Northwood High School Football Dance Team Application for 2015-2016 Welcome to the 2015/16 Northwood High School Dance Team Tryouts. We are excited about our upcoming season! We hope this will be a fun and educational experience for each student. Our goal is to find those unique individuals to lead our school with their exemplary dance ability, spirit and enthusiasm. Tryouts will be held May 11th, 12th and 13th in the NHS auditorium. Each day of tryouts is mandatory. Each student is responsible for all the material taught during each day of tryouts. Tryouts will be 3:30pm to 5:30pm with Final Tryouts May 13 beginning at 3:30pm until completed. All tryout applications must be completed and returned no later than Thursday, May 7th at 5pm including all the teacher evaluation forms. Each participant is responsible for getting the teacher evaluations back in a sealed envelope from their teachers and turning them all in with the application form. DO NOT rely on your teachers to turn your forms in for you!!!! Please wear appropriate clothing for tryouts: solid color shorts, solid color shirts (no underarm showing), and jazz shoes, jazz sneakers or tennis shoes. Shirts must be tucked in and shorts must be in dress code. Any girl who is not dressed appropriately will not be allowed to participate in practice or tryouts. Hair that is long enough to be pulled into a ponytail must be pulled up, and NO jewelry should be worn. Please do not wear any clothing article that demonstrates that you were a dance team member last year or in previous years. No bare underarms or midriff. Sports bras recommended. Final Tryout – Black t-‐shirt, black shorts along with previous requirements. No one other than dancers will be allowed at the clinics, tryouts or practices. THIS INCLUDES FRIENDS AND PARENTS. Any applicant who is missing ANY part of their packet will not be allowed to tryout. Please come prepared and make sure every component of your tryout application is completed by following the final checklist. The final day of tryouts will be held on Wednesday, May 13th. There is a mandatory meeting on Tuesday, May 19th at 6:30 pm in the NHS cafeteria for all new and returning Dance Team members and their parents. This is the first meeting for the parents and the first meeting with the coaches as a new team. Your first payment will be due at the meeting: $289 for camp. All orders for dance apparel will be placed with M2 Graphics and Chatham Dance Connection. All or half the total as deposit for attire will be due that night as well. M2 Graphics takes cash, check, or credit card. Chatham Dance Connection takes cash and check payments. All dance attire must be paid for in full and in your hands by July 6th or you will not be allowed to dance! Dance Team is a costly activity. In addition to training camp, participants will also be required to purchase warm-‐up jackets, camp attire, shoes, jewelry, and nude sports bras. Cost for the 2015-‐ 2016 dance season will be approximately $650 for new dancers, which includes $289 for camp. We will continue to use a lot of the same apparel as last year. We will not have warm-‐up pants (optional since they can’t be worn to school as they are no longer considered within dress code), 3 camp t-‐shirts, 3 camp shorts, long sleeve t-‐shirt and new shoes if needed. We also recommend families and students to purchase Sports Passes: Adults $70, Students $40, and Family of 4 is $200. Dance Team Members are admitted free ONLY to games they are participating in. Parents and dancers can work at PTA thrift store to earn money; NHS is on Thursday nights and Sunday afternoons. This can offset your costs tremendously if you put in the work. Dance Team members set an example for others with their school spirit, leadership, and commitment to their studies. It is demanding both in time and talent and each student is expected to maintain the highest GPA he or she is capable of maintaining. All dance team members must maintain a minimum of an 80 or above in each class. Each organization searches for different qualities in their team members to represent their school as leaders. We will require our team members to be role models, respectful of Administration, Teachers, Coaches, peers, parents and opposing teams. Everyone must be punctual to school, class and practice. A Demerit/ Merit System is in place to reward accomplishments and to administer performance guidelines and issues. Any negative social media actions or bullying will not be tolerated. Violation of this rule will lead to automatic dismissal from the team. Each student must have a current physical prior to Tryouts. A copy of the physical must accompany your tryout packet. If you do not have a current documented physical you will not be allowed to tryout. This is for the student and parents’ protection, as well as a school rule. Dancing is a highly specialized and demanding physical activity, each student’s safety, as well as the safety of others depends upon his/her good health and ability level. Northwood High School will have physicals for $20.00 on ……TBA…… at 6:00pm. Continuous medical conditions that cause you to miss more than 2 events or that don’t allow you to participate 100% in games and practice, could result in you being suspended from participating until you are 100%. You will need a doctor’s note upon return. If you return with a doctor’s note but you aren’t able to participate to your full potential, then you may be suspended permanently. Students are required to attend all fundraising events to help support the program. We are actively pursuing corporate sponsorships and family donations. The Booster Club is alive and well and encourages all parents to participate. Team members will have mandatory hours