KeKe PaLmer PLUS get faLL fab! Metamorphosis

Fa s h i o n
I s s u e
m a g az in e
Inside the Head Of a
Fashion Designer
Rising Designers Share
Their Inspiration
Keke Palmer
Get FAll FAb!
Your Very Own Style
Guide to Fall Fashion
fall 2013
How To
To Be
Be The
The Ultimate
Ultimate Fuzionista
Fuzionista In
In Bed,
Bed, Copycat
Copycat That
That Look,
Emily B,
B, Biana
Biana Boroukkovich,
Boroukkovich, and
and much
much much
much more!
Cover Story
keke palmer
page 14
Jason Bolden shares his experiences
as a celebrity stylist. Page 8.
Street style - New York at its finest!
Our Fall Style guide is designed
to make you look your best this
season! Page 26.
Sime of the nation’s most brilliant
clothing designers share thier
passion and drive! Page 38.
Page 46.
Biana Boroukkovich
pg 5
pg 10 Emily B.
pg 32 Copycat That Look
pg 34 All Grunged Out
pg 48 Ultimate Fuzionista
When I first set out to compile Fuzion Magazine’s Top Twenty list, it seemed like a
simple task of interviewing and assessing accomplishments in order of magnitude,
personal charisma and social involvement. This seemingly simple task took on a
life of its own and during the review and decision process, where we at Fuzion Mag
found ourselves struggling to define what it means to be influential. Is it just your
accomplishments? Does it take into account your socio-economic starting point? How
do you rank charisma, leadership and creativity? What extent should volunteerism
come into the picture? I won’t bore you with the particulars of the debate that ensued
during our meetings, but suffice it to say that we struggled at times to compile this
list of amazing female entrepreneurs.
photo credit: Jennifer Keany
While reviewing the final list in proof form, I was struck by not only these women’s
unique stories and career paths, but also their passions for what they do. Each of these
women found her passion—that one thing she would do because she enjoyed it—and ran
with it. They all made mistakes and learned valuable lessons during their journey. But
not one of them gave up on her dream.
Our top twenty runs the gamut of the career paths. In all the interviews, our Fuzion
writers asked each influential woman to describe the most powerful lessons learned
through the challenges she faced, the advice she would like to offer other young
women entrepreneurs, and the accomplishment of which she is most proud.
Having grown up with entrepreneurs in my family and had my share of adversity, I
found these women’s stories both powerful and inspirational. I hope that you all find
these women just as inspirational and remember that challenges are opportunities for
growth. As Hilary Clinton has said, “Women are always being tested … but ultimately
each of us has to define who we are individually and then do the very best job we can
to grow into it.”
Thank you for growing with me and Fuzion Magazine.
Your Editor-in-Chief,
Nadine Alexand
Editor -in- Chief
Nadine Alexand
Assis. Editor-in-Chief
Palak Patel
E x ec u t i v e E d i t o r
Lara Elise Tewes
Managing Editor
Mario F. Daniels
A r t D i r ec t o r
Nathan Valentine
C r ea t i v e D i r ec t o r
Lee Williams
B ea u t y D i r ec t o r
Renarda Joy
Ha i r D i r ec t o r
Ashley Johnson
Brand Manager
Candice Thomas
Marketing Manager
Jason Carter
Stephanie Harris
W eb M a n a g e r
Jonathan Claussell
A s s i s t a n t P r o d u ce r
Mark Murray
Hea d P u bl i c i s t
Noelle Bonner
C r ea t i v e C o n t r i b u t o r
Tammy B.
Jaleesa Jaikaran, Shakira Sealy, Ashley Harper, Dyandra Brown,
Fatima Tan’ia, Tyesha Litz, Andrew Horton, Carmelia Ray, Sheila
Fashion attorney Biana Boroukkovich speaks on passion, fashion and
how she helps people with love for both achieve thier dreams.
written by Shakira Sealy
photographed by Nathan Valentine
hen the term “fashion” comes to mind, people usually
think of it from an outside view instead of the internal
layers underneath it. Lights, Camera, Action instantly
come into their subconscious mind, with the addition of
funky elaborate clothing and accessories. The designer
will have a fashion show to showcase their work and watch the models represent their garments on the runway to fellow designers, bloggers and socialite
salike. One might ask, what does it take to become a successful designer? How
can I ensure that my designs will remain original and my ideas won’t be
taken away from me? Some may view the fashion industry as a wonderful
world to evolve and grow. The truth of the matter is many are unaware of the
difficulties that designers and fashion professionals face in order to succeed.
Being a fashion designer can be a hard knock life at first but with the right
tools and connections the adversities faced will be short lived.
Trendy and passionate fashion attorney Biana Boroukkovich is the
perfect person to come to if you are a designer looking to achieve ultimate
success. She stands true to her motto “ Our goal is your success” with each
client that she represents. With Boroukkovich, maintaining a strong personal
relationship with her clients is important to her. “ I almost feel like I’m their
mother, counselor, mentor, everything because they come to me all the time
for advice.” She adds, “ I want to make sure my clients feel as though I support their dream, I got their back.”
iana is not your average attorney. Most people think of attorneys
as dull and “black and white” she on the other hand is the total
opposite. Her strong will and passion for what she does and her
love for the fashion industry makes her work more like a “hobby”
than a job. She states, “ When your job feels like a hobby you
appreciate it more.” She also has great entrepreneur skills as she has gained
recognition as being Touro Law School’s fashion pioneer within the Fashion
Law industry. Always having a passion for fashion and law, Biana combined
the two as she wrote and published an article about fashion law in her second
year of law school. From there Biana was instantly hooked. She continued to
write and publish multiple articles within the fashion law field and began the
first Fashion Law organization at Touro Law Center. “ I remember as I was
proposing the organization to my colleagues how they fought with me to turn
it into a intellectual property program and I said “No, it needs to be separate.”
Ironically, my program is now one of the most successful organizations at
Touro.” Touro Law annually produces a fashion showcase, which is a fundraiser for their students. All the money goes to help the students with their
outstanding loans. “ I’m so happy that I started it because so many students
6 | Fuzion Magazine
are being helped, especially in this economy.”
Biana now has her own law firm which focuses primarily on
fashion law, intellectual property, business incorporation and contracts. She
describes fashion law as incorporating all fields of law that have anything
to do with fashion house design within the fashion industry. Biana’s job
involves all things that are needed in order to grow a designer’s brand. When
a designer is serious about the craft and has a concrete idea, Biana would
be the first stop due to the fact that she helps designers from scratch. Her
primary focus is to protect designers brands and protecting them in building
their business. When asked about how fashion trademark attorneys differ
from a general trademark attorney, Biana was happy to break it down. “ I
deal with many aspects of the fashion industry. Therefore, I am more knowledgeable on how to guide them in the industry versus someone who only
does intellectual property.” She expressed that she not only is proficient on
the transactional aspect of the fashion industry, but she actually takes time
to interact with people in the industry by networking. “ After attending the
previous Fashion week, I realized how important it is for designers to come
to different fashion shows to network with other people. Not only did I meet
other designers, but I met bloggers, business owners, and of course Fuzion
I am passionate about my job
and I feel if someone is
passionate, they want to move
forward and continue to grow.
magazine!” She smiles as she adds” By networking I am able to provide my
clients with connections that will help the process in moving them further in
their fashion career much easier. It is so hard in the fashion industry to network with the right people, especially when you are an entry-level designer.”
Biana shares that she also has more connections than others because her mom
is also in the fashion industry specializing in manufacturing abroad. Biana
connects her clients with manufacturers abroad to make their orders for garments cheaper than if they were to order in the states. “ It is so expensive to
produce things in the US. Unless a designer is established, they won’t be able
to afford a manufacturer in the US.” The most popular places that designers
seek for manufacturing are China, India, Mexico and some parts of South
America. It is common to manufacturer clothing abroad because the labor
in other countries are less expensive. Biana collaborates with manufacturers
mostly in China, thanks to her mom who introduced her. “ I became friends
with them since they work well with my mom. I know the people abroad
therefore I know who to trust so it makes things easier for me.” She explained
that there are some places where unless a designer travels abroad to meet with
the manufacturer it is difficult to know who’s who. As China being known as
one of the biggest counterfeit countries in the world, a person has to do their
homework and have a great team to have their back.
