Interview with: David Wolfe: Health, Eco, Nutrition and Natural Beauty Expert Amish Shah: Our next guest, I have a really in7mate story with. I met him, David Wolfe, first of all. Here he is. He's a nutri7onist, author, and an adventurer. He's all about natural beauty and eco kind of nutri7on. It's really cool. About eight ... Dr. Puja Shah: Longer. Amish Shah: Oh no, probably 10 years ago now. Wow, it's been that long, huh? Dr. Puja Shah: Yeah, 10 years, right? David Wolfe: Wow. Amish Shah: I met David probably just about 10 years ago. This was when I was actually probably transi7oning from my full 7me job into being an online entrepreneur. I was doing very well online. It was probably right around that 7me that I just quit my job. I was just maybe one or two years into my online business. I didn't really care about health, to be honest with you, at all. I didn't really think two things about it. I used to smoke cigareOes. I used to drink alcohol. I used to kind of eat whatever I wanted, to be completely honest with you. I was very young too. I was 26, probably 27, somewhere in that age range. I didn't think anything of it. I was like, you know, nothing's going to happen to me. I'm cool. I started discovering one of David's first books. I started reading through it. I started reading, I was like, "Wow. This guy knows his stuff, like really, really knows what he's talking about when it comes to nutri7on at a core level." Again, using some of the project yourself systems and manifes7ng and crea7ng some of that. Somehow we had goOen connected. Here I was in his office. I was siVng there with him and his staff at the 7me. We're just siVng there about how we can get more exposure for his knowledge. How can we take his CLICK HERE to Watch the Video of This Session knowledge and spread it to even more people. That's how the rela7onship started. We went around to a couple of his events. I'm like, "Man, this knowledge is freaking amazing." He has such great knowledge on these ancient foods. These ancient super foods that change our biology. That change our physiology. That can bring us to healing. That can bring us to peak performance. That can get us tapped into our highest awakening, our highest self, and tap into that consciousness, and how that actually affects us in everyday life. How we can use food and nutri7on to manifest and create what we want. David, thank you so much. Dr. Puja Shah: Yes, thank you so much. David Wolfe: Thank you. Amish Shah: For being here. David Wolfe: That was a beau7ful introduc7on. It's awesome to be here. I'm in a really incredible flow right now. It's just incredible what's going on. Wonderful place here. I'm tucked in right between Virginia and West Virginia, in a beau7ful forest. Dr. Puja Shah: Wow. Amish Shah: That's amazing. I know that you're an adventurer too, so he's like lived in wildlife and does a to of stuff in the wilderness, which is really cool. Why don't you tell us, I guess, a liOle bit about your background and how you started all these. I know you've wriOen probably a dozen books or so already on longevity and living longer and healthier is one of your big passions. Give us a liOle background about yourself, how you got started, and where it's taking you un7l today. David Wolfe: Okay. It started in Kirksville, Missouri where my mom and dad met in medical school. That's how I was conceived. I'm the son of medical doctors. I grew up in the Jersey Shore, East Coast, South of New York City. My dad's from New York City so we'd go back and forth. My dad was the main doctor there in Seaside Heights, New Jersey. If you don't know where that is, that's where the Jersey Shore TV show. Amish Shah: I'm from Jersey too so I remember. Yeah. David Wolfe: Okay, so yeah, we're in the same boat. We can never escape. I started there. Then my uncle, strangely ... My whole family ended up in St. Louis, except for us. We were on the East Coast. CLICK HERE to Watch the Video of This Session Then my uncle got a job with Food Maker, which is the company that supplies Jack in the Box fast food, and was shipped off to San Diego, California. It was that move in 1977 that brought my whole family eventually to California. I grew up from about age 10 on, I knew through my forma7ve years in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and San Diego. Inculturated into the health culture, wild herbs, beach living, surfing, that kind of thing. I kind of felt like from a very early age that I would be the next Jack Lalanne or Paul Bragg or [Juice Man 00:04:18]. I just knew that was coming. I've always felt that since I was a liOle