www.newhopeassembly.org Sunday, April 5, 2015 “” Pastor James Weaver THIS WEEK’S PRAYER REQUESTS This area contains NEW prayer requests only. Pick up a complete Prayer Requests Brochure at the Welcome Center. Pray for the persecuted church and people being martyred for their faith. Healing of Cancer - Paul (Mary Hill’s brother) Healing - Leland Schaad, Brenda Waters, Kelton Trim, Cork Smalley, A. J. Vance Hospital - Jerry Miles Upcoming Surgery - Brett Landon (April 8) Recovery from Surgery - Harper McMullen, Lloyd Robbins, Wayne Nichols, Sierra Patterson, Mark Blaede Healing (Family & Friends) - Erdyne (Dwane Estes’ mother), Dick (Mary Clark’s brother), Jean (Mary Hill’s sister), Mahmood (Cia Hojati’s father), Jim & Betty (Karen Talbott’s brother & sister-in-law) IN SYMPATHY We extend our sincere sympathy and prayers to Will & Robin Stump and family on the death of Robin’s grandmother; and to Matt & Erica Stoll and family on the death of Erica’s father. Sunday, April 5, 2015 TODAY NEWS & OPPORTUNITIES (continued) COMING SOON (continued) To Our Visitors - WELCOME! We are very happy you have come to worship with us today. We invite you to stop by the Welcome Center in the foyer to pick up a Visitor Brochure that will help acquaint you with New Hope. Visitor cards are available in the pew rack if you would like to leave a record of your visit. If ever we can serve you, please let us know. Thank you & may God bless you. There is a Nursing Mothers Room available in Room 140 next to the first floor women’s restroom. Orchestra & Choir - Please be here and ready to rehearse at 4:45 in preparation for tonight’s presentation. New Hope Children’s Choir (K-5th grade) will NOT rehearse today. Rehearsals will resume next Sunday at 5:00 p.m. Celebrate Recovery will begin with a meal at 5:00 p.m. in the Student Campus. Suggested donation $3/person to cover our costs. Pastor Don Hawkins will be with us tonight serving Communion. The musical, THE STORY, will be presented tonight at 6:00. Rainbows, the Sunday night Noah’s Ark Club for preschoolers, will meet tonight at 6:00. New Hope Blessing Garden - Are you interested in being part of a team that will plant, care for, and harvest vegetables for the needy? Please contact Julie Marks if you would like to help. For those who have an interest in going on a mission trip to Africa in late May, 2016, there will be a brief informational meeting on Sunday, April 12 at 5:00 p.m. in Room 212. We will be partnering with Children’s Cup, the ministry that Jim & Kandee Brock are now a part of. Questions? Contact Pastor Austin. Copies of Pastor Hawkins’ booklet, Let’s Praise the Lord, are available at the Events Center. We are suggesting a $2 donation to cover the cost of printing. The book Tortured for Christ is available at the Events Center for $5. This is the account of Richard Wurmbrand’s 14 years of torture and suffering in a Communist prison. Proceeds from the book will go to the Haiti Mission Team. Seamstresses needed to create costumes for VBS and children’s ministry. Please sign up online at the Events Center if you would like to help. Women’s Ministry Event - Thursday, April 16, arrive at the Student Campus at 9:00 a.m. to go to the Iowa Gold Star Military Museum on Camp Dodge. We’ll eat at the Bistro on the DMACC Ankeny campus. Today is the deadline to sign up. Cost is $15 which includes lunch. Questions? Contact Peggy Ostrander. Men’s Cookout - Saturday, April 18, 5:00 p.m. at the home of Steve Aljets. Bring your own meat & beverage, a side dish to share, and a camping chair. Invite a friend. Sign up online or at the Events Center. Maps available at the Events Center. Questions? Contact Bill Dane. Are you new to New Hope? Join us for a Taste of New Hope, an informal and informative lunch for people who are new to our church. It provides an opportunity for you to meet the pastoral staff, learn about our ministries, and find out how you can get involved and connected. The next lunch is scheduled for Sunday, April 19, after the 10:30 a.m. service in the Student Campus Auditorium. Taste of New Hope is limited to the first 20 families who sign up. Lunch will be provided. Please sign up online or at the Events Center. NEWS & OPPORTUNITIES Congratulations to Sami Hillmer! Her volleyball team won Regionals and will compete at Nationals this summer in New Orleans. Kids Camp is June 15-19. Camp registrations are available TODAY at the Events Center and are due no later than April 26. Cost is $204. Scholarships are available until the April 26 deadline. If