Biana was asked what qualities would a designer have to possess in order
for her to represent them. She states, “ The designer has to be passionate about
what they do. I am passionate about my job and I feel if someone is passionate,
they want to move forward and continue to grow.” She points out that some
designers have a million ideas but are not totally focused with a concrete idea.
In this instance, Biana would advise her potential client to go back, re-group
and start from the drawing board again until their idea is set in stone. “ One
of my most memorable moments in my career was when one of my clients
came to me and said he/she picked me because they haven’t met anyone who
was so dedicated and genuine as myself.” She adds, “ I’m all about teamwork
and loyalty. If they grow, I grow and we all grow together.”
n the issue of mass production versus making a few pieces, Biana
addresses that it depends on the amount of buyers that are buying
the designers clothes. “ Even though mass production is cheaper, the
decision depends on who your target audience is and who are your
buyers. The rules are not black and white, more so grey.” When asked if copyright laws should be changed to help the fashion industry Biana was all for it
without hesitation. “ I’m interested to see what would happen with copyright
laws in the future. Designers need more protection from their brands being
Biana credits her success to her mom, whom she calls her “backbone.”
“She has always encouraged and supported me with anything I wanted to
do.” Biana has goals of creating her own fashion line in the future. “I like to
take chances, I like to challenge myself.” She leaves the interview with this
quote, “ You need to build your own dream and not someone else’s. Follow
your passion.”
Fuzion Magazine |
A Stylist’s
With a growing client list tht includes
numerous A- List stars, Jason Bolden is
quickly becoming the go- to man in the
styling industry. The Los Angeles native
speaks on his experiences as a stylist to
the stars. - written by Shakira Sealy
ason Bolden, lifestyle
curator to the stars, is
known for his unique
fashion interpretations
and undeniable taste.
He’s the celebrity stylist
responsible for some of
Hollywood elite’s best
dressed looks including
but not limited to La La
Anthony, Taraji P. Henson and the lovely
talented Gabrielle Union. He’s also great
with styling couples for the red
carpet including Dwayne Wade
and Gabrielle Union as well as
La La and Carmelo Anthony.
If anyone were to ask who
Jason Bolden is, he would tell
you that he is a “Lifestyle
Curator.” Jason is all about
serving his clients by helping
them achieve a look that
elevates them to the next level
of where they want and need
to be. Jason reflects on his
experience as a stylist, “ The
best part of my job is having
some of my clients become my
closest friends. I would say the
worst part for me if any would
be when I see all the clothes
taken away and returned to the
stores.” He is what you would
call, “ a jack of all trades.” He
is always is finding ways to
improve and reinvent himself. He never
keeps all his eggs in one basket, but uses
his foundation of fashion to expand to
other avenues in his career. Between styling
multiple celebrities with the help of his staff,
his shoe line, upcoming clothing line 5th and
Mercer with friend and client La La Anthony
and his work as an interior designer, life
can definitely be hectic, crazy and fun all
at the same time. It takes a special kind
many things that Jason enjoys about what
he does, things are not always peaches and
cream. Of course there are times where a
client and he would get into a disagreement
or wouldn’t see eye to eye. Jason reflects on
disagreements with clients, “ These things
happen everyday. The key is to find a happy
medium.” He adds, “ For example, I just had
a situation with Gabrielle Union yesterday.
She is taking a vacation with Dwayne Wade
and she specified to me that she only wanted
to wear two-piece bathing suits. As me being
her friend, I told her that I actually find one
pieces sexier. We had a huge friend fight over
it. In the end we came to a compromise. I
still gave her a one piece, but it had sexy cut
outs so it gave the illusion of a two-piece. The
key is not to turn it into an argument. Just
figure out a way to make things work. If
your not happy about what you’re wearing,
you’re not going to look good at all!”
hen it comes to styling
Gabrielle Union, he has
been turning heads on the
red carpet with the classic
and sometimes-edgy silhouettes he has her
wear. Gabrielle Union has been winning this
award season, as she has often made the bestdressed list, specifically for her looks at the
BET awards. For the red carpet, Jason styled
Gabrielle in a red silhouette by Zack Posen
as she graced the carpet with her fiancée
Dwayne Wade. For award presenting, she
wore a fitted floor length beaded Monika
Chang gown. “ Everybody loved the surprise
of the cowl swoop back with this gown.” He
adds, “ With the awards everybody usually
would wear gowns on the red carpet, so with
Gabrielle I switched it a bit with the red
dress, used the gown for award presenting
and turn it up by going super super glam.”
Jason reflects on how he comes up with looks
for Gabrielle Union “ The conversation with
Gabrielle would be an example of how my
other clients would call me when an event
“To be honest I don’t like paying attention to
trends. I always go with my gut. I like to put
my own spin on it.”
of person to be able to achieve what he has
thus far while remaining organized and on
point with all of his clients. While there are
8 | Fuzion Magazine
is coming up. Gabrielle calls and she would
say, “ I have this event coming up and I want
to have a fashion moment.” She would tell
me that she wants to go all out and really do this.” He
adds, “For me, its all good; I don’t try to get too crazy.
I don’t try to come up with a mastermind project.
I go with what makes sense and I try to push it.”
For the Espy awards, Jason pushed the envelope a bit
for this event as he styled her in a black dress with
a plunging neckline that gave a fresh futuristic feel
accompanied with a fish tail ponytail, earrings by
EF Collection and ring by Graziela. “ This fashion
choice was actually last minute. We needed something
quick and we just decided to turn it up and give it a
edgy feel.” When deciding when to push the envelope
versus playing it safe, Jason states, “ It all depends on
what the venue is and the cause. For me it’s pretty
obvious, if you’re doing a black tie event- totally turn
it up. If you are going to something like the MTV
awards, this is the time to make a fashion impact
and wear something edgy and young.” He adds on
style choices, “It also depends on what the trend is;
Sometimes I like to step out of it. To be honest I don’t
like paying attention to trends. I always go with my
gut. I like to put my own spin on it.” Some would
like to argue that Jason himself is a trendsetter.
When asked about this, he states “I didn’t say that,
you did.” He laughed and says, “I take that as a major
ason was asked on what he considers the
building blocks of a complete wardrobe: “ I
would say great shoes, a fresh face and great
personality. I like to keep things simple.” He
shared with us that his dream client would be Michelle
Obama. He was also asked if he was on a deserted
island what three things he couldn’t live without and
it was a no brainier for him. “My husband, my phone
and my dog.” A great book and old black and white
movies such as Alfred Hitchcock inspire Jason. Out
of all the fabulous things he posses in his closet; his
favorite item that he owns is a pair of black converse
sneakers. “ I had them for two years and I wear them
all the time. I like the fact that they’re dirty.”
Gabrielle Union looking gorgeous at the 2013
BET Awards, the ESPY Awards, The Grammys
and the premiere of Ethel.
Fuzion Magazine |
Celebrity stylist and tv star
Emily B speaks on loving what she does,
patience, family and building an empire.
written by Mario Daniels
he climb up the ladder of success can often prove to be challenging and at times
discouraging. The weight of responsibility is
often too much for many to bare, with only
few surviving. Furthermore, it is a climb
where the same paths are often exhausted;
there are but a handful of people who can
make such a trek towards their dreams. When
we look through the lens of fashion, we find
a kaleidoscope of ideas, passions, and forms of
art painted over a myriad of human canvases. Emily B., once a stylist
to many known names, has served as a fashion Picasso in the industry
and has now moved on to becoming the Da Vinci of the fashion game.