kid. That's kind of the path that I chose. It's a pure love. I love what I do. Absolutely. Everyday. To be able to share that with others is just incredible. What we get into is a whole different type of goal, which is the best health ever. Amish Shah: Ever. Yeah. Dr. Puja Shah: Yes, I love when you say that. David Wolfe: A whole different type of goal, the best health ever. Amish Shah: To get into the best health ever, what is the biggest challenge when it comes to nutri7on in today's modern society? It's hard for us to constantly be focused on nutri7on. What's the biggest challenge you feel? David Wolfe: I think it's the food assault. When I say that, I'm talking about the chemical food assault, the chemical, gene7cally-‐modified food assault. The first step, the very first step, and the most important step, even beyond fitness is going to organics, and star7ng to understand organic food, and star7ng to actually grow your own food. Where I'm staying at right now in this area is all farms around. We were just touring an incredible apple farm, and wonderful asparagus. We just foraged as much strawberries as we could possibly eat from a gentleman who's in his 70's. That kind of a goal is really great. To start living back off the land and understand food quality. Amish Shah: The quality is important. David Wolfe: That's step one. Dr. Puja Shah: That's true. You're definitely speaking of food. You're a big proponent of ancient super foods, right? I mean, I know [Amish 00:05:45] and I, through you, learned about goji berries, which we love. Now our three year old -‐ CLICK HERE to Watch the Video of This Session Amish Shah: And cacao. Dr. Puja Shah: Yes, she'll ask for goji berries. It's preOy awesome. David Wolfe: That's the best. Dr. Puja Shah: Yeah, she chants. She's like, "Goji berries!" That's how she asks for it. David Wolfe: Yes. Dr. Puja Shah: Yeah, so could you tell us a liOle bit about ancient super foods. I mean, you know ... David Wolfe: Absolutely. I was foraging for one of those today. You start to realize aker a while with food, you want to go aker the most powerful stuff. You want to go aker the things that have been isolated and wriOen about and discussed and u7lized by tens of millions of people over thousands of years. That's kind of where you arrive at. One of those is in this forest right here. We happen to be in a place that was literally is the most I've ever seen of this par7cular thing that I've got right here, which I'm going to show you which is one of the great super herbs of the world, or super foods. We ate it as a food today. We actually ate it fresh, which is this right here, which is reishi mushroom. This is very, very highly regarded in Chinese medicine. Very highly regarded in Na7ve American medicine, especially in Central America. It's one of the most amazing things that this mushroom here that grows on trees in this forest behind us here is actually a medicinal mushroom. It gives us medicinal proper7es, which means that it can modulate and influence our white blood cells. Dr. Puja Shah: Wow. David Wolfe: It can influence our immunological reac7on. For example, if I was to take ... I'm going to make a tea out of this tonight to start us up. If I was to start drinking reishi tea tonight, every single day that I keep doing that according to the scien7fic research, my immune system gets smarter and smarter and smarter. Dr. Puja Shah: Wow. Amish Shah: Wow. Dr. Puja Shah: And there's scien7fic research here. Amish Shah: I think we might have just lost him for a second. Let's see if we can get him back. Looks like it just paused for a second. CLICK HERE to Watch the Video of This Session Dr. Puja Shah: It froze a liOle. Amish Shah: We're really into super foods, ourselves. Dr. Puja Shah: Ourselves. Yeah. Amish Shah: We do like super food smoothies. We do super food like all kinds of amazing super foods that we tap into. Dr. Puja Shah: Chia and goji bears, cacao, and ... Amish Shah: These ancient super foods on top of that. There we go. We got him back. David Wolfe: Okay, I think I'm back. Dr. Puja Shah: We got you back. David Wolfe: I'm back with you guys. Dr. Puja Shah: Yes. Amish Shah: Yes. David Wolfe: Okay, fantas7c. GeVng back to where we were and what I was saying, is that this food right here, this super food or super herb, whatever you want to call it, is actually the most well studied herb in the history of the world. Amish Shah: Wow. Dr. Puja Shah: Wow. David Wolfe: There's been more scien7fic research on this substance right here. I mean, you can see how gorgeous it is and how beau7ful it is than anything else. That's