Page 12 (One Day Nearer Victory) THURSDAY, APRIL THE WAYNES V1LLE MOUNTAINEER DEATHS 3-A- Robert Luther Stevenson Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the Iron Duff Baptist church for Robert Luther Stevenson, 50, veteran of World War 1, who died at the Veterans Hospital, Johnson City, Tenn., at 2:30 Tuesday morning. Burial will be in the church cemetery. Mr. Stevenson is a native of the Iron Duff section of the county, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Stevenson. He had been employed by the Champion Paper and Fibre Company for the past seventeen years at their Canton plant. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Ella Watson Stevenson, three sons, Ray Stevenson, of Rock Hill, S. C, James Weldon Stevenson, U. S. Army, and Roger Stevenson, of Canton; one daughter, Miss Selma Stevenson, of Canton; five brothers, Arthur, of Candler, Dug, of Waynesville, R.F.D. No. 2; Cramer, of Union, S. C, Pritchard, of Spring City, Tenn., Cephus, of Newport, Va.; two sisters, Mrs. Tommy Ferguson, of Clyde, R.F.D. No. 1, and Mrs. Elmer Chambers, of Clyde, R.F.D. No. 1. Garrett Funeral home was in charge of the arrangements. No waste heat on hot summer days. COOK with GAS Woman's Auxiliary Of The Asheville Presbytery Hold 39th Annual Meeting Clyde Seniors To Play Give On Friday Night ct (Continued from page 1) title of business goes to make up an amusing play, but one in line with the trend of interest in religion. The cast includes: E. L. Hipps, William Osborne, Phyllis Caldwell, Bobbie Caldwell, Marjorie Wines, Aileen Jackson, Emily Pressley, Louise Warren, Mary Louise Betty Leatherwood, Helen Allen and Judy Smith. Sor-rell- s, Mr. and Mrs. T. Lenoir Gwyn had as their guest during the weekend their nephew, Ensign James Peden, U. S. Navy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Peden, of Canton. Ensign I'eden is home on a leave. He has been in the South Pacific on sea duty since Sept., 1943. Brading Gas Service Mrs. Carroll Whitner spent the past week in Indian Head, Md., and her with her brother-in-laBack the attack. Buy War Bends sister, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer and Stamps. Asheville Road Phone 202-- J w MEN WANTED ESSENTIAL WAR WORK Several good places now open in the Pet Dairy Products Company organization in Waynesville. See the manager immediately, or apply to your U. S. Employment Office for details. PET DAIRY PRODUCTS CO. WAYNESVILLE, N. C. PHONE 10 FARMERS Buy and Get Your FERTILIZER Out As Soon As Possible We Sell . . . ARMOUR and PLANTERS Grow More Meat and Eggs This Year Dendy, Weaverville, the Rev. R. E. McClure, executive escretary of the Asheville Presbytery, and Dr. Richardson. Luncheon was served by the auxiliary of the Waynesville church in the dining room of the church. During the meeting of the executive board a recommendation for foreign missions by Dr. Darby Fulton was read. It was voted to give $75 toward expenses of the expenses of the young peoples conference at Montreat in June. It was decided that the offering be takon during the meeting would be applied toward the work of the defense service council. Miss Iva McLaine, of Hendersonville, was chosen as the delegate to the synodical meeting to be held in Rogersville, Tenn., in September, with Mrs. E. E. Connally, of Canton named as alternate. Announcement was made that the Sally Campbell Camp, Montreat, would be available to the local auxiliaries for use during the conference period. Haywood Men Were Examined Last Week At Croft ... (Continued from page 1) Jake Schulhofer, Jr., Samuel Scott Reeves, Sam Gordon Chapman, Frank Benjamin Crawford, James Robert Hill, Edward Earl Thoma-soWilliam Ralph Freeman, James Frederick Luttreel, Fred Grant Smith, Roy