Mother, entrepreneur, and fashionista, Emily has proven that success
is a matter of patience, will, knowledge gained from experience, and
unmatched talent.
Emily began her journey in high school. Coming from Norfolk, VA proved to be a challenge as the opportunities were scarce in
comparison to big cities. Nonetheless, she persevered, emerging first as
a fashion stylist, with a designer’s heart. Emily was able to cross the
threshold of local to mainstream when she began styling for Def Jam/
Star Trak artist Fam-Lay, who had been signed under the Neptunes
imprint. At the age of 19, Emily was already taking the first steps towards what would be a lifetime of notoriety. She paid her dues through
working within the local market, later on creating opportunities that
10 | Fuzion Magazine
would propel her to new heights of success. Eventually moving to New
York City, Emily found her passion further fueled by the sights and
culture of her surrounding environment. She draws inspiration from
seeing and interacting with the beauty around her. “I live in New York.
Everyday that I walk in the city I get inspiration. I’m inspired by
street style and of course the hip hop culture”. These inspirations would
eventually assist in her crossover from one who puts on the clothes, to
one who creates them.
ith the foundations of her career established, Emily has stepped into the designers world, drawing
upon those same street inspirations to create a shoe
line manufactured by that is not only chic, but is
affordable and accessible. It is a line that speaks
sexy, prettiness, with an edge; qualities that she enjoys within her own
sense of style. “I just love being pretty and sexy, but having a little
edge at the same time. So that’s where my line is going. Having a bit
of edge, but still having a bit of class as well”. Her new pursuit is the
result of desiring a new challenge. Something that most successful entrepreneurs are familiar with. Knowing that the bulk of support comes
from her fans, Emily B. has created a collection that they can afford,
allowing for them to feel that much closer to their concrete fashionista.
Her line fits and inspires all types of women who have unique identities, from average to above average.
With an unyielding passion for fashion, Emily B. expresses
to women who want to have “their own success” that quitting is not the
answer. “Never take no for an answer. I feel that if you have a goal,
you set it, you go for it, and that’s it… When I want something, I go for
it and I get it. I definitely think that’s the attitude you have to have”.
There is much to be said about determination. Some call it the will
to keep on going when the odds are against you; others, the planning
and execution of a strategy, and for most, it is being relentless and
consistent in effort. From the age of 19, Emily B. has identified specific
goals and has moved forward in executing them through wise business
practices, networking within the right circles, using her strength while
strengthening her weaknesses, and sheer creativity.
Growth comes through experience. Often, business owners
find themselves in predicaments where the money is good but the overall “feeling” of the project is not best suited for their operation. “All
money isn’t good money, so you have to really be passionate about your
project and passionate about who you’re working with… You have to be
comfortable and confident about what you’re doing… Every job isn’t a
good job, you can’t take everything. I think that’s my biggest lesson”.
This speaks volumes to an industry that is all about the flash. Fashion
has become overly saturated with “fashionistas”, “stylists”, and “models”; it is now similar to the music industry, where the wannabe’s can
become the trend setters, and the real tastemakers are fighting to stay
in the forefront. It has become a game of quality over quantity.
All money isn’t good money, so you have to
be passionate about your project and
passionate about who you are working with.
f course, being female makes the pursuit of entrepreneurship much harder than her male counterparts. Although
women are major consumers, much of fashion is still driven by male led companies. To rank in the upper echelon
amongst power players is a task not to be taken on by the
weak hearted. “For me, of course being a female is hard enough and I
think that people sometimes think that I get what I have because of my
relationship with a well known rapper…People think that I have gotten
handouts, when in fact… I worked for everything that I got. Just being
a female, or being attractive, or my associations”. Emily B. is the total
package. A successful mother of two who is also a business owner on
multiple levels, and not to mention, genuinely beautiful. You have to
understand the level of skepticism or “hate” that comes with the territory of being a boss. The funny thing is, she is just starting. After
about a decade of being in the business, Emily acknowledges that she
is still just breaking the surface.
mily B. is creating her own path of course, but gives credit
to those who have been paving the way for her to do her
own thing. During the interview she made mention of Kimora Lee and Rachel Roy, two well known style and fashion icons in their own right. Both have reached heights in
their career as entrepreneurs, and are well respected in their industry.
This is where Emily B. is striving to be. We all know that as the
game changes, so do the players, and those who outlast the competition
become staples in their industry. Can the same be said for Emily B.?
I believe so. The poise that she has shown throughout her career, on
shows like Love & Hip Hop, and even now with her appearance of the
upcoming new season of Chrissy and Mr. Jones proves that she is more
than just a co-star or added seasoning to an already flavorful fashion
dish. Emily B. is the mainstream real deal.
Fuzion Magazine |
6 Steps to a PErfect
SMOKEY EYE Versatile! Sultry!
It’s 2013, about time we learn the true essence of the Smokey Eye. What’s most important to know is that – a Smokey
eye can differ in shapes, intensity and color. There are many ways a Smokey eye could be done. Skip the light,
medium and dark method. Be sure to follow these steps to create a sultry, modern Smokey eye that can be easily
transformed from day to night. - written by Jaleesa Jaikaran
Step 1
Groom your brows. Brows frame and shape the face. Use
a brow gel like Kelly Baker’s Brow Gel to tame unruly
hairs and keep brows lying neatly. Fill brows in lightly
with brow pencil that best matches your hair color.
Step 2
Use an eye shadow primer like ELF’s Eyelid Primer to
create a smooth base for your eye shadow. This helps it
to last longer and prevents creasing. Use a fluffy tapered
blending brush like Bdellium’s 776 brush to sweep and
blend a bronze eye shadow over the lid only.
Step 3
Step 4
Next, take a soft pointy eye shadow brush MAC’s 219 to
diffuse the eye pencil. Basically you are smudging the
line you created. This eliminates a defined look and allows a gradient effect to take place with the eye shadow.
You can stop here for a daytime friendly look by adding
Step 5
For an evening Smokey Eye continue by blending a dark
brown or black eye shadow in the crease to further create
depth. Hold your brush closer to the end as this allows
a softer and lighter blend. When you hold your brush
closer to the ferrule, it creates a harsher, heavier blend.
Step 6
Choose a soft eye pencil, MAC’s Eye Khol in Smolder Intensify the look by sweeping the eye shadow on the
and rim the eyes. The rich, deep color of the pencil cre- lower lash line. Finish off by filling the waterline in
ates depth around the eye and makes the eyes really pop. with the same pencil that you used and adding your
favorite mascara to style the lashes.
12 | Fuzion Magazine
Actor/musician Keke Palmer is
continuing to make an impact in the industry and
cement her legacy.
written by Ashley Harper
photographed by Easton Schirra of STUDIO.64
he coming of age storyline has been often used in Hollywood for the big screen.
It’s one that most people can relate to. The
journey from childhood to adulthood is
universal. However, unlike the characters
on the movie screen most people’s journeys are pretty unremarkable and do not
include a grand adventure. As exciting as
a coming of age story might seem in the
movies, in real life it’s more like an ode to
the classic story of dreams deferred.
Now if movies don’t really portray reality how does an actress who has one foot in La La land and one foot in reality handle
her journey? Quite well if that actress is Keke Palmer. Keke Palmer
has seemingly crossed the bridge from cute child star to confident
actress unscathed. Although Keke has been a working actress since
she was 11-years-old and is now 20-years-old, she did not succumb to
the pitfalls of a very adult industry.
Her breakout role was when she was 11 years old in the
critically acclaimed movie Akeelah and the Bee. In the movie Keke
plays a girl that is striving to beat the odds, and become a spelling
bee champion. After her heartfelt portrayal as Akeelah, Keke had the
task of getting her own identity instead of audiences just seeing her
as a character. “For a long time people still believed I was around the
same age as I was when I did Akeelah and the Bee.” Even though
the movie was a great success and a wonderful springboard for her
career, Keke wanted to be able to grow with her audience and not get
stunted as only a child actor.
