New Horizons Music Camp at Chautauqua, New York

Updated April 8, 2015
New Horizons Music Camp at Chautauqua, New York
October 3-8, 2015
Join with other New Horizons musicians to play music and enjoy leisure time in a beautiful setting. Enjoy the crisp
fall weather. Think “Autumn in New York.” The camp begins with registration on Saturday between noon and 3
PM and finishes after breakfast on Thursday. The first dinner is on Saturday.
Faculty and Staff
Roy Ernst, Camp Director, New Horizons Founder
Sylvia Davis, Assistant Camp Director
Kathy Weber, Librarian
Joan Cantor, Percussion Assistant
John Beck, Rochester, NY
Glenn Richter, Austin, TX
Andy Dabczynski, Provo, UT
Ken Slining, Rochester, NY
David Fry, Anderson, SC
Nancy Summers-Meussen,
Mary Gillard, London, ON
Grand Rapids, MI
Adrianne Greenbaum, South Hadley, MA
Alan Woy, Rochester, NY
Rob Mee, Toronto, ON
Registration will open at noon EDST on April 7 for members of New Horizons International Music Association
(NHIMA) and on April 14 at noon EDST for non-members. Registration will close when capacity has been
reached or no later than August 1. The first 80 people who register for the camp will be admitted, no matter what
kind of instrumentation will result from that. After that, consideration will be given to balancing sections so that
everyone will have a good musical experience.
Choosing Large Ensembles
Intermediate Band. The difficulty level of the music will be easy and intermediate. Some time will be spent on
performance techniques. Conductors: Roy Ernst and Mary Gillard
Advanced Band is for players who want to be challenged with music that is more difficult than the music most
New Horizons Bands play. The difficulty level will be from 2.5 to 3.5. Conductors: Glenn Richter and Alan Woy
Unsure of which band to select? If you have been to a New Horizons camp before, you will probably know
which band you should choose. Your teacher may also be able to give you guidance. If you are unsure and would
like some help, send a list of 5 or 6 band pieces or lesson pieces that you can comfortably play to
[email protected].
Orchestra is for all string players and a small number of advanced wind and percussion players.
Conductors: Andy Dabczynski and Nancy Summers-Meussen
Choosing Small Ensembles and Other Classes
How many classes should I take?
There are five class or rehearsal periods of ninety minutes each per day. Playing your instrument in all of those
periods would be more than 7 hours of playing per day—an amount that could lead to muscle soreness and
fatigue for most people. (You will have an opportunity to purchase a session with a massage therapist.) Think of
Updated April 10, 2015
three or four classes as a full load and consider taking some classes in which you will not play your instrument,
such as chorus, Blues Guitar, Music Business, Native American Flute, conducting, and percussion 101. Most
participants leave one period free for rest and just walking around to enjoy the beautiful grounds.
If you are playing in the Advanced Band or Intermediate Band, one of your choices should be the sectionals for
that band, e.g. a clarinet player in the intermediate band should sign up for the intermediate band sectional.
“All levels” Classes
For some classes, you won’t be playing your usual instrument, so musicians of all levels of experience are
welcome to sign up. For others, you will be playing your usual instrument, but musicians of all levels of experience
would enjoy participating. All levels classes are marked with an *.
String Players
Although string players tend to think of choosing classes that are specifically for strings, you can meet some new
players and teachers and broaden your experience by including other choices, such as chorus, klezmer,
conducting, and Native American Flute. No string classes will be scheduled during the 3-4:30 time slot so that you
can try another kind of class or have some time for walking.
Players Needed
We often need people for piano and guitar in jazz ensembles and piano, guitar, and banjo in the Dixieland Band.
Write to Roy Ernst at [email protected] when you register or by August 1 if you would like to fill any of these
8:30-10 am
Intermediate Mixed Brass Ensemble. Rob Mee
Intermediate Saxophone Ensemble. David Fry
Intermediate Flute Ensemble. Adrianne Greenbaum
Advanced Percussion Ensemble. John Beck
Advanced Band Brass Sectional. Glenn Richter and Alan Woy
Advanced Band Woodwind Sectional. Alan Woy and Glenn Richter
String Sectional*. Nancy Summers-Meussen and Andy Dabczynski
Advanced Mixed Brass Ensemble. Rob Mee
Advanced Saxophone Ensemble. David Fry
Advanced Clarinet Ensemble. Alan Woy
Advanced Flute Ensemble. Adrianne Greenbaum
Intermediate Band Percussion Sectional. John Beck
Intermediate Band Brass Sectional. Roy Ernst and Mary Gillard
Intermediate Band Woodwind Sectional. Mary Gillard and Roy Ernst
Updated April 10, 2015
Oboe Workshop*. Advanced and Intermediate. Nancy Summers-Meussen
Fiddling*, Andy Dabczynski
1:30-3:00 pm
Intermediate Clarinet Ensemble. Alan Woy
Blues Guitar*. Whether you are a beginner or have some competence as a guitarist, this class will
teach you how to improvise and improve your playing through the Blues idiom - hours of fun!