your child is in need of a partial scholarship please contact Pastor Cortney. Our church family has several members who are active in the Gideon ministry. If you are interested in serving the Lord through the distribution of His Word, please contact Steve Aljets or Bill Dane for an application. The Gideon ministry is open to men and their wives. Celebrate Recovery is happy to announce that our nursery will be open for ages 0-4½ on April 12. We are also looking for three teams of 2 to cook simple meals 1 week a month. Another piece of the puzzle still missing is 3 assistants for our Celebration Station for children ages 5-11. Be a blessing by serving! If interested, call Di Jaehnel, Daniel Murtha, or the church office. Men’s softball starts the week of April 13th, Monday nights, double headers. Sign up online or at the Events Center. Questions? Contact Daniel Murtha. Co-ed Softball - We need someone to organize the co-ed softball team this year. Grace Church will be hosting the league. Deadline for getting a team entered is Friday, April 17. Games will be played at Grace on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, each team playing one night a week. The season will begin May 5 and run at least until the end of July. Sign up online or at the Events Center. Call the church office if you’d like to organize the team. THIS WEEK Ladies’ Bible Study - Monday at 1:00 p.m. in New Hope Java. Men’s Prayer for Our Nation - Tuesday, 6:30 - 8:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Ladies’ Prayer & Share - Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. in New Hope Java. INTERCESSORS - Tuesdays at 12:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Men’s Bible Discussion Group - Thursday, 8:00 a.m. in New Hope Java. Connect (ages 18-23) - Thursday at 7:00 p.m., Student Campus Auditorium. Ladies’ Friday Morning Discipleship Class meets at 10:00 a.m. in Room 212. A new study will be starting on April 17 entitled Children of the Day by Beth Moore. Please sign up online or at the Events Center. Questions? Contact Jo Northway. Men’s Breakfast - Saturday, April 11, 8:00 - 9:15 a.m. in the Student Campus Chapel. Gary Walter will be sharing about his trip to Israel. Please sign up at the Events Center or online. COMING SOON Jan Mickelson will be our guest speaker Sunday, April 12 at 6:00 p.m. Haiti Mission Team Pancake Lunch - Sunday, April 12, starting at 11:00 a.m. in the Student Campus Auditorium Free-will donation; proceeds go to the Haiti Mission Trip. Sign up online or at the Events Center. Book Buddies are reading The Unfinished Gift by Dan Walsh. We will meet on Monday, April 13 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in New Hope Java for our discussion. Feel free to join us. Questions? Contact LindaLee Lovelace. Women’s Wednesday Night Discipleship Class will be starting a 5-session study with Priscilla Shirer entitled, Breathe, on April 15. Workbooks are $10. Sign up online or at the Events Center. Questions? Contact Susie Nelson. New Hope Missions Convention - April 24-26. Save the date and plan to be with us. The emphasis this year is Latin America. Missions Banquet - Friday, April 24, 6:30 p.m. at Baratta’s Forte, 615 3rd Street, DSM. Our guest speaker will be Ron Maddux. Tickets are $15 each or 2 for $25. The menu will be: Greek Salad, Chicken Amaggio, Vegetable Lasagna, Roast Beef, Potato Croquette, Green Beans Almandine, Bread/ Rolls, Water, Tea, & Coffee. Purchase your tickets at the table in the foyer. New Hope Children’s Choir will present Back at the Creekbank on Sunday, May 3 at 6:00 p.m. YOUTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Elevate, our high school discipleship class, will meet tonight at 6:00 in the Student Campus Fellowship Hall B. Attention ALL Seniors graduating this spring - We are recognizing you and your class during the Sunday night service on May 10. Please turn in your (5-6) pictures (baby to senior pic) and questionnaire to Pastor Brian or Pastor Luke by Sunday, April 12. See one of them if you need more details. Questionnaires available at the Events Center. Collide Middle School Retreat - May 2 & 3. Registration forms are available at the Events Center. Cost is $63, forms and payment due April 19. Questions? Contact Pastor Zach. Summer Camp is almost here! Don’t miss one of the greatest weeks of your life! Middle School - July 6-10 High School - July 20-24. Registration form and payment are due Sunday, May 17. Forms available at the Events Center.
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