Her next big acting role was on television as the lead in her
own show on Nickelodeon titled True Jackson, VP. Keke played the
title character True Jackson.
The show was targeted for the older demographic of Nickelodeon viewers despite being on a children’s network. The show was
centered around Keke’s character finding her way through the fashion world as the vice president of a fashion empire. The subject
matter was light and comical, but also dealt with growing up and
the pressures that come with it. Since Keke was the star of the show
she was able to position herself for more leading roles. She went on to
star in Joyful Noise with two female powerhouses, Queen Latifah and
Dolly Parton. Keke played Queen Latifah’s daughter in the movie.
The character started off as a timid girl, but by the end she had
broken out of the strong hold her mother had on her and transformed
into a wise and talented young woman. Not only did the character
change the opinion of her mother, but also showed that Keke was a
powerhouse of her own.
eke is now seen as more than just an actress. Previously
in her career she gave little glimpses of her singing
and dancing skills, but nothing was like the command
she demanded in Joyful Noise. The role allowed her a
platform to showcase her versatility as an artist, ultimately catapulting her to a new level. As a triple threat she had
much more to bring to the role than that of the average actress.
Fuzion Magazine |
eke was also cast as Rozanda ‘Chilli’ Thomas of TLC
in the upcoming VH1 biopic titled Crazy Sexy Cool:
The TLC Story. The biopic is highly anticipated;
TLC fans are waiting to see how the iconic trio will
be portrayed. TLC is ranked as the second best selling girl group of all time behind the Spice Girls. They are undeniably one of the most beloved music groups of all time, and
the fans expectations run high in telling the story of TLC. Keke
described the feeling of playing of Chili as both a privilege and
challenge. “It was kind of intimidating, but at the same time I was
extremely honored and excited from a fan’s point of view.” Keke
was able to talk to Chili and gain insight on perfecting the role.
Palmer’s desire is to “put her all” into her performance especially
since Chili is her favorite member of the group. Keke was almost
20-years-old when she filmed Crazy Sexy Cool: The TLC Story;
this was a new type of character for Keke. In the movie Chili deals
with a pregnancy and possible abortion, something that is very
intense and far different from any role that she has had in the
past. It also will speak to many different levels of womanhood,
further diversifying the Keke Palmer bio.
ot only is Keke taking on more mature roles, but
she is also taking on more challenging characters.
In her upcoming project Full Circle, a TV show set
to air on Direct TV, Keke pushes her acting to another level. The show is written by a well-known
playwright named Neil LaBute and is a drama series intent on
showing the human condition through the relationships and lives
of 11 strangers. Keke said that the show has so many different layers to it and is unlike anything she has ever done before. She is
“extremely excited,” for people to see her performance in the show.
Keke’s determined attitude, adaptability, and constant
willingness to grow as an artist positions her to be in the front
lines for more standout and leading roles. She is neither in a rush
to shed her adolescence or become a sex symbol in order to prove
that she an adult. She wants her body of work to be something
that people are attracted to, not just her body. Keke is not going to
become another child star gone wild. She has a good head on her
shoulders and is far too driven to allow adversity to prevent her
from climbing the ranks as a respected entertainer.
Keke is moving her career into a more mature direction,
and her personal life is also moving in that direction as well. Two
things that she always asks herself before making any decisions
are; “Would my parents be proud of this?” and “Would God be
okay with this?”. With questions like those, it makes sense that
Keke is still around in an industry where success is fleeting and
those who have longevity are scarce in numbers. Keke Palmer
embodies the class, talent and beauty that only the most prominent of starlets possess.
Fuzion Magazine |
On Dating - “I am dating someone right now, we have been
dating for three years now. He’s a
great guy, but I’m definitely in
that part of my life where I’m
really focusing on doing what
I need to do and getting what I
need to do done, same as him. It’s
more us focusing on ourselves
and then getting back to each
On hanging out With Friends “When I have off time and I’m
hanging with my friends we usually do very very normal stuff,
go to the movies, hang out at the
house. My friends and I talk a lot,
and we always have something
major to talk about so usually we
spend time in their rooms laughing and joking.”
On Favorite Songs - “ I love little bouncy tunes, so even
though the song is saying some real major stuff, to me
it was just like Yeah, whose booty is it...”
On Makeup - “Even though I love makeup, I love all that
eye shadow and all that type of stuff-I’ve struggled with
acne since I was 11 years old. I’ve always liked to stay
more on the chill side. You know, not trying to put too
much. Every now and then for a carpet we can turn it
up, but usually I like to keep my makeup very basic.”
On Celebrity Crushes - “ I actually got to do a movie and kiss my celebrity crush. He was my celebrity crush for years, Evan Ross.
I loved him from ATL I mean most of the girls went crazy over him in ATL, and I had a crush on him for years and years and
years. One day Loreal (Keke’s older sister) said I’m going to do a movie with Evan Ross and we are going to be together, and I’m
finally going to get my chance and it’s going to be a great time--- as the years went on that dream kinda slowly dwindled. But
then I join Crazy Sexy Cool as Chili and he plays Dallas, who is Chili’s baby daddy, so my dream actually came true. It came true
a little bit late but we had a fun time; Evan is such a great guy.”
Role Models - “ Even though I’m in the entertainment industry most my advice or mentors come from outside of the industry. I
don’t like to cloud my head too much with the Hollywood world---I really just talk to my mom, talk to God, my family is very
close so if I have any issues I just talk to them about it and they help me through it.”
On Chili - “ At the end the day I want her to be proud of my performance in the movie. She texted me when she saw the movie
and was just like there couldn’t have been a better person that could have done it, I’m so proud of you, she and I really got a close
relationship out of working on the movie.”
On An Alternative Career Path - “ If I wasn’t an entertainer I would probably be a hair stylist. My family is full of hair stylists.
My grandmother was a hair stylist for 40 years; my aunt is a hair stylist; my cousin is a hair stylist, everybody in my family
is a hair stylist. I would probably just be the loud mouth hair stylist.”
On Fashion Inspiration - “One of my favorite style
icons would have to be Nicole Ritchie. I just go to her
Instagram page and stare at it for about 20 minutes.
Her style is so impeccable; she’s just classy, fun, cool
and edgy all at the same time. As far as music, I think
everyone loves Rihanna’s style--- I like how fearless she
is. I think that’s something everybody can love about
Rihanna; she does what she wants and she feels comfortable in her decisions. That’s a really hard thing to
do especially when you’re in the limelight, doing what
you want, being comfortable in what you do and loving
who you are.”
24 | Fuzion Magazine
Fast Facts
Full Name: Lauren Keyana Palmer
Born: August 26
Occupation: Actor/Musician
Birthplace: Harvey, Illinois
Major Appearances/Accomplishments: Has been recording
music since 2005, working on her second solo album for release
in 2013. Will portray TLC singer Chili in biopic CrazySexyCool
which will air in October of 2013.
6 Time NAACP Award Winner for
various acting roles between 2005 and 2012
• fa l l o f t w o t h o u s a n d a n d t h i r t e e n •
2013 was the year of bigger and better concepts in
fashion , and we are here to guide you on what is in
and what is out this season. - written by Tammy B., Fatima
Tan’ia, Janelle Allen and Jaleesa Jaikaran
Ever wanted to recreate those amazing trends on
the runway? We show you how to do it the real
way. - written by Tammy B.
unway Fall 2013 collections brought us new rules, exciting outerwear, and old classics with new tricks.
We’ve seen tweed morphed into herringbone and embellished with furs. Dark outerwear freshened up
with baby blues, powdered pinks, and colors ruled solely for spring. Grunge and Punk made a comeback
also, with all the edge, vinyl, chains, and spikes to make your favorite 80’s rock star happy. We also can’t
forget the “anything my boyfriend can wear, I can wear better” trend. Here are a few of our favorite trends along
with some essential style tips to help you go from Runway to Realway.
a. Punkyness
Punk’s in full effect for Fall 2013. From the runways of Moschino, Givenchy, Chanel and Versace punk is perfect for the nights you want to go
bold and make a statement.