Chords: E, A7, B7, A, D7, E7. Mary Gillard
Orchestra. For all string players and advanced players on flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, trumpet, horn,
trombone, tuba and percussion. Wind instrumentation will be limited to one person per part, so you
should be comfortable playing an advanced part on your own. Andy Dabczynski and Nancy SummersMeussen
Advanced Jazz Ensemble. For saxophones, trumpets, trombones, drum set, piano, guitar and bass. All
levels, but it will be challenging for intermediate. David Fry
Klezmer*. A dance band of a different sort, this ensemble will learn old-time simcha (celebration!)
music from Eastern Europe such as the freylekhs, the bulgar, the Moldovan hora and the sirba. Any
instrument can be a part of this phenom group: winds, saxes, brass, percussion or we could sneak in
that secondary axe – your stringed instrument or accordion! With some tunes a little by ear with a little
improv – all without fear, promise! - you’ll be taken back in history with some present-time fun! Adrianne
Native American Flute*. Focus will be on learning to play the Native American Style Flute. Learn basic
playing styles and ornamentation. Also learn about the history, construction and styles of Native Flutes.
Everyone has a song and participants will be encouraged to find their own on the flute. Flutes (pvc) will
be available for use and/or purchase. Ken Slining.
Jazz Style*. Learn several great ballads playing from notation. Then practice them with free apps that
you can use for accompaniment. Learn ways in which you can add your own creative ideas to
embellish the songs in a beautiful jazz style. Roy Ernst
Conducting*. This class includes useful coordination exercises designed to build good muscle
memory, pattern clarity, and basic non-verbal communication skills. We will explore the joys of
combining music and movement. Glenn Richter
3:30-5 pm
Dixieland Band*. Instrumentation limited to clarinet, trumpet, tenor sax, trombone, bass-clef baritone,
tuba, drum set, banjo, guitar. David Fry
Chorus*. Mary Gillard. Persons not registered for the camp are welcome to participate without charge.
Contact Roy Ernst at [email protected] if you are not registered for the camp so that we can have
music ready for you.
Updated April 10, 2015
Percussion 101*. Learn the basics of percussion. How to hold and move the sticks, how to play some of
the instruments, and how to look good while counting rests will all be covered. No experience is necessary.
Sticks will be provided. John Beck
Irish Music—Session Time!* Join in on some Celtic Coolness! Reels, jigs, Strathpeys and Polkas! All
tunes will be taught in the traditional folk way: by ear, with maybe an occasional peak at the “dots”, as
they say. Bring your flutes, whistles, guitars, frame drums and what-have-ya! Share YOUR tunes as
well! Led and facilitated by Adrianne Greenbaum
German Band*. Get ready for Octoberfest, let’s Oompah! The music used in this band is for expanded
instrumentation, including flutes, alto sax, tenor sax, horns and accordions. This is in addition to the usual
instrumentation of clarinets, trumpets, euphonium, trombone and tuba. Rob Mee
Music Business*. Explore and discuss the histories of copyrights, licensing, and revenue streams in songwriting and music performance. We will also review contemporary and surprising cases of music infringement, including thefts of copyrighted music ideas. Glenn Richter French Horn Ensemble*. Play French Horn quartets. Bruce Bardes, Leader.
Saturday Schedule
3:30-5. String sectional in Bellinger Assembly, Advanced Band Rehearsal in Lenna, Intermediate Band
rehearsal in Fletcher.
7-8:30. String Chamber Music in Bellinger Assembly. Advanced Band Rehearsal in Lenna,
Intermediate Band rehearsal in Fletcher.
Sunday and Monday Evening Schedule, 7-8:30
Advanced Band rehearsal, Lenna. Intermediate Band Rehearsal, Fletcher. String chamber music,
Bellinger Assembly.
Tuesday, 6:30 until ?
No rehearsals this evening. Small group performances in Bellinger Dining room, advanced jazz band, group
singing. Also small groups during lunch and dinner hours.
Wednesday, 7 pm
Performance in Lenna Hall open to the public.
Thursday, 7-8
Breakfast and farewells, then checkout.
