THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER N. C. THE MOUNTAINEER, WAYNESVILLE, Vnndpville To Be Given By Locals Personals vanAvinp nroflrram i- " , ntprf -bv local people wiU oe staged at the Waynewood Theatre Friday night, under the direction ofa Mrs Allison, who recently staged The particicontest here. beauty Louie Mr. pants in the contest will take part m Mr. John Shacklett and BaVz. of New Smyrna Fla., are he vaudeville acts Friday night, which will consist of tap dancing, Mrs. Ed Bright and family. singing, a negro chorus, a had as chorus of "Love Origin' in min- pantomin Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Maph the week, Mr. Kcd-etrel effect, as well as impertuiwu; their guest during of famous movie stars, and a swe Harris, of Sylva. splitting performance by "Aunt" Ida of At- Mullis. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Byerly the week"ts overMr. No increase in price will be charged. lanta, were the Emma mother, latter's the of end returned Mr R X Barber has trip. extended business from an frieniS Rune Mi week the dur.ns in Asheville a n t mim-suu- fc rt Fifth Sunday Meet- - j American Legion ing To Be At Olivet Wants Drums And IP Hospital of a drum and bugle crps can underway. About a year ago tVic were loaned to a nun i,;'; U! about town, and nnw .v,,.. practice ur.c'e Gibson can begin. Legion The instrument fj, u post office with j. H v'l. .; at UUBi Mrs. George Seldon Waldo, who have been the euests of u I I Bugles Returned regular fifu Sunday Union Me.-.'nof the Haywci Baptist Officials of the American will be held at Olivet u.u,I15 Baotist church at Maggie, Sunday, are anxioustoir.av the Legion be returned Hyatt September 29. The program commit- - belonging the organization Davis. ee has chosen a doctrinal Drogram at once in order that wilt; day. theme Ihe the f:r Baptist Believe." This be "What topic should be cf interest to every. Baptist in Haywood county, especially! those who have no special reason fori being a member cf the Baptist church. It js the earnest desire of the program will committee that tha prove to be interesting and profitable to a hrge number cf representatives from evjry church in the county. This will be an all day meeting with picnic dinner. Officers for the coming yeav will be electei. people different Young from churches will present the following prog; am: 5 Sunday School. J. Y, Matthews. Special Music. 10:30-11:0- 0 What Baptist Believe About Baptism Yoijng People of Sp.'ing Hill Baptist Church. 11:00-11:3What Baptist Believe 0 About the Lord's Supper Young People from West Canton Baptist church. 11:30-12:1Sermon Rev. Thomas 5 Erwin. 12:15-1:1- 5 Lunch. 1:15-1:3- 0 Devotional M'.l Chapman. 1:30-2:0- 0 What Bapjtis'ts Beflieve About the Bible Young People from East Canton Baptist church. 2:00-2:3- 0 What Baptists Believe Freedom Young About Religious People from Waynesville. 2:30-3:0- 0 What Baptists Believe About God Clyde Young People. 3:00-3:3- 0 What Baptists Believe H a z e Iw o o d About Perseverance Young People. The : i ADMISSIONS Mr. W. 0. Kuykendall. Mr. Dillard Mills. Mrs. Amelia Brass. Mr. P. E. Moody. Mr. Tom Carver. Mrs. Theodore Inman. Mrs. Maybelle Strickland. Mrs. Otis Burgin, Miss Helen Jolly. Mr. Lecn Underwood. Mr. N. B. Revis. Mrs. Husih Leatherwcod. Mr. Harvey Church. Mrs. Wid Cunningham. Master Chaneelcr Howell. Master Eugene Howell. Mrs. D. W, Hicks. Miss Mary Joe Howell, daughter Howell, oi Waldo and son. Mr. of Mr. and Mrs. Robertgone to Bre la., Jonathan's Creek, has of Gainesville the Bre spending sometime as vard where she will enter vard College, where she win De a stuMr. and Mrs year. Wither, have returned to their home. dent this DISMISSED left on Master Chanceior Howell. Mrs Manson Shook, who has been Mrs. J. Rufus Master Eugene Howell. her daughter, Mrs. John Saturday for a