RHY BCP Intake Entry Exit - nh

New Hampshire Continua of Care
RHY Basic Center Program Emergency Shelter (BCPes) / Basic Center Program
Emergency Shelter Prevention (BCPp) Entry/Exit Form for HMIS
HUD requires this form to be completed for each client entering or exiting your project.
BCPes MCoC
BCPes Seacoast
BCPp Seacoast
Refer to the 2014 HUD HMIS Data Standards, available on the NH-HMIS website www.nh-hmis.org for an
explanation of the data elements in this form.
 Single Client
Date Form Completed:
Case Manager:
 Household/ family (complete this form for each family member)
__ __/ __ __/ __ __ __ __
Project Entry Date:
Project End Date:
__ __/ __ __/ __ __ __ __
__ __/ __ __/ __ __ __ __
First, MI, Last Name, Suffix:
 Full name reported
 Partial, street name, or code name reported
 Client doesn’t know
 Client refused
 Data not collected
Name Data Quality:
Client ID Number:
Household ID Number (optional):
Client ID number is generated by the HMIS system.
Household ID number is generated by the HMIS system.
Client Record Creation
SSN: __ __ __ - __ __ - __ __ __ __
SSN Data Quality:  Full SSN Reported
 Client Does Not Know or Does Not Have SSN
 Partial SSN Reported  Data not collected
U.S. Military Veteran?  No
Date of Birth:
 Yes
 Client doesn’t know
 Client Refused
 Client refused  Data not collected
 Full DOB Reported
Date of Birth Type:  Approximate or Partial DOB Reported
 Client Doesn’t Know  Client Refused
Race: (client may choose up to 5)
 American Indian or Alaska Native
 Asian
 Black or African American
 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
 White
 Client Doesn’t Know
 Client Refused
 Data not collected
Ethnicity (choose one):
 Hispanic/Latino
 Client Doesn’t Know
 Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino
 Client Refused
Gender:  Female
 Male
  Client Doesn’t Know  Client Refused
 Data not collected
 Transgender Female to Male  Transgender Male to Female
 Other, (specify) ____________________  Data not collected
RHY BCPes/BCPp Intake Entry/Exit Form Revision A
New Hampshire Homeless Management Information System (NH-HMIS)
Page 1 of 16
New Hampshire Continua of Care
RHY Basic Center Program Emergency Shelter (BCPes) / Basic Center Program
Emergency Shelter Prevention (BCPp) Entry/Exit Form for HMIS
HUD requires this form to be completed for each client entering or exiting your project.
Entry Assessment
Click Add Entry/Exit. Click to open the Type drop down menu, then select RHY. Click Save and Continue.
Entry Disability
 No  Yes  Client Doesn’t Know  Client Refused
 Data not collected
Information/ Project Entry Date: ____/____/______
Disability Start Date ____/____/______
Disability End Date ____/____/______
Does the client have a disabling condition?
If Yes:
Disability Type
 Physical Disability
 Developmental Disability
 Chronic Health Condition
 Mental Health Problem
 Alcohol Abuse
 Drug Abuse
 Both Alcohol & Drug Abuse
If yes, expected to be of longcontinued and indefinite duration
and substantially impairs ability to
live independently?
No Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
No Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
No Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
No Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
No Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
No Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
No Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
No Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
(If yes) Documentation of the
disability and severity on file?
Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
(If yes) Currently Receiving
Services or Treatment?
Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
Disability Note (optional information about disability):
Will above condition be long term?  No
 Yes
RHY BCP Status
Date of status determination : _____/______/_________
FYSB Youth? No
If no, reason for not providing services:
 Out of age range
 Ward of the state-immediate reunification
 Ward of the criminal justice system- immediate reunification
 Other
RHY BCPes/BCPp Intake Entry/Exit Form Revision A
New Hampshire Homeless Management Information System (NH-HMIS)
Page 2 of 16
New Hampshire Continua of Care
RHY Basic Center Program Emergency Shelter (BCPes) / Basic Center Program
Emergency Shelter Prevention (BCPp) Entry/Exit Form for HMIS
HUD requires this form to be completed for each client entering or exiting your project.
