NFPC MISSION STATEMENT The National Federation of Priests’ Councils serves the communion, brotherhood and solidarity of bishops, presbyterates and priests. Flowing from our mission statement we can discern these vision statements: -‐We gather bishops, presbyterates and priests for communion, brotherhood and solidarity. -‐We build bridges. -‐We provide models for communion, brotherhood and solidarity. -‐We affirm each other in the shared priesthood of Jesus Christ. -‐We are solution-‐focused. Welcome to the NFPC 47th Annual Convocation & House of Delegates NFPC 47th Annual Convocation & House of Delegates Louisville Galt House Hotel April 20 – 23, 2015 April 20, 2015 Dear Brothers in Christ, May God bless you! On behalf of the people of the Church in Central Kentucky, I welcome you to Louisville for your 2015 convocation. We are honored by your presence. As you gather to consider your theme of “Father, Brother, Son: The Priest in the Family of God,” I note that your convocation is taking place between the two Synods on the family – the Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops which took place in October 2014 and the 14th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops which will take place in October 2015. Your theme is very appropriate and timely. Louisville is known for horses, bourbon, and baseball bats, and there are many other treasures to be found in this lovely and vital city with a deep Catholic history. I pray that you will find your visit with us a time of relaxation and renewal of your priestly ministry. May our Blessed Mother Mary, intercede for us and show us the way to serve and strengthen families as we seek to share the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Fraternally yours in our Lord, Most Reverend Joseph E. Kurtz, D.D. Archbishop of Louisville Unity. Fraternity. Fidelity. ! ! ! ! April!2015! ! Dear!Brothers!in!Christ,! ! To!all!of!you!joining!us!for!the!first!time!–!welcome!!To!those!who!are!returning!–! welcome!back!!Welcome!to!the!47th!anniversary!NFPC!Convocation!!This!is!our! annual!family!reunion,!we!brothers!in!Christ.!! ! Situated!in!between!two!synods!on!the!family,!we!gather!to!ponder!and!discuss!our! place!in!a!complex!web!of!relationships.!How!do!we!see!ourselves?!How!do!others! see!us?!Father,!Brother,!Son!–!we!are!all!these!and!more.!We!as!priests!have! unparalleled!access!to!the!lives!of!the!people!around!us.!And!yet,!many!of!us!are! suffering!from!terrible!loneliness!and!isolation.!Take!heart!!You!are!among!your! brothers!here.!Relax!and!enjoy!!Meet!new!people!!Reconnect!with!old!friends!!This! is!a!time!to!share!–!our!victories,!our!worries,!our!struggles!and!our!triumphs.! Whether!it’s!around!a!table!in!a!session!or!around!some!beverages!in!my!suite,!this! is!our!time,!let’s!make!the!most!of!it.!! ! I!pray!that!you!come!away!with!new!connections,!new!insights!and!a!renewed! understanding!of!who!you!are!–!and!how!important!you!are!–!in!the!Family!of!God.! ! ! Your!brother!in!Christ,! ! Rev.!Anthony!E.!Cutcher! President! 333"N."Michigan"Avenue"!"Suite"1114"!"Chicago,"IL"60601"!"312<442<9700""" CHAPEL YOU ARE WELCOME TO VISIT OUR CHAPEL LOCATED IN THE AZALEA ROOM Sponsored by the Archdiocese of Louisville th NFPC 47 Annual Convocation & House of Delegates The Galt House Hotel – Louisville April 20th – April 23, 2015 YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO THE CONVOCATION HOSPITALITY SUITE IN THE PRESIDENTIAL SUITE For complimentary Drinks, Snack & Camaraderie! Please check the convocation schedule for hours. Sponsored by Stroke Scan Plus All priests, go to the Stroke Scan booth to receive your free Stroke screening. It only takes 5 minutes. NFPC 47th Annual Convocation & House of Delegates The Galt House Hotel – Louisville April 20th – April 23, 2015 Speaker’s Biographies Father Louis J. Cameli Father Louis Cameli, a native of Chicago Heights, IL, was ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago in 1969 after completing theology studies at the University of St. Mary