something, I like to hang my hat on. It's been studied that much. We know that much about it. Let's actually go for it. Let's ingest it. Figure out a way to get this into our lives. It started for me with this guy in a health food store. I was cornered in a health food store by a fana7c, a good friend of mine now and always has been. He commiOed me. He got me into this reishi mushroom. It started out with capsules I bought at a health food store and then progressed to 7nctures and then eventually to wild-‐craking it, trying to figure out how does this stuff grow in nature. It's all process, but because I have such a great love for this, I'll go the extra step to go actually into the forest and try to find it. Amish Shah: Get it yourself, yeah. CLICK HERE to Watch the Video of This Session Dr. Puja Shah: That's preOy cool. David Wolfe: Indiana Jones style. Amish Shah: What other super foods have proper7es that can help us, like ancient super foods, especially. We're interested in, obviously, modern foods as well, but we know like liOle things like cacao was our ancient foods that our ancestors used thousands and thousands of years ago. Dr. Puja Shah: Amla berry. Amish Shah: Amla, and turmeric, and all of these things that we're just now being like, "Oh my god. That helps." David Wolfe: Yeah, it's really important to just be aware of the stuff that's easy for you to get and easy for you to understand. I could list 50 super foods and super herbs right here, right now. We got to just go to with what's close and what's immediate and what makes sense. For example, in the very beginning, a turmeric was real big step for me. Now it's available in all grocery stores. Back in the day, it was only in health food stores, but I could look at it and go, "Okay, I can do something with this like I do with a carrot. I can juice it or throw it in a blender or something." That's how I started with turmeric. It was just to play around with it, but it at the health food store, and then throw it into things. That's the great an7-‐inflammatory super root that's related to ginger. That's so famous from India, all the way through to Polynesia. Dr. Puja Shah: Yup. Amish Shah: Awesome. David Wolfe: Originally. That's its original range. Then there's other ones. I'm a big fan of Tulsi. Huge fan. In fact, I grow it in my front yard. It's actually I got to tell you a story about Tulsi. Tulsi is the super adaptogen. It's the holy basil. Dr. Puja Shah: Yes. David Wolfe: I planted it in front of my house. That's what you're supposed to do. Vedic knowledge teaches us plant tulsi right in front of your house. Amish Shah: Yeah. David Wolfe: To protect your home. It migrated and walked down the driveway over a number of years. It just kind of re-‐seeded itself and moved down the driveway and ended up in my favorite part of the garden. Dr. Puja Shah: Wow. CLICK HERE to Watch the Video of This Session Amish Shah: It's like, "Hey, this is my home." David Wolfe: Yeah, I have to think that, "Jeez. What is that intelligence that's behind tulsi? I've never seen a plant do that, go to where it wanted to be." Tulsi did that. We got to get that in. Tulsi tea. Great way to get into it. The teas are actually wonderful. Right now I'm having a chaga tea, which is one of my favorite medicinal mushrooms. Reishi is queen, super immunity. Chaga's king, super immunity. What do we need in our world today? We need beOer immune systems. These types of things, tulsi, these mushrooms, they can improve our immunological intelligence. Then we go further. Of course, I'm a fan of Ashwagandha from the Ayurvedic system and I've grown Ashwagandha. Try that one backwards. [inaudible 00:11:27]. For many years ... when I say these things, people are like, "How do you spell that one?" We'll slow it down for you. Ashwagandha is a super root. It's a rela7ve of the goji berry. While we're going that way, goji berry. Complete protein, super berry that's really got a lot more to do with vegetables than it does with fruit, which is interes7ng. It's vegeta7ve and it's pigment colora7on, so it's loaded just like tomatoes with lycopene. This is one of those has an7-‐ aging quali7es. It can actually imitate the behavior of fas7ng when you eat goji berries. Your body, when you fast, goes into a repair mode. You produce more human growth hormone. Goji berry has that property. It's probably the only food that does. You can eat something and let your body think you're not ea7ng anything. Amish Shah: Wow. That's a great 7p. Thank you for that. David Wolfe: Yeah, it's good to know. Another big one is chocolate, of course, and