Residence Prior to Project Entry (where client stayed the night before project entry):
 Emergency shelter, including hotel or motel paid with
emergency shelter voucher
 Foster care home or foster care group home
 Hospital or other residential non-psychiatric medical
 Hotel or motel paid for without emergency shelter voucher
 Jail, prison or juvenile detention facility
 Long-term care facility or nursing home
 Owned by client, no ongoing housing subsidy
 Owned by client, with ongoing housing subsidy
 Permanent housing for formerly homeless persons (such
as: CoC project; HUD legacy programs, or HOPWA PH)
 Place not meant for habitation (e.g., a vehicle, an
abandoned building, bus/train/subway station/airport or
anywhere outside)
 Psychiatric hospital or other psychiatric facility
 Rental by client, no ongoing housing subsidy
 Rental by client, with VASH subsidy
 Rental by client, with GPD TIP subsidy
 Rental by client, with other (non-VASH) ongoing housing subsidy
 Residential project or halfway house with no homeless criteria
 Safe Haven
 Staying or living in a family member’s room, apartment or house
 Staying or living in a friend’s room, apartment or house
 Substance abuse treatment facility or detox center
 Transitional housing for homeless persons (including homeless youth)
 Client doesn’t know
 Client refused
 Other (specify) ___________________________________
 Data not collected
Length of Stay in Previous Place (choose one):
 One day or less
 One to three months
 Client doesn’t know
 Two days to one week
 More than three months, but less than one year  Client refused
 Data not collected
 More than one week, but less than one month  One year or longer
Relationship to Head of Household (HoH) (choose one):
 Self
 Head of household’s child 
 Head of household’s spouse or partner
 Head of household's other relation member (other relation to head of household
 Other: Non-relation member
 Data not collected
Client Location (choose one HUD-assigned CoC Code):  NH-500 (Balance of State/Concord)
 NH-501 (Manchester)
 NH-502 (Nashua)
Length of time on street, in an Emergency Shelter, or Safe Haven:
 Continuously homeless for at least one year?
Client doesn’t know
Client refused
 Number of times the client has been homeless in the past three years
 3
4 or more
 Client doesn’t know
Data not collected
 Client refused
 If 4 or more, total number of months homeless in the past three years ____
 More than 12 months
Client doesn’t know
Client refused
Data not collected
Data not collected
 Total number of months continuously homeless immediately prior to project entry ____
Note: 1 day to 30 days = 1 month. For example, a client living on the street from mid-July to the day the client enters
emergency shelter on August 5th. This would count as two months.
 Status Documented No
Note: Indicate if there is documentation in the client’s paper file or in the HMIS of the client’s length of homelessness –
either continuously homeless, the number of times homeless, or the number of months homeless in the past
three years.
RHY BCPes/BCPp Intake Entry/Exit Form Revision A
New Hampshire Homeless Management Information System (NH-HMIS)
Page 3 of 16
New Hampshire Continua of Care
RHY Basic Center Program Emergency Shelter (BCPes) / Basic Center Program
Emergency Shelter Prevention (BCPp) Entry/Exit Form for HMIS
HUD requires this form to be completed for each client entering or exiting your project.
Entry Health Insurance
In ServicePoint, click to select the Entry/Exit tab.
Covered by health insurance?
 No  Yes  Client doesn’t know
If yes, Information/ Project Entry Date: ______/______/________
 Client refused  Data not collected
Health Insurance Source:
If Yes, choose No or Yes below and add dates.