to contribute at our Sports Concessions for football season. We would like for each family to volunteer for at least 2 hours in concessions during the football season. Mandatory practice will begin Monday, Aug.5th. Practice will be Monday -‐ Wednesday, 3:30pm to 5:30pm until school begins. Mandatory Dance Camp will be July 20th-‐23rd at a cost of $289.00 at N.C. State University. Balance for dance camp is due at the parent meeting on May 19th along with other fees. Practice during the school year will be on Monday afternoons from 3:30pm -‐ 5:30pm and Wednesday afternoons from 3:30pm -‐ 5:00pm. We will only perform at Varsity home football games on Friday nights. We will also have mandatory fundraisers. One of them will be a junior dance camp in the fall and in the spring. The dates will be given at the beginning of the Dance Team season. Attendance is MANDATORY at all Practices, Games, Play-‐off games, Dance Camp, School Events, Fundraisers and Community activities. Please make every effort to plan work schedules, doctor appointments, haircuts and life in general around your dance team schedule. You cannot participate in another school sports or teams during the Dance Team season. Two unexcused absences during football season are allowed. This includes practices, games and camp. Your third absence will result in benching, and/or possible removal from the team. If you are out sick, a doctor’s note is required unless you are absent from school for the day. Absence without a doctor’s note is unexcused (or at coach’s discretion). School sponsored activities may be excused but must be pre-‐approved by the Coach 1 week in advance. ALL ABSENCES REQUIRE AT LEAST A 72 HOUR NOTICE. Participation in any other teams or groups out of school will not be excused. A “No show” to practice will be unexcused no matter what the reason. Two “No Shows” results in immediate dismissal from the squad. The Dance Team Handbook will be distributed to those selected for the team. Turn in the Application with the student’s picture attached along with their last Report Card. Applicants must obtain 3 Teacher referrals. Students in a PE/sport must have their coach complete an evaluation form. Dance Team members with Outstanding Bills will not be allowed to try out for the team. Payment must be prior to tryouts. If you are within 30 days of tryouts payment must be by cash or a money order. Your poms must be turned in prior to tryouts. Tryout Checklist ______ Sports Medical form/NHS physical forms ______ Application and Results Agreement ______ Report Card ______ 3 Teacher Evaluation/ Coach Evaluation ______ Personal Skill Sheet ______ Attached photograph Our selection process is subjective. Dance Team participants will be evaluated on a variety of talents. This information packet is designed to provide the necessary information needed to participate in dance team tryouts. If you have any questions or need clarification on any item please ask a coach via email at [email protected] or [email protected]. T hank you for your interest in the N orthw ood D ance T eam ! E bony G rissett-D elgado H eather D avis Northwood High School Dance Team Personal Skill Sheet NAME _____________________________________________ GRADE ________ (2015-‐2016 school year) Do you have any dance experience? Please Circle: YES NO If Yes, How many years? _______ What programs? ________________________________________________ Please circle the dance skills that you are able to perform proficiently (clean and without assistance). If you circle it, you will be asked to demonstrate the skill. If you make the team, you will be required to perform these skills at practices and games. Double Pirouette Triple Pirouette Fouette' Turns A la Seconde Turns Calypso Leap Pique Turns Double Pique Turns Switch Leaps Leaps in Second Illusions List any other advanced dance skills at which you are proficient. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Please circle the gymnastics skills that you are able to perform proficiently (meaning you are capable of doing the skill on a competition mat UN-‐assisted). If you circle it, you will be asked to demonstrate the skill. If you make the team, you will be required to perform this tumbling at practices and games. Back Handspring Round-‐off Back Handspring Round-‐off Back Tuck Standing Back Tuck List any other advanced tumbling skills at which you are proficient. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Besides dancing or athletic skills, what qualities or skills could you add to the NHS Dance Team? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why do you want to participate in the NHS Dance Team Program? What qualities would you bring to our team? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Northwood High School Dance Team Teacher Evaluation Dance Team Candidate Name: ____________________________________________________ *Dance Team candidates must provide each teacher with an envelope.* Evaluator Name and Class: ______________________________________ Teachers: It is the mission of the dance team program at Northwood High School to select dance team members that exemplify the highest moral, academic, artistic and athletic standards. We thank you for taking the time to provide an honest evaluation of this candidate. Please place this evaluation in a signed and sealed envelope and return to Heather Davis at Northwood High School. Rating Scale: 5 – Excellent, outstanding 2 – Fair, needs a lot of work, definitely lacking 4 – Very good, superior 1 – Poor, inadequate, totally unacceptable 3 – Average, good, could be better 0 -‐ Un-‐attempted 0 1 2 3 4 5 Attendance (skips class, tardy, number of absences) 0 1 2 3 4 5 Capability of leadership 0 1 2 3 4 5 Dependable and responsible 0 1 2 3 4 5 Self-‐discipline and motivation 0 1 2 3 4 5 General attitude and disposition 0 1 2 3 4 5 Ability to accept constructive criticism 0 1 2 3 4 5 Ability to work well in groups and with a variety of students 0 1 2 3 4 5 Appearance (dress/hair appropriate, follows school dress code, etc.) 0 1 2 3 4 5 Good representative for NHS ____________ / 45 possible points Did this student ever need to be disciplined by you, and if so, what was the offense?