cacao. As you know, it started for me back over 10 years ago. Maybe it's been 12 and a half years or something since we started this whole raw chocolate revolu7on. I got all the way into growing chocolate and vanilla. I'm actually one of the few vanilla and chocolate growers in North America. We do that in Hawaii. What an incredibly awesome food. What's in it? It's the number one source of magnesium of any food, number one in iron of any plant. I'm talking about chocolate here, or cacao, the food that all chocolate's made out of. It's super rich in iron, chromium, manganese, which is kind of iron's liOle brother. It's loaded with all these feel good chemicals. That's one of the things about chocolate. It's so wonderful. It makes you feel good. CLICK HERE to Watch the Video of This Session Amish Shah: It does. Dr. Puja Shah: It does and it tastes amazing. David Wolfe: If God's created a perfect drug, I think it's going to be chocolate. We all can agree on that one. Amish Shah: It's good. David Wolfe: That's what I always have before any kind of big event for me, I always have a bit of chocolate with me. I have some right here. Amish Shah: Oh, there it is. Dr. Puja Shah: There it is. Amish Shah: We have chocolate. David Wolfe: Here's my liOle block of chocolate bar. You can see it's already broken. It was originally looking like that. It got broken up and eaten. What else? There's so much to say about aloe vera. Dr. Puja Shah: Oh yeah. David Wolfe: We're going into summer in the Northern Hemisphere. Can't let that one go. That's such an incredibly important beauty food. It's one of those foods that will keep you young. It's like Cleopatra's secret. It comes from Africa. It comes from Egypt. Amish Shah: That's an ancient -‐ David Wolfe: [crosstalk 00:13:46]. I think I was over with you guys one 7me. We were doing a lot of aloe vera. Amish Shah: We were. Dr. Puja Shah: We did a liOle too much one 7me, as we told you. Yes, not so good. Amish Shah: That's not so good. You'll be running to the bathroom just in case, so do not drink too much aloe. I'm just telling you now. David Wolfe: You got to start that slow. Amish Shah: Aloe is amazing. I love aloe. It has, again, like you said, there's an ancient Egyp7an scroll that was found. They called it the elixir of immortality. Guess what was the number one ingredient? Aloe vera. Dr. Puja Shah: Aloe vera. Yeah. Very cool. CLICK HERE to Watch the Video of This Session Amish Shah: It was cool to know that the ancient Egyp7ans used aloe vera, not just because of that, but also its health benefits. I think about maybe half a cup or so of that, every single day aker dinner to just keep my body going and keeping it happy and geVng those nutrients and helping me be there. It's funny. All these different things that we've talked about today, all these conscious prac7ces, it's really cool to understand how [inaudible 00:14:42] these smallest things and then people be like, "You look younger." I'm like ... Dr. Puja Shah: Yes. Yeah. Amish Shah: It's aloe. It's sleep. It's all these different things. Nutri7on is one of these conscious prac7ces that we implement in our lives. In [Project Yourself 00:14:56], we talk about many of these conscious prac7ces. For instance, medita7on, the power for the mind to heal, and energize. What do you think about these? What kind of ancient ... I don't want to just say ancient, but what kind of other conscious prac7ces do you prac7ce? David Wolfe: I'm into all of that. I really love geVng my 7me alone in nature. That's actually something I consciously prac7ce. At least geVng an hour in nature every single day. We kind of say that that's part of super hero training, really. When we're in kind of a concrete jungle, get to a park. When we're in a situa7on where we got a beach nearby, get to the beach. Get an hour there where you can calm your mind down, meditate, get connected back to what your goals are, what your purpose is and what's going to happen in that next day, or the day ... What happened that day? Reflect. That 7me in nature's when you can really feel. I mean, I've had moments in nature where I felt the best I've ever felt ever in my life. There were experiences like waterfalls or experiences during a hike with my wonderful friends. That's what we got to get connected to more -‐ Amish Shah: The nature's so important. Dr. Puja Shah: Yeah. David Wolfe: We know that that's really the best medicine, laughing and having a great 7me out in nature. Dr. Puja Shah: Yes, it's so good. David Wolfe: It's something I'm very into and one of the reasons why I'm in this area of the country here is