Health Insurance Source
Start Date
End Date
No Yes
No Yes
No Yes
State Children’s Health Insurance Program
No Yes
Veteran’s Administration (VA) Medical Services
No Yes
Employer-Provided Health Insurance
No Yes
Health Insurance obtained through COBRA
No Yes
Private pay health insurance
No Yes
State Health Insurance for Adults
Sexual Orientation
Client Doesn’t know
Client Refused
Data Not Collected
Last Grade Completed
Less Than Grade 5
Grade 5-6
Grade 7-8
Grade 9-11
Grade 12
School program does not have grade levels
Some college
Client doesn’t know
Client refused
Data not collected
 Suspended
 Expelled
 Client doesn’t know
 Client refused
 Data not collected
School Status
 Attending school regularly
 Attending school irregularly
 Graduated high school
 Obtained GED
 Dropped out
RHY BCPes/BCPp Intake Entry/Exit Form Revision A
New Hampshire Homeless Management Information System (NH-HMIS)
Page 4 of 16
New Hampshire Continua of Care
RHY Basic Center Program Emergency Shelter (BCPes) / Basic Center Program
Emergency Shelter Prevention (BCPp) Entry/Exit Form for HMIS
HUD requires this form to be completed for each client entering or exiting your project.
General Health Status
Very Good
 Poor
 Client doesn’t know
Client refused
Data not collected
 Poor
 Client doesn’t know
Client refused
Data not collected
 Poor
 Client doesn’t know
Client refused
Data not collected
Dental Health Status
Very Good
Mental Health Status
Very Good
Pregnancy Status
Client doesn’t know
Yes If Yes, Due Date: ____/_____/________ Client refused
Note: If due date is unknown, default to January 1st of the current year.
Data not collected
Formerly a Ward of Child Welfare/Foster Care Agency?
If yes, number of years:  Less than one year 1-2 years  3-5 or more years  Data not collected
If less than one year, number of months: ____ (between 1 – 11)
Client doesn’t know
Client refused
Data not collected
Formerly a Ward of Juvenile Justice System?
If yes, number of years:  Less than one year 1-2 years  3-5 or more years  Data not collected
If less than one year, number of months ____ (between 1 – 11)
Client doesn’t know
Client refused
Data not collected
RHY BCPes/BCPp Intake Entry/Exit Form Revision A
New Hampshire Homeless Management Information System (NH-HMIS)
Page 5 of 16
New Hampshire Continua of Care
RHY Basic Center Program Emergency Shelter (BCPes) / Basic Center Program
Emergency Shelter Prevention (BCPp) Entry/Exit Form for HMIS
HUD requires this form to be completed for each client entering or exiting your project.
Young Person’s Critical Issues
Household Dynamics
Data not collected
Data not collected
Data not collected
Data not collected
Data not collected
Data not collected
Data not collected
Data not collected
Data not collected
Data not collected
Data not collected
Data not collected
Data not collected
Data not collected
Data not collected
Data not collected
Data not collected
Data not collected
Data not collected
Data not collected
Data not collected
Data not collected
Data not collected
Data not collected
Issues related to interactions and interrelationships within the
household: for example, frequent arguments between
household members.
Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity- Youth
Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity-Family Member
Housing Issues- Youth
Issues related to a lack of sufficient housing or shelter.
Housing Issues-Family Member
Issues related to a lack of sufficient housing or shelter.
School or Educational issues- Youth
School or Educational issues- Family member
Unemployment- Youth
Unemployment- Family member
Mental health issues- Youth
Mental health issues- Family member
Health issues- Youth
Health issues- Family member
Physical Disability- Youth
Physical Disability- Family member
Mental Disability- Youth
Mental Disability- Family member
Abuse and Neglect- Youth
Physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, or neglect.
Abuse and Neglect- Family member
Alcohol or other drug abuse- Youth
Alcohol or other drug abuse- Family member
Insufficient Income to Support Youth
Active Military Parent- Family member
Incarcerated Parent of Youth
If Yes for Incarcerated Parent of Youth, please specify:
One parent/legal guardian is incarcerated
Both parents/legal guardians are incarcerated
The only parent/legal guardian is incarcerated
Data not collected
RHY BCPes/BCPp Intake Entry/Exit Form Revision A
New Hampshire Homeless Management Information System (NH-HMIS)
Page 6 of 16
New Hampshire Continua of Care
RHY Basic Center Program Emergency Shelter (BCPes) / Basic Center Program
Emergency Shelter Prevention (BCPp) Entry/Exit Form for HMIS
HUD requires this form to be completed for each client entering or exiting your project.
