Awards 7th Annual St. Johns Builders Council FISH CATEGORIES (ANGLER COMPETITION) Redfish, Sea Trout & Flounder $750 Each 1st Place $300 Each 2nd Place $200 Each 3rd Place TRIPLE CHALLENGE (BOAT COMPETITION) April 25th, 2015 Heaviest total weight of one of each fish in above categories wins Northeast Florida Marlin Assoc. 2nd Place - $600 3030 Harbor Drive 1st Place - $1250 3rd Place - $400 ALL AWARDS ARE BASED ON ENTRIES AND SPONSORSHIP PARTICIPATION YOUTH DIVISION (under 15) – opportunities to win prizes (If captain is under 18, Parent must sign release/waiver) Benefiting: Every Child Has the Right to an Education ASSIST helps the “homeless” children continue their education St. Johns County has over 800 homeless children in their school system who have been abandoned, living in foster care, cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, etc. We can help by providing our contribution from proceeds of this BOAT REGISTRATION Contact ____________________________________________ Company___________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________ Telephone ____________ __________________ Captain’s E-mail_________________________________ Anglers : If captain is under 18 yrs, parental signature is required. Request a form. Captain Cell________________________________ SS LS Capt. __________________________Shirt Size ___ ___ 2. _____________________________Shirt Size ___ ___ 3. ____________________________ Shirt Size ___ ___ 4. _____________________________Shirt Size ___ ___ Long Sleeve t-shirt are $10.00 extra. Additional anglers are allowed, but only 4 dinner tickets included. Boat Make/Model ______________________________________ Length ____(ft.) Boat Name _______________________________________ Register before March 13th—$200 per boat Schedule of Events CAPTAINS MEETING AT KINGFISH GRILL FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 2015 6-8 P.M. At least one member per team must be present. Don’t miss this opportunity to purchase your raffle tickets and learn about the tournament rules and regulations. Food and beverages will be served. All anglers and guests are welcome to attend. RSVP Required. Contact Leona Brown at SJBC at (904)540-8151. WEIGH-IN APRIL 25TH, 2015 2-5 P.M. (AWARDS AND DINNER TO FOLLOW AT NEFMA CLUBHOUSE) Come retrieve your winnings and win great prizes. Food and beverages will be served. All Anglers and guests are welcome to attend. RSVP Required. Guests welcome: Adults - $10, Children under 14 - $5. Contact Leona Brown at SJBC at [email protected]. Family members are encouraged to attend. Fish caught during the tournament can be donated and prepared and served for dinner that evening. If you prefer to take your fish home please notify Leona at registration. Entry Fee: $250 per boat Method of Payment : ____ Check Make Payable to: SJBC, 1535 SR 207, St. Aug.. Fl 32086 We Accept VISA, MasterCard, Am/Exp, Discover Card # __________________________ Exp. Date ______ CID # ________ Amount: $_____________ Name on Card __________________________________ Signature ______________________________________ Please Mail form to SJBC offices with check or fax to (904) 824-7287. For more information please contact Leona Brown at SJBC (904) 540-8151 or [email protected]. Payments Non-refundable after March 28th. Tournament Rules 1. E N T R Y D E A D L I N E : April 17TH, 2015 2 . E N T R Y F E E : The entry fee will be $250 per boat. This is an inshore tournament. 3 . C A P T A I N ’ S M E E T I N G : There will be a mandatory captain’s meeting at Camachee Cove at the Kingfish Grill @ Camachee Cove Friday, April 24th from 6-8 p.m. At least one member of each team MUST be present. All anglers and guests are encouraged to attend. 4 . E NTRY N UMBERS : Each tournament entrant shall be assigned an entry number and shall be required to display that number in a manner easily distinguishable to tournament officials at weigh-in. Entry numbers must be picked up at the pretournament captain’s meeting. 5 . H OURS OF C OMPETITION : Tournament participants may begin fishing at 6 a.m. on April 25th. You must be in the weigh-in line no later than 5 p.m. on April 25th to be eligible to enter fish. 6 . F ISHING G UIDELINES : International Game Fish Association (IFGA) rules and tackle specifications apply to this tournament. All fish must be caught on rod and reel. No electric reel use allowed during the tournament. The Captain shall ensure that dead fish weighed in have their tail clipped immediately after the weigh-in. 7 . O F F -L O A D I N G C A T C H : Tournament competition is limited to boats only. All Fish must be weighed-in off the boat from which they were caught. Fish must be off-loaded only at the designated dock at the NE Florida Marlin Assoc. docks. 8 . W E I G H I N G I N F I S H : Weigh-in begins April 25th at 2 p.m. Once a fish is entered, it may not be substituted for a larger fish that day. The deadline to be in the weigh-in line is 5 p.m. All fish will be weighed-in unless otherwise dictated by committee. (Fish caught during the tournament can be prepared and served for dinner that evening. If you prefer to take your fish home please notify Leona Brown at registration.) Please sign below and return with Boat Registration 9 . P R I Z E P A Y M E N T S : All prize payments will be made directly to the captain of the boat at the awards ceremony and dinner. Captains may then distribute winnings to the anglers on their boats as appropriate. Only one prize per category per boat. 1 0 . B O A T S U B S T I T U T I O N & P R O C E D U R E S : Boat substitutions are permitted for mechanical failure only. Any substitutions must be reported to tournament officials on the designated communications channel. Boats are not permitted to have any physical contact with other boats during the fishing hours of the tournament. 1 1 . P R O T E S T : All protests concerning the determination of the tournament winners shall be made in writing to the tournament rules committee, and shall be accompanied by $100 cash. All protests shall be made no later than one (1) hour after the last fish has been weighed. In the event that a protest is made and upheld by the rules committee, the $100 cash deposit will be returned. Otherwise, the $100 cash deposit becomes the property of the tournament. Any protest resolutions are based on committee decisions, which are final. 1 2 . I NSPECTION OF B OATS : The rules committee reserves the right to inspect any and all boats entered in the competition. 13. P ROCEDURES IN THE EVENT OF TIES : If two or more entries in any category are the exact weight or weights, the winner shall be determined by the first fish or fishes weighed. 1 4 . R A I N D A T E : Based upon severe weather conditions only and at the sole discretion of the committee, scheduled for April 25th, 2015, there shall be no refunds. 1 5 . C O N D I T I O N O F F I S H : Fish shall not be mutilated in any way other than hook marks and must be in edible condition. 1 6 . R U L E S V I O L A T I O N : The penalty for any violation of any of the rules is disqualification, with tournament fees not refundable. The committee has the right to subject the I, the undersigned, have voluntarily agreed to participate as a captain on a vessel in the 2015 SJBC Fishing Tournament hosted by the St. Johns Builders Council In consideration of my participation in this tournament, I hereby accept all risk to myself and all persons aboard my vessel. In addition, I hereby release the St. Johns Builders Council, including its officers, directors, employees and volunteers from and against any liability and all losses, costs, damages, expenses, including court costs, attorney’s fees on account of claims for whatever reason, including but not limited to personal injury, including death sustained by any person or persons whomsoever, and for injury to or damage or destruction of property, a person or organization, including loss of the use of thereof, arising out of or resulting before, after or in connections with participation in this event, to the extent caused in whole or in part by any negligent act or omission. I have carefully read this agreement and understand it to be a release of all claims and causes of action for injury or death or damage to property that occurs while participating in the described activity and it obligates me to indemnify the parties named for any liability for injury or death of any person and damage to property caused by my negligent or intentional act or omission. Captain’s Signature ____________________________________Printed Name __________________________________ Date _____________________________
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