of the Lake/ Mundelein Seminary in Mundelein, IL. He pursued his studies in theology at the Gregorian University in Rome where he received his licentiate in theology in 1970 and a doctorate in theology with a specialization in spirituality in 1975. In 1975 he was appointed to the faculty of University of St. Mary of the Lake/Mundelein Seminary as professor of spirituality and dean of the ecclesiastically recognized faculty of theology. In November 1996, Cardinal Joseph Bernardin appointed Father Cameli as director of ongoing formation of priests in the Archdiocese of Chicago and director of the Cardinal Stritch Retreat House. In February 2002 he received the John XXIII award from the National Organization for the Continuing Education of Roman Catholic Clergy (NOCERCC) for his contributions to the continuing education and ongoing formation of priests. In 2005, he was appointed pastor of Divine Savior Parish in Norridge, Illinois. In October 2006, he received the National Catholic Educational Association, Seminary Department’s John Paul II Seminary Leadership Award. In March 2009, Cardinal Francis George appointed Father Cameli his delegate for Christian Formation and Mission. Father Cameli has published numerous books and monographs on faith formation and spirituality. His monographs in collaboration with the US Conference of Catholic Bishops include, Spiritual Direction for Priests: The Rediscovery of a Resource, 1976; Spiritual Formation in the Catholic Seminary, 1984. In 2001 Fr. Cameli served as principal writer and general editor of The Basic Plan for the Ongoing Formation of Priests (USCCB). His latest books, all published by Ave Maria Press, include, Mary’s Journey (2003), The Devil You Don’t Know: Recognizing and Resisting Evil in Everyday Life (2012), Catholic Teaching on Homosexuality: New Paths to Understanding (2012), and The Archeology of Faith: A Personal Exploration of How We Come to Believe (2015). Father Cameli has also served as a retreat director for priests’ retreats and as a presenter for priests’ convocations in the United States, Canada, and New Zealand. Mr. Joe Ollier Mr. Joe Ollier is coordinator of Youth Ministry at Ascension parish in Kettering, Ohio. He also is adjunct professor in Religious Studies at the University of Dayton. Joe holds a master’s degree in Theology from the University of Dayton and a master’s degree in Secondary Education from Xavier University. He and his wife Mary have been married since 1991and are the parents of four children, ages 22-12. Speaker’s Biography Most Reverend Joseph E. Kurtz Most Reverend Joseph E. Kurtz, M.S.W., D.D. was born August 18, 1946. He was ordained a priest of the Diocese of Allentown, Pennsylvania in 1972. He earned a Master of Divinity degree from St. Charles Borremeo Seminary in 1972 and a Master’s Degree in Social Work from Marywood School of Social Work in Scranton, Pennsylvania in 1976. While in Allentown then Father Kurtz served in pastoral and administrative assignments. From 1976 to 1994 he served as associate director and later executive director of Catholic Social Service Agency and Family Life Bureau. From 1991 to 1998 he was diocesan coordinator of health affairs. In addition, he taught at both Mary Immaculate Seminary and St. Pius Seminary. He was bestowed papal honor of monsignor in recognition of his service to the Church in 1986. In 1999 Pope John Paul II appointed him Bishop of Knoxville, Tennessee. In 2007 Pope Benedict XVI appointed him as the fourth Archbishop and ninth bishop of the Archdiocese of Louisville. Archbishop Kurtz has served on numerous boards, including service on the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference from 1977 to 1998, as the president of the board of directors of the Catholic Social Agency from 1988 to 1999, and in Knoxville, as a member of the Association of Christian Denominational Leaders from 2000 to 2007. He also was a member of the 2002 class of Leadership Knoxville, and he served as Vice President of the United State