visit to relatives in the gue.t of cnmotimp, Mr. Harvey Church. , left on Friday yUCtll, AVI Kingstree and Georgetown, Mrs. Maybelle Strickland. for her home in West Asheville. during Mrs. Theodore Inman. Mr. James A. G. Davey left DeMr. P. E, Moody. to trip business a f,-had for week ,l m,. I.. T Rramlett the ..11. ftliu Amelia Brass. Mrs. Mr. troit. as their guests during the week, Miss Dorothy Mae McBride. sun, aim K. L. rovvier Mrs. and Master George Goodson. Mr. Aaron Prevost has returned Mr and Mrs. Waldo Sparrow, of Mr. Madison Carver. from a business trip to Boston,' Mass., Chapel Hill. Mrs. Fowler before her Mrs. Thomasine Bremmer. Bramlett, and Richmond, Va. Almane Miss was has marriage Mrs. Sam Williamson. son will reMiss Catherine Barnette, who George and she and her young Mrs. Jim Burch and baby. Mr. but visit, been visiting her sister, Mrs fortnight's main for a Miss Ethel McCoy. Fowler Mr. A. Kunze, has returned to likeulle, year. and Mrs. Sparrow and this Miss Thelma Williams. teach will she where N. C, have returned to Chapel Hill. Mis, Blanche Havkins. Gay, Mr?. M. H. Bowles. Mrs. S. P. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Norman, of Marsh, Miss Martha Mock, Mrs. Mrs. and Jr., Barber, N. Mrs. Richard to Griffin, Ga., were the guests over the George Kunze, Miss Catherine Bar-rio- f. motored Jr.. Hardin. Lauriston week-en- d of Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Kppner. Mrs. Mar tr Van Asheville on Monday. Jr. tbo latter having accom guerite Barron, Miss Diana Black, panied them to Waynesville after Mrs. C. N. Sisk, Mrs. John N. Shool-brefortnight's visit with them. Mrs. Dan Watkins, Mrs. Hugh Massie, Miss Nancy Killian, Mrs. W. Miss Frances Rose, daughter of F. Swift, Mrs. J. W. Killian. Mrs. R. Ferguson, FOR RENT Cottage and apartment. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rose, left on Mon L. Coin, Mrs. Josephine day for Brevard College, where she Miss Margaret Ashton, Mrs. E. B. Mrs. W. T. Crawford. wiil resume her work. Camp, Miss Ethel Craig, Mrs. Eugene APARTMENT EUR RENT 2 or 3 Purcell, Mrs. L. M. Richeson, and Mrs. PriTO CLUB water. cold MUSIC Hot and WAYNESVILLE rooms. Charles Burgin. Mrs. porch. HOLD FIRST MEETING vate entrance. Back Hp Horace Ferguson, EaM Street. Mis. Walter Hawk, who formerly On Saturday afternoon at three Joe Louis, negro, of Detroit, knocks in Waynesville, but who has lived Club Wflvnpsville thp Music nVlnrlFOR years in ed out Max Baer in the early stages ONE PAIR LARGE MULES several residing for been fall meeting of the will hold the first SALE See R. N. Barber and An Taylorsville, spent Tuesday in town of the fourth round of a scheduled ltc with Mrs. Robert H. Stretcher. bout in New York Tuesday interesting program of miscellaneous as the guest of relatives. night before 90,000 people who paid Hugh A. Mrs. given. be will or music Jiouse -Furnished FOR RENT has returned over a million dollars to see less than Miss Diana Black Love, president, will preside. apartment. Miss Lois Harrold. from a visit to relatives in Charlotte. 12 minutes of actual fighting. Baer, until a few months ago, WOMEN TO SERVE WANTED Someone going to Miami 1UPTIST Miss Mary Quinlan was among heavy weight champion of the world, AT FAIR LUNCHES Dunham to drive a roadster. Phone was knocked down twice in the third those motoring to Asheville on House, round once for a count of nine, Only The members of the various circles tn bp savpJ bv Kp hpll. serve will church Baptist desirable Florida of the Mrs.! The WILL TRADE and Bridges T. J. face was a mass Mrs. Mr. and County Haywood during the bus-- 1 property for mountain cabin site lunches The 0f cuts and bruises, while the smil- derived will go to J. A. Smith were in Asheville on funds Fair. timber some water, rumning J with ing (larkey looked none the worse for building. ness Friday. view. Can offer 10 acres ward the new Sunday school Willis. 