Referral Sources
 Self-Referral
 Residential Project: Drug Treatment Center
 Residential Project: Treatment Center
 Residential Project: Educational Institute
 Residential Project: Other Agency project
 Residential Project: Other project
 Hotline: National Runaway Switchboard
 Hotline: Other
 Other Agency: Child Welfare/CPS
 Other Agency: Non-Residential Independent Living Project
 Other Project Operated by your Agency
 Other Youth Services Agency
 Juvenile Justice
 Law Enforcement/Police
 Religious Organization
 Mental Hospital
 School
 Other Organization
 Client doesn’t know
 Client refused
 Data not collected
Individual: Parent/Guardian
Individual: Relative or friend
Individual: Other adult or youth
Individual: Partner/Spouse
Individual: Foster Parent
Outreach Project: FYSB*
Outreach Project: Other
 Temporary Shelter: FYSB Basic Center Project
 Temporary Shelter: Other youth-only emergency shelter
 Temporary Shelter: Emergency shelter for families
 Temporary Shelter: Emergency shelter for individuals
 Temporary Shelter: Domestic violence shelter
 Temporary Shelter: Safe place
 Temporary Shelter: Other
 Residential Project: FYSB Transitional Living Project
 Residential Project: Other Transitional Living Project
 Residential Project: Group home
 Residential Project: Independent Living Project
 Residential Project: Job Corps
*If FYSB, number of times approached by outreach prior to entering the project: ____
Commercial Sexual Exploitation
Have you received something in exchange for sex
in the past three months?
Client doesn’t know
Client refused 
Data not collected
If Yes:
Number of times:
More than 30
Client doesn't know
Client refused
Data not collected
If Yes:
Did someone ask/ make you
have sex?
Client doesn't know
Client refused
Data not collected
RHY BCPes/BCPp Intake Entry/Exit Form Revision A
New Hampshire Homeless Management Information System (NH-HMIS)
Page 7 of 16
New Hampshire Continua of Care
RHY Basic Center Program Emergency Shelter (BCPes) / Basic Center Program
Emergency Shelter Prevention (BCPp) Entry/Exit Form for HMIS
HUD requires this form to be completed for each client entering or exiting your project.
Required Information for HUD CoC NOFA
Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence Victim/Survivor?
 Yes
 No
 Client doesn’t know
 Client refused
If yes, When Experience Occurred:
 Within the past 3 months  More than one year ago
 3 - 6 months ago
 Client doesn’t know
 6 - 12 months ago
 Client refused
 Data not collected
Information Required by BHHS
Housing Status as of the day before project entry:
Homeless and At-Risk of Homelessness Status
 Category 1 – Homeless (lacks fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence)
 Category 2 – At imminent risk of losing housing (will lose primary nighttime residence in 14 days)
 Category 3 – Homeless only under other federal statues (unaccompanied youth under 25 years of age, or families with
children and youth, who do not otherwise qualify as homeless under this definition)
 Category 4 – Fleeing domestic violence (when client or household does NOT meet any other criteria but is homeless solely
because they are fleeing domestic violence)
 At-risk of homelessness (for clients being served by Homelessness Prevention or Coordinated Assessment projects)
 Stably housed
 Client doesn’t know
 Client refused  Data not collected
Zip Code of Last Permanent Address:
Zip Code data quality:
(where client last lived 90 days or more)
 Full or Partial
 Client Doesn’t Know  Client Refused
Entry Employment Status
Employment status is a required element per NH BHHS.
Information Date _____/______/________
If Yes, type of employment?
Full time
Part time
Seasonal/sporadic (including day labor)
If No, why not employed?