I'm very into organic farming. I have a cer7fied organic CLICK HERE to Watch the Video of This Session farm. I just absolutely love the whole process of growing gardens and especially fruit trees, including apples, pears, plums, walnuts, cacao, as you know, vanilla orchids, mangoes, mulberries. The list just goes on. Elderberries ... I grow them on two different eco systems. One of them in Hawaii and one of them in North America. It's just a wonderful part of a really happy existence, because with all the travel that I do, and with all the television, all these other stuff that's going on, I got to have that 7me that's just with the trees and the plants and the garden. It's like a workout. I mean what I'm doing is I'm working out. Instead of it just going to a gym, I'm actually able to eat the food that's the product of that workout. Amish Shah: You're geVng it. That's amazing. Dr. Puja Shah: That's great. Yeah. Amish Shah: You're combining that together, crea7ng that one harmonious system for you that works for you. Yeah. David Wolfe: That's really a wonderful thing I like to recommend to people. Get a workout in your yard. Get a workout moving plants around or plan7ng thing or digging holes, that kind of thing. Amish Shah: Would you say that's your kind of number one like hack, like lifestyle hack that you use everyday to kind of reconnect and just be a part ... Like be more awake and more aware of what's going on around you, and being that resnul, peaceful state? David Wolfe: I like the way you say that, lifestyle hack, because that means to me is I got to get more done in less 7me. I'm extremely busy so if I'm going out on a hike, I'm also hun7ng this stuff down. I'm not just running around the forest -‐ Amish Shah: You've been traveling like crazy. You travel like a new city almost every day or every two days or every three days. David Wolfe: Every couple of days, yup. Amish Shah: It's amazing to watch you. How do you keep up with all that? You have a busier life than probably most of us. We all say we have busy lives as well. That's a great piece of advice. Dr. Puja Shah: That's great. David Wolfe: It's a wonderful hack to have. Another thing too is just puVng yourself in the way of all good things. That's another really important hack to have is get in front of health food stores. Start hanging around with people who CLICK HERE to Watch the Video of This Session eat differently, who are more into super foods, who are into growing vegetables and ea7ng them, or into some of the things like what's going on here? What are the great super foods? The reason why I'm in this house right now is because of the great super foods of the sea, kelp and [inaudible 00:18:34]. The great super seaweeds, which I'm so glad I get to talk about now, because 20 years ago, people go, "Seaweed, are you out of your mind?" Now because of sushi restaurants, people go, "Oh, seaweed. I know what that is." What a great source of minerals. It's a wild food, so it has that vitality and vigor and they're in the purple to black spectrum of color. So they give you the cri7cal -‐ Amish Shah: Wow. It's got everything in there. David Wolfe: Yup. They give you UV protec7on. They give you nervous system protec7on, essen7ally. Amish Shah: It goes even deeper than just it might taste good with a liOle bit of cucumbers and sesame seeds, but it's actually deeply, profoundly impac7ng us and our consciousness, you know? David Wolfe: That's why I'm a big fan of wild food. You said that about what do I think about ea7ng for consciousness. If you bring that liOle word in there, wild food is really powerful. These wild mushrooms here from this incredible ecosystem where we picked these today? That's a whole another ... That's something that is so important and so profound. I've found that almost everybody who's into that, and especially from the guy today, at the apple orchard that we were just at, what comes out of his mouth is completely in alignment with what I feel is like a healthy future for us all. This guy's in his 70's. He's saying things like, yeah. We were talking about the war on common sense. It's like -‐ Amish Shah: The war on common sense. David Wolfe: Okay, it's not just me. I'm not the one who's crazy here. Growing your own food and ea7ng it is normal. Amish Shah: It is normal. That's the way we've been for thousands of years. It was only in the last maybe 70, 100 years that we've started this whole food manufacturing thing. Dr. Puja Shah: Hot processing and ... Amish Shah: It didn't exist before that. It's interes7ng that that comes up now. Now it's trying to make a trend