I.-:.- ' Page 6 TOPBSDAr, rEBRlv THE WAYXESVILLE 3I0L7TTA1XEER 'Many Fonner Residents Present ETY. Miss Ruth Green Is Married To Mf-A!le- .Mr. vujyiuii jiuivcuo Liuumuy i oaos f jd Mrs iyui(icuiiuuouji(i:Maie Temple Tuesday tonierence Mrs. James M, Long:, re greet of r r. T .v..i iu auiu me iwcu cuajiiw oui The Rcc OJadyc Walker, 14. and daughters of tne American Kevo-the ISth at their residerjce in Los of brot&er, ter fau! w alier, j is, maon, .sirs. j. naraen uoweu, Armies, CklJ for the latter's father, faptain A3de Howe!!, in celebrated their birthday atmiver- -' state chairman of Indian work, and nesviljej have Mr. opn hoas fas? on on J. R. Jchcston held Surday fcftrE&on I -- 11 1 we e. ( Fm.! ; s, Pr iYoungHsGwejS observance of his Pith birthday an fend - niversary. Captab Howell, form- - orerly cf Wayisesrilie, has been . residirj wuh his daughter for the past several yea.rs. I a - c-- r: . a- 4 .J Ttii'j A. TTo-- " Pn'r.l lripr - " at. Xtnicw- tKAv flm I I vr" ., y t : 5i . i TV. -vows ' J Me r . i: .t r. i." i jcasnic bucici rwics ci iae oi ice .ortn. - iroiui with green and yeDow Daughters of the American Revolu- - Franklin c.r j Receiving with the Captaia acd dcc rations gtVlrg a festive air to tioc Mrs. P.ufus L. Alien was ejected home Mrs. Before rettirmng the hosts was small six arid a half the HalL president of the Warriesvile Civic Mrs. Olive Boot: Greer: has Loep will visit her sister. Mra. C. . tv,. old grands! Ker.r.eth Ertrr.- -' ,yeir :..4 League, which was . .L M on ' TT ll the rr.arritre of her cat:zh-te- r. mer, who blew oc tie candles oa . j lamer wa dv tneir ntomer, jirs. Ci loi Miss Ruth Carolyn Greer, to Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Allen. home Weaver, at Greensboro terian churc !;or the in her birthday "their cake. Paul Walker, Miss Others sister elected ere. to with serve Mrs. Joseph Jackson Atkir.s. The Mte of Agr,e Mae Walker, Mr. acd Mrs Quarrities of rcwers a it' reed Leos-orAllen were as 'allows : first vice Ga., were sc'ercr.lred in Clayt-.r.- . She has the hosiie, sert by ir.tz.-i- s to the on Sunday evening. February the president, Mrs. R. R, Campbell; High Captain. In ye the vice dinir.? president, r::'m Mrs. Paul 25th :r th rrefer.ce of a small Waiker; schools, &r,4 low arid blue were to rehired with secretary, Mrs. W. H. group of friends whs in the high sch ,the Lir.er; colors appDrct-roerK.s. coted k a"- the 5 care ww. treasurer. Mrs. Nvhle Gar-re:- :; w the !e to Carton. The groom "ithi Pocrrrg were !5rs. Charles a arcing. Bona! darcirg was also ar.d secretary cf executive, 111 (11111911 Th" bride wore a httr ten's green .card, Mrs. George LTnivei-c- ' J&hEst-oanan enroyed :str-lr.-lah a Mrs, cf A. Kur.ze. ' wi-s suit for cll'ar and her ' law from the Vtooi Jc hr.s :.r. ar-- her Tit Civic League was for many Mrs. .AThe giaeFt Rev. list included: The W, Patsy and B. Mrs. Craig, were British tan. years hf:re its members dee;d Carolina. He 'I "' ih." lbert Mathis Burgirt. Bettle Jackscr.. Betie of L'cion Mills, have announced r; , The bride i the daughter cf Mrs. to disbar, .. nt As has his custi-rr;Captain Jane Eradley. Patsy Gwttj. Ann the marriage of their daughter, Greer and the "ate Lswrer.ce Greer., with civic :r. housi tne corr.rr.ur..tv Howell ntade .h.s fr.er.is a speech tbJ tt ?! Rtsthie Miss CWA Bell Ciaire to Craitr. WaenfeH, Ann prcrr.irer.i f'r rr.ar.y rears in Ms- - directing lDe outft Car major e5:.