Key Pieces: Leather is better. A biker jacket, pants, or skirt. Anything leather will do, it’s really up to you. The fad of plaid. A plaid buttoned
shirt or skirt will work just fine.
Style Tips: Feel free to mix & match your key pieces. Your leather biker jacket will pairi great with your plaid skirt. Also remember to layer,
this is major when it comes to punk. Lastly accessories, accessories, accessories. The more the punkier! designer photo - Moschino.
b. Cinematic Times
Film-noir looks took over the runways. Miu Miu, Nina Ricci, Prada, Celine, and Christian Dior were all on the forefront of this 50’s cinematic
throwback. The perfect look for when your work day needs a little glamour.
Key Pieces: A full circle skirt is a must. Choose earth tones, bold reds, or purples. Floral and velvet adds a feminine touch that stands out
Style Tips: Pair your full circle skirt with any soft or lightweight blouse. For the days where you want a cozy feel, pair your full circle skirt
with your best sweater. Pull the look together with a belt cinched at your waist. designer photo - Prada.
c. Matters of Masculinity
The Tommy Hilfiger, Rag & Bone, and Calvin Klein collections make mens inspired womenswear sexier than ever.
Key Pieces: Matching suite set pants or skirt. Herringbone, pinstripe, or checkered will help you stay true to this trend.
Style Tip: As your herringbone, pinstripe, or checkered suit may be natural in color, be sure to pair it with a blood color shoe. Don’t be afraid
to get the suit in your size, it’s supposed to be sexy. Keep your makeup fresh and minimal with a pop of color on your lips to match the shoe.
designer photo - Calvin Klein.
This season’s best furs are ultra unique with a thrown together feel. As seen on runways from Anna Sue, Tom Ford, Marni, Fendi, and Giorgio
Armani, these rich pieces are sure to make a bold statement.
Key Pieces: Your vibrantly colored, patched-work together, mega shaggy or super plush fur coat.
Style Tips: Contrasting is key. Pair your fur coat with your favorite skirt or dress. designer photo - Tom Ford.
E. Size Overdose
Oversized top coats were screaming down the runways. Stella McCartney, 3.1 Phillip Lim, Alexander Wang, and Michael Kors made it loud and
Key Pieces: A single or double breasted oversized topcoat. They come in a wide range of colors, from neutrals & grays to true blue & turquoise.
Style Tips: When choosing the best color for yourself, keep in mind the statement you wish to make. The oversized coat is tailored and sophisticated; however neutrals & gray say “I’m silent and chic”, while colors say “heck, I’m loud & glamourous”. These coats are ideal over a sexy dress
for date night or your best tailored pants for a day of meetings. Oversize clutches are a great finishing touch. designer photo - Stella McCartney.
Looks from the runway should never feel far
from achievable. Essentially, runway trends this
season comes fully equipped - urban accessibility
with both an uptown and downtown edge.
Fuzion’s Beauty team is fully committed keeping
you fashion forward! written by Jaleesa Jaikaran
Clean Fresh Makeup
Having the look of next to nude this fall is one of the biggest trends. It’s time to let go of the misconception that a little makeup
cannot go a long way.
Groom brows by using a clear brow gel. To maintain a natural look, lightly fill them in with brow powder. (
Opt for a tinted moisturizer or BB cream. Powder can be used very lightly to set. Since this trend is all about soft contours and
highlights – use both sparingly
Use soft colors like browns, bronze, pastels with little mascara and no liner.
Add a tinted lip balm or lip stain to maintain this natural look. (Bite Beauty Lush Lip Tint –
Smokey Eyes
This year we’re going past just the usual black smokey eye. Layering different pencil and eye shadows could create the sultry look
that’s in this season.
Use a soft black pencil and apply to the entire lid, blend it out using a fluffy domed shaped brush like MAC’s 217. Using a black pencil
before creates depth for any color you apply above. (L’Oreal Voluminous Smoldering Eye Pencil)
Layer a satin finish eye shadow to create a dimensional finish. Hot colors this season are blues, greens and greys.
Ombre Lips
This trend has been around all year, for Fall, we’re seeing even more bold colors.
Always moisturize lips first. Blot lips with tissue before applying color. Choose a bold red lipstick and apply all over the lips. - (L’Oreal
Infallible Never Fail Lip color)
Using a darker shade liner, focus on the corners of the mouth and blend until seamless.
Graffiti Nails
You don’t have to be a nail expert to have runway ready nails. Intricate nail designs this season can be done easily painted are all the
rage this season. Nail experts have played with color, texture and shapes backstage to create these designer approved looks. Reversed
tips, stiletto shaping and splashes of color have aesthetically complimented Fall’s fashion trends. - (Sally Hansen Salon Effects Real
Nail Polish Strips)
Graphic Liner
Liner has taken a turn this season and artists are stepping up the usual wing and creating some interesting shapes.
If you’re new to graphic liner, try using a felt tip so creating your shape is easier. A felt tip liner will give you more control and ease.
(MAC Penultimate Eye Liner – Rapidblack)
Opt for an angled liner brush so ensure your edges are clean and sharp. Use gel liners in colors like black, blue, olive or burgundy.
28 | Fuzion Magazine
A look isn’t complete without the hair style! This
Fall is all about crazy styles and and endless
self-expression - written by Janelle Allen
lthough we all get wrapped up into the breathtaking designs
that dominate the runway during Mercedes Benz Fashion
Week, there were some killer hairstyles that caught our eyes!
The list ranges from side-slung ponytails, sleek up-do’s, and
deep wringed waves – all worn by models showcasing some of the most
awaited pieces by top designers Michael Kors, Valentino, Emilo Pucci and
many more. Here are a few creative styles to try for this upcoming fall
One must have hair-do for the fall is the side ponytail. There
are so many ways to be creative with this look. Add a side or middle part
before gathering your hair and placing a ponytail holder around it. The
addition of the part diversifies the look. Another way to jazz up this style
is by braiding or curling the end.
Another look as simple as it may sound includes drenched hair
slicked straight back. Who knew that fresh out the shower look would be
considered high fashion? What made this simple style a little more edgy
was that only the top half of the head would be wet. The ends of the hair
were fairly dry. A lot of Prada’s models rocked this look.
The last style that hit the runway heavy was the classic French
braid. Braids were used so uniquely. The fun part ofbraids is that they
can go in so many different directions. Models wore their hair pulled
all back with a one braid in the center or braided into a ponytail –very
trendy! One thing’s for certain, all of these styles made a front and center
debut on the runway so that means there are must try for the upcoming
fall season!
Besides side ponytails, up-do’s were very popular on the runway. Models sashayed across stage with decorative high buns and chignons. Buns always give a polished look to any outfit but a chignon
makes the look more elegant. Chignons are achieved by pinning the hair
into a knot at the back of the head. What makes it fun is the tons of variations that can be done.
Fuzion Magazine |
The arrival of the crisp air, red and orange foliage, chilly mornings and early sunsets are all signs that the season is changing and fall is here.
When it comes to staying in tune with fashion you have to be aware of the must haves in silhouettes, prints, lengths and most importantly color.
One of the easiest and most helpful ways to spruce up your wardrobe is by investing in the trendiest colors. Before fall is in full bloom we will give
you the top color trends that emerged from the runway for fall 2013. - written by Fatima Tan’ia
Dark Shades of Green
(Earthy Overgrown Tones)
Emerald was a major color for fall 2012 but this year the shade of green that is a staple is a
bit darker and a lot more earthy. This color is great when utilized as a neutral and flatters
all skin tones.