Hightower, David Hugh Parton, Glenn Ewart, Life Franklin, Frank Phillips, Thomas Harmon Rogers, Jr., Thomas V. Warren, John Henry Ruff, Jesse Edgar Price. Claude Rhinehart Crawford, Jar-vi- s Dewey Messer, Clyde Arthur Morrow, Cleve Wilson Caldwell, John Larce Ledford, Gilbert Lee Gregory, Jarvis Lee Messer, Bryce Lee Crawford, George Montgomery Queen, Aaron Rufus Winchester, Eulah Doc Ashe, Norman Lewellyn Bradley, John Millard Mills, Wilson LeRoy Heatherly, Paul Philmore Medford, Caney Caldwell, Jesse Lee Aikens, Andy Woodrow Rector, Carroll James Glance, Lee Cleveland Hill, Larry Swanger, Robert Oscar Arrington, Howard Eugene Sutton, Earl William Cutshaw, Roy Vestle Green, Ben Henry Hannah, Carroll Baxter Meadows. William Robert Toy, Hurshell Edwin Dotson, Edd Woody, Lloyd Andrew Lunsford, Robert Davis Owen, James Ralph Rich, Robert Frank Davis, Amos Frank Rath-bonMark Junior Messer, James Horace Leatherwood, Earl Robert Gribble, Kenneth Earl Ruff, Buddie Green, Melvin Underwood, Pinkney Dewey Cochran, Millard Btownlowe Bumgarner, Perry Samuel Ruff, Hershell Bradley, Jack Edward Woody. Andy Nathan Sparks, George Stanley Messer, Fletcher Tranth-am- , Herman Ray Owens, Dallas Luther Pruett, Medford Addie Grasty, Robert Lee Mehaffey, Robert Taylor Rogers, James Long, James Everett Underwood, Ed- n, e, BARGAINS in-Ho- usehold Produce poultry with more edible meat per bird; produce more eggs per layer It can be done with feed Goods ... For that invigorates. Immediate Sale EP My husband has just gone to the Navy, and we have the following LAYING MASH SCRATCH GRAINS GROWING MASH STARTER MASH See Us For Baby Chicks Farmers Federation At The Depot Loyd Chambers, Kenneth Roger Medford, Mgr. Waynesrllle items for immediate sale: 120 white enameled Boss Oil Range, 3 burners with asbestos linned oven, special $90. 1 good Laundry Heater, with new grate, only $15. A new Remington Sportsman's automatic shot (run, with modified barrel. Has shot less than a box of shells? Special $75. Will make special of fer of gun and 6 boxes of Peter's high powered shells for $85. Other shells at $1.50 a box. All items can be seen at home of ot 28-in- MRS. H. B. ANGEL Asheville Road Next Door To Farmers Exchange Phillip Messer, Sam Leatherwood, Phillip Messer, Sam Leatherwood, Charlie Edgar Massie, Francis Samuel James, and Robert Grant Williams. Among those transferred from other boards who went were.: Claude Ellis Kuyken-dal- l, Lawrence Edwin Simms, Boyd Mack Tipton, Leon E. Webb, Ralph James Rathbone, Ernest Alvin Leopard, Charles Wayne Ferguson, and Hobert Grant Williams. Dills, For Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted l Appoint una uui Telephone Wells Bldg. CanUn It? DR. R. KING HARPE Political women, Miss Lois 171 for FUL-O-P- ward Harrold. Rogers, Wiley Richard Woodard, The following committees were James the three act comedy which will be named during the morning ses- RicH, Frank Fie, John Thomas Marvin Reeves Brown, Fred presented by the senior class of sion: Election, Mrs. Ray Harrison, Moore, Boone Price, Teague Carvevening, Mrs. P. N. Gresham, and Mrs. A. er, Jack Caldwell, Monroe FrankFriday school, Clyde April 21, at eight o'clock in the G. Lamb; courtesy, Mrs. A. B. lin, Kenneth Goodson, James Lewis Clyde high school auditorium. The Whitt, Mrs. H. G. Lowe and Mrs. Morrow. Dennis Ray Franklin, William plot concerns a couple of saintly Basil Howell; evaluation, Mrs. J. sinners who land in a small town T. Fain, Mrs. Ray Harrison and Theon Hyatt, Paul Ray Clark, Edd McCracken, J. D. Smith, Fred and decide to take the citizens for Mrs. Caleb Smith. It was decided to accept the in- Lewis Moody, J. C. McElroy, Troy a "ride," only to find at the end that the citizens have made unwil- vitation of