back. People have that thought in their mind. CLICK HERE to Watch the Video of This Session People say that they don't have the knowledge or the 7me or the money to eat right. Dr. Puja Shah: Right. They'll say they can't access to eat right. Amish Shah: What's some wildly available and affordable food or what's a way that people instead of going to the super food market and just buying the $2.99 thing or going to the .99 cent menu and just being like, "Oh, that's going to fill me up, because I don't have money. I don't have the knowledge. I don't have the 7me to afford this." What's actually really, really healthy that can be 7ed into all of this? Dr. Puja Shah: And that's accessible to people who say that super foods aren't ... David Wolfe: Okay, one of the great things ... when I first went to Hawaii, I picked up a book. It was called how to live on 10 cents a day. Something like that, or close to that 7tle. I started reading it. It was about sprou7ng your food, so sprou7ng your vegetables. This is wonderful. If you live in an apartment, if you don't have a backyard, don't have any land to work with, you sprout stuff. Sprou7ng sunflower seeds can be done for pennies on the bushel. Dr. Puja Shah: You're right. Amish Shah: that's true. Dr. Puja Shah: that's very true. David Wolfe: Pennies on the bushel. That's something you could learn about. You could read about that on the internet. You soap the seeds. You drain the soap water. You put the soap water back in. Let them start growing. Just spread them out on a tray. Put liOle thin layer of soil on there and just let them go for it. That's a really good hack and a really cool way to grow vegetables, especially in the winter, even if you do have a big yard, a big orchard or whatever, because you know, it's going to be snow on the ground out there in the winter7me, so you got to do stuff indoors. I really like sprou7ng a lot. It's a real good hack. Another thing there too is not just sprou7ng sunflower grains. You can also sprout grasses, like wheat grass or barley. We know what incredible super foods those are. I like to have a lot of grasses in my diet whenever I think about it. If I'm out hiking, this is what I learned from Ann Wigmore, the whole wheat grass thing. All grass that's in this whole planet are all edible. We're CLICK HERE to Watch the Video of This Session not a cow. We don't have four stomachs, but it's fun to chew on. It's good for your teeth. You know that Midwest farmer's daughter with a blade of grass hanging off of her ... There's something to that. There's some connec7on to beauty there too as well. It's about mineraliza7on. Grass is so beau7fully mineralized. Amish Shah: Can you explain the process of how that affects our reality of taking in these foods and these grasses and all these ancient super foods. How does that ... I mean, we know that it makes us healthy, right? Beyond just healthy ... I think we lost him again. Dr. Puja Shah: His connec7on's gone. Amish Shah: Can you s7ll hear me? No. Okay. Dr. Puja Shah: I think because he's ... Amish Shah: Why don't we end it and then maybe ... Dr. Puja Shah: Try again. Oh there you go. Amish Shah: Yeah. Okay, so we lost him for a second. There we go. David Wolfe: Okay, I'm back. Amish Shah: Okay, cool. David Wolfe: I got the ques7on. It was a very good one. There's so many levels of this. There's definitely something here that's really important. Anybody who's watching right now's trying to innovate their life or transform their life. Food is a very powerful transforma7ve agent. It can help you to rearrange your whole reality, the whole way you think. If you got to take your business to the next level, or you got to take your life to the next level, or suddenly the kids are all grown up and they're out of the house, it's like, what's next? Food can re-‐arrange your consciousness. Here's some theories as to how and why. If it's fresh food, it has en7rely different energy in it. It s7ll has the natural electricity of mother nature. Therefore, it's going to be able to impart that energy to you. It's not a calorie energy. It's not a s7mulant energy. It's not an energy that comes from sugar. It's the raw power of fresh food. That's one of the things you start to understand as you get into doing green juices, like celery, cucumber, kale juice. Celery, cucumber, kale, lemon juice. Stuff like that where you get like a lot of green in your body, CLICK HERE to Watch the Video of This Session like okay. Yes, something's going on here. I got a lot of energy, but it's not coming from s7mulants or sugar. It's something else. Amish Shah: It's