Forever 21
Faux Leather Crossbody
Basile & Pape Bespoke
Verde Pyramide
Necklace - $6,500.
Reed Krakoff
Atlantique Soft Leather &
Suede Satchel - $1,890.
Blushing Pink (Soft Pale Shades)
When we think of pink most often we associate it with the spring season. This fall blushing
pink in soft pale shades will be a must have to add to your wardrobe. Add a pop of pink to your
wardrobe for a universally pleasing twist this season.
Chloe Addie Leather Ballerinas Kate Spade New York
Stepping Stones Rose Quartz
w/ acrylic heel - $698.
Drop Earrings - $98.
Top Shop
Flip Lock Clutch - $76.
Top Shop
Rhinestone Tube Drop
Earrings - $35.
(Dark Misty Grays While last years gray colors to have were shades of slate and stone this year the color has changed.
dark gray with a hint of brown is a neutral color that has extreme versatility and a unconMixed with Brown)This
ventional substitute to black. Gray is considered the ultimate in minimalist colors for fall 2013.
30 | Fuzion Magazine
Jimmy Choo Abel leather
pumps - $575.
Ippolita Round Pyrite-Station Wonderland Bangle
This warm yet vibrant orange screams fall. This orange is bold and will definitely be
your added pop of color, best paired with cool neutrals. This orange is very refreshing but
the shade has to be right or it can wash your outfit and skin tone out.
Christian Louboutin
Galia Canvas Spadrilles - $425.
Stella McCartney
Feather Flowers
Print Scarf - $410.
Robustly Orange
(Clementine and
Deep Amber Tones)
3.1 Philip Lim Over The
Knee Boot Sandal - $950.
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Shades of Blue (Sea and Sky)
The sea and sky are the inspiration for one
of fall’s hottest color trend. It is the color that
seems to have the most staying power. These
popular shades of blue are repeated season after
season and is also flattering on all skin tones.
This is another color that looks great when
paired with neutrals.
B Brian Atwood
Claudelle Snakeskin & Calf Hair
Smoking Slippers - $275.
Forever 21
Flower Gold-Plated Crystal Day Tripper Tribal
Earrings - $75.
Print Scarf - $9.
Forever 21
Dance Off
Crossbody Bag - $20.
Fuzion Magazine |
written by: dyandra brown
Dress- ASOS Brave Soul Animal
Body-Conscious Dress $30.00
Shoes- Zara Thin Strap Sandals in Gold $100.00
Earrings- Stardust Earrings in Black $35.00
Rings- ASOS Ring Set $14.00
Fab for
32 | Fuzion Magazine
Top: Buckle Tank $14.00
Shorts: H&M Shorts $30.00
Flannel: J Crew $45.00
Shoes: H&M Canvas Sneakers $14.00
Necklace: Guess Pendant $28.00
Bracelet: Dorothy Perkins $17.00
Sunglasses: AJ Morgan $24.00
Necklace: Guess Pendant $28.00
Bracelet: Dorothy Perkins $17.00
Sunglasses: AJ Morgan $24.00
Bracelet – - $19.00
Necklace – Betsey Johnson Leopard hearts
necklace - $138.00
Pants: H&M Leather Trousers $38.00
Top: YOOX Blouse $29.00
Shoes: Wingtip Tuxedo Loafers $25.00
Let’s help you look your best! We have kept an eye on this season’s hottest trends and
devised a way for you to create that same look at home.
From left to right: Rihanna, Kelly Rowland, Nicole Richie, Blake Lively, and Angela Simmons.
Rihanna was spotted wearing
this black and white River Island body conscious dress with
gold Robert Cavalli sandals.
What The Stars Are Wearing:
Kelly Rowland was spotted on the
streets of Hollywood in this cute
casual look.
Nicole Ritchie was seen walking
the streets in this trendy black and
white and leather ensemble.
Blake Lively channeled summer
and fall in this floral outfit.
Angela Simmons mixed casual
with chic in these Gulsen python
Quick Tips To Remember:
• Try vintage shops and clearance racks
when compiling your looks. One person’s
trash is another fashionista’s treasure!
Pants: 2nd One Floral Pants $75.00
Top: H&M Satin Top $20.00
Shoes: Forever 21 Heels $28.00
Bag: Pull and Bear Bowling Bag $40.00
Top: River Island Tank $19.00
Shoes: Zigi Soho Pumps $60.00
Skirt: Mango Peplum Skirt $35.00
Necklace: TopShop Gold Chain $29.00
Bracelet: ASOS Cuff $12.00
• Read and research other fashion
magazines. Bring them with you when
you go shopping. Talking to the right
person could point you in the right
• Be patient! Sometimes that piece you
need to complete your look may not go
on sale right away. You can also look in
other department stores and online stores
if you are having trouble.
Fuzion Magazine |
nk a Morgan
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We take a peek at some of the rising stars in the fashion industry, what they are up to and what to expect from them in the near future.
A Passion Discovered
b y
a t
written by Palak Patel
enexiana is one of the
most interesting labels
out there. It is known for
it lush and extravagant
fabrics, perfect tailoring,
and fun embellishments. All of this
works together to create a stylish and
chic haute couture look. Designer Kati
Stern started Venexiana in 2003 and it
has only gotten better over time. Kati
has been interested in fashion for almost
her whole life. “I began designing when I
was nine years old and have not stopped
since!” stated Stern. Her heart truly is in
her designs and it shows.
ati’s beautiful and unique
designs are always one-ofa-kind. “My inspiration
always comes from the
fabrics themselves, the
colors, the textures and nothing else,”
stated Stern. Looking at the textiles Kati
uses, it’s not hard to let them do the talking on the runway. Interestingly enough,
Kati studied architecture in school. “I regard architecture as merely a tool in symmetry and the division of
space,” stated Stern. “Even when I worked in architecture, I was really
always in fashion - it reached out and pulled me in.” This architec-
ati made a tough decision to
transition from architecture
to fashion. It was a leap of
faith she’s happy she made.
She followed her own advice
when she changed her career so drastically:
“Make sure you love it because you can’t do
it half way - you must devote yourself completely.” The devotion to Venexiana is how
Kati Stern is so successful.
s the rest of the year unfolds,
we can all look forward to
some exciting things happening at Venexiana. “Venexiana
will continue on the path of
luxury!” stated Stern. “We look forward to
enriching our following daily and to always
be working with new clients, as well as our
existing clients whose relationships we value
very much.” Venexiana collections are sold
at Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus.
Kati Stern is also a regular at Mercedes-Benz
Fashion Week.
“My inspiration always comes from the fabrics
themselves, the colors, the textures and nothing else.”
tural background can also be seen within the designs through the
tailoring and structure. Kati is also a classically trained pianist and a
passionate flamenco dancer.
38 | Fuzion Magazine
b y
written by Dyandra Brown
fter just 10 years in the industry, Deidre Jeffries’s line
Espion is soon to become a
household luxury name.
The Washington, D.C. native is known for her attention to detail,
structure and luxurious designs. Espion,
meaning spy in French, is the innovative yet elegant line that fashion forward
women have been waiting for.
Being that this all began in
our nation’s capitol has shaped Espion as
a brand and Deidre’s personal style. “I
worked a 9-5, so the day part of my life
was mostly navy blue. However, I was
young and I liked to go out so I often got
dressed up for formal, social and charity events. D.C. has helped me blend the
two, the party clothes with the daytimes
clothes.” Everything about the Espion
brand is buttoned up yet sexy. Espion was chosen as the name due to
Deidre’s obsession with James Bond books and films. “I love everything
about James Bond, from the gadgets to the glamour and luxury. I always
gravitated towards the unique luxury in the films that you wouldn’t see
in your everyday life.” Espion is a name that women can relate to. In
most spy films women were always disguised as a specific character. “As
women we do this daily, we are moms, lawyers and doctors; we wear so
many hats!”
eidre has always been a fan of French fashion for women’s
wear, while also admiring Italian leather goods for their
menswear. “As far a French fashion goes, it has always
been so beautiful and lovely. If you flip the garments on
the inside out every seam is covered.” The whole aesthetic of
the Espion line is for it to be as pretty falling to the floor as it is when
mad at me and even threaten to quit because I
love the details. My best tailor threatened to quit
on me twice and I had to cry to get them back!”
