Colorado Shines Implementation Scenarios Scenario 1: Sites Scheduled to Rerate January 2015 – March 2015 (40 sites in January; 26 sites in February; 23 sites in March) – see schedule for specific sites January sites- Qualistar Colorado has sent a communication to January sites. All sites scheduled to rate in January will be rated through the Qualistar Rating™ system, and the new rating will be honored at the equivalent level in Colorado Shines once the program has updated their profile on the Colorado Shines website (In Example: a 3 star Qualistar Rating earned in January 2015 will be recognized in Colorado Shines at a level 3, and will be valid through the expiration date) These sites will need to complete the Colorado Shines online application and Quality Improvement Plan in addition to ensuring 100% of their staff are entered into PDIS by September 30, 2015. February and March sites- Currently scheduled to rate through the new Colorado Shines system. All programs will need to: Complete the Colorado Shines online application (email from Qualistar Colorado is scheduled to be sent out to sites on December 8th, but application is now available) Ensure 100% of staff are entered into the PDIS (Credential work-around). There will be a feature in PDIS to submit their documents by scanning and uploading information (see supplemental PDIS Enrollment Instructions document) Create a Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) OR Enter your current QIP into the Colorado Shines QIP section In addition to the above requirements, the following programs will also need to complete the program self-assessment checklist and ensure 75% of their staff completes the Level 2 module trainings (10 hours): o Sites with expired Qualistar Ratings o Sites rating for the first time o Sites with current Qualistar Ratings of 1 Star or Provisional o These sites will be required to complete Level 2 by March 31, 2015. Once Level 2 is completed, they can either stay at Level 2 or request a Level 3-5 rating. Early Childhood Councils can support sites in the following ways: If the Site can pursue an Alternative Pathway (Head Start, NAEYC, NAFCC, etc.), they should be given instructions on how to complete the application and upload appropriate documentation. See Alternative pathway below. Whenever possible, QI Navigators that have been trained on the Colorado Shines online system should also be assigned to these sites so they are able to offer Technical Assistance to sites in the application process. Staffing time funded through QI grants (such as SRQIP) can be leveraged to support this. Facilitate the application process for a level 3-5 rating for all sites with an existing rating of 2 or above. Sites required to have staff complete Level 2 modules should be Last saved 3/25/15 Colorado Shines Implementation Scenarios Updated 3/17/15 supported as they work to complete all Level 2 requirements, and can then submit a request to have a Level 3-5 rating once complete (if they choose to do so). All available funding sources should be leveraged to offer QI support (Coaching, Materials, PD, etc.) to sites, especially those sites that may have existing partial site ratings and would have classrooms potentially unprepared for the rating process. Identified QI needs that are not fulfilled by existing funding should be documented and communicated to ECCLA, who will in turn aggregate and communicate those needs to the Office of Early Childhood. NOTE: All Coaches serving sites that are scheduled to rate in February or March of 2015 will have access to a Coaching training on December 18th, which will include training on the Colorado Shines online system and ways in which Coaches can help sites prepare for the rating process. Scenario 2: CCCAP QI Pilot Sites (25 Large; 83 Medium; 108 Total Sites) Site has never been rated and is a participating Priority Site in the CCCAP QI Pilot (24 Large Sites; 68 Medium sites) Initial orientations (phone, in-person) will be conducted with sites to introduce them to the CCCAP QI Pilot opportunity and the new Colorado Shines QRIS (Nov/Dec) Programs will complete their Colorado Shines application (and application for participation in the CCCAP QI Grant) via the Colorado Shines website by January 15, 2015. This process will be facilitated and supported by the QI Navigator. The Coaching Readiness Assessment will be completed with the program upon entry into the CCCAP QI Pilot to identify and set a June 2015 goal for ratings (Level 2, or Levels 3-5). Sites with a Level 3-5 goal set will identify a rating schedule with their Coach and work with their QI Navigator to submit a Level 3-5 rating application and secure the next available slot in the ratings schedule. Sites with a Level 2 goal will strive to ensure all criteria for level 2 are met by June 30, 2015. Upon completion of the Colorado Shines Application, sites will have access to a Coach and QI resources to develop a Quality Improvement Plan and support their efforts in enrolling staff in PDIS, completing Level 2 modules, and preparing classrooms. QI Navigators and Coaches will continue to support sites as they move forward in the process and pursue quality ratings. Site has below a 2 star Qualistar Rating and is a participating Priority Site in the CCCAP QI Pilot (1 Large site; 15 Medium sites) Site has a partial rating (1 Medium site; 1 Large site; 0 sites January-March) Orientation to CCCAP QI Pilot and Colorado Shines QRIS will address general differences in previous Qualistar Rating compared to new Colorado Shines system. During the Coaching Readiness Assessment and follow-up, the Coach will work with site