pure. Like you said, it's the rawest format. It's like pure energy just being like, "Boom. Let's go." Dr. Puja Shah: We do that too some7mes, yeah. David Wolfe: You connect with how like a wild animal like the deer we say today, they're extremely flight of foot, extremely fast, extremely strong. It's because they're all nibbling on liOle bits of wild food. It's all fresh food. They don't need to eat much as compared to us. That's a cool thing to tune in on. Another cool thing that I really love is that this whole thing on mineraliza7on. That if our food actually has all the minerals that it could have. For example, spinach could be super nutri7ous. It can be the most nutri7ous food arguably in the produce sec7on of your health food store or your grocery store or your farmer's market. It doesn't necessarily always look like that if it's grown poorly. It will s7ll look somewhat the same, but it's not going to have the zinc in it. It's not going to have that high magnesium content that it should have. It's not going to have the calcium it should have. All those trace minerals are not going to be there in the abundance or even at all. Spinach can be the best thing ever, or it could just be okay. When we go for that best ever, when we go for highly mineralized food, food that's biodynamic, food that's organic, food that we know the farmer, the farmer knows what they're doing. They've added seaweed to the soil. They've added rock dust to the soil. They've been through cycles of natures so they understand like, "Okay, here's how you enrich your soil to grow beOer food." That's when we start ac7va7ng a whole different aspects of our consciousness and awareness. I want to sum it up in just one phrase. Minerals are required for expanding consciousness. Dr. Puja Shah: Wow. Amish Shah: I know that mineraliza7on is very important. I know I understand that. Then we talk about like vitamins, right? Dr. Puja Shah: Yeah, people taking -‐ CLICK HERE to Watch the Video of This Session Amish Shah: How does conven7onal medicine and well being fit into the more natural nature-‐based approach that you advocate? Should people really s7ll be taking vitamins? What's that all about? Maybe expand a liOle bit on that. David Wolfe: Okay, great. We are at a point ... It depends on where you are in your journey. If you can't really get a lot of fresh food in your diet, you suddenly transform yourself with raw foods. I'm such an advocate of raw foods and super foods. Eventually, you start going I don't even need to take these vitamins anymore because there's not really a whole lot there. Unless somebody has a specific health condi7on that they need to address. For example, with somebody who has neurological disorders, I always recommend vitamin B3. Vitamin B3 can be very, very effec7ve in and on top of a good and healthy diet. There's always that part of it. You need to adjust your diet and your supplementa7on to your specific needs. Going beyond that, yeah, once you get into this kind of food, you don't really need these vitamins and minerals like the way you did before. Your body will tell you that. Dr. Puja Shah: Yeah, that's exactly it. Amish Shah: Like Flinstones. Dr. Puja Shah: Yeah, it's really about developing that body consciousness. I feel like when we started ea7ng healthy and really being in tune with what felt good and what our body craved or needed, surprisingly, many women out there may relate to me in this, that when I was pregnant, it was very interes7ng that when I had cravings, it was almost specific to what my body needed at that 7me. It was like I was craving beets at one point, I remember. I'm like why am I craving beets? I needed the essen7al ... Everything that the beets had in them, I needed all of that. Not to say that some women crave chocolate cake when they're pregnant. I don't know if your body needs it, but maybe you need cacao. Listen to your body. That's for all people in general. When you start to become so in tune and tapped in like David, you will start to crave those things. Your body will tell you, "Hey, have a liOle more raw. Oh, you need a liOle more cooked." Amish Shah: You need a liOle bit more of this. Dr. Puja Shah: Yeah. CLICK HERE to Watch the Video of This Session Amish Shah: It's really a powerful tool to know that when we get in a certain state where we might be a liOle too far to know what our body wants, and we just want sugar. We want alcohol. We want these faOy foods. It's the things that our body is resis7ng to eat that I've no7ced that we actually need more. If you're like, "I don't want that apple, because I'd rather have this