26, 1935 rn,..'. nnA " or " 1 l:45-10:1- WANT ADS Joe Louis Knocks Out Baer In Fourth - and l the scrap. Louis, 21, married just thrpp hniirs Vipfnrp fVip hntlp on Thurs- i?fULUV finlirpf . .wv.,.. lpft Baer went into the ring with a day for New York City, after spendt nn,i Mrs Xra'tnn Rrendle an ing several weeks at his home. He weight advantage on his op211, while Louis birth of a daughter, Ruth will resume his work at the Museum ponentweighing the nounce grapefruit hrarinir at. men of Natural History. weighed 189. on September Patricia, trees on tots if desired. Titles clear home on the Balsom Road. taxes paid.: Write fully, withr, maps or pictures, to Edwin A. Stuart, Florida. Sept. For Your Fall Apparel Needs! Does The New Clothes Problem Loom Large This Fall? BIRTH n- ANNOUNCEMENT It's a real quality service smartly new again W, V. in, It. Inc. G. SWDKIK BETHEL JUNIORS CUYE SEN'l PARTY The junior class of Bethel School fflve the senior class a at the hierh school ei ound? on Ft evening of September 2Uth. An gram pt interesting activiues given; The first item on the prof r vvaa a ovii.wii you sit back and let Essolene power and Essolube ease sweep you over the cool countryside.. and the car never makes a sound to interfere with the voice you like to hear best in the world.. When darkness terminatud game, a pionic lunch was thei d serve nnnihpr of vaults foonlfu r,laro1 " "a and eonclUilt'Jt tha ofvmnnsmm """ nai-t- hv sim?inir "Goo THESE DEALERS WlUL SERVE YOU TO ENABljt We Will l'lease You With Our Service, and Standard Products Will Please Hoth You and Your Car. "Happy Motoring Servic( Medf ord Center F,solnle i:m clothes BOYD AYEMBJ PHONE 205 DELLWOOD ROAD AV. " owners KIM.TAV Mark Howell Kssolrnc Making w J. IEN "Happy Motoring" we offer. economically. Waynesville Laundry, Men-ninge- THESE DEALERS WILL SERVE YOU TO ENABLE new with WAYNESVILLE LAUNDRY cleaned clothes. Last Falls things last spring's will do a splendid job of keeping you well dressed at small cost if you bring them here for expert cleaning. frood on paved road, all cleared, suitable for orange grove, 40 miles from Palm Beach. Or splendid residenriver tial lots, close to mile-wid- e Buy as many smart Don't let it eret you down. things as you can but supplement your wardrobe At Entrance Southern Aij Prompt Courteous Sen dercd At 15oth l'laces L Hardin, Jr. ii-- COMMISSION AGENT WAYNESVILLE 0 i:o EssoI"iie Caldwell's Come in Six" Essolene IRVING LEATIIERWOOD Manager Asheville Road Esso Essolube Walker Service Depot and Branner Ave. 24-HO- C. C. Walker, yZ I Standard Esso Standard Esso Station Essolene ' . ICssolube FNso Phone 9161 el Cold Drinks WAYNESVILLE Essolene (f-- t Tlease-l)- ive riea-e- A Choo-- e RO.Wl DELLWOOD Service "Its Wise To Service Station Watkins Chevrolet Company, Inc. Sales i:- -o Essoh'ilo SERVICE owner-manag- er Station m(lm--nm'- SS0 Essolene Essolube AERO TYPE The recognized leader among premium mo tor luels, adapted from fighting grade aviation fuel. Guarantees smoother performance than any other regular-pric- e gasoline. Contains a patented solvent oil. The oil of premium quality yet always sold at regular price. Effectively combines economy and protection. - tiit.T, esSO? The tion, lowcst-cnnsumhighest-performan- Phone 9197 n to Belle-MeadeS- C O M P A N Y O F NEW I Copr. J 193"), Esso, Inc. E R S E Y - uP Service m til SS0 m fl RKSTSRS OIL Oppte Es.olone ! Listen to Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians every Monday night 7:30 Eastern Standard Time. Columbia network and affiliated stations. STANDARD Manager . ce motor oil made. 35c per quart in scaled containers only. RADIO 1 IIOWELI-- H. B. Milner. HAZELWOOD Tmir st Manufacture elties and Furnitu- prop- - ta -- -
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