Bulletin - Newton Church of The Way

Bob & Judie Butin: Park Centre
Betty Dop: Baxter Care Center
Maureen McRoberts: Montezuma Rehab Center
Our Missionaries: Jeremy & Susan Beebout (Niger)
and John & Lori Havenga (Solomon Islands)
DJ Schub, son of Mike & Jill, is in the Marines here in the US.
Tyler Cremeens, son of Melonee Wyatt, stationed in Colorado.
Chris Terlouw, in the Army stationed in Alabama for flight school.
Lcpl Josh Kriegel, grandson of Linda Olson and nephew of Michelle Dodd,
is a Marine and has been deployed to Afghanistan. Will be there a year.
Troy Heck, nephew of Carol Davidson, is a Chief at sea in the Navy.
Nichole Stilwell, daughter of Leslie Ross, is a T-38 Aggressor piolet stationed
at the Lanley Air Force Base.
Trenton Ratcliff, grandson of John & Kim Guthrie and nephew of Jeff & Sara
Guthrie, is stationed in the U.S. for the Air Force.
Prayer… Do you need prayer? We care about your prayer needs! For
prayer requests, please fill out a Prayer Request card, located in the
seat pockets. You can also receive prayer from the Prayer Team at the
front of the church during the message response time.
Prayer of Blessing Service each Sunday night from 5-7pm, is a great
time to receive prayer or pray for others.
Contact Information:
Steve Heerema
[email protected]
Matt Hugg
[email protected]
Betty Samson
[email protected]
Tricia Groves
[email protected]
Marcy Milburn
[email protected]
Jim Samson
[email protected]
Newton Church of The Way
2306 S 3rd Ave E
Newton IA 50208
Office: 2300 S 3rd Ave E Phone: (641) 792-7300
Email: [email protected]
Web Site: newtonway.org
Sunday Morning
Classic 7:45 am to 8:30am
The Way Café—8:30-10:30am
Ignite I
9:00am to 10:00am
Journey 252 downstairs
Ignite II 10:30am to 11:30am
(3 & 4 yr. olds thru 6th grade)
Saturday Nite Ignite at 7pm During the Ignite II service @ 10:30
Every Monday: Weekly Staff Meeting from 3:00 to 5:30.
Check out the website: newtonway.org
Check out The Way on Facebook!
Newton Church
John 14.6
I AM the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE...
April 25 & 26, 2015
Speaker: Steve Heerema
Welcome to The Way
It is wonderful that you have come to worship with us today.
Are you a guest or new to the area? We would love to get to know you!
Please fill out a Connection Card and place it in the offering plate.
Prayer requests are on the reverse side of the Connection Card.
God Bless You!
Ignite I
Ignite II
The Way Café 8:30am to 10:30am
(The Way Café will close off at 11am for Journey 252)
If you sense God is calling you to go deeper in your faith with Him
or to serve Him in new ways, please feel free to discuss this with any
of the pastors. There are many spiritual growth and service opportunities.
“God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual
gifts. Use them well to serve one another.” 1 Peter 4:10
Nursery is available for newborn - 2 years.
Located at the north end of the hall past the restrooms.
Journey 252  downstairs during 10:30am service
Discover Hope 517— “This means that anyone who
belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life
is gone; a new life has begun.” 2 Corinthians 5:17.
This ministry will be offered for any adults (18+) who have
struggled with addiction and are ready to make changes in their life.
Meets EVERY TUESDAY from 6-7pm in The Way Café.
Facilitators: Rob at 831-0927, Kathy at 521-4574, or Aaron 792-7300.
Children ages 3 years-old thru 6th grade!
Communion is offered to those who believes Jesus Christ is
their Lord. There is a gluten free option upon request.
TONIGHT - 5 to 7pm “Prayer of Blessing”
The Worship Center is open for you to pray,
read scripture and be prayed for. This is a time
of reflection, quiet moments with God and a time of blessing.
If you would like for the prayer team to come to your home for prayer
Sunday evening at 5:15 or 6:00pm, please call the office Mon-Fri to set
something up. On Saturday call Mike Brobst at 641-780-2897.
Please fill out a Connection Card for any immediate prayer requests.
The Salvation Army is in need of Tuna Helper and soup! If you are
interested in donating, you can either take it to the back door of Salvation Army or bring it to The Way. (There is a box upstairs in the
Coat Room or downstairs in The Way Café for all donations.) THANKS!
Route 146 Youth Group Meets each Wednesday!
6:30-8:30pm All 7-12th graders welcome! PARENT’S NIGHT!
All parents of 7th-12th graders are welcome. (See below for
more information.) Facilitator: Tricia Groves 792-7300
Please RSVP for Wednesday, April 29th! 6:30-8:30pm
We will have a Parent’s Night featuring Dr. Karen Cleveland, a Christian
youth Psychologist. She will be discussing how to raise our teens in a social
media world. Don’t miss this awesome discussion and food is provided!
Please RSVP to Tricia Groves at 641.792.7300 or [email protected].
Vital Men — THURSDAYS 6:30-8pm
Join us weekly in the Worship Center!
Facilitator: Kacy Snyder 521-4027
Basic Step Aerobics
Basic Step Aerobics
Cardio Pump
Cardio Pump
Cardio Pump
Cardio Pump
CHAIR WORKOUT every Tuesday and Friday 12:15-1pm in The Way Cafe
Bridgehouse Coffee (West side of square)
Come at 6pm to order a drink. All men are welcome to join!
Facilitator: Jeremy Masterson 641-521-4031.
“For I am not ashamed of this Good News about
Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving
everyone who believes.” Romans 1:16
DivorceCare— Starts Monday, May 4th
Mondays 6:30-8pm at the Staff House
This is a 13-week class offered for all adults who have gone through or
are currently going through a divorce or separation. If you are interested, please sign up downstairs at the Info Table or contact Dave Wagner
at 515-988-0064 or [email protected] or you can contact the Office.
Building Campaign Donations? If you have donations for the building
campaign, please stick your donation in the hanging offering box at the
back of the Worship Center. If you are writing a check, the memo must
say “Building Campaign” or cash must be in an envelope. THANK YOU!
ATTENTION: CHURCH SOFTBALL is approaching fast!
If anyone is interested in playing , please contact Jason
Price at 515-865-0609 or jasonprice9942@gmail.
Or you can contact Tracy Cross at 641-521-3155.
June 14th Celebration Sunday is approaching!
We will celebrate what God is doing here at The Way by
Baptisms, Confession’s of Faith, Believer's Rededication and
Stories of Faith. If you would like more information on any of
the opportunities above, contact the office.
The office # is (641) 792-7300, email: [email protected]
or email Pastor Steve at [email protected]
“Rough Waves Jesus Saves”
Summer Camp @ The Way June 22-25
SAVE THE DATE! Children K-6th grade are welcome to participate in
this camp. Stay tuned for more details. Facilitator: Marcy Milburn
Financial Stewardship Update
General Fund
Last Week
Year-to-date (beginning 7/1/13) $368,272 $340,200
Variance to YTD budget
+$28,072 or +8.3%