests with a very generous offering as
well as meet our goal of giving $100,000 for the Bible College in Colombia and
$100,000 for the Medical Clinic in El Salvador. Thanks for your generosity!
Welcome baby Logan Douglas Ransom! He was born on Monday, April 27
to Carlena Legary and Jake Ransom. He weighed 6 pounds 1 ounce and was
19¼ inches long. Grandparents are Doug & Kim Legary. May God’s blessing
and love be on Logan and his family.
There will be a meeting on Sunday, May 17 at 5:00 p.m. in Room 230 for those
going on the Alaska Cruise in June.
Celebrate Recovery nursery for ages 0-4½ is now open. We are looking for
someone to head up Celebration Station, the ministry for children ages 5-11
that meet the same time their parents are going to Large and Small groups.
We also need three assistants to help with the three stations. We need another
team of two to cook once a month. This rotation will start in May. If you play the
bass and would like to join the CR Band, we need you. We also need
someone to fill in temporarily for the electric guitar player. This entails practice
at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesdays, 5:00 p.m. on Sundays, and playing in the service at
6:00. If interested, call Di Jaehnel, Daniel Murtha, or the church office.
The Great BGMC Lemonade Stand-tacular for K-5th graders and their
families - On Saturday, June 6 we are going to all join together to set up our
own lemonade stands in our neighborhoods and raise money to help
missionaries all over the world through BGMC. All you have to do is sign up at, gather your supplies, and get the word out. The time,
cost, and advertising are up to you and can be as simple or as creative as
you’d like. Let’s raise some change to change the world! Questions? Contact
Pastor Cortney at [email protected].
Food Pantry Sunday - June 7. Remember our friends & neighbors in need and
bless them with your donation of non-perishable food and personal care items.
Speed The Light Garage Sale is quickly approaching! Donations accepted
June 7-9. Sale runs June 11-13. Sign up at the Events Center to help set up,
clean up, organize, or work at the sale. Many hands make light work! All
proceeds go to support our missionaries.
Ladies’ Bible Study - Monday at 1:00 p.m. in New Hope Java.
The church family is invited to the marriage ceremony of Pastor Zach Hill &
Meryn Garvey on Saturday, May 23 at 4:00 p.m. here at New Hope.
Men’s Prayer for Our Nation - Tuesday, 6:30 - 8:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary.
Registration for VBS has begun! All children ages 3 through fifth grade are
invited to join us at Wilderness Escape, where God guides and provides, June
22-25. Choose from two sessions: 9:15-11:00 a.m. or 6:15-8:00 p.m. Early
registration helps us with preparation! Register at the Events Center or online
at under the Events tab.
Book Buddies are reading The Homecoming by Dan Walsh. It’s the sequel to
last month’s book. We will meet on Monday, May 11 in New Hope Java from
6:30-7:30 p.m. Please join us. Questions? Contact LindaLee Lovelace.
Pizza & Christian Movie Night for 5th Graders - Friday, May 15 at Cozy
Café in Johnston (by Wynnsong Theater). Parents, drop your children off
between 5:30 & 6:00 p.m. and pick them up at 8:00.
Cloverton in concert Sunday, May 17, 6:00 p.m. Free will offering.
Women’s Ministry Event - Thursday, May 21, arrive at the Student Campus
at 8:00 a.m. The day will include a tour at the Edna Cuddy Memorial House
and Garden, lunch at the Toot Toot Restaurant, and a stop at the Welcome
Center in Lamoni which includes an Amish and Iowa General Store. Deadline
to sign up is next Sunday, May 10. Cost is $20. Limit 30. Questions? Contact
Peggy Ostrander.
There will be no Sunday School on May 24.
Cruise-In & Cookout - Sunday, May 24, 5:00 p.m. at Lions Park. Bring the
entire family for food & games. If you have a classic vehicle, we would love to
have you bring it. Look for special parking when you arrive. We provide
hamburgers & hot dogs (donation basket will be available) and tableware; you
bring a side or dessert to share, your own drinks, camp chairs, yard games to
play, etc. Please sign up if you would be willing to help with clean-up.
Congratulations to Pastor Zach Hill on his graduation from North Central
University with a degree in Youth Development.
If you would like to become a member of New Hope, please fill out a
membership application located at the Welcome Center or Fresh Start Center.
Give the completed application to one of the pastors and please include a
family picture, if possible (not required). Membership recognition will be held
on Sunday, May 31, in both morning services.
Senior Recognition - Next Sunday, May 10 at 6:00 p.m. Reception will follow
in the Student Campus Auditorium. Please contact Pastor Brian with any
Men’s Softball - Monday, May 4 at 8:15 & 9:15 p.m. at Campbell Park, Clive.
Ladies’ Prayer & Share - Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. in New Hope Java.
INTERCESSORS - Tuesday at 12:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary.
Men’s Bible Discussion Group - Thursday, 8:00 a.m. in New Hope Java.
National Day of Prayer - Thursday, May 7. The Sanctuary will open at 7:00
a.m. and remain open until 6:00 p.m. Please come when you can for a time of
prayer even if it’s only for a few minutes.
Connect (ages 18-23) - Thursday at 7:00 p.m., Student Campus Auditorium.
Ladies’ Friday Morning Discipleship Class - Children of the Day by Beth
Moore,10:00 a.m. in Room 212. Questions? Contact Jo Northway.
Elevate, our high school discipleship class, tonight at 6:00 in the Student
Campus, Room 04.
Summer Camp is almost here! Don’t miss one of the greatest weeks of
your life!
 Middle School - July 6 - 10
 High School - July 20 - 24
Registration form and payment are due Sunday, May 17. Forms are
available at the Events Center.