to determine any significant needs in the program due to past partial funding support and identify action items for quality improvement plan to help ensure program success with full 2 Colorado Shines Implementation Scenarios Updated 3/17/15 site rating. Steps outlined in item 2 above are followed. See partial rating section in item 4 below. Site has a full rating (14 Medium sites; 0 Large Sites; 1 Medium site January-March) Orientation to CCCAP QI Pilot and Colorado Shines QRIS will address general differences in previous Qualistar Rating compared to new Colorado Shines system. Site scheduled for early 2015 rating will be prioritized for outreach and QI supports in order to ensure they are able to successfully complete the Colorado Shines application and Level 2/3-5 processes. Steps outlined in item 2 above are followed. Scenario 3: Site Scheduled to Rerate April 2015 –January 2017 (last Qualistar Rating will expire February, 2017) – (need # of sites) All currently rated sites will need to update their profile on the Colorado Shines website and ensure 100% of their staff are entered into the PDIS in order to obtain a Colorado Shines rating. Current rating schedules will be honored, and sites will automatically be placed into the queue for a rating at their normally scheduled time (prior to the expiration of their existing Qualistar Rating) unless their local Council or the Colorado Shines team are notified of any changes Site has a partial rating (add # of sites) Partially rated sites may apply for a waiver to complete the Level 2 application, PDIS requirement, and Quality Improvement plan in addition to being scheduled for a Level 3-5 rating. If a waiver is granted, they will enter Colorado Shines at the equivalent level (a partially rated 3 star program would enter Colorado Shines at Level 3). If the current Qualistar Rating for the site is set to expire on or before June 30, 2015; the waiver will be issued until September 30, 2015. If the current Qualistar Rating for the site is set to expire after June 30, 2015; the waiver will be issued until December 31, 2015. If the site has not completed a Level 3-5 rating by the time their waiver expires, they will automatically be placed at a Level 2 in the Colorado Shines system until a Level 3-5 rating is earned. The waiver process will be administered through the Office of Early Childhood, which will include waivers of rating expiration for the Infant Toddler Quality and Availability Program and CCCAP tiered reimbursement rates. Partially rated sites will be prioritized for Level 3-5 ratings if they wish to pursue a higher rating. They will need to submit an application for a Level 3-5 rating via the Colorado Shines website. Sites with an option for an alternative pathway that can help them secure a higher rating (3 or 4) may want to pursue that option first. Site has a full rating (add # of sites) Sites with existing ratings for their entire program will be cross-walked into the Colorado Shines QRIS at the equivalent level once their profile has been updated on the Colorado Shines website. In example, a full-site 3 star Qualistar Rating will cross-walk into the Colorado Shines QRIS at a Level 3. Sites that wish to pursue a higher rating can submit a Level 3-5 rating request on the Colorado Shines website and will be entered into the queue and served as scheduling capacity allows 3 Colorado Shines Implementation Scenarios Updated 3/17/15 (sites with existing ratings expiring, CCCAP QI Pilot sites, and partial ratings sites will take priority) o Sites will have until September 30th, 2015 to have all PDIS activities and the QRIS application/QIP completed. Scenario 4: Site is a Licensed Delegate and/or Grantee Head Start program, or Accredited by an Alternative Pathway Accreditation – (need # of sites) Once the Alternative Pathway Review Committee has completed and approved all applications, a document detailing the cross-walked equivalency levels for alternative pathways will be published. (Currently, Alternative Pathway applications include Head Start, NAEYC, NAFCC, ACSI, NECPA, and AMS. Crosswalks have been finalized for most and programs are being notified) In order to obtain a Colorado Shines rating level, a program applying via an Alternative pathway will need to complete the Colorado Shines application online and upload required documentation, which may include: Accreditation Certificate, Annual Reports, Annual PIR (Head Start), and most recent review demonstrating there are no deficiencies or findings (Head Start). A Head Start program applying for an Alternative Pathway Colorado Shines rating must be licensed, and either a Delegate or Grantee. Sites with contracted Head Start slots will not have an option to receive an Alternative Pathway Colorado Shines rating. A time-limited waiver will be provided for Alternative Pathway sites, giving them until September 30, 2015 to have 100% of staff entered into the PDIS. The cross-walked Colorado Shines Level will not be dependent upon workforce qualifications at this time. If a site holds two certifications qualifying as Alternative Pathways, the higher rating of the two will be issued. Sites may apply for a Level 3-5 rating if they wish to pursue a Colorado Shines rating and earn a higher rating level than their current Alternative Pathway Colorado Shines rating. If a site holding an Alternative Pathway certification or Accreditation decides they do not want to cross-walk into Colorado Shines and complete a Colorado Shines application, they will remain in the System at a Level 1. Scenario 5: Site has never been rated and is not a high enrollment CCCAP site (add # of sites) Sites will be invited to update their contact information with OEC and complete the initial Colorado Shines QRIS application via an email and direct mail campaign that will start on December 1, 2014. Informational trainings and QRIS Summits can still be held to help disseminate information on Colorado Shines to these programs. Unless they are currently in a QI program (such as SRQIP), it is not anticipated that quality improvement supports will be widely available to these programs until July 1 of 2015. Sites wishing to still pursue a Colorado Shines rating will have some technical assistance support available to them through their Licensing Specialists and OEC staff, in addition to potential 4 Colorado Shines Implementation Scenarios Updated 3/17/15 supports through their local Council or R&R. Upon completion and validation of their Colorado Shines level 2 application, sites may apply for a levels 3-5 rating and will be prioritized behind the sites listed in items 1-5 on this document and scheduled as capacity allows. It is expected that PDIS will be fully operable and ready for all programs to access in April, 2015. Additional Clarifications: Question: How many classrooms need to be observed for the new Colorado Shines rating? Does this depend on the Quality Improvement Programs that they are in? General rule is that at least 50% at each age group need to be rated. Answer: Once Colorado shines launches in February, we will be completing sampled ratings in all programs, based on the 50% rule. There is the ability to do individual waivers for programs who are SRQIP, so once OEC has a full roster of those sites being rated through June, we will complete the waiver process. There will be a formal communication coming out in the next week to address SRQIP and ITQA programs. Question: If a site is getting rated under the Infant Toddler Quality and Availability program (ITQA), how are we determining the number of classrooms being observed, and if a classroom needs to be observed that is not serving infants/toddlers, who is paying for those classrooms? Answer: For ITQA we will be rating 50% of the classrooms, unless they come into Colorado Shines as an Alternative Pathway (Accreditation/Head Start), in which case will be the way they earn their quality level. The Infant/Toddler classrooms will be paid for by the Councils through June at the current negotiated rate of $671.00 per classroom. The remaining Preschool classrooms will be paid for with RTT funds. Question: For the School Readiness Quality Improvement Program (SRQIP), sites currently have 100% of rooms observed for ratings. In the new system, are they only going to have at least 50% of the rooms observed? Will a waiver for eligibility related to transition from Qualistar to Colorado Shines be offered? Answer: The Office of Early Childhood will be working to present a formal rules package change for SRQIP sites. In the interim, individual waivers will be granted to allow for programs to get rated under the sampled design of Colorado Shines. QI funding clarification: Partial Qualistar Rated programs that complete the waiver requirements as noted above, will be able to access Quality Incentives aligned to programs that are designated a Level 2 (in order to ensure coaching credits are applied to support their other age group programs). QI funding decisions for all programs: QI funds will be available one time for all programs that have achieved a Level 2 rating and will be pursuing a Level 3-5 rating in the future. Once a program is rated levels 3-5, they will be able to access QI funds for that level one time under Race to The Top (RTT) funds. All Sites must have a completed Quality Improvement Plan in order to access QI resources. 5 Colorado Shines System Requirements Valid Full Qualistar Rating: 4 Star 3 Star 2 Star (Entering Colorado Shines at equivalent Level) Colorado Shines Application Quality Improvement Plan 100% of staff entered into PDIS Level 2 Self-Assessment Checklist 75% of staff complete Level 2 training modules (10 hours) Required Must be completed by 9/30/15 OR one month prior to current rating expiration (whichever comes first) Required Must be completed by 9/30/15 OR one month prior to current rating expiration (whichever comes first) Required Must be completed by 9/30/15 OR one month prior to current rating expiration (whichever comes first) Not Required Not Required Valid Alternative Pathway Accreditation or Certification (Head Start, NAEYC, NAFCC, NECPA, ACSI, AMI) Valid Qualistar Rating: Provisional (Full or Partial) 1 Star (Full or Partial) OR Expired Qualistar Rating OR No Quality Rating Not Required Valid Partial Qualistar Rating: 4 Star 3 Star 2 Star (Entering Colorado Shines at equivalent level until appropriate deadline below, at which time they either complete a Level 3-5 rating or become a Level 2 program) Required Must be completed by 9/30/15 if current rating expires on or before 6/30/15 OR by 12/31/15 if current rating expires after 6/30/15 Required Must be completed by 9/30/15 if current rating expires on or before 6/30/15 OR by 12/31/15 if current rating expires after 6/30/15 Required Must be completed by 9/30/15 if current rating expires on or before 6/30/15 OR by 12/31/15 if current rating expires after 6/30/15 Not Required Not Required Not Required Required (Entering Colorado Shines at an approved crosswalked level) Required Required Required Must be completed by September 30, 2015 6 (Entering Colorado Shines at Level 1) Required Required Required Required (for Child Care Centers and Preschools only)
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