-t- s Wis inv.tir.g them to return nert rear Edwards, Jeanette Ear gin, P,v,.- 4 ri ST. c c:r-.- e ' oi -- e e for h:s KKth Martin. b.rthiv ' ton. vows Mae Freda The . Tesrue. were solemnized on he r" 44 au?htr r'ste. She Ore -- (.'! J..".;trC-isary. was Mary El.en Bcr.e. CarrDll Louise Saturday. February the 17th. at ,4 T L G ree rs ari r n' ' CM :r:'-'-'-arch :.'.. Be!!. tr.i Doris Grahi, Bettle Francis. Gaffney, S. C, with a small group .Am&rlg the gue; i' , Kcrth i Hi :.r.ca:.:-rri Mrs. tf the entrance Meta Dlcus. Dorothv Ricbrsoa, Ma of friends attending. Carolina were a ru D. :! f jOdraJl r- - v.; r: r re Ev irrer H.i They wili, Sttt'th. Dorcthy ayriesviile resid; Following Milner. Helen the a- -' e r f ' -- r e r - i t ceremonv the Observed Her T Ah f The e r.e.w Trout, Mrs. Virginia Charles couple et Marney. W,vt. Rubv a motored Pai piece, to Shelbv. V. s'r.eer. Mr. ..tir.ue to direct their work loirthdav A"- - .Itio: Grace" Wilbur?!, where they were honored with the former Miss Atkir-S'g-e,- l. Francis e 'h-.e eria a fcr i tie be iters: eat cf ers. Mr. .ar,d Dear ntoi end Is ?. ? the lat-- Merrill Green. Martha Mae Wyche, supper party by Mrs. G. V. Byrd, t rrfr. Sarah D. Tx'n Br before her rear ier ... Fcrxeriv sister Miss J- - Mary .Viland. of the bride. Only the mem- j a group o: Atlanta. he Tr.iTr:bj c: tte iZiid fl r ssphire ;ToTxai, M Choice of cany. Tne Lois Massie.' Shirley Colkitt... bers of the two families were pres- Saturday confined t.r. t.e wtrrie'r. P-L. Sullivan., the lat the"f;rrer : :tic -i ent Catherine far the the !a:e Davis. n, t affair. Margaret E'a'ock. j o'clock unser in By VERA WINSTON 3r;i rd' Miss. Mary IJ.-? the rrar is-and Mrs, Dor's Colkirt. Fwm The bride V whose father is a birthday rr.e: ave been asked Frank Merrrr.tr., the CHEER WOOL, trimrr.ed wth 'f the late.C h' M '.fr Ja-.- e? era grar.i-K- . Katherine a n j h- Bls!ock. Marion' Mor-?a- n:ir.is:er has lived a number of assisted bv in the wcrk, A:-.daughter of Mrs J sr.d tve r.:n.yclcrtd Mr. ar.d Mr. Bt'one, elab-t;a- :e Jane Dudley Francis. Mar-.'or- ie r.trr: jc Cr ritt Brown. f c.'- the ::ws . B. 3 IT.-nr. and Mrs. Thomas H; gSca be U .a is Bryson. the ornasentatija, U Bertie Howe!!, nesville from Rutherfordton, where man and M- - V- t.'.e ch:.:ce of n.ary smart wcrr-ea- . latter a .granddaughter. Pre :' th and Jimrsie and Miriam Wells, of she had graduated in the school of j receivirg aV, tere one such cress, done ia a er Miss Thomasir.e Howell. Dr. Canton. iotte nursing of the Rutherford Hospi- - ' guests Iti.lJ.: rouge-re- d With weel . Julias C. Welch, the faitiiy cf the it 1 of chalky gray. The em- Joe Tate. Jlrr.rrsie Dn TT:nn taL She has been livinc hero Kin .a mow r,k brother the of first of August IWilburn, and has been Hear For. Mark Dims, Ther nai a t ar.d below .tie connected with the Haywood Coun- Herman was ,, si ui .er j;ke and reside in Waynerr Te. county, t. nam at top of aleevea. It haa and ty Hospital pW round peck; gray bone buttons to doe; groom, The a r,f pntto. resident. The the waut; gray leather belt and an Hugh Heiben, formers cf Reids- - . xrajn .r- - rn.4 Joint Birthdav Partv t'. Mrs. J. Harden HowelL sta- - e:gtt-gore- d x jiantn. U!CK Brad fordton, is the son of Mrs. Iv skirt. Fire for the ..;'i. Honored Two' Fridav j Jey, He is connected with the Martha Todd, S:t; Letter Burgin, Jack Worth- chatrman of Indin .il. travel wardrobe, and a find for tha will I be Captain was showered with ington. Harwood Plott cu cut lomg Peanut Comnanv William Thomas r...i. r.rl gifts and messaees frr.ra i: Miss Sara Underwood it couple ner, rbe Fred ,0will Sanndtrm. in reside ftnfh. Coman -ram Crawford J has W. KiHian. : :)y and friends. Elizabeth Rh'T,pV..wi - w i; v pn anaJ Among them wood, Billy Davis, J. D. Hyatt, j erfordtoa UDtiI APrU the first. . W r w W C C.;. cl:ff, Jane Km, d coi Jirn Leatherw-ood- , Eugene Med-- ! Alma Davis, and Berpears thers, on Friday night at the WaynesrlfleTjudg; of 'era, Kenneth Mooro. 4 . w I a. (.ieroiiee at. i . r cr Mr r.rf M Haywood ChaD wi the guest of her brother tM ViU Meet Wilt11" f Mrs. !?;.lf.w' Mr- ,;a . . o.Thurman vte&a, "a--; i. state, 35 to Amsassador vo1ut, l" . L. M. Killian "r. Dei Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Bell had ' " xr.a;necart, llllan. i;iJe Rbinehart, Ch.r. oi . .. . JleiJCft w. "'Ida Jean Erown lotte tber guests during the week ;.v "iB Chastise. Rober, ?. Mrs. L. M. Kii:;at! 0f 0id Florence Cagle. Lucile Carf. VV: to- - uus;r i!f , the vprogram teas tomorrnn- ,, " proirram. ft fr.. it - leaiar reD--i ja:zej tteCD, xann:e Pearl . home at 3:20 nV't ':fei r' w Gaddy, Frances Turner, v ujtti.r.g wcicn was held on i At... .TiJ of of the Harwoji brs t xvu ti ; Saturday jus, jsiacKweii. Webb Moody, Franzie Xoland, M. afternoon in the Parish . the United Daughter, in th( Lonneii, landscape .no use oi urate Epss.cop.sJ church , Mrs Cfcarle garet Underwood n.- - v chitect, of federacy at the rtr?" Park. i Donald Skid mo..' u..5. uougiis Moore and Mrs." ' bonors with Mrs London, of w PonvtU rj": . i. j ' ! pent Fred Campbell were associate host- ed Howard Ca?le. ther North asnington, on D. C. on last Fridav n'a ount of the death f . Mrs F Mr P L B.ackweH ' n eases. 4 , . Underwood "hi - -rned ertv..3, es a grcun of V tjiti cn Sandnv Modem Soar.;sh music wa jeoparUj Jotn t,... 't ' ' bei"g "ontgo.-er;-. bef St h0ffie in" ,Snilth ber home Davis. Vrt ! on bV subject under sra'dy and ! Mood, Dewey Ford. on. " Erown bropgh oufthe , "Mr.s- - QIan c!ded is visiting her I derwood, Verlon Diils, and Linden cf "":k Ga . em -aE? act tha son STeT L'Srtstopher C. i..CiJ ild in ir i tas not equaled other fields of ac- - Cr:ttenden. wife of Dr. Crittenden, i - e rues st included: Donna id is t 01 in S- - ain, but that r.-rcrth Carolina Mrs. Adora Rair ' t .. p .." p ' n..r:.caj. commission. woencteiflv young .modern corxposer ' -- A.&3 are av .r4 n, joepfl:r.e iio;tzc.aw returr.eJ Mr. ai jean izing thei value of native folk ir Th-- . day nleht from . -.- 'i .,."!.'.. fTOwte Leatherwood. i rnelodies. couple ia -- d l S the Miss Brown dis.cTis.sfrJ Francis; tv. ,v,. iwcgnizea tvnipa Anne Ratcliff r Frederick Love, Mr. ai oi a trnical r,f spent the week-en611 c in 'jwn With Br.fiuM Pei GEORGIAN ,4 n. y b;s mother, Mrs. Hugh ckwell, rrpely, Basque, A. Love ; ,jr. K)Ti"twee Catilian. and CatiJX ANN R jonian Mrs T Illustrating the Spanish .mns'e ' Th,' Missionary Societv iy in were be i owing numbers: i';rst Baptist l'1.,"6 church will a uv.u reenvill lis re?T) ir uwV:'tr..i. te went on Monday the rents oj through Fridav entsl All Nt.v tfle , S'tn. Meeting 'Pacick Semsrlo , Vi. p...: v. .ii u Lie iueja utiujj sung vf Ji.is Ji;Jt3red Crawford, accom- 'nioon at tbree o'clock at 1 I I spanied by Miss Grace Crocker. tb the exception of lb cUTch en the program Willi ioug:as Moore played a .lu"uay a Dy Aibenix ho combined i - ""rvea.