Looking for work
Unable to work
Not looking for work
Client doesn't know
Client refused
Data not collected
Homeless Status
First Time Homeless?
RHY BCPes/BCPp Intake Entry/Exit Form Revision A
New Hampshire Homeless Management Information System (NH-HMIS)
Page 8 of 16
New Hampshire Continua of Care
RHY Basic Center Program Emergency Shelter (BCPes) / Basic Center Program
Emergency Shelter Prevention (BCPp) Entry/Exit Form for HMIS
HUD requires this form to be completed for each client entering or exiting your project.
Services Provided
In ServicePoint, click to select the Service Transaction tab.
Service Date
Basic Support Services
Community Service/Service Learning (CSL)
Dental Care
Employment and training services
Criminal justice/legal services
Life skills training
Parenting education for parent of youth
Parenting education for parent of youth with
Peer (youth) counseling
Post-natal care
Pre-natal care
Health/medical care
Psychological or psychiatric care
Recreational activities
Substance abuse assessment and/or treatment
Substance abuse prevention
Support group
For BCPp Only:
Preventative – overnight interim, respite
Preventative – formal placement in an alternative setting
outside of BCP
Preventative – entry into BCP after preventative services
RHY BCPes/BCPp Intake Entry/Exit Form Revision A
New Hampshire Homeless Management Information System (NH-HMIS)
Page 9 of 16
New Hampshire Continua of Care
RHY Basic Center Program Emergency Shelter (BCPes) / Basic Center Program
Emergency Shelter Prevention (BCPp) Entry/Exit Form for HMIS
HUD requires this form to be completed for each client entering or exiting your project.
Referrals Provided
In ServicePoint, click to select the Service Transaction tab.
Referral Date
Child Care Non-TANF
Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (Food Stamps)
Education-McKinney/Vento Liaison Assistance to Remain in
HUD Section 8 or Other Permanent Housing Assistance
Individual Development Account
Mentoring Program Other Than RHY Agency
National Service (AmeriCorps, VISTA, Learn and Serve)
Non-residential Substance Abuse or Mental Health Program
Other Public-Federal, State or Local Program
Private Non-profit Charity or Foundation Support
SSI, SSDI or other Disability Insurance
TANF or other Welfare/Non-disability Income Maintenance (all ______/______/_________
TANF) services
Unemployment Insurance
Workforce Development (WIA)
RHY BCPes/BCPp Intake Entry/Exit Form Revision A
New Hampshire Homeless Management Information System (NH-HMIS)
Page 10 of 16
New Hampshire Continua of Care
RHY Basic Center Program Emergency Shelter (BCPes) / Basic Center Program
Emergency Shelter Prevention (BCPp) Entry/Exit Form for HMIS
HUD requires this form to be completed for each client entering or exiting your project.
Exit Reason for Leaving and Destination
In ServicePoint, click to select the Entry/Exit tab
Exit Date: ____/____/________
Reason for leaving (choose one):
 Completed program
 Criminal activity/violence
 Death
 Unknown/Disappeared
 Disagreement with rules/persons
 Non-compliance with program
 Housing opportunity before completing  Non-payment of rent
 Needs could not be met
 Reached maximum time allowed
 Other (specify)___________________________________________________
Destination (choose one):
 Deceased
 Emergency shelter, including hotel or motel paid with
emergency shelter voucher
 Foster care home or foster care group home
 Hospital or other residential non-psychiatric medical
 Hotel or motel paid for without emergency shelter voucher
 Jail, prison or juvenile detention facility
 Long-term care facility or nursing home
 Moved from one HOPWA funded project to HOPWA - PH
 Moved from one HOPWA funded project to HOPWA - TH
 Owned by client, no ongoing housing subsidy
 Owned by client, with ongoing housing subsidy
 Permanent housing for formerly homeless persons (such as:
CoC project; HUD legacy programs, or HOPWA PH)
 Place not meant for habitation (e.g., a vehicle, an abandoned
building, bus/train/subway station/airport or anywhere
 Rental by client, no ongoing housing subsidy
 Rental by client, with VASH subsidy
 Rental by client, with GPD TIP subsidy
 Rental by client, with other ongoing housing subsidy
 Residential project or halfway house with no homeless criteria
 Safe Haven
 Staying or living with family, permanent tenure
 Staying or living with family, temporary tenure (e.g., room,
apartment or house)
 Staying or living with friends, permanent tenure
 Staying or living with friends, temporary tenure (e.g., room,
apartment or house)
 Substance abuse treatment facility or detox center
 Transitional housing for homeless persons (including homeless
 No exit interview completed
RHY BCPes/BCPp Intake Entry/Exit Form Revision A
New Hampshire Homeless Management Information System (NH-HMIS)
Page 11 of 16
New Hampshire Continua of Care
RHY Basic Center Program Emergency Shelter (BCPes) / Basic Center Program
Emergency Shelter Prevention (BCPp) Entry/Exit Form for HMIS
HUD requires this form to be completed for each client entering or exiting your project.