doughnut, or something." You actually need the apple. Right? Instead of the doughnut -‐ David Wolfe: There does come a 7me when you can flip that equa7on, but you're right. For most of us, when we started out, we're craving all the wrong things for all the wrong reasons. That's why you got to really jump back into natural foods and flush your system out. Dr. Puja Shah: Yeah, detox. David Wolfe: If you need beets, beets are incredible blood builder, incredible liver cleanser, and sok and gentle at both of those. That's a really powerful thing for us. We need things that are a liOle more sok and gentle. Dr. Puja Shah: Right. David Wolfe: We don't want to go suddenly into a big bowl of kale like this. It's just that massive. It's too much fiber. I want to get back to this. You've got to be very sensible about all this too. You got to look at your situa7on and look at what the next appropriate move is. It's a meme I put out on Facebook the other day, which is ... It's from Plato, you know the great philosopher Plato. That is, "Never discourage anyone who's making progress no maOer how small." Dr. Puja Shah: Yes. Very true. Amish Shah: Very true. David Wolfe: Keep making progress. Amish Shah: Keep making progress. Know that as you're making that progress, and you start making those conscious decisions to do these things in your life, you realize one thing leads to another thing, which leads to another thing. Then you see all these things start being, coming real. You're like, "I've always wanted this. I've always wanted that. I've always wanted that." Those synchronici7es that we talk about, those coincidences. They're not coincidences anymore. They're real. You're crea7ng your own reality. You're living in your dream. Dr. Puja Shah: Yes. CLICK HERE to Watch the Video of This Session Amish Shah: Right? It becomes fused. You're like, "Oh my god. This is my perfect life." David Wolfe: The phrase that we have for that, [Amish 00:29:53], is we call it the holy flow. You're in the holy flow, so you're surfing a wave, geVng back to that Southern California surfer language, surfing the wave. Just the way that the waves, God's waves roll into this planet. You're going to surf that wave for a while, then the wave will dissipate. You'll get thrown off. Then you get back up and you try to catch that next wave, that wave of synchronicity. That's such a much beOer way to live than whatever the other [strat 00:30:20] thing was, the material reality that we're sold as being real, which you know is just literally, it's terrible. It's boring. It's like not the best ever. Amish Shah: Yeah. David Wolfe: Let's get on to like where synchronicity guides us. For example, this whole thing, all of a sudden these guys showing up today one aker the other aker the other. I finally said, "Look, that's a message." Normally, when I'm in that kind of ecosystem, I'll get a couple of these mushrooms, but because there was such abundance, I was like, "Look. Let's follow what we're geVng here from nature. Let's just pick a ton of these guys and bring them with us." Even though on this trip, I'm going to end up at the Arc7c Circle. Amish Shah: Whoa. David Wolfe: I'm sure I can give these away to friends along the way. Amish Shah: Nice, that's awesome. Dr. Puja Shah: That's awesome, David. Amish Shah: David, thank you so much for joining us today. I know, we talked about this previously, you have generously and graciously gave us three ebooks that we can give away as bonuses. Dr. Puja Shah: Yes, thank you. Amish Shah: I want to share that with everybody as well. If you check out the link on the right, Project Yourself. What we've put together is truly a holis7c program that touches upon everything that we've been talking about over the last eight hours, plus everything that David has shared with us, amazing informa7on. Claim your three ebooks immediately by checking out the link and joining the Project Yourself movement and everything that we're crea7ng here. CLICK HERE to Watch the Video of This Session David, any last words you want to leave our audience with before we con7nue to the next segment here? David Wolfe: As always, I wish both of you and everybody listening right now and watching the best day ever. Go out. Make it happen. Thank you so much. Amish Shah: Thank you, David. Thank you for your 7me. Dr. Puja Shah: Thanks, David. Amish Shah: We'll be in touch soon. Thanks again. There it is. The mushroom. All right, Dave. David Wolfe: See you. Amish Shah: Thank you. Bye. Dr. Puja Shah: Bye. CLICK HERE to Watch the Video of This Session
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