-the circle meetings. Xfae Hattietendancies J31.. TV.:. urue im- ... pressionalism in his au.w fjive cnarge of the program . Aft. on MOndav aftern rUiitce presented J)e fo.lowir.g numbers of the Jun- Woman s circle on Wednesday; the1 ior Music Ciuh: JarV. c... . . iULeu circJe on xhursdav and Mane Strange played Selen McCullough circle on a two piano nair-ht. Fndav. "irv.. pv. sang,. air- - ' ee"ng"'will be held u'""0 b7 e foIlowinVhos rth Hattie SUef Davis at fu? esser,.play. ed . . V O Clorlr in tn Abel Sang -- My Linda E.:'"?. Lou," by Mr, rsroy and Airs. Ma non . . Smith .t v. v w m CC , tne Mri Strange ..Uw wjtn Jttrs. Sweeheart- ,- Theresa ?AGey " . it-' '' v and Walker: tha F.n;. M.ss Crocker played ' J : CL. am a two ! circle "?YUJ0B"'3 at DorCraM' o clock with 'A MI v omsT on .1 w.i rwt T members are 3.95 w attend Uhe meetiaga, " Tib Of Civic tL:, i V i- Terr-ple-, , XI- j ( it.r g-- Je ;e v-- j - C'Ji sch---'- i ' li pHo e5-p- h acees-serie- r. ! ba :' ar-iv- i T- Ea-?en- la tfi. :' -- e-. fr-tr- i . o.,, BUy . I C Brc-wr.- . -! 1 1 1 -'' M--- S e. i-- ' tr'-'-- j "it a- -- J i a, r ' eriL-viie- ry ! Mi''c'ei! Groui av ..Program At Indian School 2k ...K Z'in ry r ......rdMiEe j t-- K 1" 1!! ". GamfwV ef Is?;.h.;'. S.!l iw! 'lu t BlaeU p.jj. -- r.u '...'n.r.!! ' "i ' UU,t Cluh Prnnrnm """r S-- 'fe Honored By Tea f -- Jn i fourth , Vt, d " 'rXTZ Baptist Women ;. .-- frailer 4 t( i"' . eJiu Uon- . ))'esses I r, Sd.St G" JS I? taS1Dldaf: Smart Easter "Finds" inr conjp-.irhneEt- ' i . 1 Srtte I"-"-- n4. A i thtrfe SgL -- -- "d Is " l Caudal "u fc?QuinlanW T;.Vrs. . -- -t c,v- , i -- . EraeUSV r1 . ."wu, i. ' ! p.-.,- ; Little Budgets! Br Miant New DRESSES JO-DE- r "ui ; -- REDUCED S,ef 'rrr ?Pd l"?6 7 McSer Dresses 6.50 Dresses 7.95 Dresses 10.95 Dresses 3.19 5.19 6.19 8.19 S t.M..; Ceir1 H ! tA y tne pres- Love, and M at the TPort cna'rmn, Mrs. R. "T'".10 Miss Sue Willard appointed chairman meetingo -"ivu m dT... whowiU ?ouW LreSCntd' values. I nng the l.ne oe held Maggie n Mrs. .l h.r'w at C. E. RAVS SONS r aw once on the pratiee. county .? urr Mre H omtn. a sewing aem shno. 4 riTi vV.rupWOft, social ment for were: en - br The Sport Shop , s nosteju wlLa 13 mem- - W thaPwork d re""w held on tuorai number esses were assisted ho.Vfs, by xr K Mr tOATS in . -- ided. Lovely Spring Z".Wn,suc ""?ram Swed poris aa follows -- o. a. M...1, IliuSi -- .C?Ww xWJ5 Hom..r-f? - r' Club C. D . , homrde:. rC2TlVUJ Pn nm. .Ser, f rJilV' as HosfpsQ Ta Lindsley was , cf . f Mrs.CD.Ketner .8 StfJ.v;I i ' f"rvu LStrlngne!d,andMirSMildXw: Pm .to the fact that we ,re "iese exceptional ..tf ,Y r cation. Gard. ni, Pnt, pre. int; reTre neit Tn.; TT Period Hester Ann Wither, iovM The tne past . .7 . "Pent ; the gnest : March . :1tV , ' iu D aTSSpSS Navies on ia Wheth or - Blacks Tweeds you're the UDored tyre tbat are sof on must bar. cat this spring. fitted tar t,oth EasDy you've The prettiest styles and smartest c.v'--eve- r seen. Come in today. MASSIE'5 DEPARTMENT STOH Spring prints
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