Exit Health Insurance
In ServicePoint, click to select the Entry/Exit tab.
Covered by health insurance?
 No  Yes  Client doesn’t know
If yes, Information/ Project Entry Date: ______/______/________
 Client refused  Data not collected
Health Insurance Source:
If Yes, choose No or Yes below and add dates.
Health Insurance Source
No Yes State Children’s Health Insurance Program
No Yes Veteran’s Administration (VA) Medical Services
No Yes Employer-Provided Health Insurance
No Yes Health Insurance obtained through COBRA
No Yes Private pay health insurance
No Yes State Health Insurance for Adults
Start Date
End Date
Exit Disability
 No  Yes  Client Doesn’t Know  Client Refused
 Data not collected
Information/ Project Entry Date: ____/____/______
Disability Start Date ____/____/______
Disability End Date ____/____/______
Does the client have a disabling condition?
If Yes:
Disability Type
 Physical Disability
 Developmental Disability
 Chronic Health Condition
 Mental Health Problem
 Substance Abuse Problem
 Alcohol Abuse
 Drug Abuse
  Both Alcohol &
Drug Abuse
If yes, expected to be of longcontinued and indefinite duration
and substantially impairs ability to
live independently?
No Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
No Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
No Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
No Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
No Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
No Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
No Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
No Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
No Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
(If yes) Documentation of the
disability and severity on file?
Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
(If yes) Currently Receiving
Services or Treatment?
Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
Yes  CDK  CR  DNC
Disability Note (optional information about disability):
Will above condition be long term?  No
 Yes
RHY BCPes/BCPp Intake Entry/Exit Form Revision A
New Hampshire Homeless Management Information System (NH-HMIS)
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New Hampshire Continua of Care
RHY Basic Center Program Emergency Shelter (BCPes) / Basic Center Program
Emergency Shelter Prevention (BCPp) Entry/Exit Form for HMIS
HUD requires this form to be completed for each client entering or exiting your project.
General Health Status
Very Good
 Poor
 Client doesn’t know
Client refused
Data not collected
 Poor
 Client doesn’t know
Client refused
Data not collected
 Poor
 Client doesn’t know
Client refused
Data not collected
Dental Health Status
Very Good
Mental Health Status
Very Good
Transitional, Exit-care, or Aftercare Plans and Actions
A written transitional, aftercare or follow-up plan or
Advice about and/or referral to appropriate mainstream
assistance programs
Placement in appropriate, permanent, stable housing
(not a shelter)
Due to unavoidable circumstances or scarcities of
appropriate housing, the youth must be transported or
accompanied to a temporary shelter
Exit counseling
A course of further follow-up treatment or services
A follow-up meeting or series of staff/youth meetings or
contacts has been scheduled
A “package” of such things as maps, information about
local shelters and resources
Other transitional actions
Client Refused
 Client Refused
 Client Refused
 Client Refused
 Client Refused
 Client Refused
 Client Refused
 Client Refused
 Client Refused
RHY BCPes/BCPp Intake Entry/Exit Form Revision A
New Hampshire Homeless Management Information System (NH-HMIS)
Page 13 of 16
New Hampshire Continua of Care
RHY Basic Center Program Emergency Shelter (BCPes) / Basic Center Program
Emergency Shelter Prevention (BCPp) Entry/Exit Form for HMIS
HUD requires this form to be completed for each client entering or exiting your project.