the First Presbyterian Beauford Rathbone, James .Robert ling Christians of them after they church of Hendersonville as the Wood, Kent Shelton Ketner, James Harrison Green, Paul Hannah, have been inducted to help almost place of the next meeting. Installation of officers was con- Bruce Montgomery Ramsey, Hugh everybody who was in need. The way all this works out and ducted by Mrs. Mclver which was A. Hill, Clarence Jackson Moody, the romances and drama connected the closing feature of the meet- Yuman Trantham, Lemuel Hilliard Frazier, Jr., Glenn Haney, Walwith the two crooks effort to "do" ing. Visiting ministers included, Rev. lace Bunyon Crawford. the town, only to wake up to the Dr. Asheville, Gresham, Julius Jones, Wilburn Clyde fact that they have been "done", Paul "Good Neighbors," is the Miss Mabel Gillespie, of Brevard, who formerly resided In Wayneswith ville, spent the week-en- d friends in town. 20, 125 Main Street r N. Announcements For Legislature Now That It is Spring, Look I hereby announce my candidacy to the House of for Representatives of the North Carolina General Assembly as Representative of Haywood County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary in May. I appreciate the support and confidence given me for the past three times that I have had the privilege of representing my native county in the General Assembly. Your continued support will be appreciated. Your Best . Central Cleaners . Main Street We can make your clothes of last year look spic and put new life in we'll span Just call them. us at Phone 113. 113 Glenn C. Palmer my s JF--- LOOK LOVELIER I Mrs. Chas. E. Quinlan and Miss Alice Quinlan have returned from Alexander, La., where they visited the former's daughter, Miss Mary Quinlan. Miss Quinlan is head of the Red Cross in Alexander, which serves a large number of camps in that area. We CARD OF THANKS wish to thank our frimds and relatives many for j K r i W their kindness and sympathy shown us during the illness and death of our son and brother, and especially for the beautiful flowers. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Queen and p'amily NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an Order of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County made in that Special Proceedings entitled, "R. L. Prevost, Administrator of the Estate of Henry Winchester, Deceased, vs. Mrs. Julia Winchester, and others," same being No. 286 on the Special Proceedings Docket of said Court, the undersigned Commissioner will, on the 8th day of May, 1944, at eleven o'clock, A. M., at the court house door in Waynesville, N. C, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at public inauction, an undivided one-ha- lf terest in and to those two certain tracts of land lying and being in Waynesville Township, Haywood County, North Carolina, more par ticularly described as follows: 1st Tract: BEGINNING at a white oak Mont Plott corner, and runs down with his line East 44 poles to a maple near a spring house; thence N. 7 W. 138 poles to a Spanish oak on the ridge; 1 C r?t iiiieuce ouutii tj puies a Mmite on the ridge; thence S. 10" W. 60 poles to a locust a little over the main top of the mountain in the back line of the old tract; thence with line of the old tract S. 81" W. 23 poles to a Spanish oak, Mont Plott corner; thence with said Plott's line South 269 poles to the BEGINNING, containing 4 acres, more or less. 2nd Tract: Adjoining the above BEGINNING on a large chestnut on the North side of the ridge near the top of the mountain in the line of the old Plott Speculation land and runs thence with that line N. 85 15' E. (formerly 81 E.) 81.2 poles to the land belonging to I. B. Winchester described in tract 1, above; thence with the ljne