Hotels, Bed and Breakfast, and the Campground
Chautauqua has wonderful hotels and B&Bs with good off-season rates. There is also a good campground
nearby. Call the Chautauqua visitors’ bureau at 1-866-908-4569 or use the website at
You can also contact Maple Group Real Estate at 716-357-4583 or see their website at Rates listed at this website are weekly summer rates—rates for this camp will be
Updated April 10, 2015
lower. If you book a room at Bellinger Hall, your meals are included in that price. If you are not staying at
Bellinger, you will probably want to choose one of the Commuter Meal Packages. Meal times are the best times to
meet people from other New Horizons groups. If you stay at a B&B, ask them if you can have a price that does
not include breakfast, or ask if they can serve breakfast at 7:30 or earlier so that you can get to your first class at
8:30. Registration
First. Refer to the class descriptions and scheduled times, then write your choices below. You will use this to
enter your selections in Step 2.
7:00-8:30 am, Breakfast
8:30-10 am
10-10:30, Break
Noon-1:15 pm, Lunch
1:30-3 pm
3-3:30, Break
3:30-5 pm
5:00-6:30 pm, Dinner
7:00-8:30 pm, large ensemble
or string chamber music
Second. Go to the on-line registration by clicking on this link or by copying it and pasting it into your browser:
If this does not work or if you have any trouble registering, write to Roy Ernst at [email protected]
You will receive an E-mail from Roy Ernst within about 24 hours confirming your choices or asking you to make
another selection. Wait for confirmation before going to step 3.
Third. If requesting accommodations at Bellinger Hall, E-mail your request to Carly Davis at [email protected].
She will let you know if the room type you request is available and reserve it for you if it is. If it is not, consider
other choices. See the rates for Belinger Hall and food plans on the registration form below. If you skip this step
and mail in your registration, you may find that the room type you request is not available and you will need to
start all over.
Fourth. Mail in your camp registration with payment for the instructional fee and for your meals and room, if any,
at Bellinger. Your class selections and room request at Bellinger will be held for ten business days after you
register on-line. After that, both your class selections and room request will automatically delete if your payment is
not received by Chautauqua. You will receive a confirmation E-mail from Chautauqua when your payment is
received and your registration is complete.
Cancellation Policy. Payments for cancellations before September 19th, 2015 will be refunded less a service
charge of $50.00 per person. There will be NO REFUND on cancellations after September 19th, 2015. To be
sure that your cancellation request is received, send it to [email protected] with copies to [email protected]
and [email protected].
Registration form follows on next page.
Updated April 10, 2015
New Horizons Music Camp at Chautauqua, NY, October 3-8, 2015
Complete this page and submit it to complete your registration. It must be received within 10 business
days of your On-line registration. All fees shown are in US dollars.
Name __________________________________________________________________________________
Street _______________________________________________ City_______________________________
State/Province _____ Zip/Postal Code __________ Phone _______________ Fax ___________________
E-mail address (please print clearly!)
Instructional fee, including 7.5% NY sales tax. $320 per person (non-NHIMA member),
$290 per person (NHIMA member)
Bellinger Hall Retreat Center Accommodations Packages
All accommodations packages are inclusive of (5) nights accommodations, (5) breakfasts, (4) lunches, (1)
reception, (5) dinners, all beverages, all administrative fees and all applicable taxes.
Private Bath Facilities
Single Occupancy - $644.45 per person
Double Occupancy - $433.52 per person
Shared Bath Facilities
Single Occupancy - $588.20 per person
Double Occupancy - $405.30 per person
Commuter Meal Packages
Entire Meal Package (Saturday - Thursday): inclusive of (5) breakfasts,
(4) lunches, (1) reception, (5) dinners, all beverages, all administrative fees
and all applicable taxes. $222.58 per person
Meal Package w/out Breakfast (Saturday - Thursday): inclusive of (4) lunches,
(1) reception, (5) dinners, all beverages, all administrative fees
and all applicable taxes. $171.52 per person.
Method of Payment:
Check ___, Money Order ___, VISA ___, MC ___, AMEX ____
Credit Card Number ____________________________________ Expiration Date ____________________
Amount __________________
Authorization: Signature__________________________________________ Date ____________________
All checks and money orders should be in US Dollars made payable to: Chautauqua Hotel Company. Canadian
registrants not paying by credit card should pay by way of money order or cheque drawn on a US funds account.
A cheque drawn on a Canadian funds account at a Canadian bank with “US funds” written after the amount
payable, cannot be accepted.
If you are paying by check or money order, mail this form and your payment to:
Bellinger Hall Retreat Center
ATTN: New Horizons Music Camp
PO Box 66
Chautauqua, NY 14722
If you are paying by credit card, submit your registration form by E-mail to Carly Davis at
[email protected] or fax to 716-357-2833.