Espion has been seen on the runways
since 2011. Their very first New York Fashion
Week show was at Rogues Gallery during an
emerging designer showcase. “I was showing
on an island, not in conjunction with Mercedes
Benz. Over 800 people came to the Espion show,
which was unbelievable to me.” Espion will be
showing next month as part of Harlem Fashion
Row and Mercedes Benz Fashion Week. However
this time Espion will be showing inside Lincoln
Center on September 6th. “This will be my first
time in Lincoln Center and I am so nervous and
excited. I have not slept and I am not going to
ome of Espion’s most notable achievements were when Ebony magazine named Deidre Jefferies as one
of the top 12 designers to watch in
2012. “They hadn’t reached out to
me at all, a young woman on Facebook actually said congrats on your
Ebony feature! I immediately started Googling and found myself second to
Olivier Rousteing, a very young designer of Balmain. I couldn’t believe
it!” Espion was listed amongst a few other revered designers such as Carly
Cushnie and Michelle Ochs. “I was honored to be in such fantastic company.” Deidre was also named by Fashion Delegate and The Washington
Post as the 2011 designer of the year. “That was a huge nod from my
hometown.” You can also find the brand on such celebrities as Izabella
Miko, who will be wearing Espion during the Lovelace premiere with
Amanda Seyfriend.
“She is an everyday superhero and wonder woman
with the means to afford a luxurious lifestyle.”
you are getting dressed in the morning. The Espion woman has a jet set
lifestyle. “She is a self-made woman and entrepreneur with freedom in
her career and autonomy of her schedule, therefore she is able to express
her style a bit more opposed to the corporate uniform. She is an everyday superhero and wonder woman with the means to afford a luxurious
We have definitely caught onto the fact that Espion is a luxury brand
and luxury means heavy tailoring and construction. The time it takes to
make one garment ranges between a week to 10 days. “My tailors get so
With the levels of success that Espion has achieved, we only
expect great things in the future. “I am working really hard to prove
that women of color in design can successfully build a luxury brand.
I have spent every dime that I have on the quality and structure of the
garments.” One day we hope to see Espion hanging in Bergdorf’s next to
Saint Laurent and Givenchy, two designers that Deidre Jefferies admires
and loves.
Fuzion Magazine |
• K i m b e r l y
G o l d s o n
b y
K i m b e r l y
G o l d s o n •
written by Dyandra Brown
e had the opportunity to
speak with the rising fashion industry icon Kimberly
Goldson. Her chic and colorful designs are the perfect
marriage between couture and contemporary.
Already inspirational in the fashion industry,
her story and rise to success are equally as influential. As one of few African American female
couture designers, Kimberly Goldson is paving
the way for a fashion movement.
Brooklyn and New York have especially influenced Kimberly Goldson’s fashion career,
“I am grateful for where and how I grew up.”
This plays a large part in her design aesthetic
and clientele. “I grew up in the pre-gentrified
Brooklyn and this paved the way for everything
I have in my career right now. From my lessons
to where I came from and where I am now.” You
would think that Kimberly was immersed in fashion design her whole
life, however she taught herself design. “I was always interested in design but I didn’t think I could do it because I didn’t know how to sketch
or sew. I then learned that there were other things to do in the fashion
industry such as buyer, merchandiser etc.” After finishing the buying and merchandising program at FIT, Kimberly started her career
in the business behind fashion, working in sales, product development
and traveling to factories in Asia. “I left fashion for a few years. It was
when I left fashion I missed it so much and thought what am I doing.
So I taught myself how to sew as a hobby.” It was from this point that
Kimberly started making her own clothes and people began asking her
to create custom clothing.
All successful designers pull inspiration from a staple in the
industry. “I have always loved Oscar de la Renta because I love the classic structures that he uses. I would probably say the same for Carolina Herrera.” Although Kimberly Goldson doesn’t make evening wear
that says I am powerful like our First Lady and I
am noticeable.”
The industry and celebrities are noticing and appreciating Kimberly Goldson. Condola
Rashaad, Phylicia and Mark Rashaad’s daughter,
was one of their first clients, dressing her for a few
movie premiers. Nene Leeks and Solange Knowles
will also be spotted in the brand.” We are extremely excited that people are learning and loving the
brand.” Kimberly Goldson is a covert sexy brand,
universal in the fashion industry. “You don’t have
to bare it all to be sexy, the silhouettes that we have
such as the power and tuxedo suits are sexy.”
Aside from fashion design, Kimberly
Goldson is very big on philanthropy and maintaining a personal life. “It’s so huge because I lost
my mom to breast cancer when I was just 17, so
I have been on my own pretty much since then.
She was sick for a very long time so I didn’t have
someone to help me figure things out. I had to figure out my high school
and college education etc. I always felt that if I had someone to help steer
me in the right direction earlier I would have figured myself out earlier.”
This experience has made her very sensitive to teenagers who grew up
in a similar position. “I feel like if I can help someone earlier on I will
be fulfilling my purpose, which is to use my design talents to transform
lives, not to just be a designer.” Kimberly speaks through organizations
and schools to children who are interested in fashion, discussing their
options and career paths. “I employ a lot of interns where we teach them
about the business of fashion, giving them the experience that they will
need in the work force.” This upcoming fall season you can find Kimberly Goldson
participating in Harlem Fashion Row. “I attribute a lot of our success to
showing in Harlem Fashion Row this past February. I have been off of
Project Runway for almost two years now and since we have shown in
Harlem Fashion Row, people are learning our name.” There is also a week
“You don’t have to bare it all to be sexy.”
or couture gowns, the brand is still all about structure. “I fell in love
with Oscar and his embellishments, which have influenced my aesthetic.
Kimberly Goldson has a different twist on it, we use shapes, luxurious
textiles, silks, wools and add a little Brooklyn flavor.” For the most recent Fall 2013 collection, Kimberly Goldson was inspired by textiles and
Michelle Obama coming into the second term, thinking “what would
she wear?” The motto of the brand is that its never to early to sparkle
or shine, meaning at 9 AM it isn’t to early to throw on your brocade or
suit jacket and go to work. “I want women to get dressed up again and be
inspired by it. All these elements inspired me to put together a collection
42 | Fuzion Magazine
long list of events such an Editor’s Lunch, Bloggers Brunch and Trunk
Show, all right before the show on Friday September 6th!
The future of the Kimberly Goldson brand is looking quite
bright. These plans include increasing distribution, weighing alternative distribution options and going abroad to Europe and Asia. “Eventually we’d like our own free standing retail locations. I also want to have
our own charitable organization that empowers children in low income
areas that are interested in fashion.”
couture reimagined
• m i c h a e l
c o s t e l l o
c o u t u r e
b y
m i c h a e l
c o s t e l l o •
interviewed by Casey Russell, written by Palak Patel
t’s always a nice experience to see somebody come up from the bottom and
create a name and brand for himself.
Michael Costello, fashion designer extraordinaire, is a success story like none
other. Even though he has been in the industry
for some time now, it was not until Michael’s
experience on season 8 of Project Runway that
he really gained notoriety. He was so spectacular
that they even brought him back for Project
Runway All-Stars, where he finished as a finalist.
One of the great things about Michael
is his unique background that plays such an
important role in his designs. “I am a gypsy
fashion designer, who may not always be accepted in pop culture but that is who I am,” stated Costello. “Being
of Greek and Italian descent, my heritage certainly has played a role
in making me the designer who I am.” He doesn’t let anybody else
judge him negatively for his heritage and, honestly, his brand is so
prolific it’s impossible to say anything other than positive reviews. It
is easy to see how Michael’s background has played into his own design
aesthetic. “I love resort wear; I love flowy pieces,” stated Costello. “So I
would have to say my design esthetic would be effortless chic, drapery,
simplistic looks with a bit of drama.”