of first tract above S. 30 30' V. 201.5 poles to a black gum on a ridge; thence with the ridge N. 29 W. 91.5 poles to a lynn; thence North 12 15' W. 117.1 poles to the point of BEGINNING, containing 60.3 acres, more or less. Saving and reserving, however, unto Callie Lakey, J. W. Winchester, J. G. Winchester, D. A. Winchester, Lawrence Winchester, Frankie Winchester, Beecher Win chester and Vernon Winchester, their heirs and assigns, the right to use, with the right of free in gress and egress, the present family burying ground on said land for' the interment of themselves and their descendants whenever their desire to use the same for said purpose. Also reserving to J. G. Winchester and Frankie Winchester the right to occupy and use, for the terms of their natural lives, the following described portion of the above described land, with the right to ingress and egress thereto and therefrom, with necessary firewood and water, which portion so reserved as aforesaid is bounded and described as follows, BEGINNING at a white oak, Mont Plott corner of first above described tract and runs East with said M. Plott line 339 feet to a stake in said line; thence North, or approximately Nortjh 1032 feet to a hickory on the East side of a branch; thence West or near West 321 feet to a poplar on top of ridge in Plott line; thence South or about South 339 feet to the BEGINNING, containing 7 acres, more or less. This 7th day of April, 1944. R. L. PREVOST, Commissioner of the Court. No. 1355 April 4. FACE P0V7DER I LU CLEANSING TAX CREAMS TRY THESE SPECIALS AT SMITH'S CUT-RAT- 75c Doan's E Reg. and Ceiling Price, $1.75 54 KIDNEY PILLS 50c Phillip MILK OF MAGNESIA . 100 JL. 31 Reg. tad 16-o- Ceiling Price, 121 plus lax -- aL pimUu Limited Time! CREAM' EMULSIFIED CLEANSING Large Vaseline S3" HAIR TONIC 67 $1.25 Bottle of 100 CAROID and BILE 35c Powder COREGA or WERNETS J sensitive skin. Helpi soothe, soften as it cleanses. for flaky-dr- y, CLEANSING PINK CREAM type, for young and akia. 21 Fluffy-lig- normal . . . fragrant! ht ABOUT A 25c Phillips TOOTH PASTE 1 NETS DACHE 2sk 58-3- to-w- it: Our SERVICE STAR In thii war, we are allied with Tour doctor In a battle to maintain medical aenrlce to the community. We're well aware of our Increased responsibilities and to meet our wartime responsibilities squarely, we're stocked our prescription room with the finest quality drugs and our experienced pharmacists stand ready to carry out your doctor's orders ior them. 4 ftefy Canto WITrj NESTLE BABY HAIR TREATMENT Who con rtoitt g boby't foe HAT AMERICA'S MOST FAMOUS Ironed wftH DfSIGNIR eft Curtl end rtAgleH. AndVl M eu your baby lovely curb wttilUold of NeeHe toby Hotr TreaK MiA Vu6 for ever 30 veors by the. Mm) of Mothers to Help (on curb ana1 THIS FORTH WITH COMES SEASON'S INSPIRATION. A pretty and practical net for the hair. It add glamour and In neatnen to any hair-dlovely shades such as Tiger lily Pink . . . Turquoise . . . Chine Red. Neutrals for tailored wear. You'll want several! ringlets end hoop do Kolp dean mi fragrant baby's loeood growth of HaS ll on Inch or longer Halt wing Baby Hair Treormonl today. Advertised I and CorMMndod by faronh' Magazine. $1.09, bottto maim a fuD quart of treahnenV t SNOOD 1 for MI$ il 70i for FINE L 1st letTM lair tllUtr, uentker, z. Km t B Bart Mrs tt ttthr to wai one) MESH 3 lor fl (3S( lor onW Nab, Woodbury's Medium Size efc enW"HW Large Six 49c 79c Shampoo 25c Tooth Powder Dr. Lyon's Genuine 10c Size Leather Belts JergeiYs Soap 980 $!. 25 4 for 1S0 Thursday, Friday and Saturday 50c AT SMITH'S - - - Purpose Rit Dye WELCOME - - Castoria 15c - Hair Tonic Vitalis All YOU ARE ALWAYS 29c - - Regular Rit Dye - -- 39 23t j - 101
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