Conference of Catholic Bishops from 2010 to 2013. Elected President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops on November 12, 2013, Archbishop Kurtz serves on the executive and administrative committees of that body. He is the vice chancellor of the board of the Catholic Extension Society. He serves on the Board of Trustees of the Catholic University of America and on the Board of Directors of the National Catholic Bioethics Center. He also serves on the boards of St. Charles Seminary (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), Leadership Louisville, and on the Advisory Board to the Cause for Archbishop Fulton Sheen’s beatification. In February of 2014, Pope Francis appointed Archbishop to the Holy See’s Congregation for the Oriental Churches. NFPC STAFF Rev. Anthony Cutcher NFPC President Connie Awrey Communications Director Terry Oldes Finance Director Alan Szafraniec Managing Director NFPC PRESIDENTS 1. Patrick J. O’Malley 1968-1970 2. Frank Bonnike 1970-1973 3. Reid C. Mayo 1973-1976 4. James E. Ratigan 1976-1980 5. Cornelius W. McCaulley 1980-1982 6. Robert E. Johnson 1982-1984 7. Richard P. Hynes 1984-1988 8. Joseph C. Brink 1988-1991 9. Thomas J. McCarthy 1991-1994 10. G. Nick Rice 1994-1997 11. Donald Wolf 1997-2000 12. Robert J. Silva 2000-2006 13. Richard Vega 2006-2012 14. Anthony Cutcher 2012-Present NFPC 47th Annual Convocation & House of Delegates The Galt House Hotel – Louisville April 20th – April 23, 2015 PROPOSED BUDGET RESOLUTION 2015 HOUSE OF DELEGATES NOTE: The HOUSE OF DELEGATES will vote on the 2015-‐2016 Operating Budget 1 WHEREAS: the NFPC by-‐laws provide for the raising of annual operating funds 2 through the preparation of a budget and the assessment of member councils; and 3 WHEREAS: the NFPC Executive Board has fulfilled its obligation of preparing an 4 operating budget for the fiscal year 2015-‐2016; and 5 WHEREAS: Councils are fully aware that “…a council which is affiliated as of May 15th 6 remains morally obligated to fulfill its fiscal assessment, whether or not it remains 7 affiliated…” (NFPC-‐FC-‐IM-‐71); and 8 WHEREAS: the NFPC By-‐Laws state that the “…annual assessments of the member 9 councils shall be set on or before June 1st for the succeeding year…” (VI,F), and 10 that “Assessments shall be pro-‐rated to the annual budget…”(VI,E); 11 THEREFORE: 12 BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the attached shall be the operating budget for the National 13 Federation of Priests Councils for the 2015-‐2016 fiscal year, and that at no time shall 14 expenditures exceed real income. NFPC 47th Anniversary Convocation & House of Delegates Galt House Convention Center & Hotel Louisville, Kentucky April 20 – April 23, 2015 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Membership!by!Region/Province! ! 1" " Reg! 1" " " " " " " " " " " 2" " " " " " " " 3" " " " " " " " " " " " " 4" " " " " " " " 5" " Province! Boston" " " " " " " Hartford" " " " New"York" " " " " " " " Newark" " " " " Philadelphia" " " " " " " " Baltimore" " " " " Washington" " " Louisville" " Member! Fall"River" Springfield"MA" " " " " " Norwich" " " " Albany" Brooklyn" Buffalo" Rochester" " " " " Camden" Newark"**" " " " " " " " " " " " Baltimore"*" WheelingHCharleston" Wilmington" " " " " " Knoxville" Lexington" Non/Member! " " Boston"*" Burlington" Manchester" Portland" Worcester"*" " Bridgeport" Hartford" Providence" " " " " New"York" Ogdensburg" Rockville"Center" Syracuse" " " Metuchen" Paterson" Trenton" Allentown" AltoonaHJohnstown" Erie" Greensburg" Harrisburg" Philadelphia" Pittsburgh" Scranton" " " " Arlington"*" Richmond" Military" St"Thomas" Washington" " " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Membership!by!Region/Province! ! 2" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 6" " " " " " " " " " " " " 7" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Mobile" " " " New"Orleans" " " " " " " Cincinnati" " " " " " Detroit" " " " " " " Chicago" " " " " " Indianapolis" " " " " Milwaukee" " " Louisville"**" Nashville"**" Owensboro" " " " " " " " " " " " " " Youngstown" " " " " " Detroit"*" Gaylord" Lansing" " " " " Belleville" Chicago"*" " " " " Evansville" Indianapolis" Lafayette"IN" " " Green"Bay" La"Crosse" Superior" " " " Covington" Memphis"*" Biloxi" Birmingham" Jackson" Mobile" Alexandria" Baton"Rouge" HoumaHThibodaux" Lafayette"LA" Lake"Charles" New"Orleans"**" Shreveport" " Cincinnati" Cleveland" Columbus" Steubenville" Toledo" " " " Grand"Rapids" Kalamazoo" Marquette" Saginaw" " " Joliet" Peoria" Rockford" Springfield"IL" " " " Fort"WayneHSouth"Bend" Gary" " " " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Membership!by!Region/Province! ! 3" " " " 8" " " " " " " " " " 9" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 10" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Saint"PaulHMinneapolis" " " " " " " " " " Dubuque" " " " Kansas"City" " " " Omaha" " " Saint"Louis" " " " GalvestonHHouston" " " " " " " Oklahoma"City" " " San"Antonio" " " " " " " " Crookston" Duluth" Fargo" New"Ulm" Rapid"City" Saint"PaulHMinneapolis"**" " " " " Des"Moines" Dubuque" Sioux"City" " Kansas"City"KS"**" " " " Grand"Island" " " Kansas"City–St"Joseph" SpringfieldHCape"Girardeau" " " Beaumont" GalvestonHHouston"**" Tyler" " " " " Oklahoma"City" Tulsa" " Fort"Worth" San"Angelo" San"Antonio"**" " " " Madison" Milwaukee"*" " " " " " " Bismarck" Saint"Cloud" Sioux"Falls" Winona" " " " Davenport" " Dodge"City" Salina" Wichita" " Omaha" Lincoln" " " Jefferson"City" Saint"Louis" " " " Austin" Brownsville" Corpus"Christi" Victoria"TX" " " Little"Rock" " " " Amarillo" Dallas" Laredo" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Membership!by!Region/Province! ! 4" " " 11" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 12" " " " " " " " " " " 13" " " " " " " " " " " 14" " " " " " Los"Angeles" " " " " " San"Francisco" " " " " " " " " Anchorage" " " Portland" " " " " Seattle" " " Denver" " " " San"Antonio" San"Francisco" Santa"Fe" " " " " Atlanta" " " " " " Fresno" Monterey" Orange" San"Bernardino" " " Honolulu" Las"Vegas" Oakland"*" Reno*" Sacramento" San"Francisco"*" San"Jose" " " Anchorage" Fairbanks" Juneau" Helena" Portland"*" " " " Yakima" " " Colorado"Springs" Pueblo" " " " Salt"Lake"City"*" Santa"Fe"**" " " " " Atlanta" Charleston" Charlotte" Savannah" " Lubbock" " " " " Los"Angeles"*" San"Diego"**" " " " " " " " Santa"Rosa" Stockton" " " " " " Baker" Boise" Great"FallsHBillings" " Seattle"*" Spokane" " " Cheyenne" Denver*" El"Paso" " " Gallup" Las"Cruces" Phoenix"*" Tucson"*" " " " " Raleigh" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Membership!by!Region/Province! ! 5" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Miami" " " " " " " Associations" " " Orders" " " " " " " " Palm"Beach" " St."Augustine" " St."Petersburg"**" " Venice" " " Miami" " Orlando"**" " PensacolaHTallahassee" Assoc"of"Chicago"Priests" " NBCCC" " Polish"American"Priests’"Assoc" " Claretians"–"Eastern"Province" " LaSalette"Missionaries" " Maryknoll"Fathers"&"Brothers" " Oblates"of"Mary"Immaculate" " Precious"Blood,"Cincinnati" " Society"of"Jesus,"CA"Province" " Society"of"Mt"Carmel"–"Province"of" " the"Most"Pure"Heart"of"Mary" Society"of"St"Edmund" " CONVOCATION PACKET MATERIALS 2015 NFPC Convocation A partial list of the various organizations/publishers that supplied materials for the NFPC Convocation ACTA PUBLICATIONS 4848 N. Clark St., Chicago, IL 60640 (800) 397-‐2282 Web site: AQUINAS INSTITUTE OF THEOLOGY 23 S. Spring Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63108 • [800] 977-‐3869 • Web site: CENTER FOR APPLIED RESEARCH IN THE APOSTOLATE (CARA) 2300 Wisconsin Ave., NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20007 • (202) 687-‐8080 Fax: (202) 687-‐8083 Web site: CENTER FOR CONTNUING FORMATION St. Mary’s Seminary and University, 5400 Roland Ave., Baltimore, MD 21210 • (410) 864-‐4100 Fax: (410) 864-‐4110. Web site:‐center-‐for-‐continuing-‐formation/ CULTURAL ORIENTATION PROGRAM FOR INTERNATIONAL MINISTERS (COPIM) Center for Religion & Spirituality, One LMU Dr., University Hall 1869, Los Angeles, CA 90045 • (310) 338-‐8796 Fax: (310) 338-‐2709 Web site: IMAGE CATHOLIC BOOKS 12265 Oracle Blvd. Suite 200, Colorado Springs, CO 80921 (719) 268-‐1936 Fax: (719) 590-‐8977 INSTITUTE FOR PRIESTS AND PRESBYTERATES Saint Meinrad School of Theology, 200 Hill Dr., St Meinrad, IN 47577 • (812) 357-‐ 6439 Fax: (812) 357-‐6283 Website: INSTITUTE ON SACRED SCRIPTURE 120 New North Building, Georgetown University, Dept. of Theology, Washington, DC 20057-‐1135 (202) 687-‐5756 Fax: (202) 687-‐8000 Web site: MEXICAN AMERICAN CATHOLIC COLLEGE 3115 W. Ashby Pl., San Antonio, TX 78228-‐5104. • (210) 732-‐2156 Toll free: (866) 893-‐6222 Fax: (210) 732-‐9072 Web site: OPUS BONO SACERDOTII P.O. Box 663, Oxford, MI 48371 • (313) 937-‐6305 Fax: (248) 628-‐8293 Web site: ORBIS BOOKS P.O. Box 302, Maryknoll, NY 10545 • [800] 258-‐5838 • Web site: 23rd PUBLICATIONS One Montauk Ave. Suite 200, New London, CT 06320 (877) 944-5844 Web site: USCCB PUBLISHING 3211 Fourth St., NE Washington, DC 20017 • (800) 235-‐8722 Fax: (202) 722-‐8709 Web site: VINCENTIAN CENTER FOR CHURCH AND SOCIETY Acculturation Program for International Priests, St. John’s University, 8000 Utopia Pkwy, Queens, NY 11439 • (718) 990-‐1612 Fax: (718) 990-‐1901 Web site: It was great being together in Louisville! The National Federation of Priests’ Councils is your organization - your advocate, your source for information, your point of contact for brother priests across the nation. In an uncertain economy, your gift is more important than ever! You can empower the NFPC in our mission of growing and facilitating: communication , brotherhood and solidarity of Bishops, Presbyterates & Priests by making a donation today! NFPC PUBLICATIONS Same Call, Different Men - The Labor is Worthy of His Hire - Income Tax Guide for Clergy - NFPC This Week NFPC PROGRAMS Priests & Bishop in Council - Catholic Leadership 360 - Priest Personnel Policy Audit - Retirement & Tax Seminar Here’s my gift to help us grow stronger in supporting our brother priests. $250 $100 $75 $50 $35 I’m donating by (circle one) Check Credit Card Card Number: __________________________________________________ Exp _____/______ CVV ________________ Name (please print) _____________________________________________ Signature ______________________________________________________ NFPC is a 501(c3) organization. Your contribution is fully tax deductible. 2015 EXHIBITORS AIR FORCE CHAPLAIN RECRUTING 550 D Street West Suite 1-‐BLDG 419 #133 JBSA Randolph, TX 78150-‐4527 210-‐565-‐0335 AVE MARIA PRESS PO Box 428 Notre Dame, IN 46550 800-‐282-‐1865 DESIGN BIG DREAMS 1202 Curtiss Street Downers Grove, IL 60515 630-‐901-‐0304 GUEST HOUSE INC. 1601 Joslyn Rd. Lake Orion, MI 48346 248-‐894-‐6657 LITURGICAL PRESS PO BOX 7500 Collegeville, MN 56321 800-‐858-‐5450 MIDWEST THEOLOGICAL FORUM 4340 Cross Street Downers Grove, IL 60515 630-‐739-‐9750 NEW EVANGELIZATION STRATEGIES 660 California Street San Francisco, CA 94108 415-‐288-‐3807 OBLATE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY 109 Oblate Drive San Antonio, TX 78216 210-‐912-‐3521 SACRED HEART OF JESUS ENTHRONEMENT 60 Austin Ave. Greenville, RI 02828 401-‐575-‐8428 SAINT JOHN VIANNEY CENTER 151 Woodbine Road Downington, PA 19335 888-‐993-‐8885 SAINT LUKE INSTITUTE 8901 New Hampshire Ave. Silver Spring, MD 20903 301-‐422-‐5593 S.D. MCGREEVY & ASSOCIATES 11936 W. 119TH ST. #257 Overland Park, KS 66213 401-‐439-‐7063 STROKE SCAN PLUS 817 Ave. A Katy, TX 77493 832-‐437-‐7354 UNITOURS, INC. 10 Midland Ace. Port Chester, NY 10573 914-‐253-‐9446 VERBUM.COM 1313 Commercial Street Bellingham, WA 98225 800-‐875-‐6467 THANK YOU FOR BEING PART OF The NFPC 47th Annual Convocation “Father Brother Son – The Priest in the Family of God” Unity. Fraternity. Fidelity. NATIONAL FEDERATION OF PRIESTS COUNCILS (NFPC) 333 N. MICHIGAN AVENUE SUITE 1114 • CHICAGO IL 60601 312-‐442-‐9700 [email protected] WWW.NFPC.ORG
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