Document 333855

for Wednesday, October 15th for Mass at
5:30pm followed by dinner and a movie
in the Family Life Center.
St. William now has a Ministry of Prayer. Anyone
wanng informaon and/or wishing to become an
Apostle of Prayer, please contact Lois Hayden at
A nursery is now open
during the 8:30 & 11:00 Masses
in the Family Life Center.
We’re looking for volunteers each Sunday to help in the
nursery. Please contact the church office or Hollye
Berger at 262-8280 if you can donate your time.
There will be a Trivia Night Planning Meeting on
October 26th between the Masses. Anyone interested in helping is welcome. Please contact Bill
Beckmann with any questions at 413-2567.
Please pray for the repose of the soul of
Ellsworth Yankuskie, father of Rose Marie Gromley who died recently. May his
soul rest in peace.
P.R.E. (grades K-8 )
For info please contact: Regina Kons at 837-6534
Youth Group (grades 8-12) meets on Sundays
from 3-5pm in the FLC. For more info, contact Amy Dill
at 268-8352.
The altar flowers this weekend
are in Memory of our loved ones
by Danny & Maria Boyett.
Harvest Dinner & Silent Auction
It is that time of year again for the Women’s Club to
begin gathering items for our annual Silent Auction.
Items may be given to Bitha Luze after the 4:30 Mass,
Shirley Maes after the 8:30 Mass and Hollye Berger after the 11:00 Mass. Advance sale tickets are now
available at a cost of $10 for adults and $5 for children under 12. Bitha Luze and Shirley Maes have tickets available and they are also available in the
Church Office and at the Religious Items Closet.
Please be generous with items as all monies from the
Silent Auction go to the Debt Reduction. Questions,
call Shirley Maes at 647-6111.
40 Days for Life St. William Day!
Come pray for the unborn babies and their mothers! St.
William’s parishioners will gather on Tuesday, October 28th
from noon until 3pm at Planned Parenthood, 2430 Poplar
Avenue, for the 40 Days for Life prayer vigil. Please consider spending at least 30-60 minutes with us on the sidewalk,
praying for life! To sign up, go to
memphis or call Bridget at 628-3207 for assistance.
The visible, public centerpiece of 40 Days for Life Memphis
is a consecutive 40 day, 12 hour prayer vigil outside
Planned Parenthood to offer love, help and hope to mothers and their unborn babies. As we pray, we assist the
mothers considering abortion—showing them love and offering resources so they know that they don’t need to destroy
their life or their baby’s life. We are a witness to the sanctity
of life!
Faith West Tennessee subscriptions cost $18 for
10 issues per year. To sign up for another year, use
the envelopes from your parish envelopes package or
look for envelopes in the Narthex.
Please remember St. William
in your will.
Last Weekend:
Offertory - $8,782
Debt Reduction - $5,243
Extraordinary Maintenance - $1,516
Debt Balance:
FLC - $68,844
Rectory (Hivner House) - $27,347
October 13
Spec Int of Alex Alvis by Robert Galdonez
October 14
+Irene Gagnon by Alvin & Shirley Harris
October 15
+Frank Sirignano by Debra Pruett
October 16
11:30am ( on base)
October 17
+Charley Glover by Pat Glover
October 18
+James Urhahn by Curt & Kathy Strahan
October 19
+Jennifer Ronhovde by John & Debi Yetman
+Deceased Witek Family by Paula Witek
Spec Int of the parishioners of St. William
Please note the secretary will be gone Monday—Wednesday of this week,
returning on Thursday.
October 26th is “Priests Appreciation Sunday”, a day that we thank All Mighty God for His institution of our
Catholic Church and the wonderful spiritual leadership His priests give to us, His flock. Take a moment to personally tell our priests how important they are and how grateful we are for all they do. For more information go to
Josie Austin is now taking care of our Ministry to the Sick.
Sick If you or someone you know are homebound or
are admitted to the hospital and would like a visit, please contact Josie at 848848-5881.
Also, if you are a Eucharistic Minister who would like to visit the sick of our parish, please call Josie.
PLEASE PRAY FOR THE ILL AND/OR RECUPERATING OF OUR PARISH: Henry Alexander, Barbara & Tom Barnes, Anna Bernil, Ruth Biscoe, Diane Blankenbeckler, Jeanne Brannock, Sandra Casby, Trudy Clark, Ty Clark, Telesfora (Puring) Dalao, Peggy
& Ben Floyd, Betty Hale, Mary Ann Kelleher, Dorothy Kruzik, Kathy Masters, Howard Moore, Howard Olson, Jane Pelke, Millie
Quigley, Butch Schirra, and Jim Stringfellow.
PLEASE REMEMBER IN PRAYER OUR FRIENDS AND RELATIVES: Alex Alvis, Theresa Arndt, Eric Blankenbeckler, June Carlson, Gary Carpenter, H. Ray Cates, Linda Cruzen, Kyleelane Gershon, Heather Gillespie, Bertha Gray, Jimmy Gray, Brian Hale,
Amy Horiuchi, Melissa Jackson, Russell Jackson, Rachel Malattia, Gifford Melanson, Faye Mincey, James Montgomery, Kathleen
Raferty, P.J. & Mary Schott, Kim Smith, Jerry Temmen, Jackie Welch, and all the unborn babies and for all abused children.
(SW/AW) Michael Domingo, SFC Chris Lachenmayer, MSgt Samuel Michael Maglio, Spc Amy Winter, and 1SG Nathan Wright.
**If any names can be deleted, please call the Parish Office. Thank you. **
Eucharistic Ministers
Altar Servers
October 18
October 19
October 19
Lee Drouin
Mary Morrison
Robert Allen
Janis Nichols
Debi Yetman
Alex Domingo
Bill Beckmann*
Alvin Harris*
Joseph Kons*
Kathy Drouin
Shirley Harris
Regina Kons
Lisa Schmidt
Theresa Estopare
Sarah Longoria
Hannah Whitehouse
Christian Escolero
Joseph Carris
Teri Bernil
Jimmy Escolero, Jr.
Austin Howard
Chris Pond
Michael Escolero
Ethan Howard