Project Completion Status
Choose one response category that describes the youth’s project completion status. If the youth left early, was expelled or
was otherwise involuntarily discharged from the project, choose the major reason for leaving.
Project Completion Status
If youth voluntarily left early, select the major reason
If youth was expelled or otherwise involuntarily
discharged from the project, select the major reason
Completed project
Youth voluntarily left early
Youth was expelled or otherwise involuntarily discharged
from project
Left for other opportunities - Independent living
Left for other opportunities - Education
Left for other opportunities - Military
Left for other opportunities – Other
Needs could not be met by project
Criminal activity/destruction of property/violence
Non-compliance with project rules
Non-payment of rent/occupancy charge
Reached maximum time allowed by project
Project terminated
Family Reunification Achieved?
Client doesn’t know
RHY BCPes/BCPp Intake Entry/Exit Form Revision A
New Hampshire Homeless Management Information System (NH-HMIS)
Client Refused
Page 14 of 16
New Hampshire Continua of Care
RHY Basic Center Program Emergency Shelter (BCPes) / Basic Center Program
Emergency Shelter Prevention (BCPp) Entry/Exit Form for HMIS
HUD requires this form to be completed for each client entering or exiting your project.
Information Required by BHHS
Housing Status as of the day before project entry:
Homeless and At-Risk of Homelessness Status
 Category 1 – Homeless (lacks fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence)
 Category 2 – At imminent risk of losing housing (will lose primary nighttime residence in 14 days)
 Category 3 – Homeless only under other federal statues (unaccompanied youth under 25 years of age, or families with
children and youth, who do not otherwise qualify as homeless under this definition)
 Category 4 – Fleeing domestic violence (when client or household does NOT meet any other criteria but is homeless solely
because they are fleeing domestic violence)
 At-risk of homelessness (for clients being served by Homelessness Prevention or Coordinated Assessment projects)
 Stably housed
 Client doesn’t know
 Client refused  Data not collected
Entry Employment Status
Employment status is a required element per NH BHHS and RHY.
Information Date _____/______/________
If Yes, type of employment?
Full time
Part time
Seasonal/sporadic (including day labor)
If No, why not employed?
Looking for work
Unable to work
Not looking for work
Client doesn't know
Client refused
Data not collected
RHY BCPes/BCPp Intake Entry/Exit Form Revision A
New Hampshire Homeless Management Information System (NH-HMIS)
Page 15 of 16
New Hampshire Continua of Care
RHY Basic Center Program Emergency Shelter (BCPes) / Basic Center Program
Emergency Shelter Prevention (BCPp) Entry/Exit Form for HMIS
HUD requires this form to be completed for each client entering or exiting your project.
Fill out this section to help identify a client’s common household members. This information is entered at client program entry.
Head of Household
Is this person the head of a household (households can have only one HoH):
 Yes
 No
If Yes to previous question, please list other members of the household and their relationship to the head of household.
First Name
Last Name
Relationship to Head of Household*
 Self (head of household)
 Head of household’s child
 Head of household’s spouse or partner
 Head of household’s other relation member (other relation to head of household)
 Other: non-relation member
Important! Please complete the BCPes/BCPp Entry/Exit Form for each person listed above.
This form can be found on the NH-HMIS website at www.nh-hmis.org.
RHY BCPes/BCPp Intake Entry/Exit Form Revision A
New Hampshire Homeless Management Information System (NH-HMIS)
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