_______________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Any additional comments or concerns about this candidate? If there is anything specific that you do not feel comfortable sharing in this form, you may direct those concerns to: Ebony Grissett-‐Delgado at [email protected] or Heather Davis at [email protected]. Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: ______________________ Northwood High School Dance Team Application and Results Agreement Full Name: ____________________________ Grade Entering: ____ Date of Birth: _________ TRYOUT AGREEMENT I/We have read the guidelines for the Northwood High School Dance Team tryouts and have discussed its implications with my/our student. I/We consent to having my/our student tryout for the Dance Team and to meet all tryout requirements. I understand that he/she must abide by the rules and regulations set forth by the advisor, coaches and principal of Northwood High School. I/We have reviewed our student’s academic performance and the time commitment required for the Northwood High School Dance Team program. I/We believe that my/our student would be able to participate with the Dance Team and still successfully achieve a satisfactory GPA. My/Our student has no health problems that would be aggravated or make him/her unable to participate in all Dance Team requirements and activities, including, but not limited to: dancing, lifting, tumbling, jumping, running and conditioning. I understand by the very nature of the activity, dancing and gymnastics carry a risk of physical injury. No matter how careful the participant and coach are, how many spotters are used, or what landing surface is used, the risk cannot be eliminated. The risk of injury includes minor injuries such as muscle pulls, dislocation, and broken bones. The risk also includes catastrophic injuries such as permanent paralysis or even death from landing or falls on the back, neck or head. I understand these risks and will not hold Northwood High School or any of its personnel responsible in the case of accident or injury at any time. RESULTS AGREEMENT I/We understand and accept the tryout process and its requirements for the NHS Dance Team. I/We have discussed the tryout process and its implications with my/our student and have prepared my/our student for any and all team placement decisions. I/We accept that all decisions of placement and acceptance on the NHS Dance Team are final. I/We accept that the Northwood Dance Team Coaches make all decisions of team size and individual team placement. _____________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Parent or Legal Guardian Signature Date Parent or Legal Guardian Signature Date I am interested in being a Dance Team member at Northwood High School. I understand the risks stated above. If elected, I promise to abide by the rules and regulations set forth by the advisor and the principal of Northwood High School. I promise to cooperate and follow the instructions of the Dance Team coaches. ___________________________________________________________________________ Dancer Signature Date Northwood High School Football Dance Team Medical Treatment Authorization Liability Release 2015-2016 I, the undersigned parent or guardian, do hereby grant permission for my daughter/son, ____________________________ to participate in the activity of Dance Team membership at Northwood High School. In order that my daughter/son may receive the necessary medical treatment in the event she/he may sustain injury or illness during participation in this activity, I hereby authorize the Dance Team coach or other supervising adult to obtain medical treatment for my daughter/son for such injury or illness during the activity, and I hereby hold Northwood High School and its representatives harmless in the exercise of authority. I understand that this activity involves risk to the participant. I further acknowledge and understand that due to the nature of this activity, which involves inversion and rotation of the body, there is a possibility that my daughter/son may sustain physical illness or injury (minimal, serious or catastrophic), in connection with her or his participation. I further acknowledge and understand that my daughter/son is assuming the risk of such physical illness or injury by her/ his participation, and I further release Northwood High School and its representatives from any claims for personal illness or injury that my daughter/son may sustain during participation in this activity. I further understand that Northwood High School has established rules and regulations pertaining to conduct, behavior, and activities of all students and Dance Team participants, by which my daughter/son must abide during participation in this activity, and that my daughter/son and I will be responsible for her/his failure to abide by those rules and regulations. My daughter/son and I have read and understood the above Medical Treatment Authorization and Liability Release. ___________________________________________________ ________________________ Signature of Parent or Guardian if Participant Under 18 Date ___________________________________________________ ________________________ Participant’s Signature Date
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