Fashion has always played an important role in Michael’s
life. From a young age he can remember being inspired by his life
and creating beautiful designs. “I can remember being as young as 1
or 2 years old always drawing girls, models, stick figures with dresses
on,” remarked Costello. “My mom recognized it as well. She will tell
you at 2 years old I would draw on the walls and she thought they were
beautiful and so never washed them away.” Michael is lucky to have
understand my way of creating and sewing that
they find themselves in unfamiliar territory,”
stated Costello. “I have devised a way of sewing
that benefits myself and my clientele.” Michael
made it through the group challenge, and many
others on the show, to experience his best moment
on the show. “My best experience was going home
and creating a collection for Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week,” said Costello. “Even though I did not
get to show it, the experience was unforgettable. So
my best experience was my elimination episode.”
Disappointing as it was to be eliminated, Michael
made the most of Project Runway and was eventually able to start his own line.
very collection Michael puts out is
better than the last. Michael is very
excited for his upcoming projects and
an exciting new venture. “We debut the
menswear collection in March at LA
Fashion week,” stated Costello. “It’s called MT Costello and the MT Costello man is a New York/LA hipster-type of guy. We actually named
him Trey Davenport; he’s a model, a very big endowment who loves to
sleep with women and may have a taste for men every once in a while.
He has hands in everything from real estate to Wall Street and enjoys
fashion.” Look out for Michael Costello showing his couture collection in New York at Uptown Fashion Week on September 8th. “All the
pieces are handmade and sewn, not one was touched by any form of
sewing machine,” mentioned Costello. MT Costello and Michael Costello
will also be at Portland Fashion Week (Fashion NEXT) in October.
Michael’s attention to detail and love of fashion will continue
to break barriers in the fashion industry. His unique point of view
and quirky sense of style is obviously a new must-have staple for
“My heritage certainly has played a role in
making me the designer who I am.”
had such supportive family members to back him up for all of these
ichael Costello is known to the public as one of the
best designers on Project Runway and was such a fan
favorite they brought him back for Project Runway
All-Stars. He recounts the team challenge from season 8 as one of his hardest experiences on the show.
“It’s not that I don’t work well with others, but I believe others don’t
any fashionista. Everything about Michael screams fashion; if Project
Runway hadn’t shot him to stardom there is no doubt he would have
done it on his own. We all look forward to any Michael Costello fashion
show and wish him the best of luck for the upcoming shows. expect
great things in the future.
Fuzion Magazine |
Street Style
Fuzion is out and about again looking for the sexiest and hottest fashions
on the street! New York is the capital of
finance, but it is also considered the hottest
of hotbeds of fashion. Here are what we saw as
the biggest style hits recently, from dresses to
purses to shoes and everything in between. photos by Tammy B.
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Fuzion Magazine |
how to be the
Ultimate Fuzionista
in the bedroom
Every fashion lover wants to always feel sexy for her significant other, no matter if she is a tomboy
or glam goddess. There are a few simple pieces that any woman can wear to please her mate while
still sticking to her true sense of style. Fashion in the bedroom is just as important as fashion in the
streets! - written by Dyandra Brown
the casual fuzionista
the cutesy fuzionista
For the fashionista who prefers comfort while still exuding a covert sex appeal, boy shorts are your best bet
when dressing for the bedroom. These Uniqlo boy shorts
are modeled after traditional men’s boxers yet made with
a slight feminine twist. The shorts are cut to accentuate
your legs and assets and adorned with unisex prints and
colors. Lose your bra and throw on one of their white v
neck t-shirts and you are sure to get noticed immediately!
the sexy fuzionista
Other women prefer to be sexy and flaunt what they have.
If this is your personal style then try wearing a sultry ensemble for your lover. Mix and match L Agent and DKNY
lingerie together. For a classic sexy look pair a black sheer
bra with matching sheer paneled panties. For a more avant
garde look, trade the black for a hot pink thong with bows.
Throw this silk short robe on top to create an alluring
What woman doesn’t like to be cute? For the fahsionista
who loves frills, lace and bows, there is a bedroom ensemble ideal for you. H&M and La Perla carry a range
of slips embellished with flowers and warm colors, as to
entice your partner subtly. This La Perla nude and black
slip dress is effortless and eye catching. Layer a pair of lace
boy shorts in nude or black underneath to complete this
enticing bedroom look.
Page 29:
Page 33:
Jacket: Adrienne Landau
Shirt: Jill Sander
Pants: Vintage
Shoes: Zara
Accessories: Zara
Jacket: Lucio Castro
Shirt: Jill Sander
Pants: UniQlo
Shoes: Crocket and Jones
Look 1: Yellow
Winnie Couture gown
Kesha Rose by Charles Albert earrings
Page 34:
Jacket: H&M
Top: Zara
Skirt: Zara
Shirt: Gap
Shoes: Burberry
Accessories: H&M
Look 2: Green
Michael Costello gown
Kesha Rose by Charles Albert earrings
Alexander McQueen shoes
Shirt: UniQlo
Pants: Topman
Jacket: Opening Ceremony
Shoes: Zara
Keke Palmer
Creative Direction: Tammy B
Photographs: Easton Schirra of STUDIO.64
Fashion Stylist: Olori Swank
Hair Stylist: Brazil Simpson
Hair Provided by: Black Velvet Hair co.
Makeup: Rokael Lizama
Look 3: Blue
Michael Costello Gown
Charles Albert necklace
Luichiny shoes
Image Credits:
Page 5/7:
Side PonyTail:
CopycAt That LooK Sources
Slicked Back:
French Braid:
Page 30:
Photo 1 :
Photo 2:
Photo 3:
Look 4: Red
Topshop jacket
Top shop red tank
Alexander McQueen skirt
Giuseppe Zanotti red booties
Page 10 - 11:
Look 5: White
Rag and Bone t-shirt dress
Luichiny shoes
Charles Albert cuff
Punkyness -
Photo 1:
Photo 2:
Photo 3:
Photo 4:
Cinematic -
Masculinity -
Photo 1:
Photo 2:
All GRunged
Photographer: Kat Morgan
Wardrobe Stylist: Jermaine Daley
Stylist Assistant: Terence Ferguson
Hair Stylist: Malcolm Cuthbert
Makeup: Gabriel Cruz using Makeup Forever
Models: Biu Rainey (Major Model Management),
Michelle Wilson
Page 31:
Jacket: Zara
Top & Pants: H&M
Accessories: H&M
Shoes: Olcay Gulsen
Tank Top: H&M
Shirt: Maison Martin Margiela
Pants: Zara
Shoes: Savatore Ferragamo
Accessories: H&M
Photographer: Nathan Valentine
All clothes: Models Own.
Image Link:
Page 25 (Style It) Sources:
Fur -
Clean Makeup:
Photo 1:
Photo 2:
Photo 3:
Smokey Eye:
Overdose -
Page 28:
Ombre Lips:
Graffiti Nails:
Graphic Liner:
Photo 4:
Photo 1:
Photo 2:
Photo 3:
Back Cover:
Photograph: Kat Morgan
Wardrobe Stylist: Jermaine Daley
Stylist Assistant: Terence Ferguson
Hair Stylist: Malcolm Cuthbert
Makeup: Gabriel Cruz using Makeup Forever Cosmetics
Models: Biu Rainey (Major Model Management), Michelle
Shirt- H&M
Tank- H&M
Sweats- Terrelle Terrelle
Shoes- Zara
Accessories- Zara
Him: Tank Top- H&M
Sweats- Terrelle Terrelle
Sweatshirt- Uni Qlo
Shoes- Puma
Prepared by MagCloud for Kimberly Goldson. Get more at